25+ documents containing “Accounting Profession”.
?Accounting has been nothing if not a dynamic, global discipline over the last two decades. The role of the accountant has changed dramatically during that time and will continue to do so?as will the nature of the challenges that the accounting profession faces?.
Accounting Fraud at WorldCom
Discuss the corporate culture at WorldCom and how it contributed to the accounting fraud.
Discuss how the CEOs desire to be the #1 stock on Wall Street contributed to the fraud.
Given the pressure on Accountants to book and release accruals to meet expected results,
how might an Accountant go about handling this type of situation?
Discuss the pros and cons of whistle blowing. Would you be more likely to blow the whistle or not? Explain your answer.
Discuss the creditability of the Accounting Profession when Corporate fraud is unveiled.
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Customer is requesting that (Serban) completes this order.
Here are the details for the paper:
In 2009, the accounting profession is perhaps under more scrutiny than at any time in its past. Scandals associated with finance, accounting and au...diting may have abated somewhat since the days of Enron and WorldCom, but other high profile cases have taken their place. We are now trying to understand how Bernard Madoff could have fraudulently converted $50 billion to personal use and how $1 billion in cash could be overstated without detection at Satyam Computer Services.
At the same time, the profession is adjusting to the process of convergence in accounting and auditing standards, while trying to absorb the shock of economic turmoil in capital and mortgage markets. Also, controversy persists in the application of proper valuation approaches and techniques to both assets and liabilities. But while these are some of the known issues now pervading the profession, we have to ask: What other issues are lurking in the shadows?
Do we need more regulation and/or is it inevitable?
What education is needed by the professional accountant to meet future demands?
Will it be business as usual, with only minor adjustments to processes already set in place?
Will a new format for financial statements help provide disclosure needs?
The following rules apply:
Title, introduction, and conclusions that are clearly marked as subheads within the document. Ay other use of subheads is encouraged to identify paragraph transition.
Footnotes on separate page. The text of the manuscript must include references to the footnotes.
Exhibits and tables: Should be clearly referenced in the text of the paper and printed on a separate page.
The paper must have a footnote or refer to an official statement more
Please read the KPMG document(only 2 pages) which I will submit with this order and identify and explain at least four (4) characteristics that reflect professionalism in the accounting profession. Also write about what it means to be a professional. Please use at least two (2) more online sources in this essay.
There are faxes for this order.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing how information systems are changing the various aspects of the accounting profession.
? Include a description of a variety of new technologies and their effects on accounting processes.
? Discuss how these technologies have changed the way accounting is performed at your organization or at an organization of your choosing.
Cite at least two sources in your paper.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
One page per question please:
#1- Discuss your thoughts and opinions on anything you learned about the accounting profession this week from our readings that surprised you or made you think, really?
#2- There are many differences between GAAP and IFRS are being identified and studied. It is estimated that the completion of the project will take years, but will result in alterations to IFRS and the elimination of GAAP. Visit
for more information to form your opinion on the end of GAAP, especially in light of codification.
#3- Search the news to find a story about a company who is either reporting a significant profit or loss or find a story about a company that may be managing earnings. Share the URL and describe briefly the story.
In a well-crafted, comprehensive paper, present and defend a thesis on the current state of the accounting profession. In other words, make a broad claim about the accounting profession as a whole (The current state of the accounting profession is) and defend the statement using specific examples from knowledge topics that support your thesis. It is important that you include at least one direct reference to each.
The knowledge topics would include:
1. Knowledge, skills, and collaboration
2. Changing the face of the accounting profession
3. CPA Qualifications
4. Ethical Dilemmas
5. Assurance
6. Outsourcing
7. Business Fraud
8. Public and Private Spheres
This is the proposal that was approved by my professor. Please write it to match the 3 main topics in the proposal, public accounting careers, corporate accounting careers, and governmen...tal accounting careers.
Authorization and Background
Career options available to entry level accounting graduates include public accounting, corporate accounting, and governmental accounting. These vocational options are each divided into more specialized areas of practice. This research proposal seeks authorization to conduct in depth research into the aforestated areas of accounting as they relate to career selection.
Intended Audience
Identifying the audience will make the writing process simpler because the purpose and style of the research will conform to the standards required by the audience. With this research proposal focusing on a significant personal decision, the primary audience for this research project will be Professor Seguin in her position of instructor to the researcher and writer.
Defining the Problem and Purpose of the Research
Accounting seniors and recent graduates may possess theoretical knowledge of accounting theory, but often know little to nothing regarding the careers available to them upon graduation. In order to make a competent decision about which career to pursue, the available options should be scrutinized. Conducting research into each area of professional practice is necessary to eliminate confusion regarding the professional variation in accounting positions. This research will endeavor to answer the question: What are the professional differences in working in the fields of public accounting, corporate accounting, and governmental accounting.
Scope of Research
The scope of research will include three major headings which are public accounting, managerial accounting, and governmental accounting. Each major category will be subdivided as follows:
Public accounting
Taxation Services
Assurance and Audit Services
Advisory Services
Corporate accounting
Cost accounting
Controllership function
Internal auditing
Governmental accounting
Criminal Investigation
Limitations and Delimitations
It is planned to interview accounting professionals about how they began their career and their job functions. It is probable that their cooperation will be limited if they are busy or view being interviewed as a nuisance. The length of the time necessary to conduct the research is limited and thus the deadline is another limitation. A major delimitation relates to the scope of research being undertaken. The research will be limited to three major career fields in accounting.
Data Collection and Analysis
Data will be collected from a variety of sources including personal interviews, web sites, books, and journal articles. The data collected will be analyzed qualitatively.
Works Cited
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Web. 27 Sept. 2009.
Gaylord, Gloria L. Careers in accounting. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Print.
IMA - Institute of Management Accountants. Web. 27 Sept. 2009.
The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) - Welcome - The Institute of Internal Auditors. Web. 27 Sept. 2009.
Prendergrast, Mark. "Sole proprietor, CPA." Personal interview.
Time Schedule
October 25th a progress report will be submitted in the form of a PowerPoint slideshow. This progress report will demonstrate the depth of research conducted and the progression of the project.
November 22nd the project is scheduled for completion and will be submitted for a final grade.
Resources Needed
The Supplies needed to conduct research on the proposed topic include a travel allowance to drive to the library and to Kent State University. The accountants to be interviewed will be provided at the Beta Alpha Psi meetings held every Thursday. Microsoft Word, having already been acquired, will be utilized to write and edit the research paper.
Request for Approval
I hope that I have provided you with sufficient information to make an approval decision on the proposed topic. I seek your approval to continue with this line of research. Please email me at rseese2@kent.edu with your decision.
There are faxes for this order.
A paper describing how information systems are changing the various aspects of the accounting profession. Describe a variety of new technologies and their effects on accounting processes.
A paper on accounting ethics (anything)ex. accounting profession, major accounting scandle.
3 pages, word docment, double spacing times new roman, 12 pts a miniumum of three references required. Code of conduct.
I need three pages of paper to answer these five questions on Accounting Fraud at WorldCom. I have source material from class textbook and will fax it to you. Please make sure this paper has no plagiarism.
Case: Accounting Fraud at WorldCom
* Discuss the corporate culture at WorldCom and how it contributed to the accounting fraud.
* Discuss how the CEOs desire to be the #1 stock on Wall Street contributed to the fraud.
* Given the pressure on Accountants to book and release accruals to meet expected results, how might an Accountant go about handling this type of situation?
* Discuss the pros and cons of whistle blowing. Would you be more likely to blow the whistle or not? Explain your answer.
* Discuss the creditability of the Accounting Profession when Corporate fraud is unveiled.
There are faxes for this order.
The topic of this paper is Public Trust.
The following must be addressed in the paper:
1. What does the accounting profession need to do now and in the future to maintain and improve public trust in the accounting profession? Be specific.
2. Provide an outline
3. Use only professional peer reviewed accounting, ethics, and business journals
1. Evaluate the effectiveness of regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act over minimizing the
corporate fraud and protecting investors and make one (1) suggestion for improvement.
2. Given the oversight of the accounting profession by the PCAOB as a result of the Sarbanes-
Oxley Act, assess the impact on auditing firms and the public accounting professions.
3. Offer your opinion as to whether or not you believe the accounting profession is better off being
self or government regulated with regard to a firm?s ability to detect and report corporate fraud.
Support for your position.
4. Predict whether or not corporate fraud will be reduced, increase, or remain the same based on requirements for audits of publicly traded companies as prescribed in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Support your position.
1.Evaluate the effectiveness of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act over minimizing the corporate fraud and protecting investors and make one (1) suggestion for improvement.
2.Given the oversight of the accounting profession by the PCAOB as a result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, assess the impact on auditing firms and the public accounting professions.
3.Offer your opinion as to whether or not you believe the accounting profession is better off being self or government regulated with regard to a firm?s ability to detect and report corporate fraud. Support for your position.
4.Predict whether or not corporate fraud will be reduced, increase, or remain the same based on requirements for audits of publicly traded companies as prescribed in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Support your position.
Review the guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act located at http://www.soxlaw.com/ prior to completing this assignment.
1.Evaluate the effectiveness of regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act over minimizing the corporate fraud and protecting investors and make one (1) suggestion for improvement.
2.Given the oversight of the accounting profession by the PCAOB as a result of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, assess the impact on auditing firms and the public accounting professions.
3.Offer your opinion as to whether or not you believe the accounting profession is better off being self or government regulated with regard to a firm?s ability to detect and report corporate fraud. Support for your position.
4.Predict whether or not corporate fraud will be reduced, increase, or remain the same based on requirements for audits of publicly traded companies as prescribed in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Support your position.
1. Discuss how the company?s management team can manipulate its earnings results though the
adoption of different accounting methods and the obligation of accounting professionals to be
transparent to shareholders.
2. Assess how the start-up technology business may be impacted by the required compliance with
U.S. GAAP accounting methods and make a suggestion for how the business managers should
minimize the impact to the financial performance as a result of accounting compliance.
3. Assume that the privately held technology company decides to become a publicly traded
company on the NASDAQ and is required to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS). Determine the areas of the balance sheet that will be impacted by the shift and how the
stock market is likely to respond to this change in accounting methods.
4. Evaluate the impact to the accounting profession should privately held companies be required to
use U.S.GAAP while publicly traded companies are required to IFRS.
ACC403 (Financial Accounting ? Variable Costing)
Module 4 CASE
Requires the use od the Module 4 SLP attached
Financial Accounting ? Variable Costing
Managerial accou...nting emphasizes short-term profit analysis, so the income statement is very important. Consequently, we?ll examine and discuss income statements in this first case. The assignment for this module is divided into two parts:
Part I:
Use the background material and Internet to answer the questions below.
Discuss and analyze the difference between managerial and financial accounting. Pay particular attention to:
? How is managerial accounting different from financial accounting?
? Comment on the different needs and use of financial information for internal purposes.
? The managerial accounting profession and its role in today?s business environment. How has it changed over time?
? Comment on the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation. How is it different from the CPA certification?
Part II:
You may want to complete the SLP before addressing the questions below.
? Explain the main differences between the absorption and contribution (behavioral, variable) income statements. Will net income always be the same under the two approaches? If not, explain the difference.
? Comment specifically on why companies feel the need to create yet another income statement in a different format. What information can the company gleam from this approach which is helpful as a tool in the decision making process.
? Explain situations in which break-even analysis can be a useful tool. Explain the break-even formula and provide a specific example using numbers for a product with which you are familiar. Reasonable estimates are adequate. Don't forget to include the source of the information.
Modular Case Expectations
It is important to answer the questions as posed. Support your discussion with references in APA format. You are encouraged to use Excel or other compatible spreadsheet when computations are involved. more
Here are the exact instructions from my teacher. If you have any questions, e-mail me at lanceackerman23@hotmal.com
The paper is a cover sheet (i can make that), 3 pages typed (you guys) and... a bibliography (you guys) for a total of the minimun 5 pages!
FALL 2002
The future of accounting is here! Are you ready?
Your task for this project is to research the ?Future of Accounting?. Many changes have been taking place in the world of accounting. Unfortunately, it appears that the accounting profession has been slow to respond to the necessary changes with the appropriate goals and objectives in place to successfully address these changes.
Listed below are some questions facing the accounting profession today.
? What roles will accountants in corporate accounting departments play? In other words, how will their roles change, if at all?
? What skills will accounting professionals need to succeed in their new roles?
? Are their any ?specialty? areas that might offer greater opportunities in the future for accountants?
? Which technologies will accountants need to master?
? Will project work replace full-time positions?
? How are learning institutions preparing the next generation of accountants to keep pace with the changes in the profession?
Your task will be to choose at least two (2), but no more than three (3) of the questions above and find research data that will help you answer your chosen questions. There are a great many resources available to you to answer these questions facing the accounting profession today. You may choose to use any reliable, reputable information source. You may utilize the Internet (perhaps the best and easiest source), your local library, the accountant where you work, the accountant that is your friend, relative, etc. Remember, personal interviews are valid sources and must be cited. A minimum of four (4) sources is required.
Please follow all the rules of good writing; correct sentence structure, punctuation, grammar and spelling. I will make available (on the Blackboard site ? under ASSIGNMENTS) WWCC?s ?Writing across The Curriculum? for research projects, developed by our English department, to help guide you in your task. Also, don?t forget to cite your sources using proper MLA requirements. Your project should utilize the following format:
Cover Page:
? Title, Your Name, Course Name, Date
Body of Paper
Summary or Conclusion
Works Cited Page
The total length of you paper, including Works Cited and Cover Page should be at least 5 pages, but no more than 7 pages in length. Good business communication is concise, brief and to the point.
I will deduct 2 points for every misspelled word and 1 point for each punctuation and/or grammar error. Also, if sentences are incomplete, awkward or I just can?t understand the point you are trying to share, I will deduct 2 points. To help you with the general ?understanding? and ?readability? of your paper, ask a friend, a spouse ? anyone whose judgment you trust- to read the paper for you. Often times when we ?write?, we ?hear? ourselves clearly and, our paper ?flows? well for us. However another reader does not ?hear? it they way we intended.
I am looking for not only the information that your research has provided, but mainly what you think about the questions you have chosen and the possible implications for accounting in the future. more
Write a 1 page response to each of the essays attached (2), commenting on what was written. Please keep positive. Use at least 1 credible, reliable source.
(1) Deontology determines which ac...tions are moral or immoral without regard to the consequences. Looking at the Commandement, Thou shalt not kill, it would suggest that killing a person, regardless of the situation is immoral (. It does not matter if that person was killed in order to save 5 other people.
Utalitarianism focuses more on the end result rather than on the actual steps to get to the end as in Deontology. The action that results in the greatest happiness should be treated as ethical. Looking again at the Commandment Thou shalt not kill, if one person was killed to save 5 others, in the eyes of Utilitarianism, it is considered eithical.
In the world of accounting, we are held the professional code of conduct set forth by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA). Within this code, it is necessary that we develop professional judgment, which is often times not based on our own personal opions (bb7.liberty.edu; 2012). It is extremely important to follow the code even if they do not follow what we would do on a personal level. One may run into an issue where an employer was not able to claim an expense that they feel is a legitimate expense so instead of just accepting that fact, they may over-inflate an expense in another area. From the deontologist aspect, this would be completely wrong since it would be lying. However, the Utilitarians would consider the outcome and the affects that it would have on everyone involved.
A new culture of accounting has been in the works since the time Sarbanes-Oxley was signed by President Bush. The standards that are being set have been more stringent in order to preserve the integrity of the accounting profession. In the past history, with the fall of Enron and other large corporations, the accounting world was under scrutiny. So it is only natural that it is a time of stricter guidelines to be placed so that the profession can be stronger and the confidence can be restored.
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct; http://bb7.liberty.edu/bbcswebdav/courses/ACCT441_B01_201240/presenations/AICPA%20Code%20of%20Professional%20Conduct/index.html
Ethics and Accounting; 2010; http://www.financial-accounting.us/fa/1/ethics-and-accounting.php
(2) Deontology comes from a deontological view, where utilitarianism comes from a teleological view. Deontology is duty-centered and utilitarianism is end-centered. From last weeks assignment, Ive learned that the six ethical systems are categorized into deontological and teleological views. Deontological ethics are what Christians follow after.
The ethics system should be followed through deontology views. Yet, some accountants practice or would like to practice their ethical behavior with using utilitarian terms, yet most find that their ethics would bend and break because they have to follow the code of ethics in accounting, with that knowledge, you would learn that an accountant who follows the code of ethics follow the deontological view.
The Deontological view is supported by the AICPA code of professional conduct, which emphasizes the obligation or duty of CPAs to serve the public interest. (bb7.liberty.edu; 2012). They characterize a professional judgment more than a personal judgment when it comes to their obligation to their profession. I believe that the deontological view is more fit for the accounting profession.
In performance of any professional service, a member shall maintain objectivity and integrity, shall be free of conflicts of interest, and shall not knowingly misrepresent facts or subordinate his or her judgment to others. (AICPA.org, 2012). According to this quote that is found in Section 102 under Integrity and Objectivity, the rules are to be honest and to not have conflicts of interest. If you are using professional judgment, which CPAs are more familiar with, you will have no conflicts of interest. Professional judgment is based on norms & standards of the profession. (bb7.liberty.edu; 2012).
Professional judgment is the best for ethical decision making, you are at work to work, not to be paid for something that is happening outside of the work force. Using professional judgment helps the company prosper and keep a good name for themselves and their employees. Personal judgment is based on an individuals personal value system. (bb7.liberty.edu; 2012). It might not always go with what you are supposed to be going by for your job, so its not the best choice. Another reason as to why deontology would be the best decision for the accounting profession.
AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. (2012). Retrieved from: http://bb7.liberty.edu/bbcswebdav/courses/ACCT441_B01_201240/presenations/AICPA%20Code%20of%20Professional%20Conduct/index.html
ET Section 102 ??" Integrity and Objectivity. (2012). Retrieved from:
Part 2 Ethical Decision Making. (2012). Retrieved from: http://bb7.liberty.edu/bbcswebdav/courses/ACCT441_B01_201240/presenations/Ethical%20Desision%20Making%20Models%202/index.html
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Customer is requesting that (Excellencio) completes this order. more
Managerial accounting emphasizes short-term profit analysis, so the income statement is very important. Consequently, we?ll examine and discuss income statements in this first case. The assignment for... this module is divided into two parts:
Part I:
Use the background material and Internet to answer the questions below.
Discuss and analyze the difference between managerial and financial accounting. Pay particular attention to:
How is managerial accounting different from financial accounting?
Comment on the different needs and use of financial information for internal purposes.
The managerial accounting profession and its role in today?s business environment. How has it changed over time?
Comment on the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) designation.
Part II:
Keep the analysis from the SLP in mind when addressing the questions below.
Explain the main differences between the absorption and contribution (behavioral, variable) income statements. Will net income always be the same under the two approaches? If not, explain the difference.
Comment specifically on why companies feel the need to create yet another income statement in a different format. What information can the company gleam from this approach which is helpful as a tool in the decision making process.
Explain situations in which break-even analysis can be a useful tool. Provide a specific example. more
Write an essay on the following topic: The biggest challenges that the accounting profession will face over the next decade. When writing this piece, you must discuss your opinion and argue it well to convince the reader. You must support your opinion with well-reasoned arguments, facts, and citations
I have attached a copy of the requirements per the university:
The topic for paper is "The value of accounting standards (discussing how the focus of accounting is to serve capital markets an...d make the markets work efficiently and internationally harmonized standards".
Assignment 5 Problem
There are three objectives to this assignment:
Attain research skills. This is determined by the breadth of your analysis, the content of your report and your bibliography.
Increase specific knowledge of your topic. This is determined by the depth of your analysis and the content of your report.
Improve report writing skills. This is determined by the content of your report, your use of appropriate professional terminology, and your use of correct grammar, spelling, and headings and subheadings. It is further judged by your development of an appropriate introduction and conclusion. Some incorporation of accounting theory in your report would also be beneficial.
To further assist you in the successful completion of your project, the following, more detailed suggestions will be of assistance:
It is important that your topic reaches beyond the course notes and can be adequately addressed within a minimum of 7 to 8 pages.
Three to five pages of your paper should be dedicated to describing the information obtained on the accounting topic, and two pages to providing your analysis. Indicate why the issue is significant to the accounting profession.
At or near the minimum length requirement, students may not obtain sufficient depth or breadth of analysis to get top marks, although a well-researched and well-written paper can still obtain 75% to 85%. Assignments greater than 12 pages in length will be penalized.
Papers should be double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, and should use a 12-point typeface.
Ensure that you include a strong conclusion supported by your research and analysis. Analyze something current and relevant to the accounting profession or accounting theory?a topic with controversy in it might be a good start. CGA magazines (topics like harmonization of international accounting standards, or investigative and forensic accounting), CA magazines (topics like auditor independence, ethics, Web trust), and CMA magazines are good sources for topic and research ideas.
Include a bibliography with your assignment to indicate sources used (beyond the course notes), such as books, articles, magazines, and Web sites. more
I will fax the Case information
This project requires you to research an accounting issue using information from FASB, AICPA and the SEC. This may require you to look at ?pronouncements?, ?bulletins?, ?interpretations?, ?concept statements? or other information that has been provided as professional guidance to the accounting profession.
You are to assume that you are a new accountant and have been asked by your superior to research this situation thoroughly. This will require you to first establish what the issue(s) is (are); to site the applicable professional pronouncements pertaining to the issues(s); to discuss the accounting alternatives available and why each alternative is and is not appropriate and then to make a recommendation as to which alternative you feel is best, making sure to express why you are choosing this alternative as opposed to the other alternatives. This should all be in letter or memo form.
There are faxes for this order.
Assignment 1: Research of Emerging Accounting Issues
Due Week 4 and worth 200 points
For this assignment, go to the ?Description and Status of Current Issues? page of the Financial Accoun...ting Standards Board?s (FASB) Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) Website, located at http://www.fasb.org/jsp/FASB/Page/SectionPage&cid=1218220137528. Select a current issue that interests you, and identify it for the assignment.
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:
Research the most important impact that the mission of the Emerging Issues Task Force (EITF) exerts upon the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). Analyze the EITF?s effectiveness with finding resolutions to emerging accounting issues, and make at least two (2) recommendations as to how they could improve their effectiveness. Justify your recommendations.
Research the issue you selected from the EITF?s ?Description and Status of Current Issues? page, and analyze at least two (2) key areas being addressed by the EITF.
Analyze the primary manner in which a company?s accounting and financial reporting is likely to be impacted by the work being done by the EITF on the chosen issue, and make at least two (2) recommendations as to the manner in which the EITF could improve a company?s accounting and financial reporting.
Create an argument either in favor or against the EITF recommendation(s) on the issue that you have selected. Provide support for your argument.
Analyze the different accounting treatments between GAAP and IFRS for the issue that you have selected, and make at least two (2) recommendations that would have a positive impact on the differences between treatments.
Predict the roles that the EITF and FASB would play, should the accounting profession adopt one (1) global set of accounting standards.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. more
Describe ethics and provide three examples of unethical behavior in accounting.
Discuss at least three reasons ethics is important in the accounting profession.
Identify at least three accounting scandals resulting from unethical behavior in accounting.
Discuss at least three strategies that can be used to maintain high ethical standards in the accounting profession.
?Accounting has been nothing if not a dynamic, global discipline over the last two decades. The role of the accountant has changed dramatically during that time and will continue…
Read Full Paper ❯Accounting Fraud at WorldCom Discuss the corporate culture at WorldCom and how it contributed to the accounting fraud. Discuss how the CEOs desire to be the #1 stock on Wall Street…
Read Full Paper ❯Here are the details for the paper: In 2009, the accounting profession is perhaps under more scrutiny than at any time in its past. Scandals associated with finance, accounting…
Read Full Paper ❯Please read the KPMG document(only 2 pages) which I will submit with this order and identify and explain at least four (4) characteristics that reflect professionalism in the accounting…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper describing how information systems are changing the various aspects of the accounting profession. ? Include a description of a variety of new technologies and…
Read Full Paper ❯One page per question please: #1- Discuss your thoughts and opinions on anything you learned about the accounting profession this week from our readings that surprised you or made you…
Read Full Paper ❯In a well-crafted, comprehensive paper, present and defend a thesis on the current state of the accounting profession. In other words, make a broad claim about the accounting profession…
Read Full Paper ❯This is the proposal that was approved by my professor. Please write it to match the 3 main topics in the proposal, public accounting careers, corporate accounting careers, and…
Read Full Paper ❯A paper describing how information systems are changing the various aspects of the accounting profession. Describe a variety of new technologies and their effects on accounting processes.
Read Full Paper ❯A paper on accounting ethics (anything)ex. accounting profession, major accounting scandle. 3 pages, word docment, double spacing times new roman, 12 pts a miniumum of three references…
Read Full Paper ❯I need three pages of paper to answer these five questions on Accounting Fraud at WorldCom. I have source material from class textbook and will fax it to you.…
Read Full Paper ❯The topic of this paper is Public Trust. The following must be addressed in the paper: 1. What does the accounting profession need to do now and in the future…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Evaluate the effectiveness of regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act over minimizing the corporate fraud and protecting investors and make one (1) suggestion for improvement. 2. Given the…
Read Full Paper ❯1.Evaluate the effectiveness of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act over minimizing the corporate fraud and protecting investors and make one (1) suggestion for improvement. 2.Given the oversight of the accounting profession by…
Read Full Paper ❯Review the guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act located at http://www.soxlaw.com/ prior to completing this assignment. 1.Evaluate the effectiveness of regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley Act over minimizing the corporate fraud and…
Read Full Paper ❯1. Discuss how the company?s management team can manipulate its earnings results though the adoption of different accounting methods and the obligation of accounting professionals to be transparent to…
Read Full Paper ❯TUIU ACC403 (Financial Accounting ? Variable Costing) Module 4 CASE Requires the use od the Module 4 SLP attached Financial Accounting ? Variable Costing Managerial accounting emphasizes short-term profit analysis, so the income statement…
Read Full Paper ❯Here are the exact instructions from my teacher. If you have any questions, e-mail me at lanceackerman23@hotmal.com The paper is a cover sheet (i can make that), 3 pages…
Read Full Paper ❯Write a 1 page response to each of the essays attached (2), commenting on what was written. Please keep positive. Use at least 1 credible, reliable source. (1) Deontology…
Read Full Paper ❯Managerial accounting emphasizes short-term profit analysis, so the income statement is very important. Consequently, we?ll examine and discuss income statements in this first case. The assignment for this module…
Read Full Paper ❯Write an essay on the following topic: The biggest challenges that the accounting profession will face over the next decade. When writing this piece, you must discuss your opinion…
Read Full Paper ❯I have attached a copy of the requirements per the university: The topic for paper is "The value of accounting standards (discussing how the focus of accounting is to serve…
Read Full Paper ❯I will fax the Case information This project requires you to research an accounting issue using information from FASB, AICPA and the SEC. This may require you to look at…
Read Full Paper ❯Assignment 1: Research of Emerging Accounting Issues Due Week 4 and worth 200 points For this assignment, go to the ?Description and Status of Current Issues? page of the Financial Accounting…
Read Full Paper ❯Describe ethics and provide three examples of unethical behavior in accounting. Discuss at least three reasons ethics is important in the accounting profession. Identify at least three accounting scandals resulting from…
Read Full Paper ❯