Business Growth Essays Prompts

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2. Individual Assignment: Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business

? Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business?s vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Include the following:

o Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.
o Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.
o Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.
o Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization?s strategic direction.
o Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage.

? Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

All written work must be clearly typed on one side of 8 1/2 by 11" white, unlined paper, 12 point type, double spaced, with 1" margins on all sides, and almost no spelling, typing, or grammar errors. ...Use (consistently) any accepted style manual - MLA. All written work must demonstrate principled ethical reasoning, creatively applying ethical models and criteria; it must be more than a mere review of facts and articles.


Each individual student will prepare and submit a research paper and present it orally to the class. With approval of instructor, chose a topic relating to one of the following: Changes in US business ethics practices since Sept. 11, 2001. The paper must be at least 7 pages in length, plus any Appendices; it must correctly cite and use at least 10 references, not counting the textbook. NOTE: for an ?A? grade, it must use articles from at least 2 ?first tier? journals or books, such as those in the SUGGESTED READING list; some of these periodicals are available on line. Include at least the following sections and content; follow this outline very closely!

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- Limit to one page. Give a copy of this to each student.
INTRODUCTION -- Short! Explain why the topic is important! Include objectives of the paper.
LITERATURE REVIEW -- Most of the citations will be in this section.
-- Describe the background. Position the issue using Moulton?s continuum.
-- Review the most important published work on the issue.
ANALYSIS -- Apply the Preston and Post model; identify the key Primary and Secondary impacts
-- Apply Stakeholder Analysis and relate impacts to each constituency?s criteria.
-- Apply Jones? Issue Contingent model. What issues have moral intensity? Why?
-- Discuss the cultural, power, and leadership issues, applying the appropriate models.
-- Identify the most relevant standards and criteria. Apply Carroll?s Ethics Screen.
( Use at least one criterion from each school: Justice, Rights, and Utilitarian.)
-- Make inferences, draw conclusions.
DISCUSSION -- Discuss the implications of your findings above, especially for managers.
-- This is the section for your own choice of material and demonstrated creativioty.
CONCLUSION ? Restate your conclusions and sum up, in about one half page
APPENDICES (optional)

Request AMBER111 as writer.....she wrote first part. this is part 2

Prepare a paper in which you conduct a country risk analysis for your selected global business venture. Analyze the following risks in your paper:

Describe how you would manage these risks

Summarize your strategic planning process:

? Define and clarify mission and objectives
? SWOTT analysis of target country
? Make strategy selection

Hey, i need a paper on "IT Organizational Structure and the Role of IT" . Its a general paper which talks about the basics on IT organizational structure and how IT plays an important role in business decisions. Please do write atleast 300 words per page.

Skywest Case

Case analysis (No need to cite from the article, just analyze and summarize). Go straight to the point, no need fancy words or complex sentences.

1. What are the companys vision/mission and o...bjectives?

2. Corporate strategy (most important part)
What have been the key elements of the companys corporate strategy up until the time of the case, must choose one of the four strategies to say (1.stability, 2.expansion [internal, external or alliance?], 3.retrenchment, or 4.combination of any of the three)? What role does corporate culture play in the implementation of the companys strategies

3. Business (or competitive) strategy
What is the companys business strategy (Cost leadership or Differentiation, choose one to talk about) ?

4. Industry analysis
Define the industry to which the company belongs. Using Porters five forces model (1.competition from rival sellers. 2.competition from potential new entrants to the industry. 3. competition from producers of substitute products. 4. supplier bargaining power. 5.customer bargaining power.), analyze the competitive forces in this industry. Discuss those factors or problems which are most important for this industry and why they are important.

5. Company situation analysis
Make lists of internal strengths, internal weaknesses, external opportunities, and external threats. Be sure to include analysis of financial information in examining the companys internal capabilities. Based on analysis, summarize the major strategic issues facing the company and industry.

6. Recommendations
Select and describe a strategy for this company. Strategy recommendations should be justified in terms of how well they deal with environmental threats, take advantage of opportunities, minimize internal weaknesses, and utilize the organizations competitive strengths

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Ethics in Management

The essay question is:

We will consider here appropriate ethical relations with stakeholders, considering customers, consumers, owners and employees. Do stakeholders and stockholders have the same moral rights on the corporation? Should they? What is the proper relationship with employees?
Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrase with references in APA format and style.

Bibliography: Ethics in the Business and Professional Life by Jan Narveson Department of Philosophy, University of Waterloo; Waterloo, Ontario Chapters4, 5,6,7,8&9: pages48to95 (I can send this by email)
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Aerospace Business

- Research Paper is to be about any aviation/aerospace company that does any type of business in a foreign country, preferable Airbus Company.

- In general, paper should identify the actual issues facing the company, e.g., tariffs, exchange rates, quotas, local laws and customs, marketing, copyrights and patents, etc.

- The research paper should include the following:
Company information: summary, products, size, etc. Note: (no history)
Political and economic systems of the foreign country(s)
Cultural aspects of doing business in the country(s)
Foreign Direct Investment policies in the country(s)
Regional Economic Integration, if applicable
Government's strategy for influencing or intervening in trade and identify some forms of trade control, if any
The company's expansion strategy
The company's marketing philosophy
Any other topic that you deem to be relevant

- The research paper should include an analysis of the applicable topics above and their effects upon your subject business. After the issues are identified, the paper should also present possible solutions to these issues.

- The paper will be typed, double-spaced in a 12 point font with 1 inch margins on all sides. All sources of data and references must be fully cited using APA style. Also, the research paper must include the following:
Title page
Table of contents
Reference page Note: ***citation in text highly desirable***

1. Individual Assignment - Essay
Students are required to submit an essay (maximum 3,000 words) on the following topic:

Cultural Distance: How is it measured, and how does it impact on gl...obal marketing operations?

Essays should be based on readings from relevant academic literature and from secondary sources of information on organisations global marketing activities. The essay should achieve two main tasks:
a) Critically evaluate academic work on the topic of cultural distance and its measurement by reading and critiquing cultural distance theories, models and frameworks such as those of Hofstede, Schwartz, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, and the Globe project. Your critical evaluation should aim to assess the similarities and differences of the models, their strengths and weaknesses and the impact/influence they have had.
b) Identify and present examples of companies marketing activities which have been adapted to fit different countries. Applying your knowledge of cultural distance theories/models, analyse these marketing adaptations and their underlying rationale.

Marks will be awarded on the basis of the following:

a) Cultural distance theory - 50 marks
Range of cultural distance measurement systems/frameworks examined (such as the models of Hofstede, Schwartz, the GLOBE project etc), range of academic sources examined, depth of critical analysis
b) Examples of marketing adaptations - 40 marks
Range and quality of examples showing how cultural distance affects global marketing operations, depth and rigour of analysis of examples
c) Quality of writing, quality of referencing, clarity and flow of argument ??" 10 marks

Please also refer to the University Grade Criteria for Level 7, shown on page 9.

The Harvard system must be used for referencing ??" for more information on Harvard referencing see the guide to Harvard Referencing for Business students, accessible via MyKingston>Library>Referencing.

Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business Write a 1,500+/-100 word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected businesss vision, mission, and values in your strategic direction. Include the following:

Define your business, products or services, and customers. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.

Create a formal mission statement for your business.

Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.

Define the guiding principles or core values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.

Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organizations strategic direction.

Explain how the company plans to achieve competitive advantage to satisfy its customers.

1. Create an outline to organize papers correctly, and avoid leaving out any important information. Do not submit the outline. It is for your own use.
2. Use headings to organize your work. Bullet points given in the syllabus could be an excellent start for your headings.
3. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. For example, you need a title page, introduction section, paragraphs with proper content, conclusion section, reference page, tables.

Reference I would like to pull from is:
Course Materials

Pearce, J. A. II, & Robinson, R. B. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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international Marketing ? Individual Assignment
Situational Analysis of International Marketing Environment

Rationale for assignment: This part of the coursework will develop and assess... each student individually with regard to his or her research and analytical skills pertaining to the international marketing environment. Students will also be expected to show clear evidence of being able to critically evaluate models of analysis at this level. (NB Such critical comment is best put in the appendices)

Each student will be required to develop a situational analysis for use in an international marketing plan for any company -except Marks and Spencer. This will be incorporated into the second group work coursework-as the first and second halves of an International Marketing Plan

Module Learning Outcomes that are assessed by this assignment are as stated in the Module Outline.

Word limit: 1,000 words- excluding appendices, end notes and bibliography
Due Date: Friday 11.59:59 pm of week 8
Assessment weighting 50%

The activity

You work as a marketing consultant for a company (see above). The firm has asked you to conduct a situational analysis (with accompanying recommendations) for entry into a foreign target market ? which can be any (named ) BRIC nation or South Africa, South Korea, Japan Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico, Argentina or Kuwait .

Your situational analysis should include components such as:

? a brief statement about the international profile (if ?none? state ?none?) of the retailer
and rationale for internationalizing (further)
? an application of a method of assessing the potential of various TM?s with the logic of the chosen market being clearly stated
? analysis of the chosen TM (Country Analysis) relating to the retailing sector
? industry/competitor analysis (within the TM)
? customer analysis (identification of TM customers and behaviours)
? potential positioning (Mapping with explanation)

In summary, normal research process here is to:

? provide cogent business reasons, after briefly identifying the retailer?s international activity, for internationalizing (further)
? demonstrate a means of assessing the comparative attractiveness of various potential target markets
? collect data from the mainstream business sources plus any industry-specific (retailing)
? do an analysis of the data and identify the environmental forces (macro and micro) at
work in the industry with the changes and trends in these
? identify cause and effect between these macro and micro forces and the impact on the
TM at present and into the future, so you can
? select, analyse, prioritise and summarize the key issues that face the retailer in the
potential TM. And develop a positioning depicted on a Map stemming from your
competitor and consumer analyses

Extra Guidance notes

This is to be presented in a report format with the normal report writing rules applying.

The 1,000 words exclude appendices,references and bibliography. Please include the references clearly (there should be at least 10 valid references including material from the net ) Please type double spacing.

You will be assessed on the extent of your research; how the research has been logically presented and the points clearly made and explained and finally, how well the brief was addressed taking into consideration the analytical quality of the written presentation, its overall structure and the development of a suitable conclusion.

The assignment must be handed in via turn it in by Week 8. Lateness will incur the usual penalties. Plan ahead, do not leave things to the last minute since data lost in your computer will not be accepted as an excuse.

Please note: Plagiarism and cheating are treated as very serious offences at RBSL Module tutors make every attempt to take a proactive and developmental view to the discouragement of cheating or plagiarism by training the students in the appropriate academic skills of writing and referencing within the module. For further information on this please see the Student Handbook.

If there are genuine reasons as to why a hand-in date could not be met, you should consult and follow the procedure outlined in the section called "Extenuating Circumstances" in the Student Handbook.

This is not intended to substitute for individual feedback (see turnitin on Friday this week) but to highlight some aspects which may be useful to note when addressing the group assignment.

Marks gained

Grades of 65% or over tended to contain:

(a) coverage of all the sections required

(b)theoretical frameworks and constructs mainly from

international marketing-related texts/articles

(c) attempts at applications for each and every section

(d) evidence of a clear line of argument

Marks lost

(a) The reverse of (any of)the above items
(b) Lack of linkage between sections/poor integration
(c) Insufficient explanation of choice available and made

International Marketing
Author Ibrahim Sirkeci and Richard Cawley
ISBN 9781780160047
Publisher Pearson Ed
Publication Date 01 January 2012


1. Description of the country in terms of geographical location, history, climate, topography, etc.
2. Description of the prevailing culture of the people and their poverty level (e.g. per capita income).
3. General literacy level of the people and the country?s educational structure and funding.
4. Natural resources of the country. What are the sources of the country?s foreign exchange earnings?
5. What are the common areas of the economy that can attract international businesses into the country? E.g. if you were to move into the country to run a business, what line of business will you choose?
6. How do you register your business as a foreigner in the country?
What are the constraints/hurdles for a foreign-owned business planning to operate in the country?

ANY OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST ABOUT DOING BUSINESS IN THE COUNTRY, e.g. ethics, crime, type of government, work habits, religion, etc.

ECO550: Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy, and Tactics.
ASSIGNMENT 3: Market Model Patterns of Change
BUSINESS: ? Public Trade Company
WRITE: 4 pages

Choose and... research a specific business that is publicly traded where there has been a pattern of change in a particular market model (monopoly, oligopoly, etc.).

Four Page Paper Requires: (Number each section and provide information)
1. Thoroughly describe The Business and Explain the General Pattern of Change of the particular market model indicating how this change is likely to impact business operations.
2. Hypothesize The Basic Short-run and Long-run Behaviors of the Model in the business you have chosen in a ?market economy.? Provide support for your assumptions and conclusions.
3. Thoroughly explain The Major Factors That Affect the Degree of Competitiveness in your business. Use the data to develop at least Three (3) Measures (e.g., productivity measures) to show how the industry is evolving. Provide evidence supporting your rationale.
4. Research two (2) of The Business?s Closest Competitors to determine the pricing strategy for each business indicating how knowledge of this information may influence pricing decisions in your business. Provide support for your rationale.
5. Recommend a Pricing Policy for the Business you chose. Assess how your pricing policy maximizes profits for the business. Provide support for your rationale.

Assignment Must Follow These Formatting Requirements:
? All citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
? Use at least four (4) high-quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
? The reference page is not included in the required assignment page length.

Make Sure Specific Outcomes Associated with This Assignment are:
? Evaluate the profit-maximizing price and output level for given operating costs for monopolies and firms in competitive industries.
? Propose how differences in demand and elasticity lead managers to develop various pricing strategies.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in managerial economics and globalization.
? Write clearly and concisely about managerial economics and globalization using proper writing mechanics.

Coca-Cola Is Everything: SCM, CRM, ERP, Social Media, You Name it

If we told you that Coca-Cola had operating units in 50 countries around the world, you probably wouldn't be surprised. If w...e told you that Coca-Cola had been in business for almost 125 years, you probably wouldn't be surprised. So, you tell us . . . how many different beverages does Coca-Cola produce? 100? 500? 2,000? Are you surprised yet? Worldwide, Coca-Cola produces an amazing 2,800 different beverages.
When an organization is that big, has that sort of worldwide presence, and boasts what is perhaps the most well-known brand ever, you can bet that a multitude of IT systems are constantly churning in the back?ground, not only keeping the organization running, but also keeping it running ahead of the competition.
To support internal collaboration efforts, Coke created something it calls its Common Innovation Framework, a Web-based system that combines project management capabilities with business intelligence. Using the Innovation Framework, anyone from any of the operating units worldwide can search for, find, and apply concepts, strategies, development successes, and marketing approaches that have been used elsewhere in the organization. For example, when introducing Georgia teas in Australia, the Coke people Down Under can research what marketing strategies worked well in related countries such as New Zealand. As Jean-Michel Ares, Coke CIO, explains it, "Once you've aggregated that pipeline of innovation, the object is to assess and prioritize the best allocation of resources in the organization.?
Beyond internal employees, Coke is reaching out with new and innovative IT steps. Recently, it rolled out a new line of software services based on hundreds of business processes to its extended family of bottlers. These software services each perform a specific common business function and run within SAP's ERP software and are delivered by Coke's IBM-hosted data centers. The goal is to create a standardized business and technology platform across all Coke bottlers, most of which are independent franchises. (There are some partly owned by Coke.) If Coke and all its bottlers are speaking the same language, so to speak, and using the same technology, then supply chain management applications will be the more efficiently streamlined. Standardization in this case equates to saving money by reducing expenses associated with supply chain activities.
And even beyond its extended family of bottlers, Coke is using social media technology to create loyalty and engage more with its customers. Its award-winning Web site, My Coke Rewards at, is the second most popular consumer packaged goods site, behind only My Coke Rewards attracts some 300,000 visitors per day. Offering everything from magazine subscriptions to electronics as prizes (just look under your bottle cap), My Coke Rewards has reconnected Coke with its loyal drinkers. The site has teamed up with pop culture crazes such as American Idol, soccer, and auto racing to bring even more consumers into the fold. You can even find Coke labeled songs through iTunes. Over 32 million people "like" Coke on Facebook.

Read Case Above: Coca-Cola Is Everything: SCM, CRM, ERP, Social Media, and answer the questions below. APA formatting guidelines require a title page, abstract page, and reference page in addition to the body of the paper.

Why is standardization so important in supply chain management? Coke is developing its own set of software services for bottlers to use. Do you think Coke charges the bottlers for these software services? Why or why not?

How is My Coke Rewards an example of a switching cost? How can a switching cost not have a monetary penalty associated with it?

What sort of business intelligence could Coke gather from its My Coke Rewards Web site? How could it use this information for customer relationship management activities?

Visit Coca-Cola?s Facebook page. Can you buy Coke products there? What social media tools are present that allow you to communicate with Coca-Cola?

Now, visit Pepsi?s Facebook page. Compare and contrast it to Coca-Cola?s Facebook page. Which has more eye appeal? Which seems to have more activity? Why do you think this is true?

Section One
? #1 What are the 3 Fundamental Decisions in Financial Management?
? #2 Describe the Pros and Cons of The 3 Forms of Business Ownership
? #3 Describe the Importance of ethics in Business
? #4 Why is the Fed Holding Interest Rates so Low. What are the Risks in Doing So?
? #5 What is GAAP and Why is it Important?
? #6 Describe the Information Contained on an Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Section Two
? #1 What are Financial Ratios and What do They Indicate?
? #2-5 Describe The Following Ratios- How to Calculate, and What It Means
? #2 Days Sales Outstanding
? #3 Current Ratio
? #4 Inventory turns
? #5 Profitability Ratio
? #6 Price/Earnings Ratio
Section three
? Calculate the Following Future Values
? Single Payment of $10,000 invested at 3% for 5 years
? Single Payment of $10,000 invested at 3% for 5 years (monthly interest)
? $10,000 a year for 5 years at 3% interest
? Calculate the NPV of the Following project: $50,000 investment, cash flows of $11,000/year for 5 years. Cost of is capital 6%

use information form Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2/e, Parrino, Kidwell, & Bates

:Forming a Partnership 250 p0ints
Imagine that you and your business associates are trying to decide what type of partnership to form and
whether or not you would like to incorporate.
...Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
1. Explain the role of agency in your business association.
2. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of partnerships, limited liability companies, and
corporations. %20
3. From your perspective, discuss which of these is the best fit for you, your business, and your
associates. Explain why in your answer. %25
4. Imagine your future partners see things differently and want to use a different form of partnership
(of your choice for this assignment). Discuss how you would persuade your future partners to go
with your preferred form. %25
5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other
Websites do not qualify as academic resources. %5

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
? Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all
sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your
professor for any additional instructions.
? Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s
name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in
the required assignment page length

Case Study of Database Security

Please read and review the Chapter 6 Case Study that I will attach:

After your review, please answer the following questions and formulate them into an APA formatted paper:

... (1) What concepts in this chapter are illustrated in this case?
(2) Why would a customer database be so useful for the companies described in the case? What would happen if those companies had not kept their customer data in databases?
(3) How effective is the SAS statistical modeling software described in this case study? Explain your answer.
(4) How did better data management and analytics improve each companys business performance? Give examples of two decisions that were improved by mining these customer databases.
(5) Describe some of the weaknesses of predictive analytics. What management, organization, and technology factors are responsible for these weaknesses?
(6) Why is the purpose of Targets predictive analytics team? What are the benefits of predictive analytics?
(7) Are there any ethical issues raised by mining customer database? Explain your answer.


(a) Write in APA format
(b) Each item will have a proper APA heading
(c) Response to each of the 1-7 items above must be at least 150 words
(d) The paper must have at least five (5) reputable sources with proper citations from these sources

This assignment will be processed by Turnitin for an originality report.

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Fraud in Business

Attached you will find the syllabus for the finance course. The information that you would need for the assigned paper would be on page 3 and is as follows :

"Papers should be done... individually, and for this class, and will each count for 12% of the grade (including the proposal). Proceed as follows: early in the semester, choose and motivate a topic in a 1 page proposal in which you fully cite at least three recent (last 5 years?), high quality scholarly finance or economics journal references that you expect to use, for 2% of the total grade. Some of the very best scholarly finance journals are listed below. Full citation means include author, title, journal, volume, number, pages, etc... Hyperlinks are nice supplements to this, but obviously don?t work when I try to read your work in hard copy. Make sure your proposal is truly readable. Because I am sometimes curious about unfamiliar sources, I may ask for copies of some of yours. A link will be provided in Blackboard for that purpose. Revised proposals may be resubmitted once as time permits. Your topic may correspond to your career plans after graduation, omitted topics, or just curiosity. I will comment on proposals in Blackboard, within two weeks or less. In addition, I will prepare Blackboard so that you will be able to post preliminary drafts of your papers to Blackboard?s discussion space. You?ll be encouraged to give and get feedback to and from classmates concerning these drafts. Discuss?

First, for each paper, you should carefully read and cite your sources with a minimum of 100-150 pages. If you intend to rely heavily on unusual, or older sources, check with me first, to make sure that they are suitable. Second, I'll want you to do a careful reading of your sources, culminating in a synthesis of the relevant academic journal and other literature. Your efforts should result in a 1500-2500 word research paper, making significant use of the scholarly finance journal literature, and which (with proposal) will count for 12% of the total grade. Include text, footnotes, and a complete, annotated list of sources cited, in one document. Repeat the process for the second paper in the second half of the semester. Feel free to come by my office to discuss ideas or rough drafts.

For research purposes, and to encourage academic integrity, I reserve the right to compare papers submitted here to those submitted at other times or places. In fact, completed papers will be posted to SafeAssign, which checks for overlaps with other sources. If detected, plagiarism will be punished. Discuss?

In particular, the University and Blackboard have added "SAFEASSIGN? to the suite of features in Blackboard. Safeassign is a type of "plagiarism prevention software". Papers run thru it are linked to an assessment of how much of the paper is identifiably from other sources. If these sources are properly quoted and cited, that is fine. If not, there may be a problem. While it is important to note that there may be innocent reasons for any such findings, it is best to take care to ensure that your writing is your own, and credit is given where credit is due.

To get ideas, you may want to search ECONLIT or JSTOR, or peruse recent issues of some of the top finance and economics journals. These include:

American Economic Review, Financial Management,
Financial Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics,
Journal of Business, Journal of Economic Literature,
Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Finance,
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Economics,
Journal of Political Economy, Review of Financial Studies,
... and many, many others.

On the other hand, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Economist, Business Week, and other newspapers or news magazines, etc. are NOT scholarly finance journals. While you can use them, they do not count toward the "significant use of the scholarly finance literature" required for the paper.

Of course, there are other good journals, too many to list. If you are unsure about a given source, check with me early on. Be especially careful with online sources. Some of them have mixed motives. This is often true of policy oriented journals. Fortunately, most of the major scholarly finance journals are available from the library, free online, or via interlibrary loan. Regrettably, some journals charge for online versions. Such charges can be easier to avoid if you plan ahead - interlibrary loan takes time, and hard copies are not always on the shelves. "

I have recently had another paper completed through this website service and the subject of that paper was financial statements. I have also attached the previous paper, which was favored by the professor, for reference. Please confirm the paper topic prior to starting the paper.

Marketing There Are a Number

*Must be written in British English (EASY and SIMPLE VOCABULARY)

*This is not an essay, this is questions for tutoring purposes so I would like to request a mature writter to explain it to me.

*All instructions will be given on the attatched file.

*The Questions are divided into 2 different subjects: Marketing / International Business

*Examples must be included in all answers

Many Thanks
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Nordstrom Faces a Number of

Describe Nordstorms Product and General Business Strategy

o Since Nordstorms competes in the US, give an example of each of the marketing environment forces (Political, Legal & Regulatory, Technological, Social and Competitive & Economic Forces).

o Discuss the impact on marketing the department store (positive or negative).

o Recommend how the company should take advantage of/ respond to each example above.

o Assume the company is planning to open stores in a new foreign market area, Mexico. Recommend an overall promotional (integrated marketing communication) strategy to support the market entry (major actions, general sequence).

o Outline at least one marketing (distribution) channel that could be used to reach buyers in this foreign market. Provide supporting rationale.

Request book reference only.

Point of View Analyses (4 of them) This paper needs to refer to Target

No more than two pages, single spaced, no smaller than 11 point type. Neatness counts.
The case... needs to in reference to Target
If you find that you can not fill two pages, you may be failing to examine the issues deep enough.
This is business writing: clear and to the point. Literary and dramatic embellishments are unwelcome.
Treat this as if you are working for the company, that the information is current and as if you are writing to the CEO.
Lead each section with the appropriate heading in Bold Type
Use at least five sources. Two must be mainstream sources such as Wall Street Journal, Forbes, or Fortune. Another needs to be from a reliable financial source so that the action plan can be financially justified. Make sure to list references at end in a way that another person can find them easily if they need to.
Use financial facts to back up your arguments.
FORMAT (Use these headings for each section):
Situation: From the case, summarize the situation and use points. Use this section to provide information supporting your other areas like establishing the problem, causes and solutions. (around a quarter page or less)
General issues facing the company that relates to your problem. Some people use a SWOT analysis.
Facts and information that would you want to know ??" for the problem and solutions.

Problem or Potential Problem: (around a quarter page+) Narrow down to ONE specific strategic problem that you feel you can address. Start the section with The problem is. Problems and causes look alike so consider whether yours may really be a cause of some other problem. For example, something like high oil prices is frequently considered a problem, but it is really a cause of problems like low profit margin for a trucking company).
Specify if it is urgent.
Consequences of not examining this issue: This is important because..??"do not discuss the causes here.

Causes: Causes of problems. (around a quarter page+)
Understand the systems and get to the root of the problems (causes must relate to the problem).
Need at least three causes. Avoid solutions

Alternative Solutions (3 of them): Generate alternative solutions. (around a half page+ )
(The first solution will always be do what weve been doing as one of the options)
For each of the three Solutions:
First sentence: The first (second third) solution is..
Solutions need to offer enough detail to be real alternatives. If problem is low revenue, increasing sales or building market share are a waste of reading time. What exactly should they do to accomplish this?
Solutions need to match the scope of the problem. If you proposed a problem for Wal-Mart such as high labor expense, suggesting a solution such as buying more comfortable chairs would need some explanation as to why this is sufficient as a stand-alone solution.
Points of leverage for the decision makers
Stakeholders-Specify who will be affected and how. What will their reaction be?
Costs and benefits. Every solution has cost(s) as well as benefit(s).
Explain how each solution solves your problem.

Decision: Choose one of your three solutions. Discuss why it is better than the other solutions. (6-12 sentences)
Explain more distinctly why your chosen decision works and why the others dont.
How is it consistent with the reality you established in the Situation section? What is sacrificed?

Action Plan: Implementation of your decision-How are you going to make it happen in the firm? (quarter page -)
What resistance will there be from which stakeholders, why are they resisting and how will you address it?
What are the ramifications for other stakeholders?
What would have to be done? (make a To Do List)
o This do list always begin with assembling a team describe who will be on it and why.
o Establish objectives and budget (how much does your plan cost?)
o To do list will conclude with elements that measure progress and establish when project is finished
o Explain what specifically constitutes success. more or profitable is meaningless. Define your target and explain the logic with financial facts.

Assume that you were a member of the staff of one of the senior vice presidents at Enron in 1997. This was the year when the first major accounting misrepresentation and/or financial manipulation occurred. That misrepresentation and/or manipulation was the use of "market-to-market" accounting to adjust the recorded value of purchased companies in order to cover a $180 million shortfall in the expected earning of the energy trading division, as was recounted earlier. Assume that the senior vice president, for whom you worked heard of this articial transaction, called a meeting of his/her staff and said "if this sort of thing continues, we're dead. It wilL take awhile, but we'll lose everything we've worked so hard for around here for so long. We've got to change the way we do business. WHAT WOULD ANY OF YOU SUGGEST? PUT TOGETHER A PACKAGE OF SUGGESTIONS FOR THAT SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT.

Reflecting on your own organisation or one with which you are familiar, identify and critically discuss a problem faced in relation to its structure, processes or systems. Include relevant organisation design and development theory to support your observations (the use of the term problem relates to the definition of this term within the context of Action Learning).

Students will be required to:
Demonstrate a critical awareness of organisational design options regarding organisational structures, relationships, processes and systems and their context in terms of their contribution to organisational life.
Analyse the identified problem taking full account of the organisations business environment and organisational context.
Ensure that the application of relevant theory and academic models provide an effective blend of theory and practice.
Ensure approved academic referencing is adopted.

You are a Consultant for an international car rental company with a multi-billion pound turnover. The company has more than 60,000 employees. It is one of the largest rental car companies in Europe but has the approach and feel of a small business. The business has a reputation for providing exceptional customer service.

The Managing Director has asked you to write an essay that discusses the suitability of different work cultures, motivational theories and leadership styles for this company.

General advice

In order to perform well in this assignment, you will need to demonstrate an understanding of different theories and an appreciation of how applicable they would be for the car rental company outlined.

You may find it useful to perform research on the car rental industry to establish how companies within this sector operate.

Additional information:
? You should Reference all information appropriately, using the Harvard referencing system and provide a complete list of references.
? Your essay should not exceed 1000 words in length and must be in your own words.

Bachalor Degree in Business: Project for Strategic Marketing Management

You are a Management Consultant employed by VYP. The Board of VYP have asked you to provide advice and recommendations on the issues which the VYP Board must address.

Question 1
Prepare a report that prioritises analyses and evaluates the issues facing VYP, and makes appropriate recommendations.

Please remember to write your answer in report format as there are severe penalties if you do not do so. Your answer should be professionally presented.

Strategic Planning & Implementation - Topic: Identity Theft Corp. - Previous Order#A2050688 - Writer Username:paulsolo3414, Iwould like the same writer if possible. Strategic Choice & Evaluation Paper - (1) I need to write a comprehensive strategic plan for Idenity Theft Corp. including what will the company look like in the future and what is my 3 year plan for the company. Basically a roadmay of the company. (2) Create a Mission statement, Vision, and Value statement for the company.(3) Ownership structure and analysis that includes one alternative ownership e.g. Sole Proprietor, Corp., Limited Liability Company/Corporation or Parternership.(4) Detailed exit strategy with reasons, what is my contingency plan if things don't go well. My previous paper explained my company's service that would nclude identity theft protection but my service would also include the cleanup and leg work involved in geting my clients identity restore and do all of the work in dealing with the different institution Banks and Credit agencies etc. Format paper consistent with professional/business guideline/standards or business proposal.

4 Pages

Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business

Words: 1370
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

2. Individual Assignment: Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business ? Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business?s vision, mission, and values in…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Changes in US Business Ethics Practices Since Sept 11, 2001

Words: 2655
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

All written work must be clearly typed on one side of 8 1/2 by 11" white, unlined paper, 12 point type, double spaced, with 1" margins on all sides,…

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3 Pages

Target Israel SWOT Global Fighter Jets, as

Words: 760
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Request AMBER111 as writer.....she wrote first part. this is part 2 SEE ATTACHED FILE Prepare a paper in which you conduct a country risk analysis for your selected global business…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Organizational Structure and the Role of Information Technology (IT)

Words: 1620
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hey, i need a paper on "IT Organizational Structure and the Role of IT" . Its a general paper which talks about the basics on IT organizational structure and…

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3 Pages

Skywest Case

Words: 1168
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Case analysis (No need to cite from the article, just analyze and summarize). Go straight to the point, no need fancy words or complex sentences. 1. What are the companys…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Ethics in Management

Words: 1777
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The essay question is: We will consider here appropriate ethical relations with stakeholders, considering customers, consumers, owners and employees. Do stakeholders and stockholders have the same moral rights on…

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8 Pages

Aerospace Business

Words: 2279
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

- Research Paper is to be about any aviation/aerospace company that does any type of business in a foreign country, preferable Airbus Company. - In general, paper should identify…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Cultural Distance How Is it Measured and How Does it Impact on Global Marketing Operations

Words: 3242
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1. Individual Assignment - Essay Students are required to submit an essay (maximum 3,000 words) on the following topic: Cultural Distance: How is it measured, and how does it impact on…

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4 Pages

Strategic Plan Part I Conceptualizing a Business

Words: 1005
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Individual Strategic Plan, Part I: Conceptualizing a Business Write a 1,500+/-100 word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected businesss vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

International Marketing a Situation Analysis Is Termed

Words: 1203
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

international Marketing ? Individual Assignment Situational Analysis of International Marketing Environment Rationale for assignment: This part of the coursework will develop and assess each student individually with regard to…

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5 Pages

Business in Russia the Russian Federation Occupies

Words: 1518
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

DOING BUSINESS IN???. Russia 1. Description of the country in terms of geographical location, history, climate, topography, etc. 2. Description of the prevailing culture of the people and their poverty level (e.g.…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Managerial Econ FedEx Is a Logistics Company

Words: 1244
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ECO550: Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy, and Tactics. ASSIGNMENT 3: Market Model Patterns of Change BUSINESS: ? Public Trade Company WRITE: 4 pages Choose and research a…

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7 Pages

Coca-Cola Is Everything SCM CRM ERP Social Media

Words: 2168
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Coca-Cola Is Everything: SCM, CRM, ERP, Social Media, You Name it If we told you that Coca-Cola had operating units in 50 countries around the world, you probably wouldn't…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Financial Management Fundamental Decisions in Financial Management

Words: 1117
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Section One ? #1 What are the 3 Fundamental Decisions in Financial Management? ? #2 Describe the Pros and Cons of The 3 Forms of Business Ownership ? #3 Describe the Importance of ethics in…

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7 Pages

Forming a Partnership Explain the Role of

Words: 2128
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

:Forming a Partnership 250 p0ints Imagine that you and your business associates are trying to decide what type of partnership to form and whether or not you would like…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Case Study of Database Security

Words: 1297
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Please read and review the Chapter 6 Case Study that I will attach: After your review, please answer the following questions and formulate them into an APA formatted paper: (1) What…

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8 Pages

Fraud in Business

Words: 2328
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Attached you will find the syllabus for the finance course. The information that you would need for the assigned paper would be on page 3 and is as follows…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Marketing There Are a Number

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

*Must be written in British English (EASY and SIMPLE VOCABULARY) *This is not an essay, this is questions for tutoring purposes so I would like to request a mature writter…

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4 Pages

Nordstrom Faces a Number of

Words: 1101
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Describe Nordstorms Product and General Business Strategy o Since Nordstorms competes in the US, give an example of each of the marketing environment forces (Political, Legal &…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Strategic Management Target: Strategic Management

Words: 2465
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Point of View Analyses (4 of them) This paper needs to refer to Target Guidelines: No more than two pages, single spaced, no smaller than 11 point type.…

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2 Pages

How Can a Business Organization Be Made Moral?

Words: 833
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Assume that you were a member of the staff of one of the senior vice presidents at Enron in 1997. This was the year when the first major…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Organizational Design Analysis There Are

Words: 2464
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Reflecting on your own organisation or one with which you are familiar, identify and critically discuss a problem faced in relation to its structure, processes or systems. Include relevant…

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4 Pages

Rental Car Industry You a Consultant International

Words: 1237
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

You are a Consultant for an international car rental company with a multi-billion pound turnover. The company has more than 60,000 employees. It is one of the largest rental…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Strategic Marketing Management for Vyp Company Strategic

Words: 1514
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bachalor Degree in Business: Project for Strategic Marketing Management You are a Management Consultant employed by VYP. The Board of VYP have asked you to provide advice and…

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5 Pages

Strategic Planning and Implementation Over the Last

Words: 1581
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Strategic Planning & Implementation - Topic: Identity Theft Corp. - Previous Order#A2050688 - Writer Username:paulsolo3414, Iwould like the same writer if possible. Strategic Choice & Evaluation Paper - (1)…

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