Asset Management Essays Prompts

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The topic of the essay: Financial Management of Not-for-Profit Organizations
Asset Management
The Use of Fund
We are not sure about the outline. We do not have any restriction.

Please answer to the following questions around 200 words each

1)What are ethical situations that arise with asset management services? Give examples.
2)What are typical confidentiality and suitability issues with asset management?
3)What are some planning techniques that can help to avoid the PHC tax?
4)What are the details of the mechanical tests, for stock ownership and its gross income, for a PHC?

first, the paper should provide a clear and proper defintion of the term asset management with enough depth and breadth as it relates to civil engineering and in particular the transportation sector. The paper then should cover three different subtopics within the main theme:

1.Asset management in transportation (historical prospective).
2.Current trend, shift, direction in asset management.
3.Most importantly, the potential role of proper asset management techniques and practices in the reduction of vulnerabilities, threats and risks to the infrastructure.

If need be, the paper should branch to other subtopics and/or provide examples in order to fulfill the main theme and objective of the paper. If applicable and available, charts, graphs and figures should aslo be provided to illustrate the points made within context.

Please answer to the following questions around 200 words per question:

1) What is Asset Allocation? What are industry Sectors?

2)Why is retirement law and retirement accounts so important to asset management for families or individuals?

3)In a Sec 304 stock exchange which section will take precedence if the transaction would also qualify as a section 351 exchange?

4)What is the benefit of retaining the property but making it available to the corporation by lease or license? and how?

The case about Industrial company implemented ERP system and applying business rules to automate their decision making, you should focus on enterprise asset management module of ERP, you know f...or sure this module will cover company asset management to deal with company's equipment and work orders management to deal maintenance work orders and preventive maintenance planning you should take the product (Infor EAM or Oracle EAM as example), EAM is module for enterprise asset management and it's part of ERP suite. you should suggest business rules system to be use with EAM system and benefit from all available data in it to automate business process of this Industrial company. so we will have in this company EAM module which part of ERP and will have Business rule system will work with it to automate all asset management, work orders and maintenance management and material and purchasing management business processes. when we talking about business processes we should focus on the users and management perspective. I have attached Infor EAM user guide for you to have clear picture about EAM system in general. the proposed Business rules system should also cover other system like distributed control system (DCS) which usually installed in plant, so through this business rules system will be kind of integration between DCS system and ERP system.
In this paper I prefer to use some figures especially when you trying to explain business rules and how it works. also in building the suggested business rules for EAM to automate their business processes and decision making in this field.

Describe one approach to public infrastructure asset management in your region.

When compared with best practices discussed in the assigned readings, what are the two most critical gaps that you can identify in the current approach?

Kindly Write about GIS system in term of Asset Management

Make sure to include the points below :

Using GIS Technology for Document and Asset Management

...? A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a business intelligence tool comprised of a collection of computer hardware, software, data, methods and key personnel that help create, manipulate, analyze and present information that is tied to a spatial location. By linking locational data with database information, decision makers are able to graphically visualize patterns, relationships and trends. This process gives an entirely new perspective to data analysis that cannot be seen in a table or list format.

? Using GIS technology as a business intelligence and knowledge management tool to integrate thousands of documents into a single spatial application that allows team members, managers and decision makers simple and efficient access to all their files from a desktop computer.

? GIS can save time and improve performance, which ultimately can save money.

? Geographical Information System (GIS) technology can take all those documents from a desk, flat files and file cabinets and bring them to one?s fingertips with a click of a mouse.

? GIS is a Business intelligence has now become the art of sifting through large amounts of data, extracting pertinent information, and turning that raw information into knowledge on which decisions can be made.

? A GIS is most often associated with maps. GIS intelligent maps or ?smart maps? link multiple databases to a map and show not only features, but also the feature relationships. Maps of underlying spatial information can be constructed and used as ?windows into the database? to support queries, analysis and editing of the information.

? GIS can provide a great deal more problem-solving capabilities than using a simple mapping program.

? GIS is based on a structured database, called a ?geodatabase,? that describes the world in geographic or spatial terms spatial database is optimized to store and query geometry data related to objects in space, including points, lines and polygons.

? GIS has evolved from solving relatively simple tasks with simple building blocks ? points, lines and polygons ? to solving complex tasks with enhanced data models.

? GIS enables managers an efficient way of accessing all current project information from a desktop computer.

? GIS technology to help clients, project managers and other team members find documents quickly to get back to the job at hand. Having the ability to visualize information graphically in a spatial environment leads to quicker document retrieval time. As the saying goes, ?A picture is worth a thousand words.?

? GIS can integrate and relate any data with a spatial component, regardless of the source of the data. Rather than people working hard to understand data, GIS puts the data to work and can provide powerful information ? not just regarding how things are, but how they may be in the future based on any changes applied.

? GIS technology is an effective tool for improved access and utilization of all types of data. Having timely access to accurate information is an important resource for any company, which can expedite decision-making and improve a company?s performance.

Assignment 5: Multiyear Plans and Analysis
Review the document titled ?City of Charlottesville 2010 Annual Comprehensive Plan? . To complete the questions below, use the data in 2005 balance spreadsheet and 2005 income spreadsheet and Table 9.4 spreadsheet in the attached file.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:
1. You use the financial statements from Charlottesville, Virginia, to conduct your own analysis. Two years are provided so that a comparison between years can be made. Students are advised to use the format in the spreadsheet in table 9.4 and add additional column for FY 2005 so that the ratios can be compared side by side. (Please note that NPS used in the days payable ratios is 20 percent of the total expenditure.) When students compare the ratios, they should focus on the measures of liquidity, long time solvency, and assets management ratios. Change the title headers to the agency name in table 9.4. Save the Excel File as the agency?s name and include the Multiyear Plan.
2. Analyze the comparison of ratios.
3. Analyze the measures of liquidity.
4. Analyze the long-term solvency.
5. Analyze asset management rations.

Final Project
Your Final Project includes two major sections: a comparative analysis and your conclusions and recommendations.
Your comparative analysis should focus on comparing and your two projects on the following nine factors:
1. An overview of each project
2. The demand for such infrastructure and the expected benefits to stakeholders
3. A description of the stakeholders interests and involvement and how the stakeholders? needs were assessed
4. The regulatory and political context
5. Environmental and social implications
6. The financing model adopted
7. Project management execution and control including:
a) How risks were managed throughout the project life cycle
b) How project performance was monitored and controlled
c) Challenges encountered and how these challenges were managed and overcome
8. Security and safety considerations
9. Post-implementation asset management
Following the comparative analysis, you should describe your conclusions, the lessons learned on each project and your recommendations for improving infrastructure project performance on future projects

The Final Project will be assessed for:
Inclusion and resolution of the instructor's comments
Style and grammar
Elegance of argument
Currency of materials?emerging concepts and events must be included and evaluated in the project
Critical analysis of existing literature
Ability to analyze real-life situations through the lenses of the theories and concepts discussed in the module

Please Note: The above final project should be based on the attached Project Outline.

Do you think being a financial manager is the best preparation for later becoming a CEO?

Write after reading the following
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////<> Article from Bureau of labor

A bachelor?s degree in finance, accounting, or related field is the minimum academic preparation, but many employers increasingly seek graduates with a master?s degree and a strong analytical background.

The continuing need for skilled financial managers will spur average employment growth.

Nature of the Work

Almost every firm, government agency, and organization has one or more financial managers who oversee the preparation of financial reports, direct investment activities, and implement cash management strategies. As computers are increasingly used to record and organize data, many financial managers are spending more time developing strategies and implementing the long-term goals of their organization.

The duties of financial managers vary with their specific titles, which include chief financial officer, vice president of finance, controller, treasurer, credit manager, and cash manager. Chief financial officers (CFOs), for example, are the top financial executives of an organization. They oversee all financial and accounting functions and formulate and administer the organization?s overall financial plans and policies. In small firms, CFOs usually handle all financial management functions. In large firms, they direct these activities through other financial managers who head each financial department.

Controllers direct the preparation of financial reports that summarize and forecast the organization?s financial position, such as income statements, balance sheets, and analysis of future earnings or expenses. Controllers are also in charge of preparing special reports required by regulatory authorities. Often, controllers oversee the accounting, audit, and budget departments. Treasurers and finance officers direct the organization?s financial goals, objectives, and budgets. They oversee the investment of funds and manage associated risks, supervise cash management activities, execute capital-raising strategies to support a firm?s expansion, and deal with mergers and acquisitions.

Cash managers monitor and control the flow of cash receipts and disbursements to meet the business and investment needs of the firm. For example, cash flow projections are needed to determine whether loans must be obtained to meet cash requirements or whether surplus cash should be invested in interest-bearing instruments. Risk and insurance managers oversee programs to minimize risks and losses that may arise from financial transactions and business operations undertaken by the institution. They also manage the organization?s insurance budget. Credit managers oversee the firm?s issuance of credit. They establish credit rating criteria, determine credit ceilings, and monitor the collections of past due accounts. Managers specializing in international finance develop financial and accounting systems for the banking transactions of multinational organizations.

Financial institutions, such as commercial banks, savings and loan associations, credit unions, and mortgage and finance companies, employ additional financial managers, often with the title Vice President. These executives oversee various functions, such as lending, trusts, mortgages, and investments, or programs, including sales, operations, or electronic financial services. They may be required to solicit business, authorize loans, and direct the investment of funds, always adhering to Federal and State laws and regulations.

Branch managers of financial institutions administer and manage all the functions of a branch office, which may include hiring personnel, approving loans and lines of credit, establishing a rapport with the community to attract business, and assisting customers with account problems. Financial managers who work for financial institutions must keep abreast of the rapidly growing array of financial services and products.

In addition to the general duties described above, all financial managers perform tasks unique to their organization or industry. For example, government financial managers must be experts on the government appropriations and budgeting processes, whereas health care financial managers must be knowledgeable about issues surrounding health care financing. Moreover, financial managers must be aware of special tax laws and regulations that affect their industry.

Areas in which financial managers are playing an increasingly important role involve mergers and consolidations and global expansion and financing. These developments require extensive specialized knowledge on the part of the financial manager to reduce risks and maximize profit. Financial managers are increasingly hired on a temporary basis to advise senior managers on these and other matters. In fact, some firms contract out all accounting and financial functions to companies that provide these services.

The role of financial manager, particularly in business, is changing in response to technological advances that have significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to produce financial reports. Financial managers now perform more data analysis and use it to offer ideas to senior managers on how to maximize profits. They often work on teams acting as business advisors to top management. Financial managers need to keep abreast of the latest computer technology in order to increase the efficiency of their firm?s financial operations.

Working Conditions

Financial managers work in comfortable offices, often close to top managers and to departments that develop the financial data these managers need. They typically have direct access to state-of-the-art computer systems and information services. Financial managers commonly work long hours, often up to 50 or 60 per week. They are generally required to attend meetings of financial and economic associations and may travel to visit subsidiary firms or meet customers.

Employment []

Financial managers held about 693,000 jobs in 1998. Although these managers are found in virtually every industry, more than a third were employed by services industries, including business, health, social, and management services. Nearly 3 out of 10 were employed by financial institutions, such as banks, savings institutions, finance companies, credit unions, insurance companies, securities dealers, and real estate firms.

Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement

A bachelor?s degree in finance, accounting, economics, or business administration is the minimum academic preparation for financial managers. However, many employers increasingly seek graduates with a master?s degree, preferably in business administration, economics, finance, or risk management. These academic programs develop analytical skills and provide knowledge of the latest financial analysis methods and technology.

Experience may be more important than formal education for some financial manager positions?notably branch managers in banks. Banks typically fill branch manager positions by promoting experienced loan officers and other professionals who excel at their jobs. Other financial managers may enter the profession through formal management trainee programs offered by the company.

Continuing education is vital for financial managers, reflecting the growing complexity of global trade, shifting Federal and State laws and regulations, and a proliferation of new, complex financial instruments. Firms often provide opportunities for workers to broaden their knowledge and skills by encouraging employees to take graduate courses at colleges and universities or attending conferences related to their specialty. Financial management, banking, and credit union associations, often in cooperation with colleges and universities, sponsor numerous national and local training programs. Persons enrolled prepare extensively at home, then attend sessions on subjects such as accounting management, budget management, corporate cash management, financial analysis, international banking, and information systems. Many firms pay all or part of the costs for those who successfully complete courses. Although experience, ability, and leadership are emphasized for promotion, advancement may be accelerated by this type of special study.

In some cases, financial managers may also broaden their skills and exhibit their competency in specialized fields by attaining professional certification. For example, the Association for Investment Management and Research confers the Chartered Financial Analyst designation on investment professionals who have a bachelor?s degree, pass three test levels, and meet work experience requirements. The National Association of Credit Management administers a three-part certification program for business credit professionals. Through a combination of experience and examinations, these financial managers pass through the level of Credit Business Associate, to Credit Business Fellow, and finally to Certified Credit Executive. The Treasury Management Association confers the Certified Cash Manager credential on those who have 2 years of relevant experience and pass an exam, and the Certified Treasury Executive designation on those who meet more extensive experience and continuing education requirements. More recently, the Association of Government Accountants has begun to offer the Certified Government Financial Manager certification to those who have the appropriate education and experience and who pass three examinations. Financial managers who specialize in accounting may earn the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designations. (See the Handbook statement on accountants and auditors.)

Candidates for financial management positions need a broad range of skills. Interpersonal skills are increasingly important because these jobs involve managing people and working as part of a team to solve problems. Financial managers must have excellent communication skills to explain complex financial data. Because financial managers work extensively with various departments in their firm, a broad overview of the business is essential.

Financial managers should be creative thinkers and problem solvers, applying their analytical skills to business. They must be comfortable with computer technology. As financial operations are increasingly affected by the global economy, they must have knowledge of international finance; even a foreign language may be important.

Because financial management is critical for efficient business operations, well-trained, experienced financial managers who display a strong grasp of the operations of various departments within their organization are prime candidates for promotion to top management positions. Some financial managers transfer to closely related positions in other industries. Those with extensive experience and access to sufficient capital may start their own consulting firms.

Job Outlook []

The outlook for financial managers is good for those with the right skills. Expertise in accounting and finance is fundamental, and a master?s degree enhances one?s job prospects. Strong computer skills and knowledge of international finance are important, as are excellent communication skills as the job increasingly involves working on strategic planning teams. Mergers, acquisitions, and corporate downsizing will continue to adversely affect employment of financial managers, but growth of the economy and the need for financial expertise will keep the profession growing about as fast as the average for all occupations through 2008.

The banking industry, which employs the most financial managers, is expected to continue to consolidate and reduce the number of financial managers. Employment of bank branch managers, in particular, will grow very little or not at all as banks open fewer branches and promote electronic and Internet banking to cut costs. In contrast, the securities and commodities industry will hire more financial managers to handle increasingly complex financial transactions and manage investments. Financial managers are being hired throughout industry to manage assets and investments, handle mergers and acquisitions, raise capital, and assess global financial transactions. Risk managers, who assess risks for insurance and investment purposes, are in especially great demand.

Some financial managers may be hired on a temporary basis to see a company through a short-term crisis or to offer suggestions for boosting profits. Other companies may contract out all accounting and financial operations. Even in these cases, however, financial managers may be needed to oversee the contracts.

Computer technology has reduced the time and staff required to produce financial reports. As a result, forecasting earnings, profits, and costs, and generating ideas and creative ways to increase profitability will become the major role of corporate financial managers over the next decade. Financial managers who are familiar with computer software and applications that can assist them in this role will be needed.

Earnings []

Median annual earnings of financial managers were $55,070 in 1998. The middle 50 percent earned between $38,240 and $83,800. The lowest 10 percent had earnings of less than $27,680, while the top 10 percent earned over $118,950. Median annual earnings in the industries employing the largest number of financial managers in 1997 are shown below.

Security brokers and dealers
Computer and data processing
Management and public relations
Local government, excluding education and hospitals
Commercial banks
Savings institutions

According to a 1999 survey by Robert Half International, a staffing services firm specializing in accounting and finance, salaries of assistant controllers and treasurers varied from $42,700 in the smallest firms to $84,000 in the largest firms; corporate controllers earned between $47,500 and $141,000; and chief financial officers and treasurers earned from $65,000 to $319,200. Salaries are generally 10 percent higher for those with a graduate degree or Certified Public Accountant or Certified Management Accountant designation.

The results of the Treasury Management Association?s 1999 compensation survey are presented in table 1. The earnings listed in the table represent total compensation, including bonuses and deferred compensation.

Table 1. Average earnings for selected financial managers, 1999

Vice president of finance $165,400
Chief financial officer 150,100
Treasurer 129,800
Controller 109,700
Assistant treasurer 96,500
Director treasury/finance 93,200
Assistant controller 75,900
Senior analyst 63,000
Cash manager 56,600
Analyst 45,500

SOURCE: Treasury Management Association

Large organizations often pay more than small ones, and salary levels can also vary by the type of industry and location. Many financial managers in private industry receive additional compensation in the form of bonuses, which also vary substantially by size of firm. Deferred compensation in the form of stock options is also becoming more common.

Related Occupations

Financial managers combine formal education with experience in one or more areas of finance, such as asset management, lending, credit operations, securities investment, or insurance risk and loss control. Workers in other occupations requiring similar training and skills include accountants and auditors, budget officers, credit analysts, loan officers, insurance consultants, portfolio managers, pension consultants, real estate advisors, securities analysts, and underwriters.

Sources of Additional Information

Disclaimer: Links to non-BLS Internet sites are provided for your convenience and do not constitute an endorsement.

For information about financial management careers, contact:

American Bankers Association, 1120 Connecticut Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20036. Internet:

Financial Management Association International, College of Business Administration, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620-5500. Internet:
Financial Executives Institute, 10 Madison Ave., P.O. Box 1938, Morristown, NJ 07962-1938. Internet:
For information about financial careers in business credit management; the Credit Business Associate, Credit Business Fellow, and Certified Credit Executive programs; and institutions offering graduate courses in credit and financial management, contact:

National Association of Credit Management, Credit Research Foundation, 8840 Columbia 100 Parkway, Columbia, MD 21045-2158. Internet:
For information about careers in treasury and financial management and the Certified Cash Manager and Certified Treasury Executive programs, contact:

Association for Financial Professionals, 7315 Wisconsin Ave., Suite 600 West, Bethesda, MD 20814. Internet:
For information about the Chartered Financial Analyst program, contact:

Association for Investment Management and Research, P.O. Box 3668, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Internet:
For information about the Certified Government Financial Manager designation, contact:

Association for Government Accountants, 2208 Mount Vernon Ave., Alexandria, VA 22301-1314. Internet:

An industry employing financial managers that appears in the 2000-01 Career Guide to Industries: Banking

O*NET Codes: 13002A and 13002B

Financial managers who want to distinguish themselves and their organizations need to demonstrate their leadership ability. Because financial managers sometimes overlook the need for leadership skills, cultivating mentors who can teach them specific leadership skills, such as improved communications and entrepreneurship, may be necessary.

Health-care financial managers can sharpen their leadership skills by distinguishing between leadership and management, adopting a new mentoring model, evaluating the usefulness of new management techniques, understanding the connection between technology and leadership, looking for the solution beyond the problem, and being seen and heard within the organization.

Full Text:
Copyright Healthcare Financial Management Association Apr 2000

The increase in for-profit hospitals and consolidations, more stringent regulatory requirements, and declining reimbursement have increased the overall expectations of healthcare executives regarding the performance of their senior financial managers. Most financial managers recognize that educational credentials and experience in the healthcare industry are necessary to advance their careers. They also need technical skills to produce computer-generated financial reports for the healthcare organization.

More than technical expertise, however, today's senior financial managers need to demonstrate leadership skills to effect strategic and behavioral change. Some of the strategies healthcare financial managers can use to polish their leadership skills include distinguishing between leadership and management, employing a new mentoring model, seeing new management methods as more than fads, understanding the connection between technology and leadership, looking for the solution beyond the problem, and participating within the organization.

Distinguish between leadership and management. Although the skills required for leadership and management overlap to some extent, there also are distinctions. As shown in Exhibit 1, page 51, management tends to be task-oriented, whereas good leadership tends to emphasize the motivational aspects of accomplishing tasks and reaching goals. Because their jobs are technical in nature, many healthcare financial managers focus on developing their management skills, leaving the inspirational and consensus-building role that characterizes leadership to others. Demonstrating leadership, however, would help them achieve success for their department and the organization as a whole.

In particular, healthcare financial managers need to adopt a proactive leadership stance rather than react to change after their facilities are negatively affected by it. With the implementation of the ambulatory payment classification (APC) system, for example, healthcare financial managers should take the lead in assessing their coinsurance billing practices and their entire billing systems and processes. Waiting to see what will happen means deferring leadership to those outside the finance department.

Moreover, the Federal government's emphasis on regulatory compliance for the Medicare and Medicaid programs calls for teamwork and harmonious personal relations, particularly in the finance department. Financial managers need to assert leadership by creating a positive atmosphere in which employees feel free to inform management of compliance issues they believe should be addressed.

The ability to inspire loyalty also is more important than ever, due in part to the regulatory climate. Leaders who inspire loyalty can motivate employees to discuss their concerns internally first rather than report them to an outside agency. Employee loyalty has eroded in recent years in many industries, making employee turnover a significant problem in a thriving economy Employees recognize good leadership skills, however, and are more inclined to remain with an employer and maintain a cohesive work team if they respect their manager's leadership abilities.

Legislation continues to affect the payment healthcare organizations receive and operational changes they must implement. Healthcare financial managers realize that implementation of privacy standards mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, for example, will be costly and operationally challenging. Good management recognizes that change is imperative, but only good leadership can effect change.

Employ a new mentoring model. Because employees tend to change jobs more frequently than they did in the past, less emphasis is being placed on traditional mentoring, whereby a seasoned manager would instruct a junior manager over time. A new approach to selecting a mentor that financial managers should consider adopting emphasizes specific skills acquisition over more generalized experience. To guide their selection of a mentor who will help them enhance their leadership skills under this new model, healthcare financial managers should take the following steps:

Determine their own strengths and weaknesses. Financial managers should identify specific leadership skills they wish to develop. These skills could range from public relations to information technology.

Identify individuals who have skills they want to develop. There may be many individuals in the financial manager's organization who have the desired skills and are willing to share their expertise. The CEO is a likely mentor, but marketers, public relations directors, physicians, and board members also may have a wide range of skills--particularly interpersonal and communications skills--that are important to developing as a leader. Develop relationships. Most people are flattered when others wish to learn from them and respond well to sincere solicitations of advice and expertise. Mentoring sessions can include informal lunchtime discussions; reviews of prepared material, including impact statements regarding various pending changes in payment and outlines for future presentations to industry groups; discussions of personnel issues, such as how to evaluate, motivate, and reward department members; and attendance at presentations by the mentor. It is particularly important to network with peers at HFMA programs and at meetings of other industry groups, where industry leaders are accessible and prepared to share their knowledge.

See new management methods as more than fads. Management methods come and go. New management methods, such as zero-based budgeting, management by objectives, continuous quality improvement, quality circles, and business process reengineering, often amount to mere fads that managers implement without eliciting their true value to the organization. A leader, however, knows how to recognize methods or aspects of methods that support the organization's progress, implement these programs, and discard programs that are not useful. Healthcare financial managers should not have unreasonably high or low expectations of new management methods or discard old methods simply because new ones have come along.

For example, many financial managers bought highlevel software programs to compute the impact of APCs on their facilities. Healthcare financial managers, however, cannot rely solely on software programs to obtain needed information. They also need to assess APC impact by initiating a detailed claims audit and a thorough review of office billing procedures.

Understand the connection between technology and leadership. Although healthcare financial managers do not have to be experts in information systems, telecommunications, or the Internet, they do need to understand the capabilities of these technologies and how the technologies should be applied to their organization. Computers will be handling an increasing amount of the work in healthcare finance, but healthcare financial managers need to know how to use the data that are generated to support the organization's strategic goals.

Look for the solution beyond the problem. Financial managers are trained to ensure that the organization's financial goals are met. This function can appear daunting when resources are limited, and financial managers are used to championing conservative financial positions. Leaders, however, view challenges as opportunities. To emerge as organization leaders, financial managers need to become greater risk takers. For example, several years ago the government proposed new rules on "hospitals within hospitals" (a wing or floor of a hospital licensed as a different hospital, often to secure cost-based payment for long-term patients). Many healthcare executives closed their facilities before the final rules were released. Other financial managers, however, spearheaded efforts to maintain their status. These efforts were rewarded when the new law grandfathered some facilities, allowing them to operate as before.

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Participate. Healthcare financial managers cannot lead an organization without actively participating in that organization. Activities that enhance leadership include attending meetings outside the finance department, participating on organizationwide committees, becoming involved in public relations events, sponsoring an achievement award and personally presenting it, attending a hospital-sponsored golf tournament or 10-kilometer run, and cultivating relationships with leaders from other departments or the community at large. Being seen and heard is an important facet of leadership.


Leadership opportunities abound for healthcare financial managers who wish to take advantage of them. By broadening their scope beyond management functions, healthcare financial managers help move their organizations forward while receiving recognition for their work. Developing leadership skills will increase their visibility throughout the organization and in the community, which, in turn, will help them advance in their career.

[Author note]

[Author note]
Robert B. Kowalski, MSHS, is health data director, Parkland Community Health Plan, Dallas, Texas, and a member of HFMA's Lone Star Chapter.

[Author note]
Manie W. Campbell is a principal, CampbellWilson, Dallas, Texas, and a member of HFMA's Lone Star Chapter

I will attached a word document after payment of the information below.

Please complete the case study described in below and in the Tables.
Note: Please calculate the financial ratios... for years 20X1 and 20X0, separately.

Liquidity Analysis:

1. Calculate the following:
a. Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities
b. Quick Ratio = (cash + marketable securities + net receivables) / current liabilities
c. Days Cash on Hand = (cash + marketable securities) / ((operating expenses - depreciation expenses) / 365)
d. Days in Accounts Receivable = net patient accounts receivables / (net patient revenues / 365)

2. Make an overall conclusion regarding liquidity and liquidity trends.

Profitability Analysis:

Calculate the following:

a. Operating MArgin = operating income / total operating revenues
b. Return on Assets = net income / total assets

3. Make an overall conclusion regarding profitability and profitability trends.

Indebtedness Management Analysis:

Calculate the following:

a. Times Interest Earned = EBIT / Interest Expense
b. Debt Ratio = total debts (or you can use total liabilities) / total assets

4. Make an overall conclusion regarding indebtedness management and trends.

Asset Management Analysis:

Calculate the following:

a. Long-term Debt to Net Assets Ratio = long-term debt / net assets
b. Total Asset Turnover = total operating revenues / total assets
c. Net Assets to Total Assets Ratio = net assets / total assets

5. Make an overall conclusion regarding asset management and trends.

Based on all of the above, write a 4 - 5 page report that can explain the financial health of this company to a non-financial audience. Please_ Show your computations and explain your reasons for your final investment recommendation.

Case Study: Introduction:

Financial analysis is an integral part of financial management of any healthcare enterprise. These analyses serve several main functions as follows: determining the factual financial condition of the business by means of the balance sheet, statement of revenues and expenditures, statement of cash flows, and statement of fund balances. Second function is using financial facts over time to assess trends that informs decision-making primarily by means of ratio analysis, liquidity ratios, capital structure ratios, profitability ratios, and asset management analysis. These analyses present trend comparisons endogenous to the company, and exogenous to the health care industry standards. The financial manager must also use their own perspective and experience-based judgment in their financial analysis. Decisions often must go beyond the strict adherence to the bottom line in order to anticipate future innovations and advances in health care that at first may seem contrary to the financial information.

The financial statements of Hopeful Happy Health Care Systems Inc. in this case study will provide you an opportunity to apply some of the analysis techniques that have been previously covered. The name has been changed, but the data is from an actual health care company (with some minor alternations in items and amounts).
Table 12.1
Statement of Revenues (In Thousands) 2001 2000
Patient Revenues
Inpatient $439,754.70 $337,924.98
Outpatient $214,937.55 $173,896.52
Premium Revenue $89,861.75 $71,965.50
Other Revenues
Net Assets released from Restrictions $55,000.00 $42,000.00
Net operating revenue $799,554.00 $625,787

Table 12.2
Statement of Expenses (In Thousands) 2001 2000
Net operating revenue $799,554.00 $625,787

Operating Expenses
Salaries and benefits $309,781 $244,222
Provision for losses $73,959 $56,594
Supplies $92,888 $72,410
Other operating expenses $171,848 $132,705
Depreciation $43,094 $33,910
Uncollectibles $14,074 $12,378
Total Operating Expenses $705,644 $552,219

Income from operations $93,910 $73,568

Non-operating gain (loss)
Other investment income $417.50 $464.00
Earning Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) $94,328 $74,032
Interest expenses $53,174 $65,305
Provision for income tax $20,237 $7,164

Net income $20,916.50 $1,563

Table 12.3
Statement of Assets (In Thousands) 2001 2000
Current assets
Cash $35,740 $13,740
Patient accounts receivables $316,499 $309,826
Marketable securities and Investments $73,592 $85,011
Inventory $1,670 $1,856
Total Current assets $427,501 $410,433

Property and Equipment $936,336 $850,201
Less accumulated Depreciation ($169,627) ($142,120)
Fixed Assets $766,709 $708,081
Goodwill, net $991,556 $985,568
Other assets, net $94,320 $109,755

Total Assets $2,280,086 $2,213,837

Table 12.4
Statement of Liabilities (In Thousands) 2001 2000
Current Liabilities
Current maturities of long- term indebtedness $21,499 $17,433
Accounts payable and Accrued liabilities $235,224 $223,440
Total Current Liabilities $256,723 $240,873

Long-term indebtedness $1,243,522 $1,201,590

Stockholders equity $779,841 $756,174

Total liability and stockholders equity $2,280,086 $2,213,837

There are faxes for this order.

Money Management ? Final Assessment Requirement

First analyze your own situation and risk profile (character, life-style, time horizon, objectives, etc), then reflect this is a portfolio of f...unds or ETF using the examples and providers chosen from David Costa?s book and Morningstar ? already downloaded and attached for the ESSAY. Use the selected investment vehicles and the determined asset allocation plus timing into the investment plan to justify the essay writing. A choice is made to prefer ETFs over active investment funds except one fund in the portfolio. Expect the explanation of this choices and in the essay through the literature attached.

See example of risk profiles in this document BCGE. Use similar risk profiles definitions (as explained in the textbook) and in the BCGE in the assessment.

Please note: As this is an essay you will need to use appropriate referencing system using the Harvard referencing system. Otherwise you will be penalized for inaccurate, missing and erroneous referencing.

(Essay: max 3000 words, plus tables as appropriate. tables and annexes are not part of the word count). Word limit: 3000 words (tables, bibliography and annexes excluded).

Pedagogical aim and expectations:
1. To critically evaluate the financial instruments available for investments
2. To analyze and evaluate the role and influence of the main actors in financial markets, both private and public.
3. To analyze the link between macro-economic forces and financial markets
4. To evaluate the risk and reward of investment possibilities and develop an investment strategy and portfolio that demonstrates informed investment decisions.

The overall structure should be as follows:
1. Cover/Title Page (1 page)
2. Table of Contents/List of Exhibits (1 page)
3. Executive Summary
4. Introduction (including description of oneself ? see below)
5. Main Report (with chapter/section listed, Portfolio description, Graphical presentation with the above requirements and conclusions)
5. Exhibits (if any)
6. List of references/Bibliography

Material to use and also reference:
1. The Portable Private Banker (ISBN: B0052P2Y9I) or The Portable Private Banker Printed Edition ISBN: 146355348X
2. / /
3. /
4. Some related documents from Morningstar already attached
5. Behavioral Finance in Asset Management: A Primer
6. Investment Philosophy v4
7. The Triumph of Intelligence
8. 10 Ways to Beat an Index
9. The Active-Passive Debate: Market Cyclicality and Leadership Volatility
10. The High Dividend Yield Return Advantage
11. What Has Worked in Investing
12. AUDIO Lecture: Notes in PDF
13. Commodity ETFs
14. ETF Brochure ? IMPORTANT
15. ETF Investor Newsletter
16. Precious Metals ETFs
17. Sustainable ETFs
18. The Choice Between ETFs and Conventional Index Fund Shares
19. BCGE Rainbow Funds (Examples of Asset Allocation)
20. Global Core Investing
21. Investment Views: VP Bank
22. Private Banking made in Switzerland
23. Vanguard Principles for Investing Success
24. Indexed Investing_Prof. William Sharpe
25. Principle 3_ Minimize cost
26. ETFs and Investing Costs
27. Plus other Credible & Authentic Money Management or Portfolio Construction sources that the Writer/Researcher may find useful.

My Situation and choices:
I am a European citizen at my 54 years of age living eleven ? thirteen years to retirement. Currently the founder and Managing Director of own Consulting Company ? specialized in Supply Chain, and Sourcing & Procurement processes optimization in most industries.
Prior to this, I had worked for different multinational companies and head different managerial position. I have more than 25 years? of experience in business regionally and globally.

My character:
Willing to accept a calculated risk to grow my wealth and relatively comfortable with investment risk. Aiming for higher long term returns and understand that this can also mean some sustained periods of poorer performance. I am prepared to accept significant fluctuations in value to try and achieve better long term return. High income and long term growth of capital.

My Strategic lifestyle profile: Medium to higher risk

Investment aim/Objectives:
Investing for Retirement supplement. To seize the opportunity in the market to grow the wealth for Retirement supplements therefore willing to include some calculated risky. Cost down, Not too higher volatility and Higher performance.

Investment Profile: ?Dynamic? Profile

Minimize risk to average or less average for above average or high return at a lowest possible Total Expense Ratio (TER)

Investment Sum: EUR 100,000

Dynamic Asset Allocation: Please refer to the Book ?The Portable Private Banker? by Dr. Costa and BCGE Rainbow Fund

Liquidity 0% - 25%
Bonds 25% - 35%
Equities 45% - 70%

Investment Vehicles Allocation:

Equities (65%)
15% CS ETF (IE) on NASDAQ 100 (IE00B53SZB19 / CSNDX) via
20% iShares Core S&P 500 Index Fund ETF (IVV)
15% SPDR Emerging Asia Pacific ETF (GMF)
15% Comstage ETF Commerzbank Commodity EW Index TR

10% Schroder ISF Euro Bond A Acc ? Active Managed Fund via
10% iShares Barclays Capital $ Treasury Bond 7-10 ETF
10% iShares Euro High Yield Corporate Bond UCITS ETF


Justify the Asset Allocation which is more diversified and geographically oriented. Broader exposure and leveraging for better performance and better protection. Average or less average risk for above and high return. Lower Total Expense Ratios for better outperformance.

Explain the Investment vehicles and the portfolio choices

Important Analysis on the following ratios and measurements:

- Sharpe ratio
- Sortino ratio
- Beta ratio

- Price/Earnings
- Price/Book
- Price/Sales
- Price/Cash flow
- Dividend

Explain the rationales of the allocation, the financial market and the macroeconomics as stated in the material to use attached.

Make sure to report:
- Fund sector allocation
- Index sector allocation
- Fund top 10 holdings
- Index Top 10 holdings
- The type of Replication ( full/physical/complete/direct or Synthetic/Counterparty Swap
- Fund information and constituents per pie and the total constituents
- Compare with the index: 1yr, 3yr, 5yr

I need a financial analysis project on a company. I prefer if you use Pepsico and it must have all of the information below. If you use another company, it must be current information up to the last financial report available.

pts) Use financial ratios to determine the firm?s liquidity, asset management, debt management, profitability and market value. Analyze the ratios of the firm over a three-year horizon and compare them with that of the industry. You are to calculate the ratios and compare them to the published ratios. Once that is done, interpret the ratios to describe in words the state of the firm relative to the five areas of performance identified above.
2. (25 pts) If your company uses long-term debt, what is its bond rating? How does this rating relate to the performance of your firm?s debt management in problem 1 above? Do the numbers justify the ratings of the ratings firm? Why or why not?

3. (25 pts) Discuss the various financial and business risks faced by investors. Use Annual report or 10K report found the SEC website. (You may access this link from Yahoo!

My job for this paper is Part 5 and only part 5, I'm just showing you the whole project.
The two companies we are using are goldman sachs and wisdomtree investments

Specific Scholarly Res...earch Paper Guidelines:

1. Introduction (why do you choose this topic, motivational aspects, benefits to learning, relationship to operations and supply chain management) ?" You MUST cite references in your narrative (2-3pp)
2. Discussion on various supply chain stages: That is, detail
Supplier ?" Manufacturer ?" Distribution ?" Retail ?" Customers
How these are accomplished now? What are the gaps, if any?
Also, pay attention to Up Stream and Downstream Strategies,
Which also means, Front Office and Back Office Strategies.
Remember, you should consider material, information, and service flows. You MUST cite references in your narrative (3-5 pages)
3. Integration (or, lack of integration) of E-Commerce and Globalization
aspects in Supply Chain Management. Why? Why not? How do they
manage capacity and demand imbalances? ?" include citations (3-4p)
4. What Business Model Pursued by your company, or, topic? Provide a figure or chart to illustrate the model. Is it working? Is it creative? Does it add value? Do they create multiple values at various stages of supply chain? ?" include citations (3-5 pages)
THIS IS THE ONE YOU HAVE TO DO------->5. Suggest improvements to existing Business Model, which includes improvements in Operations/Supply Chain activities, both physical and information flows, and strategies (figures) ?" citations (2-3p) ..Format for the paper is question #. Next line "written by": in the center and then rewrite your question and then write your paper and than add your bibliography.

Here is part 4's final paper without the graphs if you want to take a look for reference.
Brendan Petersen
Team 1 ?" Paper Part 4

4. What Business Model pursued by your company, or topic? Provide a figure/chart to illustrate the model. Is it working? Is it creative? Does it add value? Do they create multiple values at various stages of the supply chain? Include any citations.

The two firms discussed in this paper operate using two completely different business models with varying success in the same industry. A business model is the methodology/process of operations which the firm expects to generate revenue. Goldman Sachs business model has more depth and spans a broader range on the financial services and products industry, whereas WisdomTree Investments has a specific and focused approach to a singular financial product. Its also clear that different levels of success accompany these two vastly different models.

As stated earlier, the business model applied by Goldman Sachs generates revenue from numerous areas of the financial service and products industry. The firm is continually looking for ways to improve the business model to fit current economic and political environments to find ways to best serve their clientele (Touryalai, 2011). Goldman Sachs business is broken into multiple segments; the four segments which provide the firm with revenue are Institutional Client Services, Investing & Lending, Investment Management, and Investment Banking. The chart below provides sub-sections which each of the four areas of the firm, and its clear that Goldman Sachs is an integral part of much of the supply chain within the financial products and services industry.

Next we will look at the annual revenues earned by each of the four business segments of Goldman Sachs from 2010 to 2012.

Institutional Client Services is where Goldman Sachs earns the majority share of its revenue. In this business segment the firm provides clients interested in buying or selling financial products (derivatives, equities, capital market securities, etc.), managing financial risk, or raising funds with various services. The firm takes on the integral role of the market maker, essential to the supply chain within the financial products and services industry. Market makers help put buyers and sellers of financial products together while managing the flow of transactions dealing with financial products. Without market makers, institutions, investors and other businesses would face limited liquidity and the markets would be inefficient. Goldman has proven to be very successful in this area of the supply chain, and have delivered great value to its clients by continuing to improve the efficiency of price discovery while facilitating a smooth flow of funds through the financial products market (Goldman Sachs 2012 Annual Report). To provide a specific example, lets look at an airline that faces fuel price volatility risks. They could come to Goldman Sachs whom would tailor make a derivative financial product which would eliminate a great portion of that risk, while collecting a small fee for doing so. Without this expertise the airline company would be forced to pay whatever the market rate was for fuel which could lead to higher ticket prices that consumers wouldnt pay. Or in the case of a farmer who will be farming corn in the future, he can come to Goldman Sachs and lock in a price today that he will sell his/her corn at in 6 months when harvested. Now this farmer will know exactly how much income they can expect to have from the harvest allowing for less risk and greater ability to plan for the future. Clients derive great value from Goldman Sachs playing a pivotal role in this area of the financial products and services supply chain.
Goldman Sachs Investing & Lending department focuses on the development and management of a globally diverse portfolio in securities ranging from debt to equities, while also fostering client relationships through lending practices. By providing clients with loans, the firm keeps the clients in house for as many as their needs as possible. Typical borrowers include high-net worth individuals (whose assets the firm may manage) as well as corporations. The firms Investment Banking sector fills a necessary role within the financial services industry. Here the firm provides corporations and governments around the world with financial advisory services on business issues including mergers and acquisitions and restructuring, while helping manage capital and liability exposure. These services provide an essential aspect of the supply chain within the financial services industry that left undone, would hinder expansion, increase risk, and limit investment opportunities. Underwriting is the process of being the intermediary between a firm who is trying to raise capital, and the market who would be lending to or buying the firm. Goldman Sachs manages all the relevant underwriting aspects of initial public offerings (IPOs) for both debt and equity securities. For example, if a private company wants to go public, Goldman Sachs would handle the legal and financial analysis aspects of an initial public offering for the firm. Without expertise in this area of the financial services supply chain, firms would face numerous potential legal and financial liabilities exposing them to far greater risk. The firm generates fees for underwriting as well as any consulting/advisory services rendered to clients. The last sub-section of Goldman Sachs business is Investment Management, where the firm provides wealth and investment management services to high-net worth individuals. The firm can customize exposure and risk to fulfill each clients specific demands over a broad range of financial products including real estate, commodities, currencies, and mutual funds/hedge funds. In many cases, the firm also works to limit tax liabilities through the use of trusts and derivatives to reduce clients effective tax rates (Goldman Sachs 2012 Annual Report).
Goldman Sachs business model, and the four sub-sections they derive revenue from, is evidently successful. The firm routinely makes billions in profit per quarter, while being one of the most efficient and highly respected firms in the industry. Theyve been able to bost their success with a realignment of their clients interests alongside their own, producing a client first rather than firm first approach (Rothnie, 2008). Goldman Sachs is involved in most, if not all aspects of the financial services and products industry supply chain including financial product origination, advisory services, loans/fund generation, and overall banking needs. Clients clearly reap benefits and value from these services or the firm wouldnt continue to be so regularly employed for advisory services, underwriting, or other areas of their business.

WisdomTree Investments is a firm whom focuses on the creation and development of exchange traded funds, a specific sub-section of the financial products industry. In their simplest form, exchange traded funds are essentially mutual funds which are traded on an exchange. WisdomTree Investments earns ETF advisory fees for the generation of ETF ideas which are implemented into actual funds. These financial products provide higher liquidity and lower expense ratios than mutual funds, making them an attractive alternative investment product (WisdomTree Investments 2011 Annual Report). The firm delivers value in a niche area of the supply chain of the financial products industry. The products developed by the firm fill the needs of individual investors, a variety of investment funds, and institutions who desire specific financial exposures (Business Wire, 2006). For example, if an individual wants some exposure to Japanese equities, but isnt sure of which specific stocks to choose, the investor could purchase WisdomTrees DXJ Japanese Hedged Equity ETF to get a basket of Japan tied securities. The firm prides itself on being the only publicly traded asset management firm that focuses only on ETFs, and are one of the few firms offering actively managed ETFs. Standard ETFs use indexs for weighting the securities held in the fund, whereas actively managed funds rely on a set of guidelines for asset allocation as set by the ETF generator. Below is a graph showing ETF Advisory Fees generated by WisdomTree Investments and the firms Net Income (Loss) over the same time frame.

As is clear in the graph shown above, WisdomTree lost money in 2009 and 2010 but was able to just pull off a slight profit in 2011 (WisdomTree Investments 2011 Annual Report). Its quite clear that the WisdomTree isnt nearly as successful as Goldman Sachs, who generates billions in profit per year.
Goldman Sachs and WisdomTree Investments are two vastly different companies within the financial services and product industry. They operate using different business models and the scope of operations varies widely between the two companies. WisdomTrees sole source of revenue is ETF advisory fees for ETF product development whereas Goldman Sachs has numerous revenue streams from taking part in many areas of the financial services and products supply chain.


1) Touryalai, Halah. "What's Worrying Goldman Sachs These Days?." Forbes.Com (2011): 41. Business Source Premier. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.
2) Rothnie, David. "Goldman Sachs Braced For 'Momentous' Change." Euroweek 1073 (2008): 73. Business Source Premier. Web. 10 Mar. 2013.
3) Goldberg, Lena G., and Tiffany Obenchain. Goldman Sachs: A Bank for All Seasons (B). Harvard Business School Cases (2009): 1. Business Source Premier. Web 12 Mar. 2013.
4) "WisdomTree Trust Creates New Investment Category with Launch of 10 International Sector ETFs." Business Wire: 0. Oct 13 2006. ProQuest. Web. 12 Mar. 2013 .
5) Steinert-Threlkeld, Tom. "Next Big Thing? Actively Managed ETFS. Maybe." Money Management Executive 20.19 (2012): 1-10. Business Source Premier. Web. 12 Mar. 2013.
6) Goldman Sachs 2012 Annual Report (10-K) sourced from -
7) WisdomTree Investments 2011 Annual Report (10-K) sourced from-

The Financial Analysis discussion should be based on the 1 table ratios comparison. Each ratio should be covered: what is current year for General Motors and its comparison to Ford, plus what is the movement over the 3 years for General Motors. Then, make some comments about each of ratio categories (liquidity, asset management, debt management, profitability, or market value) used considering both company and competitor. The intent of the analysis is seeing both the forest and trees. The analysis is the numbers and what the numbers mean! Executive Summary must be significant findings and conclusions from financial analysis.

The emphasis is on critical thinking and analysis, so please no charts, graphs, or figures in financial discussion. Only the U5A2 Table is needed. Do NOT include copies of financial statements.

I will e mail the specific ratios which needs to be comapred

There are faxes for this order.


1. The objectives of this project are to:
a. do a comprehensive financial analysis of a publicly traded corporation (SuperValu Inc. NYSE:SVU); and
b. provide substantial i...nformation for one to make recommendations regarding investing in this corporation. That is, you must answer the question: Should I buy this stock? or, Should I sell this stock?
2. The report must be written properly.
a. They must include a title page, a table of contents, and a reference page
b. Informational sources from the web, etc. must be cited properly, using APA style.
i. This means that every table that you cut and pasted or typed from the web must have a source at the bottom of the table AND that citing must also be included in a reference page at the end of the report.
ii. Formatting is crucial.
3. The parts of the report are discussed below and must include:
a. An overview of the corporation.
i. Provide general information regarding the type of business, products and/or services, location of headquarters, name of CEO, number of employees, and countries of operation, etc.
b. The latest financial statements
i. Get the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and the statement of owners equity for the past fiscal year. Cut and paste them in your report. Do not forget to cite the source under each statement.
ii. If you cannot cut and paste them, you may have to type in the information in a table in your report.
c. A summary of each financial statement
i. Take each statement and state the key parts in words. Tell a story from each of the financial statements. For example, for the income statement, the story starts like, Total Revenues in 2010 were $10 billion, while Cost of Goods Sold were $8 billion, leaving a gross profit margin of $2 billion, or 20 percent of total revenues.After taking out interest and taxes from EBIT, the net income was $0.5 billion, or 5 percent of total revenues.
d. Ratio calculation (five major types of ratios)
e. i. Organization this section based on the FIVE types of ratios listed, liquidity, asset management, debt management, profitability and market value. Calculate the ratios from the financial statements in part c above using Excel and present them in a table.
f. Comparison of ratios with industry averages (find industry averages online)
i. Find industry financial ratios online (eg., or google finance etc.) and compare your corporations ratios to these industry ratios.
ii. Present your results following the five types of ratios discussed in part d.
iii. A table with both corporation and industry ratios is required. You must also compare the ratios in words. Do NOT just give me a table.
g. Discussion of key statistics provided by sources like Yahoo finance, google, morningstar.
i. There are many different other statistics available for your corporation. These include market value, beta, and diluted EPS, etc. Discuss some of the key statistics that you think can assist you to determine if this corporation is a good buy or sell.
h. For you to decide if a corporations stock is a good buy or sell, you must forecast several key variables, including the stock price.
i. Use historical prices (5 years of monthly data recommended) and forecast the stock price for the next year. Use regression analysis, and/or moving average, etc. to create your forecast. This MUST BE DONE IN EXCEL
ii. Create a graph from the historical data and show your forecast on the same graph. You can add a trend line to the graph to help you with a forecast. Include the graph in your report.
iii. You need to say specifically what the forecasted value of the stock price is.
iv. You must address the question, Is this forecast reasonable? Must you amend your analysis to get a more reasonable forecast?
i. Other information pertinent to the corporation that could affect its future performance and stock price.
i. This could include dividend policy, capital structure, bond ratings, expert opinions on TV, new projects, litigation, regulation, etc. Search for information on the web regarding this corporation. Look at company complaint blogs, etc.
j. Recommendation regarding the future of this corporation.
i. Is the stock a good buy, average buy, or a poor buy (implying a good sell)?
ii. Include a justification of your recommendation based on your analysis and research.
k. ALL EXCEL FILES MUST BE IN ONE WORK BOOK (ratios etc) and must embedded into the word document.
PS I will upload an ebook which contains all the rations and the formula as well as the comments associated with each ratio. (ie whether it is good or bad) The book can be used as a reference.
You must follow APA 6th Edition
There are faxes for this order.

This is for a graduate financial management course. The two companies used for this paper will be Nike and Skechers Attached are a few items: a research paper ( I would like for this paper to resemble this format), grading rubic ( please adhere to exemplary), and the paper guidelines. If possible as one of the five sources being used,; In addition to the paper being 6 pages this does not include the charts ( financial ratios).

Below is an outline to corporate in addition to the attached guidelines and sample paper. Please contact by phone or email if there are any questions or concerns. 757-450-9352,, thank you.

I. Company Overview
II. Vunerability
-Technology Changes
III. Financial Analysis
-Profitability Ratios
-Asset Management Ratios
-Debt Ratios
-Stock Prices
Total Asset Turnover for the past three years ( 2010, 2011, 2012)

The paper should be spaced 1.5, Times New Roman 12, foot size in footnotes should be 10, the margins: left 4cm,right 2cm, top 3cm and the bottom 2cm, the text should be block style, the footnote shoul...d be separated from the text with a twelve spaced horizontal bar line.

The Outline of the paper:
1. Introduction

2. The Banking Sector
2.1. Introduction
2.2. History
2.3. Financial Intermediaries
2.4. Different Types of Banks

3. Structure of the Bank
3.1. The Banks Balance Sheet
3.2. Principles of Bank Management
3.2.1. Liquidity Management
3.2.2. Asset Management
3.2.3. Liability Management
3.2.4. Capital Adequacy Management

4. The Management of Risk in Banking
4.1. Introduction
4.2. The Origins of Risk
4.2.1. Credit Risk
4.2.2. Interest Rate Risk
4.2.3. Market Risk
4.2.4. Liquidity Risk
4.2.5. Operational Risk
4.3. The Function of Risk Management
4.3.1. The Three-Pillar Framework
4.3.2. The Risk Management Process
4.3.3. Integrated Risk Management

5. Introduction to Credit Risk Management
5.1. The Credit Process
5.2. The Credit Culture & Philosophy
5.3. Credit Risk Strategy

6. Credit Rating Systems
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Credit Ratings
6.2.1. External Credit Risk Ratings Standard & Poors Moodys Fitch
6.3 Internal Credit Risk Ratings
6.3.1 Risk Rating Systems
6.3.2. Quantitative Assessment Ratio Analysis Profitability Performance Liquidity and Solvency Efficiency Leverage and Debt Cash Flow and Debt Asset Valuation Cash flow adequacy Assessment of Company Management Measuring Company Management
6.3.3. Industry Porter Model Pestel Analysis SWOT-Analysis Industry Life Cycle Country Risk Political Risk

7. The Basel Accords and Credit Risk
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Structure of Basel II
7.2.1. Minimum Capital Requirements
7.2.2. Credit Risk Measure The Standardized Approach(STD) Internal Rating Based Approach(IRB) Credit Risk Mitigation
7.2.3. Supervisory Review Process
7.2.4. Market Discipline

7.3. Structure of Basel III
7.3.1. Capital Requirements
7.3.2. Leverage Ratio
7.3.3. Liquidity Requirements
7.3.4. Operational Risk

8. Application on the Banks Balance Sheet
8.1. Compliance of the Bank with Basel II/III
8.2. Interpretation of the Balance Sheet
8.3. Application of Credit Risk Criteria on the Banks Balance Sheet

9. Conclusion and Criticism

please use as resources:
Bessis, J. (2002). Risk Management in Banking (Second Edition). Wiley, Chichester, UK
Crouhy, M., Galai, D., & Mark, R. (2001). Risk Management. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill
Mishkin, F. S. (2007). The economics of money, banking, and financial markets (8th Edition). Boston, MA: The Addison-Wesley series in economics

he Final Project will involve applying the concepts learned in class to an analysis of a company using data from its annual report. Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the strengths ...and weaknesses of the company and write a report either recommending or not recommending purchase of the company stock.

The completed report should include:

An introduction to the company, including background information.
A complete and thorough financial statement review.
Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next two fiscal years, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for each of the next two years.
Complete ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories:

a. Liquidity
b. Financial leverage
c. Asset management
d. Profitability
e. Market value

Calculate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
Assess management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA).
Review of the soundness of the company?s financial policies (e.g. capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, etc.) based on the material covered during class.
A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company.

This report should be 15 ? 20 pages long excluding title page and reference page(s)


1. The Task: You are to play the role of a financial analyst working for a leading investment management company. Your boss, who also happen...s to be your instructor, has asked you to evaluate a company for possible inclusion in your firms portfolio. Specifically, your boss wants you to choose a company and describe its current financial status. You are to prepare a formal report of your efforts for your boss.

2. Information sources: Use this handout, the company's latest annual and quarterly reports, and business publications on the Internet and at the library as the basis for your analysis.

Good information sources on the Internet include:

? The companys own website (good for overview information, annual and quarterly reports).
? (search EDGAR for 10K and 10Q reports)
(see separate handout for specific instructions on using the SEC website)
? (Yahoo Financial Research)
? (annual reports here)
? Hoovers online ( (company data, stats)
? Reuters (
? MSN Money Central ( (these last two have industry averages important for your ratio analysis)
? Many others (Google search for your companys name, for example)

Note: is NOT an acceptable information source for your report. Since anybody can edit its information and the owners of the site do not attempt to verify the accuracy of what is posted, it does not meet minimum academic standards.

3. Format: The paper should be prepared in Microsoft Word. Use the outline that begins on the next page (recommend you copy and paste the outline into a new Word document and use it as the basis for your report).

4. Schedule: The paper is due on Aug 2, 2009. Do not be late! The course ends at 11:55 pm that night and I must submit grades within a few days.

Important Note on Using Information Obtained from the Internet

Caution: Most of the words in your report should be your own. Remember that the rule is that you should only quote when what has been stated is so unique that it would lose its impact or value if it were not kept together as a quote. (THIS IS RARELY THE CASE.) You may paraphrase and use quotes for emphasis when you need to, but when you do you must use quotes and identify the source of the information. APA style requires that you block indent long quotations. Given that requirement, I do not expect to see long quotes in your paper. Remember that you MUST provide a source for anything that is not your original words or thoughts. Failure to do so is a breach of the Webster University honor policy and will negatively impact your grade. Simply stated, it is plagiarism.

So to summarize, when you extract information from sources on the Internet for use in reports, there will be a strong temptation to copy and paste the information into your financial statement analysis. You should not routinely do this.

Citing sources on a reference page is not enough. Remember that words shown in your paper are presented as if they are your own unless you provide a citation so your readers know where the information came from. The identification of a source must be sufficient to allow the reader to go DIRECTLY to the source...including the page!

There are multiple style sheets available to show you how to cite outside work in your document. APA style is what has been adopted by Webster University so that is how the paper should appear. This approach enables the reader (me) to go directly to the source to confirm its veracity.

Be sure to ask me if you have any questions about the report in general or using quoted information in particular.

Good luck!

Your Instructor

Graded Project Report Outline
(Your report MUST follow this outline)

Financial Analysis of the xxxx Company
(address, phone number)

Your name, etc.

PART I, COMPANY OVERVIEW: (be sure to include these headings in your report!)

a. Brief description of the company (one paragraph, briefly summarizing the companys business)

b. Company history (origin, major developments, etc.)

c. Organization (describe how the company is structured)

Note Do NOT include a description or a lengthy list of the companys board of directors. Your readers do not care how the board is organized or who the board members are. They want to know how the whole company is structured.

d. Main products and services (describe what the company sells; how it makes money)

e. Geographic area of operations (locations of main plants, subsidiaries)

f. Recent developments (list recent major news stories, if any)

- and so on (you may modify or add to this list depending on the nature of your company)


a. Sales and Income Record:
----------------- Fiscal Years ------------------
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

?? Sales ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

?? Percent change in
sales each year ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

?? Net Income ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____

?? Percent change in
net income each year ____ ____ ____ ____ ____


?| (Plot Sales and Net Income for the
?| last six fiscal years on the graph)
?| (Recommend preparing the graph in Excel,
?| then copying and pasting into the report)
2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

COMMENTS: Comment on the trends you see in your numbers and on the graph.

Be sure to include comments! The numbers and the chart are meaningless by themselves. Comment on what you see.

b. Expense distribution:
FY 2008
Major Expenses:
(list the major expense categories ________
from the latest income statement. ________
Be sure to include COGS!) ________


Note Do not explode
the pie slices

(insert a pie chart of major expenses here)

COMMENTS: Comment on the companys expense distribution.

c. Assets and Capital Structure:

Year-end FY 2008
Cash ________
Accounts receivable ________
Inventory ________
Fixed Assets ________
Other Assets ________

CHART OF ASSETS, Year-end FY 2008

(insert a pie chart of major assets here)

COMMENTS: Comment on the companys asset distribution.

Year-end FY 2008
Capital Structure:

Current Liabilities ________
Long-term & Other Liabilities ________
Preferred Stock (if any) ________ Note Call your instructor
Common Equity ________ for instructions if common
equity is negative


(insert a pie chart showing capital structure here)

COMMENTS: Comment on the companys capital structure.


Include the following ratios in the following format:

Note: It is extremely difficult to obtain industry averages. Such information is available, but, with rare exceptions, you have to pay for it (which you are not required to do for this report). Sometimes you can find some industry average ratios at various websites (example: You can get some industry profitability ratios from Sometimes you can calculate the ratios yourself by averaging the ratios of several different competitor companies. An alternative is to just compare the company to is most significant competitor. Only as a LAST resort, when you cant find any of the information or do the calculations, insert not available. It is highly unlikely that you will use this LAST option. Do everything that you can to avoid taking this final option.

FY 2007 FY 2008
Current Ratio:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____

Quick Ratio:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____


Be sure to include comments! The numbers are meaningless by themselves. Comment
on what you see. What story do the numbers tell?

FY 2007 FY 2008
Total Asset Turnover:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____

Average Collection Period:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____


FY 2007 FY 2008
Total Debt to Total Assets:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____

Times Interest Earned:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____


FY 2007 FY 2008
Net profit Margin:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____

Return on Assets:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____

Return on Equity:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____


FY 2007 FY 2008
PE Ratio:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____

Market to Book Ratio:

Company ____ ____
Industry Avg ____ ____



? Summarize your analysis. Review your comments in the financial analysis section and provide your assessment of the overall status of the firm. Include any recommendations you think are appropriate.

? List any other recommendations you have for the firm in view of your analysis.

* End of report Outline *

See additional instructions on the following pages!

Obtaining Company Information
from the Securities and Exchange Commissions Website

1. With your computer online, go to This is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissions website.

2. At the website, click on Filings and Forms (EDGAR)

3. On the SEC Filings & Forms (EDGAR) page, click on Search for Company Filings. That will take you to the Search the EDGAR Database page.

4. At the Search the EDGAR Database page, click on Companies and Other Filers in the General-Purpose Searches column. This will take you to the EDGAR Company Search page.

5. At the EDGAR Company Search page, enter the name of your company in the box. Leave the other boxes blank. When you are done, click the gray Find Companies button.

6. A list of companies matching the name you typed in will appear. The list may be short or long, depending on how many companies share the same words in their company names. Scroll down the list and locate the specific company you are interested in (you may have to go through several pages if the list is really long.) When you find your company, click the long red number in the left hand column next to the company name. This will bring up a page with a list of forms on it. Note if there is only one company matching the name you typed in, the system will take you directly to the forms page. See the next paragraph.

7. On the forms page, scroll down the left hand column until you find an entry marked 10-K or 10-K405. These forms are the companys annual report.

(Note you will normally find more than one listed, because the companies file one for each year. The one you want is the one with the latest date. Check the date of the form in the Filing Date column on the right.)

When you have located the 10-K or 10-K405 form that you want, click on the red form number in the left hand column. When you do this, a bunch of hear information about the form will come up on the page.

8. Scroll down through the header information until you come to the first underlined link in red. It will say something like Document 1 - file: a2106077z10-k.htm. Click on this link. This will bring the 10-K report up on the screen.

9. At this point you can print the entire report (100+ pages!) or you can scroll down through the document to locate the part you are interested in. When you find it, simply highlight it with your mouse, and copy and paste it into a Word document for your review later on. Be careful here! You will be tempted to just paste it and move on. Dont do that.

This paper involves choosing 2 publicly traded companies who are direct competitors. After a brief company description, you will do a financial ratio analysis of both companies using multiple ratios from all five strandard ratio categories. ex. Liquidity ratio, asset management, profitability ratio, debt management, market value ratio. Using this information, you will highlight their financial reveal. The final product will be 8-10 pages in length with a side by side ratio comparisons.

This paper will be submitted to You can find information about companies on Mergent Online Ratio information can be found at MSN Money and yahoo finance,

Broad area of research is Finance- although I am MA Media student and

this written report covers unit called MEDIA FINANCE. It means that

demonstrated knowledge of financial is...sues in written report needs to be on good quality but logically not written in the same manner as for

someone to whom the finance is major subject of studies. Written report

should be assure criteria for good piece of work on Master level,

again taking into account that I am not finance student but MA media

student that has unit called media finance. I am mentioning this mainly from

the aspect of not being revealed of not doing this assignment, for instance by going

into some financial finesse which could only high trained
economists or financial experts

know- but on the other hand it must NOT be superficial. It has to be on good, in-depth quality

with good understanding of financial issues regarding subject/ assignment. So, please make

a proper balance between and have this in mind and be accurate.

Generally, please use UK English vocabulary and spelling. Regarding

this particular assignment it is obliged to use BRITISH FINANCIAL/

Accounting terminology consistently, from the beginning to the end, which is quite differs from US


a)Analyse performance of BSkyB (British Sky Broadcasting Group Plc)

a media company, listed on London Stock Exchange and its financial

health under following headings:

- Profitability

- Liquidity

- Solvency

- Efficiency and asset management

- Investor (stock market) ratios

It is not enough simply to give these ratios. They must be

INTERPRETED- what they tell about the firm? Are they typical e.g.:

might they be distorted in some way in a particular year? How do they compare

with other
firms (take ITV Broadcast to compare but focus is BSkyB!)

a1) Comment on any apparent strengths and weaknesses and suggest ways

of correcting latter.

b)Identify and discuss firms methods of both long- term and short-term financing.

Explain and justify its choice of financial structure.

This report should be prefaced with a pen- picture of the firm,

to give a BRIEF history, key financial data, and interpretation of its

business model and strategy etc.

Please leave more space for the actual task and not for pen picture of

the company. Pen picture should not be longer than 600 words.

When interpreting ratios, please take into account last 4 to 5 last

years performances of the firm. Every interpretation should be supported by evidence, as a logical output of ratios and other stated categories and should suit Master level of writing. Structure of report is highly important.

Please, be up- to date regarding any information given in the report.

Since this a written report, citations are not essentially vital like

in case of essay writing. However, use of sources for interpretation of

ratios as well as for other stated task is necessary. HARVARD style of

referencing is required accompanied with FREE bibliography, works

cited, or references page. Suggested books: Glautier & Underdown

Accounting theory and Practice, Atrill and McLaney Management Accounting

for Non- specialists, Britton and Waterston Financial

Accounting, Nobes Introduction to financial Accounting, Parker

Understanding Company Financial Statements, Proctor Finance for the

Perplexed Executive


Use of visual ads such diagrams, tables, sheets, if and when necessary.

I would like to get the paper as Microsoft Word

Could you please provide me with a copy of the sources, as well.

Please do not use Wikipedia and any other non-academic resources for

referencing purposes.

Overall word count, excluded bibliography- 3000 words.

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

writer: PHEELYKS

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia -

Do a financial analysis using ratios, comparative ratios and the annual cash flow statements available at data bases


You should analyze and evaluate liquidity, asset management, debt management, profitability and market value ratios of the firm. Use the Dupont Ratio (see fax) when analyzing profitability. Your analysis should be based on five years of annual financial statement data.*

Your analysis should include a table that summarizes the ratios discussed in your analysis.

Your analysis should be related to past and current articles in periodicals and other qualitative information regarding Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia. Comment on company's performance and its future potential in your analysis. Include own analysis and views.

Thank you pheelyks for all your assistance - you have been an amazing help!

*I paid extra for the analysis in the event that the cost did not include it.
*If you need any extra time, please let me know in advance

5 pages plus one table page
There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that

There are faxes for this order.

Customer is requesting that (pheelyks) completes this order.

Please assign to individual familiar with Asford University Business 401 course: Principles of Finance.

Evaluation of Corporate Performance

For the Final Paper, you will apply the co...ncepts learned in class to an analysis of a company using data from its annual report. Using the concepts from this course, you will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the company. You will then write a report either recommending or not recommending purchase of the company stock.

Research Tip: The Mergent database in the Ashford University Library contains company profiles and financial information for publicly traded companies and their competitors. To access this database, enter the Ashford University Library by clicking the ?Library? link on the left navigation bar in your online course. Once you are in the Library, select ?Find Articles and More? in the top menu panel. Next, select ?Databases A-Z? and go to section M to access the Mergent database. For help with using Mergent, use ?Mergent Online Quick Tips.?

For help with reading an annual report access this handy guide from Money Chimp.

The completed report should include:

An introduction to the company, including background information.
A complete and thorough financial statement review.
Pro Forma financial statements (balance sheet and income statement) for the next fiscal year, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales and cost of goods sold (COGS) for the next year.
Complete ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories:
Financial leverage
Asset management
Market value
Calculate return on equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
Calculate economic value added.
A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company.

This report should be eight to ten pages long excluding title page and reference page(s). Use APA 6th edition formatting guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from at least five scholarly resources; such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the Ashford University Library.

Writing the Final Paper
The Final Paper:

Must be double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
Must include a cover page that includes:
Title of paper
Student's name
Course name and number
Instructor's name
Date submitted
Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must use at least five scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library.
Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the approved APA style guide.
Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Is Caterpillar a Buy?

analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the Caterpillar and write a report recommending whether or not to purchase the company stock.

The completed report should include:

?An introduction to the company, including background information.
?A financial statement review.
?Pro Forma financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statement) for the next two fiscal years, assuming a 10% growth rate in sales and Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for each of the next two years.
?A ratio analysis for the last fiscal year using at least two ratios from each of the following categories:

a. Liquidity
b. Financial leverage
c. Asset management
d. Profitability
e. Market value

?Calculate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system.
?Assess management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA).
?Evaluate the soundness of the company?s financial policies (e.g. capital structure, debt, leverage, dividend policy, etc.) based on the material covered during class.
?A synopsis of your findings, including your recommendations and rationale for whether or not to purchase stock from this company.

This report should be 15 to 20 pages long, excluding title page and reference page(s), using APA 6th edition formatting guidelines. Support your findings and recommendations with evidence from at least five scholarly sources in addition to the annual report, such as the textbook, industry reports, and articles from the Ashford University Library. Be sure to include links to websites that were used as references or to access company information.

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