25+ documents containing “American Education”.
This is exactly what the profesor send me,
also please not even though this is a masters program, I do not use complex english when doing my other assisgnments. Therefore I ask for you to not us...e complex language as well, in all my other writings I included alot of quotes please do that as well. I would like for you to use maybe district 75 as the program
Based on your research of Special Education programs that exist within the New York State Education Department, New York City Department of Education and the private sector, choose one approved program or service provider and evaluate if the program addressed the needs of the students and follow Federal, State and City mandates.
1. Describe how and why this program meets the needs of the students.
2. Does the program follow all mandates? (Assessment Process, IFSP/IEP,EIP)
3. Are all mandated services being rendered to the child?
4. Does the program offer parents support?
Please explain.
http://www.birchfamilyservices.org/education/index.html http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/nclb/
Please use websites above to look at current NYCDOE and New York State Programs.
To support your research, use literature related to the program and to the interventions. You can use references from what you have learned in the course and from other sources in the APA format.
The final paper must be type-written and double-spaced; ten (10) to fifteen (15) pages total not including the title page and the reference page. For grading the research paper, please refer to the rubrics in the Course Information Folder. When possible, the literature related to the program and/or the intervention services must be used. American Psychological Association (APA) format must be followed for references and citations. At least five (5) references are required. Please refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed., 2001) printed by the APA. You can also refer to the APA Sheets in this Course Information section.
Remember that there is a minimum five (5) references requirement for the paper. These references (books, articles, websites etc) should be published within the last five years.
There are faxes for this order. more
Title Pedagogical affordance of ICT in Education
1- role of ICT in education
2- affordance thoery and what is afoordance and Pedagogical affordance
3- Pedagogical affordance of ICT
4- Pedagogical affordance of Electronic Brain-Storming
NOTICE: critical writing please
Briefly discuss the trend in the education of special needs children (learning disabled etc.) after the French Revolution. What philisophic principles of the period did this education reflect?
Assignment: Hegemony and Education
1. Discuss if and/or how gegemony affects men and women differently in the educatial setting of your choice.
2. Determine what ethical issures are likely to arise from gegemony and how you would address those issues
3. analyze the negative effects of hegemony on teacher effectives andmake recommendatins for mitigating those effects
4. With these criteria in mind, continue to build you own philosophy of education
5. Include three scholarly sources to support your position.
This paper is on the education and life works of Oprah Winfrey, please research and and write the paper in APA format. It has to be on just her education and her life works. Thanks.
Educational Philosopher Analysis Paper
An in depth examination of John Dewey's philosophies and its possible implications for contemporary educational policy and school leadership.
Pri...mary task GATHER and ANALYZE a core of scholarly work written BOTH by and about John Dewey using both primary and secondary source materials related to John Dewey. A paper is required that analyzes how John Dewey's educational philosophies can be used to analyze TWO or more of the following contemporary issues in education as related to teaching and educational leadership. The following issues are: A) The unfair testing programs of both Federal and State levels on bilingual students who not able to comprehend the English that is presented in the testing materials; B) The lack of freedom of teachers to educate students, because students have more power and legal status than both the teachers and the students parents C) The lack of teachers and motivation and incentives for teachers resulting from the massive over crowding of classrooms mandated by both federal, state and local authorities.
The paper should include the following:
1)A brief biography of John Dewey
2)Analysis of the above contemporary issues which should include a critigue of the research literature as cited in the bibliography
3)A bibliography of at least 15 additional ACADEMIC resources related to John Dewey whose ideas are the basis of the paper
4)A concise reflection on the insights gained while completing the paper
5)Dewey's educational philosophies should include but not be limited to Educating democratic Citizens, Critical Theory, Social constructs, social systems, and the study of history
6) The TEXT "Wheels in the Head" by Joel Spring must be excluded from the paper for purposes of QUOATION and BIBIOGRAPHY.
7) The paper must be in APA format more
the topic is: what factors in american cultural history open up the possibility for a cult like matthias?do you believe that this is the result of a distinctly revivalist and market-oriented american culture, or does the cult tap in to tendencies present in all societies at all times?
the cited sources are:1-book "The kingdom of Matthias" by sean wiltz, poul johnson. 2-www.xroads.virginia.edu/~hyper/detoc/ch11.htm
3- www.vcu.edu/engweb/transcendentalism/authors/emerson/essays/amscholar.html.
Investment in higher education is the most important investment in anticipating a national return.This is the most appropriate and relevant tool for promoting economy and eradicating poverty in the world. However, a huge problem needs to be taking into consideration, the inequality and barriers in colleges and universities admission based on social and demographic background.
I_ write a prospectus about the topic.
Discuss how your philosophy of education has developed over the course of your graduate studies and the nature of your ideas on how you might approach selected aspects of your work.
Please write a research essay to include:
pages 1-2) Using Jon Gjerde's book, "Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History" and Stephen meyer's essay of "Efforts at Americanizat...ion in the Industrial Workplace, 1914-1921"on page 323 of Jon Gjerde's Book(Major problems in american Immigration and Ethnic History,1998) Looking at the documents of Gjerde, chapter 10, and the articleby Stephen Meyer on the "Americanization Program" at the Ford Company, compare and contrast how Progressive Era Americans from different backgrounds defined what being an American actually should entail. Which definition seems to be the most beneficial to the country, and for what reasons?
pages 3-4) Using Gjerde's " Major Problems in American Immigration and ethnic History, Takaki's "A different Mirror" Explain why did so many European immigrants return to their home country after immigrating to the United states. Compare and contrast their reasons, and discuss what these immigrants imply for conditions in American Society at the time.
pages5-6) What were the changes in family roles that happened in immigrant families in the new american urban environment? were these changes on the whole positive or negative for the affected individuals and their families, and for american society at large?
pages 7-8) Looking at the number of immigrants by region of the world from 1925 to 1981 and 1982 to 2005, as noted in the 2005 yearbook of immigration staistics, and at the number of asylees and refugees arrived and granted asylum, and deported aliens. From which regions and countriesin the world do most recent and new americans come from, and in what proportion? Quantify the changes? What political and social reasons could be the reason for such for such changes? What impact might these changes in immigrant origins have on american society and culture?
pages 9-10) Describe efforts of blacks and other americans to challenge both the legal and customary forms of segregation and discrimination in the united states after 1945, and the process of dismantling legal segregation and discrimination by 1967. Discuss whether the united states, at the federal level, have abolished segregation without the need to win the Cold War.
pages 11-12) Ronald Takaki stresses that the change affecting american society now is momentous-the passing of an america in which being white was the norm, and non-whites were minorities, to one where whites are only one of several major ethnic/racial groups, but will such racial divisions be enduring? Discuss the impact that such a development has on american culture and also discuss the potential future of american society in the light of long-term trends in american history.
You can use up to six sources, but please include these textbooks as 3 of the sources:
1)John Gjerde, Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History, 1998
2) Ronald Takaki, A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, 2008
3) Hasia Diner, Erin's Daughter's In America, 1983
4) and also Stephen meyer's Essay of "Efforts at Americanization in the Industrial Workplace, 1914-1921" more
These are the rquirements the teacher is looking for
1. Accuracy-Report facts accurately and objectively.
2. Completeness-you need not include every detail you can find on the subject;rather p...resent all the information essential for your audience to understand.
3.Clarity-a simple, definite organization, based on a central idea and clearly thought progression, promotes clarity.
4. Attention-holding-maintaining attention sometimes is difficult beacuse technical data often lack power to command attention. Use intresting illustrative materials to convey your points.
5. Collecting data- you will not be limited in the types of data that you may use. all of the following are acceptable:
a. files, reports, observations
b. internet based information
c. printed sources
If I have a bias regarding the collection of information it is one that encourages the inclusion of a thorough review of research quality, peer reviewed journals. Research that ignores professional research journals immediately stands out and will work against the author. I recommend that each student conduct a thorough review of the research literature.
6. Citations-it is my preference that you use the American Psychological association format when citing your reference.
If you are writing this paper if you would use headers to break-up the points in the paper and also please if you can incoporate tables and please include some journals that contain information on this topic. Since this topic is very broad if you would please write the paper on how vocational rehabilitation agencies help disabled people find employment. and how did this program orignated from. Please do not focus just on veterns with disabilites include everybody that this organization helps that has a disability please. The state I would like for you to concentrate on is the state of florida. I have a few websites that you can get information from http://www.rehabworks.org/jobs/index.ctm more
I require an annotated bibliography, approximately 8 citations, and then a critical analysis of the selected issue.
The topic/question: Select an issue within clinical/health education which is of interest.
The topic is "Competency Based Education and Training in Adult Learning", or focusing on the health setting. Any citations specifically relating to the clinical environment would be optimal. Included in the annotated bibliography.. usefulness and relevance of the article, monograph or chapter to the body of knowledge on the subject. It may include the summary of the article, it should present a balanced view as well as a personal viewpoint.
The second part of the assignment:
Critical Analysis: approx 1200 words, in essay format.
* discuss how the issue affects clinical education in its broadest context
* Discuss the philosophy , theory, or model in the field of clinical education underpinning or directing this issue;
* provide some conclusions regarding the status of competency based education both from an Australian and an international perspective.
Essay : intro section, subheadings for each section, summary section, conclusion section, and a reference section.
** general searches on competency based education may assist you. Also, adult learning theory.
I need to write a paper wich explains what I learned in this class regarding the role of education in society. What I learned in class is mostly what is in my textbook "Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality" by Joel Spring (third edition). The second source is a Chapter 2 of "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" by Paulo Freire. These are the two sources I need to cite.
The paper needs to answer these questions:
1-How can education contribute to the development and preservation of bigotry and prejudice (both in explicit, conscious as well as implicit or subtle ways)?
2-How can education contribute to the overcoming of racist, bigoted, and hate-inducing ideas in society?
3-What role does education currently play - does it serve as more of a contributor to these attitudes, a deterrent, or does it remain neutral?
I can fax the materials to you tomorrow morning.
There are faxes for this order.
Would like to know how public education stated in Arkansas and how it ended up being considered unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court.
A Critical Review of Adult Education within Human Resource Development: Maximizing the Learning Outcomes at Work
1. Individual chapters:
? Abstract
? Introduction (Statement of the P...roblem)
? Literature Review
? Discussion
? Recommendations
2. Paper idea
As we move from industrial era to technology/information age, learning once reserved for the certain groups is increasingly available to men and women of all age and all levels. It results in the loosen boundaries of adult learning in terms of the format, location, and occasion. For adult learners, the purpose of learning is being changed from not just ?gaining formal qualifications but also to obtain and keep employment, develop expertise in a leisure activity, deal with changes on relationships, or manage personal finances? (Harrison et al, p.1, 2002). As a result, learning is now seen as a key feature of participation in the modern sociality and economy.
Adults learn in various formats. Holton & Baldwin (2003) state that when the learning occurs at the workplace, organizations concern about how to make positive connections between learning/training and human performance. However, they further point out that ?only 10 percent of learning transfer into job performance?, and reports from the field suggest that a substantial part of organizations? investment in HRD is wasted due to poor learning transfer? (p.4). Yet, the point we would like to investigate is what makes the deficiency. Is there a contradiction existing in adult education and learning at workplace?
Numbers of researchers argue that both Human Resource Development (HRD) and Adult Education view adult learning as being the central to their theory and practice (Knowles et al, 1998; Merriam & Caffarella, 1999; Merriam & Brockett, 1997). However, while the programs related to adult learning continue to expand in both formal and non-formal educational environments (Merriam & Caffarella, 1999), the purposes of them differ (Knowles et al, 1998). Knowles et al further explain that the core difference between these two concepts is that Adult Education is primarily focused on individual control, while HRD is typically controlled by organization.
HRD is an art of managing individuals and groups? changes through learning in organizations (Chalofsky and Lincoln, 1983). The purpose of HRD is to ?organize the learning activities within the organization in order to improve performance and/or personal growth for the purpose of improving the job, the individual, and/or the organization? (Gilley & Egglands, 1989, p.5). On the other hand, as Knowles et al (1998) state, ?for many, best adult education practices allow maximum individual control? (p115). From this perspective, we may notice the difference between Adult Education and HRD in terms of the goal of learning. As a result, it may be a challenge for professionals in the field of HRD to balance the nature of Adult Education and the practice of workplace learning.
In this study, we are trying to investigate the nature of these two fields in order to recognize the balance between individual learning and human performance at workplace. In other words, we aim to become conscious about how to integrate the principles of adult education with the practice of workplace learning and make the learning transfer to job performance successfully.
Chalofsky, N., and Lincoln, C. (1983). Up the HRD Ladder: A Guide For Profesional Growth. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.
Gilley, J., & Eggland, S. (1989). Principles of Human Resource Development Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books.
Harrison, R., Reeve, F., Hanson, A., & Clarke, J. (2002). Introduction - Perspectives on learning . In Harrison, R., Reeve, F., Hanson, A., & Clarke, J. (Eds.), Supporting Lifelong Learning Volume 1 (pp. 1-7). New York, NY: RoutledgeFalmer.
Knowles, M., Holton, E., & Swanson, R. (1998). The Adult Learner - The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (5th ed.). Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Company.
Merriam, S., & Brockett, R. (1997). The profession and Practice of Adult Education - An Introduction. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Merriam, S., & Caffarella, R. (1999). Learning in Adulthood - A Comprehensive Guide (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Holton, E., & Baldwin, T. (2003). Making Transfer Happen: An Action Perspective on Learning Transfer Systems. In Holton, E., & Baldwin, T. (Eds.), Improving Learning Transfer in Organizations (pp.3-15). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
The most important references:
? Swanson, R. & Holton, E. (2001). Foundstions of Human Resource Development. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
? Knowles, M., Holton, E., & Swanson, R. (1998). The Adult Learner - The Definitive Classoc in Adult Education and Human Resource Development (5th ed.). Houston, Texas: Gulf Publishing Company.
? Merriam, S., & Caffarella, R. (1999). Learning in Adulthood - A Comprehensive Guide (2nd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
? Marchese, T.J. (1997). The New Conversations About Learning. [On-Line]. Available: http://www.aahe.org/pubs/TM-essay.htm.
? Stein, D. Situated Learning in Adult Education. ERIC Digest. [On-Line]. Available: http://www.ericdigests.org/1998-3/adult-education.html.
? Watkins, K. E. and Marsick, V. J. (1992). Towards a theory of informal and incidental learning in organizations.International Journal of Lifelong Learning, 11 (4), 287-300.
? Enos, M. D., Kehrhahn, M. T., & Bell, A. (2003). Informal learning and the transfer of learning: How managers develop proficiency. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 14 (4), 369-387
? Tennant, M. Is transfer of learning possible? In D. Boud and J. Garrick (Eds) Understanding workplace learning. London, Routledge. 1999, 165-179.
? Thompson, Brooks & Liza'rraga, Perceived Transfer of Learning: from the distance education classroom to the workplace. In Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, October 2003, v. 28, n. 5. (a short paper from the web is: )
Other references:
1. Short, D., Brandenburg, D., May, G., &Bierema, L. (2002). HRD: A Voice to Integrate the Demands of System Changes, People, Learning, and Performance. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 13(3), 237-241.
2. Kuchinke, P. (1999). Adult Development towards What End? A Philosophical Analysis of The Concept As Reflected in The Research, Theory, and Practice of Human Resource Development. Adult Education Quarterly, 49(4), 148-162.
3. Rossiter, M. (1999). A Narrative Approach to Development: Implications for Adult Education. American Association for Adult and Continuing Education, 50 (1), 56-71.
4. Reference: Kuchinke, P. (1999). Adult Development towards What End? A Philosophical Analysis of The Concept As Reflected in The Research, Theory, and Practice of Human Resource Development. Adult Education Quarterly, 49(4), 148-162.
5. Holmes, A. (1998). Performance-Based Approaches to Human Resource Development. New Directions for Students Services, no.84, Winter, 15-27. more
Please reveiw the following sources and come up with overall argument for
an American national character. Is is possible to find trends amongst so
much diversity? What characteristics are distinctly American regardless of
race, class, background, etc. What is problematic about making these
generalizations and inheriting the culture? What problems arise with our
ideals- and are we being honest with ourselves- discuss individualism and
the American Dream. Are we setting ourselves up for failure and
disallusionment? Perhaps discuss the way different groups make use of
american culture and how it plays out? Please be sure to include all of
the sources.
1 Samuel Klausner "A Professor's Eye View of the Egyptian
Academy,"Pennsylvania Gazette 84, no. 8 (June, 1985),
2 Thomas Cochran, The Puerto Rican Businessman,ch. 4, 6, 8
3 Octavio Paz, The Labyrinth of Solitude, ch. 1 Surely There Must
4 Clifford Geertz, The Interpretation of Cultures, ch. 14, 15 Modern
5 Robert Bellah et al., Habits of the Heart The Classic Study
6 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, esp. first part, author's
introduction and ch. 3,4,8,14-16
The topic I have chosen is ?Integrating Theory and Practice in Online Adult Arts Education?? I am a teaching artist, and my graduate studies are focused on Adult Arts educatio...n. I think it is in my best interest to address how to teach art online, to adult learners.
I will check the Canvas course files to see if any of the six assigned PDF's are available for me to upload.
Rubric Specifications
The purpose of this paper is to provide you with an opportunity to enrich your skills/knowledge as a teacher in ways that you choose. Within the purview of the course topic, Teaching Adults, write two learning objectives for yourself for what you can learn by reading relevant research and scholarly writing.
The two learning objectives must be integrated. Ideas might include: research on the effectiveness of specific teaching methodologies perhaps with specific populations of learners, or research on a hot topic in your field such as learning communities, outcomes-based instruction, evidence-based practice, computer-based instruction, developing comprehensive assessment programs, etc.
In order to meet your learning objectives, select and read 8-10 scholarly research articles that will help you meet your objectives. You will then write one paper 8 pages outlining the following:
1. An introduction that clearly states your two learning objectives, and details why you chose them, and the process for selecting readings about the topics.
2. A literature review presenting and critiquing the literature findings relevant to your topics.
3. A summative discussion about specific ways you could incorporate your findings in to my career as an adult arts educator.
Additionally, write a 1-page analysis (key points) of this paper, which must be (1) discussed, and (2) incorporated into your 20-minute final presentation on our last day of class.
The texts listed below are the 6 assigned scholarly research articles (12 citations) that must address the learning objective that pertains to theory. The remaining 4 scholarly research articles (4 citations) must address the learning objective that pertains to practice.
Brookfield, S.D. (2013). Powerful techniques for teaching adults. San Francisco,
California: Jossey-Bass Publishing.
Brookfield, S.D. (2012). Teaching for critical thinking: Tools and techniques for helping
students question their assumptions (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Brookfield, S.D. (1999). Discussion as a way of teaching: Tools and techniques
for democratic classrooms (1st ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Brookfield, S.D. (1995). Becoming a critically reflective teacher. San Francisco, CA:
Davis, B.G. (2009). Tools for teaching. (2nd Ed.) San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass
Merriam, S., Caffarella, R., Baumgartner, L. (2007). Learning in adulthood. (3rd Ed.)
San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass Publishing.
Thank you! more
Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 Title III Public Accommodations ??" are there lessons to be learned which could be applied to the UKs Disability Discrimination Act 1995?
The final submission should include:
an introduction to the topic or question to be discussed
an explanation of the methodology adopted
review of current knowledge
an analysis your findings
a summary and conclusions
a complete list of references
Focus on the approach to disability discrimination in the US and the UK; but do not paste text from the code and the regulations, the essay needs to be more than that. You need to analyse findings on a higher level and focus on questions such as why are they different and look at all the relevant statutory instruments not simply the Building Regulations or Building Codes.
No minimum number of quotations or footnotes required, however use as needed.
What is meant by multicultural education? Explain how social factors like socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender differences can make classroom teaching a challenging experience? How would you, as a future third grade teacher, deal with these challenges?
Customer is requesting that (Writergrrl101) completes this order.
Consider what you have learned about the growth of American economy and the affluence it brought about in the 1950s. Utilizing lecture notes texts and your notes on Tucker ,avalon, the seven year itch, and quiz show view three of the films listed below and write a essay giving and assessment of how they address the concerns of the American dream of sucess in the 1950s you must view the man in the grey flannel suit , patterns and the apartment pleAse don't tell the plot and refer to the characters by their names in the movies and please make a reference page
Double space plus a six page reference
You are to write a 1-page paper. State the question first and then continue to answer. For Outside Sources, Use Internet or Journal Articles only!
Political Education
What role, if any, will distance education have in the future of American political education?
Write a paper of 2 pages (double spaced) in which you:
Identify and briefly discuss any three legislative codes, bills, acts or regulations that you need to be aware of in your sought after classroom / instructional setting in early childhood education;
Indicate any involvement (previous/current or future) in the development of legislation that pertain to early childhood (that would be relevant to a portfolio);*
1. Need a hook and thesis for intro in beginning explaining the "Utopia" society that will be made up.(The name of the made-up Utopian society will be "Lafayette Unity")
2. In this section need to set up "the Utopian society" with 4 aspects like: education, work, religion, gender, etc. But I want my focus only on the education aspect of this made-up society.
3. For the body of the paper I need a hook and a thesis to set up the education aspect of the "Lafayette Unity Society"
4. Need a creative description of the rule or set up, and how it works.
5. Then go against the grain
6. Interesting solution and further problems
7. Conclusion in the education of the society
Discuss the connection between music and American Society during the 1960s. Search the web, use pictures, and find music that reflects the human reality of the decade.
Multicultural education seeks to create equal educational opportunities for all students, including those from different racial, ethnic, and social-class groups. Multicultural education tries to creat...e equal educational opportunities for all students by changing the total school environment so that it will reflect the diverse cultures and groups within a society and within the nation's classrooms. Multicultural education is a process because its goals are ideals that teachers and administrators should constantly strive to achieve.
Based on background reading materials and other scholarly sources, write a paper about multicultural education. In this paper it should include:
What are the goals of the multicultural education?
How to achieve the goals of the multicultural education?
Which aspects of the total school environment need to be transformed?
Your assignment is to address with your personal view point, as well as specific responses to the above questions.
Provide an introductory and concluding paragraph for the paper.
(double spaced with font size of 12)
Be sure to cite all references if you have.
Follow APA format.
Background Readings
ew directions in ME.pdf more
This is exactly what the profesor send me, also please not even though this is a masters program, I do not use complex english when doing my other assisgnments.…
Read Full Paper ❯Title Pedagogical affordance of ICT in Education 1- role of ICT in education 2- affordance thoery and what is afoordance and Pedagogical affordance 3- Pedagogical affordance of ICT 4- Pedagogical affordance of…
Read Full Paper ❯Briefly discuss the trend in the education of special needs children (learning disabled etc.) after the French Revolution. What philisophic principles of the period did this education reflect?
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment: Hegemony and Education 1. Discuss if and/or how gegemony affects men and women differently in the educatial setting of your choice. 2. Determine what ethical issures are…
Read Full Paper ❯This paper is on the education and life works of Oprah Winfrey, please research and and write the paper in APA format. It has to be on just…
Read Full Paper ❯Educational Philosopher Analysis Paper An in depth examination of John Dewey's philosophies and its possible implications for contemporary educational policy and school leadership.…
Read Full Paper ❯the topic is: what factors in american cultural history open up the possibility for a cult like matthias?do you believe that this is the result of a distinctly revivalist…
Read Full Paper ❯Topic Investment in higher education is the most important investment in anticipating a national return.This is the most appropriate and relevant tool for promoting economy and…
Read Full Paper ❯***SUPERDUPER 68 PLEASE WRITE ESSAY! **** THANK YOU Discuss how your philosophy of education has developed over the course of your graduate studies and the nature of your ideas on…
Read Full Paper ❯Please write a research essay to include: pages 1-2) Using Jon Gjerde's book, "Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History" and Stephen meyer's essay of "Efforts at Americanization in…
Read Full Paper ❯These are the rquirements the teacher is looking for 1. Accuracy-Report facts accurately and objectively. 2. Completeness-you need not include every detail you can find on the subject;rather present all the…
Read Full Paper ❯I require an annotated bibliography, approximately 8 citations, and then a critical analysis of the selected issue. The topic/question: Select an issue within clinical/health education which is of interest. The…
Read Full Paper ❯I need to write a paper wich explains what I learned in this class regarding the role of education in society. What I learned in class is mostly what…
Read Full Paper ❯Would like to know how public education stated in Arkansas and how it ended up being considered unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court.
Read Full Paper ❯A Critical Review of Adult Education within Human Resource Development: Maximizing the Learning Outcomes at Work 1. Individual chapters: ? Abstract ? Introduction (Statement of the Problem) ? Literature Review ? Discussion ? Recommendations 2. Paper idea As we move from industrial era…
Read Full Paper ❯Please reveiw the following sources and come up with overall argument for an American national character. Is is possible to find trends amongst so much diversity? What characteristics are…
Read Full Paper ❯Specifications: The topic I have chosen is ?Integrating Theory and Practice in Online Adult Arts Education?? I am a teaching artist, and my graduate studies are focused on Adult Arts…
Read Full Paper ❯Title: Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 Title III Public Accommodations ??" are there lessons to be learned which could be applied to the UKs Disability Discrimination Act 1995? The final submission…
Read Full Paper ❯What is meant by multicultural education? Explain how social factors like socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and gender differences can make classroom teaching a challenging experience? How would you, as a…
Read Full Paper ❯Consider what you have learned about the growth of American economy and the affluence it brought about in the 1950s. Utilizing lecture notes texts and your notes on…
Read Full Paper ❯You are to write a 1-page paper. State the question first and then continue to answer. For Outside Sources, Use Internet or Journal Articles only! Political Education What role, if any,…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a paper of 2 pages (double spaced) in which you: Identify and briefly discuss any three legislative codes, bills, acts or regulations that you need to be aware of…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Need a hook and thesis for intro in beginning explaining the "Utopia" society that will be made up.(The name of the made-up Utopian society will be "Lafayette Unity") 2.…
Read Full Paper ❯Discuss the connection between music and American Society during the 1960s. Search the web, use pictures, and find music that reflects the human reality of the decade.
Read Full Paper ❯Multicultural education seeks to create equal educational opportunities for all students, including those from different racial, ethnic, and social-class groups. Multicultural education tries to create equal educational opportunities for…
Read Full Paper ❯