25+ documents containing “Business Idea”.
Presentation Format :Essay
How far has the competiti...veness of two East Asian firms been based on:
(1) national networks and institutions, including localised clusters;
(2) regional links and networking across the East Asian region;
(3) transnational links beyond the East Asian region and;
(4) support from the policies of one or more East Asian governments?
The two firms chosen should not both be from the same country. They should be chosen from the following list:
Acer or MediaTek (from Taiwan), Sony or Toshiba (from Japan) Samsung or Hyundai (from South Korea), Venture Corp (from Singapore ), Li and Fung (from Hong Kong); Charoen Pokhand (from Thailand) ICBC or Exim Bank of China (from mainland China)
Assessment Criteria
1. Identify and understand the strengths and weaknesses of three firms .
2. analyse their sources of competitiveness, local, national, regional and beyond the region
3. identify their role in regional integration
3.. Assess how far and in what ways they have been helped by the policies of governments in the region
4. Clarity, coherent structure and Harvard referencing
Learning Outcomes Tested
1. Critical understanding of the role and importance of regional trading blocs in international business
2. Critical appreciation of the sources of competitiveness of nations, regions and sub-regions in the international arena.
Performance descriptors (by grade)
A Grade : Excellent analysis and evaluation demonstrating high levels of understanding. Excellent ability to synthesise arguments and communicate these in a coherent and effective manner; excellent evidence of sound familiarity with key writings on the subject. An excellent conclusion fully supported by the discussion and evidence. Excellent essay structure and presentation; correct use of Harvard referencing system.
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Review the following scenario: Your company has had a very profitable year and is looking to expand their employee benefits. As an employee in the benefits department, you have been asked to prepare a report to persuade your company administrators that adding tuition reimbursement for the bachelor's degrees in business and communication benefits the company. Because the company has already approved a budget for this expansion, financial costs are not a concern.
Write a 1,050- to 1,200-word paper that explains the benefits to the company. Include the following:
1. New professional opportunities you believe this degree affords to employees
2. Types of careers people with the degree often have
3. Earning potential of people who have the degree
4. Benefits to the company, like increased retention
Include at least 4 scholarly research resources into the paper.
Customer is requesting that (Cathii) completes this order.
Lots of elements go into the creation and evolution of business plans, and the financials themselves are not self-revealing but must be evaluated in light of the whole company context. Here are three... variations on advice about how to put such plans together; each has their own take on how to present and interpret financial data:
Darrell Zahorsky, Critical Steps to Writing a Business Plan About.com
NASA, Some Guidance on Business Plans
BusinessTown.com, Creating your business plan.
As your case assignment for this module, you are to read the following three sample business plans:
Acme Consulting
Interstate Travel Center
Silvera and Sons
ACME CONSULTING: http://www.paloalto.com/sampleplans/bpp7/enu/live/acmeconsulting_live.pdf
INTERSTATE TRAVEL CENTER: http://www.bplans.com/truck_stop_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.cfm
SILVERA AND SONS: http://www.bplans.com/coffee_export_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.cfm
For this assignment I want you think in terms of being an investor and what interest rate you would require on your investment in each of the companies. The discount rate for determining net present value is related to risk in a business and the interest rate charged by investors. The article on buying a business by T. Berry, http://articles.bplans.com/index.php/business-articles/buying-a-business/buying-a-business-know-what-you-are-getting/ , talks about the discount rate and risk. You want to make sure that you charge a high enough interest rate to recoup your investment and make some money. Remember the higher the risk, the higher the interest rate (return on investment) you want to charge.
The background information has further material on using financial data to assess risks and comparatively evaluate the future possibilities for companies. In addition, you may wish to seek out further information through your own research. When you have reviewed the advice and the plans. please prepare a short (3-5 page) paper discussing:
Which of these three projects do you think should have the highest discount rate reflecting risk inherent in the business plan? Which one do you think should have the lowest?
Please carefully explain your reasoning about each of the three businesses, with reference to the appropriate financial and other information. You do not have to perform calculations or determine a specific interest rate you would charge - that would be extremely difficult in an introductory course. A rating of high, medium and low will do.
Case assignment expectations:
Use information from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resource you can find. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.
LENGTH: 3-5 pages typed and double-spaced.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
1.Your ability to effectively reason about the relationship between busines risk and the discount rate;
2.Some in-text references to modular background readings
BPlans.com. Interstate Travel Center Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010 from http://www.bplans.com/truck_stop_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.cfm
BPlans.com. Silvera and Sons Retrieved Nov. 8, 2010 from http://www.bplans.com/coffee_export_business_plan/executive_summary_fc.cfm
BusinessTown.com. Creating your business plan. Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://www.businesstown.com/planning/creating-plan.asp
NASA. Some Guidance on Business Plans. Small Business Innovation Research Office. Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://sbir.nasa.gov/SBIR/BusPlan.html
Palo Alto Software. Acme Consulting Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://www.paloalto.com/sampleplans/bpp7/enu/live/acmeconsulting_live.pdf
Zahorsky A. Critical Steps to Writing a Business Plan. About.com. Retrieved Sept. 23, 2007 from http://sbinformation.about.com/cs/businessplans/a/aa020903a.htm
Berry, T., Buying a Business? Know What You Are Getting!, BPlans.com, Retrieved Apr. 25, 2008 from http://articles.bplans.com/index.php/business-articles/buying-a-business/buying-a-business-know-what-you-are-getting/
EconEdLink. The time value of money, Retrieved Feb. 24, 2008 from http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.cfm?lesson=EM37
Study Finance. The time value of money, Retrieved Feb. 24, 2008 from http://www.studyfinance.com/lessons/timevalue/index.mv
Experiments in Finance, How to calculate discounted cash flow, Retrieved Feb. 24, 2008 from http://www.experiglot.com/2006/06/06/how-to-calculate-discounted-cash-flow-dcf/ more
Pretend that this question answered 4 different students: "What is the importance of re-investing in the business and how do you determine how much to invest?"
a) First student - 300 words must include 1 online reference. Response should adhere to APA Guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
b) Second, third and fourth student - 200 words each. Include 2 online references in second and third student answers. Fourth student answer could be in your own words. Response should adhere to APA Guidelines, including the citation of secondary sources.
Attn: Please, identify each student answer. Try not to make anwsers to look alike. Anwser in paragraphs, NOT in essay type format.
Use only online sources. Do not use any payable libraries or websites, only free accessible web sites. Please include the title of the article, author and link in the references. Thank you.
Customer is requesting that (Serban) completes this order.
In the role of a business advisor for a local business ?start-up? consultancy company, you have been asked to provide a portfolio for a potential new customer who requires advice on how to start a new business venture:
________________________________________________________________ The Repot Task
(1) How to start a new business venture as a Fast Food takeaway in Wolverhampton City UK
(2) Using the ?Marketing mix?, develop a Marketing Strategy for the Fast Food takeaway in Wolverhampton.
Submit your answers in the form of a business report.
*The structure for this report
**Please do not use sources from the Internet or no more than five sources from the web Site
Info: I am taking a class about Strategic Management and Business Policy. I would like to present a literature review tailored about this subject matter using ?How to think like a Leonardo daVinci? by Michael J. Gelb.
These are the areas that I would like to be address:
1. With the strategic management model in mind, how can the strategies in this book can use to think like a manager and to apply them to evaluate a company.
2. How some of the ethical principles in this book can be applied social responsibilities.
3. Give examples of how differentiate between corporate, business and functional strategies related to business policies
4. How knowledge gained from this book, can applied use to evaluate internal and external environments and to summarize a company?s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and treat (SWOT analysis).
5. The more the merrier
Thanks in advance.
I need this work no later than 4/15/11
In Week Five, you will continue working with the Decisions in Paradise Business Scenario and build upon your assignment from Weeks Three and Four where you began development for a response to the scenario. For the Decisions in Paradise, Part III complete the following items:
Read the Decisions in Paradise Business Scenario.
? You are Nik, and your employer is the organization represented by Alex, Nik, and Chris.
Use your Week Three and Four assignments as the foundation for the current assignment.
Use the information from the case, independent research, the mission of your current organization, and your Week Three and Four assignments, to prepare a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper, in which you describe your rationale and plan for implementation for the proposed solution(s) for your organization to establish a greater presence on Kava by:
? Determining factors affecting decision implementation in an organization and your proposed solution(s)
? Evaluating resources and actions required for decision implementation of your proposed solution(s)
? Evaluating the ethical implications from stakeholders perspectives of your proposed solution(s)
Subject: Starting a small business in Germany / How to start a small business in Germany
(aspects that are relevant to establish a small business enterprise)
- the audience is uninformed or not familiar with this topic so the subject should be adequately explained
- APA format is required
- provide own opinions
- define and explain the material in support of your thesis
- 7 sources are required (2 print references, 3 electronic indexes or databases, 2 periodicals or professional journals) these sources have to be reliable
- the perspective should be that you explain how you(!) would start your own business
- the paper should contain some of the following points: naming a business, thinking about starting a business, business failure statistics and risks, getting necessary license and permits, marketing a new business, branding a business, choosing a form of business ownership (just take the most important and relevant points)
Beginning in Week Three and for the remainder of the course, you will be working with the Decisions in Paradise Business Scenario where you will incrementally apply concepts from the course readings, research, Internet sites, and your experience to create a complete response to the scenario in Week Five. The assignment in Week Three is Decisions in Paradise, Part I:
Read the Decisions in Paradise Business Scenario found on your student website.
Assume the role of Nik, and use your current employer (or one with which you are familiar) as the organization represented by Alex, Nik, and Chris.
Use the information from the case, materials from the course, independent research, and the mission of your current organization (or one with which you are familiar).
Prepare a 700- to 1,050-word paper, in which you develop the preliminary considerations for your organization establishing a greater presence on Kava by:
? Defining the issues that appear in this business scenario
? Discussing the forces that are involved in formulation of the problem
? Using problem formulation tools and techniques, describe the organizational and environmental obstacles in a way that considers various key stakeholders that will be impacted by decisions
? Applying critical thinking in the decision-making process
Overview: a well researched, written report about Motorola's international activites and strategies.
I have already completed sections on company history, financial performance, industry, competitors, and the operating environment. I need the following:
1) Explain international issues including opportunities and threats. (1 page)
2) Describe current international activities and scope of business. (1 page)
3) Analyze the company's current international strategies. Support your analysis with facts/theories/evidence. (2 pages)
4) Make future oriented strategy recommendations. (1 page - 3 main points)
5) support your recommendations with analysis of the implications (backup for #4). Make conclusions. (3 pages)
It is just short essay.Each question, answer should not be long.
The book that I use is <"Strategic Management"> written by HITT, IRELAND , HOSKISSON from THOMSON SOUTH-WESTERN.
Q1. Define business level strategy. choose any firm such as DELL APPLE etc... and identify its business level strategy and support its answer.
Q2. Distinguish between strategic leadership and entrepreneurial leadership. Give an example of each type.
Q3. What type of firm have cooperate level strategy. what does cooperate level strategy usually deal with. provide an example.
Q4. Choose ant 3 leaders and discuss the actions that they took or their personal characteristic that you think influenced firm's strategy.
Q5. Discuss cooperate governmence.
P.S Please send it to me ASAP
Thank you
Define how the relationship and alignment between the CIO and business unit executives impact the success of the IT and company.
Compare and contrast the following 2 books: "Contested Terrain - The Transformation of the Workplace in the 20th Century" - by Richard Edwards and "Labor & Monopoly Capital - the Degradation of Work in the 20th Century" - by Harry Braverman. Also include the strengths and weaknesses of both books as well as how both books relate to the business world today.
an executive summary on a plan to establish a consulting business in bosnia this paper should cover the following areas: history polpulaion, legal system, economy, political issues, cultural, natural resource, technology
It may also specify the business plan that will include monetary issus, marketing aspect entry strategy, HR covering the following: Partner selection, introduction, assistance in negotions, legal advice and marketing and conclude is this is the best region for this kind of business or not.
Topic: career opportunities in business communications. Introductory material should be two or three pages.
The project will contain the following: title page, table of contents, body, bib...liography, and appendix (which will include a copy of the website checklist as well as all source documents). The text of the paper must be double-spaced with indented paragraphs and should be 10 pages. I will attach the outline for the table of contents and website checklist via email.
Once the introductory section is complete, the paper should then discuss five different types of business communications. These should consist of the following:
1. Two websites from the same area: two airlines, two food companies, two colleges, two shopping networks, or any other area that interests you. Remember to choose two websites that are within the same area or industry so that the analysis will provide a proper comparison and contrast.
2. Two brochures on the same topic. Collect two brochures covering the same topic. A good place to start is at your local bank. Pick up a brochure relating to student loans and then find a similar brochure on the same topic at another bank.
3. Two newsletters from the same type of organization. Here you may choose two churches/synagogues/mosques or two school districts. Remember, the two newsletters must relate to the same topic: two middle school newsletters, two district-wide newsletters, two religious organizations newsletters.
4. Two sales letters that you have received in the mail. Be sure to choose correspondence that is worth analyzing. The documents should be interesting enough to provide an analysis of between 250 and 500 words, very similar to the trial analyses we explored as a group.
5. One or two advertisements of a product, institution, or service that you found in a printed source. Be sure to choose an advertisement that will yield a sufficiently insightful analysis as documented in the persuasive request segment included in this module. The analysis must reflect a treatment of AIDA, target group, and media in which the advertisement is located.
I. Introduction
A. Definition of corporate communications
B. You attitude within corporate communications
C. Role of computers in corporate communications
II. Corporate Communications as a Career
A. Types of Degrees
B. Salaries
C. Job Descriptions
D. Other (find your own)
III. Corporate Website Comparison
A. Website No. 1
1. Analysis
2. Checklist
B. Website No. 2
1. Analysis
2. Checklist
IV. Corporate Document Analysis
A. Letter or Memorandum A and its analysis
B. Letter or Memorandum B and its analysis
V. Newsletter Analysis
A. Newsletter A: form, structure, content, professionalism
B. Newsletter B. form, structure, content, professionalism
VI. Types of Corporate Communications
A. Definitions
B. Types
1. New Employees Handbook
2. House Organ
3. Annual Reports
VII. Advertising Analysis
A. History of Advertising
B. Background of Company Whose Product is Being Analyzed
C. Website of Company
D. Advertisement A
1. Analysis: AIDA
2. Target Group
3. Economic and Psychological Needs
4. Ethics
E. Advertisement B
1. Analysis: AIDA
2. Target Group
3. Economic and Psychological Needs
4. Ethics
VIII. Conclusion more
For this course you will be writing a research paper. The topic must incorporate one or more of the new
trends described in the Topics section below but you are free to choose which trends and the...
organization or industry you wish to focus on.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you develop practical research and reporting skills.
Throughout your career, you will be asked to investigate and advise on new technologies, approaches to
work, and solutions for the organizations that you work for. An essential skill is the ability to see
through marketing hype and unsubstantiated claims and extract critically examined, unbiased and
relevant information. You should to be able to focus on the practical significance and application of
products, services and practices for your organization and provide authoritative support for any
evaluations and recommendations.
Address one or more of the new trends in the areas of technology, management and organizations
identified as ?What is new in MIS? in Laudon et al, page 6. Select an organization or industry and show
how one or more of these new trends could be implemented and benefit the organization. The
organization could be a large or small business, non-profit organization, or special interest group.
If you have any questions regarding your choice of topic, check with your instructor.
Your reports should:
? Identify and briefly describe the organization or industry the business processes that will be
relevant to your report.
? Describe and assess a problem or an opportunity and which new technologies, management tools
and/or organization tools you think could benefit that organization. Describe how you think these
particular technologies or tools will benefit the organization. Where needed, provide relevant
background about the particular technologies or tools to support your work and help the reader
understand your selected technologies and tools. Tell the reader what they are, what they do and,
where possible, identify real products, tools and/or services.
? Describe how the organization might go about adopting the particular technologies or tools
you?ve select. Pilot test? Is training needed?
? Provide some evidence that this has worked for similar organizations, a related industry or for
similar situations or processes.
? Identify the costs and describe some of the tangible and intangible benefits. Providing actual
dollar amounts for the costs or tangible benefits may not be practical so these are not required.
Format and Organization
? Your report should contain the following components:
i. A heading or title page showing a title, your name, student number, assignment number
and submission date.
ii. A short description of the organization and the business processes relevant to your report
(about 1-2 paragraphs).
iii. A description and assessment of the problems or opportunities you?ll be are addressing
(about 1-3 paragraphs).
iv. Evidence of research and an evaluation of possible solutions - technologies, services,
products, procedures that will help solve the problem or take advantages of the
opportunity. Provide just enough background to help the reader understand your selected
technologies and tools, and only what is relevant to your application (about 1-4
v. Evidence that your solutions have worked for similar organizations, a related industry or
for similar situations or processes (about 1-2 paragraphs but could be as little as 1-2
sentences with references to case studies and ?success stories?).
vi. A plan to adopt the particular technologies and tools that you?ve identified (about 1-2
vii. A description of the costs and the tangible and intangible benefits. (about 1-2 paragraphs).
viii. In-text citations and a bibliography showing your sources.
? The paragraph counts shown above are guidelines and not requirements.
? Your report should be about 1400-1900 words or about 3-4 full-length, single-spaced pages
(excluding headings, titles, works cited, diagrams, charts or illustrations). The emphasis is on a
comprehensive coverage and not about the volume of your work.
? Use paragraph or point form, whatever best suits the subject. E.g. a description of the
organization is best presented in a paragraph format but listing business functions may be easier
to write and read in point form.
? Use several sources of information. Consult other references to verify your information and
support your writing.
? Use either the APA or MLA format for your citations. List all the sources that you used for your
research in a section titled References (APA) or Works Cited (MLA).
? Submit your report in Microsoft Word format. You may use Microsoft Word, LibreOffice,
OpenOffice or WordPerfect but save your document as a Microsoft-standard ?.doc? file.
Reports that do not conform to these requirements may be returned ungraded. You will have one
opportunity to re-submit an assignment within 3 days but 50% will be deducted from your grade.
Guidelines and Grading
? Limit your use of potentially biassed sources such as promotional material or vendor
commissioned ?white papers?.
? You can use Wikipedia but not as your only source. Be sure to follow the citations in the
Wikipedia artcle relevant to your work and make sure you provide credit for all Wikipedia
articles and quotes by using proper citations.
? Your reports may be related to personal experience but they must be supported by credible
sources obtained from books, magazines, journals, seminars, or interviews with industry
? Your reports must not be a translation of course material or your notes from this or any other
? Write your report so that it can be understood by other students in this course. Read your report
and consider: ?If the instructor gave me this report, would I understand it??.
? You may use quotations to support your position but use them sparingly. They are not a
substitute for your own work. A series of quotations, no matter how skilfully presented, does not
make a research paper. Quotations must be shown in quotes with credit given to the author and
source, and included in your Works Cited section.
? Your report must be written in your own words. Don?t copy or simply reword your sources;
that?s called ?plagiarism? and is a serious academic offence.
? Your reports must not be substantially similar to another student?s work. If, in your instructor?s
judgement, there is a strong similarity, all marks will be lost by all students submitting similar
? Don?t use ?sales-babble? - e.g. ?... this program boosts productivity by leveraging state-of-theart
technology making it faster and more powerful ...?. Your report should not be a sales pitch.
? Don?t use ?techno-babble? - i.e. the use of technical or proprietary terms without clear definitions
and explanations of the practical significance of those terms. Don?t recite technical specifications
or features unless they directly support your work and you can clearly explain the practical
significance of these specifications and features.
Some things you will lose marks for . . .
? Unsubstantiated use of terms like ?increased productivity?, ?powerful? and ?greater
efficiency?. These must be qualified and quantified - e.g. What does this mean in terms of
actual sales volumes, production volumes, quality of product, and profits the
? Gratuitous use of empty superlatives and marketing hype such as ?innovative?,
?powerful?, ?flexible?, ?state-of-the-art?, ?award winning?, etc. This is ?literary candy? -
very sweet but little nourishment.
? Plagiarism, in any form and to any degree, will automatically result in a grade of zero and
you will not be given the opportunity to resubmit that report.
Grading and Regrading
Each report will be graded out of 100. The criteria are:
? Evidence of research and use of resources
? Evidence of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis
? Technical accuracy - using the terminology correctly
? Presentation and quality of writing - e.g. sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc.
? Providing information sources - Use of in-text citations and a bibliography
These criteria are not weighted equally. See the Assignment Rubric for more details and a better
idea of what I am looking for and how I will be evaluating your work. While this is not a writing
class, clarity and accuracy are important, particularly for when the subject is information
Provided you have submitted your report on time, abided by the guidelines and show good
evidence that you have put a reasonable (in my judgement) effort into your report, you may
revise and resubmit your report as many times as you want. I will re-assess your report and
update your grade to reflect your work.
Due Dates
Refer to the dates shown in the Assignment tool.
Refer to the College Style Sheet (Jon Furberg & Richard Hopkins) for information about writing
research papers and the APA and MLA format and citation styles. Reference copies are available
in the College library or you can purchase a copy from the College bookstore. There are also
some excellent on-line guides to the citation styles.
Langara College?s Writing Centre has excellent resources for developing research and reporting
skills including how to do citations and what plagiarism is. The Writing Centre provides personal
tutors to help you with your writing. You can visit the Writing Centre?s web site at
http://www.langara.bc.ca/academic-services/writing-centre. more
Final Individual Reflection Assignment: Your final reflection on entrepreneur.
Is entrepreneurship for me?
How badly do you want to be an owner of your own business?
Why? Why not?
Why not at this time??
Read Case 7.2 titled "Poverty and Pollution," prior to starting this assignment.
Write a 6-8 page paper in which you:
1.Determine the ethical implications of businesses polluting in a ...third world country. Explain your rationale.
2.Suggest the reasons a business may conduct operations in a third world country and disregard any standards of pollution control.
3.It has been said that pollution is the price of progress. Assess the connections between economic progress and development, on the one hand, and pollution controls and environmental protection, on the other.
4.Support the argument that human beings have a moral right to a livable environment regardless of the country they live in.
5.Take a position on whether wealthy nations have an obligation to provide poorer nations with, or help them develop, greener industries and sources of energy. Explain your rationale.
6.Propose a plan for uniform global pollution control standards and how you would enforce them.
7.Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
?Recommend ways in which businesses can be partners with nature by applying the concepts of business ethics, business ecology, and environmental ethics.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.
?Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics. more
You are asked to take the business sector in which the company that you work for, or a company of your choice, operates and to analyse its market structure.
You need to present a pragmatic approach and to structure your answer in an analytical way. Marks will be allocated for presenting clear argumentation, a critical approach and an in depth analysis. You may use diagrams which you consider most relevant to support your answers. An introductory description is required.
BUS499 - BSBA Integrative Project
Module 4 - Case
The Learning and Growth Perspective
The learning/growth perspective of the balanced scorecard presents some particularly in...teresting challenges. Here is a useful brief summary of the approach:
Niven, P. (N.D.) Learning and Growth perspective. EPM Review. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from http://www.epmreview.com/Resources/Articles/Learning-and-Growth-Perspective.html
Part of the problem is that this perspective seems the most remote from the final payoffs in the financial area ? ?touchy-feely? rather than good old hard-nosed management. Kaplan and Norton, the originators of the balanced scorecard, have addressed this issue of how to measure the contribution of such intangible assets as human capital, information capital and organizational readiness, pointing out how human capital is most useful when it is concentrated in key jobs involving internal processes that are critical to the achievement of the organization's strategy.
The article is fairly long and you don?t need to read it in detail, but it has some ideas that may help you understand this case better:
Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (2004). Measuring the strategic readiness of intangible assets. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from
Our example in this case is Futura Industries in Clearfield UT. They have implemented the balanced scorecard in an interesting way, apparently giving priority to the learning/growth perspective and expecting it to drive the others. Here?s how this process has been described:
?Most companies use the balanced scorecard (BSC) to focus on the financial aspects or the operational metrics required by ISO quality certification. But that is not all one unique company uses the BSC for. At Futura Industries, President Susan Johnson built the enterprise's success over the past 3 years on the BSC's foundational level - the learning, innovation, and growth dimension. This dimension provides the building blocks that generate success in the remaining 3 quadrants: customer service, financial, and internal operations. And the results have followed: a 50% increase in revenue without adding personnel from 1996 to 1999. This organization is all about putting people first. So much so that the company of 300 ranks in the top 10 Family Friendly Employers in Utah for the third year in a row. A look at how they have implemented the 4 quadrants of the BSC using the learning innovation, and growth dimension as their foundation is presented.?
The article from which this summary is taken can be found here:
Gumbus, A. & Johnson, S.D. (2003, July). The balanced scorecard at Futura Industries. Strategic Finance. 85(1). 36-42. Retrieved May 17, 2010, from
Review this article, and then in 3 pages prepare a analysis of how Futura Industries implemented the balanced scorecard and its apparent effects.
Why did Susan Johnson, Futura's President, emphasize the learning and growth perspective over the other balanced scorecard perspectives?
What specifically does Futura measure, and what types of measurements do they use to evaluate the company's learning and growth?
Do you think these measures capture the full dimensions of the learning and growth perspective as explained in the background materials from this module as well as previous ones? Support your answer with examples and citations.
What is your evaluation of Futura's approach? Does it make good business sense or do you think it could cause problems for the company? Agree or disagree with the issue, then defend your position. Use the readings done so far to decide whether the implementation was done well or poorly. more
Make up a company, such as a fast food company,or a beer company......etc
Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business?s vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Include the following:
? Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.
? Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.
? Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.
? Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization?s strategic direction.
? Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage. I would like to use you for this course since we are using a make believe company its best I use the same writer. Thanks.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Prepare to discuss this assignment with the class.
1. Evaluate the strategic direction of the company, particularly costco's Markets strategic vision, mission, and its motto and business model. In your judgement, how well is the company living up to... its vision, mission and motto?
2. Identify and discuss the chief elements of costco Markets strategy. Given the recent developments and conditions in the ethical, business values , compensation and work force values segment of the warehouse industry at the time of the case, critically evaluate the strategy which the firm is pursuing.
3.a. What are the Key Strategic Issues (KSIs) and Key Drivers for Change in the industry?
b Critcally evaluate the strategy being carried out by the industry in the case study.
70+ Demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the concepts of vision, mission and leadership and the answer also shows the ability to apply the concepts in relation to the case - integrating theory and practice. Answers at this level should also identify where and how the firms vision and customer-focused style has underpinned the strategy adopted, and how this has enabled the dramatic growth seen by the business.
60+ Demonstrates a good understanding of the concepts and uses appropriate examples to support the answer. Answer includes some critical assessment of the relationship between vision, mission, leadership and customer focus, but not to the level of intellectual understanding demonstrated in the previous category.
50+ Shows understanding of the concepts and uses appropriate examples to support the answer. Some attempt at the extent to which part of the answer.
40+ Can describe the concept and apply in a rudimentary way to the second part, but likely to be very basic.
STEP Porters Five Forces Porters Generic Strategies Porters Value Chain
SWOT/TOWS Ansoff Matrix BCG Matrix Balanced Scorecard. Financial Analysis
Industry Life Cycle FIMO McKinsey 7S , Keys success factors
book to be used: Expolring Strategy (Johnson, Whitting and Scholes) 9th edition
There are faxes for this order. more
This is my Final paper please help. .
I have attached all the briefs for review.
The Final outline sturcture. see below(should be with the summary you are writting f...or me as well but just use the final area
Please use International Business terms.
Just to refresh Again the company is General Mills and we are preparing executives. Executives for Greece and France.
BU 240 ? International Business -- Final Paper Assignment
1. Format: APA style, 1? margins, double-spaced, 12 Point font, Times New Roman font style; No first person references
2. Cover page: Paper Title, Student Name, Course Name + Section Number + Semester and Year, Instructor Name, Submission Date
3. Introduction: Topic or purpose of paper, company overview, including timeline and entry strategy into new country two countries studied
4. Background Information: provide a comparative summary on the two countries studied, noting similarities and/or differences
5. Cultural Differences and Dimensions: Discuss specific cultural differences between the two countries, include a comparative assessment of the Hofstede Cultural Dimensions measure
6. Political Economy: Discuss the political and economic development issues related to each country
7. Global Trade and Currency Exchange: Discuss the type of trade zone, trade policies, sanctions, if applicable; Also identify the exchange rates associated with the countries
8. Business Strategy and Operations: Discuss the cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness, and the basic strategy used by the company; Also discuss associated impacts for conducting marketing, human resource development, accounting and finance, also, if applicable include issues related to global production, outsourcing, and logistics between the two countries
9. Business Protocol and Tips
a. Business Practices, etiquette, entertaining, and negotiation Protocols and Tips
b. Optional: Current news, information, interesting statistics, tips, charts, graphs, maps, photos)
10. Summary or conclusion of paper; Include a summary to conclude the paper
11. References, at least 4 sources including textbooks (Note: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source)
12. Turnitin - Class name: BU240.02 Mon Intl Business; ID: 5984810).
Reminder: The content from your Executive Briefs is to be used to compile your final paper
Section Description Individual Summary Brief
Cover Page Paper identification information (e.g., paper title, student name, etc.) 1 page w/name 1 page w/team name + individual names (bullet points)
Introduction Intro. Topic, company overview of two countries studied, timeline and entry strategy ? to 1+ pages ? page
Background Information Comparison of countries between home & host countries, impact on business 1 to 2 pages ? page
Cultural Differences and Dimensions Comparison between home & host countries, impact on business, include Hofstede Dimensions 1 to 2 pages ? to 2 pages
Political Economy Comparison between home & host countries, impact on business 1 to 2 pages ? to 2 pages
Global Trade and Currency Exchange Discuss the type of trade zone, trade policies, sanctions, if applicable; Also identify the exchange rates associated with the countries
1 to 2 pages ? to 2 pages
Business Strategy and Operations Business strategy and operations for business areas, i.e., marketing, human resources, accounting 1 to 2 pages ? to 2 pages
Business Protocol and Tips Ways to prepare to do business between home & host countries; relevant information 1 to 2 pages ? to 2 pages
Summary Provide conclusion to wrap up paper ? to 1 page ? to 1 page
References Page Provide APA formatted Reference list Min. of 4 sources, including texts Min. of 5 sources, including texts
Total Count Excludes Cover page, References Approx.. 8 to 10 Approx. 3 to 5 more
You are asked to consult the business section of a minimum of 4 business journals or newspapers (which are to be referenced in your essay), compare and contrast at least 2 articles detailing important business decisions in the last month. Based on the articles, write an essay to determine the factors that were taken into account in arriving at the decisions, and with reference to accounting theories discuss the effects such decisions will have on various stakeholders.
This is a formal essay focusing on discussion and application of accounting theories in accounting decicision or business dicisions.chicago intext referrencing is required.
Select a small business with which you are familiar. Imagine that you have been called into that business to provide a consultation on training. Create a comprehensive training proposal for the business.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Analyze key elements of training and development geared toward improving the performance of the specific small business for which you are consulting.
2. Predict three to five (3-5) potential challenges that the managers or owners of the business could face in addressing organizational performance.
3. Justify the effects of detecting organizational gaps in small business, providing examples to explain the rationale.
4. Propose a competitive training strategy that will improve the position of the business in the market. The strategy should include, at a minimum, an agenda of training activities, rationale for instructional strategies used, and the return on investment (ROI) that will be gained from the strategy you have developed.
5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
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Read Full Paper ❯1. Evaluate the strategic direction of the company, particularly costco's Markets strategic vision, mission, and its motto and business model. In your judgement, how well is the company…
Read Full Paper ❯"Bolavens" This is my Final paper please help. . I have attached all the briefs for review. The Final outline sturcture. see below(should be with the summary you are writting…
Read Full Paper ❯You are asked to consult the business section of a minimum of 4 business journals or newspapers (which are to be referenced in your essay), compare and contrast…
Read Full Paper ❯Select a small business with which you are familiar. Imagine that you have been called into that business to provide a consultation on training. Create a comprehensive training proposal…
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