25+ documents containing “Active Learning”.
Write a teaching philosophy paper. It should be reflected upon a person that wants to be a Social Studies (History) Teacher. The paper should answer the following clearly
1. How well does the student describe her/his beliefs about learners, development, and learning?
2. How well does the student describe her/his plans to create a positive classroom learning environment/management strategies?
3. How well does the student describe how he/she will plan instruction to address content standards and learner diversity, including special needs?
4. How well does the student describe the varied teaching methods, including the use of technology, which will help make her/him an effective teacher?
5. How well does the student describe the assessment strategies that will help make her/him an effective teacher?
6. How well does the student describe the habits of mind and professional goals that make her/him a caring, reflective practitioner?
7. How well does the learner communicate knowledge of, and passion for, the content he/she will be teaching?
Topic to be researched: This study should show how to improve inclusion for all students including the profoundly retarded students and what steps can be taken to improve inclusion for all students e...specially profoundly retarded and autistic students.
I am a teacher at a middle school in New York City. At my school there are profoundly retarded students, and autistic students from district 75 that push into general education classrooms at our school. In our general education class for example, math, literacy and science there are one or two profoundly retarded students that push in to general education classes along with their paras. The paras provide materials for whatever the students are working on during this time. The general education teacher does not provide any instruction to these students. The profoundly retarded students truly enjoy being in the general education classroom. However, the profoundly retarded students usually arrive before the general ed students enter classroom and leave before general ed students prepare to leave. I did not see a lot of interaction between the two groups. There are also other students with mild disabilities in the classroom that require a resource specialist to push-in. The profoundly retarded students also push into the following classrooms:
Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT)
Self contained classes consisting of students with learning disabilities
Mildly mentally retarded
This study should show how to improve inclusion for all students including the profoundly retarded students and what steps can be taken to improve inclusion for all students especially profoundly retarded and autistic students.
This paper should include the following:
Discuss the individual with disabilities Education Act (IDEA) that grants an Individualized Program of Education to students found eligible to receive special education that meet their unique needs in the least restrictive environment.
Define and explain the concepts of inclusion, full inclusion (refers to placing the students, despite any handicapping condition and regardless of the severity, in a regular classroom permanently (Rogers, 1993) and mainstreaming.
Whether inclusion policy works mixing profoundly retarded students, other students with special needs with the main stream students in middle schools by exploring the benefits and disadvantages of inclusion of these students in the classroom.
Discuss whether it is the appropriate setting for the inclusion policy.
Discuss the various methods used in inclusion programs such as teach/support (one regular teacher that has expertise on the topic being taught while the other teacher has expertise regarding academic skill strategies that can be used to help struggling students master the work (Daack, 1999). The Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT), curriculum-based teacher does the planning and grading while the special education teacher focuses on helping individual students master core concepts. (um, 2006) In this approach, the two teachers collaborate, but each teacher has a different approach to instruction and brings different strengths to the collaborative teaching setting.
Discuss how a need exists to support teachers working in inclusive education programs to help promote student achievement. The issue of training for both special education and general education teachers for making sure inclusion programs work.
Discuss how greater collaboration and training for both special education and traditional teachers have been identified as important factors for making sure that inclusion programs work.
What parents can do to help with inclusion. At our school most parents do not participate or help with anything but there are a few parents that are extremely helpful in making the inclusion program work.
List steps to improve inclusion for profoundly handicapped students. Here are some examples:.
o General education students (during their elective period) push in with profoundly retarded students in their own environment during a planned session to increase social interaction between the two groups. This opportunity allows regular education students to demonstrate the ability to work in teams with different skill levels and interests and to show compassion for students who may not be as able as they are.
Conclusion the writers opinion to support thesis. more
This consists of four- 2 page essays. Please seperatre them by part.
Part I
In a 2 page narrative essay discuss which your response to the following topics. Read the first paragraph below... on the context and then respond to the assignment criteria topics.
Read through the background readings (links provided below) to familiarize yourself with the relationship between state policy on standards and the impact on student outcomes. For this essay in particular, we will focus on the state of Vermont's Department of Education. Review the materials at the Vermont Department of Education: State Board of Education and the framework of standards and learning opportunities. On the State Board of Education page read through the overview, mission, vision and strategic plan. On the framework and opportunities page focus your attention on the subject of Mathematics only, and select the 8th grade level, e.g. algebra.
-Identify the role and purpose of the State Board of Education, describe the five aspects to their strategic plan.
-Describe the framework for standards and the learning opportunities for Mathematics only at the selected grade level.
-Analyze how the five aspects to the strategic plan may or may not be substantiated in the framework of standards and the learning opportunities. Identify examples to illustrate your perspective. Determine to what degree the framework and opportunities documents are aligned / map onto the five strategies. Are there any gaps? If so, do the gaps make sense?
-Evaluate whether the information between the strategic plan and the framework and opportunities documents provide adequate "leadership and support to help all Vermont students achieve to excellence" as the mission statement claims in regard to standards for curriculum development. Give examples to illustrate your argument.
Vermont Department of Education - State Board of Education. Retrieved July 2007 from http://education.vermont.gov/new/html/mainboard.html
Vermont Department of Education - VERMONT'S FRAMEWORK OF STANDARDS & LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES. Retrieved July 2007 from
Vermont Department of Education - Curriculum and Assessment: Mathematics. Retrieved July 2007 from
Part II
In a 2 page narrative essay discuss which your response to the following topics.
To complete the essay for this module you will need to refer to the Background Information (provided below). You will also need to read through the Tempe Union High School Curriculum Model. Draw on additional scholarly literature to demonstrate mastery of the concepts.
-Using the Tempe document, describe the three levels of committees and their features, and explain the role the district plays in relation to the Campus Curriculum Committees and the Governing Board.
-What is the importance of planning and organization of curriculum on the district level?
-What major functions would district-level curriculum efforts serve?
-Choose two of the eleven major functions as described below in the "Identified 11 major functions of the District Level curriculum" and describe how these functions are instantiated in the Tempe document. Give examples to illustrate the ways that each function can be implemented.
-Analyze how the functions are represented in the curriculum document for that district. Are the functions adequately implemented? Give reasons for your opinion.
Background Info and Readings:
11 Major functions of the District Level curriculum
1. Develop curriculum policies
2. Provided fiscal support
3. Articulate a curriculum vision
4. Identify educational goals
5. Identify the core program of studies
6. Select instructional materials
7. Assess student learning
8. Provide fiscal and technical support
9. Solicit community and teacher involvement
10.Provide professional development for principals
11.Evaluate the various types of curriculum as well as the curriculum development process itself
Tempe Union High School Curriculum Development Model. Retreived July 2007 from
Part III
In a 2 page narrative essay discuss which your response to the following topics.
-Analyze the main concepts of Bruners spiral curriculum. Provide examples in your discussion.
-Document Tylers contributions to curriculum. What were the educators main concepts? Explain each concept with an example.
-What is the relationship between Bruners and Tylers work? Compare and contrast their approaches to curriculum.
Jerome Bruner. InFed. Retrieved July 2007 from http://www.infed.org/thinkers/bruner.htm
Harden, R.N., Stamper, M. What is a spiral curriculum? Medical Teacher, 21:2. Retrieved July 2007 http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=40932886&sid=5&Fmt=4&clientId=29440
Pemberton, J.B., Rademacher, J.A., Tyler-Wood, T., Cerijo, M.V.P. (2006) Aligning Assessments With State Curriculum Standards and Teaching Strategies. Intervention in School and Clinic, 41:5. Retrieved July 2007 from http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1034806041&sid=6&Fmt=4&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD
Part IV
In a 2 page narrative essay discuss which your response to the following topics.
-Locate a specific curriculum document from a school and subject matter of your choice. Identify and name the school and subject.
-Discuss how a) objectives b) activities/projects/assignments, and c) evaluation should meet the needs of a specific group of students.
-Analyze the curriculum document you have selected in terms of the following components: a) objectives b) activities/projects/assignments, and c) evaluation, and how each of these do or do not meet the needs of a specific group of students. more
purpose of essay is to provide university to understand my reflection on the future of education in the twenty first century. The essay will let them hear my voice and perspective as well as what valu...es I can bring to a ph.d program in educational leadership for teaching and learning phd program. essay must adress(3 points).
1. what my ideal vision of education in the twenty first century is?- All children in public setting have opportunity to engage, explore and construct ideas and issues around them and to strive for self achievement.
2. critique of current status of education- I am in favor of reform in modern society.
3.What my ideas about the work and responsibilities of educational leaders are? I am for research curriculum development, futuristic, and progressive leadership.
max. 4 pages, 12point(new times roman, first person, cover with contact info and date.
I am a Junior high science teacher in inner city school, mostly second language learners. I am successful in hands on, and work in content delivery with effective and successful strategies. I am progressive, and not afraid to try new methods, with the ever changing multi racial society. I believe the future of student success depends largely on the early processes and skills that need to be adressed as teachers are going to be future leaders and need to lead courses on interpersonal classes with values and morals incorporated. more
Openness to new ideas: Prepare a two page reflection about what lifelong learning is, what forms it takes, how it will benefit you, and why does openness to new ideas foster not only personal activity but also societal progress.
Your task is to prepare a research proposal according to American Psychological Association (APA) format and style. The proposal will summarize past research on a topic of your choice and will provide... a detailed plan for carrying out a new study that you will propose. You do not have to carry out the study. The Research Proposal should include the following sections:
? Introduction and Statement of Purpose which provides a brief overview of past research and description of the purpose of the proposed study
? Review of Literature which ends with a Research Hypothesis to be tested in the proposed study or a set of Research Questions that will be examined in your proposed study
? Method Section that explains how the study would be conducted. The Method section will include the following subsections: Participants, Instrumentation or Methods of Data Collection, Materials (if appropriate), Design (experimental research only) and Procedures
? Benefits and Limitations Section which summarizes the potential benefits of your proposed study to research and practice and possible limitations in its methods
? Reference page for sources cited in the proposal
? Appendices of any supplemental materials developed for the proposal
You will begin the process of writing a proposal by selecting an educational topic (NOTE: I CHOSE HOMESCHOOLING) and reviewing past research in that area. Based on what you find, you will develop an idea for a new study that will extend our knowledge of your topic or problem. For example, if you were interested in learning about the topic of bullying, you might start by posing an initial research question of: How can bullying be reduced? Assume that your reading of research shows that bullying is most prevalent in late elementary and middle school. It also shows that the most effective programs consider both the person being bullied and the bully. However, most research has used only numerical measures of bullying. You decide that you want to focus your study on more in-depth perceptions of the students involved in it.
NOTE: This is only a research proposal; you do not need to actually carry out the study.
I want the research proposal to be on the topic of home-schooling; The proposal cannot be that broad, however; YOU choose which aspect of home-schooling you would like to concentrate on; some aspect that has not been extensively researched. This may be a qualitative or quantitative research (see specific choices below).
Select one of the following types of research for the research proposal: case study, phenomenology, ethnography, action research, experimental (including true, quasi-experimental or single subject), descriptive survey, causal comparative.
-Use approximately 10 sources (most sources must be primary sources with only a few secondary sources (literature reviews, opinion pieces, and experiential reports;(Also, sources should mostly be research-based sources from respected journals or Web sites checked for authority, accuracy, and objectivity)
-APA style
-12pt. Times Roman font
-12 pages (not counting the reference page(s))
-Completed by Wed., November 8th (1 week from today)
Please e-mail me once you have decided on what part of home-schooling you will ?zoom in? on. more
1. A literature review completed by each student
As a central part of the dissertation each student is expected to complete a review of literature in three academic areas related to the dissertation topic and/or marketing communication channels proposed within the campaign. These can include further inquiries into areas covered in previous units but it is not limited to that purpose. Indicative word count: 9,000
2. A Personal Reflection by each student
A narrative section covering an individual reflective analysis of the dissertation process and learning achieved from it. Indicative word count: 3,900
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The first part I, please its 1.5 page and the second part II, its 1.5 page
Please I want the same writer... Writer?s
I. Capella University, like most universities, has a very strict policy ab...out plagiarism. It is important that you understand what academic honesty is and what you can do to avoid possible violations, whether intentional or unintentional.
Read the Academic Honesty Case Study provided and discuss your views of the situation.
? Do you feel the learner violated the university policies on academic honesty? What do you see as the academic honesty issue involved?
? What are the options available to you?
? If you were in charge, how would you go about resolving the problem? What steps would you take?
? If this is truly an academic community, what is your role as a learner in helping create an environment that aspires to the highest standards of academic integrity?
Academic Honesty Case Study
You, a graduate learner working toward your PhD, are having lunch with some fellow graduate learners before embarking on a study session. With a huge grin on his face, one of your fellow learners brags that he has almost completed his doctorate, and he has never bought or opened a book. He goes on to explain that he uses other learner postings for ideas for his own postings, and he purchases papers on the Internet that he then revises to include course discussions. Another learner congratulates him on his ingenuity and for ?beating the system.? A third learner says, ?I can see the headlines now. ?I Earned a Doctorate without Opening a Book: Capella Graduate Tells All??
? What do you do? Why?
II. As mentioned before, academic honesty is broader than just avoiding plagiarism. To understand the concept better, it is often useful to think of learners or researchers falling into three groups.
1. People who are looking for an angle and actively seeking ways to cheat the system.
2. People who are avoiding getting in trouble and by learning and following the rules, avoid getting accused of a violation.
3. People who aspire to best practices and are an active part of the academic community in seeking best practice in academic standards and honesty.
For example, how would you deal with a secondary citation? Someone in the first category might claim it is a primary citation; that is, claim that he or she read the original source. Someone in the second group might list it as a secondary citation, which meets minimum standards for ethical disclosure. But someone in the third group would actually access the primary source to make sure the secondary source had represented it fairly and accurately.
After reading the two articles in this unit, are you surprised by the results of the studies? Why do you think dishonesty is so widespread? Where do you think most people fall within the continuum mentioned above? How can you make sure you are a part of group 3? What are your role and responsibilities as part of the Capella academic community?
Post your initial comments in the discussion area. more
In this essay, I want the writer is the same with writer in
Order ID: A2015323
Writer?s And also the same idea.
write a research paper with title "technology in education" from 6 sources:
2 sources from books:
"Technology in education: a collection of academic senate papers on technology" and "Technology in education: Challenge and change" by Fred John Pula and Robert J. Goff.
2 sources from 2 articles:
Economist Intelligence Unit. The Future of Higher Education: How Technology Will Shape Learning." The Economist. 2008. Retrieved online on GoogleDocs: www.nmc.org/pdf/Future-of-Higher-Ed-(NMC).pdf
Venable, Melissa A. "Using technology to deliver career development services: supporting today's students in higher education." Career Development Quarterly. Sept 2010. Retrieved online: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JAX/is_1_59/ai_n55302237/?tag=content;col1
and 2 sources from any articles that you want on internet.
topic: MInd-Body Connection
discuss the roles on how the mind works with the body to help in the aid of learning, how the mind plays to help the body function and how they work together to help a person learn the concepts and understanding of work.
**Minimum of four resources and referenced
**Must be related to learning and based on a case study
I have to submit this paper to TURNITIN...
This essay will focus on your past formal and informal educational experiences.
Divide your essay into four (4) sections, using the following headings in your paper:
1. Introducti...on
2. Formal Educational Experiences
3. Informal Learning Experiences
4. Conclusion
Please consider the following questions related to your Formal Educational Experiences:
* What formal experiences were most meaningful? Why?
* What have you learned about yourself with regard to the type of learner that you are?
* In what types of situations do you learn best?
* In what types of situations do you learn poorly?
* What insights does the Learning Style Inventory provide about your learning style? *
* What role do you see Ottawa playing in your learning? *
Please consider the following questions related to your Informal Learning Experiences:
* What experiences have you had outside of the formal classroom settings that have contributed to your learning? *
* What specific knowledge and skills have you gained from these experiences? How?
* Compare this to your formal learning.
* Are there any skills or knowledge that you intend to learn informally in the future? *
[The questions marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required, but the other questions can serve as guidelines and inspiration. You can choose whether to answer those or not.]
The requirements for the paper are as follows:
* Cover Page
* Page numbers in the upper right corner of each page and running headers
* APA citations and Reference Page if you quoted outside sources
* 5-6 pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages
* Double-spaced
* 1" margins on all sides
* 12 point Times New Roman font more
Title: Self-Assessment and Reflection Paper that conforms to APA format, in which you discuss my personal learning style, assess my strengths and opportunities for growth, and create an improvement strategy based on this assessment. Cite a minimum of four references (both within the paper and on a reference page).
Theories of Learning:
Describe the major principles associated with the theory.
Explain the contributions of three theorists who worked to develop the theory as it exists today.
Propose an explanation according to the theory for mental processes associated learning.
Examine how the theory makes use of prior experience in explaining how people learn.
Depict the application of the theory by explaining how permanent change in behavior takes place.
Formulate the application of this theory in at least three different specific settings where learning environments exist (e.g., school, businesses, social activities, church).
I need a 2 page essay answering answering each of the 2 questions below. Each answer should be 1 page long, for a total of 2 pages.
1. If you could attend a training program designed around one of the learning style preferences in the Felder-Silverman model, which learning style preference would you choose? Explain you answer.
2. What is a ?sit in? ( fyi, process to assist in transfer of training that involves the trainer observing job behaviors and providing feedback) and what are the conditions necessary for it to be effective?
If you have any questions, please email me.
Thank you
This is a Prior Learning Portfolio, describing experiences in the
and knowledge gained from teaching in a classroom setting. Statements
validate experience and knowled...ge. Example: I learned behavioral
modification techniques while working as a high school teacher?.. I
implemented??Use many action verbs while covering content areas as
below. I have ten years experience working as an Earth Science
teacher for a
fully accredited private high school. Additionally, I worked as a
administrator for six years. I have vast experience with learning
challenges, including students with emotional/behavioral challenges
as well
as Specific Learning Disorders.
Classroom Management
Provides current theory and methodology for managing small and large
of students so that students choose to be productively involved in
instructional activities. Covers the four major factors or skill
areas of
effective classroom management:
(1) understanding students personal/psychological and learning needs
(2) establishing positive teacher-student relationships
(3) implementing instructional methods that facilitate optimal
(4) using organizational and group management methods that
maximize on-task
student behavior.
I. Overview of Classroom Management
A. Factors Influencing Student Behavior
B. Effective Schools
C. Changing Perspectives on Classroom Management
D. Factors Influencing Teachers' Management of Classrooms
II. Students' Basic Needs
A. A Review of Various Theories - What Children Need
B. The "At-Risk" Student
C. Power, Control, Order and Caring
D. Setting Up "Win-Win" Systems
III. Creating Positive Interpersonal Relationships
A. Teacher as a Model
B. Appropriate Dialogue with Students
C. Building Better Relationships
D. Creating Opportunities for Personal Discussion
E. Communication Skills Reviewed
F. Evaluating Classroom Relationships
IV. Creating Positive Peer Relationships
A. Understanding the Classroom Group
B. Activities that Support: Introductions, Diversity Acceptance,
School Climate, Examine Peer Relationships, Assessing Peer
V. Student Motivation and Learning
A. Key Issues in Student Motivation
B. Student Academic Needs
C. Instructional Methods that Enhance Student Motivation and Learning
D. Self-Assessment
VI. Developing Standards for Classroom Behavior
A. Discussing, Getting a Commitment and Monitoring Rules and
Classroom Procedures
B. Keys to Beginning the School Year
C. Maximizing On-Task Behavior
VII. Responding to Violations of Rules and Procedures
A. Choosing an Approach
B. Tips for Handling Minor Disruptions
C. Classroom Procedure for Responding to Disruptive Behavior
D. Procedures for Handling More Serious Disruptions
VIII. Using Problem Solving Techniques
A. Models for Solving Problems With Individual Students
B. Methods for Solving Problems Between Students
C. Group Problem Solving
IX. Developing Individual Behavior Plans
A. Behavior Management in Perspective
B. Environmental Analysis
C. Strategies for Supporting New Behavior Skills
D. Social Skills Training
E. Contracts for Behavior Change
F. Team Approach
X. School-Wide Student Management Programs
A. Systems Approach to Managing Student Behaviors
B. Process for Developing a School-Wide Plan
C. Responding to Serious Threats of Violence more
It turns out that the Chief Security Officer, CSO, of University was an active member of Anonymous. Federal Bureau of
Investigation agents arrested him late last night. The Chief Information Officer,
CIO, has asked you to step in as interim CSO. Congratulations and condolences are in order. How would you manage information security for the University with help from your 10 team members, both in the next few hours and over the next few months?
Sequencing Literacy activities
A description of a unit of work from a junior high school as provided below. However the sequence of the lessons will be jumbled. Your tasks are to recorder the... sequence and justify your decisions according to both literacy and ?broader? education principles. Each part will need to be carefully analyzed for the key theoretical concepts that inform literacy-based approaches in secondary contexts. Students will need to apply curriculum planning models such as ERICA and the Teaching /Learning cycle.
Below here is a unit work that jumbled and Your tasks are to recorder the sequence and justify your decisions according to both literacy and ?broader? education principles.
The first thing the teacher does is to inform the students as to what the series of lesson is going to be about by giving the students the program and discussing the relevant syllabus outcomes.
All the different ?experts? are brought together into a home group. This group then has to share their information and complete all sections of the scaffold using full sentences.
As the students offer related words and phrases, she, where appropriate, introduces key technical term as substitutes for the ?commonsense? ones offered by the students and writes them down. Each individual student then records the words and phrases in the form of the semantic map in their workbook.
Next, the teacher, through questioning and eliminating, reduces the categorizes and establishes consensus on the order of information expected to be found. She also gets the students to consider the search terms that might get results. Once this in done a scaffold is constructed using the established order.
The teacher distributes some pollution case studies and proceeds to read them with the students following. Questions and discussion follow.
The teacher then produces a model text on a related but different pollution topic, which incorporates some of the desirable features of technical description.
Each group is to decide on the order that the predicted information would take. Spokespersons from each group then write down their group?s general category areas on the classroom?s whiteboard.
Each student in the group id then given a different category in the scaffold to specialize in or become ?expert? on. These ?expert? are then grouped together where they search for specialized information in their particular category.
She distributes the model, then reads the text and discusses the meanings especially concentrating on the purposes or uses of factual texts, the reasons for their ?objective? registers and their intended audiences.
The teacher then takes the students to the computer room where they search the net for information that pertains to their particular category. They add the additional information that they have found their section of the scaffold.
She doesn?t know how much background they have in the area, so she produces stimulus pictures of polluted environments, dividing the students into small groups and asking them to brainstorm possible words and phrases associated with the stimulus pictures.
The teacher then provides each student with a second, clean typed copy of the original scaffold.
She knows this might be ahead of where the students are ?at? but she is determined to help them acquire the necessary literacy skills for more academically-orientated work.
A teacher is about to start on a unit of work on the environment. Her ultimate aim is for her students to be able to comprehend and produce written factual descriptive texts on the subject using technical vocabulary and a scientific register as described in the syllabus.
She relates these concepts to the students? own writing and the notion of text and context in general.
She then deconstructs the model text highlighting language features that the students should try to emulate like complex naming groups, relational processes, consistent theme patterns and the avoidance of personal reference if they are to achieve the appropriate register.
She then sets another small group task: students are to predict what kinds of general information categories they would expect to find on environmental pollution if they where to research environmental pollution on the World Wide Web.
The teacher then call the class together and begins a large ?semantic map? on the board, introducing the key terms ?pollution? and ?environment?. She explains that semantic maps can be used in other subject areas as well as this one.
These features become the criteria for the written assessment component. Individual students have to take their earlier, scaffolded text and edit it according to the language features that were stressed in the modeling process. The final text is then submitted for assessment.
Students then have to transfer the words and phrases from their semantic map into the appropriate section of the scaffold.
The teacher then outlines the assessment procedures of the whole unit, which incorporate some negotiable aspects like due dates, length and mark weighting. more
Iran today is still a country where Islamic fundamentalism dominates and one which is governed by an undemocratic regime that routinely limits peoples rights and civil liberties. Iran also represents... a potential nuclear threat, and the U.S. is concerned that in the coming years, Iran may develop nuclear weapons. There is growing popular resistance in Iran to the regime as well as growing nationalism; some Iranians would like a more democratic system and a change to their status quo, while others are content with the current system. The US has had economic sanctions against Iran since the 1979 revolution, but it recently tightened these sanctions due to fear of Irans growing nuclear program. It is very possible that in the next few years, the U.S. government will consider intervening more substantially in Iran, because of the nuclear threat, because we wish to change their regime and make them more democratic, or for some other reason.
Write an essay that answers the following question: When we consider what future U.S. foreign policy should be towards the Iran and the Arab world, what are the most important historical lessons that should guide our decisions?
In your essay make sure to consider the history of U.S. intervention in Iran and possibly other countries during the Cold War ??" consider the reasons for our intervention in the past, the way in which we intervened, and the consequences of our actions.
Consider what lessons we can learn from U.S. intervention in other countries during the course of the 20th c., and discuss at least two of the following other examples at some point in your essay:
First World War and the Versailles Treaty
The Chinese Revolution
Germany after the Second World War
The Soviet Bloc and the fall of Communism
The overall history of interaction between the West and the East that we have studied in this course ??" think about the legacy of Western imperialism, for example
Approximately 5 paragraphs, including an introduction that ends with a thesis, and a conclusion
The following is what I would like:
rst body paragraph:
Reflect from the Chinese communist revolution, US should maintain, promote democracy in the middle east; Use the same containment during the cold war(the
Soviet Bolc) But instead of targeting at the communist, this time it should be the terrorist, the extreme and the fundamentalist
Second Body Paragraph:
US after WWII helped Japan economically;US should also help the economic of poorer nations in the middle east, also increase education,
foreign aid and nation building. This would decrease the number of the fundamentalist and the extreme
Third Body Paragraph:
Something like the modern Afghanistan war and the bush doctrine. It is failure and not effective (for example, once the us army
leave Afghanistan the new government would disappear and Taliban would be in control again)
And conclusion
Initial Statement "An educated person should possess the general knowledge needed for making informed rational decisions and inferences in their personal and intellectual life."
Write a paper to describe your current view of the characteristics that an educated person should possess. Please begin your paper by restating our intitial statement (see above). Then, with specific reference to components of this statement, describe and account for the more important similarities and differences between your initial and current thinking.
Discuss how teachers can use features of the Student Success Strategy, revisions of education policy and program update or reach every student: energizing ontario to facilitate the education of the adolescents so they may be successful members of society.
Finally, identify three (3) of the most important contextual factors from your point of view, and describe how they can impact teaching and learning in the Intermediate Division (grades 7 to 10).
Headings should be used to identify the main components. *** Only use the articles attached/provided. ***
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Subject: Personal Thoughts during the evaluation preparation for the recognition and accreditation of my previous learning based on working experience by the Middlesex University.
Pages: 4 (...approx. 2000 words)
Deadline: 8-10 days
Essential Requirements:
(This essay is an analysis of personal thoughts related to my decision to participate to the MBA program offered by the MIDDLESEX UNIVERSITY. The scheme is to obtain a Master's Degree based on my working experience. The analysis of the topic should include strong elements upon my working experience as to convince the University Board that strong experience learning has strengthen my skills in areas such as (Business Administration, Customer Service, Project Management, Time Planning, Leadership Skills, Human Resources skills etc)
The Criteria Evaluation of this essay will be based upon:
- how, why and in what consequences (logical argumentation sequence)
- Sufficient Analysis (proof) that will persuade for my hard work upon the process of learning detailed in my record file. (see relevant attachement).
- Effectiveness of my communicabiliy
Questions to be asked:
- Why I choose this program?
- What were my original expectations? Did they change during the program?
- What was included in the process of collecting evidence for the promotion of your pretension? (Emphasis should be given to the problems you have encountered as well as to the way you have handled them,and also the way this process was sophisticated (developed)
- Did you discover something about yourself or about your essay during the composition of your pretension?
- Did you -by any chance- discover news areas of learning that yourself or your employer have never spotted before or you had never fully used, or this process has just verified all that you had learned so far?
- How hard it was for me to recognise learning and provide all necessary documents?
- Did occur to me that recognition of learning areas has helped you reconsider other business areas to be focus on in future?
- Did the elaboration/development of your record file and essay has affected you in some way or changed the way you distinguish yourself, your business role or your professional ambitions?
TEL 0030-6945-875415
Here is the source:
Application for the Recognition and Accreditation
of Work Based Learning
Mrs. Eleni Batsakoutsa
Student ID:
December 18th, 2004
White Hart Lane
London N18 8HR
From: Mrs. Eleni Batsakoutsa/Student ID:
111, Agias Annis street
Rentis 18233
Mob: 0030-6945-875415
Date: December 18th, 2004
Subject: Application for the Recognition and Accreditation
of Work Based Learning
Dear Sirs,
Please find attached herewith all necessary documents and evidence pertaining to my request for recognition and accreditation of my previous learning based on working experience and related with:
A. Credit Rated Learning
1985 -1988 Glyphada High School, Athens, Greece (National High School Diploma)
1984 -1989 English Studies (Cambridge First Certificate)
1986 -1989 French Studies (1st Certificate of French Language)
1989 -1992 European College,
Athens Greece (Hotel Management Diploma)
1990 -1993 Saint George
Commercial College, Athens, Greece (English/Greek Professional Secretarial & Business Studies Diploma)
B. Non-Accredited Areas of Learning
Communication Skills
Project Management
Business Administration
Human Resources Manager
Customer Relations & Problem Solving
Thanking you in advance for your consideration.
Eleni Batsakoutsa
Eleni Batsakoutsa/GREECE
Date of Birth: 13 December 1970 Address: 9, Kolchidos Street, Voula
Athens/GREECE 16673
Tel: +30-6945-875415
Career Objective:
Manager, Personal Assistant, High Level Executive Secretary
? Extensive working experience in multinational environment of major shipping companies based in United States.
? Ten years' experience in professional customer relations, office procedures, desktop publishing and project coordination. Proven customer service skills to interact appropriately with clients in a considerate, professional and positive manner by showing concern and listening actively. Highly trustworthy, ethical and discreet, committed to superior customer service.
? Extensive international experience, with a deep understanding of diverse cultural and business practices. Skilled in building strong, value-adding relationships with subordinate managers and supervisors, engaging quickly team members.
? Ability to work positively and cooperatively in a diverse team environment to meet overall established timeframes. Ability to communicate tactfully with department heads, coworkers and other employees to resolve problems and negotiate resolutions.
? Well-developed telephone communication skills, patient, personable and receptive. Effective verbal and written communications skills. Dedicated individual, achieving a reputation for consistently going beyond what is required.
? Highly energetic, flexible, work well under pressure, dynamic and assertive with excellent organizational skills, enthusiastic to work hard, ability to work within deadlines. Able to coordinate multiple projects, enthusiastic, creative and willing to assume increased responsibility. Traveled extensively for business purposes throughout the United States and Europe. Open to travel.
Areas of strength:
? Analytical problem solver
? Skilled in financial matters and US immigration procedures
? Proven leadership capabilities
? Superior customer service, teambuilding and conflict resolution skills
? Ability to work with professional business partners in achieving various performance targets, strong planning, coaching, organizing, staffing, controlling, and evaluating skills
1985 -1988 Glyphada High School, Athens, Greece (National High School Diploma)
1984 -1989 English Studies (Cambridge First Certificate)
1986 -1989 French Studies (1st Certificate of French Language)
1989 -1992 European College,
Athens Greece (Hotel Management Diploma)
1990 -1993 Saint George
Commercial College, Athens, Greece (English/Greek Professional Secretarial & Business Studies Diploma)
? Certificate of Completion for Crowd Management, Crisis Management and Human Behavior Training (according to the training objectives of STCW 95 REGULATION V/2 & V/3-USA 1999)
? Certificate for courses attended according to the Part A of the Code of the STCW/78 (National School of Life Saving and Fire Fighting Appliances of, Greece, 2002)
Greek (native) English (fluent)
French (fair) German (fair)
Professional Skills
? Expertise in IBM Compatible PC and Macintosh Operation systems,
MS-Office 98 Windows XP/2000, Internet, Lotus Notes, (E-mail retrieval and navigation), Adobe PageMaker 6.5, Photoshop 7.0
? Designed and updated company?s newsletter for its premium cruise liners on the Macintosh using Adobe 6.5 PageMaker software.
Professional Accomplishments
Member of worldwide association of professional and first class hotel concierges ?Les Clefs d? Or?, received the prestigious ?Les Clefs D?Or? ? the crossed golden keys signifying a provider of extraordinary service, as recognized by the Union Internationale Des Concierges D?Hotels.
Designed and updated company?s newsletter for its premium cruise liners on the Macintosh using Adobe 6.5 PageMaker software.
Commendation as ?Employee Of The Month? 1995 and receive the ?Circle of Excellence Award? in recognition of outstanding performance and dedication to the job for RCCL.
Employment History
September 1993 to March 1996:
CELEBRITY CRUISES INC, Blue Lagoon Dr., Miami, FL 33126 USA
Position: Assistant to the Public Relations Manager for
company?s 5-star cruise liners.
June 1996 to March 1998:
Position: Executive Secretary to the Fleet Director & Technical
January 1998 to January 2000:
33132, USA
Position: Program Coordinator, Personal Assistant to Director of
Hotel Operations.
March 2001 to July 2001:
BOLD OGILVY & MOTHER (Promotion/Sales/Direct Marketing),
Athens, GREECE
Position: Executive Secretary to the Marketing Director
September 2002 to August 2003:
33132, USA
Position: Assistant Manager /Front Office Manager reporting to Hotel
October 2003 -present:
ROLCO VIANIL SA- subsidiary member of PROCTER & GABLE,
111 Ag. Annis street, Rentis, Athens, GREECE
Position: Personal Assistant to V.P. and Plant Director
References : Upon request.
1993-1996 Personal Assistant to Public Relations Manager
Overall Purpose:
This position was integral to the daily operation of the P.R. office and to support the planning and execution of successful meetings, workshops and events onboard company?s 5-star cruiseliners while maintaining a high level of customer service to the clients travelling with CELEBRITY CRUISES.
Job Description:
? Assisted the Guest Relations Manager in in all aspects pertaining to the Guest Relations Department and provided a high profile of quality guest service.
? Worked with P.R. Manager on benefits administration.
? Communication with, and scheduling of, internal and client meetings for project leads and facilitation teams.
? Completed Claim Forms, assisted Head of the Department in secretarial and administrative functions and typed material, maintained office files.
? Performed all duties and responsibilities in a timely and efficient manner in accordance with established company policies to achieve the overall objectives of this position
Excellent interpersonal skills including the ability to establish and maintain
collaborative working relationships with a diverse group of other employees and external contacts
Demonstrated ability to act with minimal supervision
Able to organize and prioritize workload to meet deadlines
1996-1998 Ex. Secretary to the Fleet Director & Technical Manager
Overall Purpose:
To provide senior level administrative support services to Technical and Marine Operations Department. To act as a senior administrative support to the Fleet Director by coordinating meetings and communications, preparing documentation, providing research assistance, preparing meeting materials and presentations and managing files and documents.
Job Description:
? Provided administrative and secretarial support to Fleet Advisory Panel. Developed agendas for all meetings; recorded, prepared and issued detailed minutes of each meeting, conference calls and other departmental committees. Collected all relevant material for review. Maintaine an ongoing file of business, confidential or otherwise, which are under further investigation or deferred for follow-up, and maintained a regular status check on all items. Responsible for arrangements and coordination of activities for marine operations committees and staff.
? Scheduled internal and external appointments, conferences, local, national and international meetings and maintain pending files of related material for all events.
? Communicated on a daily basis with Partners and Third-Parties around the globe.
? Thrive under pressure. Ability to effectively handle escalations and time critical issues.
? Remain productive, provides solutions, and meets goals in stressful situations.
? Managing multiple tasks and executing finite details within a strict time frame
? Making quick and accurate decisions on an ongoing basis
2002-2003 Assistant Manager/Front Office Manager
Overall Purpose:
Under the general guidance of the Hotel Operations Department, evaluate and ensure that long-term and short term goals of all customer satisfaction operations are met. To direct and manage all activities to maximise revenue, profitability and quality goals by developing and executing marketing strategies, and by providing quality service and products to guests.
Job Description:
? Managed front office desk performing customer service and supervision of concierge services. Accommodated customers with all special needs and advised the appropriate departments, followed up with the guests to accommodate that their special needs and requests have been met to their satisfaction.
? Conducted and met with guests on board ship in emergency situations, as required. Assisted shore side personnel in managing potential damaging situations during cruise. Take appropriate steps to ensure other departments receive information / requests in a timely manner. Acted as customer liaison for executive officers.
? Reviewed, researched and responded to all correspondence and external communication relating to complaints and made settlements within 7 business days from receipt.
? Issued weekly report to should commentary on trends and / or repetitive problems.
? Maintained and updated computer logs issued as settlement to passengers. Located any inconsistencies in passenger billing, coordinate with Miami Air/Sea Dpt. in matters relating to guests' air arrangements. Resolved problems while considering the cost to the Company and the ability to increase the Company's goodwill in the eyes of current and potential guests. Participated in special projects as necessary.
? Issued cruise credit certificates, shipboard credits, check requests and vouchers. Referred letters to appropriate areas (concessionaires) for response directly to guests.
? Maintained a favorable working relationship with other company employees to foster and promote a cooperative and harmonious working climate which will be conducive to maximum employee morale, productivity and efficiency/effectiveness.
? Developed and implemented training in line with business, operational and department needs and ensures that all Corporate training is carried out in a timely manner
? Promoted to Front Officed Manager position due to team leadership, organizational abilities and strong work ethic.
? Ability to multi-task in extremely fast-paced setting, desire long-term position, team player, and quick thinker with common sense approach to problem solving.
? Ability to increase productivity in order to meet rising customer demand.
? Proficient in problem solving and setting priorities.
? Superior communication skills.
? Ability to delegate effectively and direct others.
? Ability to motivate people and encourage achievement
? Excellent interpersonal skills including the ability to establish and maintain collaborative working relationships with a diverse group of other employees and external contacts
? Demonstrated experience in dealing with and maintaining a high degree of confidentiality, tact, diplomacy and sensitivity
1998-2000 Program Coordinator/Editor
Overall Purpose:
To ensure that the final output of Company?s Daily and onboard printed material has been reviewed accurately and meets all quality standards.
Job Description
? Reported to Hotel Director and responsible for: formatting, inputting, editing, retrieving, copying, and transmitting text and graphics, reading, researching and routing correspondence, drafting letters, collecting and analyzing information, planning and scheduling meetings, communicating with all departments,, answering inquiries, developing and utilizing filing and retrieval systems.
? Accurated data entry, materials development, printing and publications coordination. This involves preparing, formatting and proofing client correspondence, presentation materials, preparatory materials, meeting agendas, PowerPoint presentations, participant manuals and handouts, name badges, compilation of participant feedback reports, technography reports and various communications reports.
? Reviewed of all print-based projects for
accuracy and quality within closely managed timeframes.
? Liaised with other departments on necessary changes, approvals,
? Initiating and implementing quality measures/processes
? Commentd on deficiencies/inconsistencies discovered anywhere in the art-to-client process.
? Multi-tasker and the ability to meet tight deadlines.
? Detail oriented.
? Editing and proof-reading skills
? Advanced computer skills. Eased and experienced with Microsoft Office (specifically Microsoft Word and PowerPoint) and e-mail-driven work environment
? Excellent time management skills
? Experience supporting a translation department
? Excellent organizational, written and verbal communication
3/2001-7/2001 Executive Secretary to the Marketing Director
Overall Purpose:
To report to the Marketing Director and support the Accout Directors in recruiting, client service, marketing, weekly reporting and special project activities.
Job Description:
? Provided senior level administrative support to various Partners and professionals within the company, opened and managed client files, organized and coordinated internal & external meetings, etc., coordinated cross-functional proposal preparations, PowerPoint presentations etc. Performed mail-merge, worked with Word and PowerPoint templates, supported requests from Group to format/finalize detailed technical reports utilizing supplied information in various forms, maintained up-to-date contact information for Partners, provided back-up support to other Administrative Assistants.
? Assisted with project tracking, trade show planning and coordination, public relations, advertising, sponsorships and marketing plans.
? Handled Monthly Letters, Marketing Material, Prospectus, Compliance forms.
? Generatied purchase requisitions for marketing department personnel.
? Project Coordination Skills
? Strong Interpersonal Skills
? Exceptional organizational skills and detail oriented
2003-present Personal Assistant to Technical Manager
Overall Purpose:
Acting as the Personal Assistant to the co-Managing Director/CEO and Plant Manager who coordinates and optimizes the busy schedule of the CEO and coordinates all of the information flow to and from the CEO in a confidential manner.
Job Description:
? Provide administrative support to the co-Managing Director & Plant Manager, as well as to other senior executives when required.
? Translate several technical manuals, handbooks and ISO procedures during the merge-aquisition of ROLCO VIANIL/PROCTER & GAMBLE HELLAS.
? Manage with discretion politically sensitive information and highly confidential documents including personnel records, emergency procedures etc.
? Handle inquiries, answered phone, prepared letters and other correspondence;
? Assist in the creation of data required for conferences, presentations and scientific papers.
? Follow up on actions items, coordinate multiple travel schedules and make all travel arrangements for the managers in order to omptimize time.
? Judge relative importance of correspondence, messages, and calls and handled appropriately weekly and monthly projects.
? Arrange appointments and meetings, typing letters, minutes of meetings, initiate and compose correspondence of a routine nature, reviewing material for format, grammatical and typographical accuracy before final approval, received, screened and routed incoming mail.
? Coordinate information flow to and from the CEO and maintain appropriate records and files through management of an efficient filing system.
? Plan and schedule meetings and conference calls, develop and provide the CEO with background materials.
? Where necessarily attend meetings, take minutes and set up or coordinate meals, events or other meeting requirements.
? Schedule appointment with staff, members, and others.
? Organize office to maximize efficiency.
? Reply directly to general inquiries, technical & non-technical topics and brief correspondence. Also drafts replies for CEO signature.
? Monitor the CEO schedule for upcoming deadlines and provides necessary background and details, and handles certain administrative tasks when CEO is unavailable.
? Collect and compile weekly departmental reports into a progressive report and distribute to the Board Executives.
? Assist in coordinating projects assisted by the CEO and works with the staff to assist in a timely project completion.
? Ability or aptitude to learn technical applications quickly.
? Be comfortable dealing directly with corporate executives.
? Experience of providing secretarial/administrative support to meetings.
? Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information in a discreet and professional manner.
? Ability to act on my own initiative, to present a very good manner both throughout the company and externally and to be pro-active.
? Good time management, a sense of urgency and the ability to prioritise between many varied tasks
? Excellent communication and organisational skills.
Using the report attached "Technology's Impact on Education Resources" select a section and formulate a plan for integrating technology into a classroom that would enhance student learning. The plan ...can include technology that is presently unavailable and people can only dream of. Incorporate creativity and ingenuity into the plan. Use any type of outside sources for inspiration just make sure to cite the references. Consider staff development and changes to school culture as well as the impact of the technology on student learning. Here is the attached report...
Technology's Impact on Education Practices
Investing in technology will impact administration, students and teachers, and the community.
How can the administration use technology?
Administrator?s new responsibilities must include supporting the efforts of their staff to adopt and adapt new technologies in order to achieve new levels of productivity and achievement.
In effect, managers must provide the vision of change that includes empowering teachers and learners in new ways and then must learn how to effectively manage these empowered teachers and learners.
Administration - much broader and more fluid group of players and functions to manage.
Administrative uses of technology allow teachers to spend less time on cumbersome paperwork and more time on educational content and working with students.
"In many ways, the schools of brick and tradition we have built or inherited are threatened. Our schools may yet incorporate the use of the Internet deep into their psyche and embrace global learning opportunities, or they may ignore the implications of an on-line environment, only to find that they, like the clergy in a post-Gutenberg press world, are no longer the primary brokers of learning and education."
How will students and teachers be impacted with the implementation of new technology?
There is less "teaching" when learning is happening online.
"?teaching in an on-line setting challenges teachers to shift paradigms and use a constructivist model of learning that creates roles for other mentors and experts."
Teacher from sage on the stage to guide on the side: mentor and coach.
Teachers collaborate more.
Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow
ACOT summary of impact on teachers:
"As ACOT teachers became comfortable with the technology, they reported they were enjoying their work more and feeling more successful with their students. Over time, they also reported that they interact differently with their students - more as guides or mentors and less like lecturers. In fact, their personal efforts to make technology an integral part of their classrooms caused them to rethink their most basic beliefs about education and opened them to the possibilities of redefining how they went about providing opportunities for students to learn. "
Shift that occurred in classrooms as the ACOT teachers extended their traditional views of teaching and learning - from instruction to knowledge construction:
Activity Traditional Instruction Teacher-centered and Didactic Extended Instruction (Knowledge Construction) Learner-centered and Interactive
Teacher role Fact teller and expert Collaborator and learner
Student Role Listener and learner Collaborator and sometimes expert
Learning emphasis Facts and replication Relationships and inquiry
Concept of knowledge Accumulation Transformation
Demonstration of success Quantity Quality
Assessment Norm-referenced and multiple guess Criterion-referenced and performance portfolios
Technology use Seat work Communication, collaboration, information access, and expression
Teachers and students become producers, not just users, of information.
Students take part in advanced placement courses, archaeology programs originating from the bottom of the sea, chemistry experiments, college courses and enrichment programs.
Teachers network with each other to share instructional practices.
Teachers and students access information more frequently and cost effectively
Students take more responsibility for their own learning, work at their own pace and correct many of their own errors.
In SRI Report (page 2) it was found that when the discrete skills approach is discarded and students are given tasks that are meaningful and challenging to them (e.g., describe your city through an exhibit for museum visitors), the result will be working on basic and advanced skills together (e.g., preparing displays will require attention to both high-level issues of content and design and the basic skills of writing mechanics). It will also usually involve doing multidisciplinary work (e.g., describing the city means assembling geographic and historical information as well as practicing composition skills). Such authentic tasks not only bread with the convention of holding off on work involving advanced skills until mastery of basic skills has been demonstrated but also transcend the traditional disciplinary boundaries that are used to break up the typical school day into short segments. The greater complexity of such tasks puts pressure on the convention of small blocks of time for individual activities. Serious intellectual activity requires more than 50 minutes of concentrated attention.
Technology offers the opportunity to change the roles that teachers and students have traditionally played. With technology dispensing information, teachers are free to coach and facilitate students learning. With technology monitoring learning, students can become active learners, working to effectively acquire new skills as they solve problems. If the goal of creating high-performance learning organizations is to be realized, the reinvention of American education has to incorporate these new tools."
Frank Paul Elementary School, Salinas, CA; The Open School, Los Angeles Unified School District
Effects of Technology on Teaching and Learning
Technology implementation often stimulates teachers to present more complex tasks and material.
Introduction of technology will tend to support teachers in becoming coaches rather than dispensers of knowledge.
Technology use increases teachers? sense of professionalism and achievement.
Technology can motivate students to attempt harder tasks and to take more care in crafting their work.
Impact in Schools Beau Fly Jones and others, "Designing Learning and Technology for Educational Reform" (OERI, 1994)
Greatly expanded information exchange capabilities
New understanding about learning and understanding
Curriculum organized as projects involving sustained and complex co-investigations.
Changes in student and teacher roles in the classroom.
Change in the conceptualization and practice of professional development.
Accelerated curriculum and school restructuring to promote learning.
What will the community get out of technology changes?
Parents and other community members will have access to classes, libraries, homework hotlines, school bulletin boards, community access channels and other resources to assist them in helping their children succeed in schools.
Parents and teachers can communicate through personal electronic mail boxes and voice mail.
Benefits to Educational Practices:
"New technologies provide the potential for drawing the policymakers themselves, information resources, and all other components of the system 'toward a politics of collaboration.'"
"Computers and telecommunication systems are driving changes in how we manage educational organizations, how we teach, and how our students learn."
"Technology: Equity is addressed by an increase in state and local funding, school-business partnerships, development of tech-based community learning centers."
"Technology-rich classrooms are most successful when advanced technologies are linked with advanced teaching strategies; such as cooperative learning, thinking skills, guided inquiry, and thematic teaching."
In this section:
Technology and Society Technology and Education Technology Uses in Education
In the Toolkit:
Toolkit Home Page Why Change? Why Technology?
Planning Policy Curriculum and Assessment
Community Involvement Facility Planning Funding
Prof'l and Ldrship Development more
This paper requires detailed information regarding the effects of ADHD on Children who have it, as it pertains to their ability to learn and be taught mathematics. What are effective/ineffective ways of teaching these children (k-6grade level) and why. If you have any questions, email me at benpurer@hotmail.com or call me at 818-635-1371. Thank you.
Please make sure to include that Learner feels these social problems arise from Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. Also indicate that there are several different theories for this disablity and they are lead to different approaches.
There are faxes for this order.
The prolbem that needs to be solved is: Medical students aren't givenenough or any opportunities to take business classes in med school. What are some of the potential issues that might have a negative impact on the effectivness of the addie model as a prolbem solving process? 2. What kinds of things might have a neegative impact on the effectiveness of the ADDIE process, as you use it to solve performance prolbems? 3. Illustrate answers by refering to specific stages in the ADDIE process and citing examples and discuss some instructonal design strategies thaat might be help avoid the prolbem-solving issues that may impact each stage. How can cognitive learning theory come to the resque. Using the scientific method to testso that the addie will work.
Question is 'Most schools use a variety of hardware and software to support teaching and learning. Explain how these can be used effectively in the classroom'.
Based in schools in the UK and to focus around the Literacy curriculum.
Can citations have page numbers to them , where ever possible.
Thank you
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Read Full Paper ❯Please make sure to include that Learner feels these social problems arise from Nonverbal Learning Disabilities. Also indicate that there are several different theories for this disablity and…
Read Full Paper ❯The prolbem that needs to be solved is: Medical students aren't givenenough or any opportunities to take business classes in med school. What are some of the potential issues…
Read Full Paper ❯Question is 'Most schools use a variety of hardware and software to support teaching and learning. Explain how these can be used effectively in the classroom'. Based in schools in…
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