25+ documents containing “Age Gap”.
We will pay $120 for the completion of this order.
here is the introduction and methods i wrote i need the results section and discussion section and the abstract written for me.
INTRODUCTION: As the process of benefits enrollment becomes more challenging, due to increasing numbers of choices available to the employee, employers are becoming increasingly concerned over communication and employee-engagement during the process. Traditionally, enrollment in a benefits plan involved registration-like steps and little in-depth interaction with human resources personnel. This has changed, as the goal of human resources is now focused more upon treating the employee as a customer and offering active support throughout the complex decision-making process (Engage Employees, 2007, p.2).
In order to successfully engage the employee in the benefit selection process and encourage the individual to feel comfortable asking questions, human resources personnel must understand the factors that could impact the relationship between personnel and employees. One such factor is appearance; research suggests that facial characteristics may impact the judgment of others. Little and Perrett (2007) investigated the relationship between facial cues and personality perception. Study participants were asked to rate composite facial images of individuals for agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, attractiveness, masculinity, and age. Results indicated that for female faces, participants associated a younger looking face with high conscientiousness. For male faces, participants associated older looking faces with high extraversion, high openness to new experiences, and low degrees of neuroticism (p.120).
Other research suggests the importance of facial characteristics in establishing credibility. Masip, Garrido, and Herrero (2003) investigated the relationship between facial babyishness and perceived impression of truthfulness and the influence of facial characteristics on credibility judgments. Prior research suggested that both facial babyishness and physical attractiveness played a role in others perceiving that individual as credible. The authors described babyishness as possessing qualities typically associated with the face of an infant, such as prominent forehead, large eyes, and thin eyebrows. Results from this study indicated that individuals possessing babyish facial qualities were judged to be more truthful than those who did not. While this study does not necessarily suggest that individuals will react in a more positive manner to those who appear younger, it does demonstrate that physical facial appearance impacts the views held by the observer.
The proposed study will investigate the impact of perceived age upon the interaction between the employee and the human resources personnel. Todays human resources professionals strive to treat employees as customers and actively engage them in the benefits selection process. Employees often have questions concerning the complex workings of benefits and may turn to human resources professionals for assistance. Ideally, employees should feel comfortable in interacting with such individuals so that questions can be quickly resolved. Prior research suggests that factors such as facial features and perceived age may play a role in the success of the interaction between two individuals. Furthermore, research also indicates that the importance placed upon the corporate value of operating in a highly ethical manner at all times varies with age, as older individuals tend to place higher importance upon this ethic (Thumin, Johnson, Kuehl, & Jiang, 1995, p.398).
Employees seek accurate information from knowledgeable individuals committed to performing their best at all times. Perceived age of the human resources service agent may be one factor that contributes to the quality of the interaction between this individual and the employee. Therefore, the hypothesis investigated in this experiment is that employees with questions regarding benefits will be more likely to ask for another service agent when the initial agent is younger and less likely to ask for another service agent when the initial agent is older. This research will be based upon a between-subject design; participants will be less likely to determine the proposed hypothesis because they will only be exposed to one condition and unaware of other conditions. The dependent variables in this experiment will be the customer service given to employees and the rate at which they ask for a different agent for assistance. The independent variables will be the difference in age between two service agents. The manipulated variables will consist of two different agents with an age difference of ten years. Results from this experiment will provide insight into ways to improve communications between employees and service agents with regards to benefits questions.
This is a good introduction. What Id like to see you do before you turn this in as part of your final paper is to make sure youve related adequately to your hypothesis each empirical study that you present. Before you move on to another idea (via new paragraph), make sure that you relate the current idea to your hypothesis (e.g. that lesser ratings of credibility may lead a person to not only discredit a source, but also dismiss that source from a role of potential support).
Nice job.
Engage Employees as Consumers in Benefits Enrollment. (2007). Managing Benefits Plans, 07-04, 2-3.
Little, A.C. & Perrett, D.I. (2007). Using Composite Images to Assess Accuracy in Personality Attribution to Faces. British Journal of Psychology, 98, 111-126.
Masip, J., Garrido, E., & Herrerro, C. (2003). Facial Appearance and Judgments of Credibility: The Effects of Facial Babyishness and Age on Statement Credibility. Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, 129(3), 269-311.
Thumin, F.J., Johnson, J.H., Kuehl, C., & Jiang, W.Y. 91995). Corporate Values as Related to Occupation, Gender, Age, and Company Size. The Journal of Psychol
In this experiment the sample size consisted of twenty employees of Florida International University who are visiting the Human Resources office at the University Park campus. These employees are there because they have questions regarding their benefits. They are comprised existing, past and prospective employees.
The initial representatives that are greeting the employees are both younger then most of the benefit representatives in the office. There will be a running count of participants that will be measured by the frequency in which the participants ask for another agent to help them. Repeated customer will be taken into account when analyzing the data. All participants will be addressed in the same manner so that will not be a factor.
Employees will come to the Human Resources office on University Park campus. The employees will be greeted by a young departmental employee. The questions asked by the participants coming into the office will range from simple to complex questions regarding their benefits. The independent variable will consist of interchanging of the two benefit representatives, whose age gap is seven years. Dependent variable will be measuring the frequency that an employee asks for another benefit representative. A running count will be kept in order to identify the employees that ask for another benefit representative to answer their questions. The participants age, gender and other concerns will be taken into consideration. It is also important to note that gender should not have any meaningful influence on the results of the experiment once the study has needed.
My results showed the test was not significant i would like that some of the reasons why it didnt work are because people do not actaully care about the age of a person, also include that another reason my expirement didnt work is because peoplerelate more to someone closer to their age also there was not a big enough age gap between the 2 reps. Theories why i did not work(if specualting write that if not it must be backed with evidence) go first followed by limitations of the methodology
a review of five curent (1995 -2007) peer-review journal articles. Below is my topic, hypotheses and research questions.
Please use these sources
Janet Saltzman Chafetz (2004) Gendered power and Privilege: Taking Lenski one Step Further in Sociological Theory Vol. 22 issue 2, pages 269-277
Nichole Proulx, Sandra L. Caron, and Mary Ellin Logue (2006) Older Women younger men: a look at the implications of age difference in marriage in Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy Vol. 5 issue 4
Zak A., Armer, E. Edmunds, K., Fleury, T., Sarris, M., & Shatynski, B. (2001) Age-discrepant relationships: Do these romance fare well? In North American Journal of Psychology, Vol.3 issue 1 page 119
Monica Boyd and Anne Li (2003) May-December: Canadians in age-discrepant relationships. In Canadian social trend statistics Canada catalogue #11-008
Jacqueline Darroch, David Landry and Selene Oslak (1999) Age differences between sexual partners in the United States in family Planning Perspectives, Vol. 31, No.4 p. 160-167.
David Knox and Tim Britton (1997). Age Discrepant relationships reported by university faculty and their students. In College student Journal, Vol. 31 Issue 3, p.280
There was a time when society deemed it in bad taste or even taboo for women to bridge the age gap by dating a younger man, but so-called May-December romances are inevitably on the rise. Some believe that it is the age gap itself that will hinder the relationship, but this learner tends to believe that if the couple has enough in common and possesses more than just a lust for each other, any older woman-younger man relationship really can thrive and develop into something mutual, lasting, and beneficial.
Lenski (1984), in his theory of socio-cultural evolution, described five different types of societies that were separated by their technologies. They were the hunting-and-gathering societies, the horticultural and pastoral societies, the agrarian societies, the industrial societies, and the post-industrial societies. Advancements in technology translated into changes in the economic, social, and political system. As a society moved from a hunting-and-gathering society, in which there was equality between the sexes, to a horticultural society, the beginning of the devaluation of womens work became apparent. During the agrarian stage, there was the largest amount of sex inequality due to the unequal physical distribution of work; men did heavy, manual labor, while women did housekeeping and child care. Simultaneously, the ideology developed that women were innately more suitable for less physical, more nurturing jobs, while men were inherently more competent at brawny corporeal work. During the industrial stage, women began to examine their disadvantaged position and began fighting for their rights. In the post industrial stage, women began to gain more power and have more equal social and economic status with men.
The economy of pre-industrial America was primarily based on family economies; the individual household was the fundamental unit of economic production. Within this unit, most of the necessities of life were produced by members of the family. These family economies were, by and large, subsistence economies. In this environment, there was no place for individuals living outside of a family. If someone lived individually, he or she was regarded as a criminal or beggar or worse. For both men and women, then, there really was no alternative, socially or economically, to living within a family.
Women began to function as productive laborers within this family economy at the age of six or seven and in some cases, earlier. In agricultural communities, this usually meant light farm labor, and in an artisan's family, this meant taking part in the business itself. Women in artisan families were very often trained in the skills of the family; as they grew up, they became more vital and important to the functioning of the business. On the farm, however, women's field labor was considerably less valued.
In general, women's lives were oriented around the economy of the household rather than relationships within the family. Both the marriage and the children took second place to production within the family economy; this was absolutely vital, for in a bad year, the family economy could mean starvation.
Many theories of sex stratification hypothesize the same relationship between resources and sex inequality as the more general theories of stratification discussed previously: increased access to resources by women diminishes inequality and male domination. Perhaps the best developed of such resource theories is Collins' conflict theory of sex stratification. Collins postulates that differences in strength and sexual aggression initially give men an advantage over women resulting in male domination. Changes in social organization and technology would create changes in the relative importance of other types of resources and, therefore, the importance of strength and aggression would diminish. In advanced market societies, as Collins characterizes contemporary Western industrial nations, education, employment opportunities, and financial resources became important determinants of position. Women's bargaining power would rise as their access to these resources increased (Huber, 2004).
Other theories of sex stratification imply a more complex relationship between resources and inequality, stressing the importance of institutionalized patriarchal norms and structures (Firestone, 2003), or the historically specific material conditions for women's inequality residing in their special relationship to production (Rowbotham, 1992). Both of these positions recognize women's continuing subordination despite changes in social structure and differences in class position. If control of resources unilaterally provides access to power (for women as well as everyone else), then there should be little differentiation by sex in the source, distribution, form, and use of great wealth. On the other hand, if sex is an overriding attribute; if patriarchal norms and structures take precedence; or if other aspects of women's class position prevail, then women should show significantly different patterns on these factors than men. In that situation, one would expect women's position among the wealthy to differ from men's and their ability to utilize great wealth and resources to be limited.
The changing economic, political, and social status of women also changed the scenario of sex relations. Traditionally, men dominated these relationships, and the choices within the relationships have most often been mens. Today, more women are acquiring s dominant economic, political, and social status. Concomitantly, there is a change in attitudes about age-appropriate sex relations.
An examination of the position of women in society today raises issues that have implications for understanding both the status of women and the relationship between property and power in a post-industrial capitalist economy. Five questions will be posed: 1) Would an increase in economic status allow women to choose to forgo marriage? 2) If women need not marry, do they increase their choices in the types of intimate relationships they can socially construct? 3) Do non-traditional, age discrepant relationships in which the woman is older and the man younger benefit the couple and their family? 4) Are non-traditional, age discrepant relationships in which the woman is older and the man younger more egalitarian? and, 5) Are relationships in which the woman is older and the man younger becoming more traditional?
In this study, the researcher will explore the relationship between older women and younger men and the affects of such a relationship. The researcher has hypothesized that the increase in economic status for women has allowed women to remain single; income is the independent variable and marital status is the dependent variable. The second hypothesis the researcher will analyze is the increase in economic status of women has allowed wmen to have more choices in relationships; sex and income are the independent variables and type of current social relationship is the dependent variable. These two hypotheses will be tested through a survey of older women / younger men age discrepant relationships.
The study will also use a qualitative approach by using in-depth interviews with individuals who are in older women/younger men age discrepant relationships. The researcher hypothesized that age discrepant relationships are beneficial to the union; sex and age of respondent and sex and age of respondents partner are the independent variables, and happiness of relationship operationalized as time together, children from the relationship, and co-residence are the dependent variables. The second hypothesis states that older women / younger men age discrepant relationships are more egalitarian than older men / younger women or similar age couples; sex and age of respondent and sex and age of respondents partner are the independent variables, while equal partnership in the relationship operationalized as how decisions are made, amount of time spent on housework each week, and the amount of time spent with children each week are the dependent variables. The last hypothesis the researcher will study is that older women / younger men age discrepant relationships are more socially accepted in todays society; sex and age of respondent and sex and age of respondents partner are the independent variables, and acceptance of older women / younger men relationships is the dependent variable.
Firestone, S. (2003). The dialectic of sex: The case for feminist revolution. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Huber, J. (2004). Lenski effects on sex stratification theory. Sociological Theory. 22(2), 259-268.
Lenski, G.E. (1984). Power & privilege: A theory of social stratification. New York, NY: McGraw -Hill.
Rowbotham, S. (1992). Women in movement: Feminism and social action. New York, NY: Routledge.
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I need a position paper on an issue that convinces the reader that you're right. The topic is.. The state legislater has asked you to prepare a report on Statutory rape because of the growing number of underage girls who have been impregnated by adult men. Studies reveal that many teenage pregnancies result from affairs that underage girls have with older men, with age gaps ranging from 7 to 10 years. Some outraged parents adamantly support a law that provides state grants to counties to prosecute statutory rape. These grants would allow more vigorous enforcement of the law and could result in the conviction of more than 1,500 offenders annually. However some critics suggest that implementing statutory rape laws to punish males who have relationships with minor girls doesn't solve the problems of teenage pregnancies and out of wedlock births. Liberals dislike the idea of using criminal law to solve social problems because it doesn't provide for the girls and their young children and focuses only on punishing offenders. In contrast, conservatives fear that such laws give the state power to prosecute people for victimless crimes, thereby adding to the governments abillity to control citizens private lives. Not all cases involve much older men, and critics ask whether we should criminalize the behaviour of 17 year old boys and their 15 year old girlfriends. As a criminologist with expertise on rape and its effects, what would you recommend reguarding impementation of the law? The paper must be double spaced with a minimum of five paragraphs, 80 to 150 words per paragraph. Research can be drawn from Internet sources and library sources. There must be an introductory paragraph that tells what the paper is about as well as a concluding paragraph. There must be at least one major paragraph outlining each of three points.
Coursework Assignment based on Gap Inc in 2010: Is the Turnaround Strategy Working? Case 11. Exclusively based on Gap's Family Stores
Scope - 3 lines
Section 1 - Situational Analysis
a - Back Ground - 15 lines
b - Evaluate Gap's business environment through a
1 -PESTI analysis ? short intro on why the PESTI was done and then speak on each section and show factors of each
2 -SWOT analysis ? short intro on why the SWOT was done and then list factors of each
3 - Michal Porter's Five Forces Model ? short intro on the model and must say whether each factor is high/low, strong/weak and why it is what it is. Then list as many examples or factors to support each (staying in line with GAP)
Section 2 - Strategy Direction
How did Gap's CEOs perform their roles to ensure a sustained and viable market position?
Vision, Mission, Objectives and Business Model
Speak on each CEO, they were four.
Contain at least five Internet sources, in addition to professional journal articles or resources related to the profession.
1. Max was an agency manager for Long Term Insurance Company. He was employed as an at-will employee. He was discharged after being employed for eight years because of his alleged negative attitude, the insurance companys increasing expenses, and his agencys decreasing profitability. Max provided evidence that he had never received negative criticism in any of his semi-annual company evaluations and that his personal sales were the best in the agency that he managed. Max claimed that he was discharged because he had written a positive letter of recommendation for his supervisor, Pete, who the company was considering firing. Max positive letter of recommendation for Pete had made it difficult for the company to fire Pete, and Max contended that he was being retaliated against because of the positive letter of recommendation that he wrote for Pete.
Max also showed that both he and Pete, who was also discharged, were both over the age of 50, and that both of them had been replaced by employees under the age of 30 whose salaries were 75% of the salaries that Max and Pete had earned at the company. Can Max prevail on any claim of discrimination? What claims give him the best chance of success? What must he prove?
The case must address the following questions, based on the information in the case. Do not do any research beyond the case information. Analysis format should address the questions in sequence based on the information in the case.
Case Analysis Questions:
1. Name and describe the organizations industry.
2. Describe the Dominant Economic Characteristics of the Industry.
3. Describe the major Driving Forces of the Industry.
4. Identify & assess the strengths of the Industrys Competitive Forces; Summarize the industry impacts.
5. Identify and describe the Key Success Factors for the Industry.
6. Using a Strategic Group Map identify & discuss the major players, their strategies, and how the strategies differ.
7. Is the Industry attractive? Why and/or why not?
8. Conduct an in-depth financial analysis with regards to profitability, liquidity, and growth, and then provide an assessment of the overall health of the firms finances. (Use the FINANCIAL ANALYSIS attachment for this, the math is already done)
9. Using tools such as value chain and/or resource based view identify the competencies and skills the firm has that provide the organization with a competitive advantage and summarize their impacts (Be Specific).
10. Conduct a SWOT analysis on the company & describe its strategic relevance & summarize their impact.
11. Assess the strength of the company relative to the other Industry participants using a Competitive Strength Assessment. (CSA) matrix. What conclusions can be made concerning the ability of the company to compete based upon your CSA matrix?
12. Identify the firms present mission. Does the existing mission fit with the market forces? What changes to the mission should be made?
13. Identify the firms present generic strategy. Does the present strategy fit with market forces? What supporting strategies do the firm use to compete? Has it been effective in establishing a sustainable advantage?
14. What are the strategic issues the firm must address to be competitive?
15. What strategic changes would you recommend to address the firms strategic issues?
16. Use the ten-part implementation model to briefly describe the actions necessary to implement the recommended strategy or strategies?
List of documents to be sent:
Gap Inc in 2010 case
Case Analysis Guide
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Students will write a miniature literature review on a topic of interest for the doctoral dissertation using 12-15 references. This may include references from previous assignments in this course and will hopefully be an exploration of a topic the student is interested in for the doctoral dissertation. The literature review should follow APA formatting. Student should extract information from the references and synthesize that information in the review. The paper should include a clear topic, a brief discussion of importance and a thorough analysis of the references. References should touch on different perspectives on and/or approaches to the topic. The analysis should conclude with potential questions that may be addressed by further research.
Students write a miniature literature review a topic interest doctoral dissertation 12-15 references. This include references previous assignments exploration a topic student interested doctoral dissertation.
The topic I have been working on is Generational Gaps in the workplace. If we could keep using this topic that would help.
Have Gender gap wages made any improvement? What areas in the workforce that men and women receive equal pay? What fields do women excel in opportunities for advancement in the workforce? What careers are the best for women and which careers are the worse? Which careers are considered male dominated and how does the military view women in job possibilites? Does a college education make a difference and if so what areas should women be looking at? For every dollar that a man earns, what does the woman earn? Does being a minority play a role in the pay scale?
The report on the research design which you submit for assessment should include:
a title or topic, you must writ on this topic( A Study of Age Influence in L2 Acquisition) and the research question must be on ( Does the learner's age influence the learning of another language).
a brief summary of some published research on this area
your research question/s, including some discussion of why these questions are of interest,
your proposed data collection method, and how this relates to the research question,
a timetable for conducting the research.
The criteria for assessment:
the report will be assessed on:
Appropriate participant groups given your research question
Logical initial hypothesis which is well-grounded in the literature
Clear and concise description of methodology
An outline of how the results will be analysed.
Brief discussion of likely results of the study and their implications
Presentation/ organisation??" including accurate spelling and grammar, referencing, general cohesion of the writing.
A five page research paper on any subject within the humanities. Scrupulous documentation plus high originality, analysis, insight, and fresh applications of ideas are highly prized. Mere reporting, describing, and finding others? ideas are discouraged, and copying and pasting is just wrong. Your paper is to be 70?80% original and 20?30% resourced (documented via turnitin.com). : The essay must be double-spaced pages in length (not including the title or reference pages). Include a minimum of three and a maximum of five scholarly sources. The margins should be no more than one in. (right and left). The essay should be composed in 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font. All of the sources must be documented and cited using APA format.
This is a humanities essay to prove that LITERATURE and ART emerged from the dark ages hence the dark ages was not so dark. Please include the following:
What does the term the Dark Ages mean? In what ways was this society inadvertently preparing to emerge in modernity through the preservation of classical literature and scripture? What particular impact did Ireland have in the world that would emerge from the Dark Ages? Consider the literature produced in early Old English, a Germanic language with a Celtic imagination, expressed in Arthurian legend. What do these breathtaking legends of knights and honor have to do with our modern sense of ethics? What is the chivalric code?
This is a problem and solution essay. my problem is "generation gap between parents and children".please provide 3 solutions to solve this problem. please write clear and srtong thesis statement; provide strong detailed information to suport body paragraphs and don't summary the conclution.maximum resources is 3.
I need to improve on my assignment. Emphasis should be on relevant ILO legislation.
The weaker areas of my assignment identified were:
Executive summary
Description of the organisation
Review of HSMS
Gap analysis
Hazard identification
Risk assessments
Action plans.
Executive summary
The executive summary should provide a concise overview of the important points, it should summarise the main conclusions and recommendations and should state the implications to the company of non-compliance as well as any costs involved and the benefits.
Description of the organisation
When writing the introduction there are a few specific items that need to be included: -
aims and objectives
methodology ? how you will collect your information and how you will represent it in the report
description of the workplace (size, activities)
employment profile (age range, sex, nationality)
work patterns (hours worked, days worked, shift work etc.)
legal framework ? the main legal aspects applicable to your site and how they have impacted on your organisations management systems ? what have they changed.
The aims would be the generalised goal of the assignment.
The aim is about what you hope to do, your overall intention of the assignment. It signals what and/or where you aspire to be by the end. It?s what you want to know. It is the point of doing the assignment. An aim is therefore generally broad. It is ambitious, but not beyond possibility.
The objectives would be the specific steps required to achieve the aims. The objectives should be S.M.A.R.T
? Specific ? be precise about what you are going to do
? Measurable ?you will know when you have reached your goal
? Achievable ? Don?t attempt too much. A less ambitious but completed objective is better than an over-ambitious one that you cannot possible achieve.
? Realistic ? do you have the necessary resources to achieve the objective? For example: time, money, skills, etc.?
? Time constrained ? determine when each stage needs to be completed. Is there time in your schedule to allow for unexpected delays?
In terms of the legal environment you will not get high marks unless you talk about ILO conventions/recommendations and codes of practice. This is the legislation that is in the syllabus. Of course you can also mention national legislation. More importantly you have to select the most relevant legislation, outline what it requires and demonstrate the impact on the organisation i.e. what have you done to comply, what could happen if you do not comply?
Review of HSMS
For the management review section, you will need to describe in detail what is in place, how the systems work, who does what when and how often etc. The goal of the description part is to demonstrate your understanding of how the model is implemented in practice at a local level within your organisation. You need to structure your description around the structure of your chosen model. Including a diagram of your chosen model will be beneficial here for the reader.
Gap analysis
To do the gap analysis it also has to be detailed. You need to compare your organisation against each and every requirement and sub requirement of your chosen model. Using an audit checklist is a good foundation and you can incorporate this into your table. The table will need to clearly show whether the requirement is complied with or not, the level of noncompliance, how serious this is (some gaps are a higher priority than others), clearly describe the gap and its implications (the implications help justify the priority) and suggest ways of fixing the gaps. To get top marks you also need to suggest specific ways to maintain or improve performance, even where the requirements of 18001 are being met. Failure to consider the compliant areas in the gap analysis will reduce your mark to 2 out of 6.
Hazard identification
When writing this section, I would include a brief paragraph or two on how you identified your hazards as well as how you developed your risk rating, what criteria you used etc. so they can see this then see the hazards identified.
You should also separate the physical hazards from the health/welfare so that the reader can quickly see which is the highest priority physical hazard and which is the highest priority health/welfare hazard to know then which ones will be taken forward to the risk assessment section.
In this section you need to describe the hazards and how they can cause harm. It is important that the Examiner feels that they are real hazards that you have spotted, and not just generic categories that exist in your workplace. You also need to discuss the implications of the hazards i.e. the possible injuries, ill health, moral, legal, financial etc. There is no need for any detailed information on control measures or how to resolve each and every hazard you have spotted.
Risk assessments
The guidance requires a credible and persuasive justification for your choice of top priority hazards. You will need to use a variety of good arguments, and not just rely on a typical severity x likelihood reason. Other reasons could include industry statistics/guidance show that these hazards are priorities, accident trends, enforcement action taken against you, a recent major accident in your organisation (or similar organisation), complaints from workers, pressure from management/H&S Committee/Group H&S management, request from insurance company etc.
When you write this section I would include an introduction stating which hazards you selected for risk assessment (don?t forget to include your in-depth justification for your choices here) and why and then go on to describe your chosen risk assessment model.
I would provide a brief explanation of your risk assessment methodology stating which model you followed and briefly what is required. The guidance says: ?The methodology adopted in completing each risk assessment should be briefly described, including reference to relevant publications, legislation, other technical documents and standards.?
Your risk assessment methodology must be appropriate for the hazard you are risk assessing. The guidance says: ?The risk assessment methodology chosen should be suitable and sufficient, legally compliant and be appropriate for each hazard identified. High marks will not be awarded for a generic risk assessment model when a specific risk assessment is required due to the nature of the hazard e.g. manual handling.? You should also ensure you follow each and every step of the risk assessment model. Deviation from it will lead to a loss of marks. The marking scheme gives the criteria for full marks: ?Full risk assessment of chosen hazard following recognised risk assessment model. Full consideration of all factors.?
It is important that your risk assessment is suitable and sufficient, and that your recommended actions for improvement are clearly justified. The guidance says: ?The risk assessment should include a review of the existing control measures and provide options for further action with reference to a hierarchy of control. The candidate should make use of any data available for any hazards which have already been quantified e.g. noise surveys.?
When you write the risk assessment section ensure that you include the following sections as a minimum ? other aspects will be required depending on the risk methodology you selected to use: -
? title of the assessment - this should be the same as identified in the hazard identification section
? all the hazards associated with the activity/issue (please remember only include physical hazards in the physical risk assessment and health/welfare hazards in the health/welfare risk assessment).
? who can be harmed and how
? evaluate the current controls - state why they are good and why they are not sufficient
? current risk rating - this should be in numbers so it can be compared
? the additional controls needed - these should be hierarchy order starting off with those that would eliminate the risk down to the last resort of PPE.
? residual risk rating - this is the risk rating based on the additional controls you have suggested been in place - also in numbers - the reader can then compare this to the existing risk rating to see how much your recommendations would reduce the risk by
? a review date for the whole risk assessment - this should be based on the risk rating but should be no longer than annually.
The conclusions should refer the reader back to the aims and objectives and describe how well they were achieved they should also summarise all the main findings from the gap analysis and the risk assessments and put a persuasive case forward to management to make them take action ? include your legal, moral and financial arguments here.
The recommendations section follows on directly from the conclusions so for every issue noted in the conclusions there should be a recommendation. There should be recommendations for the management review section and the risk assessments ? the recommendations should be justified and realistic. There should be a cost benefit analysis for each recommendation and they should be prioritised and your system for prioritization should be explained to the reader.
You need to ensure you can answer the following questions when you look at your report:
Is every problem you summarise in the conclusions covered by at least one recommendation?
Is every recommendation linked back to a conclusion?
Are your recommendations specific and realistic? (i.e. will a senior manager be able to understand these and think they are possible?)
How have you prioritised your recommendations?
Have you written a cost benefit analysis for each recommendation? What specific costs did you include? What benefits?
Have you explained/justified why each recommendation is necessary and how it will improve the situation?
Action plans.
The action plans are the step by step actions needed to complete the recommendations from the previous section. Following the table in the guidance document ensures you include all the correct information. The success criteria section often causes concerns - this is the way you will test to ensure the actions are effective so for example if you have an action as train staff the success criteria could be a small test so see if they have understood the requirements of the training.
topic:How the effect of age, gender, and income on support of health
dependent variables: health
independent variables: age income gender
i will upload few word document which include the requirement of the research paper and data
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The study will need to explore causes of the achievement gap that researchers have found to have a significant impact on the achievement gap between black and white students. I need factors such as: teacher expectations, stereotyping, allocation of resources, high-quality teachers, and environment to be discussed.
This paper was ordered and it was delivered to me on 6-14-09. The following information is the detail from that order
Topic: AchievementGap
Order ID: 105324
The writer did a wonderful job. I need this writer to further expound on the work he has already researched. He has completed 10 pages ( I am faxing the 10 pages he has completed as a resource because I need him to include these pages along with the new 20 pages he will create) I need him to further that research to add 20 more pages to his work. I need him to tie the work he has already completed with the work he is about to complete together into one literature review. The researcher will need to explore causes of the achievement gap that researchers have found to have a significant impact on the achievement gap between black and white students. I need factors such as: teacher expectations, stereotyping, allocation of resources, high-quality teachers, and environment to be discussed. I also need the researcher to explore ways the achivement gap can be closed. What can we as educators and school administrators do to close the achievement gap in our schools. Again, I need this paper to serve as a literature review. My professor will us the website: www.turnitin.com to ensure that plagiarism did not take place. Therefore, I need this work to be authentic and custom made. Please make sure that all work is properly cited according to APA.
Finally, I e-mailed you all and asked how I could go about getting the same author to complete this project. I am copying a copy of the response I received below:
Hello Zickeyous,
All you need to do is place a new order for twenty page. Include all the specifications on the order form. Once the order is placed, please send us an email, and we will make sure the same writer that completed your previous order completes this one as well.
Mark Dee - Customer Service Supervisor
Student Network Resources Inc.
Every Day is a Good Day for Research!
Lastly, I need at least 35 new sources (references to be included). The writer has already used 14 from the last paper. I need him to add 35 new sources to the 20 new pages he will create.
I am attaching a copy of the paper your researcher wrote for me. This paper was delivered on 6-14-09. I need the same researcher to complete this new order and include this custom research paper in with his new custom paper he will be completing for me. I have attached the detailed information I used to explain my new order when I submitted the order. Please read this information as it will provide you with the necessary information.
The study will need to explore causes of the achievement gap that researchers have found to have a significant impact on the achievement gap between black and white students. I need factors such as: teacher expectations, stereotyping, allocation of resources, high-quality teachers, and environment to be discussed.
This paper was ordered and it was delivered to me on 6-14-09. The following information is the detail from that order
Topic: AchievementGap
Order ID: 105324
The writer did a wonderful job. I need this writer to further expound on the work he has already researched. He has completed 10 pages ( I am faxing the 10 pages he has completed as a resource because I need him to include these pages along with the new 20 pages he will create) I need him to further that research to add 20 more pages to his work. I need him to tie the work he has already completed with the work he is about to complete together into one literature review. The researcher will need to explore causes of the achievement gap that researchers have found to have a significant impact on the achievement gap between black and white students. I need factors such as: teacher expectations, stereotyping, allocation of resources, high-quality teachers, and environment to be discussed. I also need the researcher to explore ways the achivement gap can be closed. What can we as educators and school administrators do to close the achievement gap in our schools. Again, I need this paper to serve as a literature review. My professor will us the website: www.turnitin.com to ensure that plagiarism did not take place. Therefore, I need this work to be authentic and custom made. Please make sure that all work is properly cited according to APA.
Finally, I e-mailed you all and asked how I could go about getting the same author to complete this project. I am copying a copy of the response I received below:
Hello Zickeyous,
All you need to do is place a new order for twenty page. Include all the specifications on the order form. Once the order is placed, please send us an email, and we will make sure the same writer that completed your previous order completes this one as well.
Mark Dee - Customer Service Supervisor
Student Network Resources Inc.
Every Day is a Good Day for Research!
Lastly, I need at least 35 new sources (references to be included). The writer has already used 14 from the last paper. I need him to add 35 new sources to the 20 new pages he will create.
There are faxes for this order.
The ?rise ?of ?business ?and ?the ?new ?age ?of ?industrial ?capitalism ?forced ?Americans ?to ?think ?
about, ?criticize, ?and ?justify ?the ?new ?order?especially ?the ?vast ?disparities ?of ?wealth ?and ?
power ?it ?created. ? ?This ?assignment ?asks ?you ?to ?consider ?the ?nature ?and ?meaning ?of ?
wealth, ?poverty ?and ?inequality ?in ?the ?Gilded ?Age ?making ?use ?of ?the ?perspectives ?of ?four ?
people ?who ?occupied ?very ?different ?places ?in ?the ?social ?and ?intellectual ?spectrum ?of ?late ?
nineteenth-??century ?America:, ?the ?sociologist ?William ?Graham ?Sumner, ?the ?writer ?Henry ?
George, ?a ?Massachusetts ?textile ?worker ?named ?Thomas ?O?Donnell, ?and ?the ?steel ?tycoon ?
Andrew ?Carnegie. ?
Specifically, ?it ?asks ?you ?to ?imagine ?a ?debate ?ABOUT ?Andrew ?Carnegie ?and ?Thomas ?
O?Donnell ?BETWEEN ?Henry ?George ?and ?William ?Graham ?Sumner ?(intellectuals ?who ?had ?
different ?responses ?to ?the ?challenges ?of ?the ?Gilded ?Age). ? ?If ?we ?could ?listen ?in ?on ?George ?
and ?Sumner ?as ?they ?talked ?to ?one ?another ?about ?the ?differences ?between ?Carnegie ?and ?
O?Donnell, ?what ?would ?we ?hear? ? ?How ?would ?the ?two ?men ?understand ?and ?explain ?how ?
and ?why ?Carnegie ?and ?O?Donnell ?arrived ?at ?such ?different ?places? ? ?How ?would ?George ?
and ?Sumner ?understand ?the ?vast ?differences ?between ?the ?life ?and ?living ?conditions ?of ?
the ?two ?men? ? ?What ?might ?George ?and ?Sumner ?suggest ?as ?remedies ?to ?O?Donnell?s ?
problems? ? ?How ?would ?they ?feel ?about ?Carnegie?s ??Gospel ?of ?Wealth?? ? ?On ?what ?points ?
might ?George ?and ?Carnegie ?clash ?and ?sharply ?disagree? ? ?Could ?they ?possibly ?agree ?on ?
anything? ?
You ?may ?be ?as ?creative ?or ?as ?straightforward ?as ?you ?like ?in ?dealing ?with ?the ?assignment. ?
You ?may ?imagine ?a ?full ?dialogue ?between ?Sumner ?and ?George, ?write ?in ?the ?style ?of ?a ?
newspaper, ?or ?you ?may ?just ?write ?a ?more ?straightforward ?analytical ?report. ? ? ? ? ?
Documents ?you ?will ?need ?to ?read ?and ?understand ?to ?complete ?this ?assignment: ? ?
1.) Andrew ?Carnegie, ??Gospel ?of ?Wealth? ?(http://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5767) ?
2.) Thomas ?O?Donnell, ?Testimony William ?Graham ?Sumner ??What ?the ?Social ?Classes ?Owe ?to ?Each ?Other? ?(PDF, ?
?Assignments?) ?
4.) Henry ?George, ?Progress ?and ?Poverty, ?Major ?Problems, ?pp. ?20-??22. ? ? ? ?
Question 1. One page essay. The theory-practice gap, as some have called it, has prevented our profession from full utilization of its knowledge base in practice, and has impeded the view of nursing as a theoretically based discipline, to its detriment. There are distinctly different viewpoints to this argument, based on the different perspectives of academics and theoreticians on the one hand and that of practitioners on the other. Being honest about your reaction, and applying critical thinking skills to the question, where do you stand on the issue, and why?
Question 2. one page essay. Barriers have existed, especially in the past, which have impeded the work necessary to develop the knowledge base of nursing. Many of these barriers are related to issues of gender and knowledge in a female-dominated profession like nursing. What are your views on the way in which gender has inhibited our growth as a knowledge-based profession and the view others have of our professional status?
I need this essay in a standard essay format which is 5 paragraphs
I do not have any specific resources, but any history resources will be fine.
the topic is:
Describe urban industrial america in the late 19th century and the plight of immigrants and working class people in the "Gilded Age." In what ways did immigration fuel the demands of American industry and fraustrate the goals of organized labor? What were labor's objective? Were the successful, and if so, in what ways?
Content Review
?Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between two and three paragraphs in length.
?Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
?Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your instructor can see which question you are responding to.
1.The "Learning How to Learn" section in your course text (p. 371) summarizes a very important aspect of children's cognitive development. In your own words, define the term metacognition. Then, explain why this skill is integral to children's future cognitive development including success in school and in life.
2."As children grow and change, their vulnerability to stress and the situations that produce it also changes" (Martin & Fabes, 2009, p. 407). Review pages 406?413 of your course text, which discuss the situations or types of interactions that are likely to be sources of stress for children between the ages of 5 and 11. Then, explain how a child's competencies or capabilities related to physical, cognitive, and social and emotional development may affect how the child responds to stressful situations or interactions.
3.Poverty can create stressful and/or threatening conditions that affect children's development. Consider, for example, the effects that poverty can have on children's access to adequate nutrition. In what ways might undernutrition or malnutrition and the stress associated with both impact children's physical, cognitive, and social and emotional development?
need introduction and conclusion
compare the relationship of status to age and gender in the U.S. with the relationship of status to age and gender in another country (of your choice)
use APA formatting guidelines
include intext citations
1.This final paper is to explore a particular theory, perspective or developing research thought within gerontology and apply it to a topic identified within the course content. You may build on research or theoretical aspects of topics.
2.You should have an introduction that has a clear overview of the substantive topic and theory chosen.
3.The second section should discuss the key tenets of the theory or perspective chosen, including a discussion of its strengths and weaknesses.
4.The third section should contain a well-integrated literature review on your substantive topic including a discussion of the strengths and gaps in the literature within the topic area.
5.The fourth section should be the largest one and contain a well-linked discussion of how the key tenets of the theory or perspective relate to the substantive topic and how it helps give a better understanding of the topic. This should include a discussion of possible areas where the theory or perspective may not address the topic adequately and any research indicating new approaches for tackling this.
6.The fifth section should contain a brief discussion of the clinical or real world application (applicable use of the theory) of the theory under evaluation (if applicable) as it applies to your topic. How does this theory serve to improve our understanding of the topic area selected.
7.You should have a conclusion that contains a summary of the theory how it ties in with your topic, and links you have made between the two.
Please use APA 5th edition. Please discuss how early childhood programs can help public schools close the achievement gap between students.
After reading Chapters from the Niles-Yokum & Wagner textbook which will be uploaded to you, and reading the Links provided on the uploaded file please answer the following......Answer 2 of the following 3 questions writing a 4 page response for each question. Each question answered should reflect an integration of material across all 5 modules. There were 5 modules of which you have already written a paper for (see uploaded material) and can be used for this assignment. Be explicit about module and module content cited. Also, you cna use the links provided on the uiploaded file as references across modules. I have listed the links by module. It is important to use as many references across the 5 modules as possible.
(2) --> 4-Page essays, 12pt. Times New Roman, APA Format....I will do the header page.
Question 1 --> Based on all materials presented, please fully describe 5 policy considerations in the development and implementation of an aging-related service program. What specific aging-related factors of an older client need to be considered in offering such services? Give 2 examples of such situations that may occur in the "real world" service with an aging population.
Question 2 --> Based on all materials presented, please identify and explain 5 "gaps" in the services offered to support a current aging population. What is the nature of these service shortfalls and how do these service limitations potentially impact older adults' "quality of life" outcomes in both the short and long term?
Question 3 --> Baserd on all materials presented, please explain how ageism (biased subjectivity) is possible in the design and/or implementation of aging services? Be specific about potential bias factors! Explain how it is best possible to reduce this potential bias in offering services to older clients in the community.
There are faxes for this order.
Customer is requesting that (Cathii) completes this order.
Please strictly follow 6th edition APA style (2010).
I have a Sample of this research paper and very detailed requirements, and I would like to transmit it to you via email or upload before you start writing the paper, this is very important, and useful. I also have SPSS Statistics Data, and Chi Square that you need for this research paper, I would also like to send them to you via email or upload.
I'll just copy and paste all the requirements and topic below, but if you need a more organized version, please see upload or email.
Topic: Same Sex Marriage
Dependent Variable: Homosexual couples should have the right to marry one another.
Independent Variable: Age, gender, religious preference
Writing the Empirical Quantitative Research Report
You will be writing a paper to support the research project you are developing in your labs. Writing the research report is an important part of the research process ??" disseminating the research findings.
At the completion of this project, you will have acquired important skills for becoming part of the research community at a university. All university professors do this for their research. Graduate students receive extensive training in research skills.
Undergraduate students who have completed research projects and independent study courses with university professors have a critical edge during the application process for graduate school.
The research paper will follow the format presented in the first lecture reading for this course Reading Research. It will be a helpful guide for understanding the process of developing your research project.
You will first write an introductory section of two or three paragraphs (at least 1 full page), followed by a literature review (about 3 pages) and hypotheses (2/3 page). This will set up the problem you are studying and predictions about what you hope to find in the data analysis. You will then write about how the data was collected, describe the participants, the questions and the statistical procedures you used for analysis (1 page). The final sections are the presentation of results (2 pages and the discussion/conclusion (2 pages), which is a concluding section interpreting your results in light of your background research.
You will receive detailed feedback on your introduction, literature review and hypotheses.
These three sections are critical to setting up your research project properly.
You can earn a maximum of 60 points for this paper allocated as follows:
Introduction, Literature Review, Hypotheses 40 points
Method, Results, Discussion 20 points
15 points of the paper is dedicated to APA style ??" mistakes in APA are deducted from your paper points.
If you have a 55 point paper and make 5 APA mistakes, your paper will be 50 points.
The dates are firm. Absolutely no extensions will be granted. If the due date poses a problem for students, the paper may be submitted before the deadline.
The paper will be graded in two submissions:
1. The introduction, literature review and hypotheses are due on November 15, 2012 at 5:00pm in your Turnitin.com dropbox labeled First Draft. Your dropbox will be labeled with your the first letter of your last name. The drafts will be reviewed and feedback will be provided. A maximum of 40 points will be given at this time. Students can earn 40 points for these three sections if there are no errors including APA style, grammar and adherence to report structure.
In the event students receive less than the full 40 points, these three sections may corrected and or revised and resubmitted at the final exam time for additional points to a maximum of 40 total points for the first three sections.
This will give students an opportunity to revise and improve their work. Final points for the paper will be awarded based on implementation of comments and suggestions in the feedback, including grammar.
The three sections will be proof-read for content and adherence to report structure, not for grammar and spelling. Students will be advised if they should seek help for grammar and spelling, but no assistance with grammar and spelling is available in this course.
If no first draft is submitted, students forfeit the opportunity for feedback. This is firm and absolute. There are no acceptable excuses for late papers. Students papers should be written over the three weeks when instruction is given.
There will be no feedback available for the final sections of the paper, only for the first three sections, which are most critical for setting up the research project.
Writing the Introduction to the Research Report.
Your introduction and other sections will be returned to you the week after submission. Revise the paper based on the feedback and submit it again with the next sections - the literature review and hypotheses. In this way, you will be getting the most advantage from feedback. If you do not submit a section by the due date, you will not get feedback.
Be sure you have formatted it correctly ??" double-spaced, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins all around, spelling and grammar checked, APA in-text citations and a reference page.
You should keep your reference page up to date so you get feedback every time.
The introduction is the broad beginning of the paper that answers three important questions:
1. What is this paper about? What is the broad social science problem or issue?
2. Why is it important to study?
3. What are you (the researcher) going to do in your proposed study?
You should answer these questions by doing the following:
1. Set the context ??" provide general information about the main idea, explaining the situation so the reader can make sense of the topic and the claims you make and support.
2. State why the main idea is important ??" tell the reader why s/he should care and keep reading.
3. State your thesis/claim ??" compose a sentence or two stating the general purpose of your study. Start it like this: The purpose of this study is. The purpose statement will include your research question, your dependent variable and three independent variables.
This should be two to three medium paragraphs including statistics to support the importance of your general topic problem or issue.
Thus, the most time consuming part of this assignment is researching the background statistics and information. The writing should go quickly. You should plan to write and then set your paper aside for a while before coming back and editing and proofing it a couple of times.
Note: You may only use background information from authoritative websites or academic articles.
For example, if you wish to start with Wikipedia, you will find some general information and links to sources. Never, ever, ever, use Wikipedia as a source for any academic or other writing. Find the primary sources referred to in the article.
For health statistics, check the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/
For education statistics, the National Center for Education Statistics: http://nces.ed.gov/
For California education: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/
For political data, the Pew Research Center: http://pewresearch.org/topics/
For other topics, check the UCI Library Opposing Viewpoints Center: http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/start.do?userGroupName=irvi75182&&prodId=OVRC&finalAuth=true and under each topic, you will find a tab for statistics.
For an example of the introduction, look at the sample paper on the SS3A course website.
There are also some examples of bad and good introductions.
You must write in American Psychological Association style. There is an optional resource available with formatting using Word 2010. This is an excellent resource and is written in APA style as well. The information for purchasing is in the syllabus.
You do not have to use this optional resource; there is plenty of information availabe online, including the official APA Publication Manual. But you must write in 6th edition APA style (2010).
The literature review section of your paper will be four to seven paragraphs ??" three full pages.
This is a good time to start your title page so you can get feedback on the formatting.
The paper must be formatted it correctly ??" double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font, 1 inch margins all around, spelling and grammar checked, APA in-text citations and an updated reference page.
There are absolutely no quotes allowed in this paper.
The APA style is 15 points of your final paper, the first draft will be your only opportunity to get feedback on your APA formatting.
The literature review is important to show your knowledge about your research topic. You need to discuss what has already been done on the topic and what the key issues are.
Upper division writing courses, or undergraduate research projects, require presentation and support of major theories, how they have been applied and developed, as well as criticisms.
However, this SS3A course is about the research process and we will not be doing a thorough background literature search and review.
In this brief paper, you are to read and review three articles on your topic that relate to variables that interest you from the list given to you with the introduction instructions.
These articles must be different from any source you used in your introduction.
Each article must be relate to your research topic (your dependent variable) and one of your independent variables.
You can only use one article per independent variable. You may not use one article for two variables.
If you are having trouble finding articles, please visit your TA in office hours or see Dr. Christopherson in office hours.
Your literature review will help justify the topic of your research, as none of the articles will utilize all the variables you are selecting. So, you are proposing a new study.
Be sure you avoid expressing personal opinions at this time; you will be able to do that in the conclusion section of your proposal.
The significance of the literature review often seems mysterious to undergraduates and first-time researchers. Its importance is difficult to grasp and sometimes it seems like you are just replicating previous work.
But, the literature review, along with your introduction and background statistics, form the justification for your study. The literature review is different from an annotated bibliography, which is just a listing of articles with descriptions.
You will be discussing each article in the context of your study. Write about what is relevant to your study, ignore what is not. This means you need to read the abstract, the introduction and conclusion of your articles. And, really, only the parts that pertain to your study.
The three hypotheses for your project will be three brief paragraphs, one for each prediction.
This is the only opportunity for feedback on your paper.
Please pay attention to formatting ??" 12-pt Times New Roman font, double spaced throughout, one-inch margins all around. This is a good time to get feedback on the APA formatting: add a title page, and references page. This is your only opportunity for feedback on the APA style and formatting.
How to write the hypotheses:
The hypotheses follow from the literature review. Remember, we are doing a very small project with only a few sources. Normally, the introduction and literature review would be the bulk of the report (5-7 pages). We are only learning the process in this class.
Even with this small project, the hypotheses are the same as for a large project. They are the predictions for your three independent variables and how they relate to your dependent variable (your research question).
The hypotheses are predictions you anticipate or hope to find in the data analysis you are proposing. The participants in the surveys or studies you are using for your analysis have answered your questions already. So, you must frame the hypotheses in a similar way to the question wording.
Begin at the end of the literature review.
For each hypothesis paragraph, remind the reader of the findings in the articles you used to develop the hypotheses. Then state your hypothesis. Do this for each article.
Research by Gross (1993) reported that men drink alcohol at higher levels than women, and their consumption continually increases as they reach the legal age for alcohol use. For women it decreases by the time they reach legal status to drink. Thus, the first hypothesis for this study is that males are more likely to support lowering the legal drinking age to 18 years of age than women are.
So, you will write one or two sentences about the prior research findings (from your literature review) and then write a statement making your prediction ??" being specific about what you are predicting.
Do not say something like gender affects approval of lowering the drinking age. The answer to that question is yes. Be specific about which gender is likely to have a higher approval, such as Males are likely to approve of a lower legal drinking age of 18.
Be sure to cite the author and year when writing about the articles on which you base your hypotheses..
Again refer to the sample paper and APA Style information online or in the optional resource.
Do not purposely start a new page for this section. Simply center the word Method (bolded) and continue typing on the very next double-spaced line (i.e., do not insert any extra blank lines here).
Write professionally, that is, do not make it sound like a class project. Assume you are writing for submission to a scientific journal.
The Methods section has three sub-sections. In a standard research report the method section describes how the research was conducted: who the participants were, how they were selected (sampling method), what questions they answered, how the analysis was conducted. This assists the reader in understanding the results of the analysis.
Someone should be able to replicate your study based on the information you provide in this section.
The participants section indicates who participated in your study and how they were recruited ??" this will be found in the codebook or published information on the sampling design. You will find enough information attached to these guidelines to write a paragraph about the General Social Survey. State the number of respondents in your own data set (based on your analysis in lab). Cite the GSS data source (see below).
The instrumentation section discusses any measurement or materials used ??" in your case the measurement of characteristics (IVs), opinions/attitudes/behaviors (DVs) is done with a survey. In this section, you present the survey questions and response options for all four of your variables ??" one dependent variable and three independent variables. Do not type a list.
In the procedures identify the scale of measurement for each of your variables and the statistical procedure you used including the statistical software package. In this paper, you will create crosstab tables, conduct a Chi-square test and and interpret them. It is helpful to make a list of the steps you use to analyze your data in your labs. Then write a narrative of your procedure. Do not type a list.
Here is information compiled from the GSS site and codebook:
You are welcome to paraphrase this information for your first paragraph of your methods section. Do not write these paragraphs exactly ??" that is plagiarism. Rewrite in your own words and cite the GSS site (see above for citation information).
GSS Overview:
Until 1998, the target sample size was approximately 10,000 persons. This was increased in 1999 to 25,000. With a sample of 25,000, results are available at both the national and provincial levels and possibly fr some special population groups such as disabled persons, visible minorities and seniors.
The GSS (General Social Survey) is an interview survey of U.S. households chosen by using a proportional sampling technique. The survey is conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC).
The basic purposes of the GSS are to gather data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends and constants in attitudes, behaviors, and attributes; to examine the structure and functioning of society in general as well as the role played by relevant subgroups.
Sampling is conducted by the NORC using a national probability sample. For the 2006 survey, a new sample frame based on the 2000 United States Census was implemented. Block quota sampling was used in 1972-1974 and for half of the 1975 and 1976 surveys. Full probability sampling was employed all years after 1976.
Until 1998, the target sample size was approximately 10,000 persons. This was increased in 1999 to 25,000. With a sample of 25,000, results are available at both the national and provincial levels and possibly for some special population groups such as disabled persons, visible minorities and seniors.
Each survey was an independently drawn sample of English-speaking persons 18 years of age or over, living in non-institutional households within the United States.
Mode of Data Collection:
Tow methods of collection: face-to-face interview and computer-assisted personal interview.
Response Rate:
Approximately 71 percent responded to the survey questions.
Be sure to cite the GSS data in your methods section: (Davis & Smith, 2011) (See below for the citation to put into your references page.)
APA Citation for GSS Data:
Davis, J.A. and Smith, T. W. (2011) General social surveys, 1972-2010 [machine-readable data file] /Principal Investigator, James A. Davis; Director and Co-Principal Investigator, Tom W. Smith; Co-Principal Investigator, Peter V. Marsden; Sponsored by National Science Foundation. --NORC ed. -- Chicago: National Opinion Research Center [producer]; Storrs, CT: The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, University of Connecticut [distributor].
Writing the Results Section of your paper
The purpose of the results section is to follow the goals of your literature review (establish what needs to be studied and why it is important) and your methods section (where you describe the design of the study). In the results section, you now describe the result of the data analysis. We must present only what is important and leave out opinions and unnecessary details. Again, our project is simple and we will not be including any tables or graphs in this paper, although you would for an upper-division research report or graduate level work.
The results section has two parts.
Part 1:
The first part is a paragraph summarizing your sample.
Write a paragraph describing the percentages of respondents who have answered your dependent variable and your three independent variables.
You will get the figures for this paragraph by creating frequency tables for each of your four variables.
This paragraph is an important part of your paper because you need to give the reader a description of the characteristics of your participants.
For example, suppose you are asking whether people support gun control and one of your independent variables is gender. State the percentage of respondents in favor of gun control and the percentage against; also the percentages for respondent gender. The frequency tables do not tell you how males or females feel about gun control because that is what the crosstabs do.
Once again, the sample paper will be helpful
Be sure you report the percentages for your dependent variable and only your three independent variables.
Part 2:
The second part is the results of your three hypothesis tests:
You will be creating three cross tabs to test a relationship between your dependent variable and your three independent variables. These relationships are tested with the Chi-square statistic.. So you need to report those in your paper whether the results are significant or not.
The second paragraph of the results section will begin with restating your first hypothesis.
Reminding the reader again what your hypotheses are is important so the reader does not have to flip back to previous pages for this information.
Then report the percentages for your responses.
The report the results of the Chi-square tests and use the Greek symbol for the Chi.
Report the result of the hypothesis tests for all three of your independent variables.
Writing the Discussion Section of the Research Paper
The Discussion section should include
explanations of how your findings agree with previous findings, disagree with other results, any limitations of your study that may be significant;
recommendations for future studies.
In this section, emphasise the new and important aspects of your study and the conclusions that follow from them. Do not repeat in detail the data or other material given in the Results sections of your paper. Include in the Discussion section the implications of the findings and their limitations. Relate observations to those of other relevant studies.
Here, you can express your interpretations, your opinions, the value you place on some aspect of the findings, and possibly suggestions for future research (remember that your paper can influence other researchers who may want to take your study further).
Your findings may be in disagreement with previous findings. Do not be concerned if this is so. If your findings are valid and your research methods sound, it is possible your results will differ from previous findings. But it is necessary to detail them, and explain why you think they might be different. If the unexpected finding is important, do not play it down. Say that such results were unexpected.
You may have found shortcomings in your methods. If they were significant, discuss these deficiencies in this section. Say why they became shortcomings. Say what should be done about them, and what, if any, influence these could have made on the results you obtained.
Begin the new section by centering and bolding the word Discussion.
Then remind the reader of the purpose of your study. Begin with the hypothesis that had the best results. Discuss each hypothesis test results without using any numbers ??" those belong in the results section and your reader can refer to them there. Your results should be related back to the literature supporting the hypothesis. Interpret your findings ??" compare them to the article you reviewed for the variable and explain why your study matched or did not match the article findings.
Remember: Do not include any numbers in this section.
Do this for each hypothesis. Then add a couple of paragraphs with the implications, recommendations for future research on this topic, and discuss any limitations.
The sample paper, again, will be very helpful.
There are faxes for this order.
As a case analysis using an article from BusinessWeek, Sept 1, 2007, pp.60-61 "Bridging the Generation Gap, I need this question answered about the case article but not in the question-answer format:
"Personnel selection decisions typically are based on the fit for one person for one job. In what way does Randstad's use of partnership teams alter the typical way one might think about selection decisions?" Also needed is the differences between Gen Y'r and the older generations of those in thier 50/60 age groups.
This paper has to have an introduction, intext citations and no less than 3 references. Research or citations need to be of published articles from reputable journals.
Task: This is a report written assessment as follows:
Write a recommendation report in which you compare two ways in which an organization could help to reduce the gender gap in pay.
You must consider two of the following requirements when comparing methods:
a) Cost
b) Social acceptance
c) Ease of implementation
Use of sources
? You must refer to secondary sources to support your ideas. You must refer to at least three academically suitable sources from your own research.
? You should refer to data where appropriate.
? You must provide in-text citations and final references for all sources you refer to in your report.
? You must use English language sources
The Report should be structured in this way:
? Abstract
? Introduction
? Background
? Finding: Presentation of option, Requirements and Comparison.
? Conclusion
? Recommendations
? Reference list
We will pay $120 for the completion of this order. PLEASE EMAIL ME MY PAPER here is the introduction and methods i wrote i need the results section and discussion section…
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Read Full Paper ❯topic:How the effect of age, gender, and income on support of health dependent variables: health independent variables: age income gender i will…
Read Full Paper ❯The study will need to explore causes of the achievement gap that researchers have found to have a significant impact on the achievement gap between black and white students.…
Read Full Paper ❯The ?rise ?of ?business ?and ?the ?new ?age ?of ?industrial ?capitalism ?forced ?Americans ?to ?think ? about, ?criticize, ?and ?justify ?the ?new ?order?especially ?the ?vast ?disparities ?of ?wealth ?and ? power…
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Read Full Paper ❯Content Review Directions: ?Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between two and three paragraphs in length. ?Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers…
Read Full Paper ❯need introduction and conclusion compare the relationship of status to age and gender in the U.S. with the relationship of status to age and gender in another country (of your…
Read Full Paper ❯1.This final paper is to explore a particular theory, perspective or developing research thought within gerontology and apply it to a topic identified within the course content. You…
Read Full Paper ❯Please use APA 5th edition. Please discuss how early childhood programs can help public schools close the achievement gap between students.
Read Full Paper ❯After reading Chapters from the Niles-Yokum & Wagner textbook which will be uploaded to you, and reading the Links provided on the uploaded file please answer the following......Answer 2…
Read Full Paper ❯Please strictly follow 6th edition APA style (2010). I have a Sample of this research paper and very detailed requirements, and I would like to transmit it to you via…
Read Full Paper ❯As a case analysis using an article from BusinessWeek, Sept 1, 2007, pp.60-61 "Bridging the Generation Gap, I need this question answered about the case article but not in…
Read Full Paper ❯Task: This is a report written assessment as follows: Write a recommendation report in which you compare two ways in which an organization could help to reduce the gender…
Read Full Paper ❯