Brain Development Essays Prompts

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A Critical Review of Adult Education within Human Resource Development: Maximizing the Learning Outcomes at Work

1. Individual chapters:
? Abstract
? Introduction (Statement of the Problem)
? Literature Review
? Discussion
? Recommendations

2. Paper idea

As we move from industrial era to technology/information age, learning once reserved for the certain groups is increasingly available to men and women of all age and all levels. It results in the loosen boundaries of adult learning in terms of the format, location, and occasion. For adult learners, the purpose of learning is being changed from not just ?gaining formal qualifications but also to obtain and keep employment, develop expertise in a leisure activity, deal with changes on relationships, or manage personal finances? (Harrison et al, p.1, 2002). As a result, learning is now seen as a key feature of participation in the modern sociality and economy.

Adults learn in various formats. Holton & Baldwin (2003) state that when the learning occurs at the workplace, organizations concern about how to make positive connections between learning/training and human performance. However, they further point out that ?only 10 percent of learning transfer into job performance?, and reports from the field suggest that a substantial part of organizations? investment in HRD is wasted due to poor learning transfer? (p.4). Yet, the point we would like to investigate is what makes the deficiency. Is there a contradiction existing in adult education and learning at workplace?

Numbers of researchers argue that both Human Resource Development (HRD) and Adult Education view adult learning as being the central to their theory and practice (Knowles et al, 1998; Merriam & Caffarella, 1999; Merriam & Brockett, 1997). However, while the programs related to adult learning continue to expand in both formal and non-formal educational environments (Merriam & Caffarella, 1999), the purposes of them differ (Knowles et al, 1998). Knowles et al further explain that the core difference between these two concepts is that Adult Education is primarily focused on individual control, while HRD is typically controlled by organization.

HRD is an art of managing individuals and groups? changes through learning in organizations (Chalofsky and Lincoln, 1983). The purpose of HRD is to ?organize the learning activities within the organization in order to improve performance and/or personal growth for the purpose of improving the job, the individual, and/or the organization? (Gilley & Egglands, 1989, p.5). On the other hand, as Knowles et al (1998) state, ?for many, best adult education practices allow maximum individual control? (p115). From this perspective, we may notice the difference between Adult Education and HRD in terms of the goal of learning. As a result, it may be a challenge for professionals in the field of HRD to balance the nature of Adult Education and the practice of workplace learning.

In this study, we are trying to investigate the nature of these two fields in order to recognize the balance between individual learning and human performance at workplace. In other words, we aim to become conscious about how to integrate the principles of adult education with the practice of workplace learning and make the learning transfer to job performance successfully.

 Chalofsky, N., and Lincoln, C. (1983). Up the HRD Ladder: A Guide For Profesional Growth. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.

 Gilley, J., & Eggland, S. (1989). Principles of Human Resource Development Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.

 Harrison, R., Reeve, F., Hanson, A., & Clarke, J. (2002). Introduction - Perspectives on learning . In Harrison, R., Reeve, F., Hanson, A., & Clarke, J. (Eds.), Supporting Lifelong Learning Volume 1 (pp. 1-7). New York, NY: RoutledgeFalmer.

 Knowles, M., Holton, E., & Swanson, R. (1998). The Adult Learner - The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (5th ed.). Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Company.

 Merriam, S., & Brockett, R. (1997). The profession and Practice of Adult Education - An Introduction. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

 Merriam, S., & Caffarella, R. (1999). Learning in Adulthood - A Comprehensive Guide (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

 Holton, E., & Baldwin, T. (2003). Making Transfer Happen: An Action Perspective on Learning Transfer Systems. In Holton, E., & Baldwin, T. (Eds.), Improving Learning Transfer in Organizations (pp.3-15). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

The most important references:
? Swanson, R. & Holton, E. (2001). Foundstions of Human Resource Development. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
? Knowles, M., Holton, E., & Swanson, R. (1998). The Adult Learner - The Definitive Classoc in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (5th ed.). Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Company.
? Merriam, S., & Caffarella, R. (1999). Learning in Adulthood - A Comprehensive Guide (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
? Marchese, T.J. (1997). The New Conversations About Learning. [On-Line]. Available:
? Stein, D. Situated Learning in Adult Education. ERIC Digest. [On-Line]. Available:
? Watkins, K. E. and Marsick, V. J. (1992). Towards a theory of informal and incidental learning in organizations.International Journal of Lifelong Learning, 11 (4), 287-300.
? Enos, M. D., Kehrhahn, M. T., & Bell, A. (2003). Informal learning and the transfer of learning: How managers develop proficiency. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 14 (4), 369-387
? Tennant, M. Is transfer of learning possible? In D. Boud and J. Garrick (Eds) Understanding workplace learning. London, Routledge. 1999, 165-179.
? Thompson, Brooks & Liza'rraga, Perceived Transfer of Learning: from the distance education classroom to the workplace. In Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, October 2003, v. 28, n. 5. (a short paper from the web is: )

Other references:
1. Short, D., Brandenburg, D., May, G., &Bierema, L. (2002). HRD: A Voice to Integrate the Demands of System Changes, People, Learning, and Performance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 13(3), 237-241.

2. Kuchinke, P. (1999). Adult Development towards What End? A Philosophical Analysis of The Concept As Reflected in The Research, Theory, and Practice of Human Resource Development. Adult Education Quarterly, 49(4), 148-162.

3. Rossiter, M. (1999). A Narrative Approach to Development: Implications for Adult Education. American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 50 (1), 56-71.

4. Reference: Kuchinke, P. (1999). Adult Development towards What End? A Philosophical Analysis of The Concept As Reflected in The Research, Theory, and Practice of Human Resource Development. Adult Education Quarterly, 49(4), 148-162.

5. Holmes, A. (1998). Performance-Based Approaches to Human Resource Development. New Directions for Students Services, no.84, Winter, 15-27.

Essay Four
Rethinking the Universe from a Religious Perspective
Essay should be mainly on the assigned reading specific pages Schroeder, Pp. 89-187 and supplemental source for making a point only.
Topic: Rethinking the Universe from a Religious Perspective
Religious Philosophy

Times New Roman Font
12 Point Font

Assigned Reading: Schroeder, Pp. 89-187

In this essay, at a minimum please include attention to the following ideas discussed by Schroeder:
(1) What is the importance in understanding the neural network in discovering real wonder of life?

(2) Discuss the importance of understanding the brain in gaining a deep appreciation of the universe.

(3) Discuss how a proper understanding of the interplay between brain and mind helps us gain a truer picture of the mystery of the universe.

(4) How has modern study of human consciousness helped in the religious quest?

Customer is requesting that (researchpro) completes this order.

Please give this assignment to ?hisdudeness? if he isn?t available then please cancel I won?t order the assignment.

Write a research paper on a topic in the field of child counseling using the topic you have already been researching for me. (The Effects of Divorce on Children). Please include a title page, abstract, and reference page as well as 10 pages of content, the body of the paper, the abstract can be included as part of the 10 pages. Emphasize quality before quantity. Follow current APA guidelines throughout the paper.

Develop a paper that is full of up-to-date research (published within the last 10 years). This includes using citations liberally throughout the paper. Use at least 6 scholarly references in addition to the class textbook Seigel, D. J., & Bryson, T. P., (2011). The whole brain child. and the Bible (you have already researched some of the references). Refrain from writing personal opinion, and do not use first-person writing.

Music Education Over the Past

Explain why music and dance are central to early childhood development and learning. cover full birth to 8 yrs of age range. Refer to relevant literature to justify the inclusion of movement and music experiences in programs for young children. Include 4 examples of appropriate experiences to illustrate the case you present. please include a thorough reference list and citation. citations must be no earlier than 2000.

Book Review is over the following Book:
Boys and Girls Learn Differently! A Guide for Teachers and Parents.
Author: Michael Gurian.
Assignment: Review major thesis and significant points of the above book. Please be sure to include how you will use some of the relevant points in the book when counseling clients, particularly school aged boys and girls.
Chapter 1 covering gender in the brain- Please briefly discuss the key developmental and structural differences between boys and girls.
Chapters 4 & 5 discuss Character Education- please make inferences on how my being a special education teacher makes character education and all of its components particularly important to me. I encourage girls AND boys to be empathetic and expect all my students to be treated with respect and value everyones idiosyncracies.
Please be sure to add (wherever you think it is most relevant) that I have 12 year old twins (1 boy/1 girl) and have witnessed learning style differences between the two of them. My son is definitely dominant in logical-mathematical reasoning. I have noticed differences in the ways my daughter and son process emotion. My daughter takes things much more personally than my son does! Feel free to add one or two more likely differences.
Don't hesitate to contact me with ANY questions and or concerns anytime!:)

Provide a summary discussing the following three major developmental theories Bioecological theory, Social-cognitive theory and Information-processing theory.

? Include discussion and at least one example of using each theory in mental health treatment of children and/or adolescents.

? Compare and contrast by indicating at least four similarities and at least four differences of the three theories in how they account for normal child and adolescent psychological and physical development versus non-normal psychological and physical development in children and adolescents. Areas to be discussed in development are physical, cognitive, and psychosocial. Evidenced-based research is to be provided supporting all theoretical positions.

12 page, APA formatted, research paper on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Discuss brain dysfunction in ADHD sufferers. Discuss medications for ADHD and how they operate on a neuro physiological level. Include medications Strattera, Ritalin, Dexadrine, Concerta, Adderall. What are possible side effects and placebo effects. Reference research journal articles and findings. Briefly discuss alternatives to medications and prevalence of ADHD in America vs. Europe. Cite all asserions in APA format.

The topic is ADHD... I came up with a basic outline but would not be hurt if it were to be changed. It is as follows:
I. Introduction/ Thesis: Overview of disorder/ AHDH may be the most misunderstood and over diagnosed disorder known today.
II. Possible causes
A. Neurobiology/genetics-genetically inherited?
B. Parenting- Is it because of bad parenting?
C. Environmental- What role does the environment play on the disorder?
D. Brain Injury- Is the disorder directly related to some kind of brain damage?
E. Dietary causes- Some believe that the disorder can be a result of a diet to high in sugar.

III. Symptoms

A. inattention
B. hyperactivity/impulsivity
C. mixture of both

IV. Diagnosis

A. in children
B. in adults
C. who to trust?- will examine opinions on who can be trusted and why.

V. Treatments

A. Non-prescription- ways in which people can treat the disorder without the use of medication.
1. Behavioral Therapy
2. Cognitive Therapy
3. Talk Therapy
B. Modern Medication- Medicines prescribed to treat disorder.
1. Different kinds of medications available
2. Pros and Cons
C. Effectiveness of Treatments

VI. Conclusion

As stated just a guideline I thought of going by but not necessary.
All citations should be from recent Books, Journals and a few websites( 2002-2005)

Topic should be focused rather than general so details not generalizations.
In citations please use Endnotes

Thank you

Early Childhood Ages 3 To 7

Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between two and three paragraphs in length.
Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your instructor can see which question you are responding to.

1. As in all stages of development, brain growth is an important influence on children?physically, cognitively, and socially and emotionally. Review page 247 in your course text and then explain how continuing development in the prefrontal cortex area of the brain can affect young children's readiness to enter the more structured environments of kindergarten and the primary grades. Considering that each child develops in his or her unique way, what are some of the challenges (physically, cognitively, and socially and emotionally) that children might encounter when they start formal schooling such as kindergarten, despite being the appropriate age?

2. Between the ages of 3 and 7, children's fine- and gross-motor skills advance considerably. Review "Milestones in Motor Development," Figure 8.4 on page 250 of your course text. Based on the information you have learned from the Learning Resources for this week, explain at least two ways changes in motor competency may impact children's development and skills in the cognitive domain and in the social and emotional domain.

3. Review the sections "Young Children's Understanding of Pretend and Real" (pp. 280?281) and "Young Children at Play" (pp. 328?330) in your course text. Then explain how pretend play has the potential to enhance children's development in all of the domains.

the assignment work is for writer " rbwpenn " only and this is the part one only so it's a bit short, but the few other coming up assignments will be more pages

I'm willing pay extra 50% to writer " rbwpenn " only, thank you

HPS202/772 Assignment 1: Skeleton policy brief and reflection
750 words plus 250 word reflection HPS202

The purpose of this assignment is to help you structure a policy brief in preparation for completing your major assignment due in Week 8. The mini policy brief is in two parts and will be prepared using CloudDeakin Portfolio Presentation software and submitted via Dropbox. You will be shown how to use this software during the first seminar, and brief ?How-to? videos and pdfs are available in the ?How-to? folder.
The first assignment offers a choice between three topics. Each topic has been prepared to highlight a real-world problem involving an issue that can be understood in terms of child and adolescent development. The topics, and links to more information about each topic, are provided in the separate folders within the Assessment folder on CloudDeakin.
1. Building child resilience to adversity
2. Underage drinking
3. Youth offending
Each assignment topic incorporates content that you will learn throughout the trimester as part of your weekly reading and learning objectives. Because your assignment topic might require you to read ahead, you have been provided with one reading-free week in Week 4 to finalise the Skeleton Policy Brief.

Video Games and Violence in

Basically, I want you to write that video game is not good for children. The market of video gaming is getting bigger and bigger significantly. The more market grows, the more children get violence easily.

Please include below if you can.

Video game culture
The study of brain with games
How influence the game to children
Child's development
Violence characteristics
Social maladjustment
Intellectual ability and scholastic ability
Friendship with others
Problem characteristics and utility
2 Opposite view paragraphs

and any...

New resources are better than old resources.

Thank you!

Please include abstract in paper. Central theme and purpose of paper is clear. The thoughts are clear and include appropriate beginning, development, and conclusion of paper. The paper includes an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. The paper concludes with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
There are faxes for this order.

A Review of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (MBCBT)

This paper is to present the evolution and details of mindfulness based cognitive behavioral therapy (MBCBT). It essentially is a statement of specific theoretical orientation, aimed at specifying the body of theory, research, and practice that is being considered in relation to clinical work. The broad goals are to strongly articulate the theory, the research behind it (empirical support), and how it applies to clinical therapeutic work. The MBCBT theoretical orientation must be specifically addressed through the 12 areas listed below.

References are to emphasize ORIGINAL source material. Each section below is to PRIMARILY be supported by original sources and SECONDARILY augmented by current research sources. Only professional refereed scholarly psychological journals (e.g., via APA or Proquest database) and professional psychological books can be used.

The entire paper is to be structured specifically to the following 12 areas as they relate to MBCBT:
- Major Tenets and Historical Development
- Conceptual and Philosophical Foundations
- Ideas related to Therapeutic Technique
- Approach to Human Development
- Approach to Personality
- Approach to Psychopathology
- Presumed Mode of Therapeutic Action
- Goals for Treatments
- Strengths and Limitations of the orientation
- Application in Diverse and Multi-Cultural Contexts
- A Review and Critique of the Scientific Evidence
- Scientific evidence that supports the application of MBCBT
- Scientific evidence that limits the application of MBCBT
- Conclusion and Discussion Section

* * S P E C I A L R E Q U E S T * *

Not to be ridiculous, but to know exactly where quoted, cited, AND unquoted/uncited information originated, please offer the following:

** Page AND paragraph number for all citations (whether quoted or just cited).

** Author, page, AND paragraph number for all unidentified supportive statements that are not quoted or cited (to know exactly where these statements were derived).

Prepare a paper in which you examine the biological and psychological basis of learning and memory.

Address the following items in your paper:

? Describe the neuroanatomy of and neural processes related to learning based on current literature.

? Describe the neuroanatomy of and neural processes related to memory based on current literature.

? Discuss the relationship between learning and memory from a functional perspective. Address why learning and memory are interdependent. Use case studies and examples from research articles to help you map this relationship. Keep in mind, animal studies are some of the most useful and replicable studies for understanding the learning-to-memory link.

? Discuss the importance of lifelong learning and brain stimulation to longevity and quality of life.

Please write paper in order of the questions.

Here is the assignment that I copied down. You can check my web page for this class where I have posted all of my entries so far at

Purpose: This Final Project is designed to serve two important objectives. First, it will provide a synopsize of the material we covered throughout this month. Second, it will allow for a seamless transition into your next course. While in your Education Design and Evaluation course next month, Dr. Sean Butler will introduce you to the Theory Development stages and upon completion of this assignment you will have a solid beginning to execute the first two steps.

Description: You will be required to respond to the following in a formal research paper format:

1. Based on what you know about each, create a clear and concise description of how the Multiple Intelligence, Brain-Based, Objectivist, and Constructivist theories are different.

2. To borrow a phrase from Dr. Sean Butler, its time to play the believing and
doubting game. Now that you have identified the differences between the theories, its time to identify the aspects of each that you readily accept and the elements that you question.

3. Finally, if you had to choose one of these theoretical ideologies to implement in your own environment, which do you believe would be the most effective for your learners (as before, if you are not currently in an instructional role, answer this from the perspective of your own previous experience as a student or what would fit in your current work situation, or finally, what you envision yourself utilizing in future instructional endeavors)? You will need to include an explanation of why you chose the methodology that you did.

*Keep in mind, where the formatting for the Discussion Boards is difficult to grade per APA other than citations, in this paper APA will be strictly enforced. This will address elements such as cover page, abstract, spacing/indentations/margins, page numbers, and of course citations/references.

-Also, keep in mind, the distinctions made between Below Average to Superior in the Rubric. I highly suggest having the Rubric available during the completion of this assignment and referring to it prior to submitting your final product. I can not stress enough the importance of supporting your points of view with a large variety of evidence or research and making sure that your responses to each requirement clearly shows higher order thinking.

If you are interested in the Rubric, I can email that to you as well. Please visit my website to see the situation that I'm teaching in. I've described it in detail. Thanks for you help,


Details of research.....

APA style format, Times New Roman, 12 pitch

17 page research paper related to Counseling childhood Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in family systems and how it effects the development of children physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in the counseling process.

Must have at least ten (10) resources (peer reviewed).

The Resources MUST be within the last six (6) years.

Human or Animal Behavior You

Source: Psychology: A modular approach to mind and behavior.

1 page for each question not including the Citation page.

Assignment 3

Chapter 1

Question 1.2. Think of a human or animal behavior you would like to study experimentally. Develop an hypothesis and describe the variables you want to study. How would you assign the subject to the various groups, manipulate the independent variable or variables, control extraneous variables and minimize forms of bias?

Portfolio: What did you find most interesting about this chapter? What will be most useful?

Chapter 2

Question: 2.2 What would it be like to have facial agnosia? What problems would you experience? What reactions do you think you would have from others? How would you feel?

Portfolio: Same as Above

Chapter 3

Question: 3.1 How do effective parents discipline their children? Discuss the major parental styles, and the elements of optimal care giving. Give examples of effective and ineffective parenting.


Chapter 4

Question:4.1 Many children are now part of "blended" stepfamilies. How would this affect the development of a child's identity.


Assignment 4

Essay: 1 Page Plus Citations:

Go to the following web site:

Based upon the reading of the above URL. write a brief 1 page essay discussing the role of culture as it relates to ERik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development.

F. Locate a website related to Chapters 5 (sensation and perception) and Chapter 6 (states of consciousness) to use in your assignment questions response.

Please write and cite strict APA style. I am not the greatest of writers. I have done some of the lessons myself so do not write perfection, just a average Master paper that will suite my writing.

Please do each question assignment and citation separetly

Assignment Title: What is my understanding of the Psychopathology from the perspective of the medical model of mental health and from the Person-centred Approach?

This needs to include info and reseach about neurobiology; breaking it down into the three main fuctions of the brain; neuroanaotomical, neurochemical and Circadian Rythms and what these three fuctions serve in terms of different disorders inclusive of the neurotransmitter process ie synapse- neuron to neuron completion.

In comapring this to the Person-Centred Approach this needs to include Margret Warners point of view re labelling peoples process and more importantly Gary Prouty work and how his therapy provides a comparison in being able to offer a so called mentally unwell person therapy.

Also, how the language barrier has effected the collaboration of psychologists and psychiatys to work with Person-Centred Therapists.

Most important authors that must be used are; Stephen Joseph and Richard Worsley. Alessandra Lemma. Liz Summerbeck. Margret Warner and Garry Prouty.

Prepare a 2-3 (2-3 pages for the body or main content, not including title and references) page paper in which you define cognitive psychology.
Address the following:

? Identify at least four key milestones in the development of cognitive psychology as a discipline.
? Discuss the importance of behavioral observation in cognitive psychology.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

please be original they send through a checker for plagerism

This is a literature search assignment for a neuroscience of speech and language class. I need you to find 5 articles that include fMRI in the study. The articles cannot be a literature review or meta-analysis. The articles must be peer reviewed journals from neuroscientific literature. For each article, I need you to include the following information: Type of article, search engine used, search terms used, article citation in APA format.

The articles must answer:

You are a literacy specialist who works in Adult Education. You have noticed that reading is very difficult for people to learn in adulthood, and you wonder whether this might be related to brain plasticity.

For two of the five articles, please select the ones that are most useful to answer the above question. Please provide an overview of each article (ONE PARAGRAPH FOR EACH). Identify: 1) the participants in the study; 2) the primary task 3) the results 4) how the finds are interpreted 5) explain in 1-2 sentences why you think this article is useful for answering your question

ABSOLUTELY NO PLAGIARISM. EVERYTHING must be summarized and in your own words.

Music Education or Cross Platform
PAGES 61 WORDS 17690

Ideally, I would like something relating to pitch-recognition and music and/or music education. I'll be e-mailing research articles (approx. 8 sources) I've compiled. I recognize that this topic may be too narrow for 150 pages. If so, I'm flexible on expansion of the topic, or another topic altogether, such as "Cross-Platform Techniques in Software Development". I would also like the Table of Contents, Chapters 1-3 and the Bibliography as soon as they are available (even if they aren't complete).

Feature requirements:
Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures/Tables (if applicable)
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Review of Related Literature
Chapter 3 - Methodolgy
Chapter 4 - Data Analysis
Chapter 5 - Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendices (if applicable)

General Style Requirements
-Arial font, Size 12
-Double-spaced throughout
-1.5? margins on all four sides of each page (left, right, top and bottom).
-All required chapter headings and subheadings defined in these Guidelines must be included in the Table of Contents and Body of the Proposal and Final Project.
-Only the text between Chapters 1-5 contributes to the page length requirements; front/end matter, tables, charts, figures, or graphs, etc. do not apply. Therefore, the first page of Chapter one should be labeled as page number 1. The front material such as the Title Page, Abstract, Acknowledgements (if any), Table of Contents, List of Figures, etc. can be either left blank or numbered with lower case Roman numerals (i, ii, iii).
-Bibliography and in-text referencing are to be formatted according to the American Psychological Association (APA) parenthetical style, e.g. (Jones, 2003). Footnotes and Endnotes are not acceptable. The Proposal submission requires a minimum of 8 properly documented sources in the Bibliography section.
-Papers must be written in present tense and utilize third person composition (no use of terms such as ?I?, ?Me?, ?My?, ?We?, ?Our?).
-Presentation should be neat and professional with consistency in spacing, paragraph formatting, representational graphs and charts, chapter headings and subheadings, etc.
-The page length requirements for Final Projects are 150 pages minimum to 200 pages maximum
-Page length minimums are not negotiable. Page length maximums can be exceeded only if approved by faculty.

Chapter 1:

To be properly formatted and meet existing requirements Chapter 1 must include the following:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Problem Statement
Purpose of the Study
Importance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Rationale of the Study
Definition of Terms
Overview of the Study

The final paper introduction should include a statement of the problem, an overview of the study, the significance of the study, and how and why the study is important. The student should also use this section to define any terms that may be unfamiliar to the audience. In Chapter 1 students should describe in detail what they wish to prove or demonstrate. A general null hypothesis should be presented in this section. Sub-hypotheses, if there are any, should then be presented in null form as well. They should be carefully formulated so they can later be accepted or rejected based on the statistical outcome(s) of the research. It is helpful to number or otherwise identify hypotheses for ease of reference in future chapters of the paper.

Chapter 2:
To be properly formatted and meet existing requirements Chapter 2 must include the following:

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

The literature chapter (Chapter 2) of the final paper provides definition, support and elaboration for the paper's viewpoints. This chapter provides a connection with reputable research in the topic area of the student?s dissertation. It is not a string of reviews of articles or other references, but rather a framework that supports the study from a conceptual approach. It should be designed and outlined to address all of the major content topics and sub-topics associated with the research study. Approaches to Chapter 2 may be widely varied, depending on the topic and scope of the research. Be sure to consider the kinds of questions a reader might have in any serious inquiry into the topic, and try to substantiate every important concept involved in the study. The topic selected may have never been studied. This might necessitate making connections among similar concepts, drawing conclusions or creating analogies as appropriate to support the study.

Chapter 3:
To be properly formatted and meet existing requirements, Chapter 3 must include the following:

Chapter 3: Methodology

Data Gathering Method
Database of the Study
Validity of Data
Originality & Limitations of Data
Summary of Chapter 3

In Chapter 3 of the final paper, the research design, any special tools, surveys, statistical procedures, tests, comparisons, questionnaires or interviewing techniques used should be explained and described in detail (Approach). This chapter should reference technical aspects of the research methodology and any technique(s) utilized to obtain data (Data Gathering Method). It must also explain what data sources will be utilized such as academic media, personal interviews, observation, etc. and why they believe the data is legitimate. They should also explain what is unique and innovative about the data; in other words, what was contributed that is different. The restrictions on the collection, availability and presentation (e.g. ? researcher?s bias/background) of the data must also be provided. Every project has limitations, when these are explained the reader has more, not less confidence in the findings because understanding of the research process is being demonstrated.

Chapter 4:
To be properly formatted and meet existing requirements Chapter 4 must include the following:

Chapter 4: Data Analysis

Chapter 4 will need to present an overview of the analysis including such items as factors that can limit the data, where possible omissions/errors could occur and the reliability of the data. In addition, any significant findings should be presented without discussion of the conclusions drawn. Chapter 4 must be written in such a way that there is no use of first person, the findings are completely objective (focused on fact and devoid of subjectivity) and the findings presented must be accurate, unbiased and exclusive of trivia. This chapter should be viewed as a specific analysis of all data required for the summary and conclusion in Chapter 5. This chapter must also include summary details of the demographic characteristics of research subjects in Chapter 4. This applies especially when demographic information can be considered pertinent to the outcome(s) of the study (e.g., where certain independent variables might influence other dependent variables). This data-centered chapter may appear to be just factual and numbers-based because it is essentially that. It should provide statistical outcomes and results, and may contain descriptive passages as well as graphic organizers. It is not, however, the place to expound on the meaning of the statistics or outcomes; such descriptions and interpretations are more appropriate to Chapter 5.
Chapter 4 should reflect the same general pattern or outline as the research design described in Chapter 3. However, it should be substantial enough that the procedures and results being reported can be determined.

Chapter 5:
To be properly formatted and meet existing requirements Chapter 5 must include the following:

Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

Chapter 5 of the final paper will consist of summaries and conclusions as well as the proposed recommendations for resolution. The results should not be generalized or interpreted beyond that which the data supports. Students should view Chapter 5 as the answer to the problem statement set forth in Chapter 1.

Students need to seriously consider and answer all of the following questions in Chapter 5.

Does the study support or reject the hypothesis?
Does the study support or contradict previous research?
Is the study conclusive or is further research needed?
What are the implications of this research to the discipline?
Should relative practices be redefined?
Do the findings support or reject the hypothesis?
Chapter 5 provides the opportunity to report conclusions drawn from analysis of the data, based on the research design. Using statistical data students should accept or reject the hypotheses stated originally in Chapter 1. It is critical that the researcher interprets and report results accurately. Students must be very careful to maintain objectivity and to report only what the statistical data analysis can support. The possibility exists that outcomes might be different from what was anticipated. In this case, it is incumbent upon the student to report results honestly, without apology, and to consider reasonable explanations for the outcome(s). In some instances, such results provide excellent springboards for recommendations for future research.

This should use the American Psychological Association (APA) style for the Bibliography and in-text citations. The Bibliography should be Arial font, size 12 and double-spaced.

An abstract must be a 1-2 page summary of the project. The abstract should be placed at the beginning of the paper between the Title Page and the Table of Contents. It should include a statement of the problem or issue, a brief description of the research method and design, major findings and their significance, and the conclusion. An outside reader should be able to decide from the abstract whether or not the paper is beneficial to their study. Due to the fact that the abstract is not part of the Final Project body (Chapters 1-5) it does not contribute to the page length requirement.

What are the effects of music on cognition? (For example, the therapeutic effect of music on memory recall, the effect of music therapy--such as the recovery from brain injury by Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the therapeutic effect of music on Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's Diseases.)

Topic: (Refraining from using drugs)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you analyze the brain structures and functions associated with the motivation to engage in your selected behavior.

Evaluate the influence of extrinsic and intrinsic factors, including heredity and the environment, on the motivation to engage in your selected behavior.

Include at least three references from scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Discuss how factors in each system in Bronfenbrenners ecological model impact on environments that support childrens development and well-being. Ensure your answer includes several applied examples to demonstrate your knowledge of each system and how these systems interact.

Reference Text

Berk, L. (2011). Infants, children and adolescents. (7th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Other Important Reading Text (Include in your referencing & research);

Small, M (1999) Other parents, other ways. In Our babies, ourselves. How biology and culture shape the way we parent. (pp 71 ??" 108). New York: Anchor Books.

Baker, M (2001) Cultural variations in families. In Families. Labour and Love. Family diversity in a changing world. (pp 26 ??" 49). Crows Nest, NSW: Allen and Unwin.

Shore, R. (1997). What have we learned. In Rethinking the brain. New insights into early development. (Ch 2, pp. 15-55). New York: Families and Work Institute.

Gerhardt, S. (2004). Original Sin. In Why love matters. How affection shapes a baby's brain. (167 - 191). Hove: Bruner Routledge.

Centre on the Developing Child (2008). The Timing and Quality of Early Learning Experiences Combine to Shape Brain Architecture. Available at

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The book is The Tell-Tale Brain, A neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes us human, Chapter 7 & Chapter 8

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