25+ documents containing “Business Culture”.
According to our instructions, the mandate we must follow is to increase the company presence in Kava. The primary objective is to benefit this comp...any in a manner that also confers some meaningful benefit to the people of Kava. The government and various other entities in Kava also apparently hope to benefit by virtue of our establishing what they have referred to as our business culture in Kava.
In principle, we must identify the optimal use of company resources to generate profit for the organization and benefit our society in the U.S. in some symbiotic rather than parasitic relationship with the people of Kava and the nation as a whole. After identifying viable possible strategies for achieving that objective, the next issue will be determining a fair and equitable sharing of economic benefits after expenses.
To the extent the Kava government hopes to emulate U.S. business models and organizational structure and operations, it would seem that providing assistance would naturally benefit the Kava people. However, to the extent the Kava government (and other entities) hope to emulate the negative aspects of modern American business culture of excess and exploitation of the lower classes by the wealthier and more powerful, our providing the assistance requested could have a detrimental rather than a beneficial effect on the Kava people.
Implementing modern organizational processes and applying modern human resource principles should be well within our ability to accomplish. Therefore, our most important functions in pursuing our objectives is to maximize the benefit to the company, share in proceeds fairly with the Kava people, and make every reasonable attempt to encourage the Kava government to emulate our modern approach to public welfare and an implement an appropriately paternalistic and socially concerned approach toward incorporating our methods into Kava society.
Undoubtedly, the application of modern organizational processes, organizational structure, operational management, and strategic planning principles would be tremendously beneficial to any organizational presence in Kava. Naturally, any of our facilities would apply the same concepts that characterize our domestic and other foreign operations. The Kava government could also benefit greatly from our comparatively sophisticated approach to government operations and public administration.
However, this raises potential ethical concerns over the capacity for harm to the Kava people. More specifically, the Kava people are much more vulnerable to exploitation (including from their own government and domestic organizations and institutions) than are citizens of more advanced democratic societies. In that regard, even the protections available in more sophisticated societies cannot prevent major governmental corruption, exploitation, or unethical business practices in the private sector.
Therefore, the prospect of expanding our company presence to Kava does not obligate us to become more directly involved in Kava government or politics, but it does impose an obligation on our part to encourage the most beneficial organizational values and practices at every level. Business management principles must be shared in a manner that best cultivates a fundamental respect for human rights, equal rights, ethical principles of fairness and equity.
Naturally, in addition to attempting to instil socially responsible organizational values in Kava, our ethical responsibility requires us to determine a fair method of apportioning the measurable value that we derive from our Kava operations between the Kava people and our financial interests. It should go without saying that we will restrict our operations, organizational processes, and human resource approaches to those considered ethically appropriate in the U.S. and that we will strongly encourage that the Kava government adopt similar standards of government and corporate responsibility for the benefit of Kava society through our influence.
However, to the extent our Kava operations generate financial profit, we must determine how to allocate those profits ethically. In that regard, our fundamental obligation is to compensate Kava employees and organizations is to ensure that the amount of profit that we extract from their labor and other resources is ethically appropriate to the circumstances. No arbitrary assignment of numerical percentages can provide the right ratio of company (and American) profits to Kava benefits.
Therefore, a viable approach might be to first outline objective goals for our impact on Kava society first, and only then to crunch the numbers. For example, it might be that, given our anticipated profits, a reasonable minimum goal capable of justifying our corporate presence in Kava for one year is the establishment of a centralized national system of health clinics to provide basic healthcare services to the Kava population. Whatever profits remain after that goal is achieved represents our fair share, whether that comes out to 70% or 10%. Furthermore, a 50% cap on our benefit might be appropriate as well, with any excess directed toward further justifying our corporate presence in Kava.
-Using the information from the case,describe your rationale and plan for implementation for the proposed solution(s) for your organization to establish a greater presence on Kava by:
1) Determine factors affecting decision implementation in an organization and your proposed solution(s)
2) Evaluate resources and actions required for decision implementation of your proposed solution(s)
3) Evaluate the ethical implications from stakeholders perspectives of your proposed solution(s) more
Imagine that your a manager from Italy. Write a essay, in first person, in which you describe your own (Italian) business culture. Compare and contrast Italian culture with U.S. culture and two other European cultures (Britain and Germany).
Include concoepts and information from Geert Hofstede and Martin J. Gannon, but do so in a way that sounds as if you are talking to a friend, rather than reading from a textbook. Try to integrate ideas from different sources together.
My name is Nik. I spell my name a little differently. But, with so many folks named Nicholas, Nicolette, Nicole, Nikoleta, Nikola, and more, I figure I?d let people guess.
Like ...everyone else, I periodically imagine what paradise on Earth would be for me. In my imagination, my trip to paradise includes having a wonderful, loving relationship, finishing my college degree, getting a meaningful job, seeing some of the rest of the world, and getting my dog, Leonard, housebroken.
Although I?d been working on all this stuff for what seems a lifetime, I couldn?t believe that they all came together for me within a three week period; although, I?m still working on Leonard.
Within two weeks of finishing my degree, I landed a job with great potential in a solid organization. All the investment of time, energy, and money in school finally paid off, not to mention I learned a lot more than I thought I would. The next week I reconnected with a former ?friend?, that could prove to be the love of my life. Did I point out I?m still working with Leonard?
Adding to paradise found, my first assignment with my new company required me to travel to another part of the world?an island country of Kava, in the South Pacific to be exact. Now who thinks of the South Pacific and doesn?t image a physical paradise ? white beach, gentle surf, swaying palm trees, tropical breeze ? I sure did, and so did the prospective love of my life. We agreed the first trip would be strictly business. So, I would be traveling alone. Poor Leonard. If this assignment and our relationship worked out well, however, we could spend other occasions together in paradise.
My first week of work was entirely engulfed in a brief introduction to the company, HR procedures, organizational processes, overview of Kava, and flight arrangements. Although I received a great deal of help in putting together the trip to Kava, no one knew exactly what I would be doing there.
?You?ll be working with Alex, our director of strategic planning,? was the short, quick, and consistent response I got. ?Very experienced, very demanding, very influential executive. What an opportunity for you!?
So, the following week I was off to Kava, to meet with Alex, my supervisor and mentor, for my assignment in paradise.
I hope the love of my life gets Leonard housebroken while I am gone.
The setting:
My first reminder that life?s events are not as we perceive them to be is when I landed in Kava. What I found was that this part of paradise was a mess, at least where I landed. It was a mess all the way to our company?s office. It was a mess around the office.
I opened the door of the trailer, our make-shift office. The office was a mess, too!
Before I could focus myself to say anything, even to greet the receptionist sitting behind the desk, the hectic yet very welcoming voice rang out, ?Greetings, I?m Alex.?
I was a bit surprised. Correction: I was very surprised. People never look like you picture them?nothing is like your mind ever pictures it?but I was way off with Alex. I should have known better, but I still answered, ?Really? You?re not the receptionist? You?re not at all how I pictured you.?
?Really?? Alex responded, ?How did you picture me??..? gesturing me to introduce myself.
?I?m sorry. I?m Nik,? I responded.
?You are Nik?? was Alex?s retort. ?Wow! You?re not even close to how I pictured you, either.?
?So much for perception is reality,? we said in unison.
?Well, that was a wave of commonality in this sea of diverse thought, eh?? Alex quipped.
I quickly learned Alex loved metaphors.
?Yeah, let?s see if we can have many more of these we experience,? I answered, hoping my first impression was not my last.
Again with a hectic this time reassuring voice Alex said, ?Oh we will.
?So, you?re one of the rookies they sent me from training camp. Get ready for some fun games. By the way, I am also the receptionist.?
?Let me tell you a little about Kava,? Alex continued, and with a note of humor and threat added, ?And, make sure you keep your eye on the ball this time.?
Alex debriefs Nik about Kava.
The location:
A significant island country in the South Pacific.
The people:
Over 50% under 15 years of age
Ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, Asian (Chinese primarily), African, French, Spanish, and since World War II, a sizeable number of Americans.
Religions ? Indigenous 50%, remainder closely divided between Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic.
Languages ? Numerous indigenous, as well as English, Spanish, and French.
The economy:
Petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, bananas, sugar, tourism, fishing, and natural gas, as well as inexpensive, quality labor.
Disasters threats:
Tidal waves/tsunami
Volcanic eruptions
Petroleum spill
High risk for avian flu
Terrorism, from within and outside the country
Helping organizations:
Governmental service ? local, state, and national levels?including the military
Community based organizations
Faith-based groups
After Alex?s introduction to Kava, reviewing the potential risk associated with our location, and thinking I?m showing Alex my great observation skills, I declare, ?That?s why the mess all around here. Some disaster hit this place. Right??
Alex?s eyes spoke, ?No kidding, slugger.? But kinder and more informative words came from Alex?s mouth that said, ?No, not some disaster. It was some disasters?fastballs being thrown from all sides, so to speak.?
I asked my first stupid question, ?What kind of disasters have they had here??
With some chiding, but great patience, Alex replied, ?Don?t they teach about things that happen in the rest of the world at your college, or did you get hit by a pitch??
?They do,? I answered, ?but like everybody else, I guess, it if doesn?t affect me directly, I don?t pay much attention.?
?Every day, in many ways, you?re affected directly by things that happen in many parts of the rest of the world,? Alex responded, this time with less patience. ?I bet what happens in Kava impacts your life at least three times a day, every day. You may not get all the fly balls, but you?re still in every part of the game?
?What happened here was?..
?How did the folks deal with all that?? I interrupted with amazement.
?Too much, too many, and over too short a period,? Alex answered with sigh. ?Add to that the diverse composition, beliefs, attitudes, and ideologies, and you?ve got a melting pot boiling over.?
?Or, everybody thinks they can pitch, eh?? as I took a swing at metaphoric statements.
?Good one,? Alex stated. ?Yep. Now, let?s get to work on our game plan.?
Alex began to define our mission and my assignment:
?Our company is considering establishing a greater presence here in Kava,? Alex started. ?That greater presence could take various forms, based on what?s good for our company and what?s good for the people of Kava. You and I get the chance to analyze, synthesize, and prescribe regarding that decision.?
?Because so many disasters happen here?? I questioned. ?I think I can write up this recommendation in two words, ?Forget It??.
Again with great patience, Alex explained, slowly and deliberately, ?I guess you can just take your ball and go home. But our organization chose to play in this game and you chose to join our organization. If you really want to play, you will have to take your turn at bat. There are no designated hitters in this game.?
I rephrased my thoughts, ?OK, we want a greater presence on Kava, because so many disasters happen here.?
Alex answered, ?Yes, but even more. Certainly, one reason is that whatever happens here affects us there. I?ll make sure you understand that as we create this study. As you?ve seen recently, disasters happen at home, too. We can avoid, deny, or ignore them. We have to turn them into opportunities. Another huge reason is the founder of our company, Chris Morales, has a deep-seeded commitment to doing what is right. Not because of the economics, or politics, or recognition, but because it?s the right thing to do. Our organization is far from perfect, but we keep trying to upgrade who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Chris believes we can?t keep taking more from Kava, if we don?t give more back. Chris wants to live up to that Morales name. And, the third, maybe most consequential reason is the government of Kava, and I?m sure indirectly a bunch of other organizations, are asking us to bring our business ?culture? to Kava.
?Why is their government asking our company, a for-profit business, to help them with their, uh, social needs?? I asked.
?There are also three big, basic reasons, for that,? Alex answered, ?and loads of other minor ones.
?First of all, through our growth, our company has demonstrated that we can develop and manage a very effective, as well as highly efficient, organizational structure and processes. That includes all aspects of the company; marketing, finance, purchasing, technology, human resources, physical resource, transportation, strategic planning, leadership, etc.
?Secondly, the goods and services that come from Kava, have a significant impact on our company, you and me, and most folks back home, as well as people all over the world.
?Last, and certainly not least, as Chris has preached and demonstrated, ?In the long run, economics drives everything.??
Alex concluded with, ?So, are you ready for your turn at bat??
?I guess,? I answered will all the confidence of a first-time skydiver. ?But, I wouldn?t mind if you?re the leadoff hitter, at least for right now.?
?OK, then. Keep your eye on the ball,? Alex instructed, ?because here?s what we, by that I mean you, need to do first.
?All those fresh new critical-thinking skills you developed in your education should be applied, because I want you to write a not-too-long Part I to what will be our company?s plan about how we have a greater presence on Kava. I think Part I of the plan should discuss at least three areas; organizational processes, human resources, and ethics.
?So, how to be, or how not to be here,? I joked, ?That is the question.?
?That?s right, Hamlet.? Alex joked in return, ?Although I think was Milton not Shakespeare who wrote Paradise Lost. Let?s see if we can find it.?
Read all seven articles below and write essay type answer for the following questions.
I will email you 2 pdf files that contain the articles.
The ?Japan1.pdf? has four articles that exp...lain Japanese business culture.
1. RITUAL: The Collective Psyche of Japan
2. Hidden harmony in JAPANESE - "Wa"
3. How to succeed in Japanese business meeting
4. Hanami: Old meet New
The ?Japan2.pdf? has three articles that describe work experiences at Japanese working environment.
1. The Day of Yoshiaki in Kawasaki
2. The Day of Bill at Watanabe Electronics
3. Working in a Japanese Company - The Daily Routine
write essay type answer for the following questions.
?Does the Japanese business culture provide the important ingredients for successful implementation of the TQM? What aspects of their culture can be implemented in this country? Would you recommend any aspects of Japanese business culture to your organization for implementing the TQM? Do U.S. organizations have ?Wa? or "Rentai" culture? Do you think either ?Wa? or ?Rentai? concepts can improve ?team? work environment in this country if they are implemented properly? What are the problems and issues likely to be faced in initiating a Japanese work ethics or business culture in the U.S. firms? How do you plan to solve above issues?
There are faxes for this order. more
The assignment in Week Three is Decisions in Paradise Part I consists of the following:
a. Read the Modified Business Scenario Decisions in Paradise (at the bottom of the assignment descript...ion)
b. Assume the role of Nik, and use Pacific Express (PacEx) as the organization represented by Alex, Nik, and Chris.
c. Using the information from the case, materials from the course, independent research, and information from your current organization or those provided
by your faculty facilitator for the parent company, FedEx, in the course materials thread, prepare a 700- 1,050-word paper, in which you develop the preliminary considerations for FedEx and PacEx
to establish a greater presence on Kava by:
1) Defining the issues that appear in this business scenario
2) Discussing the forces that are involved in formulation of the problem Using problem formulation tools and techniques, describe the
organizational and cultural (some will refer to this as environmental) obstacles in the way of attaining the necessary manpower and training to
deliver an initial operations within a Kava-based PacEx business unit. The PacEx cargo port will be tied to FedExs distribution cargo port in the
Philippines. Address how the various key Kava civic leaders and government (i.e. stakeholders) will be impacted by the various decisions and policies that
PacEx must implement using parent company guidance in areas such as equal opportunity, language on the job. Limit your debate to the areas of
employee recruitment, selection and employee training on PacEx and FedEx policies, procedures and cargo port work processes. Remember, we are
following the steps in the decision-making model.
3) Apply critical thinking in the decision-making process
Business Scenario
Decisions in Paradise: How To Be, or Not To Be
My name is Nik. I spell my name a little differently. But, with so many folks named Nicholas, Nicolette, Nicole, Nikoleta, Nikola, and more, I figure Id let people guess.
Like everyone else, I periodically imagine what paradise on Earth would be for me. In my imagination, my trip to paradise includes having a wonderful, loving relationship, finishing my college degree, getting a meaningful job, seeing some of the rest of the world, and getting my dog, Leonard, housebroken.
Although Id been working on all this stuff for what seems a lifetime, I couldnt believe that they all came together for me within a three week period; although, Im still working on Leonard.
Within two weeks of finishing my degree, I landed a job with great potential in a solid organization called Federal Express within a sub unit called Pacific Express (PacEx). All the investment of time, energy, and money in school finally paid off, not to mention I learned a lot more than I thought I would. The next week I reconnected with a former friend, that could prove to be the love of my life. Did I point out Im still working with Leonard?
Adding to paradise found, my first assignment with my new company required me to travel to another part of the worldan island country of Kava, in the South Pacific to be exact. Now who thinks of the South Pacific and doesnt image a physical paradise white beach, gentle surf, swaying palm trees, tropical breeze I sure did, and so did the prospective love of my life. We agreed the first trip would be strictly business. So, I would be traveling alone. Poor Leonard. If this assignment and our relationship worked out well, however, we could spend other occasions together in paradise.
My first week of work was entirely engulfed in a brief introduction to the company, HR procedures, organizational processes, overview of Kava, and flight arrangements. Although I received a great deal of help in putting together the trip to Kava, no one knew exactly what I would be doing there since PacEx was such a new unit. Our trainers had an idea it is a mini-FedEx for the smaller countries across the Pacific Ocean. The only real insight I obtained to PacEx operations was a briefing our trainers had on file from the first President of PacEx.
Youll be working with Alex, our director of strategic planning for PacEx, was the short, quick, and consistent response I got. Very experienced, very demanding, very influential executive. What an opportunity for you!
So, the following week I was off to Kava, to meet with Alex, my supervisor and mentor, for my assignment in paradise.
I hope the love of my life gets Leonard housebroken while I am gone.
The setting:
My first reminder that lifes events are not as we perceive them to be is when I landed in Kava. What I found was that this part of paradise was a mess, at least where I landed. It was a mess all the way to our companys office at the airport. It was a mess around the office. The trailer office was right next to a fairly new hanger lined with offices inside and I could see conveyors and new material handling equipment being installed as we drove up. New vehicles for package delivery were lined up with PacEx decals on the side. It looked like FedEx had multiple contractors delivering everything necessary to start a PacEx business unit.
I opened the door of the trailer, our make-shift office. The office was a mess, too!
Before I could focus myself to say anything, even to greet the receptionist sitting behind the desk, the hectic yet very welcoming voice rang out, Greetings, Im Alex.
I was a bit surprised. Correction: I was very surprised. People never look like you picture themnothing is like your mind ever pictures itbut I was way off with Alex. I should have known better, but I still answered, Really? Youre not the receptionist? Youre not at all how I pictured you.
Really? Alex responded, How did you picture me.. gesturing me to introduce myself.
Im sorry. Im Nik, I responded.
You are Nik? was Alexs retort. Wow! Youre not even close to how I pictured you, either.
So much for perception is reality, we said in unison.
Well, that was a wave of commonality in this sea of diverse thought, eh? Alex quipped.
I quickly learned Alex loved metaphors.
Yeah, lets see if we can have many more of these we experience, I answered, hoping my first impression was not my last.
Again with a hectic this time reassuring voice Alex said, Oh we will.
So, youre one of the rookies they sent me from FedEx training camp. Get ready for some fun games. By the way, I am also the receptionist.
Let me tell you a little about Kava, Alex continued, and with a note of humor and threat added, And, make sure you keep your eye on the ball this time.
Alex debriefs Nik about Kava.
The location:
A significant island country in the South Pacific.
Settled by both Britain and France during the first half of the 19th century, the island was made a French possession in 1853. It served as a penal colony for four decades after 1864. Agitation for independence during the 1980s and early 1990s ended in a 1998 Accord, which transferred an increasing amount of governing responsibility from France to Kava. Kava assumed full sovereignty and independence in 2006.
The people:
Over 50% under 15 years of age, an AIDS epidemic affected significant numbers of middle-aged adults and elderly. The epidemic is now under control.
Ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, Asian (Chinese primarily), African, French, Spanish, and since World War II, a sizeable number of Americans.
Religions Indigenous 50%, remainder closely divided between Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic.
Languages Numerous indigenous, as well as English, Spanish, and French.
The culture:
A male dominated society where women are viewed in a negative way when it comes to education, and voting rights. With the recent epidemics significant number of women are being introduced to the work force. Star Semiconductor ended up with a significant number of women workers. Bribery is especially bad in the business community. Community leadrs consist of elders who hold town hall meetings where issues should be introduced and discussed. Meetings with these elders can result in local support to solve issues.
The economy:
Petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, bananas, sugar, tourism, fishing, and natural gas, as well as inexpensive, quality labor.
Disasters threats:
Tidal waves/tsunami
Volcanic eruptions
Petroleum spill
High risk for avian flu
Terrorism, from within and outside the country
Helping organizations:
Governmental service local, state, and national levelsincluding the military
Community based organizations
Faith-based groups
After Alexs introduction to Kava, reviewing the potential risks associated with our location, and thinking Im showing Alex my great observation skills, I declare, Thats why the mess all around here. Some disaster hit this place. Right?
Alexs eyes spoke, No kidding, slugger. But kinder and more informative words came from Alexs mouth that said, No, not some disaster. It was some disastersfastballs being thrown from all sides, so to speak.
I asked my first stupid question, What kind of disasters have they had here?
With some chiding, but great patience, Alex replied, Dont they teach about things that happen in the rest of the world at your college, or did you get hit by a pitch?
They do, I answered, but like everybody else, I guess, it if doesnt affect me directly, I dont pay much attention.
Every day, in many ways, youre affected directly by things that happen in many parts of the rest of the world, Alex responded, this time with less patience. I bet what happens in Kava impacts your life at least three times a day, every day. You may not get all the fly balls, but youre still in every part of the game
What happened here was..
How did the folks deal with all that? I interrupted with amazement.
Too much, too many, and over too short a period, Alex answered with sigh. Add to that the diverse composition, beliefs, attitudes, and ideologies, and youve got a melting pot boiling over.
Or, everybody thinks they can pitch, eh? as I took a swing at metaphoric statements.
Good one, Alex stated. Yep. Now, lets get to work on our game plan.
Alex began to define our mission from PacEx and my assignment:
Our company is considering establishing a greater presence here in Kava with a start up cargo processing operation, Alex started. That greater presence could take various forms, based on whats good for our company and whats good for the people of Kava. You and I get the chance to analyze, synthesize, and prescribe regarding that decision. He continued; Star Semiconductor Inc. has built a huge plant on Kava and it is our job to ensure the air delivered supplies get to the plant and that the components they produce are shipped to other assembly plants in the Pacific quickly and efficiently. This the first big contract for PacEx and weve got to deliver.
Why Kava, because so many disasters happen here? I questioned. I think I can write up this recommendation in two words, Forget It.
Again with great patience, Alex explained, slowly and deliberately, I guess you can just take your ball and go home. But our organization chose to play in this game and you chose to join our organization. If you really want to play, you will have to take your turn at bat. There are no designated hitters in this game.
I rephrased my thoughts, OK, we want a greater presence on Kava beyond our initial commitment with Star Semiconductor, because so many disasters happen here and PacEx can help them obtain relief and humanitarian supplies.
Alex answered, Yes, but even more. Certainly, one reason is that whatever happens here affects us there. Ill make sure you understand that as we create this operation. As youve seen recently, disasters happen at home, too. We can avoid, deny, or ignore them. We have to turn them into opportunities. Another huge reason is the founder of PacEx, Chris Morales, has a deep-seeded commitment to doing what is right. Not because of the economics, or politics, or recognition, but because its the right thing to do. Our organization is far from perfect, but we keep trying to upgrade who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Chris believes we cant keep taking more from Kava, if we dont give more back. Chris wants to live up to that Morales name. And, the third, maybe most consequential reason is the government of Kava, and Im sure indirectly a bunch of other organizations, are asking us to bring our business culture to Kava.
Why is their government asking our company, a for-profit business, to help them with their, uh, social needs? I asked.
There are also three big, basic reasons, for that, Alex answered, and loads of other minor ones.
First of all, through our growth, our company has demonstrated that we can develop and manage a very effective, as well as highly efficient, organizational structure and processes. That includes all aspects of the company; marketing, finance, purchasing, technology, human resources, physical resource, transportation, strategic planning, leadership, etc.
Secondly, the goods and services that come from Kava, have a significant impact on our company, you and me, and most folks back home who use computers or other forms of technology, as well as people all over the world. Star Semiconductors are used in just about every type of electronics.
Last, and certainly not least, as Chris has preached and demonstrated, In the long run, economics drives everything.
Alex concluded with, So, are you ready for your turn at bat?
I guess, I answered will all the confidence of a first-time skydiver. But, I wouldnt mind if youre the leadoff hitter, at least for right now.
OK, then. Keep your eye on the ball, Alex instructed, because heres what we, by that I mean you, need to do first.
All those fresh new critical-thinking skills you developed in your education should be applied, because I want you to write a not-too-long Business Action Plan Part I to what will be our companys plan about how we have a greater presence on Kava. I think Part I of our action plan should discuss the following areas. I would like for you to defining the issues we are facing to establish our PacEx operation. Just about everything we need has been delivered to us by FedEx. Our challenge is the people part of the business enterprise. This is a different place than the United States, so I would like for you to discuss the forces that are involved in formulation of the problem by describing the organizational and cultural (some will refer to this as environmental) obstacles in the way of attaining the necessary manpower and training to deliver an initial operations within a Kava-based PacEx business unit. Our PacEx cargo port will be tied to FedExs distribution cargo port in the Manilla, Philippines. Address how the various key Kava civic leaders and government (i.e. stakeholders) will be impacted by the various decisions and policies that PacEx must implement using parent company guidance in areas such as equal opportunity, language on the job. Since I will be pulling the plan together, I will let you focus on the areas of employee recruitment, selection and employee training on PacEx and FedEx policies, procedures and cargo port work processes. To help you out the PacEx home office delivered our People Policy, which is our employee handbook and the FedEx Code of Business Conduct. Hope you remember all that you observed at the FedEx cargo-processing hub since our operation has to be just as efficient. I noted that FedEx has some video clips you can watch if you forgot what you saw.
So, how to be, or how not to be here, I joked, That is the question.
Thats right, Hamlet. Alex joked in return, Although I think was Milton not Shakespeare who wrote Paradise Lost. Lets see if we can find it.
Some sources that might be some use
http://mediacenter.fedex.designcdt.com/node/244 more
Enterprises have long recognized the need to better sense and respond to business change. What?s different today is that ubiquitous access to information and real ?time communications have fostered and ?always on? business culture where decision making has become a ?just- in ?time processes. ?
?Research is decision- and dilemma-centered? - Discuss
Research process and hypothesis
1.Identify variables involved in the research process.
2.What do you need to formulate a solid research hypothesis?
3.Explain the role of hypothesis.
Please list references. Thanks
III. Assessment of Culture (1000 words) : Detailed description of target country?s cultural environment including the full implications of that culture for the configuration of your product, its distr...ibution, and requisite business practices. Employ our class discussions of culture to guide your description. ("International Business" Competing in the global marketplace 8E)
Discuss China's business culture and how it relates to our product/service.
We provide a unique translation service that uses a blue-tooth head set. Each user is connected to an operator that is constantly translating what they hear. Its like having a translator with you at all times. Similar to the system used in the U.N., except for civilians
"Over the past 10 years, Babel Fish USA has specialized in many different types of document translation service such as legal, medical, technical, and financial documents. We also provide website translation, as well as video game localization services. Our company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.
Our team of translators consists of in-house and freelance linguists, translators, interpreters, and web programmers, all with a very diverse and solid professional background in language translation and interpreting. We strive to provide high-quality services to individuals and all types of companies ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies around the world. We look forward to opening our new product and operations in Beijing, China"
{Also something to consider:} ?Babel fish cannot be held liable for any privacy invasion issues. The user must be held legally responsible for anyone who does not desire a third party listener; which is why we urge our users to openly display the Babel fish during sensitive conversations.?
I have attached the "report criteria". This paper is for the "Assessment of Culture"( Section III) part only. Try to use the the resources given and please try and follow the "Writing criteria".
Please no "fluff" and complicated wording. Sophisticated yet straight forward, THANKS:) more
Watch the China business video at the following link.
Discuss what cultural adjustments ...Americans and Chinese business persons would need to make for conducting successful business with each other
Then comment of the following 2 questions. Please respond separately
1. The first thing that American and Chinese business persons need is cultural awareness of the country they are dealing with. Also, it is so important to understand that not everyone acts or reacts the same way we personally do. There are several adjustments that need to be made based on the cultural differences talked about in the clip. The Chinese are a collectivist nation and are in general more dependent on their organization, while the US is an individualist nation and business people are more independent, decision making takes much longer with the Chinese than they would normally be used to. US business people need to understand that doing business with the Chinese takes time and patience. Another reason that performing business with the Chinese takes a lot of time and effort because, the Chinese put a lot more emphasis on building relationships and trust rather than getting right down to business. Americans are more results driven and want business to get right down to business. This is evident in the fact that contracts are viewed differently, in the US they are binding but in China they really dont carry any obligation, instead they are seen as more of a relationship building step. One thing that American business people need to be very careful with is that they do not joke around or use any sort of horseplay. The Chinese find this very insulting and they may lose face among their co-workers.
2. Conducting business in China is a unique situation which must be accomplished in a manner that is sensitive to the Chinese way of doing business. Operating within the Chinese culture involves relationship building, networking, and not forcing negotiations immediately (Chinese Business Culture). This is often in stark contrast to the methods employed here in the Western world. In addition, there exists a hierarchal group mentality rather than an individualistic desire to do well for oneself first.
Companies must endure protracted negotiations often spanning several years (Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan, 90).Trying to finish a deal early in the negotiation process is seen as having bad faith in the process and the person across from you at the negotiating table. Rather, a commitment to a long-term relationship is the appropriate method of doing business in China. In fact, if contract terms are heavily advanced early in the process, Chinese executives may in fact agree to the terms simply out of respect for their counterpart with no intention of ever fulfilling the initial terms of the deal. It is the personal relationships that define willingness to do business in China, not a mutually agreed upon set of contractual restraints or terms. As a result, it is crucial to expect and be committed to building a solid foundation of trust and mutual respect before advancing with serious negotiations. more
I need to write about the differences between the saudi business culture and the american
religon and language
value and attitude
social organisation
technology and material culture
manners and customs
high context and low context
the link between culture and business
Introduce the culture of Saudi Arabia and the USA Midwest then explain the differences and similarity of the countries and cultures, compare it to the culture of the Midwest of the United States of Am...erica and vice-versa. What do you wish the Americans in the Midwest would know about the Saudi culture? list this out and be specific. from Saudi Arabia's point of view, what do Saudi's need to know in order to do business with Americans in the Midwest? What do u wish Americans would teach Saudis and vice-versa? why? If Americans from the Mid west were to do business in Saudi Arabia, what would be the necessary knowledge and steps to learn in order to do business. Give examples of businesses that would be secsessful and mutual between the tow cultures.
I will upload an essay that was written by essay-town writer (Wizzy) and submitted to the same professor last semester about the same topic. the essay I will upload soon is about the business culture of Saudi Arabia and USA in a general topic. Furthermore this time the current essay I am about to order should be more oriented to to explain the business culture of the Midwest and Saudi rather than just Saudi and USA. The writer can use the same essay to save time but please make sure to rephrase the assay to make it more specific about the Midwest culture and saudi rather than being general. Integrate the new changes to the introduction and the body of the essay I will send.
Please submit the essay on time as there is no extensions or excuses. the essay is due on the 16th June 2012. 10am Pacific Time
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (wizzy ) completes this order. more
This case study is a succinct look at what happens when two sets of cultures collide; first, the national cultures of the United States and that of the fictitious illustrative country of "El-Pais" located in Central America; and secondly the business cultures of an American company headquarters unit in Boston and that of the operational subsidiary unit in a latin society in Central America. There are many issues: Cultural differences between the societies; Economics; Change need and acceptance; Inventory Management and Logistics; Sales and Marketing; Inter-personal conflict in the leadership and management of the subsidiary; and overlaying all of this, "Corporate"s desire to modernize and upgrade its Central American SBU into a world-class production facility.
One hint: Visiting the Hofstede site will be beneficial.
This is the begining work I have accomplished so far, which gives a general idea of what I'm attempting to do for my dissertations; although, the problem statement, research questions, hypothosis and ...etcetera need a lot of work!
The power of the crowd: A study of applying crowdsourcing techniques in developing co-value between call center customers, call center employees and the overall organization.
Problem Statement
Call centers are critically important as they are a vibrant parts of the American business culture (Dawson, 20006). The importance stems from the fact that they are at the center of an organization’s relationship with its customers. Case and point, call centers are the front door to a business; further, according to Dawson (2006) the call center’s front line position is even more important in today’s global economy. However, the link between how well call center’s perform their mission and translating that into actionable plans for improving other business areas has not been fully capitalized on. This threatens an organization’s competitive advantage and decreases efficiencies in both the call centers and the businesses functional areas.
Purpose Statement
A very promising phenomenon that lends itself to call centers’ ability to improve their own and their other business units’ efficiency is the employment of crowdsourcing. However, there has been limited research on the most effective ways to apply crowdsourcing techniques to foster a collaborative environment between call center employees and customers. The main purpose of the study is to assess the effect that crowdsourcing techniques can have on the development of call center business strategies and functional area operational practices alignment that allows for the identification, socialization and alignment of customer-focused business strategies that create value for both the customer and the organization.
Significance of the study
Crowdsourcing provides a key framework for organizations to capitalize on the wisdom of the crowd, that is, the average of diverse, independent, and decentralized crowds (Surowiecki, 2004). The groundswell is a social development in which people use modern technologies to get the things they need from one another (Li & Bernoff, 2008). Specifically, the impact of the well-informed crowds on an organization’s attempt to develop business strategies and operational efficiencies that allow the organization and its customers to co-develop and co-create value is very promising in the business area of call centers. That said; it is not known to what extent crowdsourcing techniques can be effectively applied in call centers to increase call center performance as measured by established key performance indicators, ultimately resulting in operating efficiencies that fosters an environment where the organization and its customers co-develop value.
Research Questions
The intention of this study is to illuminate and explain the aspects that enable call centers to more effectively assist their organizations main business units in increasing operational efficiencies through the use of crowdsourcing techniques. With this goal in mind, the following research question will be addresseda.
What is the relationship between the application of crowdsourcing techniques and call center performance as measured by normal call center key performance indicators and an organization’s functional business areas operational efficiencies?
1. The affective application of crowdsourcing techniques leads to increased call center performance.
a. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to an increase in first call resolution in call centers.
b. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to decreased average call handle time in call centers.
c. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to decreased cost per call in call centers.
d. Crowdsourcing techniques are related to decreased abandonment rates in call centers.
e. Crowdsourcing techniques help to optimize call center agent utilization.
2. The increased performance of call centers, which results from the application of crowdsourcing techniques, are associated with increased operational efficiencies in an organization’s major business functional areas.
3. Operational efficiencies, which are the results of increase call center performance due to the affective application crowdsourcing techniques, help foster a business environment where both the organization and its customer co-develop
Methodological Approach
The participants to be analyzed involves managers of call centers in specifying what they fill is important in effectively running their call centers. Additionally, customers’ value inputs will be analyzed.
The study will employ survey research through the application of questionnaires to the population to analyze the participants with a between-participants approach; that is, the variation needed for the study comes from changes in the participants for a specific period of time. To accomplish this, the researcher will employ a quasi-experimental research design in an attempt to determine a correlation between the application of crowdsourcing techniques and increased efficiencies in call centers and their supported major business functional areas.
The variables, according to Swanson & Holton (2005), are the phenomena , which vary depending on the circumstances affecting them.
The dependent variables in this study are effective application of specific crowdsourcing techniques to the independent variables , which are call center key performance indicators and customer value inputs.
Following development of the questionnaires, they will be pilot tested by a small sample of experienced call center managers to assess the validity and reliability of the survey questions as a whole. Additionally, the validity and reliability of the surveys will be accessed qualitatively through conducting interviews of a small number of the samples respondents to provide additional insight into the questionnaire answers.
I will send an introductory letter to the sample frame explaining the purpose of the survey. I will use a mail survey as the tool to employ my questionnaire to the managers and customers. Fowler (2009) suggests that anything that can be done to make a mail questionnaire appear more professional, personalized and/or attractive to the potential respondents usually has a positive effect on response rates. Therefore, work will be done to make the questionnaire as attractive to the participants as possible. For example: the survey’s layout will be clear, easy to read and to follow. Additionally, Fowler (2009) suggests the instrument be easy to complete. The questionnaire will use closed ended questions with check box or similar answers. My questionnaire will be self administeredâ€"mailed to the sample frame .
The returned survey questionnaires will be converted into data files so they can be analyzed on a computer. Each respondent will receive a serial identifier to allow for organization and tracking. Data will be coded in the order it is present in the questionnaire to allow for ease of coding, data entry and programming tasks (Fowler, 2009). The data will be coded with numeric codes by answer; additionally, I will provide a missing answer code to allow for questions that are not answered. I do not have in mind to provide any monetary or other tangible form of motivation to respondents; however, I will provide them the results of the survey if they desire to see them. Again, any results provided will be sanitized to ensure confidentiality of all respondent’s identifiable information.
The research will be theory testing and will be conducted as a quantitative methodology which will test hypothesis quantitatively and thoroughly investigated an assessed in accordance with traditional research practices and procedures. Examining this topic through an interpretative lens would add to the body of knowledge in this area in a productive manner by helping in understanding the meaning of the situations. Examining call centers through observation and communicating face-to-face would bring understanding of the meaning apparatus that individuals bring to and develop from, a dynamic stream of events (Swanson & Holton, 2005).
Analysis of Data
The statistical procedure that will be used for this study is a regression analysis. The response or dependent variable (organizations productivity) will be analyzed through regression testing to see the affect that the independent variables of (1) key performance indicators and (2) customer value input have on the dependent variables. The initial step in the procedure will be to develop a scatter plot of the variables to see if there is any easy to see relationship between them. According to Albright, Winston, & Zappe (2006), a scatterplot graph is an excellent way to determine if there is a relationship between variables. If a relationship is observed between manager’s productivity and both independent variables, a multiple regression analysis will need to be performed to determine if a correlation exist. If a relationship is seen between only one of the variables, a simple regression will be performed between manager’s productivity and the independent variable that shows a relationship.
Ethical Considerations
Research ethics are governed by the National Research Act of July 1974 (Swanson & Holton, 2005). The Act created a commission, which was chartered to protect the interest of humans and subjects in research. The commission produced The Belmont Report, which defined practices and research so the boundaries of the two could be established (Swanson & Holton, 2005). According to Swanson & Holton (2005), the commission defined practice as interventions intended to improve the well-being of a patient or client, and research as activity designed to evaluate hypothesis and add to generalized body of knowledge concerning a topic. In Swanson and Holton (2005), they also noted that The Belmont Report identified three principles that should guide research: (1) Respect for personsâ€"where persons is identified as autonomous individuals that are able to make independent decisions. (2) Beneficenceâ€"has to do with the researcher’s obligation to protect human subjects. (3) Justiceâ€"requires that parity be at hand in determining who will bear the burden of human subject research.
Creswell (2003) notes that the identification of the problem to be researched is one of the initial decisions that require ethical consideration; that is, the problem studied should benefit the individuals being studied. According to Creswell (2003), a pilot test is an excellent way to gain trust and respect from participants because the pilot test allows for the discovery of marginalization before the study is developed and conducted. Additionally, Creswell (2003) identifies ethical considerations in data collection during research. First, research plans for school projects must be reviewed by the schools institutional review board (IRB). The IRB is chartered with upholding the established research standards. Secondly, an informed consent form (ICF) must be signed by both the researcher and the participants. The ICF should contain the following elements per Creswell (2003):
1. The right of the participants to participate voluntarily and withdraw any time desired.
2. The purpose of the study should be clearly identified.
3. The procedures to be used in the study should be clearly identified.
4. The right of the participants to ask questions and to get a copy of the results of the study.
5. Signatures of both the researcher and participants; signifying that both agree to the terms of the research.
Creswell also wrote about ethical issue in data analysis and interpretations; specifically, they noted that researchers should consider how their study will protect the anonymity of the individuals in the study. Finally, Creswell explained that date should be kept for 5 to 10 years, who owns the data should be clearly outlined, and the proven accuracy of the information extracted from the data should be considered (2003).
Literature Review
Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies is a very well written book written by Charlene Li and Josh Bernhoff; in which, they expand on the Forrester Report (2006). They describe how the business environment has been changed by the emergence of powerful social media technologies. However, they note that the relationships that spring from the new technologies are more important than the actual technology. Li and Bernoff (2008) define these relationships as the Groundswell. The book very effectively defines and explains the implications of the groundswell technologies; that is, blogs, social networks, wikis, forums, really simple syndication (RSS), and widgets are characterized and details are provided on how to best employ them. Furthermore, the authors delve into how the technologies threaten institutional power and what organizations can do about the threat. Several strategies are discussed in the book on how to leverage the groundswell. These strategies are illuminated through the use of case studies. The final section of the book enumerates on how connecting with the groundswell transforms an organization.
This book is a must read for any organization wanting to learn how to position itself in a way to be able to exploit the new social technologies that are already or coming available.
Another book that is very insightful in detailing the phenomena of crowdsourcing is “The Wisdom of Crowds�. In the book, Surowiecki puts forth that informed group judgments can be more valuable in reaching business and investment decisions than even the most brilliant individuals conclusion. The key, according to Surowiecki (2004), is the group (crowd) must be diverse, have independence, and be decentralized. Surowiecki briefly describes the seminal research in group dynamics when he touches on Hazel Knight’s (Sociologist) initial group experiments conducted in the 1920; additionally, he mentions several other sociologists’ research on the crowd’s wisdom. However, he does caveat that the majority of the early research for the larger the group the better the decision dynamic remained relatively within the academic world.
Surowiecki uses multiple examples to illustrate his ideas. For instance, he writes about the popular TV show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. In the show, the contestant is given three life-lines to use if they are unable to answer a questions: (1) They can ask a single smart friend or family member, (2) They can use 50/50â€"elliminate two incorrect answers, and (3) They can ask the audience (crowd). According to Surowiecki, the audience picked the correct answer 91% of the time as opposed to the smart friend choosing the correct answer only 65% of the time. This, as noted by Surowiecki, is not scientific proof of the possibilities of group intelligence; however, is does provide a very powerful unproven illustration of the crowds potential.
The principal message of the book’s author is that the average of independent, well-informed decisions on a particular subject matter can be more useful than the determination of one individual, regardless of that one individual’s qualifications. This theory has wide applicability for market research, business and investment decisions.
Redesigning computer call center work: A longitudinal field experiment (Workman,& Bommer, 2004). The problem statement for this study outlines the issue of simultaneous demand for technical and customer service skills that places strain on call center employees and which frequently leads to employee poor job attitudes. This article is a quantitative experimental study that utilized a field study with a randomly assigned pretest-post-test and control group designed to compare three interventions’ effectiveness on employee job attitudes in a computer technology call center. The following hypothesis were clearly stated in the article:
1. Alignment job design will increase employee job satisfaction.
2. Alignment job design will increase employee commitment.
3. High involvement work process will increase employee job satisfaction.
4. High involvement work process will increase employee commitment.
5. Autonomous work team will increase employee job satisfaction.
6. Autonomous work team will increase employee commitment.
The purpose statement and hypothesis fit the experimental research design very nicely. The researcher used randomly assigned subjects for both the experimental and the control group and administered the pretest and posttest to each, while only administering the intervention to one of the groups. This design of study does align with the positivist tradition; that is, it is obvious the author viewed technology call centers as independent and measurable when developing the above listed hypothesis and author identified purpose statement.
The author identified that there may have been some cross group contamination, which was a threat to validity and that due to the short interval (six months) between pre and post test there may not have been enough time to fully group and novelty effects . In the area of external validity, the author raised the question for further research as to whether the study could be generalized to call centers other than computer technology centers .
Another article dealing with this topic, “The application of knowledge management (KM) in call centres� (Koh & Gunasekaran, 2005). The purpose of this article is to evaluate the need for knowledge management in a help desk, for improving the level of customer services through addressing the issues dealing with information KM. The following research questions were depicted from the article:
1. Is it useful to know whether a formal KM effort would improve the quality of customer service in a call centre, and at what price?
2. Can KM be achieved by effectively managing the five roles of knowledge; that is, knowledge acquisition, utilization, adaptation, distribution, and generation?
Evidenceâ€"based management is the practice of using research to acquired evidence (facts) concerning a business situation or problem for the purpose of making the best decision on how to resolve the concern or develop the soundest principles for the issue. Evidence-base research is almost always used to gather the facts surrounding the problem. That is exactly what Biggs and Swailes did in their study .
The role of knowledge repositories in technical support environments: Speed versus learning in user performance (Gray & Durcikova, 2006). This is an article that details a quantitative investigation concerning why technical support analyst prefer specific sources of information over others. Particularly, technical support analyst chose between their colleagues, official company document, and solutions available in technical support knowledge repositories. The authors of the article theorize that technical analyst with stronger learning orientation would engage in higher levels of knowledge sourcing by seeking knowledge directly from their colleagues, official company documents, and technical knowledge repositories. Additionally, the authors presume that technical analyst that face higher perceived intellectual demands, higher levels of work-related time pressure demands, and analyst that are risk adverse would all engage in more knowledge sourcing behavior; consequently, they too would source more knowledge from all three knowledge sources identified earlier. The authors developed a cross-sectional survey to measure how the subjects learning orientation, intellectual demands, risk aversion, and time pressure reaction would affect their preference for sourcing specific information. The results were mostly in line with what knowledge sourcing theory would predict when it came to sourcing knowledge from their colleagues. One notable exception for sourcing knowledge from colleagues occurred when time pressure was introduced into the equation. When analysts were under time pressure, they did not consult their colleagues for information. However, there were some noted exceptions when it came to sourcing knowledge from company documents and repositories. For example, neither time pressure nor risk aversion predicted sourcing from company manuals. On the other hand, risk aversion and intellectual demand (as theorized) both significantly predicted sourcing from repositories, one positively and one negatively.
These are the types of books and articles that provide the relative information that provides seminal information and broad views of the development of the crowdsourcing phenomenon, and its applicability to multiple business situations. In the study, these forms of literature will be thoroughly examined to provide strong foundation for further research on the subject.
Albright, S.C., Winston W.L., & Zappe, C. (2006). Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft Excel, 3rd Ed. Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western.
Li, C., & Bernoff, J. (2008). Groundswell: Winning in a world transformed by social technologies. Boston: Harvard Business Press.
Biggs, D., & Swailes, S. (2006). Relations, commitment and satisfaction in agency workers and permanent workers. Employee Relations, 28, ½, 130-143.
Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches (2nd ed.). Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Dawson, K. (2006). ACCE/Special preview: The State of the call center industry. Retrieved February 11, 2009 from http://www.callcentermagazine.com/shared/article/showArticle.jhtml?articleId=192202464.
Gray, P. H., & Durcikova, A. (2006). The role of knowledge repositories in technical support environment: Speed versus learning in user performance. Journal of Management Information Systems, 22, 3. 159-190.
Fowler, F. J. (2009). Survey research methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Koh, S. C. L., Gunasekaran, A., Thomas, A., & Arunachalam, S. (2005). The application of knowledge management in call centres. Journal of Knowledge Management, 9, 4, 56-69
Swanson, R. A., & Holton, E. F., III. (Eds.). (2005). Research in organizations: Foundations and methods of inquiry. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
Workman, M., & Bommer, W. (2004). Redesigning computer call center work: A longitudinal field experiment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25, 3, 317- 337
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Problem Statement
The globalization of our economy has forced many organizations to conduct their businesses and to hire expatriates to work across borders. Since the 1980s, businesses have ...moved forward with mergers and acquisitions in an international environment that can be very stressful on top-level management teams (Barinaga, 2010). In the United States Department of Defense, the smallest mistake can cost millions of dollars and even jail time, if the contractors who work with foreign suppliers do not understand International Trafficking in Arms Regulations (McHale, 2010). The general business problem is that cultural differences within international business organizations constrain coordination and accountability within the management team (Naor, M., Linderman, K., & Schroeder, R. (2010). The changes that manager experiences when migrating their business from a local to the international marketplace begin with working with and understanding expatriates and business cultures. This change may create problems, such as tensions and conflict from within the company, and disrupt coordination and communications with customers and their requirements (Bhagat, S., Krishnan, B., Nelson, T., Leonard, K., Ford Jr, D., & Billing, T., 2010).
The specific business problem is that multicultural organizations find that the management approach of one country does not match the management approach of another country (Dutton, 2008). The mismatch in business cultures creates an environment in which the senior management cannot come to a consensus on specifying accountability strategies (Ochieng & Price, 2009).
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this qualitative, descriptive case study design is to depict the international, business culture phenomenon and conceptualize the influences of culture, belief systems, values, customs, communication, and leadership on business management accountability and strategic, decision-making through the perceptions of reality, understandings, and lived experiences of expatriates and host nation managers. Open-ended interviews will be used to collect data for this study. Data will be collected from 20 expatriates and host nation managers in the United States, France, and Switzerland. The data collected from the expatriates and host nation managers from three different Western cultures generally work together on a variety of projects and will provide the foundation in which to conceptualize and describe the culture, belief systems, values, customs, communication, and leadership on business management accountability and strategic, decision-making across cultures. The business managers will be the managers who communicate and work directly with other managers on projects across at least two of the three organizations. Expatriates are those who have worked in organizations outside of their home country.
The results of the research study may contribute to social change by providing insights and guidelines for expatriates whose work and reside in Switzerland, France, and the United States. This case study research may influence a positive social change at a global level. Understanding the cultural perspective of the leadership may provide a powerful tool to facilitate working relationships across cultures. When leaders can develop their cross-cultural competence, they may become more effective leaders. more
This project is an essay that articulates an individual personal values in terms of morality and ethics. As the writer of the paper, please pretend that you are a business leader or think of yourself ...as a one when you answer the questions below and write the essay.
Please read the following before you start writing the essay:
1) Haidt, The Righteous Mind, Introduction and Part 1, 2012
2) Appiah, The Honor Code: How Moral Revolutions Happen, Ch 1, 5, 2011
3) The Moral Compass : Leadership for a Free World by Lindsay J. Thompson
Once you have a great understanding of the previous 3 references especially "The Moral Compass" one, please answer the questions below in an essay format without including the questions. Please make sure that you address and answer all of the questions below in your writings.
YOUR PERSONAL INTEGRITY: What is your understanding of a moral compass as a foundation for personal integrity? From which Wisdom Tradition(s) do you draw in constructing your moral compass? What do you value and question about this Wisdom Tradition?
MORAL VISION: What is your vision of a good life? What values anchor your moral vision? What symbol, song, image, or story motivates and inspires your moral vision? How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral vision?
MORAL CODE: What are the rules or principles of your moral code? How does your moral code align with your moral vision? How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral code?
MORAL FITNESS: What practices constitute your moral fitness regimen? How do you use these practices to cultivate personal character and integrity? How do these practices align with and reinforce your moral vision and code. How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral code?
DEFINING MOMENT: What moral challenge has been a key defining moment for you? How has this challenge tested, clarified, and defined your character and values. If you could, how would you rewrite the script for this event in your life? Why? How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral understanding of this challenge?
YOUR FUTURE AS A BUSINESS LEADER: Drawing from the wisdom of your moral compass, how do you envision your future as a business leader?
CONSCIENTIOUS LEADERSHIP: What challenges and opportunities do you envision for yourself in building business cultures of shared responsibility and accountability?
CONSCIENCIOUS COMMERCE: What challenges and opportunities do you envision for yourself in creating wealth for human flourishing?
CIVIC CONSCIENCE: What challenges and opportunities do you envision for yourself in building partnerships to create shared public value?
SUMMARY: What is your key take-away from this assignment?
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through the portal. Please make sure that your writing contains no grammatical or spelling mistakes.
Thank You more
Using Harrah's Entertainment Inc. as the focal organization answer the following:
(1) Explain how Harrah's organization (stakeholders, business culture, organizational structure, stragegies and value providers (people) creates value for its customers. What strategic changes are required to deliver outstnding value to its customers?
(2) How do the follow affect the performance of Harrah's (a) Collaboration (b) Competition (c) Suppliers (d) Regulators?
I want the questions answered using the issues set out in each question as different and distinct sub headings.
My name is Nik. I spell my name a little differently. But, with so many folks named Nicholas, Nicolette, Nicole, Nikoleta, Nikola, and more, I figure Id let people guess.
Like everyone else, I pe...riodically imagine what paradise on Earth would be for me. In my imagination, my trip to paradise includes having a wonderful, loving relationship, finishing my college degree, getting a meaningful job, seeing some of the rest of the world, and getting my dog, Leonard, housebroken.
Although Id been working on all this stuff for what seems a lifetime, I couldnt believe that they all came together for me within a three week period; although, Im still working on Leonard.
Within two weeks of finishing my degree, I landed a job with great potential in a solid organization. All the investment of time, energy, and money in school finally paid off, not to mention I learned a lot more than I thought I would. The next week I reconnected with a former friend, that could prove to be the love of my life. Did I point out Im still working with Leonard?
Adding to paradise found, my first assignment with my new company required me to travel to another part of the worldan island country of Kava, in the South Pacific to be exact. Now who thinks of the South Pacific and doesnt image a physical paradise white beach, gentle surf, swaying palm trees, tropical breeze I sure did, and so did the prospective love of my life. We agreed the first trip would be strictly business. So, I would be traveling alone. Poor Leonard. If this assignment and our relationship worked out well, however, we could spend other occasions together in paradise.
My first week of work was entirely engulfed in a brief introduction to the company, HR procedures, organizational processes, overview of Kava, and flight arrangements. Although I received a great deal of help in putting together the trip to Kava, no one knew exactly what I would be doing there.
Youll be working with Alex, our director of strategic planning, was the short, quick, and consistent response I got. Very experienced, very demanding, very influential executive. What an opportunity for you!
So, the following week I was off to Kava, to meet with Alex, my supervisor and mentor, for my assignment in paradise.
I hope the love of my life gets Leonard housebroken while I am gone. My first reminder that lifes events are not as we perceive them to be is when I landed in Kava. What I found was that this part of paradise was a mess, at least where I landed. It was a mess all the way to our companys office. It was a mess around the office.
I opened the door of the trailer, our make-shift office. The office was a mess, too!
Before I could focus myself to say anything, even to greet the receptionist sitting behind the desk, the hectic yet very welcoming voice rang out, Greetings, Im Alex.
I was a bit surprised. Correction: I was very surprised. People never look like you picture themnothing is like your mind ever pictures itbut I was way off with Alex. I should have known better, but I still answered, Really? Youre not the receptionist? Youre not at all how I pictured you.
Really? Alex responded, How did you picture me.. gesturing me to introduce myself.
A significant island country in the South Pacific.
The people:
Over 50% under 15 years of age
Ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, Asian (Chinese primarily), African, French, Spanish, and since World War II, a sizeable number of Americans.
Religions Indigenous 50%, remainder closely divided between Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic.
Languages Numerous indigenous, as well as English, Spanish, and French.
The economy:
Petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, bananas, sugar, tourism, fishing, and natural gas, as well as inexpensive, quality labor.
Disasters threats:
Tidal waves/tsunami
Volcanic eruptions
Petroleum spill
High risk for avian flu
Terrorism, from within and outside the country
Helping organizations:
Governmental service local, state, and national levelsincluding the military
Community based organizations
Faith-based groups
After Alexs introduction to Kava, reviewing the potential risk associated with our location, and thinking Im showing Alex my great observation skills, I declare, Thats why the mess all around here. Some disaster hit this place. Right?
Alexs eyes spoke, No kidding, slugger. But kinder and more informative words came from Alexs mouth that said, No, not some disaster. It was some disastersfastballs being thrown from all sides, so to speak.
I asked my first stupid question, What kind of disasters have they had here?
With some chiding, but great patience, Alex replied, Dont they teach about things that happen in the rest of the world at your college, or did you get hit by a pitch?
They do, I answered, but like everybody else, I guess, it if doesnt affect me directly, I dont pay much attention.
Every day, in many ways, youre affected directly by things that happen in many parts of the rest of the world, Alex responded, this time with less patience. I bet what happens in Kava impacts your life at least three times a day, every day. You may not get all the fly balls, but youre still in every part of the game
What happened here was..
How did the folks deal with all that? I interrupted with amazement.
Too much, too many, and over too short a period, Alex answered with sigh. Add to that the diverse composition, beliefs, attitudes, and ideologies, and youve got a melting pot boiling over.
Or, everybody thinks they can pitch, eh? as I took a swing at metaphoric statements.
Good one, Alex stated. Yep. Now, lets get to work on our game plan.
Alex began to define our mission and my assignment:
Our company is considering establishing a greater presence here in Kava, Alex started. That greater presence could take various forms, based on whats good for our company and whats good for the people of Kava. You and I get the chance to analyze, synthesize, and prescribe regarding that decision.
Because so many disasters happen here? I questioned. I think I can write up this recommendation in two words, Forget It.
Again with great patience, Alex explained, slowly and deliberately, I guess you can just take your ball and go home. But our organization chose to play in this game and you chose to join our organization. If you really want to play, you will have to take your turn at bat. There are no designated hitters in this game.
I rephrased my thoughts, OK, we want a greater presence on Kava, because so many disasters happen here.
Alex answered, Yes, but even more. Certainly, one reason is that whatever happens here affects us there. Ill make sure you understand that as we create this study. As youve seen recently, disasters happen at home, too. We can avoid, deny, or ignore them. We have to turn them into opportunities. Another huge reason is the founder of our company, Chris Morales, has a deep-seeded commitment to doing what is right. Not because of the economics, or politics, or recognition, but because its the right thing to do. Our organization is far from perfect, but we keep trying to upgrade who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Chris believes we cant keep taking more from Kava, if we dont give more back. Chris wants to live up to that Morales name. And, the third, maybe most consequential reason is the government of Kava, and Im sure indirectly a bunch of other organizations, are asking us to bring our business culture to Kava.
Why is their government asking our company, a for-profit business, to help them with their, uh, social needs? I asked.
There are also three big, basic reasons, for that, Alex answered, and loads of other minor ones.
First of all, through our growth, our company has demonstrated that we can develop and manage a very effective, as well as highly efficient, organizational structure and processes. That includes all aspets of the company; marketing, finance, purchasing, technology, human resources, physical resource, transportation, strategic planning, leadership, etc.
Secondly, the goods and services that come from Kava, have a significant impact on our company, you and me, and most folks back home, as well as people all over the world.
Last, and certainly not least, as Chris has preached and demonstrated, In the long run, economics drives everything.
Alex concluded with, So, are you ready for your turn at bat?
I guess, I answered will all the confidence of a first-time skydiver. But, I wouldnt mind if youre the leadoff hitter, at least for right now.
OK, then. Keep your eye on the ball, Alex instructed, because heres what we, by that I mean you, need to do first.
All those fresh new critical-thinking skills you developed in your education should be applied, because I want you to write a not-too-long Part I to what will be our companys plan about how we have a greater presence on Kava. I think Part I of the plan should discuss at least three areas; organizational processes, human resources, and ethics.
So, how to be, or how not to be here, I joked, That is the question.
Thats right, Hamlet. Alex joked in return, Although I think was Milton not Shakespeare who wrote Paradise Lost. Lets see if we can find it.
-difining issues that appear in th business scanario,discuss the forces that are involved in formulation problem,using forulation tools &techniques describe the organization and enverolment obstacle in a way that consider various key holders that will impact by decisions and apply citical thinking in the desicion. more
request for awest!
Point of in interest: Thesis
Come May 2008, I need to have a "Literature Review" research project completed and ready to defend. I would like ...essaytown to create this project for me, as I am finding my time to be limited and might not allow this to be done on time.
Level: Master
Type: Thesis (complete)
Subject: Leadership
Topic: The Ineffectiveness of Leadership during Business Transformation
Requirements: The research project will target "the decay of leadership in the 21st Century." The research problem will include an examination of "the ineffectiveness of leadership during business transformation."
The focus of the project's research should look at trends, situations, moral dilemmas, character traits, behavioral patterns, leadership styles, theories, practices and things leaders did in the past versus what they do today that works or doesn't work.
The examination of this the ineffectiveness of leadership should be based on a hybrid analysis, using qualitative and quantitative samplings.
Seeing that company that I work for is in the midst of a transformation of their largest divisions IT department, I would be interested in which companies have went through transformation of their IT or related functions and experience leadership problems.
The overall research project will be a Master Thesis presented as a Literature Review.
I hope this is enough introductory information to provide me feedback on my question. In the following pages, you will find:
- The initial prospectus
- Preliminary work on this project done by me (chapters outlined)
Harman International Industries Incorporation (HIII) has recently restructured and transformed one of its Global Information Technology (IT) divisions. The problems and concerns with leadership that have surfaced as a result of this effort, has justified the need for an independent study into transformational leadership. This study is designed to examine the causes of ineffective corporate leadership during these types of situations and analyze various themes to provide recommendations.
Harman International is a 4.3 billion dollar company. It has market presence in three different countries (North America, Europe and Asia). Harmans business model caters to three particular verticals Professional, Consumer and Harman Becker Automotive Systems (HBAS). The success of the company is due to its market dominant products speakers, amplifiers, home entertainment and navigation systems called Infotainment.
Because of its strong reliance on innovative technology as the bases for development and support of its products, the Information Technology divisions are viewed as major core competencies within its business model and strategies. Harman has multiple locations around the world that represent its collective IT divisions (Professional, Consumer and HBAS). IT management existed in two geographical locales North America and Germany.
To address the inefficiencies of its dispersed IT function and with strategic pursues to align its services, products and teams with the business and culture demands; Harman took on the task to create and present a global IT shared services image and business support model by consolidating its decentralized IT units, starting with HBAS.
In March of 2006, the decision was made to restructure and transform the HBAS IT division. In this decision, the only executive level management in North America was removed and all IT management was shifted to their VP management leadership team in Karlsbad, Germany. This would create a situation where strong transformational leadership skills would be essential, if this effort was to be successful. However, the absence of these skills in the leadership team would prove disastrous!
After 8 months into the process and multiple meetings to review, discuss and measure the effects of the restructuring and transformation, the major impact revealed was extreme ineffectiveness in leadership and management during this period.
The ineffectiveness in leadership left the former decentralize model and hoped-for consolidated IT model in despair, less efficient, less effective and tainted with a dysfunctional image in the eyes of the business. This also created a problem with perception regarding the future functionality and effectiveness of the entire IT division across Harman International.
While IT projects, services and support continues, leadership is under severe scrutiny for their lack of transformational skills in the areas of: visibility, providing followers with clear direction, communicating the essence of the vision and mission, prompt and accurate decision making regarding processes and project management, establishing creditability, buy-in, and the inability to create team synergy; resulting in employee retention issues and confidence in transformational leadership being questionable.
The purpose of this independent study is to:
Identify specific factors that contribute to the ineffectiveness of leadership during an IT divisional restructure and transformation process.
Consider those contributing factors, analyze them and offer recommendations for correction and prevention.
The literature review and analysis will be based on the transformational leadership model. The focus of our independent study will be the examination of traits and behavioral patterns (in leaders, managers and followers). Utilizing secondary research, provide insight into why IT division restructuring produces a decline in leadership effectiveness.
Some of the themes we will examine are:
Management v. Leadership the differences in perception during change
Diversity v. conversity introverted and extroverted communications
Culture boundaries leadership behavioral patterns during change
Leader-follower relationship identifying this dynamic during change
The data collection methodology will consist of interviews, surveys, journals, articles and OLA program literature that is specific to IT leadership and management styles. The framework will be established through different qualitative matrixes to illustrate patterns pertaining to potential cultural, environmental conditions, situations and economic variances.
Quantitative analysis will be used to present any imperial or historical data that supports or disannuls the logic or trends of leadership ineffectiveness, during periods of restructuring and transformation.
Considering data availability for this independent study and the overall time to complete the project is eight months, the following timeline represents the milestones for this effort:
Problem identification and prospectus submittal 1st month
Literature review, data collection and framing 2nd 6th months
Preliminary presentation review and advisory steering 7th month
Revising and final presentation of study 8th month
MARCH 6, 2008
I. Description of the Problem 1
II. Literature Review 2
III. Description of the Research Method 8
IV. Summary of Results 9
V. Conclusion and Recommendations 10
CHAPTER I Description of the Research Problem
The purpose of this research is to determine what contributes to ineffective leadership during business transformation, site examples and offer recommendations. The research will be based on a case study regarding Harman international Industries Incorporations Harman Becker business division, with a focus on their automotive division.
Harman International is a 4.3 billion dollar company. It has market presence in three different countries (North America, Europe and Asia). Harmans business model operates three different markets Professional, Consumer and Harman Becker Automotive Systems (HBAS). The success of the company is due to its market dominant products speakers, amplifiers, home entertainment and navigation systems called Infotainment.
To address the inefficiencies of its dispersed Global IT division and strategic pursuit to align its services, products and IT teams with the business culture; In March of 2006, the decision was made to restructure and transform its Automotive IT division. However, the absence of strong transformational leadership skills produced broken continuity between IT management, leadership and teams.
The questions become, why did this happen and what could have been done to prevent it? In our review of researched literature, we will examine and site causes, effectives and recommend solutions to these occurrences.
CHAPTER II Literature Review
What are the problems that contribute to Leaderships ineffectiveness during periods of business transformation? One of the problems weve began to see is an increase and frightening level of decay and propensity of erratic leadership behavior. This decay is like weve never seen before in the 20th Century.
Over last 20 years or so, the holistic image of leadership has been severely tarnished and broken in values integrity, truthfulness, compassion, focus and vision. There are many ideas as to what leadership is or should be. But these have been considered only theories. When the current state of this global economy where markets and businesses now operate in international territories. Where the leaders of major companies are sited for unreeled behavior is view closely, it speaks to this very fact that leadership has become transparent and not apparent!
In the past, weve had leaders that paved the way to what a modeled leader should represent such as: Jesus Christ, Moses, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Colin L. Powell, John F. Kennedy and many more and the character and behavioral traits they should possess. But over time, the rod of these standards, ethics and the moral principles to sustain this movement has struggled, and brought peerless times to those that look for hope and improvement, through leadership. In an article called: Can America deal with the 21st century: "Strong and imaginative leadership, coherent policies, and responsible politics and government will sustain our great nation. USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education); March, 2006 by Chuck Hagel;(1) it states: MORE THAN 230 years ago, a group of exceptional individuals set upon a perilous and uncertain course in a land that would become the United States of America. They had a purpose to their lives and a vision of liberty with a life free from tyranny, where industry, not privilege, would determine one's future. These free-thinking people were imbued by a sense of fair play, and religious and social tolerance. They possessed a spirit that history never before had seen. They went about building a new land of hope and opportunity.
Yet, the Founding Fathers were not perfect. Slavery and the treatment of Native Americans were two blights oil this new land and this legacy remains with us today. Imperfect as they were, however, the Founders built for this nation the sturdy foundation for a democratic and vibrant society that has prospered since its creation.
Now, as then, we live at a time of historic transformation. The world is confronted with a universe of challenges, threats, and opportunities unlike any that we ever have known. In a 21st century global community, all leaders of all institutions are faced with more uncontrollables than at any time in history in their efforts to govern and lead. This will require a 21st century frame of reference. The margins of error for miscalculation are razor-thin. The 24-hour news cycle that dominates our lives--coupled with the rate and intensity of change--complicates leadership, governance, and society. There is greater diffusion of economic power and global access to information--meaning newfound global economic power--than in the past.
These trends and issues can be contributed to leadership, their incompetence and behavioral traits that have become ineffective as well as inefficient during time of change, transition and transformation.
Believe it or not, change is inevitable! But before change can be made, decisions the right decision must be made. History seems to have a way of repeating itself. Whether good or bad, it will set the stage for the future and the events that shape it. These changes come at the hand of leadership and can influence people, demographics, geographical areas, families, businesses and world! Whether the decisions are right or wrong, the effects will impact those that depend on them.
Considering most decisions are made by leadership that causes tasks contributing to change, transitioning and transformation to be executed; whats the problem? Answer: decision making! According to Justin Menkes in his book called: What Great Leaders Have Executive Intelligence; decision making is the main problem we face with leadership today. We need to understand when leadership is transparent and not apparent, they are not supporting the decisions that are made and taking the responsibilities for their actions and the results. Justin Menkes (in chapter one, speaks about Making the invisible visible) states: In todays workplace an individual cannot become a star executive without processing a unique type of business smarts that we call Executive Intelligence. Historically, business smarts has been a bit like a word indecency. (2) As stated earlier, this decision making epidemic is proliferating across all borders of the world and we see it in the news, internet and in major companies (such as Harman International) more prevalent than ever, on a daily bases.
Since the problems surrounding ineffective leadership during business transformation occur at the executive level, we have identified a point of origin, but not the root cause. Justin continues to elaborate and share insight regarding discovery of root cause: To create a useful understanding of the concept of business smarts, we need to pull back the curtain and show how the magic trick is done. Whats more, we need a consistent and reliable way to recognize and measure this kind of intelligence if we are to develop it in ourselves and also ensure that decision-making responsibilities are assigned to those best qualified to handle them.(3) Cleary we can see that intelligence is key to the success of any decision having a positive impact. But not everyone posses it nor have the ability to recognize those that do!
Justin defines Executive Intelligence and indicates the application in which its measured: So how do we define Executive Intelligence? In its simplest form, it is a distinct set of aptitudes that an individual must be able to demonstrate in three central contexts of work: the accomplishment of tasks, working with and through other people, and judging one-self and adapting ones behavior accordingly. Decision making is a skill. Whether innate or learned, its relevant! This skill is depended upon ones ability to think critically and clearly. One of the greatest tools we have available to us is our brain. Using this tool allows us to tap into the Executive Intelligence needed to make the right decision in a timelyfashion, based on the situation.
The problem leadership has with decision making is due to the overwhelming pace of business transformation and transactional needs. And critical thinking has become a dying art in executive decision making.
Our challenge is to ask the hard questions and get the right answers:
1. How do we get this ability back in to the forefront and thought process of leaderships critical thinking process, as a number one item before decisions are made execution occurs?
2. How do we improve the behavior and sustain the integrity in leadership that people rely on and have come to trust in?
The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible (Psalms 37:37) states: Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace. (4) We must strive to identify those that have strong decision making abilities, and once found, hold on to them! These are the problems and challenges we face now and will continue to face throughout the 21st century and those that are to come, if we dont began identifying and fixing them, now!
This is a critical time for responsible governance, necessitating hard choices and difficult decisions. This requires courageous, informed, and wise leadership.
Maintaining the U.S.'s competitive position in the global economy demands that we begin to inventory and address the first-order challenges in our country such as trade, energy, deficit spending, entitlement programs, infrastructure, education, immigration, and foreign policy. We only are beginning to understand the scope and complexity of the threats from terrorism and Islamic extremism, pandemic health outbreaks, endemic poverty, environmental crises, and cycles of despair. Allies and international institutions will be essential to our successful engagement of these threats.
Today, we see some parallels to the period following World War II. The world was--and is--in the midst of adjusting to new challenges. After the war, the U.S. and its Gillies created organizations of global benefit and common purpose such as the United Nations; General Agreement on Tariffs, Trade, NATO and World Bank. These institutions and alliances are as vital today as when they were formed. However, they need constant adjustment and calibration to stay relevant to the contemporary world. What remains unchanged is the critical importance of institutions, alliances, and relationships to achieve global security, stability, and prosperity.
America needs to prepare itself for a period of global uncertainty and complexity. We are witnessing this reality being played out with the great upheavals of corporate giants like General Motors, Delphi Corporation, the major airlines, and others. Technology, productivity, and markets will continue to drive global economic dislocation. No nation will be spared from this phenomenon. (5)
CHAPTER III Description of the Research Method
CHAPTER IV Summary of Results
CHAPTER V Conclusion and Recommendations
Asia Pacific Business
4000 words
All assignment questions for this course will be assessed on the same basis. Each question is to be answered in essay format, not exceeding 2000 wor...ds (please provide the word count for each essay). The criteria for assessment will be based on the student?s ability to:
Address the subject matter of the question (weight 25)
Consider the concepts behind the question (weight 25)
Illustrate their arguments with examples (weight 25)
Write in a manner that is readable, correctly formatted, uses correct citation referencing, is well researched and of the correct format (weight 25).
Question 1
Compare and contrast the characteristics of industrial and institutional environments in one of the nine (9) Asia Pacific countries identified by Lasserre and Schutte with those of Australia. (20%)
Question 2
?South Korea has adopted a similar business system and institutional framework as that applied successfully by the Japanese.? Discuss this statement providing relevant examples that support your arguments. (20%)
Notes on Asia Pacific Countries from Lassere and Schutte pages 1-4
The Strategic Importance of Asia Pacific
Asia Pacific as a region
From the Far East to Asia Pacific
During the first decades of the twentienth century, Asia was still called the Far East and was seen as being very far away, if not on the periphery of a world dominated by the European colonial powers and the USA.
The Far East provided raw materials. In exchange some manufactured goods were shipped to the region. Daring trading houses (which has started operations during the last century) expanded, and the first manufacturers sent their own representatives to Japan, China and other countries in order to set up factories. Despite these activities, the Far East did not gain much importance in the world economy, or at least not in the minds of those whose thinking was influenced by a colonial mentality and centred on the Atlantic.
Japan became an industrial country in the 1920?s and 1930?s, by which time it was already exporting massive quantities of cheap watches and textiles to the West. In 1941 Japan felt it had sufficient technical capabilities to attack the world?s most powerful nation, the USA; but Japan was the exception in the region. China, hundreds of years previously a leader in many technologies, was in a shambles, and most other Asian countries were being exploited rather than developed by their colonial masters.
After the war, at the beginning of the 1950?s Japan?s manufacturing base was destroyed and half of its workforce was employed in the agricultural sector. Shanghai had been taken over by the communists under Mao, and entrepreneurs were driven out to Taiwan and Hong Kong, Korea with an average income below that of Sudan, saw a devastating war which led to the division of the country. Manila, Rangoon and Saigon, however, were flourishing and promised a new era in Asia.
Much has changed since then. Japan has become highly developed country challenging American leadership in a number of industries. The group of Newly Industrialised Economies (NEIs-South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore) became the most successful economies in the world with sustained growth rates of 7-8 per cent over long periods, doubling the size of their gross national product (GNP) each decade and leaving the leading the Latin American countries such as Brazil and Argentina, far behind. In 1998, in spite of the recent financial crisis, the NIEs represent probably the only economies in developing world, which seem likely to catch up with the industrialised countries of Europe and North America in terms of technology, infrastructure and income per capita in the foreseeable future.
Behind the NIEs, four member countries fo the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) ? Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia and to some extent the Philippines ? have shown a consistently good economic performance which is matched by very few other developing countries in the world. By reducing their dependency on raw materials and agriculture, they have built up substantial manufacturing capacities and capabilities, backed up by an improving infrastructure. Today, the standard of living in these countries compares favourably with that of the overwhelming majority of people living in the Third World. Vietnam, which most recently joined the ASEAN group, has shown equally high growth rates in the 1990?s and is trying to catch up with the other members.
Comparing its own stagnation with economic developments in neighbouring countries, China decided at the end of the 1970s to open up and welcome foreign technology, foreign traders and foreign investors. With pragmatism increasingly overruling ideology, China became the fastest growing economy in the region during the 1980s and 1990s (though admittedly starting from a very low base).
Japan, the NIEs, the five ASEAN members, the four mentioned above plus Vietnam (the ASEAN 5), and China represent for us Asia Pacific. It is this group of countries which enticed a number of observers to talk about the coming ?Pacific Century?. This group of countries is slightly broader than that of the high-performing Asian economies which the World Bank used for its major study of The East Asian Miracle.
The term Asia Pacific is now widely used by economists, journalists and business professionals, though it is often unclear which countries are referred to. Admittedly, it stretches geographic credibility considerably to imply that Singapore lies on the shores of the Pacific, while it is in fact thousands of miles away, but the overall acceptance of the term is convenient for this book.
The eleven countries in our definition of Asia Pacific do not cover the whole geographic area of Asia which is closest to the Pacific, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, Brunei and Macao have been omitted from this study either because their economies are too small or because the experience of foreign firms in them is too limited.
The division of Asia Pacific into the four groups (Japan, NIEs, the ASEAN 5 and China) reflects economic development patterns rather than political affiliations. Singapore is a member of the ASEAN, but has characteristics more like those of a newly industrialised country. We therefore group this nation together with South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong, though the latter are increasingly considered parts of what is called Greater China.
Asia Pacific by no means represents a group of homogeneous economic or political systems. National and business cultures vary significantly and macro-economic data show extreme differences. In 1996 Indonesia had 197 million people with an income per capita of US$1080; neighbouring Singapore had a population of three million people with an income per capita of US$30 550. Japan represents 17 per cent of the global economy, but has only 2.2 per cent of the world?s population; China?s population, on the other hand, makes up more than one fifth of the world?s population but contributes only 3.0 percent to the world?s economy. Officially at least, government socialist principles, still determine the fate of the Chinese economy, while Hong Kong?s laissez-faire policies have turned its economy into capitalist?s paradise.
In no other part of the world does one find such variations, whether in Europe, Latin America or Africa; yet despite all these differences, common characteristics can be found. First, in all societies there is the will to improve the individual?s economic well-being through one?s own efforts. This can be seen in a high degree of entrepreneurship in the region, an apparent determination to progress, high savings rates and substantial private investment in assets and in education. Second, business-orientated and outward-looking governments support wealth creation through moderate intervention and economic growth-orientated policies. Third, effort and results are shared within the nation, the local economy, the firm or the family. This is documented in relatively even income distribution (compared with Latin America, for example) and achieved through consensus-orientated policy making mechanisms. Fourth, there is a vaguely defined emerging feeling of ?Asianness? which can be best described as not being Caucasian, African or Latin America. The increasing cultural, economic and political links among Asian societies support this trend, which is facilitated by regional media and growing contacts between the various communities.
It is this cultural dimension, which justifies the exclusion of Australia and New Zealand from the Asia Pacific region. Economically, these two countries have become deeply intertwined with the region but cannot claim to be Asian in culture or to show many of the other characteristics of Asia Pacific. On the other hand, because of its lack of close economic and political ties with the region India is not considered part of Asia Pacific, and in geographical terms its inclusion would create conceptual problems, too. Like China, India has been inward-looking for many decades and has opened up towards the outside world only fairly recently. Lacking the extensive family ties of the Chinese across Asia, however, India has not shown much interest in becoming more closely involved in the developments of Asia Pacific.
Western firms, like economists, find it difficult to determine which countries to include in the region. Some follow our rather narrow definition of Asia Pacific, whereas others include Australia and New Zealand (although less linkages). Alternatively, the much broader term of ?Asia? is used. There is no consensus, however, on what comprises such a region geographically, politically and economically. For some European observers Asia begins with Turkey and ends with New Zealand to the south of Japan or even Siberia to the north. If new nations such as Kyrgystan and Kazakhstan are included, this could be taken as Asia in the broadest sense. From a business perspective such a definition does not seem to be practical.
Two main resources to be used for this subject are:
Lasserre, P & Schutte, H 1999, Strategies for Asia Pacific: beyond the crisis, Macmillan Education Australia, South Melbourne
Mahoney, D, Trigg, M, Griffin, R & Pustay, M 2001, International business: a managerial perspective, 2nd edn, Pearson Education Australia, French's Forest NSW
List of helpful journals
ASEAN economic bulletin, Expanded Academic ASAP/ProQuest 5000 International
Asia Inc., CQU Library
Asia Pacific financial markets, Kluwer Journals Online
Asia Pacific journal of human resources, EBXCO host EJS
Asia Pacific journal of management, ProQuest 5000 International/ Kluwer Journals Online
Asia Pacific journal of marketing and logistics, ProQuest 5000 International/Emerald Fulltext
Asia Pacific law review, Kluwer Journals Online
Asia Pulse, LexisNexis Academic
Asia Today, LexisNexis Academic
Asia today international, ProQuest 5000 International
Asiamoney, ProQuest 5000 International
Asian affairs, an American review, Extended Academic ASAP/ProQuest 5000 International
Asian Banker journal, LexisNexis Academic
Asian Business, ProQuest 5000 International
Asian law journal, LexisNexis Academic
Asian-Pacific law and policy journal, LexisNexis Academic
Asian review of business and technology, ProQuest 5000 International
Asia studies review, Australian Public Affairs Fulltext
Asiaweek, Expanded Academic ASAP
Far Eastern affairs, ProQuest 5000 International
Far Eastern economic review, ProQuest 5000 International
International business Asia, Expanded Academic ASAP more
This is part 2 to an assignment. Can Serban Brebenel continue with this assignment since she will be familiar with the subject. Most of the references can be found on the FedEx web site. Additional... material may follow!
Using the information from the case, materials from the course, independent
research, and the for the parent company, FedEx, and your
Week Three assignment, prepare a 900-1,050-word paper, which you apply a
decision-making technique from your readings to propose appropriate
solution(s) for PacEx to establish a greater presence on Kava by:
Apply a decision-making technique to identify the possible solution(s) to
accomplishing the necessary manpower recruitment and new employee
training necessary to begin PacEx operations on Kava. Next week you will
focus on implementing your chosen solution. Remember, we are following the
steps in the decision-making model. Based on previous class experience,
please do not jump ahead. Please compare this requirement to next weeks
1) Provide an analysis of the specific steps utilized in applying your selected
decision-making technique
2) Using the definition and various elements of critical thinking addressed in
Week One, examine the decision-making technique you selected and
explain how it influenced and/or impacted choosing your proposed
My name is Nik. I spell my name a little differently. But, with so many folks named Nicholas, Nicolette, Nicole, Nikoleta, Nikola, and more, I figure Id let people guess.
Like everyone else, I periodically imagine what paradise on Earth would be for me. In my imagination, my trip to paradise includes having a wonderful, loving relationship, finishing my college degree, getting a meaningful job, seeing some of the rest of the world, and getting my dog, Leonard, housebroken.
Although Id been working on all this stuff for what seems a lifetime, I couldnt believe that they all came together for me within a three week period; although, Im still working on Leonard.
Within two weeks of finishing my degree, I landed a job with great potential in a solid organization called Federal Express within a sub unit called Pacific Express (PacEx). All the investment of time, energy, and money in school finally paid off, not to mention I learned a lot more than I thought I would. The next week I reconnected with a former friend, that could prove to be the love of my life. Did I point out Im still working with Leonard?
Adding to paradise found, my first assignment with my new company required me to travel to another part of the worldan island country of Kava, in the South Pacific to be exact. Now who thinks of the South Pacific and doesnt image a physical paradise white beach, gentle surf, swaying palm trees, tropical breeze I sure did, and so did the prospective love of my life. We agreed the first trip would be strictly business. So, I would be traveling alone. Poor Leonard. If this assignment and our relationship worked out well, however, we could spend other occasions together in paradise.
My first week of work was entirely engulfed in a brief introduction to the company, HR procedures, organizational processes, overview of Kava, and flight arrangements. Although I received a great deal of help in putting together the trip to Kava, no one knew exactly what I would be doing there since PacEx was such a new unit. Our trainers had an idea it is a mini-FedEx for the smaller countries across the Pacific Ocean. The only real insight I obtained to PacEx operations was a briefing our trainers had on file from the first President of PacEx.
Youll be working with Alex, our director of strategic planning for PacEx, was the short, quick, and consistent response I got. Very experienced, very demanding, very influential executive. What an opportunity for you!
So, the following week I was off to Kava, to meet with Alex, my supervisor and mentor, for my assignment in paradise.
I hope the love of my life gets Leonard housebroken while I am gone.
The setting:
My first reminder that lifes events are not as we perceive them to be is when I landed in Kava. What I found was that this part of paradise was a mess, at least where I landed. It was a mess all the way to our companys office at the airport. It was a mess around the office. The trailer office was right next to a fairly new hanger lined with offices inside and I could see conveyors and new material handling equipment being installed as we drove up. New vehicles for package delivery were lined up with PacEx decals on the side. It looked like FedEx had multiple contractors delivering everything necessary to start a PacEx business unit.
I opened the door of the trailer, our make-shift office. The office was a mess, too!
Before I could focus myself to say anything, even to greet the receptionist sitting behind the desk, the hectic yet very welcoming voice rang out, Greetings, Im Alex.
I was a bit surprised. Correction: I was very surprised. People never look like you picture themnothing is like your mind ever pictures itbut I was way off with Alex. I should have known better, but I still answered, Really? Youre not the receptionist? Youre not at all how I pictured you.
Really? Alex responded, How did you picture me.. gesturing me to introduce myself.
Im sorry. Im Nik, I responded.
You are Nik? was Alexs retort. Wow! Youre not even close to how I pictured you, either.
So much for perception is reality, we said in unison.
Well, that was a wave of commonality in this sea of diverse thought, eh? Alex quipped.
I quickly learned Alex loved metaphors.
Yeah, lets see if we can have many more of these we experience, I answered, hoping my first impression was not my last.
Again with a hectic this time reassuring voice Alex said, Oh we will.
So, youre one of the rookies they sent me from FedEx training camp. Get ready for some fun games. By the way, I am also the receptionist.
Let me tell you a little about Kava, Alex continued, and with a note of humor and threat added, And, make sure you keep your eye on the ball this time.
Alex debriefs Nik about Kava.
The location:
A significant island country in the South Pacific.
Settled by both Britain and France during the first half of the 19th century, the island was made a French possession in 1853. It served as a penal colony for four decades after 1864. Agitation for independence during the 1980s and early 1990s ended in a 1998 Accord, which transferred an increasing amount of governing responsibility from France to Kava. Kava assumed full sovereignty and independence in 2006.
The people:
Over 50% under 15 years of age, an AIDS epidemic affected significant numbers of middle-aged adults and elderly. The epidemic is now under control.
Ethnic mix of indigenous South Pacific tribes, Asian (Chinese primarily), African, French, Spanish, and since World War II, a sizeable number of Americans.
Religions Indigenous 50%, remainder closely divided between Christian, Buddhist, and Islamic.
Languages Numerous indigenous, as well as English, Spanish, and French.
The culture:
A male dominated society where women are viewed in a negative way when it comes to education, and voting rights. With the recent epidemics significant number of women are being introduced to the work force. Star Semiconductor ended up with a significant number of women workers. Bribery is especially bad in the business community. Community leaders consist of elders who hold town hall meetings where issues should be introduced and discussed. Meetings with these elders can result in local support to solve issues.
The economy:
Petroleum, coffee, cocoa, spices, bananas, sugar, tourism, fishing, and natural gas, as well as inexpensive, quality labor.
Disasters threats:
Tidal waves/tsunami
Volcanic eruptions
Petroleum spill
High risk for avian flu
Terrorism, from within and outside the country
Helping organizations:
Governmntal service local, state, and national levelsincluding the military
Community based organizations
Faith-based groups
After Alexs introduction to Kava, reviewing the potential risks associated with our location, and thinking Im showing Alex my great observation skills, I declare, Thats why the mess all around here. Some disaster hit this place. Right?
Alexs eyes spoke, No kidding, slugger. But kinder and more informative words came from Alexs mouth that said, No, not some disaster. It was some disastersfastballs being thrown from all sides, so to speak.
I asked my first stupid question, What kind of disasters have they had here?
With some chiding, but great patience, Alex replied, Dont they teach about things that happen in the rest of the world at your college, or did you get hit by a pitch?
They do, I answered, but like everybody else, I guess, it if doesnt affect me directly, I dont pay much attention.
Every day, in many ways, youre affected directly by things that happen in many parts of the rest of the world, Alex responded, this time with less patience. I bet what happens in Kava impacts your life at least three times a day, every day. You may not get all the fly balls, but youre still in every part of the game
What happened here was..
How did the folks deal with all that? I interrupted with amazement.
Too much, too many, and over too short a period, Alex answered with sigh. Add to that the diverse composition, beliefs, attitudes, and ideologies, and youve got a melting pot boiling over.
Or, everybody thinks they can pitch, eh? as I took a swing at metaphoric statements.
Good one, Alex stated. Yep. Now, lets get to work on our game plan.
Alex began to define our mission from PacEx and my assignment:
Our company is considering establishing a greater presence here in Kava with a start up cargo processing operation, Alex started. That greater presence could take various forms, based on whats good for our company and whats good for the people of Kava. You and I get the chance to analyze, synthesize, and prescribe regarding that decision. He continued; Star Semiconductor Inc. has built a huge plant on Kava and it is our job to ensure the air delivered supplies get to the plant and that the components they produce are shipped to other assembly plants in the Pacific quickly and efficiently. This the first big contract for PacEx and weve got to deliver.
Why Kava, because so many disasters happen here? I questioned. I think I can write up this recommendation in two words, Forget It.
Again with great patience, Alex explained, slowly and deliberately, I guess you can just take your ball and go home. But our organization chose to play in this game and you chose to join our organization. If you really want to play, you will have to take your turn at bat. There are no designated hitters in this game.
I rephrased my thoughts, OK, we want a greater presence on Kava beyond our initial commitment with Star Semiconductor, because so many disasters happen here and PacEx can help them obtain relief and humanitarian supplies.
Alex answered, Yes, but even more. Certainly, one reason is that whatever happens here affects us there. Ill make sure you understand that as we create this operation. As youve seen recently, disasters happen at home, too. We can avoid, deny, or ignore them. We have to turn them into opportunities. Another huge reason is the founder of PacEx, Chris Morales, has a deep-seeded commitment to doing what is right. Not because of the economics, or politics, or recognition, but because its the right thing to do. Our organization is far from perfect, but we keep trying to upgrade who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Chris believes we cant keep taking more from Kava, if we dont give more back. Chris wants to live up to that Morales name. And, the third, maybe most consequential reason is the government of Kava, and Im sure indirectly a bunch of other organizations, are asking us to bring our business culture to Kava.
Why is their government asking our company, a for-profit business, to help them with their, uh, social needs? I asked.
There are also three big, basic reasons, for that, Alex answered, and loads of other minor ones.
First of all, through our growth, our company has demonstrated that we can develop and manage a very effective, as well as highly efficient, organizational structure and processes. That includes all aspects of the company; marketing, finance, purchasing, technology, human resources, physical resource, transportation, strategic planning, leadership, etc.
Secondly, the goods and services that come from Kava, have a significant impact on our company, you and me, and most folks back home who use computers or other forms of technology, as well as people all over the world. Star Semiconductors are used in just about every type of electronics.
Last, and certainly not least, as Chris has preached and demonstrated, In the long run, economics drives everything.
Alex concluded with, So, are you ready for your turn at bat?
I guess, I answered will all the confidence of a first-time skydiver. But, I wouldnt mind if youre the leadoff hitter, at least for right now.
OK, then. Keep your eye on the ball, Alex instructed, because heres what we, by that I mean you, need to do first.
All those fresh new critical-thinking skills you developed in your education should be applied, because I want you to write a not-too-long Business Action Plan Part I to what will be our companys plan about how we have a greater presence on Kava. I think Part I of our action plan should discuss the following areas. I would like for you to defining the issues we are facing to establish our PacEx operation. Just about everything we need has been delivered to us by FedEx. Our challenge is the people part of the business enterprise. This is a different place than the United States, so I would like for you to discuss the forces that are involved in formulation of the problem by describing the organizational and cultural (some will refer to this as environmental) obstacles in the way of attaining the necessary manpower and training to deliver an initial operations within a Kava-based PacEx business unit. Our PacEx cargo port will be tied to FedExs distribution cargo port in the Manilla, Philippines. Address how the various key Kava civic leaders and government (i.e. stakeholders) will be impacted by the various decisions and policies that PacEx must implement using parent company guidance in areas such as equal opportunity, language on the job. Since I will be pulling the plan together, I will let you focus on the areas of employee recruitment, selection and employee training on PacEx and FedEx policies, procedures and cargo port work processes. To help you out the PacEx home office delivered our People Policy, which is our employee handbook and the FedEx Code of Business Conduct. Hope you remember all that you observed at the FedEx cargo-processing hub since our operation has to be just as efficient. I noted that FedEx has some video clips you can watch if you forgot what you saw.
So, how to be, or how not to be here, I joked, That is the question.
Thats right, Hamlet. Alex joked in return, Although I think was Milton not Shakespeare who wrote Paradise Lost. Lets see if we can find it.
There are faxes for this order. more
Develop the strategic objectives for your business in the format of a balanced scorecard. Review information on Balanced Scorecard in the Materials Forum and in the course texrbooks. The strategic obj...ectives are measures of attaining your vision and mission. As you develop them consider the vision, mission, and values for your business and the outcomes of your SWOTT analysis. Consider the following four quadrants of the balanced scorecard when developing your strategic objectives:
? Shareholder Value or Financial Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Market share
o Revenues and costs
o Profitability
o Competitive position
? Customer Value Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Customer retention or turnover
o Customer satisfaction
o Customer value
? Process or Internal Operations Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Measure of process performance
o Productivity or productivity improvement
o Operations metrics
? Learning and Growth (Employee) Perspective, includes strategic objectives in areas such as:
o Employee satisfaction
o Employee turnover or retention
o Level of organizational capability
o Nature of organizational culture or climate
o Technological innovation
Develop at least three strategic objectives for each of the following four balanced scorecard areas identified above (Financial, Customer, Process, Learning and Growth). Your objectives should be selected, in part, based on an evaluation of a number of potential alternatives to the issues and/or opportunities identified in the SWOTT Analysis paper and table you completed in Week Three. Base your solutions on a ranking of alternative solutions that includes an identification of potential risks and mitigation plans, and a stakeholder analysis that includes mitigation and contingency strategies. You should also incorporate the ethical implications of your solutions into your selection.
? For each strategic objective, develop a metric and target using a balanced scorecard format. (For example, a strategic objective in the shareholder or Financial Perspective is to increase market share. A metric to actually measure this strategic objective of market share increase is, "The percentage of increase in market share." The target is the specific number to be achieved in a particular time period. The target for the metric of "Increase market share" could be "Increase market share by 2% for each of the next 3 years" of an increase of 2% per year for 3 years.)
Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary that explains your critical thinking on how you derived your objectives from your vision, mission, values, and SWOTT analysis.
Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.
SWOTT Analysis
Legal and regulatory:
S-pro-small business regulations, regulatory crackdowns on large competitors.
W-still a number of hurdles for a new business (inspections, double taxation for the corporate structure).
O-regulations weakening large business in this field.
T-other small competitors.
T-new small business taking over for Starbucks and other large retailers.
S-opportunities to expand, growing global demand for Americanized coffee products
(Frappuccino?s, and etc.).
W-difficult for small business to sustain international-related cost.
O-Filling niche in European cities such as London or Prague.
T-global competition, foreign coffee shops.
T-Americanized companies and products popping up everywhere.
S-people shopping more at small businesses recently.
W-product price shill relatively high.
O-?buy local? and small business buying movements.
T-other small business competitors.
T-more small businesses entering marketplace.
S-new gift cards, espresso machines, Frappuccino makers.
W-new technology available to upstarts.
O-demand for new products created with new technology.
T-other competitors with the same technology.
T-technology more important to the business.
S-small business can afford to innovate.
W-no blockbuster innovations.
O-relatively new business.
T-other competitors innovating faster.
T-more innovation.
S-more demand for coffee and local coffee businesses.
W-Considerable amount of competition.
O-always demand for local businesses.
T-lost revenue from other small coffee shops.
T-coffee shops will grow smaller and more local.
S-more demand for sustainability and green tech.
W-higher costs.
O-small businesses can cater to these environmental needs.
T-customer will not want to pay for any of it.
T-greener coffee shops.
Comparative analysis:
S-better labor, lower costs because of supply chain.
W-volume and consistency.
O-a small, community-based coffee shop, which does hospitality better that competitors.
T-unresponsive public.
T-smaller coffee shops with higher prices.
S-based off logic, statistics, analysis of key factors.
W-mostly newcomers in the business.
O-a comprehensive, metric-based strategy.
T-professional strategies.
T-more local and metric-based strategies.
W-lack capacity for change.
O-a simple business structure.
T-more efficient structure.
T-simpler structure.
S-tested as efficient using time-and motion study.
W-little experience.
O-a simple, results-based process.
T-more experience-based processes.
T-simpler processes.
S-direct, grower-to-retailer resource relationships.
O-people support direct relationship for resources.
T-innovation to lower prices.
T-more sustainable resources.
S-modest, mostly short-term.
W-few long-term goals.
O-more effective for coordinating business plans.
T-more sophisticated goal-setters.
T-more short-term.
S-appealing expertly to the local area.
W-not enough capital to go far beyond the local area.
O-becoming a dominant player in the local market.
T-more small, region or city-based businesses.
S-pro-coffee shop culture.
W-culture can easily change.
O-culture can be supportive of local coffee shops almost no matter what.
T-competition also taking advantage of this culture.
T-culture not changing.
Intellectual Property:
S-relatively unimportant problem; coffee has already been invented.
W-hard to utilize.
O-a great new idea.
T-other companies coming up with that idea.
T-more minor ideas.
S-local leadership.
W-cannot have substitutes without hiring or promoting.
O-a strong local leader to coordinate concepts.
T-well experienced leadership.
T-new, direct leaders.
The SWOTT analysis is important for the development of this business and the different factors, which should be kept in mind when founding this business. However, if the company tries to focus on all of them equally it will not be productive in the short term or the long term. It must focus on the seven areas of economic trends; environmental trends; laws; regulations; society; culture, and leadership.
Perhaps the greatest strength of this business lies in one of the strongest economic trends of the past few years. The question to focus on here is how does the economic crisis affect the development of small coffee business? As the effects of the economic crisis began to take hold in the late 2000s, there was a new focus on the size and practices of businesses where customers shopped. Price was no longer the most important thing and people began to frequent small businesses, which may have charged higher prices, but higher prices, but hired local workers and sourced their food in a sustainable way (Gilligan, 2009).
The retail coffee business was one of these businesses which was affected by the small business trend. Starbucks has begun to decline, and it has closed many locations in recent years. That has given an opportunity for some local businesses to fill the void and cover the still-growing demand for coffee among the public. This strength and opportunity is balanced against the negative of high wages and expensive products which the public demands from such a location.
There is, of course a threat here when concerning a new businesses entering the market. This is not an incredibly difficult market to enter. If a company can meet rent, supply, and labor costs, it usually can offer coffee, espresso, pastries, and other breakfast-type foods, which will cater to the kind of people who want to eat at such establishments. Therefore, there are almost no barriers to new entrants and new competition, which can drive down prices and carve up an already limited pie for business owners. Even the few barriers, which exist now are being torn down by coffee shops carried by bicycles and in food trucks. Such economic trends and threats must be taken into consideration by any coffee business that wants to start up anytime soon. Businesses such as mine must make it a point to coordinate the most efficient supply chains possible. The company does not want to needlessly waste money developing inefficiencies in such a chain.
Rather, the company should craft relationships with individual suppliers and producers so that they can cut out the middleman and keep costs to a minimum. Having a contract with a family in Colombia or a baker 10 miles away may be difficult to arrange. It may take a number of trips and calls to find the right partner. However, once that partner is found eliminating wholesale costs and possible quality problems with a large supplier will mean that my company can offer product at a much lower price level, but with all the perks that the public is looking for out of a local coffee shop.
Another important concept to consider is: what is the impact of the recent notion of environmental trends and how can these trends aid small coffee businesses in particular? Environmental trends are increasingly leaning toward sustainably raised coffee beans, which are sold in green stores that use less energy and water than other stores. This is both a strength and a weakness for relatively small businesses. Although small coffee shop business is able to make changes and decisions much faster than a massive franchise such as Starbucks, larger companies are better able absorb the extra costs associated with them (Schultz, 2011).
Such sustainable business requires a sophisticated supply chain which does not simply work through the cheapest and most economical wholesalers on the market. However, the trend of consumers frequenting environmentally friendly businesses is one, which is continuing to grow and will continue to grow over the new few years. Therefore, there is a serious opportunity for companies, which want to undergo the somewhat costly changes that will result in greater customer numbers in the future (Sherman, 2013).
These concepts are all important concerning this research question: What is the impact of laws and regulations in the coffee business? The coffee business will be supported that the regulatory environment has been increasingly favorable to small businesses in recent years. There has been a recognition that small businesses create a considerable number of jobs that they should be supported by government policies. This is one of the few notions that policymakers could agree upon in recent years (Gilligan, 2009).
As a result, they gave been able to pass laws that provide for small business loans, tax credits, and optimistic polices against large corporations. Such laws give all kinds of businesses including coffee businesses, such as mine a strength against the entrenched coffee giants such as Caribou Coffee, and Starbucks. However, the major weakness and threat is that it eases the barriers for new companies to enter the market in a way that will reduce prices. It still creates an opportunity for companies such as mine. Because the economy is still somewhat troubled, and the government is still interested in policies that will combat the weak economy, it is clear that there will still be a trend of more investments in small businesses.
Another question to consider is: how does society and culture influence the future of this business in ways, which are not directly controlled by economics? Social and cultural trends both support purchases from local coffee shops such as mine. There is the continued social trend of long work hours and pressure to perform in the workplace and other areas of life. Such trends help fuel the national caffeine addiction.
People are continuing to need caffeine, and they keep the demand for caffeinated beverages high. While coffee is not the only caffeinated beverage, worries about the health of products such as soda kept it as the most popular source of caffeine. At the same time, cultural trends have resulted in people continuing to frequent coffee shops and businesses such as mine. The culture of the coffee shop with its couches and fashionable interiors have resulted in the proliferation of such shops. People will come into a coffee shop to study, work, or pursue recreational interest in ways that they will not frequent other establishments.
The coffee shop has become a place where people with class come together for meetings or pursue other interests. As a result, people are much more willing to pay more money for a cup of coffee that they would pay at either their house or a gas station. People are willing to pay for the numerous trappings that go along with the local coffee shop in ways that they would not be willing to pay in other areas. Because this is cultural concept it cannot be relied on (Schultz, 2011). The prestige of coffee shops ebbs and flows with the passage of time. Companies such as mine should not rely on such concepts but should try to take advantage of them whenever they can.
Finally, leadership can never be ignored when concerning small business such as this one. The question is: how can leadership be helpful in such a business? I believe that having the creative brains behind starting the business will be important in running the business. The hands-on approach of a small business will make it so the business can react to trends and changes in the workplace (Taylor, 2009). However, there are of course possible problems with having one group of owners run the business as well, because if those owners, or managers cannot come into work for some reason the company will not be effectively ran.
It is clear that these different fields will lead to the company?s success. Since they sell a millennia-old product, coffee shops can easily change, but it is possible for them to change too much. They can change as a result of such factors as I have described, but they should not change any concepts vital to their brand. When it comes to concerning both changes and the adaption of a business plan, there should be somewhat of a holistic approach. The company should not ignore concepts such as goals and resources. Rather, it should focus on these seven while taking them all of them into consideration when formulating a comprehensive business plan.
To succeed financially, how should we appear to our shareholders?
To achieve our vision, how should we appear to our customers?
To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?
To satisfy our shareholders and customers, at which business process must we excel?
Balanced more
I want you please to help me to work out the Boston College MBA & MSF application essays?I am not pretty sure I will apply MBA or MSF yet, so assume I will apply each of them in case. Plea...se help me out with each program independently b/c I really want to study in finance area and improve me long-term and short-term goal in business area. Can you help me write down more create, passion, motivate, and unique and answer the every question essays. I had write down the MBA program essay No. 2~3 and MSF program essay No. 2~3 before (2005), so we do need to worry about! [ http://benchiang19.com/BostonCollegeNew.doc ]
And all I want to you to help is : for the MBA program essay No. 1 and essay No. 4----for the MSF program essay No. 1 and essay No. 4 independently [do not just copy try to qualify each of the program question even thought there have same question?. The MSF essay requires some of the same aspects (evidence of ability to overcome obstacles, etc), but is more focused toward the specific skill set at hand. The essay nicely details the specific ways in which this unique experience ties to present plans. It also makes good use of this essay question, since experiences like university history are dealt with elsewhere in the application.] Thank you~
I am a male, and I was graduated from September 2002 to July 2005, so I just finished my degree for three year yet (four years length program to take in three year?). And I am in Georgia, USA right now to prepare for GMAT...I am 23 years old. I could be the assistant before b/c that was my father's friend company (He was the owner of the company). My father was a pharmacist before and he had opened some company by himself, so he always pushes me to become an independent person for thinking and leadership style. When I was a high-school student, I don't have normal life same with the others. I need to be found the job by myself and become feeling with all ways? good leader. He told me I need to earn the tuition by myself. That?s the reason I was waiter and assistant in Taiwan... My job was same like the internship in the company but it's full-time. I had the tutor at night, so I can join the company?s decision process. Such as board meeting, investment road-show?etc. For the reason of join with the company process, so I can have early experience to see the multinational company working process (Japan, China, and Taiwan [eastern business culture background + USA learning experience ]), and service the people in the Hilton will make me think the others way for each level?s person thinking. It both trains me to think independent and all the ways to solve the problems.? I had volunteer in the foundation since I was 13, and become the lifelong volunteer in that foundation. Taking care of people for their request is the good ways to solve problems by myself. It both makes me feel more strong and independent, so I could come to U.S.A by myself when I was 19. I had learned my third language and life style in U.S a lots. For the international student, I have to live by myself and push me harder to adopt here. For almost five years experience, I learned lots from here and combine my eastern background to become a new ways style for life and leadership experience? My interest is in finance area and planning to take the CFA test before the MBA graduation. Finance and information are the two of my major interest, and I will choose to combine them with my multicultural background. And, I understand the need for the business leaders of tomorrow to shoulder the responsibilities of local and global citizenship through just practices and fair business policies. This is brief summary for my information.
Please help me to write down more creative, motivate, and ?Unique essay? with no ??plagiarism??. The Admissions Committee looks for essays that clearly and concisely answer each question. Be sure to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Be careful about the word limit for each of the question! Try to qualify for each of question *( Two Pages for question No. 1 [MBA / MSF] and Three pages for question No. 4 [MBA / MSF]- Please~)Tell me you need to anything?.Thank you for your helping this really help me a lots thanks?Please try it! I really need to your help!!
1. Define long term success in your specific area of interest. How have your previous experiences prepared you for this professional career? What areas of specialization within the Carroll School of Management do you believe will be most valuable in achieving your goals? What specific short-term career objectives have you set to assist you in achieving your long-term career plans? (2 pages)
4. Please provide any additional information that will highlight unique aspects of your candidacy to the Admissions Committee. The Committee welcomes additional comments you may wish to provide in support of your application. (3 pages)
1. Define long term success in your specific area of interest. How have your previous experiences prepared you for this professional career? What areas of specialization within the Carroll School of Management do you believe will be most valuable in achieving your goals? What specific short-term career objectives have you set to assist you in achieving your long-term career plans? (2 pages)
4. Please provide any additional information that will highlight unique aspects of your candidacy to the Admissions Committee. The Committee welcomes additional comments you may wish to provide in support of your application. (3 pages)
There have some of my information and essay questions I had applied for the others school (NYU (2006), Previous Boston College (2005) and Maryland (2006)) so this may help you to find out more information. Thanks.
Maryland (2006)
Previous Boston College (2005)
NYU (2006)
-- These are my information below: (Please tell me you need anything! ~ You can SENT me the e-mail at darling0819@yahoo.com.tw or ginger0819.tw@yahoo.com.tw )
- My Resume-1:
- My Resume-2:
- My working experience:
- My Research Project:
http://benchiang19.com/Hyperspa.doc more
India's Outsourcing Firms Lure More Japan Business
Indian software and outsourcing companies are starting to crack the tough ...Japanese market in an effort to trim their dependence on ailing U.S. financial clients. Wipro Technologies Ltd., Infosys Technologies Ltd. and other Indian information-technology companies that had only tiny teams here five years ago now have thousands of employees dedicated to Japan. And with Japan's aging populace producing few new engineers, Indian companies expect much more business in the future. "The game is changing," for Japanese companies, says Hiroshi Alley, the Yokohama-based head of Wipro's Japan and China businesses. "They are becoming more open to outsourcing and taking it further and even going offshore." Wipro just had its best year to date in Japan. Its revenue there climbed 15% to $115 million in the year ended March 31. While that is 2% of Wipro's global revenue, Mr. Alley expects close to 10% of the company's sales to come from Japan over the next few years.
India's software companies are keen to diversify. This year has been painful proof of the problems of overexposure to the U.S. financial industry. Outsourcers have seen their profits plunge because often more than 60% of their revenues come from the U.S., and most of that from the troubled financial industry. Japanese companies have been reluctant to use foreign companies. Still, some are slowly starting to experiment with sending information-technology work to China and India.
Wipro engineers in India, for example, are helping design car-navigation systems for Toshiba Corp. and medical scanners for Olympus Corp. Infosys is designing software for Fujitsu Ltd., and Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. is designing the on-board systems for some Nissan Motor Co. cars.
Japanese investment bank Daiwa Securities SMBC Co. chose India's Tata Consultancy to build its international automated trading system. Tata had more experience in building this kind of software than its Japanese competitors, and charged half of what they were asking. "There were concerns about using an Indian company, but we saw what they are already doing in the U.S. and Europe and that gave us confidence," says Masaji Harada, the Tokyo-based general manager of Daiwa's IT department. "To survive, we must become more international."
V. Sriram, the Tokyo-based head of Infosys' Japan business, says he started to look for customers in Japan in 1997 but there was little interest then. It wasn't until the past five years when Japanese companies noticed their competitors using Indian firms that some started to consider outsourcing projects. During the last fiscal year Infosys had sales of $88 million in Japan. It is expanding its Japan team this year even as it cuts back at home.
Japan's interest in outsourcing is part global trend and part local demographics. As its population ages, it isn't producing enough computer engineers to keep up with demand. More than three million Japanese are expected to retire from the service sector alone by 2020, according to India's Nasscom, a software-industry lobbying group in India. The shortage is already so acute that Japanese businesses had to deal with what they dubbed the 2007 Cobol Problem, when a large batch of older engineers who programmed in the Cobol computer language -- which many Japanese companies still use for their internal systems -- retired. "They are short of engineers" for technology work, says Girija Pande, executive vice president in charge of the Asia/Pacific business at Tata Consultancy. "They have to look to China and India."
In pursuit of Japanese clients, Indian companies put their engineers through Japanese-language and business-culture courses. They also send their Japanese employees to India to learn how business is done there. While the language barrier is one of the reasons the outsourcing business isn't bigger, Indian companies say the biggest barrier is corporate culture in Japan. It can be difficult to persuade companies to trust part of their business to others, especially when that company's model is to do most of the work half way around the globe. Japanese companies also expect perfection, the Indian firms say, even if that takes time. The Indian software model, meanwhile, leans more toward delivering software quickly, testing it and fixing it along the way.
"They want absolute completion and absolute robust reliability," says Mr. Sriram of Infosys.
I need answers for below questions. ( 10 lines each answer)
Question: Select the appropriate answer from the list and briefly discuss your reasons
1. The strategy behind attempts by Indian software and outsourcing companies to enter the Japanese market could be termed
(a) emergent.
(b) defensive.
(c) global integration.
(d) geographical diversification.
(e) leveraging advantages from regional culture.
2. One particular trait of Japanese firms that Indian software and outsourcing companies have noticed is
(a) xenophobia.
(b) perfectionism.
(c) a parochial outlook on global competition.
(d) dynamism.
(e) a surprising reluctance to speak English. more
Hi: I want you please to help me to work out the William & Mary MBA application essays?I am a male, and I was graduated from September 2002 to July 2005, so I just finished my degree for three yea...r yet(four years length program to take in three year?). And I am in Georgia, USA right now to prepare for GMAT...I am 23 years old. I could be the assistant before b/c that was my father's friend company (He was the owner of the company). My father was a pharmacist before and he had opened some company by himself, so he always pushes me to become an independent person for thinking and leadership style. When I was a high-school student, I don't have normal life same with the others. I need to be found the job by myself and become feeling with all ways? good leader. He told me I need to earn the tuition by myself. That?s the reason I was waiter and assistant in Taiwan... My job was same like the internship in the company but it's full-time. I had the tutor at night, so I can join the company?s decision process. Such as board meeting, investment road-show?etc. For the reason of join with the company process, so I can have early experience to see the multinational company working process (Japan, China, and Taiwan [eastern business culture background + USA learning experience ]), and service the people in the Hilton will make me think the others way for each level?s person thinking. It both trains me to think independent and all the ways to solve the problems.? I had volunteer in the foundation since I was 13, and become the lifelong volunteer in that foundation. Taking care of people for their request is the good ways to solve problems by myself. It both makes me feel more strong and independent, so I could come to U.S.A by myself when I was 19. I had learned my third language and life style in U.S a lots. For the international student, I have to live by myself and push me harder to adopt here. For almost five years experience, I learned lots from here and combine my eastern background to become a new ways style for life and leadership experience? My interest is in finance area and planning to take the CFA test before the MBA graduation. Finance and information are the two of my major interest, and I will choose to combine them with my multicultural background. And, I understand the need for the business leaders of tomorrow to shoulder the responsibilities of local and global citizenship through just practices and fair business policies. This is brief summary for my information. Please help me to write down more creative, motivate, and ?Unique essay? with no ??plagiarism??. The Admissions Committee looks for essays that clearly and concisely answer each question. Be sure to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Be careful about the word limit for each of the question! Try to qualify for each of question *(not over but not too least! Please~)Tell me you need to anything?.Thank you for your helping this really help me a lots thanks?Please try it! I really need to your help!!
Please provide essay responses for the following questions. Limit each essay to approximately 800 words. At the top of each page, please put your full name and a complete statement of the question being answered. Use at least 11-point font and 1.5 spacing.
1. Explain what has led you to want to pursue an MBA, particularly, why an MBA, why William and Mary, and why now? Please address your post-MBA professional goals as part of your response.
2. Describe three (3) personal qualities that you feel would make you a good MBA candidate.
3. What is the most creative solution you have ever used to meet a challenge? Was it successful? If yes, how so? If not, what will you do if confronted with a similar situation in the future?
4. If there is any additional information that you believe is important to our assessment of your candidacy, please feel free to include it in your application here.
There have some of my information and essay questions I had applied for the others school (NYU & Maryland) so this may help you to find out more information. Thanks.
-- These are my information below: (Please tell me you need anything! ~ You can SENT me the e-mail at darling0819@yahoo.com.tw or ginger0819.tw@yahoo.com.tw )
- My Resume-1:
- My Resume-2:
- My working experience:
- My Research Project:
http://benchiang19.com/Hyperspa.doc more
Hi: I want you please to help me to work out the University of Maryland MBA application essays?I am a male, and I was graduated from September 2002 to July 2005, so I just finished my degree yet. And ...I am in Georgia, USA right now to prepare for GMAT...I am 23 years old. I could be the assistant before b/c that was my father's friend company (He was the owner of the company). My father was a pharmacist before and he had opened some company by himself, so he always pushes me to become an independent person for thinking and leadership style. When I was a high-school student, I don't have normal life same with the others. I need to be found the job by myself and become feeling with all ways? good leader. He told me I need to earn the tuition by myself. That?s the reason I was waiter and assistant in Taiwan... My job was same like the internship in the company but it's full-time. I had the tutor at night, so I can join the company?s decision process. Such as board meeting, investment road-show?etc. For the reason of join with the company process, so I can have early experience to see the multinational company working process (Japan, China, and Taiwan [eastern business culture background + USA learning experience ]), and service the people in the Hilton will make me think the others way for each level?s person thinking. It both trains me to think independent and all the ways to solve the problems.? I had volunteer in the foundation since I was 13, and become the lifelong volunteer in that foundation. Taking care of people for their request is the good ways to solve problems by myself. It both makes me feel more strong and independent, so I could come to U.S.A by myself when I was 19. I had learned my third language and life style in U.S a lots. For the international student, I have to live by myself and push me harder to adopt here. For almost five years experience, I learned lots from here and combine my eastern background to become a new ways style for life and leadership experience? My interest is in finance area and planning to take the CFA test before the MBA graduation. Since the Maryland MBA also had offer Join degree MBA, so I am planning to take the information system in the Spring of the first year for my dual degree which match my minor degree in under. Finance and information are the two of my major interest, and I will choose to combine them with my multicultural background. And, I understand the need for the business leaders of tomorrow to shoulder the responsibilities of local and global citizenship through just practices and fair business policies. This is brief summary for my information. Please help me to write down more creative, motivate, and ?Unique essay? with no ??plagiarism??. The Admissions Committee looks for essays that clearly and concisely answer each question. Be sure to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Tell me you need to anything?.Thank you for your helping this really help me a lots thanks?Please try it! I really need to your help!!
REQUIRED ESSAY: Please discuss your short-term and long-term career goals. How will your academic background and prior work history, coupled with a Smith MBA degree aid you in achieving those goals? ?2pages
ESSAY 1 - Smith's tagline is "Leaders for the Digital Economy." What are the characteristics of a good leader? Also, discuss your leadership skills. ? 1page
ESSAY 2 - If salary was not a factor and your living expenses were covered, what would you do for a living and how would you spend your time? ? 1page
ESSAY 3 - Discuss a significant change you have made to an organization for which you have worked. How did you identify the needed change and manage the implementation process for the change? What were the results? ? 1page
ESSAY - Please use this essay to provide the admissions committee with additional information that will assist us in evaluating your candidacy (for example, an explanation for gaps in employment history [come in to U.S.A during the 2001 to 2005 to continue my study], or describe my research efforts [i.e Johnson and Johnson Inc.]?.etc.)- 3pages
-- There have some of my information and essay questions I had applied for the others school (NYU) so this may help you to find out more information. Thanks.
-- These are my information below: (Please tell me you need anything! ~ You can SENT me the e-mail at darling0819@yahoo.com.tw or ginger0819.tw@yahoo.com.tw )
- My Resume-1:
- My Resume-2:
- My working experience:
- My Research Project:
http://benchiang19.com/Hyperspa.doc more
Hi: I want you please to help me to work out the New York University MBA application essays?I had down the question 1~3[ http://benchiang19.com/essayquestionskim.doc ], and want you to help me to do... the question number 4 by create some good example for admission office to show them the ?Unique essay? with no ??plagiarism??. [gaps in employment, undergraduate record?. or any other relevant information CLASSES SUCH AS? DEPARTMENTS? INTERNSHIPS OFFERED BY THE SCHOOL? BE MORE SPECIFIC ! WHAT SPECIFIC CLASSES DO YOU WANT TO TAKE? WHAT FACULTY MEMBERS INSPIRE YOU? WHAT GROUPS ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN? AGAIN, MORE SPECIFICITY NEEDED?etc.]
Be sure you had read the question one to three?s answers which I had down before, so it won?t be repeat over the time?..Thank you
I am a male, and I was graduated from September 2002 to July 2005, so I just finished my degree for three year yet(four years length program to take in three year?). And I am in Georgia, USA right now to prepare for GMAT...I am 23 years old. I could be the assistant before b/c that was my father's friend company (He was the owner of the company). My father was a pharmacist before and he had opened some company by himself, so he always pushes me to become an independent person for thinking and leadership style. When I was a high-school student, I don't have normal life same with the others. I need to be found the job by myself and become feeling with all ways? good leader. He told me I need to earn the tuition by myself. That?s the reason I was waiter and assistant in Taiwan... My job was same like the internship in the company but it's full-time. I had the tutor at night, so I can join the company?s decision process. Such as board meeting, investment road-show?etc. For the reason of join with the company process, so I can have early experience to see the multinational company working process (Japan, China, and Taiwan [eastern business culture background + USA learning experience ]), and service the people in the Hilton will make me think the others way for each level?s person thinking. It both trains me to think independent and all the ways to solve the problems.? I had volunteer in the foundation since I was 13, and become the lifelong volunteer in that foundation. Taking care of people for their request is the good ways to solve problems by myself. It both makes me feel more strong and independent, so I could come to U.S.A by myself when I was 19. I had learned my third language and life style in U.S a lots. For the international student, I have to live by myself and push me harder to adopt here. For almost five years experience, I learned lots from here and combine my eastern background to become a new ways style for life and leadership experience? My interest is in finance area and planning to take the CFA test before the MBA graduation. Finance and information are the two of my major interest, and I will choose to combine them with my multicultural background. And, I understand the need for the business leaders of tomorrow to shoulder the responsibilities of local and global citizenship through just practices and fair business policies. This is brief summary for my information. Please help me to write down more creative, motivate, and ?Unique essay? with no ??plagiarism??. The Admissions Committee looks for essays that clearly and concisely answer each question. Be sure to check for spelling and grammatical errors. Tell me you need to anything?.Thank you for your helping this really help me a lots thanks?Please try it! I really need to your help!! (Please just do the Essay 4: Additional Information only?approximately 4 pages long Thank you~)
Essay 4: Additional Information
Please provide any additional information you would like to bring to the attention of the Admissions committee. These may include gaps in employment, your undergraduate record, or any other relevant information.
There have some of my information and essay questions I had applied for the others school (Boston College and Maryland) so this may help you to find out more information. Thanks.
-- These are my information below: (Please tell me you need anything! ~ You can SENT me the e-mail at darling0819@yahoo.com.tw or ginger0819.tw@yahoo.com.tw )
- My Resume-1:
- My Resume-2:
- My working experience:
- My Research Project:
http://benchiang19.com/Hyperspa.doc more
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Read Full Paper ❯My name is Nik. I spell my name a little differently. But, with so many folks named Nicholas, Nicolette, Nicole, Nikoleta, Nikola, and more, I figure Id let people…
Read Full Paper ❯request for awest! Point of in interest: Thesis Question: Come May 2008, I need to have a "Literature Review" research project completed and ready to defend. I would like essaytown…
Read Full Paper ❯Asia Pacific Business 4000 words All assignment questions for this course will be assessed on the same basis. Each question is to be answered in essay format, not exceeding 2000…
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Read Full Paper ❯Hi: I want you please to help me to work out the Boston College MBA & MSF application essays?I am not pretty sure I will apply MBA or MSF yet,…
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Read Full Paper ❯Hi: I want you please to help me to work out the William & Mary MBA application essays?I am a male, and I was graduated from September 2002 to…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi: I want you please to help me to work out the University of Maryland MBA application essays?I am a male, and I was graduated from September 2002 to…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi: I want you please to help me to work out the New York University MBA application essays?I had down the question 1~3[ http://benchiang19.com/essayquestionskim.doc ], and want…
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