Budget Plan Essays Prompts

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An insurance company is launching a new customer service section on the website. It will be a web-based customer service initiative so the customer who owns policies can view, do transfer, and fund allocation, etc on the website instead of calling customer service. We need to create a internet marketing plan that focus on both the new web-based customer service and marketing aspect of making customers aware and migrating them from personal service to sel-service on the website. The plan should include following format:

I. Executive Summary (2 pages)

II. Overall Business Objectives

III. Specific Marketing Objectives

IV. Business Situation/SWOT Analysis

a. Internal Situation
1. Performance Analysis - Data on Programs of A Similar Nature, If Available
2. Resource Availability and Allocation

b. External Situation
1. Markets
2. Competitors
3. Technological Infrastructure
4. Value Chain

c. Summary: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats

V. Marketing Problems and Opportunities

VI. Identification of Target Market/Market Segments

VII. Marketing Action Plans

a. Product/Service
b. Price
c. Integrated Marketing Communications -
1. Online and offline
2. Customer Acquisition and Retention Plans as appropriate based on objectives
d. Distribution/Fulfillment
e. Quality and Customer Service
f. Technological Infrastructure and Data Requirements

VIII. Testing Plans, if appropriate

a. Plan for Testing Critical Marketing or Program Variables
b. Plan for Usability Testing of Web Site

IX. Evaluation Techniques

X. Budget

XI. Implementation Timetable

You are appointed a Project Manager to develop a project plan for Graduation of 800 university students including a luncheon. A project plan is used to plan a project from its conceptual
inception to proper closing. You must demonstrate application of principles and tools of project management

The report will be accessed and is not limited to but must contain the following

1. Project Title & detailed description
2. Definition of Project Scope
a. Project Objectives
b. Deliverables
c. Milestones
d. Technical Requirements
e. Limits & Exclusions
3. Project Priorities
a. Scope, Time, Cost & Quality
4. Work Breakdown Structure
5. Estimation of Project Times, Costs & Resources
6. Project Network Diagram
7. Project Gantt Chart
8. Project Risk Management
9. Project Performance Measurement, Evaluation & Closure

As a project manager, develop a project template or form between 2-3 pages of your
chosen project to seek approval from project director.

Public Budgeting Process


how to fix Social Security?
Most importantly:
What are the Options for financing the Pesident's proposal to privatize Social Security? the paper should analyze the president's proposed solution to fix social security from a "budget" prospective.

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Implementation Plan
Template (to be used as a content guide for the paper?s main body)
Create an IS Implementation Plan for the approved organization
based on Week two IS Implementation Plan brief.
Include the following:
? Business strategies for implementation
? Both technology- and human-based safeguards used for
information systems
? Information comparing security requirements of out-sourcing
and in-sourcing
? Comparison of technical, user, and system training documentation
? Timelines and the need for their accuracy
? Reference page


I need from you plrease Marketing Plan, which must include the following steps only!!!!

Generally speaking, the Financials consist of:
Pro Forma Budgets
Pro Forma Break Even Analysis
Pro Forma Sales Forecasts

Controls usually consist of:
Marketing Organization
Contingency Planning

On the company Victory Motorcycles
The home page is http://www.polarisindustries.com/en-us/victory-motorcycles/Pages/Home.aspx

Thank you very much,


I request Writergrrl101 for this assignment if possible.

Last week you completed steps 1 5. This week use chapter 4 as a reference to outline the remaining five steps (6-10) for developing your strategic plan. (I will email you a copy of the answers from step 1 5 and chapter 4 of our text book

Chabotar, K.J. (2006). Strategic finance: Planning and budgeting for boards, chief executives,
and finance officers. Washington, DC: Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges

Step 6: Strategic and other indicators
Identify which indicators you would utilize to measure progress towards achieving your stated objectives. Explain your rationale for choosing them.

Step 7: Evaluation
Describe ways you might implement the CASH model for evaluating your strategic plan.

Step 8: Action steps
Look back at the goal and objectives you developed last week for Step 5 of your strategic plan. Outline a series of action steps that could be implemented to achieve them; include a timeline.

Step 9: Revenues and costs
Identify the sources of revenues and costs that would be associated with the above-mentioned goal.

Step 10: Assessment
List the issues your board of directors could use to assess the strategic plan.
Submit your assignment as a 2-3 page Word document and cite all sources of information used.

Explain the relationship between strategic planning and budget processes in higher education.

Learning Objective:
Create a strategic plan outline.

There are faxes for this order.

Semester 1 2009
The e-retail plan (2500 words): Individual 30%


To develop an e-retail plan for a product or service. The e-retail plan is based on a new business, not on an existing business.

The assessment item is designed to engage the students in integrating e-retailing theory and practice. REMEMBER, your role is to act as an entrepreneur or an e-marketer whos planning a venture startup.

1. Select a product or service. According to De-Kare Silver, different product categories have more or less virtual appeal.
2. Define and describe the product/service from a customer-centric perspective. REMEMBER, consumers purchase the benefits of the product/service, not the product/service itself.
3. Determine the target market.
4. Analyse the current operating environment for all companies within the product class you choose. REMEMBER, you have competitors (high street, online, or both). It is YOUR DECISION to use any analysis models that are appropriate: PESTE, SWOT, SNAKE DIAGRAM, PORTER GENERIC STRATEGIES MATRIX, ANSOFF MATRIX, etc. The purpose is to clearly understand your market opportunities and where your product/service fits into the market place (market positioning).
5. Develop an e-retail plan
REMEMBER, a new online business presents a lot of challenges such as high perceived risks and lack of consumer trust. As an e-marketer, you should consider how to attract consumers to your store (website), how to build an engaging website (website design), how to effectively communicate with your target audience (the e-retailing mix and the communication mix), and especially how to create CUSTOMER VALUE and how to develop a long-term customer relationship. A unique e-retail plan requires a high degree of creativity. To ensure the quality of the e-retail plan, it is ESSENTIAL for you to integrate market research and e-retailing theories.

The group report is 2500 words maximum

Specific Format Requirements:
1. Report length 2500 (maximum) words for the body of the report. The word length excludes the title page, the table of contents, the reference list (APA style) and the APPENDIXES.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing; 12pt New Times Roman or 11pt Arial Font. At least 2.5cm margins.
3. Add a Table of Contents.
4. Print the body of the report double-sided if possible.
5. Add a COMPLETE AND ACCURATE reference list of all academic works, business materials and websites, cited using APA style.
6. Include a copy of the e-retail plan Mark Sheet.


E-retail plan format:



Table of contents


List of Tables

List of Figures


1.0 Overview
Who What Where When How
2.0 Brand, Product and Service offering
define & describe current activities
3.0 Situational analysis
Briefly state you feel is the operating environment
3.1 Existing plan and other information
Review of existing plan and any other secondary information on firms brand that may be useful
3.2 Analysis Models
use any traditional or adaptive marketing models that you feel are appropriate
Number accordingly
Explain why you are using the models
Present the table / diagram
Briefly comment on the highlights of each model
3.x SWOT
3.x Perceptual maps
3.x PLC
3.x Snake Diagram
3.x etc etc (BCG, Ansoff, Porter ------)

3.x e-retailing metrics
Review e-retailing plans & objectives, strategies & performance metrics
3.x Situational Summary
What are the highlights of the situation analysis
4.0 Strategies
Link e-retailing with e-marketing strategy
4.1 Revenue streams
Identify revenue streams identified by e-retail models
4.2 Market opportunity analysis
Perform market opportunity analysis
4.3 Segmentation & Target
Target stakeholders
4.4 Brand differentiation
Method of brand differentiation
4.5 Market positioning strategy
Market positioning strategy
4.6 Market/partner distribution strategies
Market/partner distribution strategies
4.7 Distribution
Distribution process
4.8 Communication
Communication issues & approaches
4.9 Strategy Summary
What are the highlights of the proposed strategies
5.0 Implementation plan
Briefly state your approach to implimentation
5.1 e-retailing mix (7Cs)
Use the 7c define, describe, support suggested activities
5.2 product/service offer
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.3 Pricing strategies
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.4 Distribution/supply chain
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.5 Integrated Marketing Communications
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.6 Relationship management
define, describe, support suggested activities
5.7 Organisational structure/integration
5.8 Implementation Summary
What are the highlights of the proposed implementation
6 Budget

6.1 Revenues
What is likely to be sold and why
6.2 Costs
What are the likely costs
6.3 Budget comments

7 Evaluation and control

7.1 Contingency plans

7.2 Monitoring procedures

It is expected that the majority of your references will relate to the theoretical concepts discussed rather than the product category itself


e-Retail plan Mark sheet:

Degree of relevance of issues to e-Retailing strategy.

Clarity and richness of the explanations and analysis. Evidence of integrating theory and practice

Logical structure of argument.

Breadth of research and quality of source material (relating to e-Retailing issues)

Written expression - concise, straightforward and easy to read as well as grammatically correct

Correct referencing, lack of typos' spelling and grammatical errors, a bibliography and table of contents.


There are faxes for this order.

Please include the intel company's development, their type of budget, sequence of budget, expenditure side, political side, process od handling societal needs. Also, include a detailed evaluation, negative and positive rationales. Add positive and negative aspects to the company's budget processes. Show salaries form entry level to the top positions along with their education work/skill requirements. Add on a separate page a pie chart and bar graph to show its growth potential. Include information on investment potential in this company. Show or include an unofficial copy of the Intel company budget. Include some history of the company along with its founder and its net and potential worth. Add in information on the downfalls of this company. How people do they employ.

This module requires you to continue to focus on the organization you selected in module 1. You must identify the nature of the budgeting process or processes used by the organization. Are these processes effective? Why or why not? Discuss why you believe the budgeting process in the selected organization is of value, or why it should be abandoned.

Write a 2 page paper and upload to coursenet.

SLP assignment expectations:

Use information from the modular background readings as well as any other reliable resources you use. Please cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of your paper.

LENGTH: 2 pages typed and double-spaced.

The following items will be evaluated in particular:


The following required and optional readings discuss (1) the options beyond budgeting which may be used for managerial planning and control, (2) the relationship between budgeting and strategic decision making, and (3) the budgeting practices in different countries. Reading these materials carefully should help you complete and respond to the assignment expectations adequately.

Required Readings

Libby, Theresa and Lindsay, R Murray, (2007). BEYOND BUDGETING OR BETTER BUDGETING? Strategic Finance, 89(2), 46-51. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1324267731&sid=2&Fmt=6&clientId=2944 0&RQT=309&VName=PQD

Max, Mitchell, (2005). Beyond Budgeting: Case Studies in North American Financial Services. Journal of Performance Management, 18(1), 3-15. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=842579001&sid=2&Fmt=6&clientId=29440 &RQT=309&VName=PQD

Shastri, Karen and Stout, David E., (2008). Budgeting: Perspectives from the Real World. Management Accounting Quarterly. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=1&did=1625887741&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=3&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1301589320&clientId=29440

With, Elbert De and Dijkman, Aagtje, (2008). Budgeting Practices of Listed Companies in the Netherlands. Management Accounting Quarterly. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0OOL/is_1_10/ai_n31369438/?tag=r bxcra.2.a.33
Optional Readings

Becker, S., Messner, M., Schaffer, U. 2010. The Evolution of a Management Accounting Idea: The Case of Beyond Budgeting. SSRN Working Paper Series. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1535485

Scarlett, B. 2007. Management Accounting ??" Performance Evaluation. Financial Management. London: Sep 2007. pg. 54. http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?index=31&did=1370019771&SrchMode=1&sid=1&Fmt=2&VInst=PROD&VType=PQD&RQT=309&VName=PQD&TS=1315212378&clientId=29440

I need to prepare a memo to the senior managers of Exxon Mobil Corporation with detailed instructions for preparing the 2006 Budget. This is an Operating Budget and it needs to comment on revenues, marketing expenses, general and administrative, research and development and net income. At the end of the memo, I will also need to propose to the Board an Incentive Bonus Plan (40%) that Exxon will give to Management and their staff for attainig the budgeted objectives.

Reality-Based Budgeting

1. Visit the State Budget Solutions web site


The State Budget Solutions Project is non-partisan, positive, pro-reform, proactive and anchored in fundamental-systemic solutions. The goal is to successfully engage political journalists/bloggers, state officials and opinion leaders in a new way of thinking about state government and budgets, fundamental reforms, transparency and accountability.
State Budget Solutions promotes reality-based budgeting as the best way to design sustainable, responsible budgets from the ground up based on priorities and performance.

2.Read the concept paper Reality-Based Budgeting: How to permanently resolve state budget gaps by Bob William

3. REPORT on one action by a state aimed at solving a budget issue that you judge to be an example of Reality-Based Budgeting. Summarize the state budget action or practice and why you consider it to be an example of reality based budgeting.

I need a paper that will be a plan on how to bring a WNBA team to oakland, ca. This plan must have a marketing and financial plan included. It must be prepared as if it will be presented to a bank. It is a entrepreneur project so It has to come from an entrepreneur frame of mind. So it has to be presented in business style. This paper has to be able to prove and sell the idea in order to get backing from financial people. The bay area is very popular with women's basketball. The Stanford University and University of California Berkeley women's basketball teams both have great fan support so the time is right to have a WNBA team.

Week 5 Project

Course Project: Budget and Timeline
Budgeting and developing a timeline are important steps in public health program planning. If a budget is properly developed it provides a solid foundation for guiding the implementation of the program as well as sustaining it. A timeline is also essential as it provides program planners a guide to use when determining the progress of a program.

For your course project this week, you are given $200,000 to fund your program for one year. Prepare a budget for your program, considering the resources that you need and how you would allocate funds. Some allocation of funds may include marketing DVDs, time for personnel to hold meetings, electricity, and cleaning services for the office space. For your budget, you do not need to include more complex allocations such as employee salaries, fringe benefits, overhead, phones, etc. Also, you should assume you have some in-kind support to use in your project. In-kind support is any resource you do not have to pay for such as free printing of educational brochures or free telephone services. In addition to your budget, you create a basic Gantt or PERT chart to present your timeline.

To Prepare for this Assignment:

?Review Chapter 7 in the Doyle text and Chapter 13 in the McKenzie text. Pay particular attention to how to create a budget and allocate funds.
?Given the $200,000 you received for your public health program, create a one-year budget.
?Refer to figure 10.2 on page 303 of the McKenzie text to view a sample budget sheet.
?Think about potential in-kind support/assets that may influence your budget.
?Review Chapter 12 in the McKenzie text. In addition, you may wish to use the Internet or your Optional Resources to research how to create a Gantt or PERT Chart. Consider what would be an adequate yet basic timeline to execute the program plan you have developed. Think about the tasks and activities that should be included in a basic timeline for your program plan.
The Assignment (2?3 pages)

?Using the sample budget sheets, create a budget allocating $200,000 for your public health program. Include at least one in-kind support/asset in your budget.
?Provide a rationale for your allocation of funds.
?Develop a basic timeline using a Gantt or PERT Chart.
?Provide a rationale for the basic timeline for your program plan.
In addition, complete an Executive Summary and Conclusion for your project. This is to be submitted with your completed Course Project by Day 7 of Week 5.

Your written Assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week?s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct.

Submit your entire Course Project, which includes the components from Weeks 2, 3, and 4, by Day 7.

Write an eight (8) to ten (10) page paper using APA format that provides an analysis of President Obamas proposed health care reform plan. Include in your analysis the following:
A description of the major features of the proposed health care reform plan, including how the plan will be funded
An objective analysis of the pros and cons of the proposed plan in relation to the following factors:
The degree to which the plan will increase access to health care for various segments of the population
The extent to which the proposed plan will affect cost relative to the consumer, the taxpayer, the insurance companies, government, and other payers
The impact of the plan on the quality of care delivered
Unintended consequences (e.g. health care rationing)
An analysis of the potential response of the three stakeholders listed below. Analysis should address the subgroups within each stakeholder group (examples are given):
Health care providers: subgroups include groups such as physicians, hospitals, HMOs, etc.
Health care consumers: insured, uninsured
Current health care payers: employers, insurance companies, etc.
A summary of the paper that articulates your position relative to the proposed plan. Explain why you support or oppose the plan.

Marketing Plan: Dropbox

Final Marketing Plan##Dropbox

Incorporate the marketing textbook concepts (Marketing Management Textbook##Chapters 1-19) and Dropbox sources (attached) to create a formal marketing plan. The Dropbox marketing plan will consist of marketing plan targeted to an executive audience or a potential investor. Dropbox?s existing marketing campaign can be incorporate into this plan, however, additional marketing communications ideas must be included. If Dropbox does not already have a formal marketing plan, this is the opportunity to develop one.

Research and apply the textbook concepts to complete a situational analysis and begin developing the marketing plan. Analyze the company?s website, social media outlets, and review other external sources for information. You may also consider articles or interview a company representative. Marketing plans based solely on information found on the company?s website will be incomplete and unsatisfactory.

Use the following to build the Marketing Plan:

Table of Contents

Executive Summary: high level summary: purpose and objectives

Product Description: who owns it/current product life cycle stage its in

Value Proposition: why would customer purchase/value delivery of product

Features and Benefits: list of features and benefit to customer

Target Markets: what markets are currently targeted/recommended markets/approach being taken (undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated or micro-marketing)

Competitive Analysis: Who are the major market competitors - pricing, features, benefits, differentiators, target markets and compare Dropbox to major competitors

SWOT Analysis: Refer to the SWOT analysis instructions in textbook (pg. 62)

Marketing Objectives: build brand awareness, increase marketshare, capture a new target market, increase revenues, etc.

Measure: how will your objectives be measured?

Pricing Strategy: identify the price of your product/service and explain why the price better supports the marketing objectives

Target Markets: explain what are the target markets and explain should current target markets be expanded?

Distribution Strategy: do you recommend direct channel, indirect channel or multiple channels? Do you recommend intensive, selective or exclusive distribution and why?

Marketing Promotion: try to use a combination of traditional and contemporary tools - list promotion ideas that support marketing objective(s), which tools will be used to deliver promotion initiatives, align promotion initiatives to appropriate target markets, and which initiatives should be included in each stage of the product life cycle?

Budget: estimate the cost of the marketing campaign, create a marketing budget, and allocate the appropriate cost to each initiative.



Once you have opened ?Revenue Adjustment Template? ? an Excel Spreadsheet?

1) Go past the first 6 lines. But notice there are two different rates ? the first is the reduction percentage (-10%) for all departments except for one, and the 2nd (-5%) for Human Services.
2) The next area is entitled ?Arapahoe County 2015 Budget Including All Funds.?
3) Replace F5, which currently says ?(your dept)? with your assigned department. Your department is assigned as follows:
For student ids ending in 2, Clerk & Recorder?s Office

5) Get data (under the Assignments tab).
6) The .pdf file called ?Complete 2015 Adopted Budget? has budget data for this area of the spreadsheet.
7) Adopted budget data can be found on different pages for different departments.

For the Clerk & Recorder?s Office? on page 178 (190 of 399).

8) Fill in the amounts for all Expenditure Categories present (as many as you have) from the far right column of the Summary Budget Table into B7 through B14 (in the column called ?2015 Adopted Budget?).
a. To save keying mistakes, you can highlight only 1 number at a time in the .pdf, copy it, and paste it into the spreadsheet. Warning: If you try 2 or more numbers at a time, Excel will paste it as a text field, not a number. You cannot do anything (add, subtract,?) with text.
b. Do not try to copy a ?dash? from the .pdf, which means zero. Just enter 0 in the spreadsheet
9) Total the column (in B15) to check against the .pdf?s total. B15 should be: =sum(B7:B14)
10) Next, locate your department?s General Fund spending by category. These amounts start in Appendix 7, on page 358 (370 of 399). Only Assessor?s Office is on that page. Clerk & Recorder?s Office is on the following page, p. 359 (371 of 399). The rest of the departments are on the next 4 pages ? through page 363 (375 of 399). Public Works & Development finishes on the top of page 363, continued from the bottom of the previous page, p. 362 (374 of 399). Enter the amounts from the Expenditure Categories present from the FAR RIGHT column into B19 through B26 in the column called ?2015 Adopted Budget.?
11) Total the column (in B27) to check against the .pdf?s total. So B27 is: =sum(B19:B26). Remember ? this is the General Fund only, so the total in B27 will USUALLY be less than the total in B15.
a. HINT: The reason that the total in B27 is usually less than the total in B15 is that B15 includes funding from all sources, whereas B27 includes only the money spent from the General Fund. If you want to see where all the funding sources are, check the very next table below the Budget Summary (see #6 above for the page number) called ?Budget Summary by Fund.? The totals for B15 and B27 will be equal only if there?s a single fund with a non-zero dollar amount (i.e., the amount from the General Fund matches ?Total Expenditures? from the Budget Summary, or from the Social Services Fund in the case of the Human Services Department).
12) Only if your department is Human Services, there was no General Fund spending on the pages listed in steps 9 and 10. You have to go the next page, p. 364 (376 of 399). Under the heading of ?Social Services Fund? at the middle of the page, there?s a heading for Human Services. Enter the amounts from the Expenditure Categories present from the far right column into B19 through B26 in the column called ?2015 Adopted Budget.? Total the column (in B27) to check against the total from the .pdf. Remember ? this is the Social Services Fund only, so the total in B27 will be slightly less than the total in B15.
13) Enter the amounts reduced in C19 through C26 as negative numbers! These amounts are up to you. You can enter a formula or an amount. They are only constrained by two things: 1) amounts can?t be greater than the corresponding amounts in column B (because you can?t end up with negative fund balances when these amounts are added to the ones in column B); and 2) all the amounts have to sum (in C27) to a 10% reduction (in B2--for all departments except Human Services, which is a 5% reduction, shown in B3. So multiply B2 or B3, depending on your department, times B27 to get B28. So B28 is =B27*B2 [or] =B27*B3 (the 2nd one only if you have Human Services).
a. HINT: you?re guaranteed to get the right result by making a pro rata reduction of 10% (or 5% in case you have Human Services). That gives for C19 (for instance): =B19*B2 (or, for Human Services, =B19*B3).
b. You don?t have to arrive at your numbers using the formula in (a) above, it?s just a sure-fire way to come up with correct results if you don?t care where the cuts are.
14) You check your results in C27 by comparing the ?Target Reduction? (it should also be a negative number!) in B28 to the sum of your reductions in C27. They should be the same. If they are not the same, change the amounts in C19 through C26.
15) Now add the reductions in C19 through C26 to the full budgeted amounts (Annual Fund and Social Services Fund plus other funds) in B7 through B14 to get the reduced amounts in C7 through C14. For instance, Salaries & Wages in C7 is, =B7+C19 . Continue for the rest of the Expenditure Categories until you have results in all the applicable cells in C7 through C14. You can copy (right-click and then left click on ?copy?) from C7 and paste (right-click and then left click on ?paste?) into C8 through C14.
16) Sum the new budget amounts C7 through C14 and put the result in C15: =sum(C7:C14). Next, compute the percentage reduction in D7 through D15 (including the total), using a formula quite like year-over-year change. For D7, it?s the following: =(C7-B7)/B7 ; and for the rest (D8 through D15), just copy (right click and then left click on ?copy?) from D7, then paste (right click and then left click on ?paste?) into D8 through D15.
17) Now you have the information in order to write a one-two page, double-spaced memo with the following sections. First, the standard title ?M E M O R A N D U M? across the top. Next, the ?To:?; ?From:?; ?Date:?; and ?Subject:? on separate lines. The memo should be to ?Department Manager? and from you. The subject should convey that these are findings from analyzing the Arapahoe County 2015 Adopted Budget. Then, I?d like 3 to 4 paragraphs containing the following.
a. First, describe the analysis you did in enough detail that I (as a manager) have a decent idea of what you did, but skipping the gory details. It wouldn?t be out of the way in a normal organization, for the manager to route something like this to other managers who may not be familiar with what you did. I?m not holding folks to two pages, but it should be plenty for this one. This paragraph should describe the purpose of your analysis (interim budget reduction due to revenue shortfall) and define the scope of what you did. The next 2-3 paragraphs should convey the following information:
b. Paragraph two: describe the changes to the spending categories that you?ve chosen to recommend (remember: analysts aren?t the decision makers). Did you apply a flat 10 percent cut to the General Fund (or Social Services Fund) amounts or did you apply some other rationale. What were the changes to the overall budget ? you don?t need to say if they?re the same or virtually the same as the changes to the General Fund ? but in some cases there are significant sources of funding beyond the fund you reduced. I?d give precedence to the percentage reductions to the overall budget (in D7 through D15), which are more relevant to the level of changes to the department?s budget (including all funding sources) that would be required.
c. Paragraph three: describe the impact of the changes you?ve recommended. For instance, if you?re furloughing or dismissing staff, how many staff is that. You don?t need to say how many pencils the department is doing without if you cut supplies, but you might indicate what some possible impacts may be. You can be a little creative ? despite the length of it, the budget lacks the necessary detail to dispute your account.
d. Paragraph four: (optional) you can justify why you believe your recommendations are preferable to another course (for instance, if you chose not to simply pro rate the cut, you could say why you decided against it).

Please you can also use the below links as a guide in answering the questions. I have attached the excel spreadsheet to the uploaded file option and also uploaded the 2015 Adopted Budget.



- I've written the part of target audiences, Buying, selling, and communications processes, message, goals and objectives, etc,. as in the file "strategy draft 1.doc" that i upload
- so u can come up with the plan and draw up a marketing communication strategy of Eagle Riders Australia which will target on only Chinese market from Mainland by considering these following aspects of a marketing communication:

- Situation analysis
- Resource management
- Implementation
- Evaluation

Please mention in these following aspects:
- media strategy: pls mention about media that u will use in this marcom plan. Can u write which media we shall use in china in order to promote this project, why, and to which target group? How are we going to implement it to be effectively plan and get into Chinese market?
- resource and human resource management part in relation to who we need in this plan and how we are going to allocate them in China, and why? See the document i upload
- situation analysis should mention the situation about: 1. Situation facing organisation? 2. Background of the situation? 3. Significance or importance of situation?
- Budget part has to be the budget for the media that we are going to use, how much it cost

U can add anything else if u think it's neccessary
I'll also upload the resource materials for u as a guideline how to write those aspects

Turkey Burger to in &

Introducing the turkey burger as a new item to the In & Out Burger Menu.

The Marketing Plan should follow this outline:
I. Table of Contents: this outlines the major parts of the report
II. Executive Summary: this should provide all the information the company's executives need to make a decision without reading the rest of the plan. The summary should include a BRIEF description of the current market, the product to be offered (the turkey burger), the strategy behind the plan, and the budget. Also any other information like how the competitors and channel partners will respond to the firms actions should be summarized. (this should only be a minimum of a half page to maximum of one page long)
III. The Business Challenge: a brief description of the offering and the goals of the plan. This serves as the introduction, describing the offering (the turkey burger) and why the company should invest in it, how it fits into what the company (In & Out Burger) is already doing and further the company's overall business goals. The company's mission statement should be referenced here.
IV. The Market
a. Customers: who are they, and what do they need/want?
b. Company analysis: The firm's strengths and weaknesses relative to this market and the offering (the turkey burger)
c. Collaborators: Include suppliers and/or distributors (relative to where they get current supply, where can they get turkey meat)
d. Competitiors: Who are they, and how are they doing with turkey burger sales? (contribution to overall revenue, information about percentage of sales compared to beef; statistics)
e. Business Climate: includes opportunities and threats created by environmental forces, such as govt regulations and legislations, the economy, and social, cultural and technological forces.
V. The Strategy
a. The strategy: Why did you choose the strategy you did? Include brief discussion of alternatives considered and discarded
b. The offering: provide details on the features and benefits of the offering, as well as pricing options.
c. The communication plan: how will the offering be launched? what will be ongoing communication strategies? this section should be fairly broad and will require collaboration with communication partners, such as the firm's current advertising agency.
d. Distribution: How will the offering be sold? Should specify inventories that need to be maintained in order to meet customer expectations.
VI. Budget
a. Investment: provide details about the budget needed to launch and maintain the offering
b. Return: list both short-term and long-term financial goals; includes a forecast of the product's projected sales, costs, and net income. Projections should include timelines (graphs), such as estimated sales, costs and market potential for one month, two months, six months and so forth.
VII. Conclusion: repeats the highlights. summarize the target market, the offer, and communication plan.
Remind the reader why this plan is the best choice.


Budgeting is an important internal activity. Preparing budgets involve forecasting sales and estimating costs. For this SLP, you will prepare a flexible budget for next year for a company of your choice (Starbucks, preferrably). The budget needs to be realistic and based on corporate and economic trends.

Set up the flexible budget at three levels for the income statement. Companies prepare budgets based on absorption and/or variable costing. Due to lack of information, we're limiting our budgeting to the absorption approach. You still need to estimate cost behavior based on trends.

Information to consider in determining the three levels.

What is the growth rate in sales for the past three years?
What is the current growth rate in the economy?
How are the competitiors doing?
Current interest rates and tax burdens.

Discuss the implications of the information after you have completed the flexible budget.

What did you learn ; and
How can you use this information as a manger?

Modular SLP Expectations

Always include the name or the organization(s), time period covered and source of information. It is important to answer the questions as posed. The discussion should be two to four pages and written in a clear and concise manner. Support your discussion with references in APA format. You are encouraged to use Excel or other compatible spreadsheet when computations are involved.

Create a financial plan for a defense contractor like Sikorsky aircraft where it looks as though many defense cuts will be made,

Marketing Plan for Digital Camera

After completing the module the student should be able to:
? Integrate marketing decision making with organisational strategy.
? Establish a broad base of marketing knowledge and the strategic implications.
? Develop and implement marketing plans for a product or service.
? Reflect an international perspective and the global context of decision making in marketing planning.
? Evaluate the appropriateness of e-business strategies.

Assignment Task

Choose a company which manufactures digital cameras. Devise a new product that they might offer and develop a marketing plan for it. The plan should be based in a country or economic area with which you are familiar. It should be structured around the sections and sub-sections outlined below. Students should take account of the marks for each section and the marking criteria when writing their marketing plan.

Section Sub-Sections Corresponding Learning Outcome(s)
Situation Analysis
(30%) External Analysis: PESTLE analysis Critically evaluate the information needs of the marketing function in terms of its contribution to the strategic processes and tactical decision-making.
Internal Analysis: Analysis of the companys core competencies.
SWOT analysis: Based on the internal and external Analysis, produce a SWOT analysis
Marketing Objectives
(10%) New Product: brief description of the proposed new product. Develop and implement marketing plans for a product or service; Establish a broad base of marketing knowledge and the strategic implications.
Marketing Objectives: these should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and set within a given time frame (SMART).
Marketing Plan
Segmentation of the market: apply relevant segmentation criteria. Develop and implement marketing plans for a product or service;
Reflect an international perspective and the global context of decision making in marketing planning;
Evaluate the appropriateness of e-business strategies.
Target Market: describe the chosen target market, explaining why it is attractive to the company.
Positioning and Differentiation: Explain how the target market should perceive the product.
Marketing Mix: Outline the product, pricing strategy, promotional strategy and the distribution plans.
Marketing Mix ??" Global and E-Business: Outline how the marketing mix could be expanded for the global market. Explain how the marketing mix will use e-buiness.

Marketing Budget
(10%) Using your promotional plans as a basis, calculate the marketing costs of launching the new product. Develop and implement marketing plans for a product or service.

In addition, 10 marks will be allocated to the overall presentation of the report.

Word Limit
4000 words (maximum) excluding the title page, reference list and appendices.

Capital Budgeting the Beta for

CASE ANALYSIS: The Case of the Junior Analyst

Mark was recently hired by Boeing as a junior budget analyst. He is working for the Venture Capital Division and has been given six capital budgeting projects to evaluate. He must give his analysis and recommendation to the capital budgeting committee on Tuesday December 8.

Mark has a B.S. in accounting from CWU (2006) and passed the CPA exam (2006). He has been in public accounting for 2 years. During that time he earned an MBA from Seattle U. He would like to be the CFO of a company someday--maybe Boeing-- and this is an opportunity to get onto that career track and to prove his ability.

As Mark looks over the financial data collected, he is trying to make sense of it all. He already has the most difficult part of the analysis complete--the estimation of cash flows. Through some internet research and application of finance theory (learned in FIN 370 at CWU), he has also determined the unlevered betas for each project.
Here is the information that Mark has accumulated so far:

The Capital Budgeting Projects
He must choose one of the four capital budgeting projects listed in Table 1:
Table 1 shows the expected after-tax operating cash flows for each project.
The tax rate used in his calculations is 30%. All projects are expected to have a 4 year life. The projects differ in size (the cost of the initial investment) and their cash flow
patterns are different.. They also differ in risk as indicated by their unlevered betas.
The capital budget is $20 million and the projects are mutually exclusive.

Capital Structures
In addition to recommending one of the four capital budgeting projects, Mark has also been asked to evaluate alternative capital structures for financing the chosen project.
He has decided to evaluate 3 capital structures: no debt, 20% debt, and 50% debt.
If debt is used, the cost of the debt will depend upon the amount of leverage in the capital structure. At 20% leverage, the before tax cost of debt will be 7%. At 50% leverage, the cost of debt rises to 16% for all projects

Cost of Capital
Mark knows that in order to evaluate the projects he will have to determine the cost of capital for each of them. Boeings cost of capital is 15% based on a dividend plus growth model , but the projects risk levels are different from the company and from each other. Also the projects have no long term growth, they have an expected life of 4 years. Mark thinks the dividend/growth model is inappropriate for these projects and plans to calculate the cost of equity using the CAPM model.
The unlevered betas for each project are given in Table 1. The projects betas are based on the betas of companies that are in the same industries (pure plays). The betas have been adjusted (using the Hamada equation), so that they represent the unlevered betas of these pure play companies. If the projects are financed with leverage, the betas will increase and so too will the cost of capital. Mark plans to use the Hamada equation to estimate the levered betas. The unlevered project betas, the risk free rate and the expected market return are given in Table 1. He will use the WACC as both the discount rate and the reinvestment rate in his capital budgeting analysis.

Mark knows that Boeing executives have favored IRR in the past for making their capital budgeting decisions. His professor at Seattle U. said NPV was better than IRR. His textbook says that MIRR is also better than IRR. He is the new kid on the block and must be prepared to defend his recommendations.

First, however, he must finish the analysis and write his report. To begin, he has formulated the following questions that need to be answered:

1. What is the beta for each project at 20% and 50% leverage?
2. What is the cost of equity for each project at 0, 20%, and 50% leverage? Do you think the CAPM model is an appropriate way to calculate the cost of equity for these projects? Why or why not.
3. What is the WACC for each project at 0, 20%, and 50% leverage?
4. Calculate all relevant capital budgeting measures for each project (complete Table 2)?
5. Which of the projects are unacceptable and why or why not? Include on a single graph the NPV profile for each project.
6. Rank the projects that are acceptable, according to your criterion of choice.
7. Which project do you recommend and why? Explain why each of the projects not chosen was rejected.
8. For the capital budgeting project you selected, which capital structure do you recommend and why?
9. For the project and capital structure that you have selected, calculate the projects net income after-tax for the first year of operation.
10. Is there anything that you think Mark is doing incorrectly or overlooking in his analysis?

Your answers should be word processed.
Questions 2, 5, 7, 8, and 10 are discussion questions.
Your calculations should be done on Excel.
Place your numerical solutions in Table 2.
The solution (questions 1 through 10) is due December 8.

All of the following information needs to be in excel. Needs an X,Y scatter graph.

Fall 2009 FIN 370 NAME ____________________________


TABLE 1 Operating Cash Flows After Tax

t A B C D
0 (20,000,000) (20,000,000) (14,000,000) (18,000,000)
1 8,000,000 11,000,000 6,200,000 7,000,000
2 8,000,000 10,000,000 6,200,000 7,000,000
3 8,000,000 8,000,000 6,200,000 6,000,000
4 7,000,000 1,000,000 5,200,000 5,000,000

Other Information
Unlevered Beta 0.9 0.8 1 1.1
Risk free rate 3%
Market return 13%

Table 2 A A A
0 Lev 20% Lev 50% Lev
Cost of Equity

0 Lev 20% Lev 50% Lev
Cost of Equity

0 Lev 20% Lev 50% Lev
Cost of Equity

0 Lev 20% Lev 50% Lev
Cost of Equity

This is week nine of your Finance and Budgeting class; during the first two week of class you created an operating budget and a two page paper explaining your philosophy. Looking back at the budget you wrote write a two page paper of what you would change as a result of the knowledge you gained in this class.

(Assignment: Make any revisions to your strategic plan and budget. Discuss insights you have experienced during the process and how these have influenced revisions to your project.)

(I will email you a copy of the budget and paper that I wrote in week two.)

Evaluate the outcomes and effectiveness of the strategic planning and budgeting processes.

Learning Objective:
Revise a strategic plan and budget.

There are faxes for this order.

Mercedes Benz C300 Marketing Plan

Please read carefully and include everything listed under.

Marketing Plan base on Mercedes-Benz

The product I chose for my marketing plan is new C-Class: C300 Sport 4dr Sedan (3.0L 6cyl 6M) My point of view is that from the age range of 25 to 35 year old will intent to buy BMW over Benz, because in general the BMWs products hold inside the younger prospects mind than Benz and Benz seen to made for older more. C300 is a very good product to catch the younger prospects attention. Its look and price are all reasonable. It is around 32000 much cheaper compare to BMW.
Therefore, in order to enlarger Benzs market instead of promoting a super expensive top model car, we will work on the C300, high quality and inexpensive for the age of 25 35.

Introduction of the Mercedes-Benzs Company, its history and performance. Connect them with to new C300 Sport 4dr Sedan

Executive summary
Presents a brief summary of the main goals and recommendations of the plan for management review, helping top management to find the plans major points quickly. A table of contents should follow the executive summary.

Current Marketing Situation:
Describes the target market and the companys position in it, including information about the market, product performance, competition, and distribution.

This section includes:
A market description that defines the market and major segments, then review customer needs and factors in the marketing environment that may affect customer purchasing
Like -Targeted segment, customer need, corresponding feature/benefit, market environment (market trend, potential market, market growth rate, market share.)

A product review that shows sales, prices, and gross margins of the major products in the product line
Like -Function, (corresponding feature/benefit), sales, prices, gross margin

A review of competition, which identifies major competitors and assesses their market positions and strategies for product quality, pricing, distribution, and promotion
Like -List competitors, assess competitors market positions and strategies for product quality, pricing, distribution, and promotion (4Ps), (competitors market share)

A review of distribution that evaluates recent sales trends and other developments in major distribution channels
Like list distribution channels, sales trends, developments in major distribution

Threats and Opportunities Analysis: (A view on Benz and its competitors)
The SWOT Analysis:
Opportunities - might be competitors weaknesses,
Threats - might be competitors strengths

assesses major threats and opportunities that the product might face, helping management to anticipate important positive or negative developments that might have an impact on the firm and its strategies. Youll want to highlight and explain each issue within the SWOT.

Objectives and Issues:
States the marketing objectives that the company would like to attain during the plans term and discusses key issues that will affect their attainment. For example, if the goal is to achieve a 15 percent market share, this poses a key issue: How can market share be increased?

Tips: be specific (suggest specific sale volume, market share, revenue, margin, break-even, etc.)

Marketing Strategy:
Outlines the broad marketing logic by which the business unit hopes to achieve its marketing objectives and the specifics of target markets, positioning, and marketing expenditure levels. It outlines specifics strategies for each marketing mix elements, and explains how each response to the threats, opportunities, and critical issues spelled out earlier in the plan.

It must include: Positioning, Product Strategy, Pricing Strategy, Distribution Strategy, Marketing Communications Strategy, and Marketing Organization

Action Programs:
Spells out how marketing strategies will be turned into specific action programs that answer the following questions: What will be done? When will it be done? Who is responsible for doing it? And how much will it cost?
*This is one of the most important components as it is your true test of implementation of your innovative plan.

Tips: think about what are the events or campaigns that can be done to reach the objectives (consider your marketing strategy)

Details a supporting marketing budget that is essentially a projected profit-and-loss statement. It shows expected revenues (forecasted number of units sold and the average net price) and expected costs (of production, distribution, and marketing). The difference is the projected profit. Once approved by higher management, the budget is the basis for materials buying, production scheduling, personnel planning, and marketing operations.

Conduct research about and discuss capital budgeting in general and its significance in health care organizations particular research about break-even analysis, profitability and payback process.

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Marketing Plan for Digital Camera

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Capital Budgeting the Beta for

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Mercedes Benz C300 Marketing Plan

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Conduct research about and discuss capital budgeting in general and its significance in health care organizations particular research about break-even analysis, profitability and payback process.

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