Business Economics Essays Prompts

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PROJECT 2 ECON-545-Business Economics

The Assignments are attached, they are 3 questions, each question must be answered in ONE FULL page

Each question to be answered in ONE ...full page, total work in 3 pages

Chapter 15, Question 14
What are some of the limitations of the national income accounts in how they represent our standard of living?

Chapter 16, Question 5
Why is frictional unemployment important to have in any economy?

Chapter 16, Question 11
Describe the three types of unemployment. What types of government programs would be most effective in combating each type of unemployment?

Grading Rubric

Category Points % Description
& Formatting 20 20% A quality paper will include a title page, proper citations, and no more than a one-page response to each assigned exercise.
& Cohesiveness 30 30% In a quality paper, the conclusions reached in each assigned exercise will summarize the reasoning you employed in your analysis, use economic terms and concepts studied in the course, and do so in a concise manner.
Editing 20 20% A quality paper will be free of any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors. Sentences and paragraphs will be clear, concise, and factually correct.
Content 30 30% A quality paper will have research (our text is included here) to support any statements. Relevant illustration or examples are encouraged. A quality paper will employ sound use of reasoning and logic to reinforce conclusions.
Total 100 100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements

Please see the below instructions that must be followed for this 5 page report only:

All project submissions should be prepared as Word documents suitable for electronic transmission. Your PP...1 report should consist of precisely 5 numbered pages. The first page is a cover sheet having on it only your name, course name, and number (Business Economics GM545), the academic term, and your e-mail address. After that, the response to each of the 3 reported exercises should be on a separate page. On each page, state the chapter and question number before answering it. Do not print the full question as it takes up valuable space. Just list the chapter and question number. Page 5 is your References or Works Cited Page. This does not replace in-text citations (with quotation marks or paraphrasing) or footnotes.

Use double spacing for your response; your overall responses to any exercise should not exceed one page in length (including the problem statement). Font size is also optional, as long as it is reasonable -- 10 pt. fonts and 1/2 inch margins should be the minimum used.

I must answer the below 3 questions each on one page only, which should include in-text citations.

1. Everyones Gasoline Problem. We are all familiar with fluctuating prices of gasoline at the pump. Why does this happen? Research the recent history of gasoline pricing in your area, and attempt to relate any fluctuations you observe to documented supply and demand factors, as outlined in our book. Be sure to cite any references used.

2. Chapter 3, Question 15: In late 2006 and earyl 2007, orange crops in Florida were smaller than expected and the crop in Califorina was put in a deep freeze by an Arctic cold front. As a result, the production of oranges was severly reduced. In addition, in early 2007, President George W. Bush called for the Unites States to reduce it gasoline consumption by 20% in the next decade. He proposed an increase in ethanol produced from corn and the stalks and leaves from corn and other grasses. What is the likely impact of these two events on food prices in the United States?

3. Chapter 8, Question 14: Assume a competitive industry is in long-run equilibrium and firms in the industry are earning normal profits. Now assume that production technology improves such that average total costs decline by $5 a unit. Describe the provess this industy will go through as it moves to a new long-run equilibrium?

**Note: please remember project is only 5 pages, which includes cover title page and one page for each question, but for questions 2 and 3 remember to just put the chapter and question # do not include the question as stated above in the instructions. See below details for Cover Page

Andrea R. Watson
Business Economics - GM545
Academic term: May 2012 Session

Required Reading
Theodore Kinni. 2003. Words to Work By: Crafting Meaningful Corporate Ethics Statements. Harvard Business Publishing Newsletters. (Product Number: C0301E-PDF-ENG)
Rolf Dobelli.... 2008. Leading with Authenticity: A Review of True North. Harvard Business Publishing Newsletters. (Product Number: U0801B-PDF-ENG)

the link for the readings are and

Code of Ethics Assignment
Your task is to create an original Code of Ethics for your company or organization OR if your company has already one, criticize and improve it. Please include a short introduction and background of the company/organization as well.
In your companys Code of Ethics, please include the following: Guiding principles
Purpose of the code
Core values
Which employees it covers
How it will be implemented/communicated
How it will be enforced and reported
Mission statement
Other pertinent elements you feel necessary to have a
comprehensive Code of Ethics
This assignment must be 1.5-space, maximum 6 pages in length. The title page and reference pages are not included in the required paper length. Your paper should contain at least three references including Internet sources, books, and professional journals or other pertinent resources. Please do not copy or plagiarize others materials!


This created the MLS working rules apply to you, about you, or rules. Read these rules, understand, and appropriate behavior Showcase. The rules and guidelines in this guide, all operating in the MLS can show employees to carry out their work, which sets the limits. This Code applies to employees without exception, all the MLS. Business Policy, which is consistent with our core values and rules that you kacA?nacaA?A?nA?za or provide information on how situations that can harm the MLS. High standards in determining these rules will guide you on how to contact them.

WHAT IS ... the MLS work rules?

Expected Behaviors


Working Rules of the MLS, the MLS description for the kind of behavior we expect from you and allows you expect from the MLS. Described here is not exactly the same with the law, the rule is more than a set of rules. Therefore, this document should be seen as an essential guide.
Labor Code of the MLS form of honesty, integrity and respect for people, such as an open and universal values. Activities, to what extent these values, purpose and essence of the principles presented in accordance with the Code you treat and assessed according to the extent to which you perform.


MLS aim to protect not to harm people and the environment. You must comply with fairness and respect other living things. MLS container company. Acts of discrimination and harassment is unacceptable.


On the one hand while maintaining our commitment to the purpose of protecting people and the environment from harm, on the other hand, is compatible with the purposes of energy resources, we aim to develop products and services. Be a good neighbor and to contribute to sustainable development customers, shareholders and seeks to gain the trust of the community.

MLS holding companies and joint ventures as well as contractors operating under the control of health, safety and the environment and to give attention to issues of social performance checks.


MLS sustainable development for the world's ever-increasing energy needs of economic, environmental and social responsibilities, taking into consideration the means to help meet. MLS HOLDINGS commitment to sustainable development, balancing short-and long-term interests and, when making decisions related to our business, economic, health, safety, security, requires to take into account the environmental and social dimensions.

Sustainable development is a kind of compulsory license and MLS HOLDING activity in all of its activities in order to achieve sustainable results in adopting the principles of sustainable development. To do this, on one hand, while respecting the needs of our neighbors, but also create new profitable opportunities, technical and non-technical and financial risks should be in constant communication with our stakeholders and to minimize the need to consider their views.


MLS HOLDING, employment-related decisions, required qualifications, merit, performance and other job-related factors depends on the basic principle of making. MLS HOLDING, employment will not tolerate unlawful discrimination.


MLS HOLDING the workplace does not tolerate any harassment. MLS HOLDING, derogatory, or intended to intimidate any hostile act, practice or tolerate behavior. Actions or behaviors of a culture can be considered particularly susceptible to a further grmeyebileceA?i culture must be considered.


MLS HOLDINGS, respect for human rights approach; adherence to corporate policies, compliance with applicable laws and regulations, to be in regular communication with our stakeholders and the communities in which we operate directly or indirectly contribute to the overall level of welfare continuously consists of several key elements.

We would like to observe the standards similar to ours, our business partners and suppliers.

All employees must understand human rights issues in their work places and MLS HOLDINGS commitments on this matter, must comply with the standards and policies.


MLS HOLDING bribery, insider trading, market abuse, fraud or money laundering does not tolerate such activities. Convenience means that the bribe payments, and such payments should not be made. Also any actual or potential conflicts of interest (in the form of a conflict of interest or perceived relationships) should be avoided, never offer inappropriate gifts or hospitality should not, or should not accept. Note that even if the corruption allegations could harm our reputation and our business is unfounded.


In order to influence the outcome of a job improper payment, gift or favor to offer, receive, solicit or accept bribes means.

Bribery and corruption, civil servants, institutions and organizations, or commercial relations, including joint ventures, either directly or through third parties, such as joint venture partners, agencies, and can be performed in an indirect way. In some countries, even if such payments are statutory payments to the convenience of corruption and bribery are within. Even ignoring suspicions of bribery and corruption, this incident may result in the MLS, and expose you as the person responsible for you.


In exchange for privileged treatment in order to provide a business advantage, never personal or payment, do not offer a gift or favor, do not, do not ask or do not accept. Working with people to understand that bribery and corruption is unacceptable Provide actions.

Holding both the MLS MLS does not need any public company or individual business activities carried out or that you suspect of corruption made sure immediately Holding MLS inappropriate.


Personal relationships, participation in the activities taking place outside the MLS or shares in another company, you have, an impact on the decisions you make when it is perceived in this way, or is likely to, and are in danger of a conflict of interest.


Decisions or actions that you perform under the influence you will receive MLS or supervisor or manager any situation that may be perceived as inappropriate. Or situations which might lead to a conflict of interest in writing to your supervisor know. That could create a conflict of interest or suspicion forming participate in decision-making processes. Relationships with contractors and supplier in a professional, impartial and execute a competitive manner. Your current location, or that you have the knowledge and experience to the company you plan to use a non-financial gain, I let the MLS. Relevant laws, regulations and policies MLS HOLDING, subject to the working hours of the MLS outside the community, government, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations, or show business. MLS HOLDINGS, to avoid a conflict of interest or potential contradict the interests of the subject, may hold shares other than the MLS working hours, work at a job or activity to another show. If you are not sure, ask your supervisor or manager.


"Money laundering" of money, resources, or assets that constitute a crime, or by using the commercial activities of the legal structure of the hide. Including the financing of terrorism, crime, the legal use of resources to support the activities of a money-laundering activity. The main offenses covered by the legislation against money laundering as follows: ensuring the provision of unfair terms, do not report the activities of an investigation or suspected of blocking.


Suspect is guilty or set up business relationship with people who do not trade in the proceeds of crime. Please report all suspicious transactions or individuals Holding MLS. (MLS HOLDING necessary conditions will be reported to the authorities.) Proceeds from Crime goods or cash returns were not achieved, do not use your hand or hold such assets. Conceal the source of the goods or the nature of the crime. Crime, property acquisition, ownership or control of the kolaylaA?tA?rmayA?n. SA?zdA?rmayA?n information on the subject of the investigation. Do not authentic, relevant documents, store them, do not destroy or dispose.


Political activities and the payments you make are playing, there is a risk to be seen as the actions carried out by the MLS. Therefore, damage our reputation or our business.


MLS any political campaign resources, political party, political candidate or in connection with use it to organizations. Personal political activities is to display the MLS HOLDINGS, should ensure that the activities. Political activities and to provoke a conflict of interest payments, as well as business relationships and reputation damage HOLDINGS MLS. These rules or fail to comply with any law or regulation, can lead to the termination of contractual engagement, may result in disciplinary action.

Do not use an MLS account for political payments. Do not pay to replace political donations. Get your candidature in the elections, if necessary, to put it allowed the MLS. Obey the laws governing the participation of political studies.

MLS HOLDING, free, fair and strictly adheres to the principle of an ethical company. Must comply with all applicable laws in force in the relevant trade and business relationships, the application must provide all of the basic values HOLDINGS MLS. Failure to comply with these laws and regulations, our job seriously damaged, and we can bring severe penalties. As a result, dismissal, may be faced with a fine or with imprisonment.


Antitrust laws protect free enterprise and fair trade limit or prohibit competitive behavior. This law covers all levels of business life. Price fixing, market sharing or bid rigging conspiracies or to create a monopoly or monopoly practices to protect the position prohibited by anti-trust laws. MLS does not tolerate violations of antitrust laws.


Competitors, price, or any price element of the MLS (discounts, such as discounts or surcharges) for determination of the varmamalA?sA?nA?z agreement. Specific markets or other players operating in the market for a particular customer or accounts that will not engage in competition varmamalA?sA?nA?z agreement. Not mix them out of mischief, and international sanctions tenders, proposals or any agreement varmamalA?sA?nA?z competitors to boycott customers or suppliers. Availability or to make a deal with competitors in order to stabilize or reduce the yield is prohibited. In addition, independent brokers or dealers should not make an agreement to determine the minimum selling price of the product. Anti-competitive business conduct and fairness in the MLS undermine the credibility and integrity issues. Can not be considered anti-competitive practices. In many countries, they are considered illegal activities, can lead to heavy fines and imprisonment.


Export Controls and Sanctions laws relating to information, software, sale of goods and services across national borders, transportation, electronic transfer or declaration authorizes legal control over the country. Export, not only the traditional shipping methods, negotiations, or through electronic transfer of images include views.


Beyond the national boundaries of goods, technology or software before transferring the export control laws and sanctions Carefully review the potential impacts on the transfer. Supervision and sanctions (or sanctions) countries, legal entities, individuals and goods, do not forget applied. This is how you conduct your business controls or sanctions, which would bring about the need to know the prohibitions or restrictions. If you fail to comply with the controls and sanctions on MLS criminal charges, fines and loss of export privileges may face situations. Be dismissed as a result of this work, liable to fines or imprisonment.


Import controls and sanctions laws relating to information, software, sale of goods and services within the limits of their jurisdiction, transportation, electronic transfer or declaration authorizes legal control over the country. Import controls the MLS as a company, and also applies to you as a person.


When inserting into the country of goods and services required for all taxes, duties and import all the requirements and make sure that images follow repaid. Do not declare the goods into the country without restriction applied. You must obtain an import-related legal advice if in doubt. You should not import goods banned. Respecter of import control laws and sanctions, and it could damage can lead to operational delays. Moreover MLS, loss of privileges, including fines and may face legal consequences. Be dismissed as a result of this work, liable to fines or imprisonment.


At first the idea is worth corporate entities, including the physical and financial. They are properly protected, maintained and managed. Personal Data and Intellectual Property (IP) to be protected. Information Technology (IT) and communication facilities should be used as sensitive. Records must be kept accurately and appropriately. When it comes to assets MLS HOLDING irregularities, theft, misuse, abuse, and can not be accepted.


Corporate assets, financial assets classified as tangible or intangible. Buildings, equipment, funds, software, technical knowledge (know-how), data, patents, and other corporate assets takes place in FMs.


MLS HOLDING waste of assets, loss, damage, seeing misuse, theft, misappropriation or protect against violations. MLS HOLDING assets within the framework of responsibility and use as needed. Other people and companies have to respect the tangible and intangible assets. This Code, or fail to comply with any law or regulation, the need, as it may result in the termination of employment, may result in disciplinary action.


Patents, trademarks, technical knowledge (know-how), and the MLS or technologies related operations, including trade secrets FM assets and rights are among the most valuable assets HOLDINGS MLS. FM, is a strategic tool to achieve business goals and managed due diligence.


Each company and each of them should be an important strategy for FM subunit of the Third knowingly infringe the rights of individuals and organizations should not be FM.


IT and communication facilities, personal computers, mobile phones, fixed phones and personal digital devices, covers. Holding MLS MLS is currently in general use of IT and communication facilities is permitted for personal use, but may be subject to evaluation. Purposes, including the use of personal
The use of IT and communication facilities are recorded and monitored by the MLS.


IT and communication facilities the MLS for personal purposes provided that the short-term use and are not permanent. MLS data storage area network, or over the network to store your personal data, or use for entertainment purposes. If you are responsible for others using IT and communication systems, the control of the large IT and communications systems. Pornography or other forms of obscene, indecent or colleagues via materials anger, discomfort or load materials undesirably create problems, not download, transmit, or do not enter these areas. Be sure to include work-related correspondence MLS name or logo, but you do not use your personal e-mails. MLS HOLDING use safety precautions. Be sure to follow the requirements specified in this Code Contact Us. Get or let you install the software before connecting the hardware. MLS illegal or immoral activities of IT and communication facilities for such purposes, or (FM rights violations, including committing a crime or cyber) or gambling sites use to connect to, or make your own business.


Laws for the protection of data privacy and information about individuals is protected. Personal information, the name and contact details, business, and financial status, age, and nationality of the covers. Racial or ethnic origin, religion or philosophical opinions, health, sexual orientation, membership in trade unions or criminal behavior information, sensitive personal data and are subject to strict controls. MLS HOLDING, employees, customers or suppliers, including the basic right of all individuals to respect the right to personal data is kept confidential.


Personal data is actually getting this information unless required by law or unless permission to take, carry, store or share it. Inform individuals about why you are receiving personal information. Before transferring personal data to a person in another country, contact the legal department for advice. Observe the legal restrictions on the transfer of personal data. Do not store personal data longer than necessary; Securely delete dispose of or Anonymise.


Records are valuable assets of the company and the way it should be managed. MLS HOLDING, fast and reliable way to be able to access the records. Each record lifetime is over, you do not need to be appropriately. Register, make up evidence of a commercial activity, or legal, tax, or MLS required for the purposes of the administrative and accounting tasks that are important for memory or corporate information. A recording element in determining its form, not the content. For example, contracts, audit reports, financial information, product specifications, corporate policies, guidelines and procedures, a record is defined as the minutes of the meeting.


Which information is a "record" that must be managed properly, and thus the value of the lost ones you need to know which ones will be destroyed. Records of a governing effectively, the negative financial effects, weakness in terms of competition, compliance and reputational damage and may lead to negative consequences for the law that would be caused by the emergence of a significant business risks. Furthermore, the case of legal liabilities, accounting, tax, and regulatory requirements could result in a violation.


There is a return to the MLS All you establish communications. Make sure that your communication is necessary and appropriate. Be sure to follow all instructions and are adhering to all the rules. Not to injure the reputation of the MLS information is protected and can damage the ability to conduct business effectively. Inappropriate, improper or careless manner you need to set up communications, as well as a serious reputation for MLS, accountability, compliance with laws and regulations can create risks.


Business Communications Standard, MLS HOLDING companies and employees, as well as the rules and principles to be applied to third parties exposes your business to business communication. Business Communications Standard mail, electronic documents, instant messages, web sites, social media tools, paper documents, fax and telex messages, sound and applies to all communication, including voice mail recordings. E-mail or social media guidelines apply in addition to certain media.


Welcome to Business Communications Standard. If you fail to comply may damage the reputation of MLS HOLDINGS. In the event of non-compliance with mandatory rules about disciplinary or legal action can be initiated.

Work your interactions:
- Do not misleading;
- Do not write reviews for speculative;
- Do not exaggerate;
- Sensitive or confidential matters and talk casually
- Do not joke about serious.
Specify which comes directly from the MLS HOLDING communication. Observe all relevant standards and guidelines. Specifically:
- Correspondence with a competitor may violate antitrust laws do not forget;
- If you are using your personal data, be sure to follow the MLS Privacy Rules;
- Sending information to other countries, other countries, or receiving information required by law and when it is not forbidden to make sure that the permissions are taken;


MLS HOLDING carried out on behalf of a public notice of any communication, written or verbal means. The information disclosed is accurate, complete, consistent, and to be fair.


If you are not competent in this matter, should not make a public service announcement about MLS HOLDINGS business activities. Protect confidential information. If you have the authority to make the announcement, accurate, complete, consistent and fair have to make public announcements. Before making public announcements must comply with the policies of the MLS HOLDING announcement. Before going into any relationship with the media, media relations professionals must be authorized by MLS HOLDING. Is a criminal offense to mislead the public. MLS releases HOLDINGS, reputational damage and delayed information is not correct. MLS and individuals involved in the incident investigation, prosecution, detention and could face a fine.

This is the code of conduct of our company.We will work on that.

International Business Economics

Using any international business Economics topic for a PhD thesis to be taken via dissertation help as below

1 Title Page
a. Full name
b. Contact details
c. Proposed Title<> 2. Summary (2 pages)
a. Provide a summary of the PhD research which will include a background to the topic you wish to address, why this topic should be researched, the research problems(s) that you have identified, and the methodology you propose
3. Literature review (5 pages)
a. Draws on existing literature to explain the key features of the topic you will be researching, its significance, areas of debate and gaps in knowledge
4. Research problems (1 page)
a. Drawing on what you have written in your literature review, clearly state the research problem that you intend to investigate.
5. Methodology (2 pages)
a. Describe the type of methodology that you propose using and justify this in relation to the problem being investigated.
b. Clearly outline the type of data that you intend to collect, again justifying this in relation to the problem being investigated.
c. In tabular form draw up a proposed timetable for your PhD (note its 2 years by dissertation)
6. Conclusion (1 pages)
a. Briefly summarize what you will be looking at, how you will do this, and how this contributes to knowledge.
7. References

Interview With a Business Owner

Interview an entrepreneur who owns and operates a business to conduct a critical analysis of the company. Include all of the following elements in your report:

The type and of the business (products/services offered) and the scope of the business (whether it is local in nature, national, or international in scope)

Why did the person decide to go into business, and how he/she proceeded

The business form (is the business is operated as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a corporation--even an individual can form a corporation--a franchise, etc.) and the particular advantages and disadvantages of that form from the owner's perspective when compared with other forms he/she might have chosen

The challenges and rewards of business ownership

The business owner's position on ethical behavior and responsibility

The impact of each environment of business (economic, competitive, technological, legal, and global) on the company and the owners response

The owners strategy for gaining and maintaining new business opportunities

Keys to success, from the owner's perspective

What the person would do differently if he/she had it to do all over again

Critically assess the current status of the business based on concepts presented in class.

What would you say is the future for this business?

Would you invest in this business?

Why or why not?

This report should be 3-5 pages in length, double spaced and follow APA formatting. Students are responsible for developing questions that will garner the responses necessary to address the key elements of the assignment. Interview questions must be included as an addendum to the assignment; however, these should not be counted toward the length requirement of the paper.

Economic Factors for Physicians

The Microeconomic Paper tests your ability to apply economic principles to a business decision.

The following is a list of the specific required information, research, graphs, and math to be... included in each answer regardless of the scenario chosen.

1. Demand Determinants:
a. Each individual determinant analyzed for your situation, with examples applicable to your situation (3 points each) and research (2 points each) showing current demand data or most recent past data, except for the expectations determinant in which you need to use data estimating future market conditions.
b. (10 points) Price Elasticity of Demand facing you in your scenario, including actual calculation of it using the midpoint formula. If you can?t find data, then determine the price elasticity from the characteristics and make up numbers to use. Be sure to identify this if you use this approach. This will help you in deciding the slope of your demand curve below.
c. (5 points) Graph the demand facing your situation. Note that this requires information from the supply determinant analysis before deciding how to draw the curve(s), as you may need a separate MR curve.
2. Supply Determinants:
a. Each individual determinant analyzed for your situation, with examples applicable to your situation (3 points each) and research (2 points each) showing current supply data or most recent past data, except for the expectations determinant in which you need to use data estimating future market conditions.
i. (20 points) You need to be very specific in the cost of production determinant to identify fixed, variable, and marginal cost in order to derive your supply curve for the graphing component. You will need to explain and show how profit maximization or loss minimization output and price are determined. You will need to do the math using actual figures [cited] or your own estimated figures [identified as such] and explain why you expect short run economic or normal profits, acceptable loss or temporary shutdown, and how you will know which it is.
ii. The number of sellers determinant must contain your analysis of the kind of market structure in which your firm or labor service will be sold.
b. (10 points) Price Elasticity of Supply you have based on the cost of production changes as output changes, including actual calculation of it using the midpoint formula. If you can?t find data, then determine the price elasticity from the characteristics and make up numbers to use. Be sure to identify this if you use this approach. This will help you in deciding the slope of your supply curve.
c. (5 points) Graph your supply situation using the numbers from your earlier cost of production analysis.
3. Recommendations?(40 points) what are your recommendations explained by your analysis?
4. Paper presentation?(10 points) good format, citations, lack of spelling errors, etc.

Situation A

Jenny, your niece, is a smart high-school student who wants to make smart choices for her future. Hearing of your course in Business Economics, she has emailed you asking for advice on whether to become a medical doctor and on the best location to practice it. She recognizes the high costs of tuition and the years of study involved in becoming a doctor. She wants to evaluate if that career choice is an optimum decision for her. So she has asked you for advice.

Having read the introduction to Chapter 1 on page 3 of the textbook, you recognize the significance of such a career decision for Jenny. You decide to examine the career choice in terms of the utility it provides to Jenny: return on investment as well as personal satisfaction of contributing to the well-being of others. But to evaluate the utility, you also need to identify and quantify the total opportunity costs of the decision. You decide to educate yourself about the market for physicians in terms of supply and demand, elasticity, costs of production, pricing, and normal profit. You want to provide Jenny with the most informed advice possible.

Research and write a 3 pg report/essay in APA format, with a valid argument position, with a min. of 5 cited academic references (business/economics/finance).

Finance as a scientific discipline is the study of how to allocate scarce resources over time under conditions of uncertainty ??" Financial Economics, Zvi Bodie/Robert C.Merton/David L.Cleeton, 2000, 2009

In firms, finance plays a significant role in decision making ??" Justify. Analysis of Investment Projects in relation to each of the specific terms below:

>Importance of Capital Budgeting
>Significance of Sensitivity Analysis
>Process of Ranking Mutually Exclusive Projects
>Influence of Inflation in Capital Budgeting

Scholarship as a Woman and

Write three short essays to answer the following three mandatory questions. Please be thoughtful and answer the questions directly. Each essay shoud be 250 - 500 words.Do not use any research informa...tion in the essay, just own words.

1) Reflecting on your personal experiences or circumstances, tell us something about yourself not already or sufficiently communicated in your application that distinguishes you as a potential scholarship candidate.

(P.S: I'm a new immigration from China. And,I'm just a full-time community college student in L.A. and I study very hard, I have completed almost 70 units and my GPA is 3.97 right now. Since I have no jobs, my parents support me, but I think they are very toilsome. Also, my family is low-income family. So, this scholarship is very important for me. And, I will transfer to the UCs in this Fall. This scholarship application is for my future study in UC. Moreover, I am very good at Math, computer and accounting, but my major is business economics since I have a dream to be a successful business women to change my family circumstances. This is the basic information about me. You can make up something rational to answer this question.)

2)Community college offers students an opportunity to learn about college away from the crowding often associated with large universities. What do you feel you have learned from your community college experience? What advice would you give to a high school senior trying to decide between attending a community college or a four-year university?

3)Name a great leader and discuss what made that leader great. What qualities do you believe you possess or wish to develop that will make you a great leader in the future?
(P.S. choose a great business leader)

All project submissions should be prepared as Word documents suitable for electronic transmission. Your PP2 report should consist of precisely 5 numbered pages. The first page is a cover sheet having ...on it only your name, course name, and number (Business Economics GM545), the academic term, and your e-mail address. After that, the response to each of the 3 reported exercises should be on a separate page. On each page, state the chapter and question number before answering it. Do not print the full question as it takes up valuable space. Just list the chapter and question number.

Page 5 is your References or Works Cited Page. This does not replace in-text citations (with quotation marks or paraphrasing) or footnotes. Use double spacing for your response; your overall response to any exercise should not exceed one page in length (including the problem statement). Font size is also optional, as long as it is reasonable -- 10 pt. fonts and 1/2 inch margins should be the minimum used.

You must translate your ideas into economic analysis using the specific economic theory and economic terms contained in the TCOs covered in the course, and demonstrate that you are understanding and utilizing material from text chapters covered up to this point in the course, to receive full credit on the assignment. I will send you the TCO's that will be covered in that week when it is open on May 27th, which I need to tie those in to the project.

Here are the 3 questions to be answered on a separate page like you did in Project Part 1

Chapter 15, Question 14:
What are some of the limitations of the national income accounts in how they represent our standard of living?

Chapter 16, Question 5:
Why is frictional unemployment important to have in any economy?

Chapter 25, Question 7:
Why is there free trade between states in the United States, but not necessarily between countries?

Cover Page:

Student's Name: Andrea R. Watson

Course Name & Number: Business Economics GM 545

Academic Term: May 2012 Session

E-mail: I will add this.

Customer is requesting that (Amber111) completes this order.

Academic Career and How Do

I need a essay for my Scholarship Application.(300 word maximum)(no more than 300 words)
What do you hope to accomplish after you complete your academic career and how do you think your goals will impact society?
My major is Business Economics.(UCLA)

This is Important for writing this paper:
Economic Strategy of a multinational corporation- this
paper MUST have a very strong economic undertone; it
must incorporate economic terms, model...s, school of
thought and concepts like Porters five forces,
economies of scale & scope and other economic ideals.
There is the need to explore theoretical concepts like
pricing, profit, competitive advantage, value chain,
Business economics, strategic management,
international business, international economics,
international business finance, international
relations, etc etc. It is important to include
explanatory graphs and diagrams.


Research Writing Methodology:
Case study

The Symantec corporation?s economic strategy is the
driving force behind it successes in the global
Information technology security domain.

A Case study of the Symantec Corporation: to
critically identify the strategic factors that led to
its success.


Define Strategy

Link the events of economic theories, theoretical
framework and issues in economic strategy to the
Symantec Corporation.

An in depth analysis of the business strategy adopted
by the Symantec corporation to date in the IT industry

Keywords: Multinational, Strategy, cost (scale &
scope) profit, production cost, consumer behaviour,
market structure, behaviour (game theory and
alliances), portfolio analysis, corporate governance,
marketing, global manufacturing, human resource
management, monopoly, oligopoly, strategic alliances
and mergers.

Books: writer can also use their own books where
these are not available.

Besanko D.A. Economics of Strategy
Moschandreas M Business Economics
Lasserre Philppe Global Strategic Management

Fleisher et al Strategic and Competitive Analysis

Faulkner et al Oxford Handbook of Strategy

Morgan G et al The Multinational Firm

Journal Articles:

Online sources: (background information)
Provides an in-depth analysis of the corporation,
news, corporate bio data and a plethora of links to
other information,aid,119694,00.asp,1759,1113296,00.asp

Report specifications:
Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary

2. Company Description

3. Strategic Focus and plan



Core Com...petency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

4. Situation Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Internal Strengths and Weaknesses







Research and Development (R & D)

External Opportunities and Threats






Industry Analysis

Competitor Analysis

Company Analysis

Customer Analysis

5. Market-Product Focus

Marketing and Product Objectives

Target Markets

Points of Difference


6. Marketing Program

Product Strategy

Price Strategy

Promotion Strategy

Place (Distribution Strategy)

7. Financial Data and Projections

Past Sales Revenues

Five-Year Projections

8. Organization

9. Implementation

10. Evaluation and Control

1. Executive Summary

The Executive Summary sells the marketing plan to readers through its clarity and brevity. The summary should present a description of the product/service, its target market, and its need within the market. The summary should also provide an overview of the main points of the plan and should emphasize an action orientation.

2. Company Description

The company description should highlight the recent history and successes of the company or organization.

3. Strategic Focus and Plan

While not included in all marketing plans, the Strategic Focus and Plan sets the strategic direction for the entire organization.

One approach to crafting a strategic focus is Porters four generic business strategy model.


The Mission/Vision statement is a qualitative statement that specifies the markets and product lines in which a business will compete. A mission statement can dramatically affect the range of a firms marketing activities by narrowing or broadening the competitive playing field. An effective mission statement must be clear and direct.


The Goals section of a marketing plan sets both financial and non-financial targets. Goals should be in quantitative terms, where possible, to facilitate measuring the companys future performance.

An example of a non-financial goal: It is recommended that Philip Morris diversify its product lines to achieve 50 percent of sales revenue in non-tobacco products in the next five years.

An example of a financial goal (note it is specific and measurable): It is suggested that XYZ Inc. increase sales from $10 million in 2000 to $15 million in 2001.

Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Whereas the mission defines the scope of a business or business unit and the goals define its strategic performance dimensions, its business unit competencies determine the means for achieving success.

An example of a competitive advantage: McDonalds competitive advantage is its large number of restaurants, more than double its competitors, making it more convenient for customers than any other fast food restaurant in the world.

4. Situation Analysis

The essence of the situation analysis is taking stock of where the firm or product has been recently, where it is now, and where it is headed. The situation analysis is the first of three steps in the planning stage.

SWOT Analysis
The SWOT analysis is an effective short-hand summary of the situation analysis. The acronym is used to describe an organizations internal Strengths and Weaknesses and its external Opportunities and Threats. This analysis provides a solid foundation as a springboard to identify subsequent actions in the marketing plan. The SWOT analysis can be effectively presented in a tabular format followed by a text discussion that elaborates on the information in the table.

An analysis to identify internal strengths and weaknesses usually includes the following areas in an organization:

When analyzing: Consider:

Management experience level, management style, size
Offerings uniqueness, quality, price,
Marketing type and scope of marketing plan
Personnel quality and experience of workforce
Finance sales revenues
Manufacturing quality and dependability of suppliers
R & D plans for continual product improvement, R & D budget

An analysis to identify external opportunities and threats usually includes the following factors:

When analyzing these factors: Consider:

Consumer/Social size and stability of market
Competitive number and size of competitors
Technological the effect of technology on any facet of the business
current and projected economic situation of market
Legal/Regulatory the effect of legal and regulatory factors on any facet of the business

Industry Analysis

The industry analysis section should provide the backdrop for a more detailed analysis of the competition, the company, and the customer. An in-depth analysis will give both internal and external readers of the plan confidence in the companys ability to understand its own industry.

Competitor Analysis

An effective analysis of the competition should demonstrate that the company has a realistic understanding of its major competitors and their marketing strategies. As in with the industry analysis, a realistic assessment makes readers feel confident that the marketing actions in the plan are well grounded.

Company Analysis

The company analysis provides details of a companys strengths and marketing strategies that will enable it to achieve its marketing goals.

Customer Analysis

A thorough customer analysis answers the question: Who are our customers? Understanding your customers and what they want is critical in satisfying them and providing genuine value.

5. Market-Product Focus

Marketing and Product Objectives

Setting product objectives and identifying target market segments significantly increases the chance that a product will be successful. The objectives and goals should be stated in measurable terms so that they can be measured during the program implementation and control phases of the marketing plan.

Target Markets

Because an organization cannot satisfy the needs of all consumers, it must concentrate its marketing efforts on the needs of specific niches or target markets. In describing the target markets, consider why a particular target market was selected and how the product or service meets the needs of the target market.

Points of Difference

Points of Difference are those characteristics of a product that make it superior to competitive substitutes. The greatest single factor in a new products failure is the lack of significant points of difference.


A products unique points of difference are communicated by way of a positioning strategy.

6. Marketing Program

Everything that has gone before in the marketing plan sets the stage for the marketing mix actions---the 4 Ps----covered in the marketing plan. Product, price, promotion, and place (distribution) strategies are all detailed in the Marketing Program section of the plan.

When describing these strategies: Include these elements:

Product Features, brand name, packaging, service, warranty

Price List price, discounts, allowances, credit terms, payment period

Promotion Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity

Place Outlets, channels, coverage, transportation, stock level

7. Financial Data and Projections

All the marketing mix decisions covered in the marketing program have both revenue and expense effects. In this section of the marketing plan, both past and projected financial data is included. A key indicator of what future sales will be is to examine past sales.

8. Organization

A marketing program needs a marketing organization to implement it. This section of the marketing pla may include an organizational chart with both current and projected positions represented.

9. Implementation Plan

The implementation plan shows how a company will turn plans into results. To implement a marketing program successfully, hundreds of detailed decisions are often required. These marketing tactics are detailed operational decisions essential to the overall success of marketing strategies. Unlike marketing strategies, marketing tactics involve actions that must be taken immediately.

For each strategy describe what has to be performed to carry it out. For example, if the plan calls for adding television advertising, implementation might involve contacting an ad agency and arranging a meeting, agreeing on objectives, targeting audiences, and scheduling a flight of advertisements. If the plan calls for increasing the price, a breakeven schedule of alternative prices might be performed.

10. Evaluation and Control

The purpose of the control phase of the strategic marketing process is to keep the marketing program moving in the direction set for it. In the control phase, the marketing manager compares the results of the marketing program with the goals in the written plans to identify deviations. The marketing manager then acts on the deviations to correct the negative and exploit the positive ones.

This paper would be submited to for plagirism check.

useful website:

Blackboard SWOT

- number of awards
- 60% market share. Industry leader.
- Merged with WEBCT
- Partnership with U.S military
- Partnership with Microsoft
- Feedbacks from strong universities such as University of British Columbia, Illinois Chicago, San Francisco, Texas, Princeton
- The backbone programming of Blackboard is in Java and what makes it different is importing API packages into each other instead of importing packages into just classes which is what normally programmers do. This gives the Enterprise system the ability to grow very large and easier to maintain.
- Blackboard Building block feature allows external programs to integrate with in blackboard easy. This would turn into memory saving advantage where blackboard server limit will not be pushed
- Not user friendly. Too many clicks to get tasks done. Not easy to find your way in there. Complicated.
- Have been growing in terms of functionality very aggressively with out thinking about ease of the end user
- Uncontrollable purchasing codes from out side have been making the sytem chaotic
- There is not though for overall design. No consistency
- Poor customer service
- Blackboard inc. tries to be the host server for its client which make them focus on server management rather than their design which is their core competency. In addition, traveling users confidentiality is not secure. For example a university student information in Canada would have to travel all the way to Washington DC, where blackboard server is hosting and come back.
- Blackboard servers seats in different cities of US and the head office does not do a good job in managing them all. That makes them slow to responding their clients
- To incorporate what users like best with other systems (Competitors of blackboard) such as WEBCT
- Use new programming technology Ajax will help to be more user friendly and interactive and timely
- Use their partners most advanced technology. US military always has the most advanced technology.
- Opportunity of grow in Europe an Asia. The language of blackboard system could easily transfer by just loading different language packages. If I am teaching
French then I can load French language in my blackboard course easily. There is no need of computer or technology knowledge and there is no need for extra programming with in the system
- Fully open source systems such as: angels, Moodle, Skai which are cheaper. Since blackboard target its academic institutions and academic institutes like the idea of open source since it fit into their political model.
- Blackboard law suits
- There must be more

For this marketing plan we target Academic institutes. Using Ajax programming language for the next version of blackboard which would be 7.8.
To do this the front interface of Blackboard needs a complete rewrite. Means some of the API will be closed.
Since Ajax is new there are not many expert programmers in this area. Blackboard incorporate needs to conduct programs to help their developer be an expert with Ajax. It needs to make resources available to them. On the other hand, institutions who are their clients need to upgrade their developers to support new version. (Note: sometimes universities would purchase the license and would be their own host instead of fully outsourcing it. This is because they want to have a better control over the system).

Blackboard pricing factor:
Since this is B2B price is negotiable and therefore, no clients would get the same price
For the version 7.8 that we are creating price depends on if:
New client
Existing client
In addition, there is a core price for blackboard basic package and in addition to that there are the following functions:
- Content: Is and area belong to each user. A virtual hard drive. User may upload documents and share them with other users
- Community: for example a philosophy department of a university can form a community of all the philosophy students and faculties with in all campuses. To share ideas, events. networking tool
Institution may choose to purchase these additional features.

Blackboard usually promote through:
-its website
- Behind black board: is a community of all external blackboard developers. (Developers who are hired by institutions not by blackboard Inc itself)
- Conferences

There are faxes for this order.

Please critically examine the strategic reasons why countries undertake protectionist measures. Explain your answer with relevant examples (real world example with explanation about how it relates wit...h the theory and please explain why those countries did like that.) and arguments

I want my essay to be divided into 3 main parts:
1. Introduction (please include the history of protectionism and when it begun?)
2. Body (please include the theory and concept of protectionist measures)
3. Conclusion

Guidance Notes

Coursework (2500 word count)

There are four main criteria in the marking scheme with relative weighting that indicate their importance in the coursework.
1. Background/Introduction of the subject area/Definitions
The answer should demonstrate an excellent grasp of the subject area under investigation. Key concepts and principles must be clearly defined, main themes identified, well explained and well structured. The answer must be focused and coherent with supporting explanation.

2. Critical review of relevant theories of International business economics
The answer should demonstrate critical review of the relevant theories of international business economics and to apply rational arguments in relation to trade and specialization.

3. Findings/Conclusions/ Assignment length, overall structure, referencing/Bibliography
The answer should demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of how to analyze appropriate concepts and principles with relevant examples(real world example with explanation about how it relates with the theory and please explain why those countries did like that.). The analysis of this work must be well structured with good conclusive remarks and presented effectively and appropriately. References in the most part must be properly formatted and cited. The assignment length must be strictly adhered to.

Ps. My teacher said that protectionist measures have 3 main areas to cover. First is environment issue but i'm not sure about second and third. If u can find out the second and third areas, please consider about these 3 mains areas of protectionism.

FYI, this is my Indicative reading list:

Mmieh, F. (2009): International Business Economics (1st edition), Pearson Custom Publishing. (My main text book)

Supplementary reading

Hill, Charles, (2011). International Business (8th edition) McGraw Hill
Hill, Charles (2007). Global Business Today, McGraw Hill, 4/e.
Piggott and Cook (2006): International Business Economics, Palgrave MacMillan.
Caves, R. Multinational Enterprise and Economic analysis, Cambridge University Press. 2/e Pitelis, C. The transnational firm. Routledge.

Journal article reviews relating to labor economics topics

The journal article reviews consist of formal reviews of journal articles relating to labor economics topics.

The fo...llowing is the list of Approved Journals

Approved Journals
Brookings papers on economic activity
Business Economics
Economic inquiry
Economic journal (London, England)
Industrial and Labor Relations Review
International economic review
Journal of economic issues
Journal of economic literature
Journal of Economics and Business
Labor Law Journal
Review of Financial Economics
Southern economic journal
The American Economic Review
The American economic review
The Journal of economic perspectives
The Journal of Industrial Economics
The Journal of Law and Economics
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
The Quartile Review of Economics and Business
The Review of Economics and Statistics
Western Economic Journal

Please choose one article about labor economics topics in those Approved Journals and write an article reviews. The reviews must include 4 parts.

1. Objective, purpose about that Journals article. What does that article says.

2. What theory, principles are including in that Journals article. Explain the article with labor economics theory or principles in textbook (McConnell, Brue, and Macpherson, Contemporary Labor Economics, Seventh Edition, Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2006 ISBN: 0072978600).

3. Analyzing the data in that Journals article. Find out the source of the data. Explain the data, how the author used that data and relative theory or principles
4. Conclusion. Your opinion about this article. What you can study from this article.

please give me the URL address or copy of the origin Journal article

Shoring of Hyundai to the

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors which led for the Hyundai Motor Company to expand successfully its sale marketing to the United States and intercultural management issues faced by ...offshoring because the mix of foreign and domestic employees and diverse human resource practices present always both opportunities and challenges. While most existing research papers have studied on the Hyundais technological operation system strategy which contributed to its success abroad, I examine on intercultural issues caused for Hyundai to divert its strategy in offshoring its production facilities and organizational changes of HMMA have contributed to the successful bottom line profit in the United States.
As the view of global marketing analyses, most manufacturing organizations have chosen their offshoring site in cheap labor wage countries such as China, India and Eastern Europe. However, in 1980-2000, many big auto manufacturing enterprises have transferred its subsidiaries to the United States which is the most developed and relatively high labor wage country. The Hyundai Motor Company was one of the countries sought in expanding the bottom line profits overseas. Therefore, I select HMMA as a role model of successful offshoring organization in the intercultural management practice.
The factors Hyundai chose Alabama for its subsidiary plant site
There were several factors appeared in Hyundais decision in selecting Alabama. According to research by McClenahen, factoring into Hyundais selection of Montgomery were the presence of a high-quality workforce, proximity to markets, an established automotive parts supply chain, and commitments made by the state of Alabama and the city of Montgomery which the Alabama legislate approved a $118 million incentives package in hopes of attracting Hyundai, and the state and local incentives approved total $234 million (McClenahen, 2002).
HMMAs relocating to the U.S. is to circumvent trade barriers and to move closer to their market by responding to growing the U.S. protectionism in the 1980s (Jung, 2006). Many other foreign auto assembly plants arrived to the Alabama State because it was cheaper to ship parts to assembly plants than to ship finished vehicles across the country (Jung, 2006). Alabamas low wages and union-free environment, local government incentive package, the availability of a workforce, and the site location which provided an easy access to market played major roles in being selected (Jung, 2006). In historically, the Hyundai Motor Company had experienced market-seeking expansions in many countries before transferring to the United States, such as Canada, Turkey, and India (Wang et al., pp. 15). One most distinguished feature of HMCs investment in the U.S. plant was the creation of North American R&D, engineering and design facilities to improve the companys technical expertise (HMC, 2003). This was necessary for HMC to acquire Americans technology to become a global automaker. Accordingly, unlike adopting only market-seeking strategy in China, India, and Turkey, the HMMAs strategy was employed as a combination of marketing-seeking and asset-seeking (Wang et al., pp. 17). For example, in China, India, and Turkey, the HMC subsidiaries introduced labor-intensive production technology and used less automated manufacturing process than its plants in Korea. There were no R&D facilities and all unassembled products were developed in Korea and transferred to China and Turkey. Thus the strategy of Hyundai transferring to the United States was innovative and aggressive methodology to seek the bottom line profit for the globalization.
During 1970 - 1990, the HMCs production management had suffered in its original Ulsan production plant in South Korea due to violent labor union activities. When South Korean economy was depressed in the late 1990s, Hyundai tried to lay-off 27 percent of workforce in South Korea and cut pay and benefits to decrease expenses. However, its militant labor union resisted the managements decision. All across South Korea, 1,200,000 employees from 125 companies participated in protests against the Hyundai and the Government.
In December 2001, the Hyundai made a 74.5 percent in net income and made a 42 percent sales increase compared to the previous year (Jo and You, 2011, p. 57). Hence, workers at the Ulsan plant went on a two day strike demanding higher wages, higher bonuses, and 30 percent share in the profits of the year as a performance bonus. However, the company opposed clearly that even though the company had done well that year, it could not accept workers demands because the increasing imported cars into South Korea were bound to Hyundai market share in South Korea. In addition, General Motors purchase of Dawoo was a threat to the company and the appreciation of the Korean currency which was becoming less competitive in international markets. The unions refused to compromise and the management also did not take a step back. The demand was high, and the negotiation was unsuccessful. Thus, the HMC decided to relocate the manufacturing plant to Montgomery which was relatively free from the influence of strong labor unions. The average percentages of unionized workers in the southern states were under 10 percent including Alabama, while those in the Midwestern States were about 20 percent (Hirsh, Macpherson, and Vroman, 2001, 52). According to Alabamas labor laws, labor union membership is not mandatory even when a labor union is organized within a company (Jo and You, 2011, p. 53).
Another reason for the HMCs relocating its plant in Alabama was the state governments incentive package. The Alabama State Government offered the HMC an attractive incentive package that included tax abatement, a site preparing grant, and access road and bridge. The state government also promised to provide job applicants with education and training programs which were worth approximately $253 million (Jo and You, 2011, p. 57) (Yang H., p.2). Furthermore, Montgomery City also tremendously supported the HMMA to build, with not only financial support but also friendship bondage between Korean culture and American culture.
The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural management
Due to todays globalization, there are not only at HMMA, but today many companies still set plans for offshoring with many reasons such as competitive labor cost, setting forward bases for expanding sales markets, and advanced technology acquisition. However, most of the companies faced difficult time when initially expending their manufacturing plant to other countries due to many heterogeneous dependent and independent variables such as leadership style, organizational structure, organizational communication, governmental unknown regulatory, and tax and compliance issues (Self at el, 2011). Offshoring is defined that the transferring to overseas seeking for any bottom line profit is called offshoring, in the shift of productions, employment, and locations (Offshoring, 2004).
To be successful in offshoring, an organization requires not only adequate transportation and telecommunication infrastructure but also advanced intercultural management system. In the early part of 1980s, Japanese forerunner Subaru-Isuzu Automotive (SIA) brought the concept of Japanese Lean Production System to the United States (Jo and You, pp.45). However, in the beginning, without modifying their system to be adapted in the foreign environment, they utilized the Lean Production System so that SIA had hard time in managing because local workers resistance in emerged in the form of sabotage, protest, and confrontation against the management (Jo and You, pp.45). Without the research and development of the new system, it could be huge damage to host countrys human resource management even if the project or program is beneficial to both the originated and the host countries. This SIAs case displays that both home and host countries must be sensitive to how national cultural issues impact organizational behavior and human resource practices in becming an intercultural organization.
Due to historical and geographical reasons, South Korean and Japanese management systems as well as language structures are very similar because both countries were under Chinese culture for several centuries. Both management systems advocate the idea of strict obedience to superiors and emphasize the harmony necessary among people in the same ranking (Chan, 2011). In addition, Korean and Japanese management styles are quite different from American employment relations and management style because of Asian cultures seniority-oriented, collectivism, and power distance which may have an strongly effect on organizational behaviors and managerial operation styles. Instead of Western individualism and competition, it is critical to the business success to create and maintain a harmonic environment between employees as well as between superior and subordinates (Chan, 2011). Such cultural heritage has penetrated into Korean management practices and processes for long time. Accordingly, their managements expect naturally obedience and loyalty without any questions from employees, particularly between superior-subordinate relationships. However, the expectation of obedience and loyalty has created high power distance between a superior and a subordinate because it is inappropriate for subordinates to directly confront their superior under Korean cultural management. It had caused many human errors occurred under imminent circumstances. For an example, Korean Air Lines had more plane crashes than almost any other airlines in the world for a period at the end of the 1990s. Finally, the incumbent Korean president ordered to investigate problems. As a result, investigators found that plane crashes could be attributed to captains mistakes and his subordinates were not directly confronting the captains to correct their boss mistakes. It leads to the crashes because there were high power distances between Korean captains and subordinates. In addition, high power distance creates many passive subordinates in leading to very few suggestions coming from the subordinates, and it creates the management to be centralized unlike American decision-making style which input from the bottom, not from the top. Thus the power distance between intercultural employees in HMMA may influence communication in its organization.
The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural Communication
Communication plays a vital role in domestic and global business to effectively communicate for effective operation and management as well as necessary for the individuals to express themselves and to fulfill basic needs. Even though people speak the same language, there can still be misunderstandings due to ethic and cultural backgrounds. Moreover, many misunderstanding have occurred, not only because of mistakes in the usage of words or expressions, but also because of the lack of goodwill and cultural knowledge (Najafbagy, 2008). Under different cultural knowledge, people see, feel, and process decision-making differently because of individual different perspectives on the same phenomenon. Thus it is highly possibility that miscommunications occur in an international or intercultural company if there is not cultural awareness trainings for employees. Companies that are successfully able to communicate cross-culturally have a competitive advantage because they can devote more time and resources to conducting business and less time on internal and external communication issues (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). Thus Hyundai put maximum effort to overcome the communication disadvantage of the heterogeneous cultural management. To encourage employees to expand their cultural awareness, Hyundai encourages three-month assignment to overseas duties. For example, when the company was building a site in Alabama it allowed employees to visit and study the regional culture and the company promoted backpack travel program around the world where teams of three design their cultural experience (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). More than 47 teams have traveled over 70 countries, including Peru, Turkey, and Greece (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). Hyundai learned an importance that participants bring experience and knowledge to share with their co-workers and friends. Accordingly, sharing experience and knowledge spread to all other employees so that the organization grows the strength of offshoring in intercultural environments. Cross-cultural communication can affect how we interpret the action of other so that we misunderstand others action in leading to percept wrongful conclusion. For example, while a young girl alone was watching on the television, she was crushed to death when a heavy television set fell over her at a Korean immigrant family home. When the police arrived at the home, her mother cried and expressed herself saying that I killed her. She was dead because of me. But American police accused the mother of murdering because the police interpreted what the mother said literally without considering cultural background. Actually, she meant that she was ethically responsible for the young girls dead because she did not take well care of her. This story presents usual happenings not only at an immigrant family home but also at many intercultural workplaces. Therefore global leaders need to aware intercultural training at workplaces to help employees gain knowledge of the host country, enhance cultural sensitivity, and develop cross-cultural communication skills (Chein, 2012). Actually, intercultural training can help people understand culture differences, provide information and knowledge of a specific culture, and help reduce emotional challenges (Chein, 2012). Effective intercultural training can be extremely beneficial to peoples adaptation to the culture of the host country, and vice versa.
Hyundai Motor Company was established in 1967 and has developed itself as company that focuses on quality improvement and innovation for long time. Today Hyundai still expands its global sales marketing to counties which have potential to glow its bottom line profit. For the expansion to take place, the company requires effective communication that is able to overcome cultural barriers and accomplish global management initiatives. In the auto industry, effective communication is applied not only human resource management practices but also valuing the needs of its customers. After Hyundai lost market share in Canada and Turkey in the early 1990s, Hyundai learned the importance of researching the culture of a country before making profound business decisions (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012). In addition, Hyundai realized that cross-culture communication involves adapting organizational polices to fit the context of where business transactions will occur so that the management changed its strategy to more proactive on the need of customers with careful communicating. Thus the key of Hyundais success is its corporate philosophy that places the need of customers as to priority in all business areas (Matthews & Thakkar, 2012).
In 1980s, the Japanese transplants were joint ventures with US automakers such as NUMMI (joint venture of Toyota and GM), located in California, and Diamond Star Motor (joint venture of Mitsubishi and Chrysler), located in Illinois (Jo and You, 2011, p. 45). It had difficult time in overcoming the old practices of mass production of the United States due to the unmodified lean production system under the joint venture management. The Japanese employees well acquainted in the Lean Production System but it was not acquainted on the American Mass Production System. In 1988, in cooperation with Mitsubishi, the Hyundai Motor Companys first venture was offshoring its production plant in Canada, but the production plant was not successful because of poor quality products and ineffective human resource policy. In effect, HMC was not able to produce competitive vehicles against competitors such as Toyota and Honda and HMC mismanaged Canadian workforce without adopting an appropriate human resource management approach. The subsdiary plant had to be closed after five years of operation from 1989 (Rhee M. p.3). This implies that the relationship between globalization and employment relations plays a critical role in an interaction approach of offshoring as well as system barriers. According to research by Matthews and Thakkar, connectivity is defined as the ability to orchestrate organizational networks to move in the same direction in order to accomplish the companys mission. Employees must feel contacted to the organization and understand how their individual effort contributes to the bottom line. Global leaders must look for opportunities to connect everyone within the organization to overall goals and objectives. When employees understand the big picture and the direction the organization is taking innovation and change are supported. However, although the first venture was failed, HMC was able to come back for another opportunity due to learning a lesson from the failure. HMMA also put efforts drastically to change intercultural barrier on its human resource management and operational system. Thus keys to the success of HMMA were Hyundais relatively low dependence on skill formation and high reliance on numerical flexibility of its production system relative to its Japanese counterparts (Jo and You, pp.41).

(AMM) Hyundai to expand facilities in Alabama. (2011). Metal Bulletin Daily, (264), 119.
Barnes, P. C. (2005). Outsourcing: A review of trends and some management issues. Management Services, 49(4), 42-44.
Chan, W. I., Trimarchi, M., & Negreiros, J. (2011). MANAGEMENT TRANSITION IN SOUTH KOREA: A Case Study: Asian Journal of Business and Management Sciences: Vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 53-68.
Chappell, L. (2004). Union complains about foreign workers. Automotive News, 78(6091), 6.
Ebert, R. R., & Montoney, M. Performance of the South Korean Automobile Industry in the Domestic and United States Markets.
Ferris, T. (2013). Eastern Europe: a Mosaic of Outsourcing Opportunities. EMDT: European Medical Device Technology, 4(1), 37-41.
Jo, H. J. & You, J. S. (2011). Transferring Production Systems: An Institutional Account of Hyundai Motor Company in the United States: Journal of East Asian Studies: January-April 2011. Vol. II. No. 1, pp. 41-73.
Jung, C. H. (2006). The Impact of Globalization Upon the US Auto Industry: The Case of Hyundai Motor Companys Investment in Alabama. ???????? ?????, 2006(4), 1-8.
Lewin, A. Y., & Vinay. Couto. (2006). Next generation offshoring. Duke University Center for International Business Education and Research.
Matthews, L. C., & Thakkar, B. (2012). The Impact of Globalization on Cross-Cultural Communication.
Najafbagy, R. (2008). Problems of Effective Cross-Cultural Communication and Conflict Resolution. Palestine-Israel of Politics, Economics & Culture; 15/16(4/1), 146-150.
Ok, S. (2011). INTERNATIONAL OUTSOURCING: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE FROM THE NETHERLANDS. Journal of Business Economics & Management, 12(1), 131-143. doi:10.3846/16111699.2011.555383.
"Offshoring": How big an issue? (2004). Economic Outlook, 28(3), 9-15.
Self, R., Self, D. R., & Bell-Haynes, J. (2011). Intercultural human resource management: South Korea and the United States. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (IJMIS), 15(1).
Wang, Y., Nam, M. H., & Suh, C. S. The 4 th World Congress of Korean Studies Firm Internationalization and Subsidiary Roles: The Case of Hyundai Motor Company.
Zachary, M. (2009). Sorting Out Sexual Harassment Culpability - Part I Statutory Liability. Supervision, 70(11), 21-25.
McClenahen, J. S. (2002). LOCATIONS. Industry Week/IW, 251(5), 76.
Maher, K. (2008, January 7). More Workers Cut to Part-Time Hours. Wall Street Journal - Eastern Edition. p. A2.
Chien, T. (2012). Intercultural training for Taiwanese business expatriates. Industrial &Commercial Training, 44(3), 164-170. doi:10.1108/00197851211216772
Yu, H. (2012). Intercultural Competence in Technical Communication: A Working Definition and Review of Assessment Methods. Technical Communication Quarterly, 21(2), 168-186. doi:10.1080/10572252.2012.643443

There are faxes for this order.

This term project is an analysis of an actual merger(CIBC / Barclays: Caribbean Operations , this merger occured in 2006) Your report should include the following aspects:

1. The business-economic setting
a. What were the trends in the economy?
b. What were the trends in the industry?
c. What motivated each firm from a business-financial standpoint?

2. The terms of the transaction
a. How large was the premium paid to the target? What is your opinion on this?
b. What was the initial market reaction for the bidder and for the target?
c. What had been the historical trends in the key financial ratios for each of the firms?
d. What was the magnitude of the value drivers?
e. How does the price paid compare with your valuation (with the benefit of hindsight)?

Research and write a 2 pg report/essay in APA format, with a valid argument position, with a min. of 4 cited academic references (business/economics/finance).

In firms, finance plays a... significant role in decision making" Justify. Financial Structure of the Firm in relation to each of the specific terms below:

>Analysis of Capital Structure Decisions
>Influence of Cost in Making Financial Decisions
>Practices of Financial Decisionin Real World
>Compare the Levered Investments

1) Introductory paragraph: Once you have an idea as to the meaning of the terms, create a basic into paragraph with a thesis sentence for: In firms, finance plays a significant role in decision making with Financial Structure of the Firm in relation to each of the specific terms.

2) Body Paragraphs (4): Briefly define and justify why each individual term is important to real world business/economics in a separate paragraph below:

>Analysis of Capital Structure Decisions
>Influence of Cost in Making Financial Decisions
>Practices of Financial Decisionin Real World
>Compare the Levered Investments

3) Conclusion Paragraph: Just tie the terms together in relation to the role finance plays in the decision making process; justifying, as to why these terms are important, based on your thesis sentence.

Customer is requesting that (WhiteLaw) completes this order.

paper title: u10a1 Project ??" Final Marketing Analysis


Marketing Analysis Project Description
Overview : Research and produce a marketing analysis of a product, servic...e, or company. This will include a current marketing profile developed from Internet research of business periodicals with specific focus and analysis of the four Ps of marketing and how they apply and are managed in that situation.

Product: AVON ANEW Lash-Transforming Mascara + Serum
o Brand decisions.
o Product features.
o Packaging.
o Product lines.

o Channels of distribution.
o Physical distribution.
o Retailing choices.
o Inventory decisions.

o Cost-based pricing.
o Value-based pricing.
o Competition-based pricing.

o Communication plans.
o Public relations.
o Advertising.
o Sales and selling activity.

Your final marketing analysis should include the following:
Company Description section describing the company you chose for this project.
Product Analysis section.
Place Analysis section.
Price Analysis section.
Promotion Analysis section.
Overall Marketing Strategy Analysis section with a discussion of the company's overall marketing strategy, and your analysis of how that will impact their business success.
Integrated Marketing Program Analysis section with a discussion of how well integrated their marketing program is, and your analysis of how that will impact their economic success.
Recommendations and Management Implications section, with your key recommendations related to the above areas. This should include the impact your recommendations will have on management, such as when and how your recommendations should be implemented.
References page.

Grading criteria:
Examines basic use of product in the marketing mix and recommends improvements.
Examines basic use of place in the marketing mix and recommends improvements.
Examines basic use of price in the marketing mix and recommends improvements.
Examines basic use of promotion in the marketing mix and recommends improvements.
Examines the implications of an integrated marketing program to business economic success, and draws conclusions related to a specific business situation.
Examines the relationship of basic marketing strategies to business success, and draws conclusions related to a specific business situation.
Evaluates the management implications of marketing and sales plans, and draws conclusions related to a specific business situation.

I have papers written that I swill send as attachments that has some of the information I have, done by your company, that needs to be used in the writting of this paper.

There are faxes for this order.


This a continuation of the last research paper where you discussed Verve energy budget and issues with the company finances by examining their financial statements.
Here are 3 d...ifferent research papers (A, B and C) about the same topic written by three different people. You are to write a response to each paper by discussing what you agree or disagree with them and may be giving your opinion about what they said and add something you think is important.
Each response is no more than 100 words and all response have to be different, i.e, response to A is different than that to B and B is different than C. So total is 1 page.

Below are the three papers:

A: M. Sheehan
The Budget Process

Verve Energy would:
1. forecast the demand for electricity using historical data and then amend that model by taking into account any factors likely to have an effect on demand (population growth, economic trends, any intended price increases, weather trends, changes in legislation that might allow competitors to enter the regulated market) and based on that estimated demand calculate the likely revenue (Forecast);
2. from the Forecast create operational budgets for all of the activities necessary to allow Verve Energy to supply the forecast demand such as labour budgets for operation and maintenance personnel, fuel for the power plants, overhead, any necessary capital acquisition etc;
3. taking into account 1 and 2 above generate a budget balance sheet, an income statement and statement of cash flows.


Improved operational performance saw Verve Energy achieve a better than forecast financial position for 2009. That said, the result was a net loss after tax of $171 million compared with a forecasted loss of $288 million. The material impediment to Verve Energy improving its financial performance is the agreements that vested from Western Power when it was disaggregated as part of the State Government energy market reforms. Those agreements and the current market rules prevent Verve Energy from charging cost reflective tariffs. Verve Energy is forecasting an improved financial performance during 2010 as the additional revenue from the 25% increase to the tariffs in 2009 are realised but still faces material issues in the short to medium term to achieving and maintaining a profitable position.(Verve Energy 2009)

The following are the material external factors that are likely to
1. influence demand for electricity in the next 10 years; and/or
2. prevent Verve Energy from realising an improved position with respect to profit.

1. An inability to respond quickly to demand because Verve Energys capacity is capped to encourage others to build generating plant (Verve Energy 2009).
2. Increased operating costs through compliance with the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Verve Energy 2009).
3. Compliance with the Renewable Energy Target is likely to require additional investment in renewable forms of energy (Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator 2009).

Micro Economics

1. Elasticity of demand may mean that the increases in tariffs do not result in increased tariffs (McTaggart, Findlay, and Parkin 2007).

Social Cultural

1. Increasing reluctance to use electricity generated from fossil fuels.
2. Population growth likely to continue (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009).


1. Only two customers so possible one or the other defaulting is likely to have a material effect on revenue (Verve Energy 2009).
2. Additional competition in the market may result in less market share and reduced revenues (Verve Energy 2009).


Given that the material external factors identified above are largely not within the control of Verve Energy it is a matter of monitoring and to the influencing matter to the extent possible. In respect to the matters under the political heading Verve Energy will continue to lobby the relevant regulators to ensure that its interests and issues are well understood. In addition and in relation to the remaining items Verve Energy will undertake a series of financial planning models to obtain a better understanding of the affect the profitability of the company. Part of those financial planning models will include cost-volume-profit analysis to better understand the break even based on a series of assumptions.

B: S. Barr

1. In compiling its budget, Verve Energy needs to first set a strategic direction. This strategic direction would then be communicated throughout the organisation allowing scenario development to take place (usually a best and worst case scenario as well as a mid case, a business as usual scenario). The development of these scenarios must include any big events or risks and ensure everything is included and will include sales forecasting. This scenario will then require each of the business units or departments within Verve to cost out their expenses and contribute to the overall budget, and allow the preparation of financial statements showing the financial position of Verve, which can then be communicated throughout the organisation.
Verve Energy is a state owned company which formed as a result of a restructure of Western Power in 2006. To encourage private investment, Verve has a 3000 MW limit placed on it, however is required to cover any shortfalls in the electricity supply market (eg. Varanus incident). This has in part led Verve to run at a considerable loss over recent years, and a $171 million loss in the last financial year.
Main Issue Probable Cause Probable Consequence
Political Supply cap Government imposed cap of how much electricity can be produced (3000 MW) Verve not running an entirely efficient power generation business
Balance Sheet position Increased liabilities such as Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and Community Service Obligation payments Generating insufficient income to cover current liabilities
Economic Annual Losses Being the supplier of last resort requiring the turning on of old and out dated plant Continuing to run at a loss and being subsidised by the government (this will be offset by the removal of the 10 year freeze on Tariffs)
Socio-cultural poor safety and environmental performance Lack of attention to safety systems Significant management time being consumed on improving safety performance
Technological new turbine installations Timely installation of these turbines with the ability to stop/start as required Reduction in costs
Legal Vesting contract with Synergy Not realising cost reflective tariffs Revenue generation not at its peak
Environmental Carbon footprint Possible introduction of Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, and need to increase percentage of renewable energy (eg. Wind farms, etc.) Increased operating costs in an effort to reduce carbon emissions

Verve Energy has been constrained by a number of factors in recent times including the government capping its production output, and a variety of contractual and supply issues. Whilst some of these will be removed in the near future, it can be expected that if the government wants to rely on Verve to plug the gap in electricity supply, that some issues will remain. This coupled with an ageing plant and requirement to reduce Carbon Emissions will vary the profit or loss significantly. This opens the door for an opportunity to implement Target Costing with a change in plant, contracts and removal of the 10 year freeze on Tariffs. In conjunction with the findings of the Oates Report (Verve Energy Annual Report, 2009), Verve will then be well positioned to show significant improvement in its profitability, and better understand its financial position over the coming years.


Compile the Budget:
A budget assists in planning, coordination, communication, accountability/responsibility, control, authorisation & motivation (Bazley and Hancock 2006 ,636). The definition of budgeting should include allocation of resources and performance evaluation (Hilton 2009 ,348), and this full definition outlines the requirements of Verve Energy.
The preparation of budget starts with an overall strategy, leading to corporate objectives, which then communicates to, controls, guides and evaluates the individual (departmental) functional budgets.
Verves sales revenue budget then forecasts demand - the expected units of energy required to be produced. This subsequently develops the Operational Budget, outlining how demand will be delivered in terms of material, labour and overhead.

Business Performance:
Background -
Verves combination of State Government ownership and private enterprise corporate structure makes for a complex mix of vision & strategy, where it is required to both be profitable & competitive although exist under tight governmental controls forcing it to give way to competition under limits, controls, vesting contracts and tight environment and social compliance, whilst experiencing dynamic fuel/supply issues and tariff limitations.
The resulting financial struggle is not surprising, although, the competition also face similar challenges. Verve is respected as a reliable energy supplier despite the dire financial status.
(Chairman & MD - Verve Energy 2008) (Chairman & MD - Verve Energy 2007-8) (Chairman & MD - Verve Energy 2008)

Issues Cause and Consequence identifiable through PESTLE evaluation as follows (focus on issues):
Issue Category Direct Cause Consequence to Verve
(Trade Restrictions / Tariffs) 3000MW Cap
Energy Tariff Freeze - Cannot increase production or price to maintain effective cost/price ratio
(Price of Fuel)
(Price of Energy)
(Financial Issues) Dynamic (& high) cost of liquid fuel.
Cost/Price ratio of Energy is not adequate
Increasing Current Liability - struggles to maintain output within fuel cost margin
- Profit margin negative
- Inability to reduce debt = inability to commission efficient plant
(Safety / Employment) Poor Safety at Work
Employment Cuts - Fluctuating Reputation
- Affecting customer perception
(Cost of Maintenance & Efficiency Gains) Maintaining Old Plant to satisfy demand.
Cost of New Plant - Sunk Costs maintaining old plant
- New Plant increases Liability due to negative cash flow
(Legislation) Vesting Contracts
Unfair competitive legislation stifles market - Commercially unsustainable
- Lost Competitive Advantage
(Water Usage)
(Emissions Constraints) Water Restrictions
Carbon Foot Print
Pressure for Renewable - High cost of environmentally acceptable solutions hits bottom line.

Partnership with government should be leveraged providing a business performance perspective to the review of cap levels, vesting contracts, national emissions trading scheme, tariff setting and subsidy for fuel/water and increased output at peak times in order to provide a commercially sustainable energy market.
Identification of variable cost drivers and non-value adding activities, with respect to individual plants, would indicate the high fuel & environmental costs (for non-renewable) but also indicate each plants profitability through the implementation of a process view/cost assignment ABC Model.
A reduction in overall plant based on this profitability study would better meet the cap limit through the generation of higher efficiency (low variable cost) energy, reduced overhead and emissions concerns and provide a release on Verves output requirements by objective analysis of financial performance, resource allocation & cost/price ratio to provide energy.
High setup costs of renewable energy would outweigh the ongoing variable costs and negate emissions cost, however significant subsidy would be required due to Verves financial status.
Objective evaluation of performance through cost analysis should provide the leverage for Verve to be freed to operate as a profitable business in the long run rather than fighting incompatible strategic initiatives of governmental protection and private enterprise competitive advantage.

This a continuation of the last research paper where you discussed Verve energy budget and issues with the company finances by examining their financial statements.
Here are 3 different research papers (A, B and C) about the same topic written by three different people. You are to write a response to each paper by discussing what you agree or disagree with them and may be giving your opinion about what they said and add something you think is important.
Each response is no more than 100 words and all response have to be different, i.e, response to A is different than that to B and B is different than C. So total is 1 page.

Below are the three papers:

A: M. Sheehan
The Budget Process

Verve Energy would:
1. forecast the demand for electricity using historical data and then amend that model by taking into account any factors likely to have an effect on demand (population growth, economic trends, any intended price increases, weather trends, changes in legislation that might allow competitors to enter the regulated market) and based on that estimated demand calculate the likely revenue (Forecast);
2. from the Forecast create operational budgets for all of the activities necessary to allow Verve Energy to supply the forecast demand such as labour budgets for operation and maintenance personnel, fuel for the power plants, overhead, any necessary capital acquisition etc;
3. taking into account 1 and 2 above generate a budget balance sheet, an income statement and statement of cash flows.


Improved operational performance saw Verve Energy achieve a better than forecast financial position for 2009. That said, the result was a net loss after tax of $171 million compared with a forecasted loss of $288 million. The material impediment to Verve Energy improving its financial performance is the agreements that vested from Western Power when it was disaggregated as part of the State Government energy market reforms. Those agreements and the current market rules prevent Verve Energy from charging cost reflective tariffs. Verve Energy is forecasting an improved financial performance during 2010 as the additional revenue from the 25% increase to the tariffs in 2009 are realised but still faces material issues in the short to medium term to achieving and maintaining a profitable position.(Verve Energy 2009)

The following are the material external factors that are likely to
1. influence demand for electricity in the next 10 years; and/or
2. prevent Verve Energy from realising an improved position with respect to profit.

1. An inability to respond quickly to demand because Verve Energys capacity is capped to encourage others to build generating plant (Verve Energy 2009).
2. Increased operating costs through compliance with the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme (Verve Energy 2009).
3. Compliance with the Renewable Energy Target is likely to require additional investment in renewable forms of energy (Office of the Renewable Energy Regulator 2009).

Micro Economics

1. Elasticity of demand may mean that the increases in tariffs do not result in increased tariffs (McTaggart, Findlay, and Parkin 2007).

Social Cultural

1. Increasing reluctance to use electricity generated from fossil fuels.
2. Population growth likely to continue (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009).


1. Only two customers so possible one or the other defaulting is likely to have a material effect on revenue (Verve Energy 2009).
2. Additional competition in the market may result in less market share and reduced revenues (Verve Energy 2009).


Given that the material external factors identified above are largely not within the control of Verve Energy it is a matter of monitoring and to the influencing matter to the extent possible. In respct to the matters under the political heading Verve Energy will continue to lobby the relevant regulators to ensure that its interests and issues are well understood. In addition and in relation to the remaining items Verve Energy will undertake a series of financial planning models to obtain a better understanding of the affect the profitability of the company. Part of those financial planning models will include cost-volume-profit analysis to better understand the break even based on a series of assumptions.

B: S. Barr

1. In compiling its budget, Verve Energy needs to first set a strategic direction. This strategic direction would then be communicated throughout the organisation allowing scenario development to take place (usually a best and worst case scenario as well as a mid case, a business as usual scenario). The development of these scenarios must include any big events or risks and ensure everything is included and will include sales forecasting. This scenario will then require each of the business units or departments within Verve to cost out their expenses and contribute to the overall budget, and allow the preparation of financial statements showing the financial position of Verve, which can then be communicated throughout the organisation.
Verve Energy is a state owned company which formed as a result of a restructure of Western Power in 2006. To encourage private investment, Verve has a 3000 MW limit placed on it, however is required to cover any shortfalls in the electricity supply market (eg. Varanus incident). This has in part led Verve to run at a considerable loss over recent years, and a $171 million loss in the last financial year.
Main Issue Probable Cause Probable Consequence
Political Supply cap Government imposed cap of how much electricity can be produced (3000 MW) Verve not running an entirely efficient power generation business
Balance Sheet position Increased liabilities such as Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme and Community Service Obligation payments Generating insufficient income to cover current liabilities
Economic Annual Losses Being the supplier of last resort requiring the turning on of old and out dated plant Continuing to run at a loss and being subsidised by the government (this will be offset by the removal of the 10 year freeze on Tariffs)
Socio-cultural poor safety and environmental performance Lack of attention to safety systems Significant management time being consumed on improving safety performance
Technological new turbine installations Timely installation of these turbines with the ability to stop/start as required Reduction in costs
Legal Vesting contract with Synergy Not realising cost reflective tariffs Revenue generation not at its peak
Environmental Carbon footprint Possible introduction of Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, and need to increase percentage of renewable energy (eg. Wind farms, etc.) Increased operating costs in an effort to reduce carbon emissions

Verve Energy has been constrained by a number of factors in recent times including the government capping its production output, and a variety of contractual and supply issues. Whilst some of these will be removed in the near future, it can be expected that if the government wants to rely on Verve to plug the gap in electricity supply, that some issues will remain. This coupled with an ageing plant and requirement to reduce Carbon Emissions will vary the profit or loss significantly. This opens the door for an opportunity to implement Target Costing with a change in plant, contracts and removal of the 10 year freeze on Tariffs. In conjunction with the findings of the Oates Report (Verve Energy Annual Report, 2009), Verve will then be well positioned to show significant improvement in its profitability, and better understand its financial position over the coming years.


Compile the Budget:
A budget assists in planning, coordination, communication, accountability/responsibility, control, authorisation & motivation (Bazley and Hancock 2006 ,636). The definition of budgeting should include allocation of resources and performance evaluation (Hilton 2009 ,348), and this full definition outlines the requirements of Verve Energy.
The preparation of budget starts with an overall strategy, leading to corporate objectives, which then communicates to, controls, guides and evaluates the individual (departmental) functional budgets.
Verves sales revenue budget then forecasts demand - the expected units of energy required to be produced. This subsequently develops the Operational Budget, outlining how demand will be delivered in terms of material, labour and overhead.

Business Performance:
Background -
Verves combination of State Government ownership and private enterprise corporate structure makes for a complex mix of vision & strategy, where it is required to both be profitable & competitive although exist under tight governmental controls forcing it to give way to competition under limits, controls, vesting contracts and tight environment and social compliance, whilst experiencing dynamic fuel/supply issues and tariff limitations.
The resulting financial struggle is not surprising, although, the competition also face similar challenges. Verve is respected as a reliable energy supplier despite the dire financial status.
(Chairman & MD - Verve Energy 2008) (Chairman & MD - Verve Energy 2007-8) (Chairman & MD - Verve Energy 2008)

Issues Cause and Consequence identifiable through PESTLE evaluation as follows (focus on issues):
Issue Category Direct Cause Consequence to Verve
(Trade Restrictions / Tariffs) 3000MW Cap
Energy Tariff Freeze - Cannot increase production or price to maintain effective cost/price ratio
(Price of Fuel)
(Price of Energy)
(Financial Issues) Dynamic (& high) cost of liquid fuel.
Cost/Price ratio of Energy is not adequate
Increasing Current Liability - struggles to maintain output within fuel cost margin
- Profit margin negative
- Inability to reduce debt = inability to commission efficient plant
(Safety / Employment) Poor Safety at Work
Employment Cuts - Fluctuating Reputation
- Affecting customer perception
(Cost of Maintenance & Efficiency Gains) Maintaining Old Plant to satisfy demand.
Cost of New Plant - Sunk Costs maintaining old plant
- New Plant increases Liability due to negative cash flow
(Legislation) Vesting Contracts
Unfair competitive legislation stifles market - Commercially unsustainable
- Lost Competitive Advantage
(Water Usage)
(Emissions Constraints) Water Restrictions
Carbon Foot Print
Pressure for Renewable - High cost of environmentally acceptable solutions hits bottom line.

Partnership with government should be leveraged providing a business performance perspective to the review of cap levels, vesting contracts, national emissions trading scheme, tariff setting and subsidy for fuel/water and increased output at peak times in order to provide a commercially sustainable energy market.
Identification of variable cost drivers and non-value adding activities, with respect to individual plants, would indicate the high fuel & environmental costs (for non-renewable) but also indicate each plants profitability through the implementation of a process view/cost assignment ABC Model.
A reduction in overall plant based on this profitability study would better meet the cap limit through the generation of higher efficiency (low variable cost) energy, reduced overhead and emissions concerns and provide a release on Verves output requirements by objective analysis of financial performance, resource allocation & cost/price ratio to provide energy.
High setup costs of renewable energy would outweigh the ongoing variable costs and negate emissions cost, however significant subsidy would be requird due to Verves financial status.
Objective evaluation of performance through cost analysis should provide the leverage for Verve to be freed to operate as a profitable business in the long run rather than fighting incompatible strategic initiatives of governmental protection and private enterprise competitive advantage.

This is my final term paper for the semester. In this paper I have to discuss how South Africa's Black Economic Empowerment program is unethical in light of the nation's Apartheid sufferings especially from a business/economic perspective.
The professor asked us to base the paper on arguing that this program is unethical using 2-3 ethical theories (all the ethical theories are in the PowerPoint that I will provide you with). Further he requires 5-7 sources, being academic publications or articles from a trusted source (of your choice). He also requires a bibliography.
Some of the arguments can be:
-you cannot fight fire with fire (you cannot discriminate white and colored people in SA today because black people were discriminated during the apartheid);
-this new sort of discrimination could lead to another sort of apartheid.
There are faxes for this order.

macroeconomics and gas stations

Situation C

Cousin Edgar is always thinking of the next business idea. This time, he plans to invest in buying four gas stations. He reckons American consumers have come to accept the high ga...soline prices, and estimates world prices for gasoline to increase even further with high demand from India and China. Besides, Cousin Edgar thinks he will make a good profit on the sale of convenience items at each station. But before buying the gas stations, he decides to ask for your advice because you are taking this course in business economics.

Cousin Edgar needs financing for his new business, but you realize there are more macroeconomic factors he needs to consider in timing his decision. You decide to research the economy in terms of GDP growth rate, interest rates, level of unemployment, the business cycle, fiscal policy, monetary policy, international trade, and demographics. You want to provide Cousin Edgar with the most informed advice possible.

1. Title Page: Name, class, and date
2. Introduction to situation but do NOT copy the scenario. Briefly summarize the situation and identify the macroeconomic issue(s) to be decided from the perspective of the organization.
3. Business cycles, unemployment, inflation, international?comparative advantage, exchange rates, trade, etc., monetary policy and interest rates, and fiscal policy and unemployment. Identify the variables that are critical in addressing the issue(s). .
4. Recommendations and Economic Justification
Formulate and present your recommendations for addressing the issue(s) based on the relevant data and economic principles identified above. Justify your recommendations in terms of the economic impact on those affected.
5. References
List the full references for at least five sources alphabetically in APA format.
Outline already completed -

Introduction to Situation
To understand how gas prices are set, it helps to examine supply, demand, inflation and taxes. While supply and demand gets the most focus and the most blame for the high price of gasoline, inflation and taxes also account for large increases in the cost to consumers.

GDP Growth Rate
Explain the United State Growth Rate and why it is important to the gas station scenario and how Uncle Edgar will need to realize this in regards to his situation.

Business Cycle
Business cycle has four different stages that will change with the growth of the economy. These four cycles are expansion, peak, recession, and recovery.
Fiscal policy and unemployment and inflation
Review of the fiscal policy and how it relates to unemployment. How unemployment can affect the fiscal policy and unemployment taxation. Both combine overall affect the inflation and how the government controls these areas.

Monetary policy and interested rate
Government can utilize the monetary policy to control the economy as it regulates the money supply with the interest rates for banking.
Additionally, with the interest rates can reduce the money supply and bring back higher interest rates while supporting the monetary policy of the government. This would cause the International trade rate to have to change to keep up with the United States.

International trade
Requirements of trade are regulated and the exchange rate is determined between trading countries. This allows for nations to produce more merchandise and have competitive market advancement when they combine their output and distribution of their resources such as gasoline in their favor.
With the increase or decrease of gasoline is a change in the demand and individuals in different markets need it for fuel to transport themselves and goods. This need and supply is based on the number of individuals driving and therefore have caused the need for more individuals? daily use of gasoline. China is a primary example of a country that has increased and will continue to increase the necessary need of gasoline.

As counties including the United States continue to grow and live longer the demographics on individual needing the resources of gasoline will increase. Additionally as more individuals become immigrants and move from poorer counties to more established areas, they will also create an increase in this area.


In gathering the data so far, it appears my recommendation will be for Edgar to continue with his plan as gasoline over the short period appears to be constant with the prices rising and falling and demands is inelastic. It does show with prices dropping that the demand of gasoline is less however the pattern shows that supply and demand of gasoline overall will move upwards as more individuals in more countries will utilize this product and the demand will be valid.


The key question you will address in this case analysis is: With respect to macroeconomic variables, was India an attractive site for foreign direct investment in 2012? In answering this question d...iscuss both long term and short term perspectives. Rely on the articles by Rivlin and Jordan to help you identify issues relating to long term growth policies.

Secondary questions to be addressed:
What are the primary short term macroeconomic risks that a company would face if they entered India in 2012? What do the data tell us? How did they respond to the 2008 slowdown? What other risks are apparent? Would you be concerned about Hindu-Muslim frictions? Demographic fragmentation? Government budget deficits and debt? Current account deficits? Why?

Why did India experience relatively slow economic growth (3.5%, the Hindu rate of growth) from independence to 1991? What changes have promoted more recent rapid growth? Why should we be concerned with inclusive long term growth rather than rapid growth driven by the most dynamic sectors? What might constrain Indias ability to achieve growth as planned?

Case analysis and write-up.

Please use referenced materials and use references.
1.Rivlin, Alice M., The Challenge of Affluence, Business Economics, 12/2001, pp. 6-12.
2. Jordan, Jerry, How to Keep Growing New Economies, Economic Commentary Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, August 15, 2000
3. India: On the Move, Vietor and Thompson

There are faxes for this order.

I need 300 words per question. Questions are shown below:
1) Reflecting on your personal experiences or circumstances, tell us something about yourself not already or sufficiently communicated in your application that distinguishes you as a potential scholarship candidate.
(Some information about me) I am the first generation of immigrant. I lived in China until I was 21. I am the first college student in my family. My major is Business Economics. I have deep interest in a wide variety of disciplines: history, geography, math, computers, physics and so on. I love to play basketball, soccer, and pool. I enjoy singing karaoke.

2) Community college offers students an opportunity to learn about college away from the crowding often associated with large universities. What do you feel you have learned from your community college experience? What advice would you give to a high school senior trying to decide between attending a community college or a four-year university?

3) Name a great leader and discuss what made that leader great. What qualities do you believe you possess or wish to develop that will make you a great leader in the future?
(Please talk about innovation and creativity)

For this assignment, you should focus on chapters 2-6 in your text as well as Chapters 1-3 in Foundations of Business Economics and the article entitled, "Workers Attitudes and the Cost of Prod...uction:Hypothesis Tests in an Equilibrium Model".

The purpose your first writing assignment is to show you the important relationship between motivation and economics. I want you to start thinking like a manager...last week you all found examples of companies that had come up with interesting ways to improve their employees attitudes. Do you think that the CEO would approve these programs if the manager suggesting them couldn't prove that it would also be beneficial for the company? For this weeks assignment, I would like you to find an example (you may use the same company as last week if you choose) of a company that is motivating it's employees with some type of special program. I would then like you to provide in some detail how this program has increased the productivity, and ultimately the profitability of the company. Please make sure to use the key concepts from all of the readings.

Your paper should be written in proper APA format.

I would like the essay to identify the networking opportunities this school (Rutgers) provides due to the social life of the campus. Also, I would like the mention of the prestige of the Rutgers name in the business world. In addition, my interest in the business, economics, and communication programs. As well as the affordability of this in-state(NJ) tuition cost on a kid who with parents of the middle-class. Thanks

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Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Research and write a 3 pg report/essay in APA format, with a valid argument position, with a min. of 5 cited academic references (business/economics/finance). Finance as a scientific discipline is…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Scholarship as a Woman and

Words: 1663
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Write three short essays to answer the following three mandatory questions. Please be thoughtful and answer the questions directly. Each essay shoud be 250 - 500 words.Do not…

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4 Pages

Academic Term Email ID the National Income

Words: 1148
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

All project submissions should be prepared as Word documents suitable for electronic transmission. Your PP2 report should consist of precisely 5 numbered pages. The first page is a cover…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Academic Career and How Do

Words: 329
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I need a essay for my Scholarship Application.(300 word maximum)(no more than 300 words) Question: What do you hope to accomplish after you complete your academic career and how do you…

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12 Pages

Shareholders, Managers and Employees Are

Words: 3799
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

This is Important for writing this paper: Economic Strategy of a multinational corporation- this paper MUST have a very strong economic undertone; it must incorporate economic terms, models, school of thought and concepts…

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18 Pages
Research Paper

Blackboard Inc. Marketing Plan Blackboard

Words: 4520
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Report specifications: Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description 3. Strategic Focus and plan Mission/Vision Goals Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage 4. Situation Analysis SWOT Analysis Internal Strengths and Weaknesses Management Offerings Marketing Personnel Finance Manufacturing Research and Development (R & D) External Opportunities and Threats Consumer/Social Competitive Technological Economic Legal/Regulatory Industry Analysis Competitor…

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8 Pages

Strategic Reasons Why Countries Undertake Protectionist Measures

Words: 2676
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Please critically examine the strategic reasons why countries undertake protectionist measures. Explain your answer with relevant examples (real world example with explanation about how it relates with the theory…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Firm Structure, Multinationals, and Manufacturing

Words: 1047
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Journal article reviews relating to labor economics topics The journal article reviews consist of formal reviews of journal articles relating to labor economics topics.…

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10 Pages

Shoring of Hyundai to the

Words: 3236
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors which led for the Hyundai Motor Company to expand successfully its sale marketing to the United States and intercultural…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

CIBC - Barclays the Caribbean Operations of

Words: 954
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This term project is an analysis of an actual merger(CIBC / Barclays: Caribbean Operations , this merger occured in 2006) Your report should include the following aspects: 1. The…

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2 Pages

Financial Structure of the Firm

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Research and write a 2 pg report/essay in APA format, with a valid argument position, with a min. of 4 cited academic references (business/economics/finance). In firms, finance plays a significant…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Company Description in Business Since

Words: 1989
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

paper title: u10a1 Project ??" Final Marketing Analysis Syllabus Marketing Analysis Project Description Overview : Research and produce a marketing analysis of a product, service, or company. This will include a…

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1 Pages

Leaves Some Questions Unanswered. For

Words: 413
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Writers This a continuation of the last research paper where you discussed Verve energy budget and issues with the company finances by examining their financial statements. Here are 3 different…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Ethical Issues of South Africa's

Words: 2537
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is my final term paper for the semester. In this paper I have to discuss how South Africa's Black Economic Empowerment program is unethical in light of the…

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7 Pages

macroeconomics and gas stations

Words: 2265
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Situation C Cousin Edgar is always thinking of the next business idea. This time, he plans to invest in buying four gas stations. He reckons American consumers have come to…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Why India Is a Popular Source of Foreign Investment

Words: 1548
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The key question you will address in this case analysis is: With respect to macroeconomic variables, was India an attractive site for foreign direct investment in 2012?…

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3 Pages

Personal Experiences or Circumstances, Tell

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

I need 300 words per question. Questions are shown below: 1) Reflecting on your personal experiences or circumstances, tell us something about yourself not already or sufficiently communicated in your application…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Management Relationships Between Motivation and Economics

Words: 957
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

For this assignment, you should focus on chapters 2-6 in your text as well as Chapters 1-3 in Foundations of Business Economics and the article entitled, "Workers Attitudes and…

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2 Pages

Rutgers: Personal Statement I Am Very Proud

Words: 603
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

I would like the essay to identify the networking opportunities this school (Rutgers) provides due to the social life of the campus. Also, I would like the mention of…

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