British Literature Essays Prompts

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Chapter 2: Literature review
2.1 Restaurant industry in Thailand (3 pages)
- Overview of Thailand as a preference destination (number of tourists visit Thailand)
- Overview of restaurant industry in Thailand such as revenue and the importance of this industry

2.1.1 Restaurant industry trend (2 pages)
- Growth of Thai restaurant and foreign restaurant in Thailand

2.2 Notion of eating out (3 pages)
- The definition of dining out?
- The reason why the number of consumer dining out has been increasing significantly?

2.2 Principle of consumer behaviour (2 pages)
- What is consumer behaviour? and consumer behaviour concept

2.3 Consumer attitude towards foreign restaurant (2 pages)
- What Thai people think about foreign restaurant, particularly Korean restaurant, Japanese restaurant, Italian restaurant etc.?

2.3 Influencers affected consumer behaviour toward foreign cuisines
2.3.1 Media influence (3 pages)
How local and international media such as magazine, TV, radio and social network affects consumer behaviour toward foreign cuisines?

2.3.2 Health concern and hygienic factor (3 pages)
How health concern and hygienic factor affects consumer behaviour toward foreign cuisines?

2.3.3 Brand image (3 pages)
Does Thai restaurant have a good brand image from local and international people point of view? And how?
How this image affects consumer behaviour toward foreign cuisines?
2.3.4 Price (3 pages)
- Expectation from what customer paid for, including money and non monetary and how it affects consumer behaviour toward foreign cuisines

2.3.5 Location (3 pages)
How location affects consumer behaviour toward foreign cuisines?

Global Cultural Analysis Nigeria

Global Business Cultural Analysis

The purpose of this research project is for you to write a scholarly, graduate-level research paper in APA format. Competency in the APA format is required of all Business graduates of Liberty University, as set forth by policy of both the Graduate Faculty and the administration.

Each student will research and write a paper on analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. Students will select a nation to study, and have approximately 8 weeks to research and write the paper. Your professor will provide a list of approved nations by the second day of class. Simply select the nation then begin working on the project.

After reading your paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research questions. Thus, the research questions form the major aspects (APA Level 1 headings) of your outline.
? What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region (see Unit 2, Chapter 7 for a list of the required dimensions)?
? How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?
? How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business?
? What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region?

Important Points to Consider

The paper is to be written in strict conformance to APA standards, and contain at least 16 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 12 scholarly references. Use the following as the exact title of your paper: Global Business Cultural Analysis: (insert nation selected).
The paper is to be posted in the SafeAssign software area, at the end of Week 8. It is highly recommend each student download and read the instructions to avoid any stress created by issues that are the result of waiting until the last minute.
? A SafeAssign draft check area will be provided for you to use to improve your Originality Score, prior to your final submission.

Three levels of APA headings should be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.
Some students do not fully understand the difference between Plagiarism and Paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you take a source or someone else's idea and say it in your own words. When you paraphrase you must still give the author's name, date, title of the source, the scholarly journal where it came from, and the exact website address or book.

However, when you directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it must be set in block quotation format. If you directly quote anyone, you must set it in quotation marks or block quotation and give detailed information of where you acquired the quote.

For the purpose of this academic paper, please adhere to the follow rules when quoting or using a source:
? Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
? If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source.
? Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
? Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference.
? In all instances, be sure to use the APA guidelines for citations and references.

My Outline Submitted to Instructor

1. Nigerian History
1.1. Synopsis of Nigerian government
1.1.1. Nigerian monarchy to presidential system
1.2. the evolution of Nigeria from British control to a civilian democratic government
1.3. Nigerian major commodities
1.3.1. Oil
1.3.2. Food
2. The major elements and dimensions of culture in Nigeria
2.1. Cultural dimensions
2.1.1. Individualism
2.1.2. Power distance
2.1.3. Masculinity
2.1.4. Uncertainty
2.2. Model of culture
2.2.1. Universalism or Particularism
2.2.2. Individualist or Communitarian
2.2.3. Specific or Diffuse
2.2.4. Affective or Neutral
2.2.5. Achievement or Ascription
2.2.6. Sequential or Synchronic
2.2.7. Internal or External
3. How the elements and dimensions are integrated by Nigerians conducting business in the nation
3.1. The governments affects on its business prospects globally
3.2. Future global business prospects
3.3. Issues concerning corruptive practices
4. How do the elements and dimensions compare with US culture and business
4.1. The woman?s role in the workplace
5. The implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in Nigeria
5.1. Cross-cultural business transactions between the United States and Nigeria

References (not in alphabetical order)
Afolayan, T. E. (2011). Coming To America: The Social and Economic Mobility of African Immigrants in the United States. Inquiry (University of New Hampshire), 6-11. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Oguejiofor, G. C. (2010). Using Total Quality Management as a Tool for Re-engineering Coal Production in Nigerian Coal Corporation: An Energy Industry Case Study. Energy Sources Part B: Economics, Planning & Policy, 5(1), 29-40. doi:10.1080/15567240701621174

Yinka Fashagba, J. (2009). Legislative Oversight under the Nigerian Presidential System. Journal of Legislative Studies, 15(4), 439-459. doi:10.1080/13572330903302497

Oshodi, A. (2007). Return to civilian rule in Nigeria: Problems of electoral culture and transparency over the past three Nigerian elections (1999 - 2007). Round Table, 96(392), 617-630. doi:10.1080/00358530701625901

Alutu, O. E., & Udhawuve, M. L. (2009). Unethical Practices in Nigerian Engineering Industries: Complications for Project Management. Journal of Management in Engineering, 25(1), 40-43. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0742-597X(2009)25:1(40)


Uche, C. (2008). OIL, BRITISH INTERESTS AND THE NIGERIAN CIVIL WAR. Journal of African History, 49(1), 111-135. doi:10.1017/S0021853708003393

Baird, J. (2010). Oil's Shame in Africa. Newsweek, 156(4), 27. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Worlu, R. E. (2010). Perception of the Influence of Marketing in Politics: A Cross-Sectional Study of Political Parties and Electorates in Nigeria. Petroleum - Gas University of Ploiesti Bulletin, Law & Social Sciences Series, 61(1), 87-106. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Nwabueze, R. N. (2009). Alienations Under the Land Use Act and Express Declarations of Trust in Nigeria. Journal of African Law, 53(1), 59-89. doi:10.1017/S0021855309000035

Nnona, C. (2010). The Prohibition of Large Partnerships in Nigerian Company Law: An Essay into Postcolonial Legal Atavism. San Diego International Law Journal, 11(2), 481-507. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Agbese, A. (2003). Maintaining Power in the Face of Political, Economic and Social Discrimination: The Tale of Nigerian Women. Women & Language, 26(1), 18. Retrieved from EBSCOhost

Shannon, P. (2007). The Challenge of Community Work in a Global Economy. Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare, 34(2), 69-85. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Ampiah, K. (2005). Nigeria's Fledgling Friendship with Japan: The Beginning of a 'Special Partnership'?. African & Asian Studies, 4(4), 547-573. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

Taiwo, K. A. (2006). Utilization Potentials of Cassava in Nigeria: The Domestic and Industrial Products. Food Reviews International, 22(1), 29-42. doi:10.1080/87559120500379787

Frynas, J. (2004). Social and environmental litigation against transnational firms in Africa. Journal of Modern African Studies, 42(3), 363-388. doi:10.1017/S0022278X04000230

Chaudhary, A. (2001). International News Selection: A Comparative Analysis of Negative News in the Washington Post and the Daily Times of Nigeria. Howard Journal of Communications, 12(4), 241-254. doi:10.1080/106461701753287741

Economic Development

The term project is a case study of a developing country, (which is Kenya), that has undertaken some sort of structural change and/or implemented some major developmental policy reform within the last five to ten years. The paper is to provide a description of purpose of the policy reform, including the motivation for the major change. That is, the paper is to describe the existing conditions in Kenya prior to the implementation of a structural change or major policy reform. The goal of this paper is to provide the "background" information of Kenya, including relevant statistical information, which sets the stage for describing why traditional, neo-classical policy reform was unsuccessful or detrimental to Kenya?s economic development. Try to draw connections between the actual growth experiences in Kenya and relevant theories (and criticisms of) economic development in the literature.
In addition to the background summary, you should explain why the previous, traditional, growth-oriented policies were inadequate. Development reform programs are almost always implemented because earlier reforms produced unsatisfactory results. What were these unsatisfactory results?
The statistical information you provide will likely be specific to the existing problems in Kenya as well as the nature of the policy reform; however, to get you started consider including some of the following information:
- the composition of Kenya''s population and household structure(i.e. demographic info,% population in rural areas, level of education attainment, roles of family members(economic, social, cultural, religious)
-structure of Kenya''s economy(i.e. to what extent are economic decisions answered by market forces as opposed to government policy, how well do prices(of goods, services, resources, foreign currency, etc.) adjust to market forces)

Specific Guidelines:
Typewritten, Double-spaced using a standard 12-font type such as Times New Roman with 1" margins. The paper must include a list of works cited and a list of other references used in writing your paper.

Literary Analysis Essay
Prompt and assignment:
Write a 1000-word (about 3-4 page) literary analysis essay in support of a central thesis statement. You may choose to interpret any work of literature (poem, story, play, etc.) Your essay?s thesis should argue that a certain interpretation of that piece of literature is valid.

Guidelines for essay:

Your MLA-formatted essay should follow the guidelines in this lesson. Successful literary analysis essays:

?Focus on and support a clear thesis
?Analyze details and literary elements in the work (symbols, descriptions, setting, etc.)
?Are organized clearly around 2-4 supporting claims
?Avoid relying on summary
?Do not include outside source material

Florida History

Compare and contrast the political and economic systems of the Spanish v. the British & Americans in Florida up to 1877.

The essay should be chronologically broad. Compare and contrast the positive and negative aspects of each of the chosen national groups. The single most important issue to establish is change over time.

Analyze the connections among all of the sources, how historians have interpreted Florida history and why, and the bigger issues of change and continuity in the Florida historical experience.

Sources to use:
1. "Florida Indians and the Invasion from Europe" by Jerald T. Milanich.

2. "A Concise Description of East and West Florida" by Bernard Romans.

3. "Creating an Old South: Middle Florida''s Plantation Frontier before the Civil War" by Edward E. Batist.

4. "Slavery in Florida: Territorial Days to Emancipation" by Larry Eugene Rivers.

*Please no copy and pasting, no paraphrasing unless cited and if using quotes please cite."

Slave Trade - SC Question

*IF POSSIBLE, WRITER REQ: 1st-Writergrrl101, 2nd-Cathii, if neither an option then any available...*

Slave Trade Demography Assignment

In this assignment turn the raw data of British shipping records into a body of useful analyzable statistical data. The collective work will replicate the efforts of a statistically-oriented historian working on understanding the size and shape of the slave trade. Such a professional historian would ask of the data all of the questions we will, and many more. This assignment takes these questions and parcels them out to individual students - we are in essence a large research collective each working on a specific topic within a larger inquiry.

We will rely on transcribed records documenting slave imports to the colonies of New York, Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia from Elizabeth Donnans Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America. The dates of these records vary somewhat although all cover the mid-eighteenth century - a high water mark in the British transatlantic slave trade. The bulk of this project relies on scanning, counting, adding, and multiplying - the regular tasks of the statistical historian. You will need to utilize the relevant section of the records, but everyone is encouraged to put some time into looking over the other records your particular assignment does not include. Each student will put together a brief paper presenting all the resulting numbers and discussing your observations from your romp in the records.

Once this work is all completed we will use part of our class time to tabulate what we have gleaned and discuss our first hand observations of the slave trade. Keep an eye out for temporal changes - for example do numbers seem to cluster in certain decades or is there a visible trend? Look for changes in shipping patterns and other shifts over time. Above all ??" think about implications! If you run into questions or problems as you plug through the data please feel free to contact me.

In the paper please provide the resulting data and reflect on the trade implications of your findings. What kinds of questions might we ask of this data, and what were your overall observations (NO PROJECTING CURRENT SOCIAL/POLITICAL VIEWS, base your observation from the professional historical perspective!) of the trade viewed from these records?

Specific Assigned Slave Trade Demography For This Historical Research Paper:
1.) Find the NY total numbers from Africa and which locations if indicated. Mean average numbers.
2.) Find the total numbers and mean averages of slaves from each African port broken down by port.
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Aesthetics and African Art

Assignment Two

Please write a five-page essay on one of the following questions. All written assignments should be double-spaced, with a 1" margin on all sides, and a 12 pt. font. Any images and/or bibliographies are not included in the five page length requirement. Note: five pages of text is roughly 1,250 words. In each essay, you will be discussing works of art. In all examples that you discuss, your images should be fully identified by title, artist (if known), date, and location of object. Then, give a brief formal description and analysis of the work, and explain in a very specific and detailed way a response to the essay question. Your paper should be written entirely in your own words, although you may use a limited number of quotations from your textbook, with page references given in parenthesis at the end of the sentence. This essay format will be the same for all essays you write in all units of this class.
Essay Questions (Please select one to answer):

This assignment addresses whether or not there is a Pan-African aesthetic. Think about how important rituals are in understanding the context of African art. Be sure to pay special attention to the section on Yoruba aesthetics. Then, select three examples of works of art, one from each area: the Southeast, Central, and West Africa to argue yes or no to this question.
Discuss the importance of the masquerade in three different African cultures. What cultural significance do these masks have, and how were/are they used in society? Provide a geographical and cultural overview first, then describe and analyze three examples that span the assigned reading in your textbook.

The Great Zimbabwe is the largest complex of stone ruins in South Africa. Please use the discussion on your reading and find at least three more online sources to describe the trade center/royal residence, its function and its historical importance. Include a bibliography and at least five images you found. You might look at the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, and PBS has an excellent website Mystery of Great Zimbabwe. The UNESCO World Heritage Center counts the Great Zimbabwe National Monument as a World Heritage Site.

Unit Overview

More often than not, people tend to think of history as the record and interpretation of past human actions, particularly social and political actions. Art, on the other hand, is often thought of as a part of the present because it is something that people can see and touch. However, artwork is also a kind of history because it is a type of persisting event. Although created in the past, an art work continues to exist into the present, often surviving many centuries.

Throughout history, most artists created the paintings, sculptures, and other objects exhibited in museums today for specific patrons and settings, and to fulfill a particular purpose. However, in many cases, the original contexts of those artworks are unknown. Although people may appreciate the artwork, they cannot understand why they were made, or why they look or feel the way they do without knowing the circumstances behind their creation. Art appreciation does not require knowledge of the historical context of an artwork, but art history does. Thus, one of the main goals of art history is to determine the original context of artworks.

Art that lies outside the framework of western tradition is called non-western art. Traditionally, western art is thought of as beginning with the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt that lead into classical Greek and Roman art, from which we trace the development of medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and modern art from Europe across colonial empires such as the United States. This characterization is not entirely accurate, however, but nonetheless it allows us a long-needed emphasis on the cultures in Africa, Asia, the Americas prior to European intervention, aboriginal Australia and the Pacific Islands (Oceania). This unit will focus on how to write a formal analysis of a work of art, what aesthetics is in art, and how aesthetics applies to African art and culture.

Required Readings

An Introduction to Non-Western Art History

In order to familiarize yourself with the discipline of Art History and how the area of non-western art has been shaped, please read the online introduction entitled, "What is Art History?" from Gardner's Art through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives 12th ed., ed., Fred S. Kleiner and Christin J. Mamiya, Belmont, CA.

In the Gardners textbook, please read Chapters 10 and 11 on African art.
Unit Objectives

In this unit, learners will be introduced to:

The discipline of art history, and how the area of non-western art has been shaped
Some of the questions that art historians ask when they study a piece of artwork
How old is it?
What is its subject?
What is its style?
Who made it?
Who paid for it?
Different ways of seeing art, including perspective and foreshortening.
By the end of this unit, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following vocabulary words commonly used by art historians:

Form and Composition
Material and Technique
Space, Mass, and Volume
Carving and Casts
Relief Sculpture
Architectural Drawings
Aesthetics in African Art

Once you have completed the first assignment, you are ready to tackle the topic of aesthetics, which we will study in conjunction with African Art. Please read the chapter on African Art and think about the function of art in Africa and African concepts of beauty as expressed in art and literature. See also Yoruba Aesthetics

Key Terms

Comparing Yoruba and Western Aesthetics: A Philosophical View Of African American Art, Culture and Aesthetics
Art in the Pan-African World
Yoruba Art and Culture
The Art of the African Mask
Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History
Enrichment Links
Contemporary South African Artists

Museum for African Art

National Museum of African Art

Nouveau Art from Ethiopia

Exhibition of Congo Art

The British Museum: Sudan-Past and Present

Contemporary Art in Sudan

Slave Trade - Bonny Question

*IF POSSIBLE, WRITER REQ: 1st-Serban, 2nd-heatherk13, if neither an option then any available...*

Slave Trade Demography Assignment

In this assignment turn the raw data of British shipping records into a body of useful analyzable statistical data. The collective work will replicate the efforts of a statistically-oriented historian working on understanding the size and shape of the slave trade. Such a professional historian would ask of the data all of the questions we will, and many more. This assignment takes these questions and parcels them out to individual students - we are in essence a large research collective each working on a specific topic within a larger inquiry.

We will rely on transcribed records documenting slave imports to the colonies of New York, Virginia, South Carolina, and Georgia from Elizabeth Donnans Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to America. The dates of these records vary somewhat although all cover the mid-eighteenth century - a high water mark in the British transatlantic slave trade. The bulk of this project relies on scanning, counting, adding, and multiplying - the regular tasks of the statistical historian. You will need to utilize the relevant section of the records, but everyone is encouraged to put some time into looking over the other records your particular assignment does not include. Each student will put together a brief paper presenting all the resulting numbers and discussing your observations from your romp in the records.

Once this work is all completed we will use part of our class time to tabulate what we have gleaned and discuss our first hand observations of the slave trade. Keep an eye out for temporal changes - for example do numbers seem to cluster in certain decades or is there a visible trend? Look for changes in shipping patterns and other shifts over time. Above all ??" think about implications! If you run into questions or problems as you plug through the data please feel free to contact me.

In the paper please provide the resulting data and reflect on the trade implications of your findings. What kinds of questions might we ask of this data, and what were your overall observations (NO PROJECTING CURRENT SOCIAL/POLITICAL VIEWS, base your observation from the professional historical perspective!) of the trade viewed from these records?

Specific Assigned Slave Trade Demography For This Historical Research Paper:
1.) Find the NY total numbers from Africa and which locations if indicated. Mean average numbers.
2.) Find the total number of shipments to VA from Bonny". Mean average numbers.
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I would like to use the same writer as my order before A2014786 (Jowriter 63). The literature review must encompass the following objectives:

1. To investigate the effect of slope angle and rainfall intensities on soil erosion under controlled conditions using four (4) distinct soil types.
2. To compare this data with that for a cropped plot.
3. To highlight an approach at estimating erosion risk and nutrient loss

The review must also have the following sections or ideas organised in a precise manner:

What is soil erosion?
The soil erosion process
Factors affecting soil erosion
Soil Erosion Impacts (off site and onsite)
Measurements of Soil Erosion (models and other techniques)
Rainfall simulation (using plots) and soil erosion (since research is primarily using a rainfall simulator review must reflect arguments for and against, mainly for the use of this technique as compared to other techniques

Please include references 1999 to 2010 and older references where required.

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Racial Ideology of Latinas /
PAGES 44 WORDS 11967

I am trying to limit my literature review to three broad scopes:

1) Latina Discourse within the extant Literature (i.e. fiction and non-fiction):
example citations: Gloria Anzaldua, Ana Castillo, Sandra Cisneros

2) Latina and their talk about Race (i.e. informal pieces)
example citations: Tara Yosso, Daniel Solorzano, Richard Delgado, Sofia Villenas

3) Ideology as applied to Race
*This should be the bulk of the chapter (about 25 pages long)
--Ideology as a Negative: example: Karl Marx ("false consciousness")
--Ideology as a Necessary: example: Louis Althusser, Terry Eaglton
--Ideology as a Positive: example: Henry Giroux

**Please see the sample proposal that I am submitting. The Ideology component of my literature review should follow a similar discussion.

**Please see the Chapter 1 I have provided for a better understanding of how these 3 components interplay with one another.
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Social Networking Sites: What a

-What does the scholarly community know already about the problem?
-The state of the art of current knowledge concerning the problem
-Scope & breadth of current knowledge, perhaps even history/background/paradigm shifts
-Who are the major researchers and what do they say about the topic?
-Compare/contrast, analyze and synthesize findings in the literature
-Relate current literature to the specific context of your research

-Divide your topic into sub topics - academic dishonesty, cyber bullying, exposure to possible sexual predation, risky behaviors, and the school counselors role in the intervention process
-Write a general introduction to your literature review, introducing subtopics
-Analyze in detail the current scholarly research on each subtopic
-Each subtopic has an intro, body and conclusion
-Report the results of your review/analysis from broad aspects to aspects specific to your research topic
-Provide regular analysis of how the literature relates to your topic/subtopic
-Use transitions between subtopics and articles you are reviewing
-Write a general conclusion to your lit review that summarizes the current state of scholarship on your topic/subtopics and how this all relates to your specific research

Include a Definition of Terms
Customer is requesting that (bowlesch) completes this order.

History of the Americas

This is the exact assignment word for word:

Answer the following question with a short essay of 250-400 words. Please type your essay on standard 8.5x11 inch computer paper in a number 12 font.

Using Kenneth A. Lockridge''s book, A New England Town, Compare and contrast one aspect of life in Dedham, Massachusetts to Spanish and/or Portuguese colonization in the Americas. For example, you might focus on one of the following topics: land ownership, religion, government, labor, family life, economic structure, or relations with Indians and/or African slaves. After comparing one aspect of life in Dedham to the Spanish colonies and/or Brazil, tell whether the British Caribbean most closely resembled New England, Spanish America, or Portuguese America. Be sure to justify your answers thorougly. Do NOT use direct quotes from your books and do NOT "cut and paste" phrases from the book.

My dissertation will study about solar thermal systems or solar water-heating systems and will investigate and compare with the conventional hot water systems for commercial building. So, i would like the following topic in my literature review chapter.

Literature Review
1)Renewable energy technologies
-Environmental impact of energy use
-Renewable energy demand in the future
-UK legislation for renewable energy in the future
2)UK commercial sector
-Energy usage in the building
-Hot water consumption
3)Solar thermal systems in the UK
-Appraisal of solar water heating for commercial building
-Overview of solar thermal systems market in the UK
-Future market development and prospects
-Potential for solar thermal system (e.g. available solar resource)
4)Principle of solar thermal systems
-Types of solar water-heating system (explain work process of each types)
-The main components of solar thermal system
5)Solar collector governing equations
-Solar energy absorbed by collector plate
-Thermal losses from the collector
-Collector efficiency
-Heat removal factor

(you can add or adjust the topic, if you think it will be better.)

The literature review should support the preparation of a proposal for a dissertation which undertakes a comparative legal study of the impact of certain western-based/neoliberalistic commercial/economic law on three economies which may have chosen to adopt them after the Asian Financial Crisis being China, Indonesia and Malaysia. The three countries are chosen as China is based on socialist law, Indonesia is predominantly a Civil law system, and Malaysia is based on the Common law system. The area of law I want to focus on is M&A and perhaps with a touch of public finance (by involving cases including state owned companies) I

My initial hypothesis is that where those laws so adopted were successful in truly transforming those countries economically were where was significant tweaking to the neo-liberalistic/market economy notions themselves before implementation. Countries which adopted these legal notions without adopting some sort of protectionism, or sufficiently fostering a regime for local businesses to grow end up having weaker national economies notwithstanding market economic principles were adhered to.

This is the complete outline for the assignment. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO WRITE ONLY PART II (LITERATURE REVIEW)

I. Introduction (300 words)
- Brief introduction of the case. (HSBC- the world's local bank)
- Short description of what fetures of culture will be investigated in the assignment
- Structure of the assignment

II. Literature Review(1000 words)
- The role of the different cultures in making the expanding business venture a success
- Potenbtial Challenges of Doing Business Oversea with new culture
- Solutions to overcome these challenges
In this part, 6- 8 articles will be reviewed to investigate to three main parts above.

III. The case of HSBC (1200 words)
- What problems that the assignment will investigate to? (300words)
+ Brief introduction of HSBC and its operation in Malasia
+ What are the main problems in term of cultures that will be disscussed in this assignment?
- What are the opportunities of HSBC as operating in Malaysia in term of cultures ? (300 words)
- What are the challenges of HSBC as operating in Malaysia in term of cultures? (300 words)
- What are the sollutions that HSBC apply to overcome these challenges?(300 words)
IV. Conclusion (300 words)

Sudan and Its Civil War

Lite analysis of some of the major causes of Sudan's '82 civil war and ultimately what lead to the recent peace. I was writing this paper, but was unfortunately sidetracked by another project, but this is how I roughly outlined it. Of course if you feel this approach is ignorant please revise it or contact me to clear up the problem.

2-3 pages, Intro w/ thesis. Historical overview of Sudan. especially detailing the after effects of British decolonization and the concentration of power in the Arabic north as opposed to the Black/Non Muslim south.

1-3 pages, Attempts by the Khartoum government to segregate/weaken the southern Dinka and Nuer peoples. May talk about the discovery of Oil and the displacement and chaos that ensued if it segways well.

1-2pages The Discovery of Oil and the Chaos that ensued. Jongelai cannal project w/ Egypt and the results.

1-2 pages - Despite all these problems, peace has emerged. How? What did the international community do right/ wrong to aide this. General Conclusion.

Recommended Sources (no more than 3 internet sites please), ones i was reading:
Johnson, Douglas H.The root causes of Sudans civil wars
Rone, Jemara. Sudan, oil, and human rights.

please include works cited and all the other freebies

any questions, please email


Dear Writer,

Find attached journals, and other Research papers relating to my research topic titled (The Challenges of Telecommunication Privatization in Nigeria).

1. First and foremost Read and or review the attached material for a better understanding of the back ground.
2. Secondly, for a proper expansion of Literature review (Chapter 2), the following below should be developed:

Research Problems:

The contextual setting (Nigeria Economy)

1) Nature and characteristics.

1.Firm histories and the privatization process in Nigeria
2.Privatization development in Nigeria
3.Management structure

2) Challenges of Telecommunication Privatization in Nigeria

1.What are the Performances of Privatized Telecommunication firms in Nigeria from 2000-2013
2.Statistic of their performances, if high or low and if there are any differences
3.Management Performances of Telecommunication Privatized firms in Nigeria
4.Key Performance Indicators and Key Results Areas

3) Government policies reform on Nigerian Telecommunication Privatized firms

1.How adequate and how effective are these policies?
2.Any development policies and Economic Policy?
3.The institution that governs the development of Telecommunication Privatized firms in Nigeria
4.Impacts of Privatization role in national development in Nigeria
5.Did Nigerian Privatization take the approach to be in line with best practice for meeting global trends
6.Any economic transformation or transition since 2000-2013 ?

Parent Theory 1 - Privatized Telecommunication Companies

1.Definition of Privatization
2.Compare - Privatized Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria to the Global Development 3.Worldwide theories
4.The Theoretical Framework for Privatized Telecommunication Companies (the theories below are applicable to Nigeria Privatized Telecommunication Companies)

(i) Ownership change (ii) Market competition (iii) Management reform (iv) Rondinelli?s Performance Management Model (v) The resource based view of the firm and (vi) The knowledge based view.

(Discuss in details and cite where necessary)
1. The Economic and Social Significance of Nigeria Privatized Telecommunication Companies
2. Give Examples of Successfully operated Nigeria Privatized Telecommunication Companies
3. Factors Impacting on the Performance of Nigeria Privatized Telecommunication Companies

4. I have also included some links that you can get up to date information from.

Nigerian Economic Performance Assessment

Hi, I am supposed to be working on a semester long research project for a class I'm taking on research methods. The topic of my research project is: "The perceived effectiveness of college programs for non-traditional students by recent graduates." Basically, I'm doing some research on the challenges older students face, and what colleges are doing to help these students succeed. I need your help in conducting a literature review on various topics applicable to non-traditional college students.

My instructor's instructions- Literature Review: In research, the literature review is an ongoing process. But it is important for you to have a theoretical foundation to guide your research. Using the same topic you selected, search for 15-20 relevant research articles to help frame your study. You should seek to find other studies related to your topic and the constructs under investigation. What are the gaps in the literature that would suggest that your study will contribute to the body of knowledge? Write a 15-20 page, double-spaced summary of the research with correct APA parenthetical (in text) citations; add additional single-spaced reference list using the correct APA references of research used in your literature review.

My instructions- Try to have a mix of periodicals and scholarly sources if you can, but feel free to use whatever makes sense to you. APA citation is very very important to my teacher. Please cite all ideas and quotes you use in your writing. Once again, correct APA is *vital* throughout this review. Try to sound normal, too. Long pretentious words don't impress my instructor. Thanks so much for your help.

Country of Origin Effect on

This is a thesis based on a norwegian heritage product called Moller's Cod Liver Oil. The oil is derived from the livers of Norwegian arctic cod. The product is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D. The product has clinically proven health benefits, it's good for the brain, heart, immunity and eye health. The product is sold in grocery stores and pharmacies throughout Norway. The product is also sold in Finland, Poland and the Baltic countries.

Because the product has existed on the Norwegian market since 1854, the product enjoys a unique brand loyalty amongst consumers and has about 90% market share. I believe brand loyalty is due to both the heritage of the brand itself but also because of its Norwegian origin. What I'm interested in finding out is the link between country of origin and brand loyalty.

I know from research conducted previously that the international community in general knows very little about Norway. The words that usually pop up when associations to Norway are asked for are fish, clean, cold, polar bears etc. I think that Norway is almost synonymous with fish is an advantage for Mollers cod liver oil and has helped the brand position itself in other markets. I also know from previous studies that Norwegian as a claim on a product is in itself beneficial and positively recieved by consumers. Norwegian means high quality, strict quality control and clean raw material.

What I want the researcher to do is conduct a literature review on the country of origin effect in international marketing and business development. Additionally I would like a review of country of origin effects connection to brand loyalty and brand preference amongst consumers. I have a list I can send of literature that can be beneficial, but I don't want the researcher to be restricted to the list I sent. I need a substantial amount of relevant resources, as indicated.

If the work I recieve for the lit. review is good, then I would like to ask the researcher/writer to do the actual methodological part of my project as well as data analysis. For this part i have consumer research finding I can send to the writer. A discussion and implications section would naturally follow along with a list of references and an eventual appendix.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if anything above is unclear. Thanks very much for your help and I look forward to recieveing the literature review.

There are faxes for this order.


I would like writer tjrand1 to write my order please.

I will attach the Lit Review which I have already started writing. I would like you to carry on from where I stopped please. Please quote from articles which I will send to you and other materials which you find appropriate.
Please use more current writers on motivation and also add about organisational change, performance and the relationship between motivation, performance and organisational change.

Please see below the research question and the 3 main objectives to consider for completing the Lit Review.
Should you have any questions please let me know.

To what extent does staff motivation effect performance following an organisational change that has been undertaken?

Based on the research question the following research objectives are considered:

Examine current levels of motivation and performance within Staff at the College.

Establish the relationship between motivation, performance and organisational change.

Explore theoretical literature available on the relationship between motivation, performance and organisational change.

There are faxes for this order.

I want a literature review which about the 30% will be referred about the renewable energy in general , 40% about solar energy related to business terms and the rest 30% about the economic crisis in Greece and the difficulties that exist regarding an investment like this and/or investments in Greece in general at this time.

Liberal Arts and Business: How

This literature review needs to be a comprehensive Thematic Review of scholarly literature related to "Liberal Arts and Business and How Liberal Arts Relates to Business".

This literature review must not be a series of quotations and cannot consist of more than 15% direct quotations.

Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.
Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.
Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference

When paraphrasing, please give the author's name, date, title of the source, the scholarly journal where it came from, and the exact website address or book.

Sources can only be scholarly sources and cannot include Wikipedia etc. It has to be a scholarly source.

A total of 16 full pages with 16 references that will need to be cited within this review as well as a reference page that includes all the references in APA format.

Again, this paper along with all references and citations must be in APA formatting.

Memory While We Often Speak

Your need to write up the literature review about context-dependent memory. Please concentrate on the different aspects of context-dependent memory. Please do not write about general memory, or the differences between STM and LTM etc. You can include state dependent memory and other related areas to context dependent memory instead. Talk about related studies (for example but not necessarily ?" learning under water and on learning on land) and then talk and emphasize about any studies about noisy and quiet learning. Please use as many sources as possible, use a variety of sources with at least three sources for one idea.

Please let me now immediately if you need something or have any question.

Human Resources in the Internet

Please supply "ACADEMIC REFERENCES" only. I do not need any website references nor do I need any non academic sources. I need 5 purely academic sources please, such as Jourmals, articles, books etc etc.I need new and authentic information. Each and every paraphrasing and quotation should be referenced. (i.e. each and every line or couple of lines at least). It is most important to fulfill this criteria for my " Literature Review. The more recent the data the better, 2005 and later if possible.

British English please.

This is my order for the 4 supplementary pages


Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Customer is requesting that (FreelanceWriter) completes this order.

Human Resources in the Internet

Please supply "ACADEMIC REFERENCES" only. I do not need any website references nor do I need any non academic sources. I need 10 purely academic sources please, such as Jourmals, articles, books etc etc.I need new and authentic information. Each and every paraphrasing and quotation should be referenced. (i.e. each and every line or couple of lines at least). It is most important to fulfill this criteria for my " Literature Review. The more recent the data the better, 2005 and later if possible.

British English please.

27 Pages

Popularity of Foreign Restaurant: Consumer Attitude and

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Global Cultural Analysis Nigeria

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*IF POSSIBLE, WRITER REQ: 1st-Writergrrl101, 2nd-Cathii, if neither an option then any available...* Slave Trade Demography Assignment In this assignment turn the raw data of British shipping records into a…

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Country of Origin Effect on

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This is a thesis based on a norwegian heritage product called Moller's Cod Liver Oil. The oil is derived from the livers of Norwegian arctic cod. The product is…

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Hi I would like writer tjrand1 to write my order please. I will attach the Lit Review which I have already started writing. I would like you to carry on from…

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I want a literature review which about the 30% will be referred about the renewable energy in general , 40% about solar energy related to business terms and…

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Liberal Arts and Business: How

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Human Resources in the Internet

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Human Resources in the Internet

Words: 1361
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Please supply "ACADEMIC REFERENCES" only. I do not need any website references nor do I need any non academic sources. I need 10 purely academic sources please, such as…

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