25+ documents containing “Brand Image”.
Develop the component elements of the brand image for your model business, for example, what markets does the business cater for ie does it cater for the young, the rich and the beautiful as one boutique hotel in Melbourne Australia once described its brand, or does it caterer for corporate, or leisure or a mixture of each.
When developing the brand/image you will need to consider some or all of the following:
- Some fine dining restaurants feature in Gourmet Traveller magazine, while others promote themselves in the weekend supplement of the local newspaper and others would promote themselves in the local newspaper dining out feature.
- Some resorts and restaurants dress their staff members in expensive high- fashion uniforms which again portrays a certain image (brand) to consumers.
- Some restaurants, resorts and CBD hotels portray an image of being exclusive, or value for money, or bargain price.
Some hospitality business promote the fact that they are environmentally friendly, or security conscious, or isolated, or convenient, child friendly, or pet friendly which again appeals to differing niche markets and portrays a certain image to consumers.
Coke's Brand Equity, Brand Awareness, and Brand Image
Papermust address the following points:
-The company?s desired outcomes of their marketing communications program
-How these brands have remained strong and viable over the long term regarding the concepts of brand image and brand equity
-The role brand image plays in the advertising of a particular company?s product or service
-How this image compares to a competitor?s image in the same industry
Resources: Ch. 2 of Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communication and the University Library
Format paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Assignment in report style, maximum 3 000 words ( excluding table of contens,executive summary/abstract and referencing)
Marketing theory : branding,
Example in tourism sector: it can be any ...brand from tourism industry like hotel brand or airlines.(but not Ritz Carlton and Easy Jet)!!!
This assignment has been designed to offer an insight into how marketing theory can be
applied to the tourism industry. Hence, the completed assignment should demonstrate the
use of theoretical models and techniques from marketing disciplines with analysis and
application to the tourism sector.
First evaluate marketing theory (branding) and follow this with a
discussion of how it is applied to your selected tourism sector example.
Please indicate the marketing topic you have chosen to apply to the chosen
example in the title of your work and on the front cover of your assignment.
In your assignment, you should draw on theoretical material available and show evidence
of wide reading. Critical thinking and evidence of your own thoughts on the subject is
expected. Thorough referencing and a full, professionally presented list of references are
The report should be a maximum length of 3000 words of text (excludes appendices,
graphs, tables and references), word-processed, 1.5 spaced using 12 point,
preferably Times New Roman font.
Use one inch (about 2.5cm) margins as a minimum to right and left.
Your answer should be written in report style.
You should also aim to be creative and critical in order to produce innovative and
insightful thinking about the chosen example in relation to marketing theory.
There is an approximate plan of report:
Executive summary/abstract
Table of contents
1Introduction( what is the purpose of this report,why is it important,)
2.1 general overview of branding
2.2 importance of branding or particular topic of branding for service industry..for example
2.3 overview of particular topic of branding(brand equity,brand image,brand loyalty...//)should be relevant to the chosen brand.
3 brief intro to the case,background info of chosen brand..(about 300words)why the case is relevant to the topic?
4.theory x related to the case ..
5.Recommendations(should derive from analysis , what are trends in industy related to analysis)
6.Conclusion ( can include what people can do for further research...)
7.References ( Harvard style)
8.Appendices ( too big tables, or just additional info)
Branding is vast theme,so need to focuse on particular topic
Dont use 'I', "we" and so on
British English
Preferably use sources like textbooks and academic journals and articles.
? International Journal of Services Industry Management
? International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
? Journal of Services Marketing
? Journal of Retailing
? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
? The Services Industries Journal
? European Journal of Marketing
? Harvard Business Review
? Long Range Planning
Company websites might be useful for company research etc.
Tourism Marketing Books: FOR EXAMPLE
? McCabe, S. (2009) Marketing Communications in Tourism and Hospitality, Oxford:
Butterworth Heinemann.
? Holloway, J.C. (2004) Marketing for Tourism, 4th Edition, Harlow, Pearson
? Horner, S. and Swarbrooke, J. (2006) Leisure Marketing: A Global Perspective,
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. 17
? Kotler, P., Bowen, J and Makens, J. (1996) Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism,
New Jersey: Pearson Education.
? Kotler, P., Haider, D.H. and Rein, I. (1993) Marketing Places, New York: Free Press.
? Kozak, M. and Andreu, L. (2006) Progress in Tourism Marketing, Oxford: Elsevier.
? Middleton, V.T.C. (2001) Marketing in Travel and Tourism, 3
Edition, Oxford:
? Morgan, N., Pritchard, A. and Pride, R. (2004) Destination Branding: Creating the
Unique Destination Proposition, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
? Shoemaker, S., Lewis, R.C. and Yesawich, P.C. (2007) Marketing Leadership in
Hospitality and Tourism, 4th Edition, New Jersey: Pearson Education. more
The Future of Brands
Some may argue that as the number of choices facing consumers increases, many do not display loyalty to any one brand. Already there are a plethora of choices available to con...sumers across a wide variety of product and service categories. In addition, technology has further expanded each market to allow customers to research and identify product alternatives simply through their own home computer. This increase in access to information has also led consumers to have extensive pricing information, making some product categories increasingly price competitive, rather than based on brand loyalty. Is loyalty a thing of the past? Do various generations view loyalty to brands differently?
Assignment 8 Signature Assignment: The Future of Brands
Throughout this course we have explored brand equity, brand management, marketing mix, marketing myopia, segmentation, targeting, positioning, product life cycle, brand/ product positioning map and brand value measurement. Based on what you have learned in the course you will evaluate the current trends to determine their impact on developing marketing strategy.
Main Task: Analyze the Future of Brands
Applying all of the information presented in this course, analyze your perspective regarding the future of product branding. Assess the impact of continually changing technology, thus resulting in an increase in consumer knowledge and awareness. Evaluate current trends for possible application in future marketing plans to maintain brand image and consumer satisfaction, as well as an increased market share. Develop a paper that includes the following: an analysis of your perspective on the future of product branding, an assessment of the impact of technology on consumer knowledge and awareness, and an evaluation of the current trends in maintaining brand image.
Support your paper with minimum of seven (7) resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Assignment Outcomes
Assess theories and best practices in brand management to build consumer trust.
Evaluate the roles, problems encountered, skills required, and the functions of the brand manager in order to improve marketing strategies.
Appraise the value of technology in promoting a strong brand image within the online business environment.
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order. more
How would you characterize the current brand image and equity(meaning and including assests minus liabilities,brand awareness,perceived quality,brand loyality,brand liabilities) of B.D.'s Mongolian Barbeque Restaurants? How would you change it ? What things would you recommend that they do differently? Consider also competive environment,demographics,brand vision,creative strategy(logos,themes), corporate mission statement,how they differentiate themselves in the marketplace,brand personality and character,brand architecture and models.
Using the above criteria, compare Mongolian Barbeque with P.F. Chaing restaurants.Illustrate how they differentiate themselves in brand personality,character and positionong .How does their creative strategy help to build their brand image and equity in the marketplace?
select a product that has reinvented its brand image. Research the brand using the companys Web site and the online librarys databases. Write a two-page lecture script that discusses the modifications in the products branding and marketing strategies. Analyze how, if at all, the changes in brand perception have affected the acceptance of the product. Also, examine various aspects of the reinvention strategy that you think can be applied to other similar products in the market.
Selected a product that has reinvented its brand image
Described the modifications in the products branding and marketing strategies.
Analyzed how, if at all, the changes in brand perception have affected the acceptance of the product.
Examined various aspects of the reinvention strategy that can be applied to other similar products in the market.
REQUESTING: dlzit Has worked with me in the past. I am comfortable with style of writing.
Analyzing a Concept Essay: Rough Draft On 'Loyalty'
Using one source from the "PR...EVIOUS" annotated bibliography (I may use between one and three sources).
I need to get ideas on writing my rough draft on "Three aspects of Concept: Brand Experiences, Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction.
I would like to use Brakus, J. Josko, the source used in the bibliography for the first and main source. I also like the sources MSG Brand Identity vs. Brand Image at http://www.managestudyguide.com/identity-vs-image.htm and the source: Warren J. Bilkey and Erik Nes, Country-of-Orgin- Effects on Product Evaluations Journal of International Business Studies Vol 13, No 1 pp. 89-99. These are the topics I have research and will be working with, but I would like to get additional thought on them.
I must discuss and give examples of how each brand inspires loyalty. Name a few brands.
I have uploaded the "RUBRIC" to make sure I cover all areas necessary for the Rough Draft.
Must site correctly MLS and in-text citation within the essay and reference list.
Please let me know if this makes sense. Thank you, more
Imagine you have been hired to develop an advertising campaign for a new fictional brand. Selecting a product category with which you are comfortable, identify a niche that is not being served by an e...xisting brand. Next, develop a brand and product to fill the niche that you have identified. Once you have created a fictional brand, create both an advertising campaign and a theme for it.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
1.Provide an overview of the product, its brand category, and the niche that it is intended to fill.
2.Evaluate the unfilled product niche, focusing on the demands of a specific target market. Analyze the likely target market and its expectations for the fictional brand.
3.Design a brand image for the campaign that fits the market niche on which the brand is focused. Develop a campaign theme to communicate that image to the target market.
4.Outline a sample advertisement in which you illustrate both the campaign theme and brand image.
5.Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
?Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
?Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
?Examine common buyer behaviors and how they influence marketing programs.
?Appraise how promotion opportunities are analyzed.
?Analyze the advertising tools available to determine which ones to use for a specific situation.
?Use technology and information resources to research issues in marketing communications.
?Write clearly and concisely about marketing communications using proper writing mechanics. more
Purpose of Assignment
This assignment is designed to help students understand the interrelationships between brand strategy and the communication message to the target audience. It is a continuati...on of the marketing plan and students should review the Week 3 Learning Team Assignment for assistance in product brand strategies the team has developed. (AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY)
Assignment Steps
Develop a minimum 700-word branding strategy and marketing communication plan in Microsoft? Word. This document should address at least 5 elements of the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies (modified below) sections of the marketing plan (from the Situational Analysis and the Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies lists below). The five elements you select should only come from the options provided below. You must include a measurement of customer loyalty and retention in your strategy document. You may include more than the minimum to provide clarity and coherence to your document.
Situational Analysis:
Vision , Mission, Strategic objectives, Values
Competitor's Strengths/Weaknesses
Market Segments
Product, Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Price Strategies:
Creating a Brand Image
Maintaining Brand Image
Branding Concerns
Promotion/Integrated Marketing Communication
Advertising Strategy/Objectives
Push and Pull
Media Strategy
Advertising Execution
Public Relations/Strategies
Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references
: more
Please have username = gkwylie work on my project
Identify a product that you think needs to work on its brand image. Look at the way each element of the marketing communication mix is delivering a message and recommend how the communication effectiveness can be improved.
the relationship between the brand equity and customer purchasing behaviour.
dissertation literature,worlds order about 8000.
use professional journals as reference such as marketing journals,marketing research and so on.pls do not use too much books informaion as reference.
this literature review should concentrate on advertisments,brand image,customer involvement,brand awarness and fast moving customer goods.
Activity 6
Section 4: Product Positioning, Branding, and Life Cycle
Product managers need to analyze the competitive landscape for their products in order to fully understand how consumer...s perceive their brand versus the competition. In some product categories, consumers have a wide range of choices between products. A company must understand how their own product is perceived relative to the choices available to consumers in order to develop a marketing strategy that leads to the establishment of market share or growth.
Marketing efforts may drive consumer wants and needs, product brand managers have a responsibility to society overall. Truly effective marketing strategy reaches the right customer at the right time with the right product. Marketers need to be sensitive, however, to ensure that product needs and desires are effectively matched with target markets. In addition, effective marketing runs the risk of being critiqued when either targeted to selected markets, such as children, or involving certain product categories, such as cigarettes. A company must find the balance between creating and driving consumer demand and ensuring that consumer needs are not exploited, to truly achieve marketing success.
It is also important to understand the product life cycle for each product. The life cycle provides an idea of how long the product has been in the market, and the overall length of the product category. Understanding the product life cycle can help a company to apply the appropriate marketing mix and strategy based on the product stage. A product in the introductory stage, for example, will require a marketing mix that develops brand awareness and helps to introduce the product to the market, whereas a mature product will require a marketing mix that maintains market share and positions the product competitively against competitors. The following graph portrays the product life cycle curve.
Assignment 6 Marketing Efforts and Consumer Behavior
It is evident that marketing plays a significant role in our society. A philosophical question to ponder is, does marketing drive society or does society drive marketing? Since it is a philosophical question there is no one correct answer. You can find support for either position. In this activity you will take one of these positions and argue that perspective.
Spotlight on Skills: Develop your Logical Thinking and Argumentative Skills
In this activity and in many other activities you will be called upon to present your ideas, make arguments, and defend a point of view. All of this calls for research based evidence, as well as logical thinking skills that provide the framework for presenting this evidence. In this activity, develop your logical thinking skills through first considering the developmental stages of your own thinking: Developing as rational persons: Viewing our development in stages.
Developing as rational persons: Viewing our development in stages. The Critical Thinking Community.
Main Task: Analyze the Cause and Effect Relationship of Marketing Efforts and Consumer Behavior
For this activity, select a position based on one of the following statements:
Marketing shapes consumer needs and wants
Marketing reflects the needs and wants of customers
Justify your selection by demonstrating how either consumers or marketing efforts drive the direction of the other. If you believe that marketing efforts shape consumer behavior, analyze which product management skills may improve market share and brand image. If you see consumers as the main directors of marketing strategy, analyze which behaviors product managers need to pay attention to when developing marketing plans.
Include at least five (5) peer-reviewed articles to support your analysis. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 4
Assignment Outcomes
Assess theories and best practices in brand management to build consumer trust.
Evaluate the roles, problems encountered, skills required, and the functions of the brand manager in order to improve marketing strategies.
Develop a product strategy intended to maximize brand value and avoid historical marketing errors.
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (infoceo) completes this order. more
This is for a M.B.A.- level, Marketing Management Course.
The assignment calls for a minimum of 1 page (300 word) answers to each of the following four questions. (Note I am purchasing an ext...ra page (5) in case you have go over the 1 page requirement by a few sentences to wrap things up in any of the questions.
Here are the 4 question (requiring a minimum 1 page [300 word] answer each):
Question 1:
Do you believe that prices should reflect the value that consumers are willing to pay or should prices primarily reflect the cost involved in making a product or service. Defend your answer.
Question 2:
Should channel images be consistent with brand images? Why or why not?
(Channels are discussed in chapter 15 &16 of the textbook, Marketing Management referenced below).
Question 3:
Is TV advertising still the most powerful advertising medium or has it faded in importance?
Question 4:
Is the key to developing an effective sales force selection or training? Explain your choice.
For each question please cite 2 separate credible online resources (not wikipedia, ehow, etc...) .
The flowing textbook can be used as a reference also: Marketing Management by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, 14th Edition, ISBN: 0-13-600998-0, Prentice Hall, Inc.
I will send the user/password info for this book shortly in the "talk to writer" section.
These sources should play only a minor role in the paper. If u use a direct quote please make sure to add commentary to it, to ensure it flows within the context of the paper. The sources must have a direct online link.
Thank you Ziva.
Customer is requesting that (Ziva) completes this order. more
Attached you will find data and hypotheses I would like you to statistically test for me.
The data is compiled from two surveys. One which is experimental and one which is a control survey. ...The experimental survey had 41 respondents and the control survey had 43 respondents from the Swedish market.
I would like you to test my hypotheses according to the attached survey data stasticially. Use a null and alternative hypothesis method.
You only need to use excel to do this, it shouldnt be necesarry to use any other type of statistical program. Please show statistical work and equations below each hypothesis and write a few brief comments as well to support the statistical findings.
H1.1 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of quality of the brand. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as of higher quality with a country of origin cue.
H1.2 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of product taste. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as tastier with a country of origin cue
H1.3 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of environmental friendliness of the brand. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as more environmentally friendly with a country of origin cue
H1.4 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of authenticity of the brand. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as more authentic with a country of origin cue
H1.5 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of purity of the brand. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as more pure with a country of origin cue
H1.6 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of the healthiness of the brand. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as healthier with a country of origin cue
H1.7 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of sustainability of the brand. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as more sustainable with a country of origin cue
H1.8 Using the Norway brand image cue on the Peter Moller cod liver oil positively influences consumer perception of tradional of the brand. Compared to a product without the country of origin cue, the brand is perceived as more traditional with a country of origin cue more
Select a hospitality organization such as a hotel, restaurant, fast food operation, and convention bureau. Assume the role of a marketing consultant for your selected hospitality organization
prepare a 1200 word memo to your selected organizations CEO in which you evaluate the effectiveness of the organizations marketing strategies. In your paper, address the following:
o Research the selected organization and its marketing efforts. Using this research, identify the organizations target audience.
o Identify the message conveyed by the organizations marketing efforts. Does the message properly target the organizations target audience? If so, how? If not, how can the organization modify its marketing strategies to better target its target audience?
o How do the organizations marketing strategies affect the organizations brand image? Are they effective? Do they support the brand image that the organizations is trying to convey?
o Also, explain the importance of internal marketing for your selected organization.
Customer is requesting that (moriks58) completes this order.
Hello- my assignment is a case analysis on a Starbucks's case from Harvard review (please see attachment for the case). In the essay, please address the following questions:
Question 1: What factors accounted for the extraordinary success of Starbucks in the early 1990s? What was so compelling about the Starbucks value proposition? What brand image did Starbucks develop during this period?
Question 2: Why have Starbucks' customer satisfaction scores declined? Has the company's service declined or, is it simply measuring satisfaction the wrong way?
Question 3: How does the Starbucks of 2002 differ from the Starbucks of 1992?
Questions 4: Describe the ideal Starbucks customer from a profitability standpoint. What would it take to ensure that this customer is highly satisfied? How valuable is a highly satisfied customer to Starbucks?
Question 5: Should Starbucks make the $40 million investment in labor in the stores? What is the goal of this investment? Is it possible for a mega-brand to deliver customer intimacy?
Request for Serban!
Note to Serban:
Regarding Task 1, the research topic is already identified and some of the objectives are roughly written (see p 4-7). I need your help in e...laborating further following the instructions below. Please kindly note, the second part of this task, which is the actual research, ought to be written once the research proposal has been approved. Therefore, please dont quote on Task 1 part 2 yet and concentrate only on Task 1 part 1 for this time being. I will let you know re part 2 shortly.
Many Thanks!
TASK 1 ( PART 1) :
? Produce a detailed research proposal
? Clearly state your hypothesis or research question.
? Show the aim or aims of your research, which should be clearly linked to your hypothesis or research question.
? Contain the objectives of your research. These should be clearly follow on from your aims.
? Clearly explain the rationale (or reasons) for your research. This research rationale should show how the proposed research will aid your professional development. It should also be clearly linked to the initial background research summary.
? Contain a short analytical and well-referenced summary of your initial background research, with evidence of independent research using a wide range of sources of information.
? Explain the methodology that you plan to use for the primary research. Relevant ethical issues and resource requirements should be included.
? Contain a well-reasoned discussion justifying the methodology chosen for your research. This should demonstrate that the most suitable methodology for researching your hypothesis or research question has been chosen. It should also include a discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen research methods, compared to other possible methods.
? Have the research plan appended including target dates, methods for monitoring, and contingency planning. The research plan should demonstrate evidence of thorough planning and good management of time and other resources and that what you plan to do is achievable within the time and other constraints.
? Have a bibliography appended Harvard referencing style
TASK 1 (PART 2) please ignore it for this time being
Carry out secondary and primary research into the approved research project, following the methodology agreed in your research proposal and plan.
Analyse the research results, draw conclusions, make recommendations and evaluate the methodology used in this assignment.
Write a 5,000 word research report, following the structure given below.
Structure of the Written Research Report
? Abstract a summary of the report including key findings.
? Contents page all sections and pages numbered consecutively, including appendices
? Acknowledgements supervisor, people providing research data, & others who helped PLEASE IGNORE
? Introduction including aims and objectives, hypothesis, rationale and background.
? Literature review written analytically and well-referenced.
? Methodology include evaluation of the primary research methodology e.g. what, why and problems encountered. Explain how you selected your research sample, the conduct & evaluation of the pilot study and how you ensured that you conducted research ethically
? Results of primary research quantitative results in tables, charts, graphs and diagrams with comments and qualitative results appropriately summarised and interpreted.
? Analysis & discussion explaining results, linking primary with secondary research.
? Conclusion summary of key findings, based clearly on the results and linking back to the aims of the research.
? Recommendations for future research and practical action, with justification.
? Evaluation critical reflection and analysis of strengths and weaknesses of all aspects of the product and the process of the research project, including planning, objectives, difficulties and how this research has benefited your professional development.
Please note, this is research proposal, the title is: Business Development and Sales Benchmarking for "Brand Image" photographic studio
The actual research is part 2 of the work, however the proposal must be approved first. So we are working on the proposal only for this time being. more
This dissertation should help identify the key concepts of brand image and development that are used by industries. Research issues as to how the brand image of Emirates might change b...ased on performance and scope of operations are important factors that should be explored this study. In turn, the research issues should provide the company with new tools for defining strategies for brand nurturing and development globally.
Research Questions:
How is the brand of Emirates Airlines viewed currently and how is this brand image impacted globally?
Who does the company view as its main competitors for its brand image and why?
What steps can be taken to ensure brand success for the short term as well as the long term?
Research Objectives
The objective of this study is to identify the factors that affect brand image as perceived both by the management and the customer. The proposed objectives for the dissertation will focus on the following:
To assess the significance of the Emirates brand in the lives of air travellers and whether the exposure to different brands have a positive or negative impact on preference of travel.
To assess the cross-cultural impact of the Emirates Brand globally and the effect of routes and service (ground and in-flight) on the brand image.
To provide an analysis of the brand name success and its impact on customer perception.
To assess the changes and improvements that can ensure brand success.
To provide, where appropriate, recommendations for improvements to the current airline strategies and services managed by Emirates Airline.
I am looking for a professional writer and expert who can deliver an excellent work related to my dissertation topic the success of airline brand name Emirates Airlines. All chapters in the dissertation should be highly organized and must be written using British vocabularies. The dissertation should include 6 main chapters and each chapter should include main headings and sub-titles headings.
First of all the dissertation should start with
Then comes table of contents and at the end of it there should be heading and content of Nomenclature
The main outline of chapter should be as follows:
Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter Two: Emirates Airline
In this chapter the writer should introduce the reader about the Emirates Airline organization and support his or her data with some facts and diagram related to Emirates Airlines.
Chapter three: Literature Review
In this section I would like the writer to concentrate on the most important components and factor that contribute to a successful brand name. The writer should also focus on the most appropriate academic journals and papers that have talked about brand name. I am looking for well structured and argumentative work in this chapter related to brand name. The writer should concentrate on 4 key areas and these are: Theory related to brand name and brand name success. How Brand name is so important for airlines? Competitive strategy for a brand name. What are the most important factors and elements of brand name success? It would be highly appreciated if the writer supports his evaluation and literature review with some diagrams or tables
Chapter Four: Research Methodology
Here the writer should emphasise clearly the reason behind using primary and secondary data for this dissertation giving the advantages and disadvantage of each type. I will give the writer a copy of my interview transcript questions and answers. In this section the writer should explain the importance of primary data and provide the reader with some good article related to primary data. This section will depend on the creativity of the writer who is going to write this dissertation.
Note I have performed interview and submitted some questionnaires to passenger flying on emirates and the results will be delivered to writer through email.
This chapter should start with introduction followed by Aims & objectives and then Research philosophy followed by Research method ----Observation>>>discussion advantage & disadvantage -----experimentation>>>discussion advantage & disadvantage -----survey (interview & questionnaire)>>>discussion advantage & disadvantage
Chapter Five: Analysis and Findings
Here the write should clearly analyse and evaluate the result of interview and questionnaires being done for this dissertation with some tables, graphs, and diagrams
Chapter Six: conclusions And Recommendations
Please note that at the end of each chapter there should be a summary of findings written in a paragraph or two. This dissertation should have more than 65 references and should strongly include various tables and diagrams in Appendices. Finally the writer should come up with appropriate hearings and sub-heading in each chapter of dissertation and if there is any query or question please dont hesitate to email me.
I look forward receiving great work of dissertation with my best wishes to the writer. more
This is my guideline. It may be useful for you!
Question(topic) :
Discuss the contention that destination branding has ?become the basis for survival (of tourism destinations) within a g...lobally competitive marketplace?
Answer :
Nowadays, most destinations offer similar products and services which are no longer differentiators. For example, UK tourists in search of a sun, sea and sand resort however, there will be a range of alternatives from resorts in Cyprus, to those in Turkey, Spain or Greece. As a result, the need for destinations to create a unique identity to differentiate themselves from their competitors is more critical than ever. Destination offers an amalgam of tourism products and services, which are consumed under the brand name of the destination. Branding of destination is an identifiable place, augmented in such a way that the buyer perceives relevant unique added value, which match their needs most closely. Further, its success results from being able to sustain these added values in the face of competition.
To survive in this global competitive environment, the marketers should have an aggressive marketing strategy to sustain the competitiveness of the destination. Porter (1985) claims that competitive strategy could help branded destination to establish a profitable and sustainable position against the forces that determine industry competition. Furthermore, Poon (1994) states that the use of destination branding as a competitive strategy is more important than ever for the survival and competitiveness of industry players. In the following paragraphs, how branding help destination to achieve long term benefits within the ever-changing macro and microenvironment of destination, and how these environmental factors may influence positively or negatively its effectiveness will be discussed.
The competitive advantages of branding are firstly showed in helping destinations to adapt the more competitive outside world. Today?s new tourists become more experienced, disloyal and fragmented (Tribe, 1997). Mass markets have been transformed into niche markets, with their particular needs, wants and desires. New technology development also contributes the explosion of consumer choices by the grown media choices (Morgan & Pitchard, 1998). The increased demand of tourism encourages the newcomer destinations. The outcome of all above is a more competitive environment with more sophisticated tourists. In such a situation, branding becomes more and more critical for marketing destination.
Hodges (1996) states that brand of destination provides value and a promise to consumers, the visible stamp of a bond between offer and customers? need. Also, Morgan & Pritchard (2002) claim that by building an emotional link between the destination and consumers, destinations will create the unique emotional points (UEPs). The UEPs act not only as differential device, but also keep consumers to stay loyal and sustain the profitability of destinations. The development of an emotional relationship with the consumer through highly choreographed and focused communications campaigns ? holds the key to destination differentiation. For example, the New York?s ?I love NY? and the Glasgow?s ?smiles better? are the successful campaigns.
Further, a strong image will increase the threat of substitution by other destinations and virtual travel experiences. The destination marketing has become increasingly competitive in the recent decades. The outcome is the ease of substitutes for other similar destinations in the tourists? mind. Destinations are attempting to create images by emphasizing their unique selling point. In order to achieve individuality, logos and slogans can help destinations to reinforce their brand image. For example, New Zealand used of the ?100%? logo incorporates an image of the country?s two islands. However, Morgan & Pritchard (2002) claim that, ?the campaigns focused on logos and slogans were not truly branding initiatives?.
Arguably, destinations with no such instantly recognizable global associations might face a more difficult challenge in attempting to differentiate themselves in a crowded cluster tourism marketplaces. At the same time, it is more difficult for destinations to craft distinctive identities through practice branding effectively. Furthermore, different consumers can have different image towards the same product. By positioning differently for appeal simultaneously to different markets, branding will help destination marketers to cope with the increasingly sophisticated audiences. It will also reduce the risk of head-to-head competitions with other destinations, such as prices war.
Finally, in the operational environment, the competitive advantages of branding are presented in the different stages of destination life cycle. (The destination life cycle) Marketing strategies will respond to different stages of the life cycle, due to the differences between demand and supply experienced at different levels. For example, in the introduction stage, a newer, emerging destination is attempting to carve out a niche and create images highly emphasizing on the uniqueness of their product. Some of them may use image of ?cheap? and ?low cost? to differentiate themselves and attract customers, such as Gambian Winter Sun. Image alteration and redesign are needed at the later stage for reinvention.
There are also some challenges of destination branding. Firstly, the effectiveness of branding will be influence by political factors. The pressure on the public sector to see the short-term results will influence the long-term consistence of destination brand, it then creates a confusing image at the same time. For example, marketers of Valencia (Spain) are obliged to issue new advertising contracts each year ? a practice which can do little to ensure consistency of message.
Secondly, destination marketers are facing Limited budgets. They have to outsmart rather than outspend the competition ? and that means creating innovative, attention-grabbing advertising on a budget and maximizing the media spend.
Thirdly, internal and external pressures pose challenges for destination marketers. Destinations are vulnerable to international politics, economics, terrorism and environmental disasters. For example, the September 11th in USA and the SARS in Asia are the recent crises which have derailed destination promotional planning.
Fourthly, branding can summarise the destination under the umbrella of brand image. There is a lack of overall products control as a destination is not a single product but composite products consisting of a bundle of different components. Marketers have little control over the different aspects of their product and a diverse range of agencies. Therefore, the product attribute of a destination is much less clear.
Finally, the sustainability of local resources becomes one of the most important elements of destination image, as a growing section of the market is not prepared to tolerate over-developed tourism destinations and divert to more environmentally advanced regions. Developing the right image for destination will therefore determine their ability to satisfy visitors, as it will allow them to develop realistic and fulfil-able expectations. As a result, it gains long-term benefits for the destination.
To conclude, it is considered to be the most difficult entities to manage and market, due to the complexity of the relationships of local stakeholders, who involved in the development and production of tourism product. Destination can also define as geographical region, which is understood by its visitors as a unique entity, with a political and legislative framework for guiding marketing and planning. The objective of strategy is to enable a company to defend itself in the long-term, to have the capability to compete with those aggressive competitors and be profitable. As a result, the destination branding can be the basis to survive within the globally competitive marketplace. more
My course is Branding ( Marketing). My instructor wanted me to do a STRATEGIC BRAND ANALYSIS PAPER about Haagen Dazs ice cream brand. We formed gorups of 4.The instructions are;
Your paper must include the points outlined below;
1)A brief brand history( 1-2 pages only) and why the brand was chosen
2)Customer Analysis
. Trends
. Motivation
. Unmet Needs
. Segmentation
3)Competitor Analysis
. Brand image/identity
. Strengths, strategies
. Vulnerabilities
4) Self-Analysis
. Existing brand image
. Strengths/capabilities
. Organization values
* Since this is a group work, I wrote all the instructions above to provide you a general information about the work.
My part is only the COMPETITOR ANALYSIS of Haagen Dazs brand ( Brand image/ identity, Strengths, strategies and Vulnerabilities)
I need 3 pages research paper about only COMPETITOR ANALYSIS.
I also uploaded three photos from our powerpoint slides. Make sure you follow and include these while writing.
I need this work as soon as possible. ( max in 8 hours please)
Thank you very much
There are faxes for this order.
In this Session Long Project, work as a marketing consultant to develop a feasible marketing plan for your client. Conduct both secondary (search secondary sources) and primary research (interview cus...tomers or conduct surveys) in order to glean the necessary information for your marketing plan. When conducting primary research, you will collect only qualitative data (i.e., personal in-depth interviews with at least three target customers) for this study.
It is important to conduct quality market research on your focal product/company in order to develop realistic and workable marketing plans. Generally speaking, there are two types of research. One is secondary research, which refers to data collection using existing sources, and the other is primary research, which is your own data collection for the specific study at hand. The purpose of market research is to collect usable information to make more informed decisions on the business problem, thus increasing the chance of business success in the marketplace.
Here is the Marketing Plan Outline, which provides information on:
1.The format for your final SLP.
2.A list of topics for the marketing plan.
In this module SLP, conduct SWOT analysis for your marketing plan.
SWOT Analysis
A thorough situation analysis in the Module 1 SLP is the foundation for a SWOT analysis. Develop statements of the company?s internal strengths and weaknesses, and external opportunities and threats. If there is any question as to whether a fact or issue is external (these lead to opportunity and threat statements) or internal (these lead to strength and weakness statements), ask this key question, ?Would this issue exist if the company did not exist?? If the answer is yes, then the issue should be classified as external.
Note: Remember that alternative marketing strategies and tactics are not opportunities. Opportunities and threats exist independently of the firm. Strategies and tactics are what the firm intends to do about its opportunities and threats relative to its own strengths and weaknesses.
The SWOT will play a critical role (along with an in-depth understanding of target market needs/preferences and competition) in the development of goals, objectives, and marketing strategies and programs. Key strengths need to be matched to opportunities and converted to capabilities that help serve customer needs better and lead to competitive advantage. Goals, strategies, and program ideas stem from an attempt to convert weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities. Some alternatives will also come from thinking about how to minimize the repercussions of weaknesses and threats that cannot be converted, and/or how to avoid them altogether. Follow the instructions below to identify strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats.
A. Strengths and Weaknesses (Internal)
Think about internal conditions; those things that management has some control over that are relevant to future success and effectiveness. The task is to identify internal strengths, which must be taken into consideration as management plans for the future.
Remember, a strength is any internal characteristic that improves effectiveness. Look for factors that help the company improve positioning in the marketplace, enhance financial performance, and most importantly, fight off threats and take advantage of opportunities in the external environment.
A weakness is any internal characteristic that limits effectiveness, performance, and the ability to accomplish objectives, meet threats, and take advantage of opportunities.
It is also important to point out that a particular fact about the internal environment may have a weakness and a strength dimension. For example, we might say that the company's technical skills are of the highest quality and this is a strength, but since these skills are possessed by only a few employees, it is also a weakness in that we need more people with such skills and would be hurt if a few key people left the company.
Using the following 16 internal factors to stimulate your thinking, list all of the company strengths you can think of for each category. Then review the same list of 16 internal factors and develop a list of company weaknesses. (You may not have access to all of the information below, but try your best to identify at least five of them for your project).
Internal Factors
The following categories of internal factors are commonly used to generate a list of specific company strengths and weaknesses. This list is to be used to stimulate your thinking about internal strengths and weaknesses.
1.Management leadership/capabilities.
2.Organization structure and management systems.
3.Facilities, equipment, and materials.
4.Technical skills and expertise.
5.Dedication, morale, and motivation of employees.
6.Capacity to meet demand?production capacity, including excess available for growing demand.
7.Marketing effectiveness/efficiency?advertising, personal selling, public relations, products/services, prices, distribution, marketing research and planning, customer service, warranties, sales support, sales promotion, etc.
8.Ability to deliver what the market wants.
9.Ability to deliver in a timely manner.
10.Image and reputation as perceived by customers and within the industry.
11.Customer (and potential customer) perception?likes, dislikes, and perceptions of service, quality, etc.
12.Financial performance?sales, market share, customer satisfaction/loyalty, and profits.
13.Financial situation?availability of capital, internal funding, financial stability, etc.
14.Cost of operations?high cost vs. low cost, rising costs, costs compared to competition (manufacturing, distribution, etc.)
15.Geographic location(s).
16.Other relevant competencies/resources that translate into strengths that have not been mentioned. Also, any weaknesses we have missed related to a lack of competencies and/or resources that are needed in the future.
B. Opportunities and Threats (External)
Think about the most significant trends in the organization?s external environment that will have an impact on future success. The challenge is to identify relevant opportunities and threats outside management's control that must be taken into consideration during the planning process. You will need to list and describe the factors/issues forming industry trends that may influence future efforts one way or the other, either as a positive force (opportunity) or as a barrier (threat).
An opportunity is the result of some trend or fact in the external environment that represents a marketplace and/or financial performance advantage. It may indicate a new direction, product or service, and/or resource requirement for the company. It represents an attractive arena for marketing action in which the company would enjoy a competitive advantage.
A threat is the result of some trend or fact in the external environment that represents an area of concern for management. It represents a challenge posed by an unfavorable trend or development that would lead, in the absence of effective marketing action, to the erosion of the company's or industry's position. A threat may:
1.Directly or indirectly affect the business.
2.Indicate an area to be avoided.
3.Demand a strategic response.
4.Represent an opportunity if responded to properly.
It should be pointed out that a particular trend in the external environment (for example, mergers/acquisitions, technological advancements, and/or a recent change in the way competitors operate and what they are offering the market) can imply both a threat and an opportunity. Sometimes in strategic planning we say that behind each threat (or problem) lies an opportunity. Or an optimist in strategic planning will look at threats and try to turn them into opportunities. Thus, it should be remembered that if management can adapt properly to a threat (such as mergers and acquisitions), this trend may be viewed as an opportunity as well as a threat.
Review the following 13 categories of external environmental trend factors and list the trends or issues that are relevant to the company and industry. Then translate each factor identified into a specific opportunity and/or threat statement. That is, what are the implications of each environmental trend or issue outside the company in terms of specific opportunities and/or threats? (You may not have access to all the information below, but try your best to identify at least five of them for your project).
External Environmental Trend Factors
The following categories of external environmental trend factors are commonly considered in the planning process. They are used to develop a specific list of company opportunities and threats. This list is to be used to stimulate your thinking about opportunities and threats in the external environment.
1.Mergers and acquisitions?(e.g., among customers, potential customers, suppliers, competitors, and/or within the industry).
2.Competitive trends?specific competitive strategies and programs, or recent changes such as lower prices or new products.
3.Economic trends?forces and changes in the economy such as inflation, interest rates, recession.
4.Technological trends?new technological innovations.
5.Technical requirements?within the industry.
6.Market/industry trends?size of firm related to industry, financial performance of the industry compared with the firm, size/growth rate of current and future potential market characteristics and trends in markets and industry.
7.Customer and potential customer attitudes?preferences, expectations, problems, wants, needs, etc. What changes are anticipated?
8.Legal trends?government regulations and policies.
9.Societal/lifestyle trends?changes in people's values, attitudes, and activities.
10.New products/services?on the market.
11.Supply sources.
12.Declining or increasing productivity?in the industry or economy.
13.Other industry trends not previous mentioned that are relevant to the future.
Based on the detailed discussion of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, use SWOT tables for the SWOT analysis. In other words, first state the facts based on your research, and then summarize the findings in a SWOT table. Note the examples below and follow the ?best statements? to describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for your company and charge in SWOT table(s).
Not Useful Statement
Better Statement
Best Statement
Internal Strengths
Customer loyalty/brand image
We have a strong brand image.
We have a 42% market share and our brand is known worldwide.
Our global market share has grown from 25% to 42% over the past four years. Independent surveys show our quality and image is rated No. 1 in our industry in the U.S. and Asia and No. 2 in Europe behind XYZ.
Sales/ Distribution
Our distribution is the best in the industry.
Our product is available in more locations than our competitors?.
Our extensive distribution network provides product within 10 miles of the home or work location of 95% of our target market. Our competitors only achieve this level for 40%-65% of the market.
Internal Weaknesses
Product cost
Our costs are high.
Our major competitors, ABC and XYZ, produce in China for less cost.
Our labor costs average $40/unit (in Detroit) vs. $12/unit for our competitors (in China). With product market prices of $120/unit we barely break even.
Product Life
We have product problems.
Our product life is less than the competition.
Typically, our product fails after one year. Our major competitor?s product lasts 2-3 years. Customers are willing to pay 50% more for our competitors? product.
External Opportunities
Alternative Distribution College Campus
We can leverage new distribution channels.
Internet could be used to increase sales to college students.
Direct Sales (via campus Intranet) and on-campus kiosks would more than double our coverage of our targeted Generation Y market.
Export Growth via Strategic Alliances
Export markets can help us grow.
Europe and Asia provide good opportunities to grow by partnering.
Strategic alliances with ABC in Europe and XYZ in Asia would allow us to double international sales in two years.
External Threats
Substitutes are a threat.
ABC?s new sugar-free sweetener may hurt us.
In six months, ABC?s sugar-free sweetener has achieved 20% market share. Its share is expected to grow to 40% by next year.
Competitor mergers could hurt us.
Competitor XYZ is expected to acquire ABC.
If XYZ acquires ABC, it will dominate the distribution network and limit our access.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Use the following outline to organize your paper. Note that the letters ?a, b, c?? and the numbers ?i, ii, iii, iv?? below are used to show the major issues you need to include in your paper, but should not be used to format your paper.
III. SWOT Analysis (3-6 pages)
a.Strengths and Weaknesses (Internal)i.Strengths
b.Opportunities and Threats (External)i.Opportunities
c.SWOT Table
Note: Use double-spaced, black Verdana or Times Roman font in 12 pt. type size. Include a title page and references. Revise your Module 1 SLP based on the feedback from your professor and your additional research, and include the Module 1 SLP in the Module 2 SLP.
Explain clearly and logically the facts about your company and charge, and use the required reading to support your positions on the issues. Do not repeat or quote definitions. Your use of the required reading to support your opinions (that is, contentions or positions) should demonstrate that you understand the concepts presented.
Paraphrase the facts using your own words and ideas, employing quotes sparingly. Quotes, if absolutely necessary, should rarely exceed five words.
Academic papers at the master's level should include citations and references. Look at different sources, especially credible and reputable resources such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Businessweek, and The Economist, to find the information for your paper. Also use Trident University?s online library databases such as ProQuest and EBSCO to find the information for your project. Your discussion on each topic should be a synthesis of the different sources. Taking shortcuts on the number and quality of your sources will result in a poor-quality marketing plan that will be of no use to your client.
Also, it is important that you reference your sources throughout the text of your marketing plan. Take the following paragraph as an example:
?As a result, telephone interviewers often do not even get a chance to explain that they are conducting a survey (Council for Marketing and Opinion Research, 2003), and response rates have steadily declined (Keeter et al., 2000) to reported lows of 7% (Council for Marketing and Opinion Research, 2003). This decrease presents a problem because not only does it increase the cost of conducting telephone surveys, but it also leads to questions concerning the generalizability of the results (Struebbe, Kernan & Grogan, 1986; Tuckel & O?Neill, 2002).?
There are different citation and reference formats such as APA, MLA, or Chicago. No matter which format you adopt for your marketing plan, make it consistent throughout the plan.
Also note: The marketing plan should use third person business writing. Avoid ?we,? ?our,? and "you.? Do not use contractions in business writing.
Guidelines for handling quoted and paraphrased material are found at:
Anonymous (n.d.) Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/
Anonymous (n.d.) Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/01/
Anonymous (n.d.) Avoiding Plagiarism. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Copyright ?1995-2011 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University. Accessed 3/9/12 at:http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/589/1/
Your SLP should not simply be a list of facts. Take the facts you find about the company, the charge, and the environments that the company faces, and explain how you think those facts will affect the financial future of the product or brand in your charge. The emphasis in grading your paper will be on the breadth and depth of your discussion of each topic, critical thinking, the clarity of your discussion, and the proper organization of the paper.
SLP 1: Below
Overview ? Apple Computer Founded in 1976 with a marketing model based on integration, aesthetics and design, never a low price leader, always an innovator. Introduced iPhone in 2007; 2013 Apple Iphone 5 series sold 9 million devices in initial three days of launch. By November 2013, all major US cellular companies offer the IPhone and over 760 mobile customers in China as well as millions globally. Currently has about 17% of market share. (Apple signs deal, 2013).
Competitive Analysis ?
? Android currently dominates market, Windows growing (81% or so Android phones)
? Apple around 13% - but all profitable
? Apple and Samsung, though, are only manufacturers making money
? HTC, LG, Motorola, Nokia and BlackBerry all lost money in 2013
? 81% of Androids are ?junk phones? and make no money
? Real world usage ? Apple has overwhelming share of smartphone and table app sales, Apple?s iOS is making the money (Bradley, 2013).
Market Description - Market is truly global, Apple has a top tier reputation in all markets, and is seen as a status symbol in many.
? Segmentation ? middle-upper middle class individuals, small home and offices, larger businesses with design focus
? Targeting ? turn the ordinary into something extraordinary, worry less about price and more about justification and lifestyle
? Value proposition ? Focus on value and design to build, build through tribe mentality
? Consumer Behavior ? Push the envelope and ease of use, be part of the innovative generation and first line of consumer
? Push the elite and exclusivity angle ? while Android and Windows have many apps, push the fact that many Apple apps are unique and trademarked for Apple OS only
? Apple offers more seamless integration between phone, tablet, laptop and computers
? Buying decision process- consumer must be engaged; merge IPhone with other Apple products ? push consumers as ?Apple Users.?
Distribution Review ? Available only through certified Apple locations certain cellular distributors; usually also offer IPads as well; service must be done at a designated Apple center or cellular manufacture; product is global in nature.
? Design and Engineering done in the USA; Manufacturing with partners (Asia and China), global distribution to decrease costs
? Applications (Software) can only be written by authorized Apple vendors
? Tight control on exclusive market; low price elasticity and price wars
? Designed to increase perception of luxury and aesthetics
? May limit exposure to some markets
Micro and Macro-Environmental Issues
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Pioneer innovator, quality Lower market share due to higher price Synergistic relationship with partners Android and now, new upgraded Windows Phones
Global branding, high impact brand Dependency on CEO and Charisma Huge and consistent market growth Comparably expensive as industry catches up
Strong R&D Switch often to new models Growing CSR and sustainable market issues High product substitution effect
Strong presence in educational market Eroding share of educational Market Increasing demand for cloud, music and seamless integration Can Apple continue to innovate?
Still unique after 35 years Apple stores limit opportunities Partnerships and synergisms Loss of Steve Jobs, market perception
Environmental Solutions for pushing Market Share ?
? Clearly, Apple is a successful, multidimensional and global corporation. Sales have more than doubled between 2005 and 2009 domestically and more than tripled internationally
? Focusing on the ability to have a phone, pad, and computer device that are all interconnected and can handle any conceivable business situation is paramount.
? Updating the iPhone and continually pushing the envelope with new editions keeps the market price elastic, competitive, and ensures continued sales and new customers.
? Rumors abound about Apple introducing a new, compatible HD Television platform, which would certainly increase visibility and market share.
? Apple must improve their image as a globally responsible and sustainable corporation that thinks globally, not just locally. They need to push their proprietary system as something special that deserves protection, and come out looking like the hero rather than the villain.
? Apple needs to push towards its strengths. Apple is not, nor has never wanted to become, a manufacturing company. Instead, Apple is an innovator of electronic devices, and they wish to retain that expertise.
? Partnering with other organizations that are more focused on manufacturing allows Apple to retain its core knowledge, its proprietary technology (Satell, 2013).
Apple Signs Deal to Open Connection between iPhones and China Mobile. (2013, December). The Guardian. Retrieved from: http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/dec/22/apple-iphone-china-mobile-deal?CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2
7 Key Strategies That You Must Learn From Apple?s Marketing. (2009). Retrieved from: http://blog.kissmetrics.com/7-strategies-apple-marketing/
Bradley, T. (2013, November). Android Dominates Market Share, But Apple Makes all the Money. Forbes. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/tonybradley/2013/11/15/android-dominates-market-share-but-apple-makes-all-the-money/
Deidu, H. (February 27, 2012). The Value of the OS X Monopoly. Asymco. Retrieved from: http://www.asymco.com/2012/02/28/the-value-of-the-os-x-monopoly/
Linzmayer, O. (2004). Apple Confidential 2.0. San Francisco, CA: No Starch Press
Satell, G. (2013, April). Why Apple?s Future is Uncertain. Forbes. Retrieved from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gregsatell/2013/04/24/why-apples-future-is-uncertain/ more
Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Brand Image and Positioning
As for summarizing the subject of the project, the paper intents to analyze the use of celebrity endorsement strategy of ...the brands beginning from choosing the right celebrity figures until the final results of the strategy.
Depending on the researched done regarding the subject, I am planning to structure the project basing on the points below. Relating to the subject new headlines and topics may be added depending on your preparation.
- Definition of the endorsement strategy
- Reviewing in terms of Company, Celebrity, Brand and Consumer
- Endorser Attributes
- Celebrity Selection
- Process of Celebrity Endorsement
- Impact of Celebrity Endorsement Strategy basing on real life examples
- Risk of Celebrity Endorsement strategy by reasoning and reviewing the brands
- Returns of Celebrity Endorsement strategy by reasoning and reviewing the brands
As for the examples various figures may be given in different industries and sectors like sports, entertainment, foods/beverages.
Font = Times New Roman - 12
Headers, Footers, Tables Description fonts - 10
Line Spacing = 1,5
Headers, Footers, Tables Description Line Spacing = 1
Page Margins = Left 3 cm , Right/Top/Bottom 2,5 cm
Should have an abstract with max words of 200.
Project Plan=
* Abstract
* Table of Contents
*List of Tables
*List of figures
*List of Abbreviations
*Main Project
*Appendices more
I will order 2 each 4 pages
1- summarize and analyze ( the forgotten follower: a contingency model of leadership and follower self-esteem leadership) by seokhwa yun and Jonathan Cox and Henry p. Sims jr
Need to analyze in detail please and explain the tables and figures very well, these are the important
2-same thing also summarize and analyze and explain tables and figures please
( the effect of sales promotion tools on brand image by Mohammd allaham
International journal of business and management invention
We have decided to bring the prestigious Voss water to Turkey. Voss is a Norwegian brand that was founded by two high school friends. The brand is built around high quality product to consumers all ar...ound the world. The reason for picking this particular brand is due to its bottle design and brand image more than its quality.
Voss is a fairly a new brand, which started its contribution in the market in April 2000.
Why Turkey? By reason of its geographically position Turkey plays and important role in uniting Europe and Middle East. Its a country that is starting to be influenced more by the western culture. In terms of timing its a great time to introduce a high quality European product in Turkey. In addition to this Turkeys geographic placement in the world is going to be a great help to experiment for Voss to see how they might do in the Middle Eastern countries in the future. Today Turkey, specifically Istanbul, is a rapidly growing niche market. Due to its early adopter and experiencer target market, positioning this product will be a promising success.
In order to reach its potential customers the main marketing approach we will use is promoting through high-end restaurants and hotels and later or expanding to the general public. more
Assignment 1: Advertising Campaign: Please answer 6 questions.
Due Week 5 and worth 200 points
Imagine you have been hired to develop an advertising campaign for a brand you are familiar with.... Identify a niche that is not being served by this brand. Construct both an advertising campaign and a theme for this niche.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
1. Prepare an overview of the product, its brand category, and the niche that it is intended to fill.
2. Evaluate the unfilled product niche, focusing on the demands of a specific market segment(s). Analyze the likely market segment(s) and its expectations for the fictional brand.
3. Design a brand image for the campaign that fits the market niche on which the brand is focused. Develop a campaign theme to communicate that image to the target market.
4. Outline a sample advertisement in which you illustrate both the campaign theme and brand image.
5. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
6. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
a. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
b. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
c. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Examine common buyer behaviors and how they influence marketing programs.
? Appraise how promotion opportunities are analyzed.
? Analyze the advertising tools available to determine which ones to use for a specific situation. more
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Read Full Paper ❯Hello- my assignment is a case analysis on a Starbucks's case from Harvard review (please see attachment for the case). In the essay, please address the following questions: Question…
Read Full Paper ❯Request for Serban! Note to Serban: Hello, Regarding Task 1, the research topic is already identified and some of the objectives are roughly written (see p 4-7). I need your help in…
Read Full Paper ❯This dissertation should help identify the key concepts of brand image and development that are used by industries. Research issues as to how the brand image of…
Read Full Paper ❯This is my guideline. It may be useful for you! Question(topic) : Discuss the contention that destination branding has ?become the basis for survival (of tourism destinations) within a globally…
Read Full Paper ❯My course is Branding ( Marketing). My instructor wanted me to do a STRATEGIC BRAND ANALYSIS PAPER about Haagen Dazs ice cream brand. We formed gorups of 4.The instructions…
Read Full Paper ❯In this Session Long Project, work as a marketing consultant to develop a feasible marketing plan for your client. Conduct both secondary (search secondary sources) and primary research (interview…
Read Full Paper ❯Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Brand Image and Positioning As for summarizing the subject of the project, the paper intents to analyze the use of celebrity endorsement strategy of the…
Read Full Paper ❯Hello I will order 2 each 4 pages 1- summarize and analyze ( the forgotten follower: a contingency model of leadership and follower self-esteem leadership) by seokhwa yun…
Read Full Paper ❯We have decided to bring the prestigious Voss water to Turkey. Voss is a Norwegian brand that was founded by two high school friends. The brand is built around…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment 1: Advertising Campaign: Please answer 6 questions. Due Week 5 and worth 200 points Imagine you have been hired to develop an advertising campaign for a brand you are…
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