American Media Essays Prompts

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United States Still the World's



Is the US still the worlds dominant media economy? With reference to BOTH academic sources AND contemporary reports discuss its potential rivals and the actual impact of American media on other countries.

-Length: 2,500 words
(You can go 10 per cent higher or lower, so the range is 2,250??"2,750 words excluding the question and the bibliography)

Please make reference to examples and academic reading (books, academic articles) not just web sources. Please do not base your essay on Wikipedia (although its great for initial information) or dubious web sources.

Key books for this course include:

-Lee Artz and Yahya Kamalipour, eds (2007) The Media Globe: Trends in
International Media. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.

- James Curran and Myung-Jin Park (eds) (2000) De-Westernizing Media Studies.
London. Routledge. Available as an e-book.

-Daniel Hallin and Paolo Mancini (2004) Comparing Media Systems. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press. 302.234 COM. Available as an e-book.

-Jonathan Hardy (2008) Western Media Systems. London: Routledge.

-Daya Thussu (2008) News as Entertainment: The Rise of Global Entertainment.
London Sage. Available as an e-book.

-Daya Thussu, (2009) Internationalizing Media Studies. London: Routledge.
Available as an e-book.).

-Jeremy Tunstall (2008) The Media were American. Oxford: Oxford University

The Media in North America:

Essential reading:

Hallin Daniel, and Paolo Mancini (2004) Comparing Media Systems. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, Chapter 7 p. 198-248. Available as an e-book.
Electronic Resources

Additional reading:

Artz, L. (2007) The Corporate Model from National to Transnational in Lee Artz and
Yahya Kamalipour (eds) The Media Globe: Trends in International Media. Lanham:
Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 141-63.
Curtin, M. and J. Shattuc (2009) The American Television Industry. London. BFI.
Emery, M. (1992) The Press and America: An Interpretive History of the Mass Media
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.
Lotz, A. (2007) The Television will be Revolutionized. New York. New York University
Mittel, Jason (2010) Television and American Culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Snow, N. (2002) Propaganda Inc.: Selling Americas Culture to the World New York:
Seven Stories Press
Scott, V. (2008) Google. Westport: Greenwood Press
Snickars, P. and Vonderau (2009) The YouTube Reader. Stockholm: National Library of
Steemers, J (2004) Selling Television. London: BFI. See Chapter 5.
Tunstall, J. (1999) The Anglo-American Media Connection. Oxford: Oxford University
Tunstall, J. (2008) The Media were American. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Turow, J. (2009) Media Today 3rd Edition. New York: Routledge. Available as an e-book.

There are faxes for this order.

Essay Two: How Free Are the American Media?


In his letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, written in 1887, Lord Acton said, ?Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.?

Most of us have heard the first part of this quotation, but not the second. It raises some interesting questions about the nature of power, particularly within the framework of government and business. It has a decidedly Christian ring to it that harkens back to that age-old aphorism, ?Money is the root of all evil.? Obviously, wealth and power tend to compliment each other. Many would argue that each carries a gravitational force that attracts the other.

In Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, John Perkins describes his indoctrination, duties and subsequent disenchantment with the National Security Agency?specifically in relation to the way this organization has targeted the economies of developing countries as a way to raise capital and forward US foreign policy goals. Many of these goals were (and continue to be) covert, meaning they have not been disclosed to the American public . . . at least until 2004, when the book was first published. Perkins? narrative takes on the form of a ?confessional? by telling us for the first time precisely how these operations have been carried out in the past.


Research one tragic historical event that is present in Perkins? book, and then expand upon it with some research. You don?t need to use details found within the assigned chapters in the book. The whole thing is at your disposal. This assignment is designed to encourage you to snoop around in other parts of the book. So by all means, don?t restrict yourself to the assigned readings.

Please keep in mind that your paper is not simply a book report on the historical event in question. Rather, it is an analysis of the way this event was "spun" in the mainstream US media. The Panama Invasion and replacing Noriega, is perhaps the easiest topic to analyze in this regard. The installation of the Shaw in Iran is another. This was covered heavily in the US media. A third might center around 9/11. As you know, this event was reported more heavily in the US media than anything else in modern history; however, the mainstream reportage was quite different from independent reportage. As of late, the research of Dr. Judy Wood is especially interesting. She coined the term "dustification." You can find interviews with her on Youtube. Simply type in the key words "Red Ice Creations" and "Wood." Her interviews will come up. This might serve as a suitable introduction to her no-nonsense scientific stance on what really happened to the twin towers. She contends that the mass which fell was not consistent with the normal amount of mass found in controlled demolitions (11-13% of the original total height of a structure). She also focuses on things like the degredation of metals, etc.

This said, anything is fair game, so if you find something juicy in one of these assigned chapters that you find personally interesting, by all means feel free to use it. The only thing I would caution you is to research the event in terms of how much outside information you can find on the internet (see below for the second part of this assignment). Please do remember that your essay should focus its primary attention on media coverage rather than simply narrating a historical event in your own words. While you will need to summarize the event briefly, this aspect of your essay should be no more than 20% of the overall word count. Please do not attempt to summarize the event in your introduction. The proper place for catching up the reader on background information is in your essay's body.

*As always, never assume your reader is familiar with the information your are writing about. Always assume your reader does not know about it. PCC requests that all research papers in WR 122 should be written from this basic standpoint.

Aside from the topic, here are the basic requirements of Essay Two:

Make reference to John Perkins at least once and paraphrase or cite information about the tragic event as it is presented in his book.

Find 1 additional outside source (different from Perkins) and weave it into your expose. What is the official explanation that was offered by the American media during the time period when it happened? Did this differ from coverage in other countries? Although I truly love it when people find articles from international papers that were published when these events happened . . . . here is my concession to the obvious difficulty posed by locating articles in other languages and countries: If you have problems digging up international coverage at the time, then feel free to fall back on independent media sources in America that have come out with documentaries and articles in the meantime. Perkins book is a fairly good example of information about Anglo-American imperialism leaking out through the major media (Plume books is a subsidiary of Penguin, one of the largest publishers in the world). When Perkins was working for MAIN as an economic hit man, US media coverage at the time did not expose much of what was happening in this regard; however, since the 1970?s, scores of other books and documentaries have explored what really happened in this regard. All of the information from these sources are fair game to use in your paper. Any of them can count as your additional outside source.

Please include a thesis statement, strong evidence to support a basic thesis statement (see Chapter 28 in Hacker?s Pocket Style Manual). Your thesis statement will be easier to support if you choose an event that shows obvious negligence or indicates some form of covert complicity on the part of the press (in relation to the CIA?s and the NSA?s agenda).

Do not use first person anywhere in this paper. Rather, you should endeavor to write in a journalistic style that ?lets the facts speak for themselves.?


In 1786, Thomas Jefferson wrote, ?Our liberty cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press, nor that be limited without danger of losing it.? He also felt strongly that the most effective way to pacify a nation is through the mass media. In fact, Jefferson even went so far as to say that a despotic government always keeps ?a kind of standing army of news writers who, without any regard to truth, or to what should be like truth, [fabricate] and put into the papers whatever might serve the ministers. This suffices with the mass of the people who have no means of distinguishing the false from the true paragraphs of a newspaper.?

Click here for more of Jefferson's quotes regarding the press.

One Additional Requirement: Somewhere in your paper, please reference Jefferson?s sentiment in one of his quotes about a free press, and discuss any light it sheds on American press coverage surrounding the event you have chosen (at the time it happened). Including a paraphrase or direct quote from Jefferson in your paper is an additional requirement beyond the two outside sources. If you forget to include it, you will be docked content points.

If you are a little rusty on the best way to transition into a source, please review Chapters 5 and 30 in Hacker's Pocket Style Manual. You will be graded on your ability to smoothly introduce a quotation by Jefferson. If it comes out of the blue, and is presented out of context, that will fall under the auspices of poor transitioning (Chapter 5). If, on the other hand, you stumble in your ability to introduce a quotation within a sentence or in a longer quotation format, then that would fall under the auspices of introducing nonfiction source material (Chapter 30).

Rewrite Option

This essay is eligible for rewrite. See calendar for due dates.

Penalty for Late Submission: If you have extenuating circumstances (such as a grave illness), you must send me an email at least three (3) days before the due date. This only applies to the posting of Essay Two for the instructor to grade, not the peer review, which is due one week earlier. You cannot submit your peer review of any essay late. If you miss it, you have the option to make up as many points as possible by doing the extra credit assignment.

Here is the penalty chart for late submissions of Essay Two:

24 hours or less after the cut-off time/date: 1% deducted from grade + ineligible for a rewrite later
24-48 hours after cut-off time/date: 5% deducted from grade + no rewrite
48-120 hours (2-5 days) after cut-off time/date: 10% deducted from grade + no rewrite
120-168 hours (one week) after cut-off time/date: 20% deducted from grade + no rewrite
No submissions for this essay will be accepted later than one week after the cut-off date/time

Technical Specifications

Word count: 1,000-word minimum/1,300-word maximum. Essays which fail to meet the minimum word count will not receive comments, only a grade.
12 point font
Avoid run-ons, fragments, comma splices, and dangling modifiers LIKE THE PLAGUE
Title should be centered two spaces under header; body left justified with one of the following: block formatted paragraphs with one extra blank line between them, or, paragraphs indented 5 spaces with no extra lines between them
Header in the upper left that includes the following:
Your name (The name that appears in the class grade book. Do NOT change your first or last name from what appears in D2L!)


Precise word count

Essay One

Please note: To determine a precise word count, high light your text (aside from the header), then use the ?tools? pull-down menu and go to ?word count.?

*Please note: I do not reward length over content in essays. Quality is infinitely more important than quantity. Just because you write a really long paper, this won?t guarantee a high grade.

If you need help with your essay, who you gonna call? Whoooo whooo, indeed. Those wise old owls at the Online Writing Lab, of course! The faculty tutors at OWL are always ready and willing to offer assistance. So, when you want an extra set of wise old eyes to look over your paper, go to the link on the course homepage with the big owl. And be sure to give the tutor a day or so to read your paper before getting back to you.

Note to writer:
1. Before starting, I?d like the writer to contact me first, to check as to what the research proposal requires. I?d like to make sure the writer understands completely what is required so that there is no confusion and the need for rewrites.

2. This research proposal is to be written in such a way to reflect that a research will take place based on this proposal. The research HAS NOT TAKEN PLACE yet. Hence, this is a research PROPOSAL.

3. Referencing needs to be in the APA (American Psychological Association) style as a guide for in-text referencing and for the list of references at the end of the proposal.

4. In a nutshell: The writer is to prepare a research proposal that will reflect how the American media (print, broadcast & online) portrays Islam?s connection to terrorism post-9/11. In other words, it will research ?When an average American audience picks up the morning paper and reads an article about terrorism on the front page ? what are the first two things that pop into their minds? 1. Muslim extremists. 2. The September 11, 2001 attacks on America.? And why is this? Because of the one-sidedness of the American media, where America is always portrayed as the victim because of 9/11.

5. Please follow my proposal format below:

Introduction & Identification of Project Topic (not more than 1 page)
- Statement of the problem: What is to be investigated & why

Literature Review & Contextualising the topic within existing knowledge and consideration of the relevant theoretical perspectives (maximum of 2 pages)
- Look at about 10 relevant studies (maximum of 1 paragraph per study)

Theoretical Perspective
- What are the theories to be revealed?
- What is the intellectual debate being addressed
- Which theoretical framework is the most appropriate to this study? Is it:
o Agenda setting
o Media as part of the social system (functionalism)
o Media as the ?gatekeeper?
o Cultural imperialism
o New Audience Research

Methodological Considerations (include advantages & disadvantages)
- What method to use & why?
o Survey
o Content Analysis
- Time period of the study and scope (how long to do it for)
- Justify reason for type of media and time span
- Units of analysis (how do you analyse)
- What media & why it?s chosen
- Samples: Comparisons with other studies using similar methods

Summary & Conclusion

Minority Groups in the Media

dedicate about one page for each of the following:

Compare and contrast the pre-World War II anti-Semitic depiction of European Jews to the depiction of Muslims in Western media today

How did 9/11 affect the depiction of American Muslims in American media?

Use one
Article call "Rough on Rats" by James Chan (the writer who work on my order
can find the article at the address and
the writer who is going to work on my order needs to find the other source
(it should be between the year 2000-2004) about Chinese American racial
stereotypes on American media. Combine these 2 sources and explain how the
Chinese American racial stereotypes on American media exist from past until
now and how they change their forms.

A Person of Interest

Scarcely a week after Sept. 11, 2001, Americans learned of a new threat of terrorism letters tainted with anthrax. The first such letters were postmarked from Trenton, N.J. and sent to the New York Post and NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw. A New Jersey letter carrier began to show symptoms of an unusual illness on September 27, but it wouldnt be identified as anthrax exposure until after the death of Bob Stevens, a photo editor at American Media Inc. in Boca Raton, Fla. Stevens died of inhalation anthrax. By the end of November, five people would die from the disease and 17 more would be infected, while nearly 30,000 others would be given antibiotics. Congress shut down for two days after contaminated letters were mailed to Senators Tom Daschle and Patrick Leahy.

By October 2001, as multiple agencies tried to trace the infection, it became clear that the anthrax had originated from a strain grown at Iowa State University in Ames. Tests also showed not only that some of the anthrax was very refined but also that some had been weaponized making it more likely to be inhaled. There were at least 200 people in the United States who were thought to have the expertise to do this, but only 30 to 40 had access to the Ames.

Careful not to label anyone a suspect prematurely, the FBI spend months repeatedly interviewing and investigating 20 to 20 persons of interest who had worked or did work for federal lbs on contract. Media outlets worldwide followed the investigation. As part of their work, reporters kept an eye on discussion boards and statements coming from the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) on the Web. Dr. Barbara hatch Rosenberg, a molecular biologist at the University of New York at Purchase and chairwoman on a biological weapons panel at FAS, is familiar with the work of scientists in the close-knit biological weapons community and had been acting as an advisor to the FBI.

On Feb. 19, 2002, Rosenberg made a statement at Princeton University claiming that the FBI had identified and twice questioned the man responsible for the anthrax attacks but was dragging its feet because the man was a former government scientist. In her comments, which also had been the subject of discussion at the FAS Web site for months, Rosenberg stated that many scientists in the field knew of the suspect who may have formerly worked at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease at Fort Derick, Md., and was currently working as a contractor in the Washington, D.C. area. Her comments were first reported in the Trenton Times and then slowly picked up by other U.S. media outlets.

The news coverage died down after a few months until early June were news organizations were tipped that the FBI would be searching the Maryland home and Florida storage locker of a bioweapons expert on June 25. Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, a former Fort Derick scientist, was first interviewed by the FBI in December 2001. Like some of the other 20 to 30 scientists who were deemed persons of interest Hatfill consented to the searches. At that time, the agency had searched the homes of 25 other scientists with little to no media coverage. Just like the other searches, the FBI found nothing in the Hatfill searches but chose to keep him as a person of interest. And unlike the other searches the Hatfill investigation received extensive and ongoing media coverage.
It is likely that some news organization had been aware that Hatfill was a possible targe5t since December 2001 because his name and gossip about him had appeared on the FAS Web site. According to the articles and transcripts that covered the Hatfill case, there was plenty about his past that made him a likely suspect. ABC News, among others, reported that the FBI was interested in Hatfill partly because he had attended medical school in Zimbabwe in the late 1970s, near a Greendale elementary school Greendale School appeared as the phony return address on one of the tainted letters sent to the Senate. In the early 1990s, Hatfill worked as a researcher for the National Institutes of Health (NIH). During this time he was widely quoted in newspaper articles as a bioterrorism expert and often gave lectures on the dangers of biowarfare.
After leaving the NIH, Hatfill had worked in the virology division of the Armys biodefense laboratory at Fort Derick from 1997 to September 1999. A Fort Derick spokesman told the Associated Press that the virology division studies how to protect military personnel from biological weapons. The spokesman said that while Hatfill probably had access to the Amex anthrax strain, it wasnt part of his primary duties. In 1999, however, Hatfill commissioned a report that describes placing 2.5 grams of a simulated form of anthrax into a business envelope.
On March 4, Hatfill was fired from his job a Science Applications International Corp., a Pentagon and CIA contractor that helps the government with biological defenses. Hatfill told the Baltimore Sun that he had been fired because journalists were constantly pursuing him. Later Hatfill lost a research job at Louisiana State University as a result of the investigation.
In August 2002, the FBI performed a second search of Hatfills apartment and again found nothing. By the time Hatfill held a press conference on August 11, the FBI had searches his home twice, his car, his storage facility in Florida and his girlfriends apartment with no success. Despite not being able to place Hatfill in New Jersey when the letters were sent, the FBI decided not to change Hatfills person of Interest status. Out of about 20 to 30 persons of interest investigated, Hatfills name was the only one to have been released publicly.
He was never formally charged with any crime or officially named a suspect.

This case study is the basis of your 750 word paper. The paper should focus on answering these questions.

What errors were made in the coverage of this story?
What steps should have been taken in vetting this story? What guidelines or rules could be put in place to ensure that this does not happen again.
If you were the editor of a paper, would you run some or any of this story.

Remember to slug your paper this way
Your name
Person of Interest

3)Please use the webpage for the department of Homeland Security as well.

*** you can find all the information you need in these websites. thanks. I need about 10 to 15 sources, so maybe you can look other websites if necessary****

Here is the RESEARCH PROPOSAL: Use this to help you write the research paper:


The Department of Homeland Security is designed to protect the country against various threats. Most notably, it is designed to protect the United States from terrorism on American soil. This particular department was created after the terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001. It is a cabinet-level post and the need for it was seen after the attacks. Originally, it appeared that very few, if any, people in the United States, in the government or otherwise, thought that the United States would be or could be vulnerable to terrorists. Many of the countries that had grudges against the United States or that did not get along with the country were shown by the American media to be poorly organized and certainly not brave enough to attack the most powerful nation in the world.
However, September 11, 2001 proved people wrong. It did something else as well, however. It showed the American people that they were vulnerable and that they must be more careful. It also showed the government that it must take more steps to protect the American citizens and others living within its borders, and that the terrorists in other countries had been seriously underestimated. With this realization, the Department of Homeland Security was created. There was some governmental reorganization that took place during this time as individuals that were believed to be worthy of this type of position were appointed to various posts that had been newly created in an effort to ensure the future safety of the country and make those that live in the United States begin to feel secure again.

Whether the Department of Homeland Security is actually working well is something that is still strongly debated. There are those that feel it is doing a great job, and there are those that feel it is only a name without much backing behind it. There are several reasons for the different opinions that these individuals have. The main reason that many feel the department is doing its job is that there have been no more serious terrorist attacks on American soil. This is, naturally, very important. However, those that do not feel the department is doing enough are very concerned that there are still so many problems with Iraq and that many of the United States? most sincere enemies (such as Osama bin Laden) have still not been captured.
Even though the department is supposed to protect the United States, there is reason to believe that terrorists would attack again if they felt that they could, and therefore the department?s job is also to see that these terrorists are stopped in other countries before they have a chance to harm the United States again. While this is undoubtedly a difficult job, the largest concern remains the fact that it does not appear to be getting done. Little has actually been accomplished and therefore the Department of Homeland Security is falling under the scrutiny of many. It does not appear as though it is ?managing for results.?

Research Objectives
There are four research objectives that are expected to be accomplished. These objectives are:
1) Collect information through a thorough literature review regarding the creation of the Department of Homeland Security.
2) Interview individuals that are in the military to determine what they think of what their government is doing with this department.
3) Interview civilians to determine what they think of what their government is doing with this department.
4) Contact the Department of Homeland Security in order to determine what those that work in this department see as their objectives and what they feel has been accomplished. (This may not be attainable due to security concerns, but it will be attempted).

Research Methods
The research methods for this particular study will deal primarily with a review of literature and information that has already been collected or created by others when it comes to the Department of Homeland Security. This will include, books, articles, magazines, newspapers, media transcripts, and any other type of print information that may be located. If any Internet sources are used, they must be reputable sources, such as University or Government web pages. This information will be used in the literature review and also used for a qualitative analysis of the data in order to help determine whether the Department of Homeland Security is actually doing the job that it has set out to do, or whether there are problems and issues that need to be resolved.
The rest of the research will deal with interviews with military personnel and civilians, and presumably with the Department of Homeland Security itself. These interviews will also be included in the data analysis section in order to determine what public feeling is toward this department and what the department itself has to say regarding its record and the concerns that individuals in this country are voicing when it comes to whether they are any more secure now.


Chapter I: The Problem
Statement of the Problem
Research Questions/Assumptions
Main Question(s)
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms

Chapter II: Review of the Literature
Availability of Literature
Organization of the Literature Review
Literature Review

Chapter III: Survey Methodology
Description of Research
Data Gathering
Data Analysis

Chapter IV: Presentation and Analysis of Survey Data
Presentation of Data
Analysis of Results

Chapter V: Conclusions and Recommendations

Works Cited

HIS/145 The American Experience Since 1945

Anticommunism and McCarthyism Paper

Themes of anticommunism preoccupied the American media from 1947 to 1954. Major topics included the coup in Czechoslovakia, the Korean War, the House Un-American Activities Committee, Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, and Joseph McCarthy.

Resources: ProQuest Historical Newspapers

Identify at least three different articles from the ProQuest Historical Newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, and Christian Science Monitor) written between 1947 and 1954 to see how these events were covered by the media.

Write a 700-word paper about anticommunism and McCarthyism during this period, including examples or quotes from each of the three articles you located. Address the following:

?The differences between anticommunism and McCarthyism

?The perspective from which the media covered anticommunism and McCarthyism

?American foreign policy decisions impacted by anticommunism

?How Americans? lives changed because of the Red Scare

Please cite references correctly please..

Examining Roku

1. This is a research paper for an upper division class in a 4-year university.The paper is for a final presentation for the class of "American Media and Entertainment Industries." The course concerns the economic characteristics of American media and entertainment industries with an emphasis on broadcasting, cable TV, and online video affregation and streaming.

2. Please notice that the total number of pages is 6, BUT 1- 2 pages should be an annotated bibliography. Please collate the research into a short ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY substantiating where you obtained supporting info. for my final presentation. Consult Kate Turbian, A manual for writers of term papers, thesis, and dissertations, 6th ed. for help with proper annotated bibliography. (please see the attached file) The annotated bibliography should be typed in SINGLE-SPACED!

3. The research topic for this paper is the media company(video player) "ROKU." Please do not provide the background of the company but MAINLY focus on the areas of DISTRIBUTION & AUDIENCE MEASUREMENT.

4. The primary goal with this project is to give others an in-depth analysis of ROKU in relation to the framework for "competitive advantage"as outlined in Jonathan Knee, et al. The Curse of the Mogul, CH.2:"The Landscape of Competitive Advantage."

5. The sources could collect from books and industry trade periodicals, to scholarly journals and reputable sources on the Web. (also can be interviews, TV programs)

6. Lastly, please write the paper for me to easier making a presentation.

Please taking care of my paper and let me know if you have any questions!
There are faxes for this order.

Hi, this is Yoonki, and I am from Korea.
My writing class gives that the topic is "Higher Education."
This essay is about Annotated Bibliography, and it should be include "two paragraphs."
You can choose any resources, but it should be include the topic which is about higher education.
For example, raise tuition fee, internation student policy... etc.
Also, you should consider that "I am international student."
Please don't use difficult words and grammar because I am not a native speaker.
If you use difficult words and grammar, my teacher know that.
I would like to get back this paper at 4:00 pm 10/28/2009.
Please, send me the paper as soon as possible..
Please, think about written conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, apitalization),word choice (efficiency, clarity, and variety of words),sentence fluency (correction of awkward phrases, run-on sentences), overall organization (paragraph and essay structure).

Please don't forget to write topic, name of athor and name of source.
Also, please write more second paragraph(opinion) than first paragraph.

Here is sample of Annotated Bibliography (two paragraphs)
this is not about our topic, it just sample.

[Annotated Bibliography]

Topic: In American science fiction stories, the construction of fictional aliens is directly related to legal, political, and cultural definitions of "illegal aliens."

Said, Edward W. The politics of Dispossesion: The Struggle for Palestinian Determination 1969-1994. New york: Random, 1994.

In this essay, Said examines the ways in which Palestinians are represented in various discourses in the United States. The essay begins with an assertion that, even as far back as the Puritan colonization of the "New World," there has been an ideological mission in dominant American culture to incorporate diverse cultures located within the geographical boundaries of the United States into a single, distinctly "American: identity. Today, Said sees a relationship between politics and media representations that produces a consensus that is not strictly the ideology of a particalar class, but rather sets limits on what can and cannot be expressed in contemporary America. Said then goes on to explain how American media constructs a fictional concept of the "Arab" by representing the MiddleEast as exotic, primitive, and decidedly "un-American"

Said's essay provides me with a very useful theoretical model of the ways in which "aliens" are constructed in political and media representations. Much of his argument is based on Foucault's discussions of discursive practices and the fuction of power in Western society, but Said has a much more positive view of the ability to disrupt discursive practices and challenge existing systems of power. Unlike other authors I've read, Said does not adopt the position that ideology is purely the product of the dominant class, but rather that it is an intricate network of practices that operate within a culture. His discussion of specific media images of Arabs is similar to my intended project, particularly my research into the relationship between fictional aliens and the cultural paranoia concerning immigration in the United States.

Complete this essay assignment . . . I will also email the hard copy of this assignment:

Page 1 of 7 -
Writing Assignment: In response to the Reading Assignment, compose an essay using Microsoft Word on your own computer. Include your full name and UC ID# at the top of your paper. There are three required sections and each should be labeled:
1. Summary: Write a one paragraph summary of the passage. A summary describes the main points of a text but uses fewer words. A summary does not contain your opinion.
2. Essay: Write a multi?paragraph essay responding to the arguments in the assigned passage; agree, disagree, or modify the author?s arguments. Use examples from the passage and your own experiences to develop and support your points, ideas, and/or opinions. You should spend most of your time on this portion of the English Placement essay.
3. Reflection: Reread your essay. Write a paragraph in which you explain what you did well in your essay and what you think are your weaknesses.
Your writing will be evaluated based on your ability to:
1. Understand the reading and present the main ideas in the summary.
2. Express your ideas clearly in the summary, in the essay, and in the reflection.
3. Support your ideas in the essay with specific examples and details.
4. Use Standard English. Reading Assignment: ?Reality TV Fosters Sadism? by Michael Good speed Originally published on 15 April 2004. "The function of science fiction is not always to predict the future but sometimes to prevent it."? Frank Herbert, author of the Dune chronicles Bestselling horror author Stephen King is loathe to grant interviews. As he has written in countless Forwards of his popular novels, journalists "who should really know better" never fail to ask the most asinine question of all: "Where do you get your ideas?" The question implies that a writer can make withdrawals from the magical "idea bank" when the natural well spring of his imagination runs dry. Actually, that may not be far from the truth. As King himself wrote,"...great ideas are not so much invented as discovered." I've often wondered about the role of
Page 2 of 7 the collective unconscious in the creative process. Perhaps this could account for the apparently unintentional ability of some fiction writers to predict the future. The last few years must have King feeling like Nostradamus. In the late 60's, while King was still in high school, he wrote the shocking novella Rage, a story whose protagonist is a psychotic young man who takes his father's gun to school and murders his teachers and principal. After the string of school shootings in the 90's (including two instances when the killers cited King's book as inspiration), King voluntarily took Rage out of distribution. On the issue of media influence on youth violence, King once said, "Marilyn Manson and Metallica never caused anyone to kill...but these things act as accelerants." But other early writings of King (Bachman) have proved even more prescient. Two Bachman novellas, The Long Walk and The Running Man, tell stories of a bleak and once unthinkable future that is unquestionably coming to fruition. In the alternative universe of The Long Walk, the USA's most celebrated national sport/cultural event/pastime is a grisly endurance event where the participants compete for their very lives. Young men VOLUNTARILY sign on for The Long Walk, a race to the death where 100 teenagers begin walking and do not stop until they get their respective "tickets." Getting a "ticket" results from dropping below the minimum walking speed of four MPH a total of four times in less than one hour. But a "ticket" is not so much a "ticket" as a bullet to the brain. The race continues until one boy is left walking. This lucky young chap will receive a mysterious reward known only as The Prize. The boys who choose to compete in the Long Walk are celebrated as true "patriots." They are "honored" to be gunned down by rifle?toting Army automatons in front of a national TV audience. The boys cry, plead, clutch cramped legs, and beg for mercy from the placid soldiers...all of whom carry out their "orders" with stoic efficiency. Ratings for The Long Walk, and the resulting advertising revenue, are truly astronomical. The Running Man tells an equally cruel, though slightly less stomach churning, tale. Its protagonist is Benjamin Richards, an out of work breadwinner for a family of two, unemployed in a barren economy and forced to risk his life on a macabre game show called The Running Man. Richards' task is to elude capture for 30 days
Page 3 of 7 from law enforcement and a group of trackers called The Hunters. Citizens are told that Richards is a criminal, and will receive cash rewards as "patriots" if they turn him in. If Richards remains free for 30 days, his prize is a billion dollars. If he gets caught, he gets executed in the most violent manner imaginable on national television. The world of the Running Man is worse than an Orwellian nightmare. Huge chemical companies (including the aptly named Raygon Chemical) have poisoned the atmosphere so severely that young children are dying of lung cancer. Only the wealthy can afford to breathe healthy air, provided by "nose filters" which run at several thousand dollars a pop (the secret is, nose filters can be made by anyone for a few dollars of cheap material.) The ending of the Running Man features a chilling synchronism. Richards faces a choice of either joining the evil Network which poisons the air and broadcasts the Running Man...or he can die and take down as many "bad guys" as possible. He hijacks a plane and flies it into the Network's corporate headquarters, the tallest tower in downtown New York. (By the way, if you think I'm implying that the victims of 9/11 were "bad guys," or that the terrorists were "heroes," THINK AGAIN! As recently as 10 years ago, King's scenarios, while undeniably chilling, seemed little more than unmitigated fantasy. Could anyone imagine a world where Americans would stand by and cheer while human beings were slaughtered for sheer entertainment? A recent trend in American media proves that King's speculation was not only plausible, but shockingly fortuitous. In 2004, the highest rated network television shows are so?called REALITY programs. This trend began in the late 90's, when CBS brought us the immensely popular Survivor series. This show features very attractive people walking around scantily clad on a desert island, nearly starving to death, battling for food and other goodies in inane "competitions" such as eating giant worms and walking on hot coals, and generally conniving, plotting, and scamming one another for the best chance to stay on the show and win a million bucks. Indeed, the "winner" of Survivor has often been the biggest jerk who was most adept at forming sinister plots.
Page 4 of 7 Survivor creator Mark Burnett has come under scathing criticism for his latest proposed "reality" program. Burnett has pitched to CBS a show called Recovery, which will feature real? life "investigations" and man?hunts into active missing children cases. The people conducting the "hunts" will not be professional law enforcement, but independent bounty hunters and private investigators. CBS' preliminary publicity material describes the show as taking "viewers along on an emotional and life?changing ride, from the abduction to the search in all its intensity to the reunion of child and parents." Child advocacy groups are generally appalled by the concept. "The idea for Mark Burnett's new reality show of snatching children sickens me," said Lindsey Brooks, investigating manager for Child Quest International in Campbell, Calif. "These children he plans to recover have already been extremely emotionally damaged by being abducted. Now Burnett wants to exploit them by being on a TV show." At least Recovery would have the redeeming value of attempting to save real children. Other "reality" shows have plumbed the depths of mankind's potential for sadism and cruelty. The "entertainment" of these shows is provided by the physical, emotional, and spiritual anguish of its participants, many of whom are 100% non?consenting. The highest rated television show in the USA is American Idol, a "talent" competition for aspiring young dancers and singers. The real "entertainment" of the show is provided by judge Simon Cowell, who verbally disembowels the show's participants with allegedly "humorous" insults. Heavy metal artist Ozzy Osbourne had this to stay about the viciously acerbic Cowell: "I'd like to see that f*cking guy have a go at it, see how it feels." Other FOX reality shows have not only pushed but torn through the envelope of bad taste. JoeMillionaire featured vapid young women competing to "win" a million dollars by being chosenas the bride of a super rich guy. The joke was, he was completely broke! Another FOX show, My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance, featured an even more sadistic premise. A beautiful young woman is told she can split a million bucks with a fat, repulsive man if they both convince their families they are engaged to be married. The joke is, the guy is an actor, so the real object of ridicule is the greedy, blushing bride. The young woman may be held accountable for her own vacuity, but the woman's FAMILY were unwitting and non?consenting victims. The show's "entertainment" was the tearful, horrified, grief?stricken reactions of her siblings and parents to the "fat, obnoxious fiance." MBFOF's crescendo, a
Page 5 of 7 desperate confession by the make?believe couple, was one of the most discomfiting displays in the history of television. The young woman blubbered her apologies to her shell?shocked family, begging their forgiveness for the despicable sham. FOX's capacity for repugnant exploitation is apparently without limit. The latest FOX reality show, called The Swan, offers free plastic surgery to "homely" women in an attempt to make them "beautiful." The "most beautiful" of the mutilated women will compete in a beauty pageant in the show's climax. But as we hear in the trailer for this FOX gem, "...not everyone will be good enough to make the cut." But even more disturbingly, some new reality shows not only push and cross the bounds of good taste, but actually physically endanger their unwitting, non?consenting "participants." On the Sci?Fi channel's Scare Tactics, individuals are set up by their "friends" for extraordinarily ghoulish and realistic pranks. The majority of these victims are actually led to believe their lives are in danger. In one episode, a group of friends in a car pick up a mysterious hitchhiker, only to see him turn violent and attack the driver with a knife. Not surprisingly, the "mark" in the back seat, believing his friend is being murdered, pummels the poor actor with a knife into submission. Another Scare Tactic prank went even more terribly wrong, and has resulted in litigation. A Los Angeles woman named Kara Blanc sued the cable channel for "severe emotional damage and injuries incurred as a result," after a prank in which Blanc ran naked through a desert canyon, believing she was being chased by aliens who had murdered her friends. Season 3 of Scare Tactics has featured the most vicious pranks to date. In Episode 2, a group of young men out for a joy ride get pulled over by the "cops." The young "mark" witnesses one of his friends (an accomplice) flee from the "police," only to be shot in the back by a remorseless officer. The "mark" says tearfully to the cop, "I can't believe you just shot that kid!" The officer then directs the young man to "turn his back," to which the boy replies, "You're gonna shoot me, aren't you?" The officer then trains his gun directly on the boy and says, "I'm gonna do what I have to do." But NEVER FEAR, young man! Seconds later, he was given the delightful news, "You're on SCARE TACTICS!" Har?de?har?har, indeed.... Predictably, some moronic and highly impressionable people have tried to imitate the antics seen on Scare Tactics in real life. In Ohio in October of 2003, a young woman set up her "best friend" to be kidnapped by two
Page 6 of 7 men and dragged into a field at gunpoint. The men proceeded to "murder" their female accomplice, then held a gun to the victim's head...and began counting down. After reaching "one," they yelled out, "Happy Halloween! You're on Scare Tactics!" Not surprisingly, neither the victim nor Ohio authorities were amused by this horrific prank, and the perpetrators, if convicted, will face one to five years behind bars. It is understandable why so many networks are seeking to profit from the hugely popular reality craze. With no actors, directors, or writers to pay, these shows have ridiculously low production costs, almost always turning an enormous profit. Reality shows are a source of frequent "water cooler discussions," and are even the subject of "reports" on many network news casts. Even if you don't watch these shows, you can keep abrest of "story" developments by tuning in to Tom Brokaw or Dan Rather on a nightly basis. If "reality" programs are a source of "entertainment" for you and your family, you must understand one thing: taking pleasure in the suffering of others is a form of MENTAL ILLNESS called SADISM. Watch these shows if you like, but as you guffaw at the sight of innocent, unwilling, non?consenting humans suffering enormous mental and physical anguish, take a moment to look in the mirror, and ask yourself if you like what you see. Recent Hollywood films Gladiator and The Passion of the Christ have shed light on the extraordinary cruelty of the Roman Empire. Public torture, execution, and sacrifice of human beings was the preferred form of entertainment for the Romans. Many have compared current trends in American culture to the last days just before Rome fell. Some even say that no culture in the history of the world has ever recovered from the depth of decay we are currently experiencing in American society. Saturday, April 17th (2004), marks the beginning of National Turn Your TV Off Week in my hometown of Portland, OR. Far be it from me to tell anyone how to spend their free time, but might suggest that you use this week as an opportunity to TUNE OFF your TV, and TUNE IN to the greatest reality show of all, called REAL LIFE. Page 7 of 7
1 of 7

Patents Bayer Must Make Its

First this Article needs to be read. At the end of the article the questions for the essay should be addressed.


In fall 2001, following the deadly attacks on the World Trade Center, the United States experienced the first cases of anthrax it had seen since 1978. The sources of the anthrax spores were letter sent to the American Media, INC., building in Florida, Tom Brokaw of NBC news, Dan Rather of CBS News, and Senators Edward Kennedy, Tom Daschle, and Patrick Leahy in the U.S Senate. In addition to a series of deaths and cutaneous infections, hundreds of employees at these organizations tested positive for exposure to the anthrax spores.
As a result of these exposures, the most effective antibiotic for treating anthrax, Cipro, was in high demand. Bayer A.G., a German company, owns the patent for this antibiotic and a significant ramp-up in production was needed to meet the increasing demand for those who had been exposed to anthrax. Bayer A.G.s United States unit went into 24-hour shifts following the anthrax breakouts. Mr. Brokaw held up a bottle of Cipro on his program, NBC Nightly News, and calmed a jittery public by saying, In Cipro we trust. Workers at one of Bayers U.S. plants cheered with the coverage.
However, executives at headquarters for the company remained silent for weeks about the companys ability to manufacture sufficient amounts of the patented antibiotic. Executives indicated that the company was concerned that if it appeared in the media it would see to be taking advantage of the dire circumstances. Bayers history made it wary of any involvement in international battles. Bayer A.G. had to pay reparations following World War II, and its patent for its world-famous aspirin, Bayer, was stripped from it and awarded to a U.S. company. It was not until 2000 that Bayer was once again permitted to use its name. The companys low profile during the anthrax scares was deliberate and explained by executives as a desire to avoid appearing exploitive of the problem of the infections and illness.
Frustrated with the lack of communication from Bayer, Canada suspended Bayers patent in Canada and ordered other drug manufacturers to begin production of their pending generic formulas for Cipro. Other drug companies do have their own formulas developed and ready to go but could not produce these generics as long as Bayer held its patent protection. One company, Apotex, indicated its production method would not infringe on Bayers patent, but Bayer threatened litigation and indicated it would deliver all the Cipro needed and/or ordered by both the U.S. and Canadian governments. Health officials were skeptical and one stated, Theres no way you can tell me getting it from six companies is going to be slower than getting it from one company.
Professor John W. Dienhart, a business ethics professor at Seattle University, stated that Bayer should be a good corporate citizen. He added, This is not a breaking a patent but adjusting a patent to meet a particular need.
The U.S. Congress was considering suspension of the Cipro patent in the United States in order to increase production even more. The legislation would permit judges to suspend patents on the basis of public health issues.
In response to some panic in the United States, pharmacies in Mexico, permitted to sell Cipro without a doctors prescription, as required in the United States, were ordering large amounts of Cipro, increasing their prices, and doing a great deal of profitable business from U.S. orders. For example, the Zipp Pharmacy, located in Ciudad Juarez, a border town, says its order for Cipro increased 15 times what they were before the 2001 anthrax infections. A nurse buying doses of Cipro for her entire family said, What if there are mad runs on it? Its nice to have it around just incase.
Physicians at the Center for Diseas (CDC) were concerned about the Mexico purchases and use of the drug without physician prescription. They note the following problems: (1) Some people are allergic to Cipro and can become quite ill with just one dose; (2) Cipro has side effects for almost everyone including nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite; (3) Cipro does have an effect on the brain including possible seizures and hallucinations or simple mood changes and insomnia; and (4) Cipro damages cartilage in the joints, especially when taken by children, and should be given to children only when there is the absolute need (i.e., presence of an ongoing infection). The CDC has advised use of Cipro only upon determination of exposure or infection from anthrax
Bayer continued to struggle with its position, promises, and public perception as the anthrax infections increased. Bayer corporate policy is as follows:
We offer our customers a wide variety of products and services in areas ranging from health care and agriculture to plastics and specialty chemicals. Bayer is research-based and is aiming for technological leadership in its core activities.
Our goals are to steadily increase corporate value and generate a high value added for the benefit of our stockholders, our employees and the community in every country in which we operate. We believe that our technical and commercial expertise involves responsibility to work for the common good and contribute to sustainable development.
Assume the facts in the problem are true...

What decisions do you think Bayer should make in this situation? Should it suspend its patent voluntarily? What recommendations should it make on taking Cipro? Should it back the warning from the CDC? Is it wrong for Bayer to profit from this public health problem? Develop a memo that offers ethical guidelines for a Bayer executive


Prompts for Boston Marathon Bombing/SaccoVanzetti

Although the Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti and the Boston Marathon Bombing happened about 100 years apart from each other there are similaries and differences that involve terrorism and Civil Liberties.

Compare and contrast key elements in the Trial and in the Boston Marathon and its aftermath. Listen to this amazing story of an event that has , for the most part, been kept out of the American media and away from public opinion.

Also: Listen to the podcast This American Life: Dead Men Tell No Tales: Program 519.All you have to do is google the name.

Here are some points to consider:

The fear of terrorism and revolution around the 1920s after the Bolshevik Revolution and the fear of terrorism post 911.

The "new" immigrant groups that are victims of nativism: Italians in early 1900s. Today immigrants from countries that practice Islam.

The fear of the unkown- cataclysmic events, possible acts of terror, people who don not 'fit in" to the standard or typical American image (Bear in mind that a 'standard' image may be a prejudice too.).

The use of the Law and abuse of the the Law- including FBI, CIA, and local policing.

I need in-text citations and the last page to have work cited. I will upload text chapters of sacco and venzetti

Hi, this is Yoonki, and I am from Korea.
My writing class gives that the topic is "Higher Education."
This essay is about Annotated Bibliography, and it should be include "two paragraphs."
You can choose any resources, but it should be include the topic which is about higher education.
For example, raise tuition fee, internation student policy... etc.
Also, you should consider that "I am international student."
Please don't use difficult words and grammar because I am not a native speaker.
If you use difficult words and grammar, my teacher know that.
I would like to get back this paper at 4:00 pm 10/28/2009.
Please, send me the paper as soon as possible..
Please, think about written conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, apitalization),word choice (efficiency, clarity, and variety of words),sentence fluency (correction of awkward phrases, run-on sentences), overall organization (paragraph and essay structure).

Please don't forget to write topic, name of athor and name of source.
Also, please write more second paragraph(opinion) than first paragraph.

Here is sample of Annotated Bibliography (two paragraphs)
this is not about our topic, it just sample.

[Annotated Bibliography]

Topic: In American science fiction stories, the construction of fictional aliens is directly related to legal, political, and cultural definitions of "illegal aliens."

Said, Edward W. The politics of Dispossesion: The Struggle for Palestinian Determination 1969-1994. New york: Random, 1994.

In this essay, Said examines the ways in which Palestinians are represented in various discourses in the United States. The essay begins with an assertion that, even as far back as the Puritan colonization of the "New World," there has been an ideological mission in dominant American culture to incorporate diverse cultures located within the geographical boundaries of the United States into a single, distinctly "American: identity. Today, Said sees a relationship between politics and media representations that produces a consensus that is not strictly the ideology of a particalar class, but rather sets limits on what can and cannot be expressed in contemporary America. Said then goes on to explain how American media constructs a fictional concept of the "Arab" by representing the MiddleEast as exotic, primitive, and decidedly "un-American"

Said's essay provides me with a very useful theoretical model of the ways in which "aliens" are constructed in political and media representations. Much of his argument is based on Foucault's discussions of discursive practices and the fuction of power in Western society, but Said has a much more positive view of the ability to disrupt discursive practices and challenge existing systems of power. Unlike other authors I've read, Said does not adopt the position that ideology is purely the product of the dominant class, but rather that it is an intricate network of practices that operate within a culture. His discussion of specific media images of Arabs is similar to my intended project, particularly my research into the relationship between fictional aliens and the cultural paranoia concerning immigration in the United States.

Hi, this is Yoonki, and I am from Korea.
My writing class gives that the topic is "Higher Education."
This essay is about Annotated Bibliography, and it should be include "two paragraphs."
You can choose any resources, but it should be include the topic which is about higher education.
For example, raise tuition fee, internation student policy... etc.
Also, you should consider that "I am international student."
Please don't use difficult words and grammar because I am not a native speaker.
If you use difficult words and grammar, my teacher know that.
I would like to get back this paper at 10:00 pm 10/28/2009.
Please, send me the paper as soon as possible..
Please, think about written conventions (grammar, spelling, punctuation, apitalization),word choice (efficiency, clarity, and variety of words),sentence fluency (correction of awkward phrases, run-on sentences), overall organization (paragraph and essay structure).

Please don't forget to write topic, name of athor and name of source.
Also, please write more second paragraph(opinion) than first paragraph.

Here is sample of Annotated Bibliography (two paragraphs)
this is not about our topic, it just sample.

[Annotated Bibliography]

Topic: In American science fiction stories, the construction of fictional aliens is directly related to legal, political, and cultural definitions of "illegal aliens."

Said, Edward W. The politics of Dispossesion: The Struggle for Palestinian Determination 1969-1994. New york: Random, 1994.

In this essay, Said examines the ways in which Palestinians are represented in various discourses in the United States. The essay begins with an assertion that, even as far back as the Puritan colonization of the "New World," there has been an ideological mission in dominant American culture to incorporate diverse cultures located within the geographical boundaries of the United States into a single, distinctly "American: identity. Today, Said sees a relationship between politics and media representations that produces a consensus that is not strictly the ideology of a particalar class, but rather sets limits on what can and cannot be expressed in contemporary America. Said then goes on to explain how American media constructs a fictional concept of the "Arab" by representing the MiddleEast as exotic, primitive, and decidedly "un-American"

Said's essay provides me with a very useful theoretical model of the ways in which "aliens" are constructed in political and media representations. Much of his argument is based on Foucault's discussions of discursive practices and the fuction of power in Western society, but Said has a much more positive view of the ability to disrupt discursive practices and challenge existing systems of power. Unlike other authors I've read, Said does not adopt the position that ideology is purely the product of the dominant class, but rather that it is an intricate network of practices that operate within a culture. His discussion of specific media images of Arabs is similar to my intended project, particularly my research into the relationship between fictional aliens and the cultural paranoia concerning immigration in the United States.


Locate two current (within the last 18 months) advertisements -- one that you find offensive and one that you consider to be "the best." (Each must be from print American media (newspapers and/or magazines) and actual source documentation must be provided for when the ads ran. Include copies of the ads: scan the ads or provide internet links.

1.Prepare a two page typed critique discussing why you find one ad offensive and the other ad great. Also state how you would correct the offensive ad.

American Revolution - The American Revolution was in many ways a conflict over liberty. Discuss the ways in which our early political experiences gave the American political culture a preoccupation with the assertion of individual rights.

Media Essay: Network News Critique (Native American Indian issues in present day media, related to race, gender, class, and ethnicity).

Write an analysis paper based on the following:

Watch two (2) programs

Focus on the portrayal of race, class, ethnicity or gender in the programing.

Note 3 ways race, class, ethnicity or gender is portrayed in the chosen programs.

Write a (3 page minimum) paper which analyze's what is sugested by the portrayal about people of the race, class, ethnicity or gender that you observed.

Media Review Project


1. Select a film that depicts domestic violence. Alternatively, you may select a book or television show instead of a movie.
Select a known person in the media associated with (a) domestic violence incident(s). Examples of the above may include BUT ARE NOT limited to the following suggestions:

A Cry for Help: The Tracey Thurman Story (1989)
Affliction (1999)
American Beauty (1999)
Bastard Out of Carolina (1996)
Burning Bed, The (1984)
Carousel (1956)
Color Purple, The (1985)
Cries Unheard: The Donna Yaklich Story (1994)
Crimes of the Heart (1986)
Dangerous Intentions (1995)
Dead by Sunset (1995)
Deadly Matrimony (1991)
Defending Our Lives (1983)
Diary of a Mad Housewife (1970)
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood (2002)
Enough (2002)
Escape from Terror: The Teresa Stamper Story (1995)
Fatal Vows: The Alexandra O'Hara Story (1994)
Final Appeal (1993)
Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)
Gaslight (1944) Independence Day (1983) ??" (not the movie about aliens!)
Getting Out (1994)
Goodnight, Sweet Wife: A Murder in Boston (1990)
Great Santini, The (1979)
If Someone Had Known (1995)
In a Child's Name (1991)
In My Sister's Shadow (1996)
La Strada (1954)
Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg (1994)
Men Don't Tell (1993)
Oliver! (1968)
Once Were Warriors (1994)
Petulia (1968)
Promise, The (1999)
Shattered Dreams (1990)
Sleeping with the Devil (1997)
Sleeping with the Enemy (1991)
Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
Unspoken Truth, The (1995)
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
What's Love Got to Do With It? (1993)
When No One Would Listen (1992)

Chris Brown
Tina Turner
Susan Smith
Andrea Yates
Yvette Cade
OJ Simpson
Mike Tyson
LaShanda Armstrong
Benita Jacks
Leisa Smith
Rae Carruth
Tawny Kitaen
Janice Dickenson
Lorena Bobbitt BOOKS
What's Love Got to Do With It
What Jamie Saw
The Stalking of Kristin
The Woman who Walked into Doors
Bastard out of Carolina
Dolores Claibourne

2. Identify one character (victim of domestic violence) who will be the focus of your paper.

3. Compose a five in the following rubric:
Title Page
Plot synopsis
Impact of domestic violence on character
Theoretical explanations of domestic violence
Intervention/ treatment
Reference page
Citations and references

There are faxes for this order.

Argue for or Against : Discuss the 1st amendment implications of the Family Prevention Tobacco Act of 2009. Are tobacco corporations 1st Amendment rights being ignored? What does this mean for the future of the advertising of legal drugs such as alcohol?

A.Introduction: Here's the topic, what I am going to say, and how I'm going to do it.
B: The Issue: Provide Overview of various positions on the topic.
C. Discussion: Sort out various claims and decide which ones are important and valid. Is the existing debate missing the real issue? How should this issue be resolved? Should a law be changed or passed? Propose a legal solution.
D. Conclusion.

American art by three artists since 1990. What overall theme appears in their work? How would you describe in general the view of American culture presented by the chosen artists? Describe specific works of artas examples and explain how each presents an aspect of their perception of millennial America. Be sure to detail in your works cited where I can see the works you are describing. How the contemporary point of view and/or style of art resonates with other point of American history of earlier art periods.

American Airlines

1. Is the firms strategy consistent with its internal resources and capabilities,
as well as the external environment?

2. What changes should be made in the current strategy, and in resources,
capabilities, and core competencies to improve or sustain overall
To answer these questions, you will have to analyze every aspect of the firm and
its environment, and integrate your findings into a comprehensive understanding
of the firms current situation and what can realistically be done to improve it.
Importantly you will want to support your conclusions with logical analysis. The
why portion of your analysis is as important as the what.
The body of the paper must not exceed 20 pages, single-sided, double-spaced
with one-inch margins and using 12-point font. The executive summary, title
page, table of contents, references, and appendices do not count in the 20-page
limit. Please remember to use APA format.
Both substance and style are important in effective written communication.
Below you will find a few tips on both style and substance in writing. These tips
should be viewed as suggestive of the type of things found in a high-quality,
comprehensive report that still permits a great deal of latitude in terms of style
and scope.

I. Title Page
The firms name and the names of all team members should be highlighted.
The course name and number, my name, and the date should also appear.
II. Executive Summary
Begin your report with one single-spaced page summarizing your findings. Do
not include supporting evidence. The purpose of the summary is to stress the
highlights for the busy investor who wants to know your work but does not have
the time to read your entire report. Please provide one copy of this page for each
member of the class on the day you present your project.
III. Table of Contents
Begin numbering your pages here and continue consecutive page numbers
throughout the rest of the paper.
IV. Analysis of the Industry
Begin with a definition of the industry in which your firm competes. The focus of
your analysis should be on the underlying economic attractiveness of the industry
and current or projected trends that may be expecte

industry, whether on the supply or demand side (be sure to indicate what the
impact is expected to be and why). Remember to keep your level of analysis at
the industry level. Individual firms, including your own, are not a part of this
V. Analysis of Competitors.
Identify 2-3 firms that you believe are the most important competitors for your
firm and indicate why you believe each firm is an important competitor. This will
comprise identification of current competitive position, key resources/capabilities,
and source(s) of competitive advantage, identify their current position in the
industry and prepare a competitor profile for each firm, including their
competencies. Keep your focus on the competitors; do not analyze your firm
VI. Firm Analysis
The focus of this section is on an internal analysis of your selected firm. This
would include identification of current competitive position, key
resources/capabilities, and source(s) of competitive advantage. Remember to be
objective and to explain and support your conclusions where needed. This is to
be a dynamic analysis of the firm's current and future value creation capability. If
your analysis shows a firm that is weak and vulnerable, that is the conclusion you
should report.
VII. Recommendations.
In this section you integrate your findings from the previous sections to identify
problems and opportunities that must be addressed by your firm, and then make
realistic recommendations for addressing them. Some examples of the types of
issues that are often included are: Does the strategy of the firm address the
opportunities for value creation presented by the external environment? Is it
consistent with the overall capabilities and competencies of the firm? Are there
trends in the environment that may undermine or enhance current advantages?
How does your focus firm match up against the competitors that you profiled?
What will be the impact on your recommendations of these rivals and how will
they respond to them? These are examples, not a checklist. All conclusions
should follow naturally from, and be supported by, your prior analysis.
A generic example of a well-supported conclusion/recommendation follows:
Based on the large lead X company has over its competitors in the development
of the key technologies important in this industry, and the strong barriers to
imitation that prevent competition from matching these core competencies in the
near future, threats from current competitors are unlikely. However, strong
pressures from the sole industry supplier of the custom widgets critical to our
product are forcing down profit margins and limiting the amount of money
available for investment in the R&D necessary to maintain our technological
advantage. Therefore, we recommend that X Company engages in a joint
venture with a small widget manufacturer to develop a second supplier. We have
the knowledge required to develop our partners capabilities, and by starting
small we can prevent retaliation from our current supplier. Because it will be set
up as a joint venture, we will be creating a secondary source that will not be
available to our competitors (unless we want it to be) thereby creating another
source of competitive advantage.
Note that the information regarding competitor capabilities and supplier power
comes from prior sections of the paper, which supports your conclusions and
recommendations. A good paper will have several well-supported and internally
consistent recommendations that present an integrated and implementable
strategic option for the firm.
VI. References
Please cite sources of all numbers and quotes using APA format. All reference
material used for the paper must be included in a reference section. All citations
must be complete (authors, titles, dates, volume numbers, page numbers, etc.).
Electronic citations must include the complete site address.

American Popular Music

*American Popular Music
Choose the work of a singer or group whose reputation in popular music has been established through performance of original material(preferably current popular artist or group). Discuss two or three representative selections in detail,being certain to bring in aspects of both composition and performance in indicating what original contributions to popular music have been made by your artist(s).
Please consider questions like the following(this is just a guide): What earlier styles of pop music are drawn upon(in both composition and performance),and how are they shaped into an original and personal statement? Do you feel that your artist(s) is (are) more successful as composer(s) or performer(s) or equal success in both areas? Do you think another artist or group could have equal success performing this material? Would your artist(s) be more impressive using material provided by others rather than writing original songs? PLEASE give DETAILED REASONS for your answers.

PS:Any informative source must be cited and please dont use wikipedia(not acceptable by teacher).

FOX News in Today's World

media censorship at fox news

does fox news use censorship with its coverage of the news
2 articles pro and 2 con compare and contrast the two

Japanese Food Known as 'Sushi'

Media Reaction Paper
Prepare a 2 4 page Media Reaction Paper reviewing a current newspaper article,
magazine article, television show, or motion picture that discusses or illustrates the
portrayal of diversity in the media. address the following questions in relation to the selected article,
motion picture, or television show:
a. Did the article, television show, or motion picture attempt to address the diversity
represented in the American landscape?
b. To what extent do the media rely on stereotypes when depicting a certain group?
c. Assess whether or not you believe the selected article, television show, or motion
picture fostered a better understanding of diversity and multiculturalism. Justify
your answer.

9 Pages

United States Still the World's

Words: 3011
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Essay

MEDIA AROUND THE GLOBE: Question: Is the US still the worlds dominant media economy? With reference to BOTH academic sources AND contemporary reports discuss its potential rivals and the actual…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Free Are American Media Events Occur and

Words: 1125
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Essay Two: How Free Are the American Media? BACKGROUND In his letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton, written in 1887, Lord Acton said, ?Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.…

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8 Pages

American Media Representation of Islam

Words: 3949
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Note to writer: 1. Before starting, I?d like the writer to contact me first, to check as to what the research proposal requires. I?d like to make sure the writer understands…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Minority Groups in the Media

Words: 790
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

dedicate about one page for each of the following: Compare and contrast the pre-World War II anti-Semitic depiction of European Jews to the depiction of Muslims in Western media today ____________________________________________________________________________________________ How…

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2 Pages

Chinese-American Stereotypes Chinese-Americans Form One of the

Words: 749
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Use one Article call "Rough on Rats" by James Chan (the writer who work on my order can find the article at the address and the writer who is going to work…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Journalism Ethics There Were Several

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A Person of Interest Scarcely a week after Sept. 11, 2001, Americans learned of a new threat of terrorism letters tainted with anthrax. The first such letters were postmarked…

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15 Pages

Department of Homeland Security: A

Words: 3834
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Essay

PLEASE USE THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES AS SOURCES: 1)HTTP://WWW.DHS.GOV/DHSPUBLIC/FIRSTGOVSEARCH 2)HTTP://WWW.DHS.GOV/DHSPUBLIC/DISPLAY?THEME=44&CONTENT=191&PRINT=TRUE 3)Please use the webpage for the department of Homeland Security as well. *** you can find all the information you need in these websites.…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Anticommunism and Mccarthyism for a Modern Audience,

Words: 999
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

HIS/145 The American Experience Since 1945 Anticommunism and McCarthyism Paper Themes of anticommunism preoccupied the American media from 1947 to 1954. Major topics included the coup in Czechoslovakia, the Korean War,…

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6 Pages

Examining Roku

Words: 1760
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

1. This is a research paper for an upper division class in a 4-year university.The paper is for a final presentation for the class of "American Media and Entertainment…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Higher Education (Globalization) Mcpherson, M.

Words: 314
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hi, this is Yoonki, and I am from Korea. My writing class gives that the topic is "Higher Education." This essay is about Annotated Bibliography, and it should be include "two…

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4 Pages

Seated Fear of the Current State of

Words: 1118
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Complete this essay assignment . . . I will also email the hard copy of this assignment: Page 1 of 7 - Writing Assignment: In response to the Reading Assignment,…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Patents Bayer Must Make Its

Words: 1021
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

First this Article needs to be read. At the end of the article the questions for the essay should be addressed. Article: In fall 2001, following the deadly attacks…

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5 Pages

Boston Marathon Bombing / Saccovanzetti

Words: 1688
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Prompts for Boston Marathon Bombing/SaccoVanzetti Although the Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti and the Boston Marathon Bombing happened about 100 years apart from each other there are similaries and differences…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Higher Education (Globalization) Singh, M.K.

Words: 335
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Hi, this is Yoonki, and I am from Korea. My writing class gives that the topic is "Higher Education." This essay is about Annotated Bibliography, and it should be include "two…

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1 Pages

Higher Education (Globalization) Medina, A.

Words: 343
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Hi, this is Yoonki, and I am from Korea. My writing class gives that the topic is "Higher Education." This essay is about Annotated Bibliography, and it should be include "two…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Advertisements Comparison of Advertising: The Sublime and

Words: 654
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assignment Locate two current (within the last 18 months) advertisements -- one that you find offensive and one that you consider to be "the best." (Each must be from…

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4 Pages

American Revolution's Emphasis on Individual Rights the

Words: 1324
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

American Revolution - The American Revolution was in many ways a conflict over liberty. Discuss the ways in which our early political experiences gave the American political culture a…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Native Media Stereotypes and the

Words: 1065
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Media Essay: Network News Critique (Native American Indian issues in present day media, related to race, gender, class, and ethnicity). Write an analysis paper based on the…

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5 Pages

Media Review Project the 1993 Film "What's

Words: 1660
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Media Review Project ASSIGNMENT: 1. Select a film that depicts domestic violence. Alternatively, you may select a book or television show…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Media Law: Argue Against: Discuss 1st Amendment

Words: 2137
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

MEDIA LAW: Argue for or Against : Discuss the 1st amendment implications of the Family Prevention Tobacco Act of 2009. Are tobacco corporations 1st Amendment rights being ignored? What does…

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5 Pages

American Artists 1990 American Since

Words: 1342
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

American art by three artists since 1990. What overall theme appears in their work? How would you describe in general the view of American culture presented by the chosen…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

American Airlines and the Airline Industry

Words: 3091
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

American Airlines 1. Is the firms strategy consistent with its internal resources and capabilities, as well as the external environment? 2. What changes should be made in…

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5 Pages

American Popular Music

Words: 2002
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

*American Popular Music Choose the work of a singer or group whose reputation in popular music has been established through performance of original material(preferably current popular artist or group). Discuss…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

FOX News in Today's World

Words: 1754
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

media censorship at fox news does fox news use censorship with its coverage of the news 2 articles pro and 2 con compare and contrast the two

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3 Pages

Japanese Food Known as 'Sushi'

Words: 1046
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Media Reaction Paper Prepare a 2 4 page Media Reaction Paper reviewing a current newspaper article, magazine article, television show, or motion picture that discusses or illustrates the portrayal of diversity…

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