25+ documents containing “Acute Care”.
Write an 8 page paper in the latest edition of APA format for the following Dermatology case study listed below, involving the 33 year old patient that presents with a rash.
Deduce these three der...matological differential diagnoses for this particular patient writing about the important key features of each diagnosis, including clinical findings in the physical exam, treatment and epidemiological statistics concerning incidence (which means the percentage of how often each diagnosis occurs in the human population which can help in determining which diagnosis is more likely) with related evaluation and treatment and include health promotion/prevention strategies for each:
1) atopic dermatitis (aka eczema),
2) psoriasis,
3) contact dermatitis
Dermatology Case Study:
History of present illness (HPI): A 33-year old has come to your office concerned about a rash of 2-weeks duration located behind the knees and elbows bilaterally. It is itchy, red, somewhat raised, and dry. At times it has had clear drainage.
Past medical history (PMH): Health history is non-contributory; the patient is well overall with no regular medications and ibuprofen for the occasional headache.
Review of systems (ROS): There has been no fever or chills, weight loss, and no CV/Resp/GI/GU symptoms.
EXAM: (Include in the paper for each diagnosis a description of the physical findings which would support the selected diagnoses.)
Here is an outline for each diagnosis that will help with paper organization and to guide the case study development.
1. Approach to symptom evaluation ? here are the important key features of each diagnosis
a. Age
b. Onset
c. Systemic manifestations
d. Health status and living situation
e. Lesion/problem description and distribution region/s
f. Epidemiology (how often it occurs and in what age group in the human population)
g. Risks: Products, environmental (to include school and work)
h. Self-treatment methods
2. Common Primary Skin Lesions
3. Common Secondary Skin Lesions
4. Trauma ? this section may not be relevant to the three diagnoses chosen.
5. Pharmacological Preparations
a. OTC (stands for over the counter medication. Which can be purchased without a prescription.)
b. Prescription medication
i. Topical
ii. Systemic
6. Health promotion/prevention strategies
Here are references to use in addition to the attached textbook and other attachments.
This is the textbook that is attached.
Dunphy, L., Winland-Brown, J., Porter, B., & Thomas, D. (2011) Primary care: The art and
science of advanced practice nursing (3rd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2255-5
Web Sites:
Doc Mec
Dermatology Case Studies and Resources
American Academy of Dermatology
Dermatology diagnosis counselor site more
Please write a thorough essay with 0% plagiarism about the following prompt:
An overreaching theme developed throughout "Nick Hornby in About a Boy" is the acute difficulty in cultivating meaningful relationships in modern society. In short, this novel examines the division between the individual and the concept of community. This well exemplified in young Marcus' helpless to fit in amongst his peers in school and Will's inability to overcome his phobia of long-term interpersonal relationships. Please write an essay exploring how both Will and Marcus make profound transformation in learning to nurture simple but deep connections that form thr complex network for the human community.
Be precise, thorough and please use good word choice. Back up your writing and please use quotes and use them correctly. In text citations should be in MLA format.
*Please keep in question form
1. Please describe a closed system versus an open system. Compare and contrast these two types of systems. Give examples of each with your answer.
2. Define... and differentiate between the terms philosophy, goal, objective, and functional objective as they pertain to organizational development. Provide examples of each in the modern health care organization.
Identify the management function of decision making at the top Administrative area in the health care organization. 3.Identify and describe the participants in the decision making process. Please make sure you define the major responsibilities of each person in the process.
4.Managers must recognize that there are barriers to rational decision making and many times there are no perfect decisions. Please explain the various barriers that health care professional managers must face at times such as lack of pertinent information, etc.
5.Identify the principles involved in developing an organizational chart for the modern health care facility. Describe each in detail giving examples where possible.
6.Identify the patterns of flexibility covered in your text. These include the following: temporary agencies, controversial outsourcing, and independent contractors. Evaluate the role of each category indicated above and describe their use in the modern health care facility. Give examples from your own facility if possible.
7. Describe the free agent phenomenon which frequently affects the management of educated mobile professionals. Based on your own experience and that information covered in the text please evaluate the impact of this phenomenon on patient care.
8.Describe in detail the factors that contribute to employee stability and to employee turnover. Include with your answer those factors relating to clinical professionals as well as administrative type professionals.
10.Please explain the concept of Six Sigma strategies and describe its place in the health care management process.
11.Briefly describe the concept of benchmarking and its place in the management process.
Enumerate the detailed steps in the operating budget process of health care facilities. Be sure to include with your answer the dynamics of the budget approval process from the start at the departmental level to final approval by the governing board of the facility.
*Please keep in question form. more
Book Report: Write a 4 page book report/analysis on the content of the book and your opinion/analysis of the books content (APA style). Use quotes throughout the paper to support your opinion. Include a Bibliography. The only source need is the book itself. (No additional sources would be needed). Below is the name and ISBN of the book that the report needs to be on.
Robertson, Brian (2003). Day Care Deception: What the Child Care Establishment Isn't Telling Us. Encounter. ISBN: 1-893554-67-8
Use your work on the previous assignments and additional information to develop a concept analysis paper. Make sure to incorporate feedback from previous assignments as appropriate. This paper will ...demonstrate scholarly, graduate school level writing and critical analysis of existing nursing knowledge. The final paper will be 7-10 pages (excluding title page and references), using APA format with at least 8-10 sources of information.
As you have completed your readings for this course, you may have come across a concept to explore further. There are some concepts that are inherent to our work, yet not completely tangible. Examples of such concepts include, but are not limited to:
Loneliness hardiness stress grief
Rehabilitation trauma care etc.
Other examples of concepts:
Fail error death innovation quality
Team soul spirit research evidence
For your final submission you will take the concept of interest to you, which you used in unit 3 and 5 and further develop it into a final concept analysis paper. You may use some of the same resources from your past literature reviews and add to it, finding evidenced-based articles (based on research studies in nursing) using the concept or discussing the concept. You can use the concept as a primary search term or through search vocabulary provided in the database. You may also want to look at another disciplines search engine (business, education, etc.). For example, if you are interested in the concept of uncertainty in illness or grief in sudden death, you would conduct a literature search examining the concept of uncertainty or grief. The online library is one resource and other known reliable web sites. You may also select a concept that you have wondered about or discovered in your reading that is different from the concept you selected for the first two assignments. Please confer with faculty if you are not sure about your concepts or sources.
For this paper, you will:
Identify the concept and purpose for studying the concept
Describe reasons for this concept being of interest to nursing and its body of knowledge
Define the attributes of the concept and its relevant uses
Conduct a literature search and present it as a summary of the concept as described in each article with examples of how the author defined the term.
Provide the theoretical and operational definition of the concept based on the review of literature. (Theoretical is pure definition and operational is how it is used in practice.)
Apply the concept as it relates to your practice and how you will use this concept in the future
Describe the value of these concept analyses to your understanding of nursing knowledge more
Hi, this is a Case study...all information is in reference to the scenario below. I have already completed a draft copy of a very brief outline of what this larger one should entail. (this draft was ...part of our assessment and has already been marked...so this next 1250 is based on the same scenario, we must just expand apon it) The information I have put in the draft essay needs to be split up and expanded on...I have included the marking criteria for help also. Thankyou very much!
Use your draft summary and associated feedback from the 1st assignment to assist preparing your 1 word essay.
Prepare a essay of the nursing care you would use to manage the case scenario
Use your draft summary from the 1st assignment to assist preparing your 1250 word essay. (I have included this further down the page - It is not to be used as one paragraph, each section expanded on as per marking criteria ...also added further down)
Background: A key role of nursing is to maintain client safety. People living in residential care settings are vulnerable to complications arising from infections, adverse drug effects, and underlying disease processes. Nurses take into consideration the individual needs of the client as well as the impact of individual health problems on the safety of others when planning care.
Aim: The aim of this assessment is for the student to prepare a 1250 word essay of the nursing care required to manage the health needs of your clients and maintain the safety of residents, visitors and staff. Use your draft and relevant feedback to assist in preparation of your report.
You are allocated to provide the care for five clients in an aged care facility that also houses a dementia unit. One of your clients Mary Canley (85 years old) confides in you that she has been incontinent of faeces and also has increasing abdominal discomfort. Reading her nursing care plan you notice that Mary is usually continent. Mary lives in room one (see Unit/Ward Floor Plan - The dementia wing is located down the hall from Mary's room, Mary's room however is next to the dirty utility room). You discuss Marys concerns to the Nurse Unit Manager who advisors you that another resident in the dementia unit reported cramping abdominal pains and diarrhoea.
To complete this assessment task you should do the following:
1. Identify the relevant client problems supported by the clinical information obtained from the case scenario.
2. Indentify and explain potential cause(s) of the identified patient problems.
3. Discuss the consequences of the identified patient problems drawing on nursing knowledge and support with evidence.
4. Identify relevant patient goals and associated measurable outcomes relevant for managing the identified health problems.
5. Describe and explain appropriate nursing actions to manage the risks associated with the presenting health problems for clients and staff.
6. Describe the level of evidence supporting the nursing decision-making and care planning.
7. Discuss how identified patient problems and health risks, goals, nursing interventions and outcome criteria are linked.
The following is my draft essay... that needs to be broken down and expanded on as per marking criteria.
Marys symptoms of abdominal discomfort, faecal incontinence, and diarrhoea
indicate possible gastrointestinal disturbance (Crisp & Taylor 2009). Of additional
concern is that another resident is reporting similar symptoms in the dementia unit.
A single case of gastroenteritis in an elderly resident of an aged care facility
may signal the beginning of an outbreak. (Kirk, Roberts, and Horvath 2008, 476)
Possible causes for this may be the result of cross contamination via the oral-faecal
route of transmission, or through consuming contaminated foods and water (Kirk,
Hall, Veitch, Becker 2010, 12). The physical location of the dirty utility room
proximal to the eating and food preparation areas appears inappropriate, and should be
reviewed (Department of Health and ageing 2007). The most often cited causes are
salmonella infections and clostridium difficile (Simor 2010)
Depending on the infected residents current health conditions residents may
experience dehydration, abdominal pain, fevers, vomiting, diarrhoea and loss of
appetite associated with gastroenteritis. (Crisp & Taylor 2009) If the condition is left
untreated it may be life threatening. (Department of Health and Ageing, 2007)
Immediate nursing actions to manage the suspected infected resident would
include collecting a faecal specimen to confirm infection. (Crisp & Taylor 2009)
Isolating infected patients to reduce infection spreading to other residents and staff
(Kirk, Roberts and Horvath, 2008) Increased hygiene measures and implementing a
management plan, monitoring nutrition, fluid intake, hygiene and pain control. (Crisp
& Taylor 2009)
Patient goals are to implement nursing interventions to care for the two
residents who are already elderly and immunocompromised; ensuring comfort,
decreased abdominal pain, stable vital signs, skin integrity and patients personal
hygiene. (Crisp & Taylor 2009)
Measurable outcomes for these goals; 1. No further outbreaks of
gastroenteritis in the unit, 2. Symptom control and improved health status in the
affected residents 3. Identified possible causes of the gastroenteritis, 4. Review of the
units infection control practices (Garibaldi 1999)
Andrew E, Simor,MvD (2010)Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention of
Clostridium difficile Infection in Long-Term Care Facilities: A Review. The
Americans Geriatric Society 58, (8), 1557-1593. doi:10.1111/j.1532-
Crisp.J, & Taylor, C. (2010), Potter & Perrys fundaments of nursing (3
rded.). Chatswood, N.S.W.: Elsevier Australia
M.D Kirk, G.V. Hall, M.G.K. Veitch, N. Becker (2010). Assessing the
incidence of gastroenteritis among elderly people living in long term care facilities.
Journal of Hospital Infection 76 12 17. doi 10.1016/j.jhin.2010.04.009
R.A Garibaldi ( 1999) Residential care and the elderly: the burden of infection.
Journal of Hospital Infection. 43 9-18.
Australian Government: Department of Health and Ageing. (2007).
Retrieved from
ASSIGNMENT MARKING CRITERIA: Please read and structure essay around this...
1.Provide an introduction for your report that
clearly outlines the scope of your report.
(50-60 words)
2.Have relevant patient problems been identified
and supported with clinical observations?
(40 to 50 words)
New onset fecal
3.Have the potential cause(s) of the patient
problems been explained?
(150-200 words)
Infection resulting in
Adverse drug effects
4. Has the consequences of the identified patient
problems been discussed and supported with
(200 to 300 words)
Spread of infection
Skin breakdown
Cardiac arrest
Psychological distress
5. Were relevant patient goals associated with
the management of the identified problems
and measurable outcomes described and
justified with evidence?
(150 to 200 words)
Patients will not become infected with the GIT
Stable vital signs
Haemodynamic stability
Functional continence
Fluid balance goals
Adequate nutrition
Infection control
Pain control
Falls prevention
Adequate hygiene
Intact skin
6. Were appropriate nursing actions planned to
manage the risks to the patient, others and
nursing staff associated with the presenting
problems and justified with the highest level of
(250-350 words)
rectal examination,
stool inspection
Stool sampling for MCS
Skin care
Infection control
Fluid balance
Psychological comfort
Pain contrl
Medical review
7. Was the level of evidence supporting the
nursing decision making and care planning
(70-100 words)
Relevant retrieved reports
Level of evidence
associated with retrieved
reports stated.
8. Conclusion for report: was the link between the
identified patient problems and health risks,
goals, nursing interventions and outcome
criteria discussed?
(100-150 words)
Benefits summarized
Limitations listed
Suggestions for ongoing
care plan development.
The essay can be set out in paragraphs from the above prompts - word limits are included to help.
INTEXT REFERENCING IS A MUST! (APA style) Please only use 2 websites.
Thankyou for your help.
Annie more
Professional Development of Nursing Professionals
1) Review the IOM report: The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health
http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health.aspx, focusing on the following sections: Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming Leadership. In order to access the report, locate "Get this Report" and click on "Read Report Online for Free". When the report is downloaded, it will open up to page 1. Use the table of contents, located on the right, to navigate to the required sections.
2) Create a paper (750-1,000 words) about the impact on nursing of the 2010 IOM report on the Future of Nursing. Include:
a) The impact of the IOM report on nursing education.
b) The impact of the IOM report on nursing practice, particularly in primary care, and how you would change your practice to meet the goals of the IOM report.
c) The impact of the IOM report on the nurse's role as a leader
Orem Teaching Presentation Requirements
Prepare a 10-minute presentation to teach the other student in the class an aspect of Orem?s theory and its application to nursing practice settings. Online students should prepare 12-20 Microsoft PowerPoint slides and speaker notes for their presentation. Content areas are listed below and must be assigned/approved by the faculty. In this presentation, you will be teaching your classmates an aspect of Orem?s theory and its application to nursing practice settings. Use other references and resources in addition to the assigned readings when preparing this assignment.
Group A: Universal self-care requisites
Developmental self-care requisites
Hint: Prior groups have divided their presentations into an introduction, main content, and conclusion. Their introduction gives an overview of Orem's definitions and relationship to Orem's theory. The body covers the topic using examples and relates the topic to practice situations.
Information is relevant and accurate.
The topic is explained.
Key concepts are described accurately.
Application of concepts/topic to practice is discussed.
Slides/speaker note are free of errors.
Presentation is well organized and professional in nature. Appropriate visual aids are used.
Questions needs to be answered in hte paper
1. What roles do or will nurses perform to improve health care delivery on the medical surgical unit.
2. How are or will errors be minimized.
3. what is on the future horizon for nurses on the med surge unit.
Paper has to have 3 or more articles. 5 pages and in APA format with reference page.
6 page research paper(essay)including bibliography page on Pressure Ulcer in APA format, 12 font, doubled-spaced with at least 5 footnotes with verifiable sources or citations.
With emphasis on in...fection from pressure ulcer as the cause of death due to negligence of healthcare professionals in caring of the residents.
Title already submitted: The Silent Killer
Outline already submitted:
Running head: The Silent Killer
I. Definition of pressure ulcer
A.)related terms
1.) stages of pressure ulcer
II. Causes of pressure ulcer
1.) paralysis
a.)types of paralysis
2.)muscle weakness
a.) age
B.)mental unawareness
1.)impaired cognitive capabilities
2.)medications side effects
C.)chronic illness
2.) stroke patients
b.)bowel movement
4.)inadequate nutrition intake
a.)not balanced food and not enough H20 intake
b.)not enough multi-vitamin and supplement
D.)existing skin problem
1.) injury
2.) already fragile skin of older patients
III. Complication of pressure ulcer
1.) sepsis
IV. Prevention
1.) nurses
b.)keep area clean and dry
c.)turn and reposition every certain hours
d.)monitor nutritional intake and hydration
2.) family members
a.)to follow guidelines of care given
B.)careful handling of patients
1.) proper use of equipment and device
2.) proper use of clothings and accessories
C.)communication and education
1.) among health care professionals, patients and family members more
Do not give my paper to researchpro, I prefer Nicole
Write a paper in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles which I sent through the mail. Pay particular attention to... evidence that supports the problem, issue, or deficit, and your proposed solution.
Organize your analysis of each article using the following sample format:
(Cioffi, J., Purcal, N., & Arundell, F. (2005). ?A pilot study to investigate the effect
of a simulation strategy on the clinical decision making of midwifery students.?
Journal of Nursing Education, 44(3), 131-134. this is only sample my topic is different)
(Summarize each articles in 1-2 paragraphs.you should adress the following
1)Summary of Article:
2)Research Elements: Design, Methods, Population, Strengths, Limitations:
3)Outcome(s): Research Results:
4)Significance to Nursing and Patient Care:
Total of 30 paragraphs
I need abstract ?separate one page ?
This is separate paper , you should write as a different paper , I dont want to order separately , because you are the one who writing my initial project so its easy for you to complete , otherwise I have describe everything .If I need to order to separately plz let me know
Incorporating theory
Identified a theory that can be used to support proposed solution
3) Write a summary (250-500 words) in which you:
Main components of theory described.
a) Describe the theory and your rationale for selecting the theory
b) Discuss how the theory works to support your proposed solution
c) Explain how you will incorporate the theory into your project more
Health Service Human Resource Management
Topic: Employee Relations
Assume the same role of VP of HR for an Organization that service individuals with physical and cognitive disability (Vocatio...nal Day Service)
Write a 5 page paper in which you:
1. Develop a strategy specific to your organization for integrating job performance and training.
2. Discuss the most significant performance management challenges the organization you have researched has faced.
3. Outline the basics of a performance management initiative that would significantly improve employee performance across the organization as well as encourage employee retention.
4. Create a set of best practices specific to your organization for improving employee relations.
5. Cite at least five (5) references, three (3) of which must be from peer-reviewed journals.
This assignment must:
Must be type double space using times New Roman font (size12) with one-inch-margins on all sides: references must follow APA syle.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Discuss how job performance and training can be integrated.
Discuss the importance of performance management.
Identify the common components of an employment agreement.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in health services human resource management.
Write clearly and concisely about health services human resource management using proper writing mechanics.
Instructional Materials if at all possible
Flynn, W., mathis, R., & Jackson, J., (2007). Healthcare human resource management (2nd ed. ). Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western/Cengage.
American Society for healthcare Human Resources Administration. (n.d.) General format. Retrieved from http://www.ashhra.org/.
Joint Commission on Health Care Organziations(2011). General format. Retrieved fromhttp;//www.jointcommission. more
Assignment Objectives:
2. Articulate strategies for demonstrating the advanced practice roles of educator, researcher, patient advocate, and clinician.
Part 1
a. Examine the prescript...ive authority of APNs.
b. Summarize credentialing and clinical privileges
c. Discuss the collaborative nature of practice
Part 2
d. Evaluate participation in managed care and quality initiatives
e. Examine reporting relationships and working through other people
Assignment Description:
Using the assignment objectives listed above for guidance, write a 2500-3000 word research paper addressing each of the topics. Specifically, the paper should address
the prescriptive authority of APNs for the state that you will practice in and at least one other state for comparison purposes -- state is Georgia
the credentialing and clinical privileges for APNs for the state that you will practice in and at least one other state for comparison purposes,
the collaborative nature of the APN role,
participation in managed care,
reporting relationships, and
prescriptive authority from a global perspective (two of the articles listed as supplemental deal with advanced practice in other countries).
2500-3000 words not including the cover page and references (total, not for each topic)
Follow the APA 6th edition for references and citations
Include a minimum of 6 scholarly references (does not include text or websites)
Demonstrate analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information
Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order.
Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order.
Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order. more
Please use the paper from order A2080061 and help to revamp the Design for Change. With the additions, this paper has to be 5-7 pages excluding title and reference page.
Changes and add on a...re as follows please---------------------
The last paragraph, this should be a review of the literature in narrative form. The
resources are listed below and can also use the ones from the draft order
A2080061. I don't think we have to use all of my literature review resources, just
need to write the literature review in a narrative analyzing the literature we found.
Needs to include how the staff will be trained. Also include what types of education
they need. It needs more specific information here.
Integrate the above steps in the "Change Plan" steps 1-3: Please write the literature review
in a narrative analyzing the literature found in milestone 1.
Here is a list of my references used for milestone 1 to be included in my paper. I think I sent them for the last assignment but cannot remember so here are my literature review. But still include the ones from the first "Change Plan".
1). Kohara, M., Miyauchi, T., Suehiro, Y., Ueoka, H., Takeyama, H., & Morita, T. (2004). Combined modality treatment of aromatherapy, footsoak, and reflexology relieves fatigue in patients with cancer. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 7(6), 791-797. doi: doi:10.1089/jpm.2004.7.791. This article is peered reviewed. This article talks about the effectiveness of aromatherapy, foot soak, massage and reflexology against fatigue in cancer patients and hospice patients. This applies to the chosen topic. This article describes quantitative research by the open study performed to test the effectiveness of the treatments. This is significant to the project because it gives a good picture of the study and the measured outcome. An open study was performed on 20 terminally ill patients rating their CFS, (cancer fatigue scale) before, 1 hour after and 4 hours after treatment. Their CFS scores improved significantly. The study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of combined modality treatment. The study recommendations can be used as a guide for future research but randomized investigation on terminally ill patients is warranted as well.
2). Heath, J., Oh, L., Clarke, N., & Wolfe, J. (2012). Complementary and alternative medicine use in children with cancer at the end of life . Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15(11), 1218-1221. doi: 1218-1221. doi:10.1089/jpm.2012.0150. This article is peer reviewed. This article talks about the use of complementary and alternative medicines during the end of life period. This applies to the chosen topic. This article was a qualitative interview with parents of children with end of life expectancy. The interview included 96 parents of children who died from cancer to establish the prevalence of CAM, (complementary and alternative medicines), use during the end of life period. The study recommendations can be used as a guide for future research. The conclusion of the study found CAM beneficial when administered to patients with end of life expectancy.
3). Cummings, K. (2011). End of life and hospice care. Informally published manuscript, Center for Spirituality & Healing and the Life Science Foundation., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, , Available from Life Science Foundation. ( http://lifesciencefoundation.org/)Retrieved from http://www.csh.umn.edu/ The article is peer reviewed. This article talks about the importance of comfort and support provided to the patients admitted to palliative and or hospice care and helpful therapies available. This applies to the chosen topic. This article describes a quantitative study; however, some may argue that it is qualitative as well because the studies are can be measured by the outcome and differences in quality of life using alternative therapy. This is significant to the subject because it gives a good picture of the study outcome. This article studied more than 300 hospice patients and according to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, massage therapy, reflexology, healing touch Reiki and music therapy provided pain relief, alleviated nausea and fatigue as well as decreased anxiety and depression. The study recommendations can be used as a guide for future therapy and research.
4). Kowalski, L. (2002). Use of aromatherapy with hospice patients to decrease pain, anxiety, and depression and to promote an increased sense of well-being. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care, 19(6), 381-386. doi: PMID: 12442972 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] This article is peer reviewed. This article talks about the use of aromatherapy in hospice patients to decrease pain, anxiety, and other symptoms they experience with an end of life expectancy. It talks about creating a sense of well being with the use of alternative medicine combined with Western medicine. This article applies to the chosen topic. This article describes quantitative analysis using lavender oil aromatherapy. This type of research is significant to the project because it shows positive results in decreasing pain, decreasing blood pressure and creating a better sense of well being. The study sample was conducted using 11 hospice patients. It was a small study but it is a very clear example of the positive effects aromatherapy can have on a patient and their symptoms. The study recommendations can be used as a guide for future studies and treatment.
5). Rees, H. (2004). The prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine use among the general population: a systematic review of the literature. Complimentary Therapies in Medicine, 8(2), 88-96. doi: 10.1054/ctim.2000.0353 This article is peer reviewed. This article is a systemic review of published research investigating the use CAM in the general public. It may not apply to my population of hospice patients but it does apply to the knowledge and the prevalence of complementary and alternative medicine among patients in general. The article describes quantitative analysis by which a protocol which was developed to conduct a systemic review of published research. Twelve studies were reviewed from research. This article reviewed twelve studies and included six countries. The most aggressive studies were conducted in Australia and the US, showing a high proportion of the population using CAM. This study was large and global enough to be able to use as a guide for use in future studies and use.
6). Bardia, A., Barton, D., Prokop, L., Bauer, B., & Moynihan, T. (2006). Efficacy of complementary and alternative medicine therapies in relieving cancer pain: A systematic review. American Society of Clinical Oncology, 24(34), 5457-5464. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2006.08.3725 This article is peer reviewed This article is a systematic review of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating CAM therapies. This applies to the chosen topic. The article describes quantitative analysis from RCTs using CAM interventions for pain control. These were abstracted using Medline, Embase, Cinahl, Amed and Cochrane databases. This type of research is significant to the project because there is a lack of evidence based about their efficacy. In this article, eighteen trials were identified with a total of 1499 patients. The study sample is not large enough and there is paucity of multi institutions evaluating RCTs for CAM here. The short term promising effects of hypnosis, massage, acupuncture cannot be recommended from this study due to the shortage of rigorous trials according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology. more
Course Project Components:
The subject for this assignment is a Residential Facility for individuals with mental illness and/or mental retardation. Will also provide day treatment and respi...te care. Also will have a two person practice for a Nurse Practitioner and a Psychiatrist. Discuss a detailed plan for the implementation of a new IT technology within the health care system. This plan should be approximately 30 pages or more, depending upon the scope and the use of data flow tools such as Microsoft Project.
Part One:
Describe the institution, its mission, business model, and the governance structure.
Define the Project to be implemented.
Put this project into context by describing the overall IT Plan and the planning time horizons and organizational budgeting.
Compose your Sponsorship Team and your Implementation Team.
Business Manager
Chief Operating Officer and co-owner (Nursing Executive)
Part Two:
If you have a system that has been chosen for implementation, describe the process for request for proposal and then for selection.
Practice Fusion EMR System to be used.
Develop an overall timeline for the planning process.
Build the business case for the implementation of this new system.
Develop a chart of the key stakeholders and their likely pros and cons ??" what are your persuasive arguments?
Part Three:
Develop the Infrastructure Roadmap for the project and initiate a budget.
Detail specifics on additional personnel that will be needed on a full and/or part-time basis for implementation and then for maintenance.
Will roles change internally as a result of implementation (i.e., will someone be displaced by technology?)
What are the key design considerations?
Part Four:
Develop a detailed implementation plan, including stages for technical infrastructure, training of personnel by role, roll-out timing, trouble-shooting support, etc., with expected outcomes. more
describe the policy problem in 1-3 paragraphs for ex. shortage in nursing, domestic violence etc
end with a purpose statement( theme sentence) write from general to specific....r>
critically analyze the background based on literature sources, include legal and ethical issues; appropriately site literature sources
summarize findings from the literature to describe the issue provide adequate but brief rationale
propose alternatives to the existing policy, evaluation, and rationale of each alternative
describe the role of the CNS/NP/CNL in both policy analysis and policy making for this scenario . document with appropriate literature sources.
( This paper should be 7-10 pages long excluding tables, charting, figures etc. Select a case scenario in health care. identify the problem , explore the background of the problem ( social , economic, ethical, and political and legal factors. propose an issue statement , propose policy alternatives and discuss the potential role of a CNS/NP/CNL in policy analysis and policy making for this case scenario. should use appropriate references from the literature to substantiate the analysis and proposed alternatives, including relation to CNS/NP/CNL roles and competencies. ) more
Essay Content: Write a substantive essay that addresses a selected body of literature, "Foster Care". What is in the literature on foster care youth?; Statistics: gender, cultural differences, who comes to foster care?; Research on the emancipation of foster youth, etc. Identify the problem, and rationale. (My stance is that there is a disproportionate number of African American children represented in the child welfare system, and who are not adequately prepared to leave foster care (through emancipation. Abstract, Introduction, Content, Summary/Conclusion
Sources: PSYCarticles, Psychology Journals, Social Work Research, Social Work, Adolescence, ERIC,
Essay Style: Appropriate for jounals (APA)
Written in third person with active voice. I will fax additional information.
There are faxes for this order.
Construct an 8 page research paper on a major nursing theory including:
1. list and discuss the major concepts of the theory
2. critical thinking activity: a- what area of the model needs development ?
b-include rationale for the area needing research and development
c- Discussion must reflect learning objectives at the Masters level of Molloy Nursing Handook
d Discussion must relate to clinical problem- hand washing in patient care area, how it decreases the spread of diseases. Give example
3- Explain how the theory is applicable to one area of advanced nursing practice, education, administration or research
4. Five professional nursing references
Include one nursing research article and the Molloy College Graduate Handbook(available online at Molloy College website)
Do not use article summaries
Guidelines for Leadership Papers
Each student will submit three leadership papers on the general topics listed below. Students will research the topic and identify a minimum of two... relevant articles from recent nursing journals. Students will summarize the articles and describe how they will apply it to their nursing practice, citing at least three examples. The articles must be published within the previous five years and a copy of each article will be turned in along with the paper.
Criteria for points are as follows:
Body of the Paper (8 total)
Articles were summarized appropriately and accurately using the students own words. (2 points)
Paper clearly described how the articles contents have influenced the patient care provided. (2 points)
Described three examples for applying the articles to his/her own nursing practice. (3 points)
Conclusion. Summary paragraph clearly describes main points of paper without introducing new information. (1 point)
Mechanics (7 total)
Articles were from appropriate nursing journals and published within the previous 5 years. (1 point)
APA format was utilized and references were cited appropriately. (4 points)
Formatting guidelines listed below were met and correct grammar and spelling were utilized. (2 points)
Total Points = 15 points
Papers should be 3-5 pages plus a title page and a reference page. Papers must be word processed, using 8.5 x 11 inch white paper, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, using 12 point Times New Roman font. Five points will be subtracted from the total for each day that a paper is late.
Grading Rubric for Leadership Papers
Criterion for Evaluation Categories Very Good Good Fair Inadequate or Missing
Body of the Paper ??" Total 8 points
Articles were summarized appropriately & accurately using the students own words.
*2 points
Paper clearly described how the articles contents have influenced the patient care provided. *2 points
Described three examples for applying the article to his/her own nursing practice. *3 points
Conclusion. Summary paragraph clearly describes main points of paper without introducing new information. *1 point
Mechanics ??" Total 7 points
Articles were from appropriate nursing journals & published within the previous 5 years. *1 point
APA format was utilized & references were cited appropriately. *4 points
Formatting guidelines were met & correct grammar & spelling were utilized. *2 points
TOTAL: ____ /15
Instructor Comments: more
Select an ethical concern that impacts the advanced practice nurse. (Palliative care) .
Objectives of the presentation include:
? Describe the ethical concern
? Discuss the individuals that are impacted by this issue (i.e.- patients, family, community, advanced practice nurse, etc.)
? Analyze ways that the advanced practice nurse can help to resolve this concern
3 pages for the actual paper and 1 page for a handout. Thanks
Customer is requesting that (rbwpenn) completes this order.
Guidelines for the Scholarly Paper
Topic: ?The American Health Care System: Implications for Advanced Practice Nursing?.
Scholarly Paper: Synthesize the body of the literature relevant to the selected topic (The American Health Care System: Implications for Advanced Practice Nursing), then analyze the topic and discuss the impact the issue presents in health care as it relates to the role of the advanced practice nurse. The paper should be 4 pages written in a scholarly manner, including use of proper grammar, sentence syntax, with citation references using APA 6th edition.
-Use scholarly articles or journals to write the paper
This essay is in correlation with the essay I am going to upload:
Based on your analysis of the social justice problem in the assignment from Unit 2, select a current federal policy to analyze usi...ng the Library of Congress. This policy must currently be in law. It must also address problem that affects a diverse cultural group (for example, based on race, religion, disabilities, gender orientation, socioeconomic status, or access to services). This will be the policy you analyze for the entire the course project. Be sure to incorporate ideas that have been discussed in this course into your analysis. You will compile all parts of the course project in Unit 10, so as you receive feedback for each assignment, revise your work as necessary.
To ensure that this is a viable scholarly topic, explore the literature in your area of interest by doing article and book searches through Capella University Library databases and other electronic resources, including government, educational, and organizational Web sites. Exploring scholarly, respected literature will be the preliminary work for this project. The Library of Congress and other governmental Web sites will be an invaluable resource for your research during this project.
To complete this assignment:
Select a federal policy from the Library of Congress that discusses the form of oppression and discrimination you described in Unit 2 (for example, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Veterans Millennium Healthcare Act, Affordable Healthcare Act, Adoption and Safe Families Act, Medicare, Medicaid, Temporary Aid to Needy Families Act, Social Security Act).
Describe the policy you have chosen. This policy must be enacted, passed legislation.
Include a description of the programs and services that are provided through the policy. What is the purpose of this policy? What problem does it seek to remedy?
Connect the policy to the social justice problem you selected by giving a brief description of the problem. Is it a new problem, something that has recently arisen or is it an old problem that never got resolved?
Use scholarly, peer-reviewed literature to support your description.
Describe the historical issues and context that lead to the creation of the social problem and policy development.
Include information about the voting outcomes for the policy and the legislative leaders who influenced the policy historically and in the present.
Include the impact of these historical features have had on the policy's implementation.
Use scholarly, peer-reviewed literature to support your description.
Submit your completed assignment by the end of the week.
Remember that your instructor will be providing feedback on your assignments. Use that feedback to improve the content of your Federal Policy Analysis course project.
Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA current edition style and formatting standards.
Cited resources: Minimum of five scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point. more
This is an organizational analysis paper with a scholarly
Writing with the following expectations.
1. Correft grammer
3.Title page required
4.heading with APA format
5. Intoduction of the paper
I will attach the rubrics and the questions to respond to in writing
this scholarly essay about organiization. Please answer exactly to
These topics and sub qxns
The healthcare organization to use is Sanford hospital in
Fargo. North Dakota
This is for course: HCAD 610 9044 Information Technology for Health Care Administration
Paper 1:
You are the director of strategic communication for a non-profit suburban community hospital. T...he CEO has asked you to prepare a 4 page briefing paper that answers the following questions posed by the Board of Directors:
What ?meaningful use?? How do myriad HIT systems support each other? Or do they?
Note that my professor put out for everyone:
Remember, its NOT quantity, its quality. Don\'t write a blog with a bunch of general statements like \"HIT is changing the world\" \"Technology is advancing so fast\" \"Telemedicine will improve access to care\". That is general. There is NOTHING of substance in statements like that. You have to ask \"So what\". Then keep asking so what so you can answer the so what. That so what is what interests the reader on why HIT is changing the world and how. How technology is advancing and its impact on health. How telemedicine is improving access to care and what it means to patients, providers and payers. You need to be specific on the topic and you need to have evidence. Unless you are an expert in the field, something has to support your statement of fact with literature. That includes stats (NUMBERS) to back you up. If you quantify something with a description like increased, decreased, more, less, higher, lower etc etc, I expect to see some numbers. Depth with specificity not shallow generalities more
I just completed a care plan of a 4weeks old uncircumsized male diagnosed with Urinary Tract Infection, I am suppose to include in this care plan a written research article that talks about the design of the study,it findings, and subjects that were used in the study.
There are faxes for this order.
Write an 8 page paper in the latest edition of APA format for the following Dermatology case study listed below, involving the 33 year old patient that presents with…
Read Full Paper ❯Please write a thorough essay with 0% plagiarism about the following prompt: An overreaching theme developed throughout "Nick Hornby in About a Boy" is the acute difficulty in cultivating meaningful…
Read Full Paper ❯*Please keep in question form 1. Please describe a closed system versus an open system. Compare and contrast these two types of systems. Give examples of each with your answer.…
Read Full Paper ❯Book Report: Write a 4 page book report/analysis on the content of the book and your opinion/analysis of the books content (APA style). Use quotes throughout the paper…
Read Full Paper ❯Use your work on the previous assignments and additional information to develop a concept analysis paper. Make sure to incorporate feedback from previous assignments as appropriate. This…
Read Full Paper ❯Hi, this is a Case study...all information is in reference to the scenario below. I have already completed a draft copy of a very brief outline of what…
Read Full Paper ❯Professional Development of Nursing Professionals 1) Review the IOM report: The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health http://www.iom.edu/Reports/2010/The-Future-of-Nursing-Leading-Change-Advancing-Health.aspx, focusing on the following sections: Transforming Practice, Transforming Education, and Transforming…
Read Full Paper ❯Orem Teaching Presentation Requirements Prepare a 10-minute presentation to teach the other student in the class an aspect of Orem?s theory and its application to nursing practice settings. Online…
Read Full Paper ❯Questions needs to be answered in hte paper 1. What roles do or will nurses perform to improve health care delivery on the medical surgical unit. 2. How are or will…
Read Full Paper ❯6 page research paper(essay)including bibliography page on Pressure Ulcer in APA format, 12 font, doubled-spaced with at least 5 footnotes with verifiable sources or citations. With emphasis on infection from…
Read Full Paper ❯Do not give my paper to researchpro, I prefer Nicole Write a paper in which you analyze and appraise each of the (15) articles which I sent through the…
Read Full Paper ❯Health Service Human Resource Management Topic: Employee Relations Assume the same role of VP of HR for an Organization that service individuals with physical and cognitive disability (Vocational Day Service) Write a…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment Objectives: 2. Articulate strategies for demonstrating the advanced practice roles of educator, researcher, patient advocate, and clinician. Part 1 a. Examine the prescriptive authority of APNs. b. Summarize credentialing and clinical privileges c.…
Read Full Paper ❯Please use the paper from order A2080061 and help to revamp the Design for Change. With the additions, this paper has to be 5-7 pages excluding title and reference…
Read Full Paper ❯Course Project Components: The subject for this assignment is a Residential Facility for individuals with mental illness and/or mental retardation. Will also provide day treatment and respite care.…
Read Full Paper ❯1. INTRODUCTION describe the policy problem in 1-3 paragraphs for ex. shortage in nursing, domestic violence etc end with a purpose statement( theme sentence) write from general to specific. 2. BACKGROUND OF…
Read Full Paper ❯Essay Content: Write a substantive essay that addresses a selected body of literature, "Foster Care". What is in the literature on foster care youth?; Statistics: gender, cultural differences, who…
Read Full Paper ❯Construct an 8 page research paper on a major nursing theory including: 1. list and discuss the major concepts of the theory 2. critical thinking activity: a- what area of…
Read Full Paper ❯Guidelines for Leadership Papers Each student will submit three leadership papers on the general topics listed below. Students will…
Read Full Paper ❯Select an ethical concern that impacts the advanced practice nurse. (Palliative care) . Objectives of the presentation include: ? Describe the ethical concern ? Discuss the individuals that are impacted by…
Read Full Paper ❯Guidelines for the Scholarly Paper Topic: ?The American Health Care System: Implications for Advanced Practice Nursing?. Scholarly Paper: Synthesize the body of the literature relevant to the selected topic (The American…
Read Full Paper ❯This essay is in correlation with the essay I am going to upload: Based on your analysis of the social justice problem in the assignment from Unit 2, select a…
Read Full Paper ❯This is an organizational analysis paper with a scholarly Writing with the following expectations. 1. Correft grammer 2.APA 3.Title page required 4.heading with APA format 5. Intoduction of the paper I will attach the rubrics and…
Read Full Paper ❯This is for course: HCAD 610 9044 Information Technology for Health Care Administration Paper 1: You are the director of strategic communication for a non-profit suburban community hospital. The CEO has…
Read Full Paper ❯I just completed a care plan of a 4weeks old uncircumsized male diagnosed with Urinary Tract Infection, I am suppose to include in this care plan a written research…
Read Full Paper ❯