25+ documents containing “Addiction Treatment”.
I need a position paper/critical analysis after a debate, in which my group argued that, Funding should not be increased for addiction treatment in prisons; instead, we should invest money in community-based programs like Drug Courts. This is for a Sociology class.
I have the sources that my group members and I used as research for the debate. I will email the documents that will need to be used.
There are faxes for this order.
Topic: Plan for continued Use of Research in Professional Life.
Write a 3 page paper that includes an extensive literature review of research on addiction treatment and stable housing among drug users. Please provide the following:
1) introduction
2) explain how this research contributes to the field of mental health.
3) Describe your personal intent for applying research tools, concepts, assessment, and methodology to to your profession as a marriage and family therapist (MFT).
4) conclusion
5) Be sure the entire paper is 0% plagiarism and format the paper consistently with APA guidelines and include a reference page.
Please run the final version of this paper through your plagiarism software.
If additional time is required in order for this paper to be better researched and/or written, I can be flexible w...ith the deadline, but please let me know as soon as possible.
There is no minimum or maximum number of references, though this paper should be comprehensive. I would expect, but have not fully researched, that there will be at least 30 references. Also, please make sure this paper is in APA format.
Please ensure that all citations are either from either peer-reviewed, scholarly journals or scholarly actual books (please, no citations from such internet sites as ?Wikepedia?).
Literature Review Objectives
Contingency Management Studies
in the Treatment of Substance Dependence/Abuse
The purposes of this review are to gain an understanding of the controlled studies using contingency management (CM) in the substance abuse field, and where applicable emphasize those studies that incorporate CM with community reinforcement approach (CRA). This paper should offer a critical review of the literature with an eye toward identifying important and unresolved theoretical and research questions.
While there is much evidence that animals also respond to operant contingencies with psychoactive substances (Logan, 1972), this paper will emphasize studies conducted with human subjects, though a brief review of the animal literature will be included. To this end, I propose to review the available literature and achieve the following four goals:
1. Provide two pages total of background information on: animal studies involving operant conditioning and substance abuse (emphasize Logan?s research and whomever else is important); behavioral economics (emphasize Bickle?s research and whomever else is important); CRA (emphasize Meyers, 2005, and Hunt and Azrin); and, operant conditioning. Explain how these findings contributed to the successful treatment of substance abuse disorders, especially when in collaboration to shaping prosocial behaviors related to the use of community resources and coping skills.
2. Offer a comprehensive and coherent review (40+ pages) of all controlled studies published in peer review journals since 1990 that involve substance use and contingency management using any strategy (voucher-based and non-voucher based) that reinforces behaviors designed to achieve abstinence for the treatment of both alcohol and marijuana use and also studies related to alcohol or marijuana designed to achieve other targets than abstinence (e.g., attendance, medication compliance, productivity, positive lifestyle changes). (Higgins, 2004 review gives a partial list of voucher-based CM for alcohol and marijuana and other targets, include all of those as well as find those published since March, 2003) (non-voucher-based CM studies include non-monetary rewards for changes in behavior, and I have not compiled a list of these studies)--these should be two very distinct sections.
3. Offer a short review of any and all CRA studies that incorporate CM in an attempt to modify social behaviors in an attempt to modify alcohol and/or marijuana use.
4. Discuss how these findings can further inform the field of addictions research.
Preliminary List of References
***Immediately below are voucher based CM, Alcohol, Marijuana, and other behaviors studies conducted from 1990-2003 (from Higgins, S. T., Heil, S. H., & Lussier, J. P.2004. Clinical implications of reinforcement as a determinant of substance use disorders. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 55, 431-461), still need all of the controlled voucher based studies published through 2006). Also need all non-voucher based contingency management studies from 1990-2006.
Budney AJ, Higgins ST, Delaney DD, Kent L,
Bickel WK. 1991. Contingent reinforcement
of abstinence with individuals abusing cocaine
and marijuana. J. Appl. Behav. Anal.
Budney AJ, Higgins ST, Radonovich KJ, Novy
PL. 2000. Adding voucher-based incentives
to coping skills and motivational enhancement
improves outcomes during treatment
for marijuana dependence. J. Consult. Clin.
Psychol. 68(6):1051?61
Sigmon SC, Steingard S, Badger GJ, Anthony
SL, Higgins ST. 2000. Contingent reinforcement
of marijuana abstinence among individuals
with serious mental illness: a feasibility
study. Exp. Clin. Psychopharmacol.
Silverman K, Chutuape MA, Bigelow GE,
Stitzer ML. 1996a. Voucher-based reinforcement
of attendance by unemployed
methadone patients in a job skills training
program. Drug Alcohol Depend. 41(3):197?
Svikis DS, Lee JH, Haug NA, Stitzer ML.
1997. Attendance incentives for outpatient
treatment: effects in methadone- and
nonmethadone-maintained pregnant drugdependent
women. Drug Alcohol Depend.
Jones HE, Haug N, Silverman K, Stitzer ML,
Svikis D. 2001. The effectiveness of incentives
in enhancing treatment attendance and
drug abstinence in methadone-maintained
pregnant women. Drug Alcohol Depend.
Jones HE, Haug N, Stitzer ML, Svikis D.
2000. Improving treatment outcomes for
pregnant drug-dependent women using lowmagnitude
voucher incentives. Addict. Behav.
Petry NM. 2001a. Delay discounting of money
and alcohol in actively using alcoholics, currently
abstinent alcoholics, and controls. Psychopharmacology
Petry NM. 2001b. Pathological gamblers, with
and without substance use disorders, discount
delayed rewards at high rates. J. Abnorm.
Psychol. 110(3):482?87
Petry NM. 2002. Discounting of delayed rewards
in substance abusers: relationship to
antisocial personality disorder. Psychopharmacology
Petry NM, Casarella T. 1999. Excessive discounting
of delayed rewards in substance
abusers with gambling problems. Drug Alcohol
Depend. 56(1):25?32
Preston KL, Silverman K, Umbricht A, De-
Jesus A, Montoya ID, Schuster CR. 1999.
Improvement in naltrexone treatment compliance
with contingency management. Drug
Alcohol Depend. 54(2):127?35
Wong CJ, Sheppard JM, Dallery J, Bedient
G, Robles E, et al. 2003. Effects of reinforcer
magnitude on data-entry productivity
in chronically unemployed drug abusers participating
in a therapeutic workplace. Exp.
Clin. Psychopharmacol. 11(1):46?55
Iguchi, M.Y., Belding, M. A., Moral, A. R., Lamb, R. J., & Husband, S. D. (1997). Reinforcing operants other than abstinence in drug abuse treatment: An effective alternative for reducing drug use. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 421-428.
Definitely use this CRA article along with any other you feel would be helpful.
The Community Reinforcement Approach: History and New Directions. Meyers, Robert J.; Villanueva, Michael; Smith, Jane Ellen; Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy, Vol 19(3), Fal 2005. Special issue: State-of-the-art in behavioral interventions for substance use disorders. pp. 247-260.
These also seem appropriate in the review...
Budney, A. J., Higgins, S. T., Radonovich, K. J., & Novy, P. L. (2000). Adding voucher-based incentives to coping-skills and motivational enhancement improves outcomes during treatment for marijuana dependence. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 68, 1051-1061.
McRae, A. L., Budney, A. J., & Brady, K. T. (2003). Treatment of marijuana dependence: a review of the literature. J Subst Abuse Treat 2003; 24: 369-376
Petry, N.M, Martin, B., Cooney, J.L., Kranzler, H.R. (2000). Give them prizes, and they will come: Contingency management for treatment of alcohol dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 250-257.
Include as many as these articles that pertain to this review as well as any and all that you find in your reserach to ensure this is a comprehensive review.
Alterman, L.R., Gottheil, T.E., Skoloda, T.E., & Grasberger, J.C. (1974). Social modification of drinking by alcoholics. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 35, 917-924.
Bandura, A. (1969). Principles of behavior modification. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Bickel, W. K., DeGrandpre, R. J., & Higgins, S. T. (1993). Behavioral economics: A novel experimental approach to the study of drug dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 33, 173?192.
Bickel, W. K., DeGrandpre, R. J., & Higgins, S. T. (1995). The behavioral economics of concurrent drug reinforcers: A review and reanalysis of drug self-administration research. Psychopharmacology, 118, 250?259.
Bigelow, G.M., & Liebson, I. (1972). Cost factors controlling alcoholic drinking. Psychological Record, 22, 305-314.
Bigelow, G., Griffiths, R. R., & Liebson, I. A. (1975). Experimental models for the modification of human drug self-administration: Methodological developments in the study of ethanol self-administration by alcoholics, federation Proceedings, 34, 1785-1792.
Canter, F.M. (1968). The requirement of abstinence as a problem in institutional treatment of alcoholics. Psychiatric Quarterly, 42, 217-231.
Cheek, F.E., Franks, C.M., Laucius, J., & Burtle, V. (1971). Behavior modification training for wives of alcoholics. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 32, 456-461.
Childress A, McLellan A, O'Brien C. Behavioral therapies for substance abuse. International Journal of the Addictions [serial online]. 1985;20(6):947-969. Available from: PsycINFO, Ipswich, MA. Accessed September 2, 2006
Cohen, M., Liebson, I., & Faillace, L. (1972). A technique for establishing controlled drinking in chronic alcoholics. Diseases of the Nervous System, 33, 46-49.
Cohen, M., Liebson, I., & Faillace, L. (1973). Controlled drinking by chronic alcoholics over extended periods of free access. Psychological Reports, 32, 1107-1110.
Cohen, M., Liebson, I., Faillace, L. & Allen, R.P. (1971). Moderate drinking by chronic alcoholics. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 153, 434-444.
Cohen, M., Liebson, I., Faillace, L., & Speers, W. (1971). Alcoholism: Controlled drinking and incentives for abstinence. Psychological Reports, 28, 575-580.
Corby, E. A., Roll, J. M., Ledgerwood, D. M., & Schuster, C. R. (2000). Contingency management interventions for treating the substance abuse of adolescents: A feasibility study. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 8, 371-376.
Cutter, H.S.G., Schwaab, E.L. & Nathan, P.E. (1970). Effects of alcohol on its utility for alcoholics and nonalcoholics. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 31, 369-378.
Faillace, L.A., Flamer, R.N., Imber, S.D., & Ward, R.F. (1972). Giving alcohol to alcoholics: An evaluation. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 33, 85-90.
Gottheil, E., Corbett, L.O., Grasberger, J.C., & Cornelison, F.S. (1971). Treating the alcoholic in the presence of alcohol. American Journal of Psychiatry, 128, 475-480.
Gottheil, E., Corbett, L.O., Grasberger, J.C., & Cornelison, F.S. (1972). Fixed-interval drinking decisions: A research and treatment model. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 33, 311-324.
Griffiths, R., Bigelow, G., Liebson, I. (1974). Suppression of ethanol self-administration in alcoholics by contingent time-out from social interventions. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 12, 327-334.
Heather, N. & Robertson, I. (1983). Controlled Drinking. University Press, Cambridge.
Helmus, T.C., Saules, K.K., Schoener, E.P., & Roll, J.M. (2003) Reinforcement of counseling attendance and alcohol abstinence in a community-based dual-diagnosis treatment program: A feasibility study. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 17, 249-251.
Higgins, S. T., & Petty, N. M. (1999). Contingency management: Incentives for sobriety. Alcohol Research and Health. 23, 122-127.
Hunt, G.M. & Azrin, N.H. (1973). The community-reinforcement approach to alcoholism. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 11, 91-104.
Iguchi, M.Y., Belding, M. A., Moral, A. R., Lamb, R. J., & Husband, S. D. (1997). Reinforcing operants other than abstinence in drug abuse treatment: An effective alternative for reducing drug use. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 65, 421-428.
Iguchi, M., Stitzer, M. L., Bigelow, G. E., & Liebson, I. A. (1988). Contingency management in methadone maintenance: Effects of reinforcing and aversive consequences on illicit polydrug use. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 22, 1-7.
Kanfer, F.H. & Phillips, J.S. (1970). Learning foundations of behavior therapy. New York: Wiley.
Liebson, I.A., Cohen, M., Faillace, L.A., & Ward, R.F. (1971). The token economy as a research method in alcoholism. Psychiatric Quarterly, 45, 574-581.
Logan, F.A. (1972). Experimental psychology of animal learning and now. American Psychologist, 27, 1055-1062.
Miller, P.M., Hersen, M., Eisler, R.M., & Watts, J.G. (1974). Contingent reinforcement of lowered blood/alcohol levels in an outpatient chronic alcoholic. Behaviour Research and Therapy,12, 261-263.
Miller, P.M, Stanford, A.G., & Hemphill, D.P. (1974). A social-learning approach to alcoholism treatment. Social Casework, 55, 279-284.
Miller, W.R. (1980). The Addictive Behaviors: Treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, and obesity. Pergamon Press, NY.
Miller, W.R., Brown, J. M., Simpson, T. L., Handmaker, N. S., Bien, T. H., Luckie, L. P., Montgomery, H. A., Hester, R. K., & Tonigan, J. S. (1995). A methodological analysis of the alcohol treatment outcome literature. In R. K. Hester & W. R. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches (pp. 12-44). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Miller, W.R. & Munoz, R.F. (1976). How to Control Your Drinking. Prentice-Hall, NJ.
Nathan, P.E. & O?Brien, J.S. (1971). An experimental analysis of the behavior of alcoholics and nonalcoholics during prolonged experimental drinking. Behavior Therapy, 2, 455-476.
Nathan, P.E., Titler,N.A., Lowenstein, L.M., Solomon, P., & Rossi, A.M. (1970). Behavioral analysis of chronic alcoholism. Archives of General Psychiatry, 22, 419-430.
Peele S. What works in addiction treatment and what doesn't: Is the best therapy no therapy?. International Journal of the Addictions [serial online]. 1990;25:1409-1419. Available from: PsycINFO, Ipswich, MA. Accessed September 2, 2006.
Petry, N.M, Martin, B., Cooney, J.L., Kranzler, H.R. (2000). Give them prizes, and they will come: Contingency management for treatment of alcohol dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 250-257.
Petry, N. M. (2000). A comprehensive guide to the application of contingency management procedures in clinical settings. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 58, 9?25.
Petry, N. M., & Sincic, F. (2002). Recent advances in the dissemination of contingency management techniques: Clinical and research perspectives. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 23, 81?86.
Petry, N. M., Tedford, J., & Martin, B. (2001). Reinforcing compliance with non-drug-related activities. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 20, 33?44.
Sisson, R. W., & Azrin, N. (1989). The community reinforcement approach. In R. Hester & W. R. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: Effective alternatives (pp. 242-258). New York: Pergamon Press.
Skinner, B. F. (1961). Teaching machines. Scientific American, 205, 91-102.
Sobell, M.B. & Sobell, L.C. (1973). Individualized behavior therapy for alcoholics. Behavior Therapy, 4, 49-72.
Stitzer, M. L., Bickel, W. K., Bigelow, G. E., & Liebson, I. A. (1986). Effects of methadone dose contingencies on urinalysis test results of polydrug-abusing methadone-maintenance patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. IS, 341-348.
Stitzer, M. L., & Bigelow. G. E. (1984). Contingent reinforcement for carbon monoxide reduction: Within-subjects effects of pay amounts. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 17, 477-483.
Stitzer, M. L., Bigelow, G. E., & Gross, J. (1989). Behavioral treatment of drug abuse. In T. B. Karusu (Ed.), American Psychiatric Association treatment manual (pp. 1430-1447). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Sulzer, E.S. (1965). Behavior modification in adult psychiatric patients. more
Identify a health policy issue -The Drug Treatment Act of 2000 ? analyze that issue and write a complete health policy analysis to submit.
MY Position: In the State of Connecticut psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners have the same prescriptive authority as physicians but are excluded from prescribing buprenorphine due to outdated legislation, specifically DATA 2000. The Drug Addiction Treatment Act of 2000 (DATA 2000) needs be amended to allow for the prescribing of buprenorphine by qualified advanced practice nurses who have both prescriptive authority and specialty certification in addictions nursing.
I will upload further details about the format.
For the critique: carefully read through the entire draft. After you have finished, at the bottom of the draft, answer the questions below. you could also change the color of your font so that your ...comments are easily distinguished from the paper itself.
1)What is your favorite aspect of this paper and why? What is your least favorite and why?
2)Looking carefully, find at least two confusing sections. This may be at the word, sentence, or paragraph level, perhaps an incorrect word or odd punctuation. The sentences might be awkward or too long. Even if the confusion clears up later, tell where the sections are, and explain why they are confusing.
3)Using the outlining revision strategy r, outline this paper (you do not have to do the paragraph-level outline, just the whole-paper version). Using this outline, what information is still missing from the paper? Which points are repeated, and is the repetition unnecessary? Does the author promise to talk about anything that is not discussed? Should any of the paper's main ideas be reorganized? Would reorganization make the paper more effective? You must offer at least two concrete suggestions.
4)Did you find this paper interesting and engaging? How could the author improve it (offer at least two concrete suggestions)?
5)Do you consider this paper to be persuasive (meaning that it makes a clear argument)? If not, what recommendations do you have for making it persuasive?
6)Feel free to make any additional comments here.
heres the essay
Workplace Drug Testing
CM220-16/Unit 7
March 20, 2007
Workplace Drug Testing
The Department of Labor reports that 73 percent of drug users are employed, so taking a proactive approach to drug testing in the workplace will help detect and deter drug abusers (2000). Drugs do not discriminate, they are visible in our adults, youth, rich, poor, blue collar and white collar occupations, and are present in most of our companies. The government and our society must try to keep the workplaces safe for all employees. Our society has a responsibility to educate our youth not to use drugs, provide help for addicts trying to quit, workplace drug testing, and we need to disrupt the market for illicit drugs. As President Bush stated in his 2006 National Drug Control Strategy, the majority of adults of who use drugs are employed, therefore, the workplace is the most effective setting to reduce drug use. The workplace-based programs such as drug testing, education and employee assistant programs are critical to our success. Drug use is illegal and I support harsher sentences and drug testing in the workplace. The employers that do not drug test will find themselves with too many costly problems. Why would anyone not want testing done at their workplace? One group that would protest testing is the drug users. Mandatory, universal, and random drug testing is the best approach, but it has some employees and human rights activist screaming that it is against our fifth Amendment rights and that it is an invasion of privacy.
An Executive Order signed on September 15, 1986 by President Reagan set the foundation for workplace drug testing. Evidence of the drug epidemic caused advisors to inform the President that military drug testing technology that had been used in the late 1960s during the Vietnam War, should be used more widely in society. Military testing was a key factor, but the main champion that pushed for mandate was Nancy Reagan. She was the main force behind the Executive Order that was for drug free federal and public workplaces. The attorney general thought this would set an example for other employers and corporate leaders to follow and serve as a model for the private sector. After the Executive Order, Congress passed the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 which only mandated federal contractors and sub-contractors (WSAA, 2004). Then Congress mandated workplace drug testing when it passed the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, which applies to employees in safety-sensitive positions in the federally funded transportation industry (US DOL, 1999). The Department of Health and Human Services implements these testing guidelines to be followed.
Individual state and local agencies have the responsibility to develop their own standards and laws in the private sector. Employers must cover several issues while implementing a drug testing policy. Employer must provide addiction treatment options to its employees (Bandell, 2006). Employers must include in the policy on who will be tested, when test will be done, how test will be done, why the policy is being implemented, a clear description of prohibited behaviors, and an explanation of the disciplinary consequences for violating the policy (US DOL, 2000). Basically, implementing a testing process consist of a written substance use policy, employee education, supervisor training, drug and alcohol testing, and employee help for addicts. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and NIDA require testing programs that must test for five specific categories of drugs, also know as the NIDA 5. These include cannabinoids, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamines, and opiates (Drug Testing Basics, 2005). Drug testing in the private sector is governed by several state and local agencies, specific guidelines and standards must be followed to prevent employers from being held liable. Union facilities are not exempt from drug testing, but the implementation of testing programs must be negotiated (US DOL, 2000).
Drug testing is not an invasion of privacy, as stated in Reagans Executive Order. Our new Supreme Court Justice Alito said that employees could be subjected to drug testing based on collective bargaining agreements, because it did not violate their constitutional rights against unreasonable search and seizure (WSAA, 2005). Constitutional law challenges to drug testing are based on the fourth, fifth, and fourteenth Amendments, but one must note the wording such as unreasonable and government. We have some federal, state, and local officials that still believe testing is an invasion of privacy, but they are a minimum of opinions. Some opposition comes from union facilities, to which Alito already addressed. Employee opposition comes from drug users and should not even be considered. Opposition claims we see increased employer liability claims, and the cost that go with them. Those claims only represent a few cases resulting in million dollar lawsuits, which were directly related to employers not following guidelines. Basing the whole drug testing issue on a few lawsuits caused by employer errors is not feasible.
Employers that chose not to test will suffer in many ways. Drug abusers are more than two and a half times more likely to be absent. Drug abusers are one third less productive and they are 50 percent more likely to steal (Bandell, 2006). Medical claims are extremely higher for drug users than other employees. A 1999 national drug abuse survey reveals some shocking statistics. Drug and alcohol abuse cost employers $81 million in lost productivity in a year. Substance abuse varies and cost employers from $7000-25,000 annually, per abuser (DFWP, 2004). Employees who use drugs are 3.6 times more likely to injure themselves or a co-worker (Fletcher, 2000). Alcohol is the most widely abused drug among adult workers, and it is estimated to cause 500 million lost workdays annually (US DOL, 2000). According to the IIDTW, alcohol appears to create more problems than illegal drugs in the workplace (2004).
I have discussed the consequences of not testing, so now I will discuss the benefits of testing. Drug free workplaces work as a deterrent, and employers that drug test, say that five percent of interviewees are never heard from again. Testing helps protect the safety, health, and well being of employees and patrons. Detection of employees with abuse problems can be treated if caught early. Testing eters youth from starting to use drugs, and it identifies current users and addicts. A drug free workplace gives employers a five percent discount on Workers Compensation insurance. Testing is a way to get employees to stop using illicit drugs and prevents them from starting. One benefit is drug free workplaces gain more federal and state contract bids (Bandell, 2006). Marijuana is the leading cause for positive drug test at 50 percent followed by cocaine at 14.67 percent (Drug Testing Index, 2004). Employers that implement testing programs experienced a 51 percent reduction in incident rates, from 8.92 percent to 4.36 percent. The FAA stated 18,000 maintenance workers tested positive for drugs in the first five years of the FAA program of 1990 (FAA, 1990-1995). The FAA is a safety-sensitive federal occupation, and weeding out 18,000 maintenance workers can help make all of our society safer. Drug testing drives down employer and employee insurance premiums.
The National Drug Control Strategy signed into law by President Bush has had the greatest impact in reductions of drug abuse. Since 2001, drug use by high school students has dropped by 19 percent, which translates to nearly 700,000 fewer young people using drugs (NDCS, 2006). Bushs strategy is the most comprehensive and aggressive plan to date, aiming to stop drug and alcohol abuse before it starts (educational and community action), healing Americas drug users, and disrupting the drug markets (NDCS, 2006).
What if I test positive? SAMHSA provides the guidelines for positive test. If a test result is positive as an immunoassay test, then a second Gas Chromatography must also give positive results to be considered accurate (DFWP, 2004). In the private sector, employers must have a competent laboratory do the testing, and results must be kept confidential. There are a few consequences of testing positive. The most common is immediate termination. Depending on the employer and certain circumstances, the employee might receive time off to participate in an addiction program. If the employee completes the program and test negative, he might be allowed back to his same position. Testing laboratories should be approved by SAMHSA because it is necessary for reliable results (Lipman, 1995).
Many employers have become advocates of drug testing for its associated advantages, such as the reduced cost of health care coverage (Lipman, 1995). Drugs have become too expensive for businesses to ignore. SAMHSA has suggested that the cost can be as much $60,000,000,000 a year. Drug abuse in the workplace seriously erodes a companys financial standing and reduces its ability to compete in the national and global arenas. There are several types of testing and companies should use what suits their needs best. Universal testing is the best because everyone is tested, including management, so everyone is treated equally. I support random testing because it is on a continual basis and nobody knows when their name will come up. The great benefit of random testing is its deterrent value. Many businesses find the need to do for-cause testing. This is very beneficial when an employee might be under the influence. Post accident test are done following an accident or injury. These are also done on near misses sometimes. I have seen both done where I work. The least effective is pre-screen testing. The company will take a big hit when their employees start to work and also start using drugs. There are several ways to test, some of which are already being used because they are less invasive and some provide better results for longer periods of time. Hair testing is already being used and drugs show up in hair for longer periods of time. A couple of other tests are salvia and blood.
Through my research I have seen the epidemic of drugs in the past. Thanks to Reagan and Bush, we have begun to see a significant decrease in drug and alcohol abuse among our adults and youth. The statistics that all of the agencies reported are quite amazing and almost unbelievable. Employers need to be more aggressive on their testing policies. Many employers just do pre-screening tests, but they are setting themselves up for a fall. My company has been around for 18years, and 9 years ago I had my pre-screen test and was told they do random testing also. They never did random drug testing until two years ago after a serious injury resulted in a positive test. We now continually random test. I believe this method is the best way to do away with drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace. Over the past 16 years, workplace drug testing is one of the anti-drug programs in America that produces the desired results.
Bryan, L. (1998). Drug testing in the workplace. Professional Safety. 43(10). Retrieved March
15, 2006, from Academic Search Premier.
Bandell, B. (2006). Drug screening can make the workplace safer. South Florida Business
Journal. Hollywood, Florida.
Drug-Free Workplace Program. (2004). Retrieved March 2, 2006 from the World Wide Web
Drug Testing Index. (2004). Quest Diagnostics Incorporated.
Erowid. (2005). Drug testing basics. The Vaults of Eroid.
Federal Aviation Administration. (1990-1995). Business and technology. The Seattle Times.
Fletcher, L. (2000). Employer drug testing has pitfalls. Business Insurance. 34(43).
Independent Inquiry into Drug Testing at Work. (2004). Drug Scope and the Joseph Rountree
Foundation. 7, p3.
Lipman, I. (1995). Drug testing is vital in the workplace. USA Today Magazine. 123(2596). p.81.
Retrieved March 17, 2006, from Academic Search Premier.
National Drug Control Strategy. (2006). Office of the National Drug Control Policy.
Washington, DC.
U. S. Department of Labor. (1999). Worker drug use and workplace policies and programs.
Office of Applied Studies. Rockville, Maryland.
U.S. Department of Labor. (2000). Department of Health and Human Services Substance
Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration. National Household Survey on Drugs.
Workplace Substance Abuse Advisor. (2004). Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development.
18(5)16. more
Treatment versus Punishment - That is the Question!
When looking at the relationship between social justice and juvenile justice, there are two over arching concepts when addressing juvenile ...delinquency - treatment and punishment. These two concepts have driven a cycle of changes in the juvenile justice system over the years. Your task is to support your premise that your state or city should either implement a philosophy of treatment or punishment for juvenile offenders for a specific crime or criminal justice issue identified in your paper.
Explain the differences between the treatment and punishment concepts. Build the case for which one you believe has the stronger position based on your research and the crime or criminal justice issue you selected to study.
Review the juvenile crime statistics between three cities or states in three different parts of the country (e.g., Boston, Chicago, and Seattle) for a crime or criminal justice issue. Incorporate a graphic display to present your findings. Be sure to include at least three demographic items, such as gender, ethnicity, race, education, or socio-economic status, in your analysis. Ensure you standardize your data (i.e., 1:1000; 1:10,000; or 1: 100,000) and incorporate the scale in a key for each chart.
Identify the prevailing thought in the city or state: Is it treatment or punishment? Analyze the differences in the recidivism rates between the cities or states you have selected? Is recidivism the best indicator of success or failure or should we use a different indicator?
In chapters 2 and 3 of the text, our author addresses biological, psychological and sociological theories to help explain juvenile delinquency. Evaluate which of these theories would best support your thesis.
Support which juvenile justice intervention strategy would be effective to counter the crime or criminal justice issue based on your research?
Conclude with a summary of which concept (treatment or punishment) best supports the over arching concept of social justice?
The paper must be ten to twelve pages in length and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least six scholarly resources (at least four of which must be found in the Ashford Online Library) other than the textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, located within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course more
This is a thesis for Clayton College of Natural Health. I have researched this for the last two years. I have books and papers and have compiled many resources, but am having difficulty pulling it all together. I have a time frame and must have this as stated above. I am an addiction professional and have been interested in the effects of alternate medicine on the recovery process particularly for women. I have an outline, a thesis statement and bibliograpy that I would like to fax so that I can have the paper reflect as much as possible, my own writing. The requirement is APA style. No I dont have any other parameters regarding quotations, etc., but you certainly can include some if it enhances the quality of the paper.
There are faxes for this order.
The paper needs to be a research essay that takes a side. The side of this paper will be on having drug addicts go into rehab programs instead of facing jail time. I would like the paper to have reseach that supports this idea. For example if any states have practiced this concept and what the results have been. The research needs to support the fact that the paper pro rehab program vs. jail time. I need the research to be from reliable sources. The majority of the information should come from newspapers, published artices and books not from random internet sites. Please do not use legal jargon make the paper clear to someone who is not familiar with drug addiction/ jail/ courts/ etc... Please use active verbs and limit passive verbs. The paper should follow APA style and use 4-6 sources. The paper should be around 5 pages. Please have a strong thesis statement that is concluded in the conclusion. Every statement needs to be backed up with reliable information. Please cover all aspects of the issue. But please remember I want the paper to support the idea of rehab for drug addicts instead of going to jail.
I am planning a residential treatment center for problem gamblers. The web site is www.nongambler.com . I need a position paper written addressing the following. 1. proper group size
2. best setting (serene or city)
3. best# beds small or large
4. intermingle or separate (each floor or building a group for sleeping & therapy - group in main)
5. number to a room best #
6. private room or two per room
If you have any question please call 804-869-9725
Bob Cabaniss
I am in a master's level professional counseling program. My topic is treatment of co-occurring diorders. Co-occrring disorders are ussually referred to as mental disoders and substance abuse problems.
Book is called Chemica Dependency A Systems Approach Fourth edition(C.Aaron McNeece|Dian M. DNitto)
If you dont have access to the book please let me know as soon as you can.
please read Chp. 6 ??" Treatment: The System of Care
Identify the various components of the treatment system (detoxification, intensive treatment, residential programs, outpatient services) concentrating on the description and effectiveness of each component. what role does pharmacotherapy play in the treatment process? What is aftercare, how can treatment providers work to prevent relapse, and what is involved in maintenance? What are the predominant treatment effectiveness issues? Discuss nontraditional approaches to treatment including controlled or moderated drinking.
moderation management, Audrey kishline
Term paper that defines and explores Methadone Maintenace. Include up to date research on development, expansion, and effectiveness. Discuss benefits and concerns for both long term and short term use in treatment. APA style need abstract page and reference page.
If you can trace back the history of Addiction to the early 19th century, that would be good. The further back, the better!
I'll attach the guideline to this.
I chose the topic Addiction as a Disease because it is very personal to my family. I watched my brother battle prescription drug addiction and in result he passed away from an overdose. I do believe that addiction becomes a disease as it alters the way the brain functions. This assignment was given to us and we were told to pick a topic, then our thesis needed to state our position, pick two reasons why we chose that position and clearly state why we chose those reasons. I will include my thesis, but it doesn't have to be what is used in the actual paper. I am a single mother of 3 children trying to attend college. I have done a lot of research but I just don't have the time it takes to sit and try to write this paper. Thank you for everything.
There are faxes for this order.
Please no plagiarism
sexual addiction to focus on throughout the paper
Sexual addiction
Make the 5 sources all journal articles
Please have Abstract and Reference page ---- ...Make the 5 sources all journal articles
This paper is to be 5 pages (not including abstract, title page, and reference page). It must be in APA format including in-text citations and references. You must have at least 10 sources, three of which may be books, but the rest must be journal articles that date back no further than 10 years. This assignment must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 7.
Choose sexual addiction to focus on throughout the paper. Your paper will have two distinct sections. The sections are as follows: Overview and Recovery Plan; under Recovery Plan, your sub-headings will be: Logistics, Treatment Plan, and Issues in Treatment.
1.) Overview
In the overview section you will want to discuss several components. First, discuss the symptoms and characteristics of the addiction. Explain the etiology and genetic factors that may be involved. Note what usually happens during withdrawal and what medications may be used in coping with withdrawal. Also, be sure to discuss the statistics of this particular addiction. How much does it cost the U.S. every year? What are the statistics of the different ethnicities struggling with this addiction, etc.?
2.) Recovery Plan
In this section, you will organize a treatment plan for the addiction in either a group or an individual counseling setting. Be sure to discuss your target population (i.e. adolescent boys). Discuss where these sessions will take place (i.e. church, hospital). Also, explain which model you will be using (i.e. medical disease model, see Presentation: Models of Treatment ??" 401). Summarize the model and explain how you will integrate it. Additionally, describe who will be involved in the process (i.e. family, pastor, etc.). Will it be distinctively Christian or distinctively secular?
Treatment Plan
Explain how many sessions your treatment plan will consist of. Then, in detail, discuss the process of how each stage and phase will progress. What treatments and interventions will you be using? Be sure to have research backing your interventions at each stage. For example, if you will use intakes in your first session, what intakes will you use?
Issues in Treatment
Conclude by discussing different obstacles you will face in implementing this recovery plan. What are some ethical issues you will need to be aware of and prepare for? How will you screen for, address, and work with issues of co-morbidity? What co-morbidities are you likely to find with this specific population? Lastly, address any other issues linked to this particular population. more
Chemical Dependency Paper
?Address the following question in a 7 page paper that examines the development and progression of substance abuse and chemical dependency in adolescents: Does addiction progress more rapidly in young people than adults?
?Examine the biopsychosocial issues around adolescent substance abuse and chemical dependency.
?Include definition, epidemiology, diagnosis, and at least three treatment options that range in severity, including inpatient, outpatient, groups, medical interventions to prevent drug use, and so forth. Include at least three current references.
?Format your paper according to APA standards.
I would like to place an order for two literature reviews which focus on defferent aspects of the same topic. It would be best if the same person wrote both papers so that the research... would not need to be repeated. A brief description is listed below. The papers will need to be written from a social work/ mental health/ substance abuse/ perspective.
The topic will be recreational opoiod use, such as prescription pain pills or heroin. The specific population (race, education, income) can be narrowed down by the writer based on what they find in the research. I need the first one by 30 April, and the second by 14 May. Ill upload additional information and research articles once the papers are approved.
Lit Review #1: the content is focused on description of the problem area, its causes, and consequences, and not focused around interventions or treatments. Be sure to consult early with the course instructor about how you intend to conceptualize your problem area, which will facilitate your search for relevant literature. Suggested length: 7 to 10 pages, min 14 references.
Lit Review #2: direct treatment or intervention to address problems. The purpose of this assignment is to locate and analyze research around an intervention or treatment related to the topic you selected for the Problem Formulation paper. To complete this assignment, you will need to conduct a review of the literature around interventions that have been evaluated to treat or address the problem area identified in your first paper. You will need to briefly discuss the kinds of interventions you locate that have been used to address your problem area and to more carefully evaluate 3-5 articles directly addressing one specific intervention or treatment approach. Suggested length: 6 to 8 pages. more
Assignment on Research Description/Question
Answer the following questions.
1.What is your research topic?
2. What is your research question?
Does alcoh...ol addiction change the family structure?
3. Why is it an important question to study?
It is important because, addiction to alcohol in some cases can change the structure of a family in a negative way.
4. What are the concepts?
A. Addiction
Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. To put it bluntly, one's research is only as good as one's proposal. An ill-conceived proposal dooms the project. A high quality proposal, on the other hand, not only promises success for the project, but also impresses the faculty about your potential as a researcher.
A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Generally, a research proposal should contain all the key elements involved in the research process and include sufficient information for the readers to evaluate the proposed study.
Regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose, all research proposals must address the following questions:
? What you plan to accomplish,
? Why you want to do it,
? How you are going to do it.
The proposal should have sufficient information to convince your readers that you have an important research idea, that you have a good grasp of the relevant literature and the major issues, and that your methodology is sound.
The quality of your research proposal depends not only on the quality of your proposed project, but also on the quality of your proposal writing. A good research project may run the risk of rejection simply because the proposal is poorly written. Therefore, it pays if your writing is coherent, clear and compelling.
It is extremely important that you understand the followings and include these in your proposal.
I. Title:
It should be concise and descriptive. For example, the phrase, "An investigation of . . ." could be omitted. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. However, if possible, think of an informative but catchy title. An effective title not only pricks the reader's interest, but also predisposes him/her favorably towards the proposal.
II. Abstract:
It is a brief summary of no more than 300 words. It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used.
III. Introduction:
The main purpose of an introduction is to provide the necessary background or context for your research problem. How to frame the research problem is perhaps the biggest problem in proposal writing.
If the research problem is framed in the context of a general, rambling literature review, then the research question may appear trivial and uninteresting. However, if the same question is placed in the context of a very focused and current research area, its significance will become evident.
Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on how to frame your research question just as there is no prescription on how to write an interesting and informative opening paragraph. A lot depends on your creativity, your ability to think clearly and the depth of your understanding of problem areas.
However, try to place your research question in the context of either a current "hot" area, or an older area that remains viable. Secondly, you need to provide a brief but appropriate historical backdrop. Thirdly, provide the contemporary context in which your proposed research question occupies the central stage. Finally, identify "key players" and refer to the most relevant and representative publications. In short, try to paint your research question in broad brushes and at the same time bring out its significance.
The introduction typically begins with a general statement of the problem area, with a focus on a specific research problem, to be followed by the rational or justification for the proposed study. The introduction generally covers the following elements:
State the research problem, which is often referred to as the purpose of the study.
Provide the context and set the stage for your research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance.
Present the rationale of your proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.
Briefly describe the major issues and sub-problems to be addressed by your research.
Identify the key independent and dependent variables of your study. And, specify the phenomenon you want to study.
State your hypothesis.
Set the delimitation or boundaries of your proposed research in order to provide a clear focus.
Provide definitions of key concepts.
IV. Literature Review:
The literature review serves several important functions:
Ensures that you are not "reinventing the wheel".
Gives credits to those who have laid the groundwork for your research.
Demonstrates your knowledge of the research problem.
Demonstrates your understanding of the theoretical and research issues related to your research question.
Shows your ability to critically evaluate relevant literature information.
Indicates your ability to integrate and synthesize the existing literature.
Provides new theoretical insights or develops a new model as the conceptual framework for your research.
Convinces your reader that your proposed research will make a significant and substantial contribution to the literature (i.e., resolving an important theoretical issue or filling a major gap in the literature).
Most students' literature reviews suffer from the following problems:
Lacking organization and structure
Lacking focus, unity and coherence
Being repetitive and verbose
Failing to cite influential papers
Failing to keep up with recent developments
Failing to critically evaluate cited papers
Citing irrelevant or trivial references
Depending too much on secondary sources
Your scholarship and research competence will be questioned if any of the above applies to your proposal.
There are different ways to organize your literature review. Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review. For example, having established the importance of your research area and its current state of development, you may devote several subsections on related issues as: theoretical models, measuring instruments, cross-cultural and gender differences, etc.
It is also helpful to keep in mind that you are telling a story to an audience. Try to tell it in a stimulating and engaging manner. Do not bore them, because it may lead to rejection of your worthy proposal. (Remember: Professors and scientists are human beings too.)
I expect that at least 5 journal articles are included in your literature review section. Make sure to cite these in the text and list them in the references section.
V. Methods:
The Method section is very important because it tells how you plan to tackle your research problem. It will provide your work plan and describe the activities necessary for the completion of your project.
The guiding principle for writing the Method section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study.
You need to demonstrate your knowledge of alternative methods and make the case that your approach is the most appropriate and most valid way to address your research question.
For quantitative studies, the method section typically consists of the following sections:
Design -Is it a questionnaire study or a laboratory experiment? What kind of design do you choose?
Subjects or participants - Who will take part in your study ? What kind of sampling procedure do you use?
Instruments - What kind of measuring instruments or questionnaires do you use? Why do you choose them? Are they valid and reliable?
Procedure - How do you plan to carry out your study? What activities are involved? How long does it take?
VI. Results:
Obviously you do not have results at the proposal stage. However, you need to have some idea about what kind of data you will be collecting, and what statistical procedures will be used in order to answer your research question or test you hypothesis.
VII. Discussion:
It is important to convince your reader of the potential impact of your proposed research. You need to communicate a sense of enthusiasm and confidence without exaggerating the merits of your proposal. That is why you also need to mention the limitations and weaknesses of the proposed research, which may be justified by time and financial constraints as well as by the early developmental stage of your research area.
VIII. References:
List your references in this section using one of the reference citing style.
Common Mistakes in Proposal Writing
Failure to provide the proper context to frame the research question.
Failure to delimit the boundary conditions for your research.
Failure to cite landmark studies.
Failure to accurately present the theoretical and empirical contributions by other researchers.
Failure to stay focused on the research question.
Failure to develop a coherent and persuasive argument for the proposed research.
Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough detail on major issues.
Too much rambling -- going "all over the map" without a clear sense of direction. (The best proposals move forward with ease and grace like a seamless river.)
Too many citation lapses and incorrect references.
Too long or too short.
Failing to a correct reference citing style.
Sloppy writing.
B. Change Family Structure
5. What are the indicators?
A. Use of alcohol
B. Family Violence
6.What is your hypothesis?
My hypothesis is that in most cases addiction to alcohol will change the family structure in a negative way. more
The goal of this project is to determine the best course of action and what your case formulation would be in a specific case, based upon principles you have learned during the course.
Provi...de a plan of action and interpret the crisis within a theoretical framework, drawing from the textbook readings and/or outside research. You must justify the use of the theories you cite and explain the crisis in terms of that theory. You also must use a model of assessment, intervention, and treatment. Include in your assessment the possible psychological diagnosis (if you feel there is a mental illness), how you would treat it, a referral to an appropriate facility if necessary, and your thoughts on how this crisis is most likely to be resolved.
Also discuss the substance abuse of Cassandras family members. Is there evidence that states chemical dependency is passed on from one generation to another? Could Cassandras behavior be attributed to the cultural environment/genetic make-up with regard to any substance abuse tendencies? Include a discussion of this possibility in your plan of action and explain how traits are inherited in populations and identifies genes and DNA as the mechanism for inheritance.
Lastly, discuss the ethical issues that may arise during your crisis work, including how you would handle the clients homicidal ideation as well as the presence of police officers during a confidential interview. Also include which characteristics of a crisis worker are needed specifically for this case. Indicate what additional information you would want to gather, how you would gather it, and how that information would change your approach with this client. Finally, describe how you would handle the escalation in behaviors from the client and ensure her safety. more
II. Treatment Plan and Termination Summary
Students will be provided with a scenario of a client who comes in for counseling who is struggling with an addiction and other co-occurring disorders. ...Students will then type up a treatment plan outlining how they intend to work with this particular client. Students will also type up a termination summary outlining how the course of treatment went with this particular client. Treatment plan and termination summary forms can be found under the student resource center in Angel. The case scenario for the Treatment Plan and Termination Summary can be found at the end of this syllabus.
Case Scenario for Treatment Plan and Termination Summary:
You have been assigned to work with James, a 44 year old African-American male. James has presented for help dealing with his addiction to alcohol, which he claims to have struggled with for 20 years. During your intake you learn that James is the youngest of five children, three brothers and one sister, and comes from a strong Baptist background. James reports that all of his siblings have struggled with substance abuse and addiction at some point in their lives. James states that his family has never been really close and that while growing up he often felt unwanted and rejected by his parents. James states that he once had a close relationship with the brother that is closest to him in age ? but their relationship became strained several years ago and now he feels rejected by this brother as well. James reports that he began drinking at age 14 ? when his closest brother gave him his first beer. James states that he would drink off and on through high school and would occasionally get drunk with some friends during his lunch breaks before going back to class. James remarks that he was a fairly popular kid in school, but that he often felt nervous being around large groups of people. James struggled during his first year of college because he was unsure of his intellectual abilities and he became ?caught up? in the partying life he encountered in college. James reports that he finally got his act together and ended up making good grades during the rest of his college years, graduating with a degree in business. James went on to get his MBA and then landed a ?dream job? in a fairly large and well established corporation. James remarks that he felt like a fraud after he landed this job and really began to question his competence and his ability to do well in the field of business. However, James excelled in his position and eventually met and married a woman who he says ?wanted him to be something he wasn?t.? They were married for 10 years, during which time he gradually began drinking more heavily. James states that he became really anxious and depressed and drinking was the only way he knew how to deal with his feelings. After many failed stints in rehab, and after losing two jobs, James and his wife divorced. James was homeless for about two years ? during which time he lived in a homeless shelter that was based on the concepts of the 12 steps, and provided him treatment for his alcohol addiction. After completing this program, James obtained a low level job with a hotel and eventually began working his way up to a management position. During this time he would relapse frequently, but never for long periods of time. Once he obtained a management position in the hotel he began dating a woman he had known years ago and they eventually married. However, after being married for a few months, James reported that he became comfortable with his new life and began to relapse for longer periods of time. James has currently been married for two years and has recently gone through alcohol detox after drinking heavily for the past seven month. James reports that his doctor told him he would die if he continued to drink. James also states that his wife has told him he needs to get and stay sober, or else their marriage is over. James states that he does not want to lose his wife and he wants to learn how to live a sober lifestyle once and for all.
Cite: Treatment plans more
An 5 page essay on the way Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism and Hinduism view addiction and societies views on addiction written with a philosophical approach.
Please use the information provided to write the paper. The information has to be written in paragraph form not listed. Please write in third person and use words like "This writer" not "I". Please us...e past tense like was not is.
Treatment Plan
Client is experiencing these behaviors:
? Client has difficutly adjusting to the accountability of marriage.
? Anxiety and depression related to the demands of marriage.
? Marital separation.
? Grief related to possible divorce and family splitting up and lost of time with children.
? Restlessness and lost of identity due to family splitting up.
? Feelings of isolation, sadness, and boredom related to not being with the family.
? Loss of appetite.
? Sleeplessness
? Lack of energy.
? Lack of communication with spouse.
? Pattern of verbal abuse that is present in the relationship.
Long term goals.
? Identify and resolve conflicted feelings and adapt to new life circumstances.
? Alleviate depressed mood and return to previous level of effective functioning.
? Appropriately grieve the loss in order to normalize mood and to return to previous adaptive level of functioning.
? Maintain a program of recovery that is free of addcition and partner relational conflicts.
? Accept termination of the relationship and make plans to move forward in life.
? Decrease partner relational conflict and increase mutually supportive pleasurable interaction.
? Develop the skills that are necessary to maintain open, effective communication with partner.
Short term Objective
? Verbalize the powerlessness and unmanageability that result form partner relational conflicts.
? List five times when addictive behavior led to partner relational conflicts.
? Identify positive aspects of the client?s present relationship.
? Verbalize an acceptance of the responsibility for own role in relationship
? Meet with spouse to listen to and accept her perspective o the causes for the relational conflicts.
? Identify the causes for past and present conflicts within the relationship
? Develop a plan as to behaviors that the client will change to improve the relationship
? Demonstrate the ability to show affection verbally and nonverbally
? Learn and demonstrate health communication skills
? Verbalize a commitment to continue to improve the relationship
? Write a letter to the wife sharing feelings and asking for support in recovery
? Write a plan for meeting social and emotional needs during the separation and divorce
? Develop a personal recovery plan that includes attending recovery groups regularly, getting a sponsor, and attending group and individual therapy.
? Describe sign and symptoms of depression that are experienced.
? Verbally identify if possible the source of depression.
? Express feelings of hurt, disappointment, shame, and anger that are associated with life experiences.
? Develop consistent positive self-image.
? Demonstrate improved self-esteem through more pride in appearance, more assertiveness, greater eye contract, and identification of positive traits in self talk messages.
? Assess the exact nature of sleep pattern, including bedtime routine, activity level while awake, nutritional habits, napping practice, actual sleep time, rhythm of time for being awake versus sleeping. more
"Crystal Meth Addiction and Abuse Problems in Los Angeles County"
Group Community Health Promotions Project Guidelines
Group Community Health Promotions Project Guidelines and Grad...ing Criteria
Each Team will select a community health problem and design a health promotions project
1. Introduce the topic for analysis (Crystal Meth drug addiction and abuse) and the potential impact for public health nursing, include background for the issue and the purpose of the paper 10%
2. Identify current publications concerning the issue being analyzed ? literature 30% review
In this section the team must demonstrate analysis and synthesis of the extant
literature. The review should include information published in refereed journals,
authoritative websites, government and other publications. References should be
current and reflective of contemporary thought with regard to the selected issue
3. Conceptual Framework 10%
Identify the theoretical model the team will use to support the conceptual framework
that guides the constructs of your paper ( Milio?s Framework for Prevention,
Health Belief Model, Pender Health Promotion Model, Critical Social Theory,
Orem Self Care Deficit Theory, Leventhal?s Self-Regulation Model, Precede-
Proceed Model, etc)
4. Project Plan 30%
This section should include an identification and review of the health information
needed, description of the manner by which the data will be collected and analyzed,
presentation of possible solutions to the problem, identification of key community
partnerships, and the plan for monitoring, assessing and evaluating.
5. Conclusion 15%
This section should include how the team perceives a potential resolution for the
problem addressed and how that resolution might contribute to the advancement of
primary care nursing practice
6. Scholarly writing style 5%
The writing style for the paper should adhere to APA guidelines with regard to
format, citations, spelling, and correct use of grammar and punctuation. Length of the
paper should not exceed 20 double-spaced pages, including reference list.
Citations should be current & reflective of contemporary thought.
I. Introduce the topic of Crystal Meth Drug Abuse for analysis and the potential impact for public health and design a health promotions project
How to:
Step 1: Identify health information needed for population served
A. Determinants of health
1. Demographics of Los Angeles County
a. Total population
b. How is Crystal Meth used (snorted, smoked, injected, ingested?)
Various street names it is called
How much it costs
Why it is so addictive (related to dopamine?) and depending if it's snorted, injected, etc. for "rush" or other high.
c. How drug addicts may stay up for days and pychosis
d. Population age group for drug addicts; also what age range does Crystal Meth start; how others in family are negatively impacted (e.g. neglected children, domestic violence against spouses when drug addicts are "tweaking"
e. Ethnic group membership (Hispanic, African-American, Caucasian, Asian, Native-American Indian, etc.)
f. Any gang affiliations
g. How it is widely used in gay community
The introduction must
INCLUDE brief background of Crystal Meth and the Purpose of This Paper
Other useful items for possible inclusion throughout paper:
Healthcare access points for Crystal Meth treatment of addiction and abuse
a. Acute care hospitals
b. Community health centers
c. Faith-based
d. Other treatment providers or support groups (like Narcanon--similar to Alcoholics Anonymous?)
e. Public health services (overburdened? not enough spaces to treat drug addicts?)
Assessing health indicators
1. poverty level or does Crystal Meth affect all economic groups?
2. death rate
3. Morbidity (how crystal meth affects mental health, physiological side effects--e.g.dental, cardiac, etc.)
4. Mortality
5. Use of health services (going to Emergency Room, Psychiatric Emergency Room, hospital, etc.)
a. Barriers to access
6. Ambulatory care sensitive conditions
Step 2: IDENTIFY current publications concerning the issue being analyzed--
Literature Review (see many great government websites & sources below):
A. Access & review relevant databases and government statistical info and graphs
National Institute of Health on Drug Abuse Crystal Meth
National Institute of Health Drug Abuse Crystal Meth:
and www.dasis.samhsa.gov and
(the government "store" mentioned directly above is FREE for all electronic reports), and
http://www.escapemeth.com/resources.html and
http://www.drugfree.org/drug-guide/crystal-meth and
Co-Morbid Drug Abuse and Mental Illness:
Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addition (Nat'l Inst.on Drug Abuse)
and any others you may come across that are relevant, current, etc.
MUST include:
3. Conceptual Framework (see the very top of this entry for paragraph on identifying the theoretical model that the team will use to support the conceptual framework that guides the constructs of this paper (e.g. Milio's Framework for Prevention, etc.)
4. Project plan (see the very top of this entry for paragraph on this section)
5. Conclusion (see the very top of this entry for paragraph on this section)
Project Requirements
To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
Content: Prepare a final paper that includes the fol...lowing components in the order listed:
Title Page.
Table of Contents.
Introduction (1??"2 pages).
Theoretical Analysis of the following: (Psychodynamic Approach to Counseling, Cognitive Approach to Counseling, Behavioral Approach to Counseling and Humanistic Counseling (5??"7 pages)
Ethical and Cultural Issues (2??"3 pages).
Group Development (2??"3 pages).
Personal Model (Conclusion): Present your conceptual map and summarize how it represents all of the components of your Personal Model to discuss is (democratic style) of Group Therapy and The Treatment of Compulsive and Addictive Behavior See attached example of Concept Map.
Reference list: A minimum of ten scholarly sources are required. Scholarly sources include peer-reviewed journal articles and government publications prepared by a panel of experts in the field.
APA formatting: Resources and citations must be formatted according to APA style and formatting.
Reference list: A minimum of ten peer-reviewed references.
Length of paper: 15 typed double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Arial, 10 point.
Content Format
For your course project, develop a paper that consists of the following sections. You must use proper APA style and formatting for each section of the paper.
1.Theory Selection (Psychodynamic Approach to Counseling, Cognitive Approach to Counseling, Behavioral Approach to Counseling and Humanistic Counseling (1??"2 pages). To complete this section, you need to:
?-?Review the literature in group counseling and addictions counseling and identify the theories that influence your approach.
?-?Address how these approaches can be used to help you develop your personal approach ( (democratic style).
2.Theoretical Analysis (Psychodynamic Approach to Counseling, Cognitive Approach to Counseling, Behavioral Approach to Counseling and Humanistic Counseling (5??"7 pages). To complete this section, you need to:
?-?Analyze theories for the treatment of compulsive and addictive behaviors as they apply to group methods.
?-?Synthesize trends in compulsive and addictive behavior research as they apply to group methods.
3.Ethical and Cultural Issues (2??"3 pages). To complete this section, you will:
?-?Recognize client characteristics relevant for ethical group placement in context of American Counseling Association (ACA) and Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW) Standards.
?-?Recognize appropriate client preparation for group participation.
?-?Recognize appropriate utilization of clinical supervision to address ethical and cultural issues.
4.Group Development (2??"3 pages). To complete this section you will:
?-?Identify models of group development as applied to the treatment of compulsive and addictive behaviors.
?-?Address how the theories covered in the theoretical analysis portion of the project affect group development.
?-?Important note: You will not submit this section separately but rather as part of the final paper in Unit 10.
5.Personal Model - (democratic Style) (2??"3 pages). Create a personal model for group leadership based on your individual approach and leadership style. Present your conceptual map and summarize how it represents all of the components of your personal model of group therapy and the treatment of compulsive and addictive behavior. more
This paper will address the social problem of drug addiction and will investigate possible solutions for this problem. Remember that you should discuss the roles that the church, the family, and the community should play in the solutions to the problem.
Bibiography Page:
For each entry--or source--on your annotated bibliography, you should:
1.Summarize the main idea in two to four sentences.
2.Relate the material found in the source to your research topic using an additional one to two sentences.
3.Evaluate the background of the author and the intended audience.
4.Point out the source's potential usefulness to your research.
Thank you and feel free to contact me with any questions!
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Read Full Paper ❯This paper will address the social problem of drug addiction and will investigate possible solutions for this problem. Remember that you should discuss the roles that the church, the…
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