25+ documents containing “Business Leadership”.
Final Paper
The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight-page paper should integrate readings and class... discussions into work and life experience. It may include explanation and examples from previous experience as well as implications for future application.
The purpose of the Final Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in organizational leadership.
Focus of the Final Paper
During this course, you have studied leadership in organizations. You have also engaged in reflection about the leaders in your life thus far and how you will demonstrate your own leadership behavior in the future. The focus of the Final Paper requires that you synthesize your learning and reflection in the context of the university and program outcomes.
In your Final Paper, describe specific ways you will apply two or three of the program outcomes in order to achieve your personal and professional goals. Explain how particular theory and insights gained from this course will help you succeed. For your convenience, the program outcomes are listed below:
Explain the primary leadership theories that are used in for profit and non-profit organizations.
Explain applications of various leadership theories in business settings.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary leadership models.
Explain the affect of power and influence on leadership.
Define the significance of leadership in initiating and managing change within organizations.
Analyze the ways leadership is affected by corporate culture, personal values, globalization and outcomes performance.
Explain the centrality that ethics has to leadership within organizations.
Explain the presence of gender issues relating to leadership.
Demonstrate effective application of a personal leadership perspective.
Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:
Must be eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
Must include a cover page that includes:
Students name
Course name and number
Name of paper
Instructors name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must use APA style as outlined in your approved style guide to document all sources.
Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
Customer is requesting that (bolavens) completes this order. more
I would like to use HopHead for this paper. This paper needs to follow the guidelines below and each part must be seperate sections of the paper clearly defined. I will send you the article for sect...ion 2 of the paper.
1) Your beliefs/values/assumptions about leadership can be presented. Remember to tell me where you got your assumptions about leadership from parents, a former boss or colleague, a friend, a prominent leader you respect, your religion, etc. This information can also be as much about what NOT to do as it is what to do surrounding leadership. Just make sure it is well written:
Double spaced
12-point font
Correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Use APA documentation if you have outside sources (not required)
Include introduction and clear sections with concise wrap-up
No less than 1 margins
4-5 pages maximum
2) What does quality look like? I admit that this is rather subjective, but a simple summary of the article or rehashing of other discussion (whether in class or previous posts) is not acceptable. But careful attention to providing new ideas, asking thought-provoking questions, and even offering some disagreement are generally seen as quality contributions.
The team members will review and discuss virtually the article, bringing in new insights from additional sources identified by the team members. (At least one additional source must be documented for each team memberthus each distance team analysis will include not fewer than 5 to 7 sources, in addition to the primary article). Each distance team will highlight the assigned articles relevance/implications for organizations based on primary course topics (leadership/motivation/ ethics/teams). A 2-3 page bulleted summary of the article will be made available to the other section members.
3) students will have the opportunity to explore, analyze and refine his or her leadership, motivation and team development skills in order to optimize personal effectiveness as a team leader and a team member. This project will help you think and write more critically about how you, as a current or soon-to-be leader, will meet these challenges as you endeavor to optimize your personal leadership and team member effectiveness. The purpose of this paper is to enable you to do the following:
Develop and discuss an integrated set of assumptions/ values/beliefs that define your current or future role as a leader in your organization (4-5 double-spaced pages maximum) (Phase I).
Assess your personal leadership and team development strengths and areas of needed development, in light of The Leadership Challenge practices and commitments, other leadership models you are aware of from research or class materials, feedback from those who have experience with your leadership style and other insights and examples. This assessment will be formatted as a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). (4-5 double-spaced pages maximum) (Phase II)
Write a Leadership Development Plan (LDP) that will address those areas identified above, in the context of your integrated assumptions about leadership, motivation, and team effectiveness (3-4 double-spaced pages maximum) (Phase II).
Please prepare the paper in two phases:
Phase I: Discuss, in not more than four-five, double-spaced pages,
your assumptions, values, and beliefs about leadership
and motivation that define your current or anticipated role as a leader and how these assumptions were derived.
Phase II: In light of The Leadership Challenge practices and commitments and class discussion, identify your personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as needed development areas, and prepare a LDP to address those needs. This phase includes, 1) One-half page summary of Phase I assumptions, beliefs, etc., 2) critical areas of strength & weakness as identified by feedback and insights, and 3) Phase II should not exceed eight-nine, double-spaced pages, and must include specific goals and timetables by which the plan will be implemented.
Your paper (Phase I and Phase II) should clearly identify these three sections as key elements of your leadership philosophy. Failure to discuss each of these three emphasis areas will be considered as not meeting the project requirements. This entire paper (Phase I and Phase II) should be no more than 12-14 pages of double-spaced, 12-point font, text organized in clear sections with headings and subheadings.
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Provide a Book Review of the book "The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell' (author Oren Harari)ISBN 0-07-1388591. The book review is to follow the guidelines below
Writing Book Reviews:
...A book review is a critical analysis of a secondary text, not a summary of the work's content. In a
book review, you should evaluate the way in which the author handled the subject and the
contribution of the book to your understanding of the issues discussed.
As a reviewer, you bring together the two strands of accurate, analytical reading and strong,
personal response when you indicate what the book is about and what it might mean to a reader
(by explaining what it meant to you). In other words, reviewers answer not only the WHAT but
the SO WHAT question about a book. Thus, in writing a review, you combine the skills of
describing what is on the page, analyzing how the book tried to achieve its purpose, and
expressing your own reactions.
Elements of the Book Review:
There are four basic categories to be considered in your evaluation--historiography,
methodology, style, and personal evaluation.
A. Historiography: the tradition in which the author writes history. Historiography concerns the
intellectual approach the author takes to the subject, the school of historical thought that most
influences the author, and the assumptions, values, or analytical frameworks the author employs.
Ask yourself these questions:
What is the author's theme or thesis? What is the author's purpose in writing the book?
What are the author's values and biases? From what point of view does the author write?
How does this book relate to other books on the same topic? Are the author's assumptions
and assertions in agreement with those generally held in the field? If not, are deviations
clearly identified, well motivated, and overtly justified?
What impact does this work have in its field? Does it contribute something original? Will
it have lasting value?
B. Methodology: the author's method includes the rules employed in organizing the evidence, the
kinds of questions asked by the author, and the approach utilized in answering them.
What kind of evidence does the author use to prove his or her points? What are the
sources of the author's data? Are these sources adequate? What are the limitations of the
data, any inherent biases or problems which must be taken into consideration in its use?
What kinds of questions does the author ask about the subject. Are there questions which
remain unasked, or questions asked but unanswered?
C. Style: the author's style has to do with the writing and organization of the book.
Is the book well written? Are there passages of eloquence or elegance?
Is the book well argued? Does the author clearly articulate and answer questions raised in
the book? How well does the author's point come across and does it convince you?
Is the book accessible to an intelligent reader or only to a specialist?
D. Personal Evaluation: think about your own approach to the subject, your own values, and your
preferred method. Reading is not a passive experience, but an interaction between author and
What is your response to the author's point of view?
What do you think to be the greatest strength of the work, and the greatest weakness?
What does the book contribute to your understanding of the subject?
How successful do you think the author was in carrying out the overall purposes of the
Writing the Book Review:
Most reviews start off with a heading that includes all the bibliographic information about the
book. Please use the following format:
Title. Author. Place of publication: publisher, date of publication. Number of pages.
Like most pieces of writing, the review itself usually begins with an introduction that lets your
readers know what the review will say. The first paragraph usually includes the author and title
again, so your readers don't have to look up to find the title. You should also include a very brief
overview of the contents of the book, the purpose or audience for the book, and your reaction
and evaluation. Reviews then generally move into a section of background information that helps
place the book in context and discusses criteria for judging the book. Next, the review gives a
summary of the main points of the book, quoting and paraphrasing key phrases from the author.
Finally, reviewers get to the heart of their writing--their evaluation of the book. In this section,
reviewers discuss a variety of issues:
how well the book has achieved its goal
how well does the book relate to others in the field or to other readings from class
what possibilities are suggested by the book
what the book has left out
how the book compares to others on the subject
what specific points or arguments are not convincing
what personal experiences you've had related to the subject
It is important to carefully distinguish your views from the author's, so that you don't confuse
your reader. Like other essays, book reviews usually end with a conclusion which ties together
issues raised in the review and provides a concise comment on the book.
There is, of course, no set formula, but a general rule of thumb is that the first one-half to twothirds
of the review should summarize the author's main ideas and at least one-third should
evaluate the book.
You may find it helpful to look at some sample reviews and/or read what other reviewers have
thought about the book you are reviewing. One of the best sources is Reviews in American
History (Z 1236 R47 in both the stacks and recent unbound periodicals; also available to CSULB
students through Project Muse and J-Stor). The Book Review Index is also an obvious place to
start [Ref Z 1035 A1B6]. You can also consult on-line resources such as H-Net (http://www2.hnet.
msu.edu/) and the History Cooperative (http://www.historycoop.org/).
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I need a book review of "Understanding Leadership" by Gayle C. Avery (ISBN 0-13-234772-5). It needs to address the major themes and concepts as well as offer a critique (positive or negative).
Guidelines for completing assignment: Leadership talkin points See Rubric below
I am sending my Strenngth finder assessment I took as attachments with my 5 top themes Complete the followi...ng Rubric NO DIRECT QUOTES PARAPHASE ONLY STRICT APA FORMAT 4 PAGES 6 NREFERENCS
Please use the unique access code to take the Strenghtsfinder 2.0 Assessment. This assessment will take about 25-35 minutes to complete. To access the StrenghtsFinder 2.0 Assessment, visit strengths.gallup.com. By completing the appraisal, you will receive a highly customized Strengths-Based Leadership guide that lists your top five themes of strengths as well as several suggestions for leading each theme and illustrations of each theme in action (pg. 99). You will be asked to report on your work in increasing your leadership skills and abilities throughout the semester. Knowing your baseline, you will be able to set goals and continue your leadership development. For each of the 34 themes, there are strategies that can be used for leveraging your strengths as a reference for building on the strengths of your team and the people around you (pg. 99). Your development as a systems change leader will continue in your residency courses. Using the above to guide this assignment, you are expected to complete this assessment and find your leadership strengths-based themes. You are asked to share feedback from your personalized strengths-based leadership guide in Leadership Talking Points (TD in this unit). Based on your strengths, identify your themes and strategies you are employing. Adaptability , Harmony, Maximizer, Context and Adaptability see attachment please
Use the threaded discussion entitled,"Leadership Talking Points", to discuss your strengths and strategies to enhance your leadership abilities using the following rubric as a guide:
Rubric: 15 points Follow completely no direct quotes
___/4: Complete StrenghtsFinder 2.0 Assessment identifying themes of strengths. This is sent as attachment of the assessment I took are Adaptability , Harmony, Maximizer, Context and Adaptability see attachment please
___/9: Identify goals and a beginning plan for leveraging your strengths for building the strengths of your team and the people around you. Based on your assessment, how will you begin this important work as a leader in your practice as a Hospice Nurse Practitioner Integrate a variety of leadership models, theories in your strategic plan to strengthen your skills as an advanced practice leader.
___/2: Scholarly presentation of work; liberal referencing at least 6; free of grammar and spelling error
Some extra information and references to read
Collins (2001, 2005) describes Level 5 leadership as making sure "the right decisions happen--no matter how difficult or painful--for the long-term greatness of the institution and the achievement of its mission, independent of consensus or popularity" (pg. 11). From the evidence by his research, Collins (2001) found that Level 5 Leadership included humility + will, ambition for the company (setting up successors for success), a compelling modesty, unwavering resolve and the window and the mirror. Level 5 leadership was a necessary aspect of great companies. In other words, leadership matters.
Kouzes and Posner (2003), in their book, Encouraging the Heart, the authors specifically outline strategies for successful leadership. They believe that the human side of business has received limited attention in the way of research and development of this practice. Bold leadership is required if we are to keep hope alive, and Encouraging the Heart is ultimately about keeping hope alive (Kouzes & Posner, 2003, p xx). Underscored in this text is the theme, Caring . . . at the heart of effective leadership is genuine caring for people (p. 140). Kouzes and Posner describe finding your voice and asking the questions (from poet David Whyte): When you speak, who is speaking? Is it your voice, or someone elses? Who came to work today: did you show up fully, or was it only part of you that made it? Which part? What are you working for? What do you really care about: Fame? Fortune? Power? Family? People? Achievement? Freedom? Happiness? Security? Wisdom? What? (p. 149).
The Seven Essentials of Encouraging include:
1. Set clear standards
2. Expect the best
3. Pay attention
4. Personalize recognition
5. Tell the story
6. Celebrate together
7. Set the example
While these essentials are not new to the business literature and not rocket science the basis principles of these essentials are considered critical to successful management and leadership
Emotional intelligence, quantum leadership, and servant leadership are also dimensions of leadership and being influential in leading change. This assignment has been developed in order to assist you with thinking deeply about your own desires to lead, guide, and coach and influence others. In doing this assignment, you may want to consider the Level 5 Leadership Model along with other models or frameworks.
Cherniss, C., & Goleman, D. (2001). The emotionally intelligent workplace. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series
Collins, J. (2001). Good to great. New York, NY: HarperBusiness.(Chapters 2).
Collins, J. (2005). Good to great and the social sectors, A monograph to accompany Good to Great. Boulder, CO: Jim Collins.
Goleman, D. Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. New York: Bantam Books.
Harvard Business Review OnPoint (Summer, 2006). The Good Boss, Executive Edition.
Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (1997). Leadership practices inventory. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.
Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z. (2003). Encouraging the heart. A leaders guide to rewarding and recognizing others. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Loehr, J., & Schwartz, T. (2003). The power of full engagement. New York: NY: Free Press.
Porter-OGrady, T., & Malloch, K. (2003). Quantum leadership. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.
Posner, B. Z. (1992). Person-organization values congruence: No support for individual differences as a moderating influence. Human relations, 45(2), 351-361.
Posner, B. Z. & Westwood, R. I. (1995). A cross-cultural investigation of the shared values relationship. International journal of value-based management, 11(4), 1-10.
Posner, B.Z. & Schmidt, W. H. (1992). Values congruence and differences between the interplay of personal and organizational value systems. Journal of business ethics,12(2), 171-177.
Rath, T., & Conchie, B. (2009). Strengths based leadership, Great leaders, teams, and why people follow. New York, NY: Gallup Press.
Whyte, D. (1994). The heart aroused: Poetry and the preservation of the soul in corporate America. New York: Currency-Doubleday.
Power of Full Engagement Assessment Tool: http://www.fullengagement.com/assessment_profile.html (Include in your Talking Points
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Identify three of the cours...e learning outcomes that you will apply to achieve your personal and professional goals and provide an explanation of why these outcomes are important to you. Using personal experience and realistic examples, describe how you will apply the three course learning outcomes you chose to achieve your personal and professional goals. Explain how a particular theory and/or insight you gained from this course will help you succeed. You must provide an example of how the theory and/or insight will help you succeed.
For your convenience, the course learning outcomes are listed below:
1. Explain the primary leadership theories that are used in for profit and non-profit organizations.
2. Explain applications of various leadership theories in business settings.
3. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary leadership models.
4. Explain the affect of power and influence on leadership.
5. Define the significance of leadership in initiating and managing change within organizations.
6. Analyze the ways leadership is affected by corporate culture, personal values, globalization and outcomes performance.
7. Explain the centrality that ethics has to leadership within organizations.
8. Explain the presence of gender issues relating to leadership.
9. Demonstrate effective application of a personal leadership perspective.
Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages and formatted according to APA style as outlined in your approved style guide.
Must include a cover page
Name of paper
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must use at least FIVE professional resources (other than the text), including a minimum of one scholarly source from the online library, to give further support and credibility to your thoughts.
Must use APA style to document all sources.
Must include, on the final page, a Reference List that is completed according to APA style.
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The Assignment as posted in classwork:
Final paper ??" Drawing on our readings and discussions and Bedford -- (paper to be fully APA referenced as needed,
You are at the beginning o...f an intentional, hopefully mindful, leadership study and development experience through the MLS program. Gail S. Williams states (in Riggio, et. al., 2008) leadership presence is the awareness of ones being in any given moment. (p.99) This paper is your opportunity to lay out where you are now in terms of your own leadership philosophy, orientation, styles, values, contexts, standards, and so forth. You have literature and experiences to draw from to support your current position and from which you can identify your present limitations, opportunities, future areas for development, and aspirations or visions. You may include an analysis of historical or contextual factors which influence you today, or your strengths and challenges in building trusting relationships with others in pursuing a shared goal. Self-knowledge and honest, open reflection are key strengths of successful leadership, as are the abilities to continually learn and change, and to critically analyze what is required in facing an adaptive challenge (Heifetz).
Your paper will include description as well as analysis & synthesis referring to theories of leadership and followership. (Paper worth 40 pts.)
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke
sample type outline and where it has coursework or peer review just work around it or eliminate it:
1. Leadership Self Analysis Examination
A. An evolving standard of going the extra mile
B. Consensus building vs. Direct decision making styles
C. Philosophy of treating people right
D. Am I a Follower or a Leader
2. Referential Analysis
A. Course Readings as reference
B. Peer discussions on Blackboard as reference
C. My experiences as reference
3. The evolution of leadership-The Future
A. Some limitations to overcome
B. Leadership opportunities in the community,government agency, or building my own practice
C. Areas to grow with in private practice as a Leader
D. Other aspirations as a developing Leader: non profit sector, government sector or executive leadership
My case examples was about my private practice as a substance abuse counselor/ social worker and my co workewrs and my secretary and how to grow and lead and provide direction when i am a mother also going back to school and running a bussiness. while trying to find my purpose in life and if a leadership degree is the way for me to find a way to change the system.just a little blurp about me... more
This is a 16 page doctoral level research paper. Please review the concepts listed below and choose ONE (your choice) for the topic of this research paper:
1. Leadership theori...es and practical application
2. Leadership competencies, processes, and practices
3. Ethical leadership
4. Organizational culture
5. Implementing change within organizations
6. Building leadership potential
7. Leaders as problem-solvers
8. Reflective practice for leaders
The following resources may be helpful to you for this assignment:
Bennis,W.(2003). On becoming a leader. New York: Perseus Publishing.ISBN: 0738208175
Northouse, P.G. (2007). Leadership:Theory and practice. (4th ed.).Thousand Oaks, CA: age Publications.
ISBN: 141294161X
Fullan, M. (2001). Leading in a culture of change. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 0787953954
Hall, G., & Hord, S. (2006). Implementing change: Potholes, principles, and potholes (2nd ed.). Boston: Pearson
Education, Inc. ISBN: 0205467210
Kotter, J. (1996). Leading change. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. ISBN: 0875847471
Kotter, J., & Cohen, D. (2002). The heart of change: Real life stories of how people change their organizations.
Boston: Harvard Business School Press. ISBN: 1578512549
Yukl, G. (2006). Leadership in organizations (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 0131494848
The Heart of Change http://www.theheartofchange.com
Please use CURRENT resources (textbooks).
This paper must demonstrate comprehension, application, analysis, assessment, and integration of the research.
Please follow the outline below for this paper:
Table of Contents
Introduction/Background Information
Problem Statement
Literature Review (5-7 sources)
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style. If you use a direct quote, please include the page number. American Syntax. Double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font. Minimum of 9 quotations would be good if possible.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or need clarification.
Thank you!
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Coursework 2 (33%) ? Famous Leader analysis ?
Between 750 and 900 words
Marking sheets will be used as shown below
Coursework 2
Choose one from Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Anita Roddick or Rupert Murdoch and evaluate their leadership style (CW2 ? 750 - 900 words) using models and theories from the course. Analysing the strengths and weaknesses of your person?s style and approach from the perspective of today?s global environment will gain extra marks.
1- Source all your work.
2- Write in the third person only.
3- Include appropriate references
Preferred writer: Tomar
Other details: Essay to be split in 3 sections as follows:
Section1 title: Leadership behaviours and approaches
Section 1 content: Review the leaders...hip behaviours and approaches that are common in the organisation and identify how the how the role and nature of the organisation, its corporate governance and its operating context and external environment affects the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed by leaders is explained
Section 2 title: Validity and utility of leadership theories within organisational context
Section 2 content: Critically compare alternative leadership theories to assess their validity, and their utility in helping to analyse and explain the behaviour of leaders in your organisation. In particular, you should consider how these theoretical perspectives are relevant to the ethics, values, knowledge, skills, behaviours and other characteristics expected of effective leaders in the organisation. Use this analysis to develop a hypothesis about the appropriate leadership behaviour for dealing with any one critical incident/non-routine event that happened at Apple Computers/Inc that had negative repurcussions.
Section 3 title: Application of analysis to a critical incident
Test out your hypothesis about leadership behaviour in the organisation denoted in section 2 by analysing the Critical incident described in section 2 to judge organisational leadership performance, based on own assessment of leadership theories. more
You will take on the role of management consultants to Innocent Drinks, a well known company that specialises in the marketing and distribution of healthy drinks and other consumable products.
This is what I want: ***the Leadership vs. Management would apply to Innocent - characteristics of leadership are 'motivating' and 'inspiring' whereas characteristics of management are 'planning' and 'controlling' (all in the powerpoint) so it seems Innocent's prefers a leadership style. You could consider if this is a strength or a weakness - would they benefit from any management characteristics?***
***Buchanan and Huczynski book in a post below titled "Leadership" - so you could use some references from there.***
Innocent Drinks
From its humble beginnings as a stall at a small music festival in 1998, Innocent has grown into an international brand with a turnover of 76 million.
Developing and sustaining a creative culture among its entire workforce has enabled Innocent Drinks to remain true to its core brand values throughout an extended period of growth and expansion.
Innocent was the brainchild of professionals Richard Reed, Jon Wright and Adam Balon, who identified a need among fellow workers for an easy way to make each day a bit healthier.
Innocent was formed with the very simple idea that every product contains 100 per cent pure, fresh ingredients and no fruit concentrates.
But this simplicity belies a more fully formed business strategy, best described in the founders profile documents: That with a non-corporate attitude, a sincere commitment to the cause and creative thinking, it is possible to create a fast growing company that acts responsibly (http://www.designcouncil.org.uk/Case-studies/Innocent-Drinks/)
You will need to research the case study company in order to understand the organisation and the way it is managed.
The 2 videos of Richard Reed (one of the founders of the business) on the following website should be used as your starting point:-
As a group you will need to view the videos and then start to conduct an analysis of the case study (Video 2 of 2 is actually the first presentation!)
The following questions should be used to guide and develop your analysis:-
What have you learned about the organisation and the way it is managed?
What theories, concepts, models associated with organisational analysis have helped to develop your understanding?
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Report subject: Leadership and Employee Behavior in International Business
I need in the report the following:
-Table content
-Executive Summary
-the Body which will mentioned everything about subject)
-leader ship in international business.
-Evaluate basic views of employee motivation in international business.
-Identify basic views of managerial leadership in international business.
-Decision making in international business.
And answer the question in a form of essay with example:
1. Assume you are leading a team composed of representatives from British, Mexican, Brazilian, and Egyptian subsidiaries of your firm. The team must make a number of major decisions.
a. What guidelines might you develop for yourself for leading the team through its decision making process?
b. What steps might you take to enhance the team?s cohesiveness? How successful do you think such an effort would be?
-Reference (4 references)
Note: file ppt and doc will be uploaded.
writing a paper on leveraging leadership to maximize business success. Need introduction to leadership; explain the difference between management and leadership, and how to cultivate leadership skills in managers that can benefit the organization. Explain how managers can set effective expectations for their employees to increase organizational performance.
Identify three of the course learning outcomes that you will apply to achieve your personal and professional goals and provide an explanation of why these outcomes are important to you. Using personal... experience and realistic examples, describe how you will apply the three course learning outcomes you chose to achieve your personal and professional goals. Explain how a particular theory and/or insight you gained from this course will help you succeed. You must provide an example of how the theory and/or insight will help you succeed.
For your convenience, the course learning outcomes are listed below:
1. Explain the primary leadership theories that are used in for profit and non-profit organizations.
2. Explain applications of various leadership theories in business settings.
3. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary leadership models.
4. Explain the affect of power and influence on leadership.
5. Define the significance of leadership in initiating and managing change within organizations.
6. Analyze the ways leadership is affected by corporate culture, personal values, globalization and outcomes performance.
7. Explain the centrality that ethics has to leadership within organizations.
8. Explain the presence of gender issues relating to leadership.
9. Demonstrate effective application of a personal leadership perspective.
Also, please list at least three professional resources.
I received an online $8 off coupon code# 2276666392-243127204 and it is saying invalid coupon code but I never used it before. If I can't get the discount that's fine still process. Thank you. more
APA format
Need assistance with the first 2 chapters of dissertation. Introduction and Review of Literature needs to be (30 p...ages) please incorporate any figures tables etc. you find necessary in introduction chapter.I only have chapter 1(9 pages) and I do not have any other resources to send. I also will be requiring assistance for chapters 2,3, 4, and 5. I DO WANT THE SAME WRITER FOR THE ENTIRE PAPER. I have worked on Chapter 1 but it needs to be edited and re-worked and possibly overhauled completely. NEED THE 2 CHAPTERS IN 30 DAYS?.I can send chapter 1 via email or fax.
I am including with this message the specifics of the dissertation structural requirements.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
1. Chapter 1- Statement of the Problem (10 pages)
A. Statement of the Problem {Ensure you describe a problem that should be studied}
B. Purpose of the Study {Describe how your study contributes to solving this problem}
C. Conceptual Definitions {Things such as Ethnicity, Leader, Parent, Employee and so forth}
D. Research Questions {Stated positively as a broad research question, eg ?Is there a relationship between style of leadership and employee morale?}
2. Chapter 2 ? Review of the Literature (at least 30 pages)
Overview of Chapter 2 {This can only be written after you have done the chapter research. It is an ?advanced organizer? for what you are going to provide}
Dependent Variables {What research has already been done on the dependent variables? How did others before you codify the construct? What significant findings exist in the literature about the dependent variable(s) }
1.organizational commitment
Independent Variables {What research has already been done on this independent variable? How did others before you codify this construct? What significant findings exist in the literature about the independent variable(s) }
6.transformational, transactional, lassiz-faire
Intervening Variables {If you have intervening variables, what research has already been done on them? How did others before you codify this construct? What significant findings exist in the literature about the intervening variable(s) }
1.age, gender, level of education, marital staus, tenure
Summary, Conclusions and Expected Outcomes
3. Chapter 3 ? Methodology (10 pages)
Sampling Plan
Operational Definitions for Dependent Variables
Operational Definitions for Independent Variables
Operational Definitions for Intervening Variables
Research Design
Null Hypotheses {Stated in English e.g. ?There will be no significant relationship between leader MLQ scores and employee ratings of morale.?}
Ethical Considerations
Data Collection and Analysis
4. Chapter 4 ? Results
Data Collected
Response Rates
Sampling Conducted
Descriptive Statistics
Overview of Findings {For all Hypotheses ? what was the big picture}
Hypotheses {For each Hypothesis, one by one?. For the pre-defense version, describe each hypothesis, the tables and figures for each and the results. After the committee concurs, only show those with significant results.}
5. Chapter 5 ? Discussion and Conclusions
Discussion of Findings
Limitation of Findings
Recommendations for Further Research and Application to Practicing Leaders and the Scholarly Knowledge Base.
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Individual Assignment: Options for Implementing a Leadership Change
Imagine your team members are siblings of the late Don Ruiz. Everyone has a different opinion about the Gene One leadership... and how that leadership must change to implement a successful initial public offering.
Select leadership structure and styles with the teams end vision for Gene One.
In 1996, Gene One entered the biotech industry with groundbreaking gene technology that eradicated disease in tomatoes and potatoes. As a result, farmers no longer needed to use pesticides when growing these plants and consumers were pleased to buy homegrown products untainted by chemicals. The win-win situation helped Gene One grow to a $400 million company in just eight short years.
Accordingly, sharply rising stock indices on Wall Street indicate a growing interest in biotechnology. And leadership changes at the Food and Drug Administration are further enhancing investor confidence in the industry. At Gene One, the CEO and his Board believe that in order to keep pace with demand and realize conservative annual growth targets of 40 percent, Gene One is going to have to go public within the next three years. The time seems right, but the company needs IPO capital for new development, advertisement, and marketing if it is to remain successful.
Working toward a 36-month maximum deadline, the CEO and his Board have devised a clear strategy with the help of key members in the investment community. It is their hope that implementing it will help Gene One realize its growth targets, establish the company as a strong competitor and show Wall Street that Gene One has the leadership and organizational capabilities to succeed as a public entity.
Don Ruiz, Chief Executive Officer: At age 37, Don became a young entrepreneur when he recruited four colleagues to make his brainchild -- Gene One -- a reality. As CEO and creative force behind Gene One, Don not only brought his extensive technology and industry knowledge to the company, but a significant part of the $2 million dollar start-up investment as well. Now, as a $400 million company, Gene One is positioned to realize growth targets that will make it an industry leader. Don is excited about the company's IPO opportunity, and has engaged his leadership team, as well as an external consulting firm, to develop a sound strategy to ensure that Gene One not only serves the public but leaves a legacy of his work.
Michelle Houghton, Chief Financial Officer: Part of the start-up five, Michelle invested everything she had into Gene One and, as a result, feels a strong sense of ownership and emotional attachment to the company. Don and Michelle share a solid working relationship and friendship; in fact, with their spouses, they socialize often. Reserved and quiet, Michelle is often mistaken for a pushover when in truth, she is passionate about issues that put the company at risk and has been very successful in securing funding from government and private investors. At 35, Michelle had never before directed Finance in a large corporation or been involved in an IPO; nonetheless, she has earned a credible reputation with the leadership team, the Board, the FDA leadership and the government.
Charles Jones, Marketing Officer: Two years after Gene One's start-up, Don recruited 35-year-old Charles because of his reputation for "smart" risk-taking and his biotechnology connections. Don saw him as the perfect person to develop and implement Gene One marketing strategy. Self-confident and moral, Charles easily garners trust for himself and the company. He has no personal investment in Gene One, but his professional pride motivates him to work hard at defining products that will sell, and creating a Gene One brand image that is synonymous with technology innovation, future of America, potential for major economic returns, etc. But Charles likes to focus on the big picture rather than the details, which means his efforts to design and implement a marketing infrastructure have yet to be completed.
Teri Robertson, Chief Technology Officer: Part of the original start-up team, and Don's niece, 37-year-old Teri has a world-renowned reputation; it was her doctoral research that led to the genetic breakthrough discovery that Gene One's success is built on, and she holds a number of patents pertaining to it. A scientist at heart, Teri is highly competent with a passion and talent for technology research and development. Though Charles involves her in marketing to a degree, he recognizes where her talents lie and, most often, leaves her to them. That suits Teri just fine; Gene One has become her life.
Greg Thoman, Chief Human Resources Officer: Six years ago, at age 30, Greg came to Gene One after an eight-year stint at a Human Resources Consulting company. Known for his "can do" attitude, Greg has staffed Gene One with talented researchers and innovative product developers. In the past two years, Gene One's massive growth has meant thousands of new hires, and Greg has had his hands full with staffing. As a result, he hasn't had time to focus on developing future talent, or creating a corporate culture conducive to growing the business.
John Kirby, Executive Director Board Member: CEO of Nuke, Inc., a nuclear medicine company, John has spent more than thirty years in the science and technology industry. His expertise has made him an influential member of the industry community and he knows it -- when he wants something, he doesn't take no for an answer.
Susan Wells, Executive Board Member: Serving her second term, 62-year-old Wells is a well-respected Board member with myriad connections in the media and political communities. She's very thorough and logical, and has been known to reverse decisions at the eleventh hour based on new data received from her vast network of influential friends.
Implementing a Leadership Change
Leadership change at any organization can cause an organization to experience deeper changes and shifts within an organization. Many times new leadership comes into an organization with a new plan as to how it will operate. This can cause employees to feel threatened and unsure about their security and position. More times than not, leaders do not take into consideration how important communication about the change is within the organization. They are quick to announce the change within and outside of the organization, but they tend to forget how that will affect the company as a whole.
Gene One is company that is exploding in growth. The leadership of Gene One believes it is time to take the company pubic. In doing so, several changes will have to take place within the organization. The senior leadership has several different views on what should happen. Some feel that this change is perfect timing, while others feel that going public would be a huge mistake because the company is not ready for it.
The CEO Don Ruiz realizes that the company has no experience with IOPs and that it is important that the company explore what needs to be done to take the company public. Michelle, the CFO thinks that taking the company public is a good idea; however, she questions if the timing is right and questions if the company will be able to overcome the bad publicity the industry has recently received. Teri is Dons niece and is the Chief Technology Officer. She seems somewhat resistant to change, however has valid points as to how the changes should be handled. Charles is the Marketing Officer who is brilliant at marketing, however, needs help focusing on the details. These are just few of the players in this scenario.
Exploring the scenario of Gene One was interesting. Our team discussed how the change might affect the team and who might be good in leadership positions. As shown in the scenario, there was one employee who quit Gene One on the brink of the company going public. I think this is something that can be expected in this kind of change. There are those who embrace change and there are others who will rsist it at every turn. The way to address this is to make sure that the organization is consistent in their communication with employees and to gather feedback and ideas from the employees. This will make them feel that they are part of the change and have a hand in making it happen. This should help alleviate some of the feelings of uncertainty within the organization.
Some of the specific things that can take place to bring Gene One public is to have Michelle and Greg, the head of human resources look into the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This act affects the company in many ways and is vital to the company going public. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires that the IPO board be comprised of independent directors and that at least one member have a financial background as a CPA or CFO. The financial implications are that the company will have to provide the SEC with financial statements for which they will be personally responsible. Michelle feels that this will require an external accounting firm to make sure the numbers are correct. Greg noted from an HR perspective that the board and executives will need to be squeaky clean and that their compensation methods be above board. Greg also noted that it is important how the company handle breaking the news to the employees that the company is going public.
On the innovation front, Teri is brilliant at coming up with new inventions, however, she is resistant to expanding and change. This could possibly inhibit innovation or it could save the company from costly mistakes. I think that with Teris creativity and Michelles financial know how, this company could reach a balance in creativity and financial responsibility. The two do clash from time to time, however together they seem to bring about productive discussions and new ideas.
I think that utilizing the situational style of leadership is the best in handling the changes within Gene One. Management and leadership will have to adapt to changes and relate to the shifting that will take place among the staffing and management. Keeping employees up to date and included in the changes will help alleviate tensions and reduce the loss of staff due to the changes.
The leadership style that we chose to implement within the change is the Situational Leadership style. This style incorporates several styles and tries to strike a balance in decision-making. Situational leadership focuses on that no one particular type of leadership is best for all situations. Instead, it focuses on that the situation dictates how leadership should manage change within a company. Hersey and Blanchard first introduced the concept of situational leadership in Life Cycle Theory of Leadership (Hersey & Blanchard, 1969). In their 25-year retrospective of Situational Leadership, Blanchard, Zigarmi, and Nelson, (1993, p. 22) noted that the theory and its name were inspired by the changing leadership style needed by parents as a child grows from infancy through adolescence to adulthood. Gene One could be viewed in this way. The leadership acts as the parents and the company is the child. As the company grows and changes, so does the way in which the company is managed. Striking a balance between task and relationship behaviors is the best way to lead people and manage a company. The Situational Leadership Model is about being more effective as a leader. This involves matching your leader behaviors (behaviors you use when trying to influence someone else) with the performance needs of the individual or group that you work with. It is about adapting the directive and supportive behaviors you use to match the readiness of others to perform specific tasks or functions. The model is simple, it works, and achieves results. Gene One needs effective leaders and supportive behaviors in order to implement the changes needed to go public.
The end-vision that is best suited for Gene One is as follows: Gene One's end-vision is to create new and better produce varieties that can change the lives of people around the world. Our vision is to strive to create new and innovative technologies that will bring healthy, fresh and affordable produce to the world. Gene One strives also to make contributions to their stakeholders and to society.
This end-vision shows that the company is committed to their stakeholders and to what is best for society. This statement will hopefully strike a balance is the way the public reacts to Gene One going public. The company will have to be committed to their stakeholders financially, this is something that every public company should be committed to, however, Gene One must also appeal to the publics interests and what is best for the world as a whole. more
Project instructions
Required Texts
Yukl, G. (2009). Leadership in organizations (7th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Phillips, D.T. (1996). Lincoln on leadersh...ip: Executive strategies for tough times. New York: Warner Books, Inc. ISBN: 0446394599
4. Assignment requires you to:
a. Apply theories, concepts, models, etc. from both Leadership in Organizations and Lincoln on Leadership.
b. Integrate ideas from your personal experiences.
c. Write a paper that is approximately 1,500 words (six pages not including the title page and reference list). Follow the guidelines for developing and submitting papers for this course including using APA style for citing references and the reference list.
d. Your final paper will be evaluated based on the depth of analysis, critical thought, and application of leadership principles from the course.
Option 1: Analysis of Leadership in a Movie
1. The purpose of this assignment is to apply the concepts and theories from the course to the analysis of leadership by one or more of the key characters in a movie. Select a film that illustrates several of the leadership concepts/issues presented in the materials throughout the course. Some possible films are listed below. You may choose another film, but get approval from the professor before viewing it for this assignment. Docudramas based partly or entirely on actual persons and events are useful
The Crossing
Thirteen Days
Remember The Titans
High Noon
Who Shot Liberty Valence?
Apollo 13
The Insider
Primary Colors
Eyes on the Prize
12 Angry Men
12 O'clock High
The Charge of the Light Brigade
Citizen Kane
Crimson Tide
The Bounty
The following films have women in leadership positions:
Iron Jawed Angels
Norma Rae
Courage Under Fire
Gorillas in the Mist
A League of Their Own
2. View the film at least once while working on each of the four units. Take notes about the scenes that illustrate key concepts from the unit as presented in Leadership in Organizations, Lincoln on Leadership, and other course references.
3. Write a paper that discusses the leadership concepts/issues and describe how these are illustrated in the film. The paper should not be a movie review.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to make this example paper more personal I will tell you that I am a women currently working towards becoming in a leadership role. I really like the movie A league of Their own because it deals with women issues and leadership and overcoming despite the odds. In my current role I have always found myself to be not only the youngest leader but also a minority in being a woman and ethnic too. If you need more info on me please let me know. also make sure include my free refernce/ bibliography page
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Using your knowledge of leadership theory, your results of the MBTI and EIQ16, discuss your personality characteristics related to leadership. What are your strengths? What did you learn about yoursel...f that will help you be a better leader? Emotional intelligence can be learned - what do you want to work on, based on the assessment feedback. Ten (10) page limit, excluding references and cover page. Use APA style.
My MBTI results
E: Extraversion: People who prefer Extraversion tend to focus on the outer world of people and things.
S: Sensing: People who prefer Sensing tend to focus on the present and on concreteinformation gained from their senses
T: Thinking: People who prefer Thinking tend to base their decisions primarily on logic and on objective analysis of cause and effect.
J: Judging: People who prefer Judging tend to like a planned and organized approach to life and prefer to have things settled.
ESTJ: Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact. Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions. Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible. Take care of routine details. Have a clear set of logical standars, systematically follow them and want others to also. Foreceful in implementing their plans.
I will attach my EIQ16 results.
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The concept of leadership skills and how it relates to Human Resources. Define the term and concept of leadership skills. Present and expand upon a minimum of three skills that are necessary for an individual to be an effective leader in Human Resources. Please support the assertions and statements with supporting material. Discuss how leadership skills will lead to technical competence by a leader. Evaluate these skills in accordance with Human Resource. Develop a brief plan detailing how I can acquire and or strengthen these skills as you progress in your future.
write two to three paragraphs about what you should learn in solutions leadership and how you should apply that knowledge professionally and/or personally.
* Select and share five articles on solutions leadership and critique them.
Writer's Serban Brebenel.
Guideline for this paper:
This is a group paper, no introduction, no conclusion, End of each page the reference information.
This is what my part outline, please add more to both sections.The first part has to flow with the second part add-on please.
1. Predictors of leadership for the 21 century
A. Past performance
B. Behavioral Traits
C. Global Perspective
F. (if it does't not fit in add or change)
2. Challenges for the 21st century leaders
A. Thinking globally
B. Diversity and Cultural awareness
D. (if it doesn;t fit in add or change)
Answer the questions using 3-5 per question. Making a total of about 12 pages, not including the bibliography FOR EACH QUESTION PLEASE. Also each question needs to have 4-5 resources and have clear ...points, opinions and sources to back them up.
1. What are the cultural and societal influences on leadership and motivation?
2. What are the ethical responsibilities of a leader?
3. What power does a leader have? (or) What power does an effective leader use?
The assignment is essentially as follows and I am expected to put together an entire paper with particular "chapters" that answer each of these questions. Each answer to a question is a "chapter" and should be 3-5 pages in length and NEEDS to use 4-5 resources. The resources are extremely important in this assignment.
Each student will be required to create a notebook of learnings for the semester. There is no single required text. The student will use a multitude of resources to, in essence, create a text. The student will research two questions each week selected by the instructor, writing a three-to-five page summary of what was researched and learned. The research should utilize between three and five sources, split between academic, research based sources (e.g. textbooks), industry thought leader writings (e.g. periodicals such as Forbes), and pop press (e.g. blogs). more
write a paper comparing and contrasting transactional and transformational leadership styles. Cite at least 3 academic sources from academic journals with at least one model showing the comparison or the contrast.
We will pay $15.00 for this order!!
Please critque the below paper on leadership Model and apply to other leadership.
See below
Individual Leadership Model a...nd Leader Interview Essay
What is a leader? What is leadership? These are two primary questions we have endeavored to answer this semester. This is because understanding these points gives us insight and appreciation for the leaders and leadership, and unfortunately often the lack of both, which we encounter on a daily basis both in our professional and personal lives. At first we focused on more traditional views and definitions of leadership such as Peter Northouses definition a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2007, p 3). We explored the four main approaches to categorizing leadership: trait, skills, style and situational, and built up to the concept of transformational leadership (Northouse, 2007). Professor Dennis Winters has taken us on a slightly different course of exploring the internal and human sides of leadership, or as he put it the flesh and blood embodiment (Winters, 2008, Lec. 7); concepts such as knowing yourself and creating a self image, framing and face time, and the ideas of congruence and reflexivity. He introduced us to Karl Weick and his seven sensemaking properties, the idea of social capital and that peoples interpretation of events are ultimately derived from their own experience of the world and how they have synthesized that experience for themselves (Winters, 2008). Throughout all of this we have been striving to take this myriad of ideas and concepts and create a model of leadership for ourselves, both in a sense of how we feel we should be as leaders, and how we judge those around as leaders.
My Personal Leadership Model
My own leadership model draws from pretty much every aspect and description of leadership we have studied thus far. The points of the model I have developed are characteristics, skills and styles a person would simply have to have for me to deem them my ideal leader. I would also say that this model can serve as a description of the type of leader I would like to eventually become. Therefore, in my personal leadership model a leader must meet the following descriptions.
The first and most important point of my leadership model is that a leader must know who he/she is. They must be self aware and have good communication with themselves. I feel strongly that unless a person understands themselves, and can communicate clearly to themselves then they cannot hope to do so effectively with others. As professor Winters pointed out, it is so important to be able to,
Second, a leader must be competent in the area of their authority. They must, as Northouse states, have knowledge about and proficiency in a specific type of work or activity (Northouse, 2007, p. 40). There is nothing worse then an incompetent leader. Anyone in a position of authority and power must have qualifications for the position they are in. An IT director must understand computers, and a baseball coach must thoroughly understand the game. However a good leader must also recognize that they cannot possibly know everything, and be comfortable tapping those with better skills in certain areas. The IT director may have someone better at programming, or the baseball coach may have an assistant who is a better pitching instructor. The leader must know enough to be able to ask the right questions, and interact with those who may have more technical skill in a certain area. As Deborah Ancona put it only when leaders see themselves as incomplete will they be able to make up for their missing skills by relying on others (Ancona, 2007. 92).
A leader must genuinely seek input from others. This ties to my previous point of a leader recognizing the expertise of others and openly wanting that input when they do not have the answers. A true desire to gain input from others serves to make those others feel appreciated and respected. As Professor Winters said, a leader must, work with the concerns of the target constituents, their affective and cognitive directions and enter these frames with connections to the most attractive sides of their target issue or objective (Winters, 2008, Lec 6). It also places the leader outside the realm of a tyrant, but instead shows them to be a true team player.
Tying directly into the point above is my contention that a leader must be willing to see, and sometimes side with, opinions contrary to their own. The seeking of input from others is meaningless if the leader fails to act on other opinions and recommendations when doing so is clearly a better course of action. They must be willing to do this even when the opinion or suggested action is outside the realm of their normal, comfortable frame of the world or situation (Winters, 2008, lec. 6). I do not mean to say that a leader should not stand up for what they believe in, only that they recognize that others can be right and they themselves can be wrong, and be willing to side with others when this is the case.
A leader must have a moral core to their being. They must have a set of guiding principals, like honesty, trust and compassion, and never waiver on them. This is not in difference to my point about leaders needing to see and take other opinions as a situation dictates, because I feel they can do so without compromising core values; that a sense of congruence can be found between the two concepts (Winters, 2008, lec 6).
A good leader leads from the front, and would never ask another person to do something they would not do themselves. Such leaders set examples they expect others to follow, and walk their talk. Good leaders are not hypocritical, nor do they place followers in situations to shield themselves from abuse or the consequence of their actions. Rather they take responsibility for their actions and expect no less from others.
A good leader seeks to bring out the best in those around them, and feels satisfaction when others achieve beyond what they themselves thought was possible. Good leaders want to see others around them succeed, and any goal achievement without growth in their fellow employees is an incomplete victory. Leaders should figure out what makes each of their followers tick, and use that to motivate their followers, to push their limits and show them just how much they can accomplish. Leaders should never be satisfied with acceptable, but instead always want more, and show and inspire their followers to get there.
My ideal leader knows how to walk the fine line between conservatism and taking risks. They understand that risks are necessary for moving forward and that great rewards do not come to those who wait. However they also know when to avoid risks and hold back. They have a solid sense of not only their own risk threshold, but also that of their followers, and will play within those boundaries.
Directly correlating to the point above is that a good leader does not fear failure, only the fear of not trying. They do not let the fear of failure hold them back from attempting new things or taking risks that should be taken. This is not to say that they do not have fear, only that they are not controlled by it. They recognize fear as being a good cautionary emotion, but are able to overcome its potentially debilitating effects.
Lastly, my ideal leader has a sense of humor, especially a self depreciating one. I do not think I could follow anyone who was so uptight as to not be able to laugh at themselves. A sense of humor can set followers at ease, and show others that the leader is not haughty. Humor can diffuse tense situations and also serve as an entry point both for understanding the leader, and for them to understand others.
Leadership Interview
In order to explore my model more intensely, and test it in the real world, I chose o interview someone who I knew to have leadership positions, and see if they had the characteristics and skills I have laid out in the preceding paragraphs. Prior to the interview I developed several questions which would guide the conversation towards the ideas in my model. My interview subject was Stephen Czarowski. Stephen is a friend of mine, and is also the music and choir director at my church, St, John the Baptist in Silver Spring. In addition he is director of ensembles at Montgomery College, and adjunct professor of cello at Shepard University. He has worked with performance groups all over the country, as both a highly accomplished cellist and conductor. His answers to my questions were very enlightening.
I began by asking Stephen how he decided to pursue music as a career and he answered that it came from his family, with his father being a skilled pianist and his mother as a clarinet player. He also grew up very close to New York City and thus had easy access to some of the best performing groups in the world. He told me that he was drawn to the passion of music, and that he loved the fact that it is a universal language. He also told me that he loved the fact that music allows him to spread a message to somebody, or inspire somebody.
I asked Stephen if he had any particular teachers in music while growing up that truly inspired him, and what about them did so. He named two; Evan Cooper in high school for his endless encouragement and support, such as allowing Stephen to skip gym class to practice, and Carter Bray in college, his cello instructor. Stephen told me that the reason he appreciated these people so much was that their emphasis was on being human.that we are all working together. These ideas influenced his style of conducting and leadership toward a very group centered focus, with no room for egotism on the part of the conductor. I then asked Stephen if his style of conducting and leadership always held true, or whether he was forced to change his style depending on the needs of the group he was working with; whether he has to, put on different psychological and sociological make up for
Following this I asked if Stephen had ever faced a situation where he had faced a choice between what was right and what was easy. He gave me a few examples of times when he has wanted to challenge his student ensembles with difficult pieces of music while his college board really wanted him to do easier pieces. Stephen told me, I dont take the easy road, because when you are teaching musicians you have to expand their knowledge. He mentioned that a good conductor needs to expand the ensembles horizons, while at the same time convincing the people funding the ensemble to allow you to push them. In such cases choosing what the board wanted would not have been what was best for the group. Pushing his students brought up the point of knowing the groups limitation, and of taking risks. He told me, you have to know where to take a risk, but taking a riskyou can shoot yourself in the foot. Leaders have to realize when we make mistakes we make mistakes nobody is perfectwe are humans. Stephen shared with me his displeasure at the current political race in which no one apologizes for their actions or mistakes. Hell, when I make a mistake I am the first to admit it, he said. He provided me an example of a time he chose to do a piece with his ensemble that turned out to be too much for them, and although he was sure he was going to be fired the board was pleased that he had admitted his mistake both to them and the students for taking a risk in the wrong direction, and they continued to support him.
The next question I put to Stephen was that of whether or not leaders were born or made. He answered that he felt people could be, born with leadership capacities, or be capable of leadership, but magically you are going to just be a leader? No. Growing up I had no leadership qualities. I think you are not born into it. To Stephen leadership is about respect. He said, part of being a leader is when people start looking up to you, or have respect for you. You can be a leader and nobody likes you, or you can be a leader where people respect you, and those are two very different things. To him part of that respect comes from meeting people on their own terms. He told me, you have to, as a leader, meet people on a certain ground. If you meet on their level then you can take them to your level. At the same time however he hates the word maestro, calling it, fabricated garbage, and adding that he cringes every time he is introduced as Maestro Czarowski. He does not agree with its connotation of being on such a higher plane then everyone else, and he tells his students, you are not referred to as maestro, you are a conductor.
One of my final questions to Stephen was about his core principals, what they were and if he could ever see an instance, outside of something completely ridiculous, where he would compromise them. He answered saying, my principals are honesty, and to serve the music, and I think if you compromise any of those, at any time, you are not serving what you believe in. I was once told by Leonard Slatkin
Throughout our interview Stephen made several general comments about his views of leadership not linked to any particular question that I feel need to be included here. He said, we as leaders have to be always cognizant of how we are going to be inspiring to people and how we are going to help them achieve their goals. He told me, being a leader is much more then saying people look up to me. Ok but why? There is something about
Synthesis of the Interview and Model
When comparing my interview with Stephen to the points of a leader in my model I am very pleased, because I think he exemplifies most of my model in action. He is, for one thing, highly qualified for the positions he is in, so there is no problem on the competence front. At the same time I have personally observed him defer to others judgment in choir rehearsals on questions of pronunciation and the timing of breaths, so I feel he fits the model of being comfortable with not being an expert in all things. Indeed throughout the interview he mentioned his quest for continued learning from others, and valuing the input of others. This also equates to him seeking genuine input from others in the group, and changing his opinion if a better option is presented. His discussion with me of his dislike of the word maestro is a great example of this.
His commitment to his moral principals of honesty and serving the music are obviously very strong, as is his desire to see those around him succeed. Clearly as a teacher this must be a principal of central importance, but his continued action to push his students with difficult pieces and stringent rules of behavior attest o his need to better those around him and expand their horizons He is certainly no hypocrite, and most definitely walks his talk. I have personally seen him become very animated when our choir successfully figures out a tricky part of our music, such is his personal pleasure in seeing us succeed.
As his interview responses attest, Stephen is clearly is not afraid to take a risk, whether in pushing his students musically or in turning down conducting jobs for which he may not be suited. He is well enough in tune with his students to know how far he can push them while keeping things, as Professor Winters put it, within their intellectual resources (Winters, 2008, lec. 4). He freely admitted to me that they are now much better for all his pushing. In this he certainly fits my qualification of never being satisfied with the status quo, or being content with the acceptable. In a portion of the interview which my recorder did not record I asked Stephen if fear of failure had ever kept him from doing something or trying something new. He told me that it had not, but that fear of failure was always there. He seems very clear on taking risks that are calculated, and which have enough of a potential benefit to be worth the taking.
Lastly, although I did not ask him this directly, I know Stephen to have a very good sense of humor, both toward himself and with others. His jovial nature makes each rehearsal much more enjoyable and has certainly endeared himself to the choir members. The importance of this cannot be understated, especially with group of volunteer members who mostly come to our choir to enjoy the music and each others company in our faith.
So what does all this mean? So I found a leader who fits my model, so what? Well for one thing it shows that my model is workable and can truly exist, which is important. Clearly I tried to pick a person whom I felt might fit my model, but I could not have known exactly how close the match would be. Finding a real world example shows my model to be coherent and plausible. However, not every person with leadership positions or abilities will fit my model, which is why it is my personal model, rather than a general overview of all leaders. I am personally pleased with my model. It is clear to me that my model will continue to grow and develop as I gain more experiences in my personal and professional life, and perhaps sections of it will be omitted over time, or become less relevant in certain situations. Perhaps I will use some reflexivity to think about how I thought up this model, and reposition it for my future situation. As Professor Winters said, a process ends only when you find your way to the cemetery (Winters, 2007, lec. 5). For now my model serves as an excellent bench mark for me to use while engaging the leaders I come in contact with, and I would quite pleased to find myself in a leadership role in the future exemplifying these very principals.
Referenced Works
Northouse, P.G. (2007) Leadership: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Winters, Dennis (2008) Recognizing Leadership and Followership: An Intra-and Interpersonal Experience. Lecture 4. MGT 615, Section 1111. Posted on WEBTYCO.
Winters, Dennis (2008) Leadership and Communication in Business Scenarios: Organizational Synergy Across Cultures from Sumer to Enron. . Lecture 5. MGT 615, Section 1111. Posted on WEBTYCO.
Winters, Dennis (2008) Leadership and Communication and Persuasion in Business/Political Scenarios: A Model for Cross Cultural Scenarios. Lecture 6. MGT 615, Section 1111. Posted on WEBTYCO.
Winters, Dennis (2008) The Charismatic and Transformational Leader of Organizational Change: Identity and Identification. Lecture 7. Mgt 615, Section 1111. Posted on WEBTYCO.
Weick, K.E. (1995). Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Ancona, D. & Malone, T. et.al. (2007). In praise of the incomplete leader. Harvard
Business Review, February, p. 92.
Winters, Dennis (2008) Communication, Leadership and Decision-making: Putting Intra- and Interpersonal Theory to Work in Intercultural Negotiating and Decision-making. Lecture 8-9. Mgt 615, Section 1111. Posted on WEBTYCO.
What are specific business strategies that have been successful for many corporations and their leader? Explain three of these strategies. What insures the success of these strategies?
Final Paper The Final Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight-page paper should integrate readings and class discussions…
Read Full Paper ❯I would like to use HopHead for this paper. This paper needs to follow the guidelines below and each part must be seperate sections of the paper clearly…
Read Full Paper ❯Provide a Book Review of the book "The Leadership Secrets of Colin Powell' (author Oren Harari)ISBN 0-07-1388591. The book review is to follow the guidelines below Writing Book Reviews: A…
Read Full Paper ❯I need a book review of "Understanding Leadership" by Gayle C. Avery (ISBN 0-13-234772-5). It needs to address the major themes and concepts as well as offer a critique…
Read Full Paper ❯Guidelines for completing assignment: Leadership talkin points See Rubric below I am sending my Strenngth finder assessment I took as attachments with my 5 top themes…
Read Full Paper ❯The Assignment as posted in classwork: Final paper ??" Drawing on our readings and discussions and Bedford -- (paper to be fully APA referenced as needed, You are at the…
Read Full Paper ❯This is a 16 page doctoral level research paper. Please review the concepts listed below and choose ONE (your choice) for the topic of this research paper: Concepts 1.…
Read Full Paper ❯Coursework 2 (33%) ? Famous Leader analysis ? Between 750 and 900 words Marking sheets will be used as shown below Coursework 2 Choose one from Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Anita Roddick…
Read Full Paper ❯Preferred writer: Tomar Other details: Essay to be split in 3 sections as follows: Section1 title: Leadership behaviours and approaches Section 1 content: Review the leadership behaviours and approaches that are common…
Read Full Paper ❯You will take on the role of management consultants to Innocent Drinks, a well known company that specialises in the marketing and distribution of healthy drinks and other consumable…
Read Full Paper ❯Report subject: Leadership and Employee Behavior in International Business I need in the report the following: -Table content -Executive Summary -Introduction -the Body which will mentioned everything about subject) -leader ship…
Read Full Paper ❯writing a paper on leveraging leadership to maximize business success. Need introduction to leadership; explain the difference between management and leadership, and how to cultivate leadership skills in…
Read Full Paper ❯Identify three of the course learning outcomes that you will apply to achieve your personal and professional goals and provide an explanation of why these outcomes are important to…
Read Full Paper ❯PLEASE HAVE WRITER CONTACT ME VIA EMAIL ONCE ASSIGNED THANKS.... APA format Need assistance with the first 2 chapters of dissertation. Introduction and Review of Literature needs to be…
Read Full Paper ❯Individual Assignment: Options for Implementing a Leadership Change Imagine your team members are siblings of the late Don Ruiz. Everyone has a different opinion about the Gene One leadership and…
Read Full Paper ❯Project instructions Required Texts Yukl, G. (2009). Leadership in organizations (7th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Phillips, D.T. (1996). Lincoln on leadership: Executive strategies…
Read Full Paper ❯Using your knowledge of leadership theory, your results of the MBTI and EIQ16, discuss your personality characteristics related to leadership. What are your strengths? What did you learn about…
Read Full Paper ❯The concept of leadership skills and how it relates to Human Resources. Define the term and concept of leadership skills. Present and expand upon a minimum of…
Read Full Paper ❯write two to three paragraphs about what you should learn in solutions leadership and how you should apply that knowledge professionally and/or personally. * Select…
Read Full Paper ❯Writer's Serban Brebenel. Guideline for this paper: This is a group paper, no introduction, no conclusion, End of each page the reference information. This is what my part outline, please add…
Read Full Paper ❯Answer the questions using 3-5 per question. Making a total of about 12 pages, not including the bibliography FOR EACH QUESTION PLEASE. Also each question needs to…
Read Full Paper ❯write a paper comparing and contrasting transactional and transformational leadership styles. Cite at least 3 academic sources from academic journals with at least one model showing the comparison or…
Read Full Paper ❯We will pay $15.00 for this order!! Please critque the below paper on leadership Model and apply to other leadership. Thanks See below Individual Leadership Model and Leader Interview Essay Introduction What is…
Read Full Paper ❯What are specific business strategies that have been successful for many corporations and their leader? Explain three of these strategies. What insures the success of these strategies?
Read Full Paper ❯