Business Marketing Essays Prompts

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Small-Business Marketing Strategy

lay out a marketing strategy for a small business seeking to attain its first government contract. The proposal should include the following:

1.Describe the small business and what it does (you can be as creative as you like here).

2.Select three (3) electronic marketing resources (from Chapter 8) and explain why these would the most useful to your marketing efforts.

Small Business Administration ? resources/index.html
FedBizOps ?
Federal Register ?

3.Explain which electronic marketing resource would be least useful to your efforts and explain why.

Federal Procurement Data System ?

4.Evaluate which support program or services would be most useful to your efforts and explain why.


5.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: ?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: ?Analyze the subcontracting opportunities and the Department of Defense Mentor-Prot?g? Program.
?Examine the Federal Supply Schedule program.
?Assess the different marketing methods used to market to the federal government.
?Compare the support programs available to small-business contractors.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in contract administration and management.
?Write clearly and concisely about contract administration and management using proper writing mechanics.

B2B marketing
The Essay title is:
?Identify the major trends in the business-to-business marketing environment and critically analyse them, with special reference the UK market in Europe.?

Points to include:
1. Different trends with sub-heading (minimum 5 trends)

a. Social media
b. Globalization
c. Supply chain
d. Outsourcing
e. Green marketing
f. Data driven marketing

2. Introduction and conclusion

3. Use of graphs and statistics

4. Use minimum 20 Harvard references (minimum 4 referencing per trend)

5. Use 3 article per trend for referencing total 15 articles

Small-Business Marketing Strategy

Write a five (5) page paper that lays out a marketing strategy for a small business seeking to attain its first government contract. The proposal should include the following: 1.Describe the small business and what it does (you can be as creative as you like here).
2.Select three (3) electronic marketing resources (from Chapter 8) and explain why these would the most useful to your marketing efforts.
3.Explain which electronic marketing resource would be least useful to your efforts and explain why.
4.Evaluate which support program or services would be most useful to your efforts and explain why.
5.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: ?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a reference page which is not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: ?Analyze the subcontracting opportunities and the Department of Defense Mentor-Prot?g? Program.
?Examine the Federal Supply Schedule program.
?Assess the different marketing methods used to market to the federal government.
?Compare the support programs available to small-business contractors.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in contract administration and management.
?Write clearly and concisely about contract administration and management using proper writing mechanics.

Identify the major trends in the business-to-business marketing environment and critically analyse them, with special reference the UK market in Europe.
Enliven the essay with trend analysis charts; use illustrations and examples where relevant,
Make sure that the structure is clearly laid out and adds to the overall coherency of the essay.
You may use sub-headings, especially one for your Introduction, and Conclusion sections.

Please read the attached case study and aswer the two questions by the end of the case. For questions 2, choose one point out of the three and write upon it. Answer the questions based on business Marketing theories. Thank You.
**No quotations
**Always Paraphrase

Each student must email me (by no later than 6pm Weds, 14 April) the following details of their proposed business project

1. The Company they intend to investigate
2. The proposed business issue
3. A brief explanation of how you uncovered the issue and why you have selected it
4. Possible theory that could be applied to this issue
5. Possible benefit to the company if you can solve/uncover/research this topic

There is no need for any referencing or detailed analysis of any management theory/tools etc. The purpose of this exercise is to ensure that you've selected an appropriate project that can be done given the guidelines of the unit.

I will then confirm approval of this submission or suggest possible modifications. Once you have this confirmation you can then begin your project.

Dear my friend, if it possible can you please sned me
1. The Company they intend to investigate
2. The proposed business issue
3. A brief explanation of how you uncovered the issue and why you have selected it
4. Possible theory that could be applied to this issue
5. Possible benefit to the company if you can solve/uncover/research this topic

in 1 page on wednsady morning 14/4/2010. then after the Individual Business Proposal 2000 words and the
Individual Business Report 3000 words.

Assessment Type

1 Individual Business Proposal 2000 words
2 Individual Business Report 3000 words

Learning Outcome
1. Develop a project proposal outlining the research methodology for an in-depth investigation of an (international) business problem. real problem
Individual Business Proposal
2. Analyse and interpret primary and secondary data gathered from the client organisation and marketing environment
Individual Business Proposal

Individual Business Report
3. Apply theories, concepts and tools of (international) business/marketing to the situation faced by the firm/industry in its (international) business activities. Individual Business Proposal Individual Business Report
4. Develop (international) marketing strategies based on the results of the analysis of data considering company objectives and resources as well as trends in the marketing environment.
Individual Business Report
5. Contrast the impact of the dynamic and complex nature of marketplaces and marketing strategies in uncertain environments. Individual Business Report

This assessment aims to begin the planning process and to encourage creative thinking as a means to developing and designing the final project report. It should be used to provide an opportunity for important feedback regarding the selected topic (or issues) which will eventually form part of the major assessment, the Individual Business Report.
The proposal should contain a significant amount of secondary data (e.g. academic literature, business reports, industry journals etc) which highlight and complement the selected Project Topic. This will be guide the student to determine their selected marketing/business strategy and how this will assist their selected industry/firm.
The proposal must include (but is not limited to) the following components
(1) Background Information
(2) Proposed Business Topic
(3) Situation Analysis
(4) Proposed Data Resources
(5) Proposed Modeling & Conceptual Tools
(6) Proposed Findings

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This assessment is due during Week 5 and may be handed in either during class time or by 6pm at the SGSM Client Services Officce if no consultation has been booked.
In the interests of being fair to all students, late assignments will be penalised by 10% per day unless you have applied for special consideration, and that application is considered acceptable. Applications for extensions must be made before the submission date, and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
WARNING: Since most of us suffer from constant pressure of work, submitting consideration based on work pressure would not be considered an exceptional circumstance!
WARNING: The maximum length for this assessment is 2000 words. Any reports longer than this may risk not being marked beyond this word limit. It is expected that no report would be less than 1500 words

The purpose of this assessment is for each student to be able to accurately identify a business issue, undertake quality research to uncover both external and internal influences in relation to this issue and then concisely develop a resolution for this issue.
Feedback from the Business Proposal should be considered when developing this report as it is expected that the strategy recommended in this earlier document will be translated into the final report. Whilst many items in the proposal are expected to be discussed in the final report, students may find themselves discarding others due to further insights being uncovered as their research and analysis continues. If this is the case, the report must include reasons why/why not any items were not progressed through to the final plan.
Marketing students must apply marketing strategy(ies) to their business report, whilst international business students should focus on more generalized business plans. The tools provided in the textbook are applicable for both streams of learning.
The final report should contain (but is not limited to) the following components:
1. Background Information
2. Business Topic
3. Situation & Market Analysis
4. Solution Generation and Evaluation
5. Findings and Recommendations

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Given the word limit of this assessment, it is recommended that students do not spend too much time explaining the history of their selected topic. Emphasis should be placed on evidence of planning and application of the business tools provided
HINT: To pass this assessment you will need to be able to demonstrate an ability to search for and use a wide range of literature. Reports that only make reference to your textbook, will not be deemed adequate. Likewise, only one type of literature will also limit possible marks (e.g. only academic literature or only one type of industry journal).
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This assessment is due during Week 10 and must be handed in by 6.00pm at the SGSM Client Services Office unless alternative arrangements have been made.
In the interests of being fair to all students, late assignments will be penalised by 10% per day unless you have applied for special consideration, and that application is considered acceptable. Applications for extensions must be made before the submission date, and will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.

Marketing What Is the Best

i think i put the wrong time for my last order, i wish to rececive before 9am on may 10, therefore i remake the order again and my last order number is A1111318, please cancel it for me.
my course is for business to business marketing, so all the answers should be more focus on b2b marketing. the 2 questions are:
1. what is the best way to gain knowledge about customers and competitors? why is this method superior to others? (it's knowledge, not only informations)
2. what are key decisions in crafting market strategy?

please do cancel the last order for me which i believe i put the wrong time, the order number again is A1111318, thank you.

In answering this question
you may take a broad, overarching perspective and examine the principles associated with business to business marketing,
or alternatively
you may focus on a particular aspect of business to business marketing

you should make use of academic literature as the basis of your essay and to support your argument
(n.b. this does not have to be Fern and Brown (1984) or Vargo and Lusch (2011))

you should illustrate your argument with applied examples or reference to a particular industry, b2b marketing company or customer.
(n.b. your applied examples should be different from those featured in the scheduled class activities)

Identify the minimum 5 major trends specified in the topic and heading given for each inclusive of introduction and conclusion in the business-to-business marketing environment and critically analyse them, with special reference the UK market in Europe.
1. Trend analysis charts; illustrations and examples where relevant.

Essay request is to answer the following questions:

1. What do you expect to accomplish through this executive program? What learning experiences do you expect, and how would you apply them? What specific benefits do you anticipate?

2. What are the contributions you will make to the program and how will your experience and expectations benefit classmates and the EMBA program?
I am a marketing professional with 20+ years marketing experience working for both the advertising agency side (The Bravo Group, Y&R, Kern) and also the corporate side (AT&T, Lucent, McDonalds, etc.). I am available by phone is any questions arise regarding my background. I am copying a copy of my resume for my work background and skills.

My Resume:

Summary: A strategic marketing professional with extensive experience in the B2B and B2C markets with abroad range of leadership expertise developing strategic marketing plans, and executing product launch executions utilizing industry proven project management practices. Has a high-level expertise utilizing various mediums and disciples including traditional broadcast (TV, radio, print), e-commerce, event marketing, public relations and direct marketing to achieve total integration of marketing campaigns. A high-performing and resourceful individual with excellent interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills.

Champion Broadband, Los Angeles, CA May 2008 December 2012
Marketing Consultant
Responsible for the development of strategic marketing, brand, and public relations plans. Oversight of competitive analysis and reporting, in additions to product launch initiatives including product pricing and cost analysis.
Responsible for product and project management life-cycle, with oversight on production process flow, beta testing reviews, and adherence to all corporate polices and procedures. Includes developing and maintain project documentation, in addition to conducting postmortem reviews with internal business units and external stakeholders.
Oversight of programming and content acquisition to ensure mission and strategic relevance, and negotiate terms in accordance with policy, legal and budgetary guidelines. In some cases this included editorial review co-branded and cross-promotional content.
Development of RFPs and management of the approval process with internal and external cross-functional groups.
Report directly to CEO and work cross-functionally with internal and external teams to ensure timely and successful execution of product launches and marketing initiatives.

The Kern Organization, Los Angeles, CA February 2007 April 2008
Senior Account Supervisor SAP Global Business Marketing, Sprint and Clearwire Consumer Accounts
Responsible for the overall B2B and B2C strategy, performance and profitability of client accounts. Included complete oversight of client initiatives to ensure highest quality and on-time executions.
Lead teams in the development and execution of multiple cross-functional client projects. This included implementation and oversight of the production process flow, prelaunch testing reviews, and adherence to client polices and procedures in accordance with client quality expectations.
Management and reporting of account activity, revenue, projected income and cost reconciliation of client accounts.
Maintenance of day-to-day client relationships, providing strategic points-of-view, managing project postmortems, and generating new business and growth opportunities.
Supervision and mentoring of agency staff to ensure superior service and performance.

JMH Marketing, Los Angeles, CA February 2004 February 2007
Marketing Consultant/Account Services
Strategic lead for the development and execution of integrated communication strategies and promotions.
Management, negotiation and execution of sports and event sponsorships in support of corporate and client objectives. Including the formulation of customized sponsorship and promotions to address specific client RFP requirements.
Responsible for managing and maintaining client relationships, as well as deepening the agency role to develop new business and revenue opportunities. Worked cross-functionally with agency teams to ensure high-quality, timely and successful execution of corporate initiatives.
Supervision, mentoring, and training of group staff, and managing a team of external freelance creative directors and copywriters.
Developed and executed custom (B2B and B2C) promotions and marketing programs for a wide range of industries. Clients & Ad Agencies: Citibank, AT&T, McDonalds, Mazda, The Hacker Group, The Bravo Group, Y&R, Rauxa Roja, Castells and Asociados.

Telscape Communications, Monrovia, CA June 2002 February 2004
Marketing Communications Manager
Strategic lead for the development and execution of integrated marketing communication programs and tactical plans for acquisition, retention and customer communication plans to maximize marketplace position.
Managed advertising agencies, consultants and fulfillment/distribution vendors to implement plans, as well as negotiate all contracts and agency fees.
Responsible for product and project management life cycle, including execution, production workflow, and adherence to all corporate polices and procedures.
Supervision of team managers to execute programs and provide counsel to internal clients and partners.
Negotiated agency compensation contracts, managed vendor relationship and partnerships.
Successfully launched three new key markets that have resulted in an increased customer base by 46%, increased brand awareness by 25%, and driving down cost by 15%. Launched the first company newsletter, which resulted in increased customer loyalty and decrease customer churn.

Lucent Technologies, (Division of AT&T), Morristown, NJ August 2000 April 2002
Sr. Marketing Communications Manager (B2B)
Development and management of sales and customer collateral materials (brochures, multimedia tools, and web-based content) in support of new service introduction and life cycle management.
Collaborated with internal Marketing, Public Relations and the Law organization to ensure accurate and timely delivery of our plan deliverables.
Managed and coordinated with freelance talent, communication agencies and our fulfillment/distribution house to implement plans.
Surveyed use and effectiveness of collateral materials and implemented web-based services that led to a savings of over $4MM. Enhanced Services and Sales total revenue: over $400M.

AT&T - Interactive Division, Basking Ridge, New Jersey November 1998 August 2000
Sr. Marketing Communications Manager
Developed and implemented strategic marketing plans for the general, niche and youth segments for corporate interactive initiatives.
Strategic partner to product marketing and technical teams to define the end-to-end online customer experience of nine websites. Liaison to the creative and technical teams to define web requirements and enhancements.
Teamed with back-end systems technicians and customer care to ensure accurate provisioning and fulfillment of online orders, as well as ensure customer e-mails and inquires were addressed efficiently and accurately.
Negotiated agency compensation contracts with agency partners.
1 800 CALL ATT Site: Reduced production costs from previous year by $225K (64% savings).
AT&T College Network Site: Increased Youth segment (18-24) enrollments by 180% over previous year.
Successful launch of four trial sites with comprehensive service and product information thereby reducing customer calls to Customer Care Center and costs by approximately $400M.

AT&T Multicultural Division,Basking Ridge, New Jersey May 1996 November 1998
Marketing Communications Manager
Development of advertising and brand strategy in support of corporate objectives for Hispanic and Brazilian markets. Included management of brand advertising and direct marketing campaigns, including all aspects of production, corporate standards compliance, research analysis and budget management.
Management and execution of corporate sponsorships and events, including partnership negotiations and compensation contracts.
Negotiated and managed the agency compensation contracts in support of a large-scale advertising budget ($35 to $24 million).
AT&T Global Achievements Award Recognized outstanding achievements in the Hispanic segments in conjunction with the utilization of key leadership competencies. Achievements are based on strong marketing objectives, clear creative media and advertising strategies. Enrollment levels topped previous year total by 20%, while the churn remained level for two quarters due to Hispanic efforts.
AT&T Critics Award Demonstrated successful management and support of budget management.

Young and Rubicam, The Bravo Group, New York, NY May 1995 May 1996
Senior Account Executive - AT&T, Oxford Health Plans
Development and implementation of advertising and direct marketing campaigns. Management and negotiation of key Hispanic and Brazilian sponsorships and events.
Development of the marketing communications objectives and strategic plans.
Managed and maintained monthly budget and activity reports.
American Marketing Association Gold Effie Oxford Health Plans. This effort was deemed one of the most effective of the year. The sales and marketing goal resulted in 100% increase in enrollments over the previous year.

DFA/Burrell Communications, New York, NY (2 month relocation to NYC) June 1992 - May 1995
Senior Account Executive - Citibank Insurance Services
Management and development of direct marketing campaigns.
Instituted a scheduling and traffic system for agency campaigns.
Development and implementation of agency operating procedures.
Responsible for maintaining budgets and activity reports.

Chiat/Day Advertising, Inc., Los Angeles, CA June 1989 April 1992
Account Executive - Nissan Motor Corporation
Assisted with the management and development of direct marketing campaigns
Instituted a scheduling and traffic system for agency campaigns.
Development and implementation of agency operating procedures.
Responsible for maintaining budgets and activity reports.

B.A., University of California, Irvine.
Additional Coursework: Management of Agency Relationship, Marketing Principles.
License: Life and Health, CA 0H98677

Computer Skills: Proficient with PC and Mac systems, Outlook, Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint.
Languages: Fluent in writing, reading and speaking Spanish.

References: Available upon request.

This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a project introduction and a project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

You are a newly appointed Chief Information Officer (CIO) of a $25 million dollar data collection and analysis company that has been operating less than two (2) years. It is expected to grow by 60% over the next eighteen (18) months. Your company currently collects data using Web analytics and combines it with operational systems data. Web analytics is an increasingly important part of most business marketing plans. Your company is looking for ways to leverage the collected data but wants to ensure that the information technology infrastructure will support the expected growth that the company is anticipating. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has given you sixty (60) days to deliver a comprehensive information systems project plan to address the organizational growth that the company is experiencing. The company will be expanding from one (1) floor to three (3) floors within six (6) months. Since this is a relatively new company, there is currently limited technology infrastructure to support the business. All information technology (hardware and software) must be redesigned to meet organizational needs. The solution should be implemented in either a hosted solution, on-site solution, or a hybrid model. The CEO is expecting you to integrate different technologies from different partners and incorporate industry best practices and cost-effective solutions in connection with the development of technological systems. In addition, the CEO is extremely interested in cloud computing technologies and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) but is leery of security issues that may be associated. However, he is sure that you will implement proper security protocols. The company currently consists of twenty (20) employees of which four (4), including yourself, are dedicated to the IT organization.
Section 1: Project Introduction
1. Write a four to six (4-6) page project introduction that documents the current state of the organization, expands upon the information given above, and includes the following:
o Background information of the company.
o Details regarding the type of business that the company is engaged in.
o A description of current outsourcing and offshoring activities.
o Identification of current skilled information systems personnel in position and responsibilities.
o The specific types of data that the company collects.
o A description of the information systems that the company currently has to support the business. The description at a minimum should include the following:
? Operational Systems and Databases
? Analytics and Interfaces
? Infrastructure and Security
o The use of at least two (2) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Section 2: Project Plan

Use Microsoft Project to:
2. Create a project plan (summary and detailed) using Microsoft Office Project. The project plan should:
o Record all tasks, subtasks, resources, and time related to the project.
o Outline the planning, analysis, design, and implementation phases.
o Develop in accordance with the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Describe the various functions and activities within the information systems area, including the role of IT management and the CIO, structuring of IS management within an organization, and managing IS professionals within the firm.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems.
Write clearly and concisely about strategic issues and practices in the information systems domain using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Corbin Pacific Case

Using the case study (that will be sent to you), you will need to prepare a business plan, which should be seven to ten pages in length (double spaced).

-Read the Case and put together a Business Plan for the company profiled in the case study.
-As all of the case studies are for existing businesses, you will need to pretend that you are seriously considering purchasing the business. Your business plan should be a document that you will use to get financing to help with the purchase of the business, as well as to use as a blueprint to operate the business once you have acquired it.

Make sure you include the following sections in your plan:

-Description of the business


You will be marked on how well you follow the instructions, develop a realistic business plan, use originality and how likely the business plan would really convince other people that you know what you are talking about relative to purchasing and operating the business in question.

There are faxes for this order.

I just need the target market analysis of the Marketing plan.
Target Market: Canadians ( all canadians do not go into further segmentations to these target market we are just targeting to broader target market of all canadians)
Marketing Canadian to Island of Hawaii (Big Island: Kona, Hilo)
Objective: is to increase overall numbers and length of stay of canadian tourists to Island of Hawaii
Please use recent and current datas for the report it can all be found at the hawaii tourism authority website.
The marketing plan is for the year 2013

-identify your target market(who they are,how they behave, where do they live)
-demographic shifts
-attitude change
-purchasing trend
-trip planning
-uses travel agents or individual
-Use graphs and tables

For more information on how Hawaii have been marketing themselves: They have up to date datas of up to 2011 so don't use outdated information. (go to research and report tab for more information: annual visitor research,Historical Visitor Statistics,Visitor Satisfaction & Activity Report,Visitor Plant Inventory Report)

There are faxes for this order.

B2B Marketing -3M Canada B2B

You need to anwer 4 questions below.

1.Evaluate the opportunities and challenges that 3M's Industrial Business Division faces from changing the customer focus from OEM to MRO.
2. How does the sales relationship with OEM customers differ from that of MRO customers?
3. How will IBD's current sales model have to be changed to effectively reach national distributors?
4. Develop a plan of action for IBD, addressing these and related issues: should IBD target national distributor? If so, what changes in the sales model and supporting marketing strategy should IBD pursue?What other recommendations do you have that would assist IBD in meeting the aggressive revenue growth mandate they face from their new CEO?

This is a case for 3M Canada:industrial Business Division whis is on p.506 in Hutt and Speh (2010), Business Marketing Management, 10th edition, South-Western

Altria Business Strategy

I need a conclusion part on my presentation project for Altria Group. This is for my business management course. You need to state and analyze the company on things like what they do, how they compete with others, how they make decisions and what is their business strategies in order to survive and so on.. For example,what's their analysis? & how they analyze their Corporate/Business/Marketing/Global Strategy? You have to consider the strengths and weaknesses against the opportunities and threats,and then try to think of what new strategies the company should then take. Remember, this is 5 mins project. In other words,
the presenter has to conclude in 5 mins.( everything above must be included)please use or other valuable sources. finally, all informations will be put
on the Powerpoint, so please list things clearly.

I work at a nail spa. My job duties: I design & print flyers/posters about four times a year for each season, I also do market research for new technologies/supplies/price every week. Every month, I email my business/marketing/financial plans to my boss. I manage the nail spa while the owner isn't there. I post ads on websites, email coupons & referral special price to frequent & new customers too. I'm trying to convince my boss to let me set up & design a new website and hopefully we can have our own website in the future so the customers can book appointments, leave

Topic: Digital Marketing - Methods & Styles used to market on the Internet
Write a brief narrative essay to talk about how all of the following concepts are used & covered in my job duties. To cover the following concepts completely, you can add more job duties or use your own creative job duties without using most of my real job duties if needed. Please don't make it sound impossible and out of nail spa profession:

1. Network navigation
2. E-Tailing Models
3. Shopping Bots & Consumer Behavior
4. Auctions & Affiliate Marketing
5. Permission & Viral Marketing
6. Web Advertising Metrics, Exchanges, & Models
7. Web Promotion: Direct Email, Search Engines
8. Web Public Relations
9. Integrated Campaign Management
10. Personalization, Interactivity & Community
11. Customer/Vendor/Partner Management
12. B2B Auctions, Exchanges, E-Procurement
13. B2B & Cyber/Meta Mediation
14. Marketing Research On The Web
15. International Marketing On The Web
16. The Web & Information Economics

I want an essay about: What does it take to be successful in sales? (from business, marketing and professional selling perspective)
Always paraphrase and no quotations.

Unit 6 Funds and Resources

Reading Assignment
Baker, J.J. & Baker, R.W.,Chap. 21-24.
Assignment Type: Individual Project Points Possible: 60 Deliverable Length: 2?3 pages

Select 1 of the 3 options pertaining to health care organizations:

Option 1: Select a health care organization of your choice, and present a plan for the implementation of a new service, such as rehab therapy services.
Option 2: Select a health care organization of your choice, and present a plan for the acquisition of a new clinic, such as a diabetic health clinic.
Option 3: Prepare a plan for a new physician?s practice that will provide primary care services. Prepare the plan that you will present to the bank convincing them to loan you the startup funds.
For the option chosen, you must provide a simple, yet concise business plan for how you will obtain the financing to develop your project.

Be sure to incorporate the various tools discussed throughout the previous units to support your decision-making processes.

You may choose the format of your business plan.

The following is a sample Table of Contents for a strategic business plan:

Executive Summary
Company Background & Milestones
The Business/Marketing
SWOT Analysis
Human Resource Management

Ryanair is Europe?s largest low fares airline. It has 44 bases and over 1100 routes across 27 countries, connecting 160 destinations. Originally established in 1985 by Dr Tony Ryan, founder of Guinness Peat Aviation, an aircraft leasing company, Ryanair first introduced its low-fares operations under a new management team in 1995 by copying the Southwest Airlines ( model of favouring secondary airports, direct booking, no frills, low fares, and a single aircraft type for the entire fleet.

Ryanair has achieved annual increases in passenger traffic each year since 1991. It currently operates a fleet of 265 Boeing 737-800?s and is on schedule to convert these to the new Boing Dreamliner aircraft over the next 5 years to service its 80 million passengers target. Given the large number of low cost airlines now operating in Europe, Ryanair?s goals are very aggressive and effectively assume that Europe is still in the early stages of low fare development. Ryanair recognises the potential for cost containment and operating efficiencies to be derived from appropriate investments in technology-enabled smart ebusiness activities. This study outlines the currently evolving e-business capabilities in place to address these growth areas and achieve the sought for doubling targets.

The Ryanair approach can be characterised by spartan simplicity and a micro-focus on the cost base. The adoption of e-ticketing and internal e-business systems has enabled this low cost carrier to keep operational running costs well in-check, and will remain an essential element of their operations and strategies.

Achieving the revenue, and hence profit targets, will depend on additional income from increasing the number of passengers (airfares, on-board purchases) and, more importantly, through parallel service bundling with related insurance brokerages and tourism principals at destinations such as car rental companies and hotels. This is already an important contributor to risk management and revenue respectively. Such revenues continue to grow at a faster rate than passenger volumes. For the financial year ended March 31, 2011 their share accounted for 20% of total revenues, compared to
Other ancillary sales include on-board catering. This, however, currently averages little more than ?1.30 per passenger. At present, scratch cards are sold so it is possible that, at some future stage, online gambling would be introduced. It is likely that any increased revenue from gambling would be achieved by players being drawn to facilities which would be made available via the well-known Ryanair website. The customer service quality facts are clear: the US Department of Transportation ranks airlines on three criteria, on-time arrivals, baggage handling, and customer complaints. Ryanair is consistently the European leader on all three measures. In addition due to the minimal in-house administration costs afforded by the public online booking systems, Ryanair?s low-cost-flights business marketing model includes frequent ?give-away? Peter Sherrard stated, ?When demand is low, we give away empty seats and find that passengers are buying our on-board food and drinks products, rent cars through us and purchase hotel accommodation. It?s much better for us to have people feeding into the revenue that way, even though they are travelling for free?.

Assessment criteria
You are Head of Marketing at Ryanair and have been tasked by the Board to product a report as a starting point for discussion on the position Ryanair should adopt over the next three years.

Your assignment MUST be in report format ONLY and MUST include all sources of information in a ?References? section using Harvard Referencing. Students must use tables/diagrams and bullet points wherever possible to understand the key elements of a professional business report (1500 words).

Students should refer to appropriate theory and models learned to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding and have read the set book. Not all subject areas will be covered in lectures and seminars, students are expected to study independently and read/research extensively

Please note the weighting for each task and divide the word count up appropriately

You will give you feedback after each section of the report when they mark on line and will give guidance as to which areas were better than others, and which areas needed further work

Assignment requirements (1500 words)

1. Using a TABLE, conduct an external audit in which the company operates (PESTLE).
All sections should be completed and contain Harvard referenced evidence.
There must be a minimum of two factors in every section.
? What is happening in the external environment?
? Does it pose threats or opportunities to your company?
? What impact do these factors have on your business strategy and corporate objectives?

2. From the PESTLE, using a MATRIX, conduct a SWOT analysis on the organisation.
Students should analyse the information and be able to draw a conclusion from the SWOT analysis

3. From the SWOT analysis, identify the four fundamental areas within which marketing objectives may be defined, and give four SMART marketing objectives which the company could pursue in priority order.

4. Give two examples of the various types of marketing strategies that the company could adopt .
Then identify which type(s) of strategy the company will adopt and why you have chosen that strategy

5. Marketing programmes ? Draw up a series of 5 planned marketing actions which you have identified from the marketing strategies and outline why you have chosen these actions.

6. Transferable skills: Business Report format, tables/diagrams labelled, spelling and grammar Harvard Referencing

Core text
Brassington, F . and Pettitt, S ., 2006, Principles of Marketing, FT/Prentice-Hall.

Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (11th Ed.). (2011). Business research methods. 11th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073373706

Marketing analytics: the evolution of marketing research in the twenty-first century
Hauser, W. J. (2007). Marketing analytics: The evolution of marketing research in the twenty-first century. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 1(1), 38-54. doi:10.1108/17505930710734125

Mixed methods designs in marketing research
Harrison, R. L., & Reilly, T. M. (2011). Mixed methods designs in marketing research. Qualitative Market Research, 14(1), 7-26. doi:10.1108/13522751111099300

The surpluses and shortages in business-to-business marketing theory and research
Sheth, J. N., & Sharma, A. (2006). The surpluses and shortages in business-to-business marketing theory and research. The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 21(7), 422-427. doi:10.1108/08858620610708902

Contemporary Marketing Practices research program: a review of the first decade
Coviello, N.E. and Brodie, R.J. (2001), Contemporary marketing practices of consumer and business-to-business firms: how different are they?, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 16 No. 5, pp. 382-400.


Prepare a problem statement that complements the preliminary problem analysis by comparing it to successes and failures within the marketing field. Identify the issue(s) or problems(s) and the population effected. Include appropriate sources to document the existence of a problem within the study. Four peer reviewed journal articles have been provided for this assignment.


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Sift Analytics Group

In this assignment, we are focusing on this company called "Sift Analytics Group Pte Ltd" (

Requirements for the assignment: (Focus on B2B of Sift)

1. Introduction of the company (Sift)
2. Supply Chains and Marketing Channels
2.1 Distribution Channel Task
2.2 Supply Chain Management Goals
2.3 Sales Cycle
3. Networks
3.1 Channel Structure
3.2 Distribution Network
4. Market Strategy and Value Proposition
4.1 Market Strategy
4.2 Value Proposition
5. B2B Marketing Communication Tools
6. Recommendations and Conclusion
7. Reference

I have done an interview with the Pre sales lead from Sift, do refer to the interview questions attachment to grab some information from there. And also, please work closely with the company's website "Sift" provided here -

In general, after writing the essay, they should cover all these points stated below:

For B2B supplier organisations, what business marketing mix components do they use to market to their customers.
A good interview will show:
The products (chpt 8) or services (chpt 9) offered by the organisation (NB most B2B organisations have a range of products and services)
The channels or supply chains they use to deliver the products or services to customers (chpt 4)
The strategy and value proposition (chapt 6 & 7)
The pricing strategy (chpt 10). You do not need to ask about specific prices.
How they communicate with business customers (chpt 11)
What type of sales force do they use (chpt 12)? Do they use sales people or a telemarketing centre or online or a mix?

Refer to the attachment that states: "B2B Individual Assignment Cheryl" to have a rough idea of how it is supposed to be. Note: This is just a sample, it is not the same company.



Large organizations are commonly divided into three levels: corporate, business unit and functional levels, and marketing has a role in all three levels by looking for ways to add true customer value.

If a company has established a corporate or organizational goal to establish and maintain customer focus, in 200- words, please describe:

? How might customer relationship strategies be established and executed at the business unit and functional level?
? Provide examples of both strategies and tactics at each of these two levels.


The Internet has grown from a stand-alone business/marketing strategy to a channel that must now be integrated into a companys overall marketing strategy and programs to fully leverage its impact. Using a minimum of 200 words, please answer the following:

? What role might the Internet play in an organizations customer retention initiatives?

? How can the Internet contribute to enhancing customer satisfaction (and thereby influencing customer loyalty) for an organization that delivers the majority of its customer experience in an online environment?


Much of the trade press over the past ten years points to CRM largely as a failure. Many feel this is based on a false set of expectations and an over-emphasis on the system component of CRM. Using at least 200 words, please answer the following:

? What are some of the reasons from a marketing (i.e., non-system) perspective that the CRM concept may not (yet) have achieved its full potential?
? What are some steps companies can take to guard against these failures?

Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Imagine that you have been hired as the database administrator for a local department store. The department store has recently expanded by opening five (5) stores within your local region. They have also launched a series of marketing campaigns to attract new customers and increase sales. For your hired role, you will be responsible for creating and maintaining an enterprise-wide database system that will hold the sales and inventory data for the organization. The designed database will help operations in supporting its new business marketing strategy. Develop a plan to create this database and establish a design that aligns with the product sales initiatives of the organization.

Write a thirteen (13)-page paper in which:

1. Identify the potential sales and department store transactions that can be stored within the database.

2. Design a database solution and the potential business rules that could be used to house the sales transactions of the department store.

3. Evaluate all relationships of each entity within your database solution using the Crow?s Foot notation. Include all data elements, entities, relationships (such as 1:M, 1:1, M:N), and cardinalities for the department store database in your diagram.

4. Research the Internet for best practices of how retail stores use databases for retaining customers and increasing sales and complete the following:

a. Justify how Big Data tools could be used for forecasting sales and inventory of the department store.
b. Propose two (2) SQL Stored Procedures that use SQL functions to help sales associates perform explanatory or predictive analytics.
c. Give your opinion on which of the two (2) ways you proposed in Question four (4) b provide greater value to expanding their business within the region.
d. Provide a copy of your working SQL code as part of the paper.

5. Research the Internet for database vendors that provide cloud computing services and complete the following:

a. Estimate the types of costs involved or the pricing structure required when implementing a cloud-hosted solution for a database.
b. Analyze security considerations and pricing of the different cloud implementation types
c. Rank the cloud services options of Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service in terms of functionality, mobility, and ability to provide distributed transaction concurrency. Compare how these cloud-based services fit within an environment where users are mobile. Determine the technical provisions that would be required to ensure data integrity.

6. Evaluate whether the use of a distributed DBMS structure is appropriate and identify the optimization techniques that should be factored in to enhance the operations of the database in your design.

7. Provide at least two (2) examples of how lost updates and uncommitted data may occur, keeping in mind that five (5) stores will be generating transactions

8. Determine the concurrency control factors that can be used to ensure valid execution of transactions within the current multiuser environment.

9. Research the Internet for backup and restoration recovery solutions and database security threats that could be applicable to the department store. Upon your research, complete the following:

a. Suggest at least two (2) options that could be made available to provide disaster management functions for the database system within the retail environment.
b. Assess the types of security threats that may exist when managing the department store database and suggest measure(s) that can be performed to minimize these threats that are particular to retail.

This is supposed to be a report of general case study, and the cases will be faxed. At the end of each cases there will be questions. I'm requesting you to answer those question in knowledge of Advertising ( a field of Business Marketing. I circled the questions of those three cases, so the writer can easily recognize what they are. This is very urgent.(must be received on time) If you have any questions about this work, please feel free to call me at 617-501-5050 or e-mail me at [email protected]
thank you.
There are faxes for this order.

Market Place) - A Poor


This work is my final project of my business to business marketing course. My project is;

To introduce JINS (eye glasses for PC; which is a Japanese product) into the US market. So my aim is to bring this new product from Japan into the US market.

It is important to know that our customers, target groups are companies not individuals. We should create business to business relations. We want to bring and sell our product into US market.

I chose freshman english writing, so please consider this while you are writing. I dont want an advanced writing.

Our instructor wants me to write about these;

- 1 page Executive Summary
- 1 page Situational Analysis( what is going on market place)
- A POOR analysis of the product. POOR ANALYSIS includes; PROBLEMS, OPPORTUNITIES, OBJECTIVES and RECOMMENDATIONS. This will summarize why you are presenting your proposal in the first place. The recommendations segment will be your group's opportunity to be creative. Please include a creative brief for any particular marketing communications element.
-A perfected positioniong statement that your entire presentation is based on.
- Research strategy ( primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative)

The writer did a well done job for my friend about another project.
the writer was amber111 . If is it possible, I prefer him to do that work.

Thank you very much,

5 Pages

Small-Business Marketing Strategy Small Business Derrick Fine

Words: 1531
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Small-Business Marketing Strategy lay out a marketing strategy for a small business seeking to attain its first government contract. The proposal should include the following: 1.Describe the small…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Business-To-Business Marketing Environment and Critically Analyse Them,

Words: 2643
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

B2B marketing The Essay title is: ?Identify the major trends in the business-to-business marketing environment and critically analyse them, with special reference the UK market in Europe.? Points to include: 1. Different trends with…

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Small Business Strategy Small Business Marketing Strategy

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Small-Business Marketing Strategy Write a five (5) page paper that lays out a marketing strategy for a small business seeking to attain its first government contract. The…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Business to Business Major Trends

Words: 2039
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Identify the major trends in the business-to-business marketing environment and critically analyse them, with special reference the UK market in Europe. Enliven the essay with trend analysis charts; use illustrations…

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Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid

Words: 1880
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Please read the attached case study and aswer the two questions by the end of the case. For questions 2, choose one point out of the three and write…

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14 Pages
Research Paper

Business Problem Proposal Proposed Company:

Words: 3942
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Each student must email me (by no later than 6pm Weds, 14 April) the following details of their proposed business project 1. The Company they intend to investigate 2. The proposed…

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Marketing What Is the Best

Words: 977
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i think i put the wrong time for my last order, i wish to rececive before 9am on may 10, therefore i remake the order again and my last…

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Industrial and Consumer Marketing

Words: 2018
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Type: Research Paper

In answering this question you may take a broad, overarching perspective and examine the principles associated with business to business marketing, or alternatively you may focus on a particular aspect…

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B2B Trends and Analysis Business-To-Business

Words: 2639
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Identify the minimum 5 major trends specified in the topic and heading given for each inclusive of introduction and conclusion in the business-to-business marketing environment and critically analyse them,…

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2 Pages
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Marketing Spin to Match My Background. Must

Words: 698
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Essay request is to answer the following questions: 1. What do you expect to accomplish through this executive program? What learning experiences do you expect, and how would you apply…

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Business in Which it Operates. In Addition

Words: 2116
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This assignment consists of two (2) sections: a project introduction and a project plan. You must submit both sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label…

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Corbin Pacific Case

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Using the case study (that will be sent to you), you will need to prepare a business plan, which should be seven to ten pages in length (double spaced).…

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Marketing Plan for Island of Hawaii Big Island Kona Hilo to Canadians

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I just need the target market analysis of the Marketing plan. Target Market: Canadians ( all canadians do not go into further segmentations to these target market we are just…

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B2B Marketing -3M Canada B2B

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You need to anwer 4 questions below. 1.Evaluate the opportunities and challenges that 3M's Industrial Business Division faces from changing the customer focus from OEM to MRO. 2. How does…

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Altria Business Strategy

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Length: 1 Pages
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I need a conclusion part on my presentation project for Altria Group. This is for my business management course. You need to state and analyze the company on things…

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Digital Marketing on the Internet

Words: 409
Length: 1 Pages
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I work at a nail spa. My job duties: I design & print flyers/posters about four times a year for each season, I also do market research for new…

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Successful in Sales What Does it Take

Words: 1308
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Type: Essay

Hey. I want an essay about: What does it take to be successful in sales? (from business, marketing and professional selling perspective) Always paraphrase and no quotations.

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Good Samaritan Hospital, Suffern: Business Plan

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Unit 6 Funds and Resources Reading Assignment Baker, J.J. & Baker, R.W.,Chap. 21-24. Assignment Type: Individual Project Points Possible: 60 Deliverable Length: 2?3 pages Select 1 of the 3 options pertaining to health…

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Ryanair: Europe's Largest Low Fares Airline Ryanair

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Ryanair is Europe?s largest low fares airline. It has 44 bases and over 1100 routes across 27 countries, connecting 160 destinations. Originally established in 1985 by Dr Tony Ryan,…

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Industry and Competitive Analysis? Why Is it

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (11th Ed.). (2011). Business research methods. 11th Ed. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780073373706…

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4 Pages

Sift Analytics Group

Words: 1291
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In this assignment, we are focusing on this company called "Sift Analytics Group Pte Ltd" ( Requirements for the assignment: (Focus on B2B of Sift) 1. Introduction of the…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

1large Organizations Are Commonly Divided

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

pLEASE PROVIDE YOUR ANSWERS ACCORDING TO QUESTION # QUESTION #1 Large organizations are commonly divided into three levels: corporate, business unit and functional levels, and marketing has a role in…

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13 Pages

Database Administrator for Department Store

Words: 3901
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. Imagine that you have been hired as the database administrator for a local department store. The department store has…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Integrated Brand Promotion (Ibp) Concept Is Uniformity.

Words: 1717
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is supposed to be a report of general case study, and the cases will be faxed. At the end of each cases there will be questions. I'm requesting…

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4 Pages

Market Place) - A Poor

Words: 1609
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Hi, This work is my final project of my business to business marketing course. My project is; To introduce JINS (eye glasses for PC; which is a Japanese product) into the…

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