
Changing bad academic habits

Changing Bad Academic Habits

Even college students who study constantly may find that they receive poor grades, despite their diligence. The problem is not a failure of intelligence or commitment but the fact...


August 19, 2014

visual aids in writing academic papers

Using Visual Aids When Writing Academic Papers

While the use of visual aids is not required or necessary for all academic papers, they can be a useful addition to many written assignments such as essays and...


August 25, 2014

difference primary and secondary research

Difference between Primary and Secondary Research

Depending on the nature of the class you are taking, you may be required to perform either primary or secondary research to complete a paper—or both. Neither form of...


September 3, 2014

avoiding the passive voice

Avoiding the Passive Voice

Some professors discourage their students from using the passive voice when writing research papers and essays. But using the passive voice is not grammatically incorrect. The main reason instructors...


September 22, 2014


Writing anxiety and how to cope

Everyone knows about test anxiety: the sweaty palms, racing heart, and sinking sense of forgetting everything you know when confronted with an exam. However, the same kind of anxiety...


October 6, 2014

Cultivating your Writing Skills

Cultivating your Writing Skills

A common complaint amongst students is that many of the skills they are required to perform in the classroom are not relevant to the modern-day workforce. However, this is...


October 16, 2014

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