Adolescent Counseling Essays Prompts

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Case Studies

Complete a case studies from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling. The goal here is to critique the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic techniques utilized. Talk about your points of agreement and disagreement with the case. Include your thoughts about the accuracy of the diagnosis and offer any additional diagnoses you think are warranted.

Three to four (3-4) pages in length, including the title page which will have your name, the course, the instructor, the assignment number (1), and the date. The format for each paper is as follows: Times New Roman script in 12 point font with 1? line spacing and 1 inch margins around your paper.

Complete and submit any three (3) case studies from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling. The goal here is to critique the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic techniques utilized. Talk about your points of agreement and disagreement with the case. Include your thoughts about the accuracy of the diagnosis and offer any additional diagnoses you think are warranted.

Each assignment is three to four (3-4) pages in length, including the title page which will have your name, the course, the instructor, the assignment number (1), and the date. The format for each paper is as follows: Times New Roman script in 12 point font with 1? line spacing and 1 inch margins around your paper.

Child and Adolescent Counseling

Complete (3) case studies from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling.
critique the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic techniques utilized.
Talk about your points of agreement and disagreement with the case.
Include your thoughts about the accuracy of the diagnosis and offer any additional diagnoses you think are warranted.

Each assignment is three to four (3-4) pages in length.
The format for each paper is as follows: Times New Roman script in 12 point font with 1? line spacing and 1 inch margins around.

Case Study from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling. The goal is to critique the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic techniques utilized. Talk about points of agreement and disagreement with the case. Include thoughts about the accuracy of the diagnosis and offer any additional diagnoses are warranted.
Customer is requesting that (ChristieW) completes this order.

Topic: How counseling services benefit to people based on the theories of human development.

- "People": mainly focus on children and adolescents
- "Counseling
services": Focus on the knowledge in human development field. The background of counseling does not have to be very strong, but analyze its relationship to human development. Could discuss that how the work of school counselors and any other counseling works help children and adolescents.
- "Human development": analyze different theories. For example: Cognitive Development Theory, Learning Theory, Social Role Theory, Psychosocial Theory, Life Course Theory, Dynamic Systems Theory, or any other. Choose at least 4 theories to analyze with.
- Keep it theoretical, do not pay too much attention on examples.
- Ideal structure: Under each chosen human development theory, discuss its application in counseling services and its benefits to children or adolescents.
- Can analyze based on personal ideas, do not necessary to be academical.

Too Afraid to Talk

Case study from Golden, L.B. (2002), Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling, Chapter 3: Too Afraid to Talk. The goal here is to critique the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic techniques utilized. Talk about points of agreement and disagreement with the case. Include thoughts about the accuracy of the diagnosis and offer any additional diagnoses one think are warranted.

If you book pages are needed please advise!

Adolescence Stress and Depression

I. Stress among Adolescents
A. Common causes of stress in Adolescents
B. Conflict of interest between adolescents and parents
C. Statistics

II. Depression among Adolescents
A. Statistics
B. Common causes of depression in Adolescents
C. Therapy

III. Correlation between Stress and Depression
A. The effect of prolonged exposure to stressful events in adolescents
B. Effects of stress and depression in daily life
C. Statistics

APA style research paper present information on how the topic affects physical, cognitive, and social developments of individuals.
My teacher will be checking sources for previously published paragraphs. Minimum five research sources.

counseling evidence based technique review (brief review of an evidence-based approach)
1. name of technique and primary developers associated with it
2. theoretical orientation(s) that serve as the basis of the technique
3. 1 paragraph description of the technique,; including how it is used and the stated purpose
4. sources of evidence: either 2 true experiments, 2 meta-analytic studies or 9 well designed other studies that demonstrate the efficacy of the technique
5. personal impression of the technique, why selected, who would be the ideal client for the techinique

abstract needs to be included

Topic I like: effects of behavior modification therapy on self esteem in children (focus on ages 8-12 if possible)

Counseling 510: Theories of Counseling

Book: Murdock, N.L. (2009). Theories of counseling psychotherapy: A case approach. Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson. Custom ISBN: 0558645186.

You should focus on week 4 Part

I also Uploaded three files for you.. The Case summary of Henderson is my case and the other two documents are examples for you.

Below is the format you are to use for the Conceptualization and Treatment Plans due in Modules/Weeks 4 and 6. Each paper is not to exceed 12 pages not counting title page, abstract, and reference page. Current APA format is required. Everything is written in 3rd person except where designated below!

Title Page
Refer to your APA manual for directions on formatting a title page. Be sure you include a running head, page number, paper title, your name, and the institution name (Liberty University).

Your abstract should give the reader a short overview of your paper. Be sure your abstract summarizes the main ideas in your paper, and what conclusions you came to. Please use your APA manual to be sure you write an effective abstract.

Body (use the Name of your Chosen Theory here)
Below you will find the topics and structure you are required to include in your paper.

Presenting Concerns:
This part is summarized from your Case Summary emphasizing the problem areas. This should be no longer than 2 paragraphs. Be sure to include the pertinent information needed for the theory you are applying. Cite your sources as you go, including page numbers where required.

Case Conceptualization:
You choose 1 theory for each assignment as directed below:

For the Conceptualization and Treatment Plan 1 due Module/Week 4, choose either:
? Psychoanalytic
? Object Relations
? Individual Psychology
? Person Centered
? Existential theory
The Case Conceptualization Process document will help you with this section.

For the Conceptualization and Treatment Plan 2 due Module/Week 6, choose either:
? Behavioral
? Cognitive Therapy or Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Goals and Interventions:
Based on the theory you chose above, you are to have a minimum of 3 different interventions pursuant to that theory. You must also clearly define each intervention from the other (i.e., write in 3 separate paragraphs not 1 long paragraph). Use the APA manual for the proper headings format (hint: see how the headings in bold have been used in this document and in the Sample Case Presentation!).

Spiritual Application:
What spiritual challenges can you see in this case? How would you seek to handle this person?s case if they were interested in having Christian Counseling be part of the treatment plan? How do you think Christian priniciples and worldview mesh with the theory you are using. In what ways is it compatible (minimum of 3)? In what ways is not compatible (minimum of 3)? What resources/referrals(in addition to church) can you recommend to the client as part of this area of counseling? 1st person here is allowed.

What you would expect the outcomes of such therapy to be, and what will some of the most challenging aspects of the treatment be? Again use outside sources to support your conclusions. These sources need to be professional, not pop psychology or internet sources such as Wikipedia. Edited books and journal articles are your best sources. 1st person here is allowed.

One of your sources must be the Jones and Butman text, and you must have 5 additional professional references for your paper. These may include professional journal articles, books, or reputable websites. Be sure you format your references in current APA format and pay close attention to capitalization and italics. Note: many students get the website citation format wrong, so make sure you look in the manual to properly do these if you use them. It is your responsibility to have this manual and use it!

Life Span Development: Depression in adolescence. Will be used to prepare for class presentation.


I live and school in Canada, so some references must be form Canadian perspectives.

I have also attached some academic journal I sourced from my college library to be used if deemed appropriate.

The write up should be simple, easily understood and interesting.

This paper should focus on the early development of sex offenders and the adolescent activity that fosters the abnormal behavior. The paper should be related to lifespan development where the focus m...ust explain the abnormal development over a period of time between ages 15 and 30.

Literature review (the majority of the paper) and proposed experiment. The proposed experiment should include who you will test, how you will test them, and predicted results. The paper should end with a conclusion summarizing your paper.

Final Written Paper Information

From Syllabus. Each student will write a final paper on topic related to lifespan development. This paper will provide an overview of the topic (i.e., literature review) and include a research proposal.

Selecting a Topic. Each student should select a topic related to lifespan development. Thus, every project should have an age aspect. Be sure to select a topic that you find interesting and relates to your area of study/career path.

Parts of the paper. Literature review (the majority of the paper) and proposed experiment. The proposed experiment should include who you will test, how you will test them, and predicted results. The paper should end with a conclusion summarizing your paper.

Length. Approximately 12-15 double-spaced pages; 1 inch margins

Format. APA style.

References. References should include peer-reviewed journal articles and/or scholarly books.

Example Journals

List of Psychology journals that publish developmental research: (*Note: The list is not all-inclusive)

Example Counseling journals that publish developmental research:

Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development

Journal of Counseling & Development

Journal of Humanistic Counseling,Education & Development

* These are just a few examples. You might be interested in marriage in early versus middle adulthood, and Marriage and Family Therapy may have appropriate articles on the subject.

Example Education journals that publish developmental research:

Early Childhood Education Journal

Journal of Applied Research on Children

Child Development

Journal of Research in Childhood Education

* Again, these are just a few examples.

Literature Review (2000 words)

You are required to develop a comprehensive literature review on a specified counselling topic Specifically you will need to;
1. Select a topic/i...ssue of interest in counselling that you consider a viable area to research
Topic selected Should parenting skills/counselling be mandatory for teen parents?

2. Commence your literature review on this viable research topic/issue with an introduction that succinctly clarifies;

a. What the topic/issue is about
b. Why the topic/issue is important to investigate /research
* Who is impacted by the topic/issue
* What practical benefits/outcomes are hoped to emerge from conducting
such research

3. Build the main body of the literature review that provides a comprehensive overview of the existing empirical and theoretical research on the topic. It must include;

a. A brief but thorough description of previous research findings that brings the reader up to date on the topic/issue under review and the amount and type of empirical/theoretical work in the area
b. Relevant methodological issues in previous empirical research/theoretical work on the topic/issue to highlight:
* Where the current gaps are or what is missing in previous empirical research/theoretical work on the topic/issue
* Where is there lack of clarity, contradictions or unresolved differences of opinion in defining and answering questions around the topic/issue
* Such gaps, lack of clarity, contradictions and unresolved differences could be stemming from, for example;
Problems or lack of clarity in defining relevant variables
Common sampling concerns with the population of interest
Limitations of previously used measurements
And a range of other possibilities

4. Conclude the literature review with a very clear explanation of what the next logical step should be to address the topic/issue effectively as a way of providing a clear and logical rationale for the current topic/issue of focus that you introduced at the beginning of this literature review.

5. Finish the literature review with a final conclusive statement that clearly states the primary purpose of the research.

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The class is Child Development. If possible, I'd like the topic to be on "bipolar in adolescence". For this class, the professor is requesting that one source be from the class textbook. The name of the textbook is "The Developing Person- Through Childhood and Adolescence" by Kathleen Stassen Berger. It is the 9th edition.

Personal Counseling

Develop your own theoretical orientation to the counseling process and identify how this approach compares to the Cognitive Behavioral theory. Explore your own belief about the nature of people, probl...ems, and change and the counseling theory that best fits with their beliefs. The paper will be in APA style. Reference must be from peer reviewed journals or foundational books (written by the theorist). Include the following in the paper, and use the titles as subheadings:

The Nature of People - Describe your view of the nature of people, and describe which theory seems closest to this view. A description of mental health or effective functioning should be included in this discussion. Which theory is closest to your view?

The Individual in Families and Other Systems ? Describe your understanding of how family systems affect individuals, how the family system interacts, and how systems affect the individual in other areas. Describe what family or systemic theory is closest to your view.

Multicultural Considerations ? Summarize how cultural differences factor into your view of people, problems, and the process of change.

Wellness and Prevention - Describe your theory of how people maintain wellness, including the core constructs. Describe counseling strategies to prevent mental health issues, i.e. substance abuse, physical abuse, relationship problems.

The Nature of Problems - Describe your view of how people develop problems, challenges, or ineffective functioning. Also describe which theory seems closest to your view.

The Process of Change ? Describe your view of how people change in the counseling process. Include your view of the role the counselor should take and what the therapeutic relationship should be like to facilitate change. Indicate which theory seems most congruent with your views.

My Theory in Practice ? Describe techniques, strategies, and tools that you believe would assist in the process of change and with which theory they seemmost consistent.

Build a case study based on the information below:
Topic Adolscent Suicide
I. Setting
Brief description that client seen in mental health agency in urban midwest town. Describe demogr...aphcis of normal urban area
II. Counselor Background
Discuss that counselor has been in the field 7 years and is professionally licensed. Counselor has had experience working with adolscents in juvenile detention center, children's services, and in mental health agency.
III. Client Overview
Female, age 15, 10th grade, gifted student with sexually abusive father, began using alcohol and cocaine at age 13. Has been in counseling before due to alcohol use, but never revealed sexual abuse by father prior to suicide attempt
IV. Goals & Strategies
Share goals or strategies that counselors would potentially use in this case. First, in responding to suicidal ideations, next to sexual abuse by parent.
V. Case Process
Give an overview of the general progression based on research on the counseling sessions would proceed to help alleviate suicidal ideations and deal with sexual abuse issues. Also, suggest any processes taken during counseling which might help with the substance abuse
VI. Results
What might be the results of this case and how could they be intepreted as successful by other professionals, the family of the child, and the community
VII. Personal Reflection
Identify what the counselor could see worked well, what might not work, and how would this case study impact the decision-making process in working with future clients such as this one.

Adolescence Ages 11 to 19

Content Review


?Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between two and three paragraphs in length.
?Use MS Word to write your responses, and s...ubmit your answers to all three questions in one Word document.
?Copy and paste each question within the document, so that your instructor can see which question you are responding to.
1.As discussed on pages 448?451 of your course text, the brain continues to undergo significant physical changes during adolescence. Describe two ways that brain development typically contributes to changes in thinking and behavior as individuals progress through adolescence. Provide two specific examples of how most adolescents think and reason based on the information on pages 485?493 of the course text.

2.Although identity formation does not begin or end in adolescence, it seems to take on greater importance during this period. Based on the information on pages 513?523 of your course text, explain three reasons why this is so. (Consider the concept of the actual self and possible self; the influences of gender, culture, ethnicity, and sexual orientation; and the development of autonomy during this stage of development.)

3.When children enter adolescence, many important changes and adjustments occur in their relationships. Review the information on pages 523?5 37 and pages 547?549 in your course text. Then, describe three causes of stress or changes in relationships that adolescents may experience, and discuss factors that may promote or inhibit adolescents' ability to cope with these stressors.

The essay to be written is on the subject of Counselling and Psychotherapy.The essay to be written is on the following question.
"More and more counsellors are working in group practices rather as sole practioners.What are the advantages and disadvantages of adapting such a system for both the practioner and the client? What will practicing professionals have to be mindful of in adapting such a course to ensure their approach remains professional?"

This question relates to Counselors who offer Psychotherapy services(Counseling) to clients such as children,adolescents,adults,and couples of all sexual orientations It is NOT about group counseling. It is about Counselors working in group practices and the reasons they do so.There are many different approaches to counseling in the area of psychotherapy and working in a practice with other counselors can have advantages and disadvantages. It is also important to remain professional at all times.
In a sole practice the counselor may not be able to provide the right type of physical environment in order for clients to feel psychological safety e.g. privacy etc.
We live in times when people are very much aware of the law and litigation. Sole practice can leave the therapist open to allegations of malpractice and so moving them more and more towards working together in a group practice.

This is more of journal /reflection type paper
>and it will also be used as one of my admission papers.
>I need a paper that synthesizes the following information. I
>need a paper... that uses this synthesis to orient someone to the
>counseling profession. To help state how counselor behaviors,
>values, beliefs are related to the role of a counselor.
>I need a paper that addresses the following key aspects:
>â¢what the counseling relationship involves and
>differentiate counseling from other helping behavior
>â¢basic counseling skills and their role in the helping relationship
>â¢the relationship between oneâ™ own personal
>values, beliefs and behaviors and the role of the professional counselor
>â¢issues related to interpersonal style
>â¢the role of the counselor in a variety of settings
>Based on the following topics and information:
>A. Technology and Counseling
>â¢Cyber counseling/distance counseling (positives and negatives and ethical issues)
>â¢Computer-assisted counseling (Positives and negatives and ethical concerns)
>â¢Technology in assessment and diagnosis (Positives and
>negatives and ethical concerns)
>â¢Technology Aids/resources for client interventions
>(Positives and negatives and ethical concerns)
>B. Group Counseling
>â¢Types of Groups
>â¢Stages of Group Life
>â¢Group Facilitations-responsibilities and interventions
>â¢Issues and ethnics
>C. Career Counseling
>â¢Theories of Career Counseling
>â¢Framework (stages) for career counseling
>D. Counseling and Spirituality
>â¢Description of spirituality
>â¢Support for the inclusion of spirituality in the profession
>â¢Models addressing spirituality dimensions and the e counselors role
>â¢Characteristics of healthy spiritual development
>â¢Implications for counselors
>E. Creative Approaches to Counseling (individual and group)
>F. School Counseling
>â¢Comprehensive developmental program characteristics
>â¢Program interventions
>â¢Characteristics of an effective school counselor
>â¢Counseling at elementary, middle and high school levels
>G. Counseling in Mental Health and Private Practice Settings
>â¢Description and types of the practices
>â¢Roles of the counselor
>â¢Needs for children, adolescents
>H. Counseling Couples and families
>â¢Family systems perspective on the diagnosis of family dysfunction
>â¢Initial interview
>â¢Family techniques
>â¢Legal, professional, and ethical; issues

Each student will view two movies focusing on adolescent development and will then complete a three to four (3?4) page critique of the movie as it relates to adolescent development and crisis. Give attention to how you might use the ideas presented in the movies to counsel adolescents and their families.

The two sources Jaffe and Golden

I will be providing my specific TOPIC for this paper. Please read the case study and answered all questions
based on the paper and one of theory of counseling and psychotherapy.


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identefication of your area of intrest(counselling adolescents) or organisation within which you would like to undertake your student placment.
identefication of the key skills and knowledge you have acquired so far that will assist you during your placement
a discussion of the practice principles you intend to uphold during your placement
a discussion of the specific skills that are likely to be required during your placement
identefication of any gaps in your knowledge or skills and discussion on how you intend to adress thise gaps
identefication of any challenges you are likely to encounter during your placement and discussion how you intend to manage these challenges
rerence to relevant literature

I need to do a literature review on Substance Abuse and Adolescents. It is for a support group I am forming on What Brought me Here? The group is for the adolescents in the in-patient facility to attend. I have attached the paper for your review to give you an idea of what type of scholarly articles I need. The references used in the literature review absolutely have to be scholarly articles. It has to be 100% accurate APA formatting. Thank you. Again, the attached paper is what I will need the scholarly articles for, although it is already written, these articles will help with the final paper.

Please choose any scholarly articles that you want to use on substance abuse and adolescents in treatment. 6 or 7 resources are good for the literature review. Please make sure it is 100 perfect APA formatting. Thank you!!!!
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Application community health project, part 1-identifying the projects focus
Topic alcoholism in adolescence
1 identify a significant health issue and a particular population for which you will develop a health promotion or disease management plan
2. Draw on evidence from your learning research resources and additional research to establish the significance of the health issue
3. Examine relevant evidence about this particular community and the significance of this health issue to them. Discuss at least one asset and one challenge of this particular population
4. Describe the general approach you will take to this health issue (prevention, promotion,or disease management), and provide a rationale for this choice
5. Include a minimum of 5 resources

The paper must be 15 pages long. It must be on the subject of School Counselors and the Improvement of Academic Achievement in Students with Special Needs. Five of the articles used for reference should be empirically based research. The other seven articles can be from refereed journals in the field of school counseling or a closely related field. The paper should provide both an overview of the topic as well as specific implications for school counseling practice (prevention & intervention). The paper should also incorporate the ASCA National Model for School Counseling Programs and the South Carolina Comprehensive Developmental Guidance Model into the paper. The paper formatting should follow the proprer current APA style. The Bibliography page must be APA style also.

"The value of any theory to us as practitioners is nil until theory turns into who we are -
into phrase and glance and gesture - until our intellectual powers and our humour settle
into it." (Luepnitz 1988 p. 20).
Reflecting on your practicum experience, discuss how
you have sought to experience the value of your learning in your practise of counselling.
This paper will examine your application of your knowledge of counselling theories and
models. Do include a brief description of your practicum setting and clientele.

**Please see attached sample Essay - it will give you a very good idea of what I need.
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4 Pages

Golden Lb 2002 Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling

Words: 1400
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Case Studies Complete a case studies from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling. The goal here is to critique the diagnosis as well…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Golden Lb 2002 Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling

Words: 1131
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Complete and submit any three (3) case studies from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling. The goal here is to critique the diagnosis…

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4 Pages

Child and Adolescent Counseling

Words: 1404
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Complete (3) case studies from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling. critique the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic techniques utilized. Talk…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Child and Adolescent Counseling a

Words: 656
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Case Study from Golden, L.B. (2002). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling. The goal is to critique the diagnosis as well as the therapeutic techniques utilized. Talk about…

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4 Pages

How Counseling Services Benefit People-Based on Theories of Human Development

Words: 1332
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Topic: How counseling services benefit to people based on the theories of human development. Requirements: - "People": mainly focus on children and adolescents - "Counseling services": Focus on the knowledge in human…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Too Afraid to Talk

Words: 973
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Case study from Golden, L.B. (2002), Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Counseling, Chapter 3: Too Afraid to Talk. The goal here is to critique the diagnosis…

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6 Pages

Stress and Depression Among Adolescents

Words: 2014
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Adolescence Stress and Depression I. Stress among Adolescents A. Common causes of stress in Adolescents B. Conflict of interest between adolescents…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Behavior Modification Therapy Effects of Behavior Modification

Words: 1435
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

counseling evidence based technique review (brief review of an evidence-based approach) 1. name of technique and primary developers associated with it 2. theoretical orientation(s) that serve as the basis of the…

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10 Pages

Henderson a Cognitive Behavioral Study of Steven

Words: 3439
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Counseling 510: Theories of Counseling Book: Murdock, N.L. (2009). Theories of counseling psychotherapy: A case approach. Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Pearson. Custom ISBN: 0558645186. COUNSELING PROJECT: CONCEPTUALIZATION AND TREATMENT PLAN INSTRUCTIONS You…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Adolescent Depression: Overview and Annotated Bibliography Few

Words: 1944
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Life Span Development: Depression in adolescence. Will be used to prepare for class presentation. FULL DETAILS UPLOADED, MUST BE ADHERED TO STRICTLY. I live and school in Canada, so some references…

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12 Pages

Adolescent Sex Offenders and Their Transition Into Adults From Age 15 to 30

Words: 3258
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper should focus on the early development of sex offenders and the adolescent activity that fosters the abnormal behavior. The paper should be related to lifespan development…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Counseling Be Mandatory for Teen

Words: 2439
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Literature Review (2000 words) You are required to develop a comprehensive literature review on a specified counselling topic Specifically you will need to; 1. Select a topic/issue of interest in counselling…

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5 Pages

Bipolar in Adolescence Child Development - Bipolar

Words: 1636
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The class is Child Development. If possible, I'd like the topic to be on "bipolar in adolescence". For this class, the professor is requesting that one source be…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Personal Counseling

Words: 2354
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Develop your own theoretical orientation to the counseling process and identify how this approach compares to the Cognitive Behavioral theory. Explore your own belief about the nature of people,…

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4 Pages

Adolescent Suicide Consultation With the

Words: 1252
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Build a case study based on the information below: Topic Adolscent Suicide I. Setting Brief description that client seen in mental health agency in urban midwest town.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Adolescence Ages 11 to 19

Words: 992
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Content Review Directions: ?Respond to each item. Each response should be concise and between two and three paragraphs in length. ?Use MS Word to write your responses, and submit your answers to…

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7 Pages

Counseling Several People Who Come Into Contact

Words: 2446
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

The essay to be written is on the subject of Counselling and Psychotherapy.The essay to be written is on the following question. "More and more counsellors are working in group…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Counseling Naturally Therapeutic Person Is

Words: 2014
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is more of journal /reflection type paper >and it will also be used as one of my admission papers. >I need a paper that synthesizes the following information. I >need a…

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6 Pages

View Two Movies Focusing on Adolescent Development

Words: 1879
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Each student will view two movies focusing on adolescent development and will then complete a three to four (3?4) page critique of the movie as it relates to adolescent…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Counseling and Psychotherapy Confidentiality Jessica

Words: 818
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I will be providing my specific TOPIC for this paper. Please read the case study and answered all questions based on the paper and one of theory of counseling…

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7 Pages

Teacher Observation Adolescence Is a Tumultuous Period

Words: 2081
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

identefication of your area of intrest(counselling adolescents) or organisation within which you would like to undertake your student placment. identefication of the key skills and knowledge you have acquired so…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Substance Abuse and Adolescents There

Words: 1002
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I need to do a literature review on Substance Abuse and Adolescents. It is for a support group I am forming on What Brought me Here? The…

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6 Pages

Alcoholism in Adolescence Significance of the Health

Words: 1941
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Application community health project, part 1-identifying the projects focus Topic alcoholism in adolescence 1 identify a significant health issue and a particular population for which you will develop a health promotion…

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15 Pages
Research Paper

Counseling School Counselors Play an

Words: 3837
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The paper must be 15 pages long. It must be on the subject of School Counselors and the Improvement of Academic Achievement in Students with Special Needs.…

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6 Pages

Counseling Juvenile Sex Offenders Utilizing the Empathy

Words: 2078
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

"The value of any theory to us as practitioners is nil until theory turns into who we are - into phrase and glance and gesture - until our intellectual powers…

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