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Additive Vs Subtractive Education Approaches

Words: 655 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 77516525

Case Study ReflectionELLs IN TODAY\\\'S SCHOOLThe case study on \\\"ELLs IN TODAY\\\'S SCHOOL\\\" resonated with me because it highlights the changing demographics in U.S. schools and the challenges and opportunities that come with it. As a teacher, I believe in the value of trying to understand and appreciate the linguistic, socio-economical, and cultural diversity of our students. The case study gets at the importance of additive practices, which focus on building upon students\\\' existing knowledge and experiences, rather than subtractive practices, which aim to replace or diminish their cultural and linguistic backgrounds (Gorski & Pothini, 2018).In my school setting, we have a growing number of English Language Learners (ELLs) and we have made efforts to accommodate these students, but there remains a prevailing sentiment that the primary focus should be on English acquisition. This mirrors the subtractive practices mentioned in the case study. However, I believe that by embracing additive…… [Read More]

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Best Way To Conduct A Purposive Sample

Words: 2725 Length: 9 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 15321785

Social Credit Score in the US? Final ReportResearch Topic and QuestionThe topic for this research would be the potential implications of introducing a social credit score system in the US. The research question would be: What are the potential impacts for society and for public administration of introducing a social credit score system in the US?Empirical ResearchThe concept of a social credit score, which evaluates citizens based on their behavior, trustworthiness, and societal contributions, has been implemented in countries like China. One thing that Liu (2022) found was that only those who have trust in the public administration are likely to support social credit score policies. Those, on the other hand, who do not have trust in government are likely to see a social credit score system as emblematic of government overreach and of totalitarianism. The ramifications of these perceptions could have very serious political and administrative effects.According to Liu…… [Read More]

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Careers And Personal'statements

Words: 372 Length: 1 Pages Document Type: Admission Essay Paper #: 40479356

Journey Toward HealingIn my formative years, I was captivated by the magical healing process. My earliest memories are painted with images of my dear grandmother being tenderly cared for by nurses who skillfully blended scientific accuracy with heartfelt compassion during their attentive watch. The enduring dedication and palpable kindness exhibited by these healthcare professionals deeply imprinted on my impressionable mind, illuminating a destined career path enveloped within the nurturing arms of nursing. This early revelation has been a beacon, gently steering my educational and career decisions and crafting my resolve to dedicate my life to healthcare wholeheartedly.With a clear vision of nursing, I consciously embarked on a rigorous academic journey, immersing myself in challenging health and science courses. Within these intellectual forges, I delved deep into the core principles of anatomy and physiology while concurrently wrestling with and embracing the intricate ethical dilemmas inherent to medicine. My unwavering commitment to…… [Read More]

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Educational Interventions For ESL Students

Words: 625 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 26179708

Making the Case PresentationGlobalization, migration, and wars have changed the world, including the demographics of our educational institutions. One of the biggest shifts in recent times has been the influx of Afghan refugees, a direct result of the upheavals in Afghanistan. Our school has seen a significant increase in the number of Afghan students. This change presents both challenges and opportunities.Afghan refugees are like many immigrant groups: they arrive with a unique set of challenges. First and foremost, language is a significant barrier. Many of these students have little to no proficiency in English, and that makes classroom instruction, as well as interactions with peers, and even simple administrative tasks very challenging. Beyond language, however, there is the challenge of making the big cultural adjustment. The norms and values, and all-around everyday practices they are used to back home, are all much different in the U.S. and this can be…… [Read More]

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Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle For Taxol Flow Sheet

Words: 1128 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 54580666

REFLECTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE TAXOL HSRS FLOW SHEET Reflective Analysis of the TAXOL HSRs Flow Sheet Using Gibbs ReflectionIntroductionIn this essay, the focus will be on a reflective exploration and analysis of the TAXOL HSRs flow sheet, a recently developed work tool, through the lens of the Gibbs Reflection model. The flow sheet delineating the protocol for addressing hypersensitivity reactions (HSR) to taxane-based chemotherapy agents has been crafted with reference to eviQ (2023) guidelines. Its introduction and implementation at my chemotherapy unit, previously unavailable, will be examined in terms of its significance, the challenges encountered during its creation, and the invaluable support extended by my Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) in the field of oncology.Gibbs Reflective CycleDescriptionThe development of the TAXOL HSRs flow sheet marks a notable achievement within the domain of oncology nursing, as it introduces a systematic and comprehensive approach to handling hypersensitivity reactions during the administration of taxane-based…… [Read More]

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Prevent And Treat CAUTIs In Hospital

Words: 1585 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Research Paper Paper #: 23550229

Clinical Practice Problem/EBP/PICOThis report examines the evidence surrounding postoperative urinary retention (POUR) and proposes a practice change recommendation based on current research and clinical guidelines.Part A: Clinical Practice Problem of Urinary Retention After SurgeryImpact of the Clinical Practice ProblemUrinary retention after surgery is a significant clinical problem that can lead to discomfort, pain, and potential complications for the patient (Harland et al., 2023). The inability to void can result in bladder overdistension; it can also lead to increased risk of urinary tract infections and prolonged hospital stays. For the healthcare organization, this can mean increased costs due to extended hospitalization, potential readmissions, or the need for avoidable interventions such as catheterization. One result might a decline in patient satisfaction or even potential legal implications if the problem is not addressed promptly.PICO Components P (Patient/Population/Problem): Patients who have undergone surgery. I (Intervention): Prophylactic strategies or interventions to prevent postoperative urinary retention…… [Read More]

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The Pros And Cons Of Electronic Health Records And Clinical Decision Support Technologies

Words: 1388 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 71727491

Technology in Healthcare: Electronic Health Records and Clinical Decision SupportToday, health information technologies are serving a critical role in promoting optimal clinical outcomes and advancing healthcare in a rapidly changing world (van Velzen et al., 2023). Indeed, these technologies are instrumental in facilitating seamless transdisciplinary communication among healthcare providers, streamlining patient data management, and fostering data-driven decision-making. The purpose of this paper is to provide a brief description of the process used for selecting an information system solution and why is it important for nurses to be a part of the process. In addition, an evaluation concerning the types of health information technology that are currently used in my current organization and a discussion about the respective pros and cons of the software are followed by a summary of the research and key findings in the conclusion.Review and DiscussionProcess used for selecting an information system solutionAlthough the process used by…… [Read More]

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What To Do If Sued For Malpractice

Words: 882 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 61758506

MalpracticeMalpractice refers to the failure of a professional to meet the field-specific standard of conduct, skill, or diligence, which typically results in harm or damage to a client or patient. Just as a mechanic is expected to handle an engine with care and professional abilities, a counselor or psychologist faces the same expectations in his practice. In psychology and counseling, the standards of conduct, skill, and diligence are defined by a combination of ethical codes, such as those established by the American Psychological Association (APA) or the American Counseling Association (ACA), state licensure laws, and the general consensus of the professional community. These standards cover a wide range of practices, including confidentiality, competence, dual relationships and boundaries, informed consent, documentation and record keeping, and treatment harm (Herlihy & Remley, 2021).For example, a fundamental aspect of counseling is the assurance of confidentiality. A breach of this trust (except under legally mandated…… [Read More]

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How To Advance And Grow As A Teacher

Words: 647 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 88683273

Mentoring, Coaching and CollaborationMy experiences with the different coaching and mentoring models, along with practical involvement in coaching conferences, have really solidified my understanding of their essential role in modern education. It has been shown by Asad et al. (2021) that the digital classroom of the 21st century requires a pedagogical shift that is well-supported by collaborative professional development methods. This is true in my experience, as well, as I have found that the basic importance of collaborative professional development is in its direct influence on student learning. From what I have seen, it is the interactive and shared nature of this approach that fully enriches the education process and gives added benefits to students.Terenzini et al. (2001) have demonstrated, for example, that collaborative learning methods surpass traditional lecture and discussion formats in promoting learning gains. They reinforce lessons and get students working together to build on knowledge. This finding…… [Read More]

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Words: 367 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 905294


Title: Uncovering the Mystery of 2180135

In the vast universe of numbers, each one holds its own significance and uniqueness. One such number that intrigues and captivates is 2180135. Despite its seemingly random sequence of digits, this number carries with it a hidden meaning and a mysterious allure waiting to be uncovered.

At first glance, 2180135 may appear to be just a jumble of numbers. However, upon deeper investigation, one can begin to unravel its secrets and delve into its true essence. Whether through mathematical calculations, historical significance, or symbolic interpretations, 2180135 holds the potential to reveal a wealth of information and insight.

Perhaps 2180135 corresponds to a significant date, a numerical representation of a special event, or a code that unlocks a hidden message. It may hold personal significance to someone, serving as a lucky number or a reminder of a memorable moment. Whatever the case may be, 2180135 beckons us to…… [Read More]

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Festival Of Languages And Cultures

Words: 750 Length: 3 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 29842268

Part One: Proposal for Schoolwide EventTitle: Honoring Diverse Languages DayDetails & Justification:The suggested Honoring Diverse Languages Day endeavors to solidify ties between the families of English Language Learners (ELLs) and our educational institution by celebrating and acknowledging the wealth of cultural and linguistic diversity within our learning community. This gathering nurtures the intellectual and social growth of ELL students. It emphasizes a learning approach grounded in appreciating the distinct talents and viewpoints ELL students contribute to the educational setting. The events primary goal is cultivating a learning environment characterized by inclusivity and respect, vital for every students thriving and academic prosperity.Scheduled Activities: 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Commencement Reception - Principals welcoming remarks event overview, accompanied by light refreshments. 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Exhibition of Culture & Language - A segment where ELL students and their families engage the audience by sharing tales,…… [Read More]

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How Japan And The UAE Came Together

Words: 5912 Length: 20 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 52332667

The Particularity of UAE-Japan Relations: How Japan-UAE Relations Stand Out in the Arab LandscapeIntroductionThe relationship between Japan and the Arab world, and especially the United Arab Emirates (UAE), represents a convergence of politics, history, energy, and strategic diplomacy on the international stage. Indeed, UAE-Japan relations have been good and strong for now more than half a century (Sekiguchi, 2022). This paper examines the political nature of Japan's engagements in the Middle East, a region that has played a big role in shaping Japan's foreign policy, economic trajectory, and strategic imperatives both locally and on the global stage. This examination begins with a look at the historical context, giving an overview of Japan's relationship the Middle East. From its pre-oil era interactions with the Arabian Peninsula, where trade and cultural exchanges set the stage for deeper engagements, to the nascent days of Japan-UAE relations, it…… [Read More]

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Benefits Of Alcoholics Anonymous

Words: 667 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 37190039

Self-Help GroupsThe Theory and History of Self-Help GroupsSelf-help groups are sometimes known as mutual aid or support groups. They are voluntary associations of people who share something in commonusually a desire to overcome a personal problem or cope with a problem in the family that they all might share. These groups have been in existence in their modern form for decades and can be traced back to the early 20th century.The Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group, for example, was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. It is perhaps one of the most well-known self-help groups in the world. AA's 12-step program is in fact a model for many other groups dealing with a variety of issues, like substance abuse or any kind of addiction. The success of AA can be attributed to its peer-led approach, where members support one another in…… [Read More]

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Evidence Based Best Practices In Education

Words: 653 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 18879357

Warning Signs of Resistance to Change in a SchoolLack of engagement in professional development is a big flashing red indicator that teachers and administrators might resist change when it comes along. In fact, in my experience as well as what I have gleaned from the readings, one of the most telling signs of resistance to change is when stakeholders such as teachers and staff show a lack of interest and engagement in taking opportunities for professional development. As Danielson (2006) points out, this is a problem because a thriving school culture is one where continuous learning and growth are valued by all team members. And if teachers are not actively participating in new training sessions, they are likely going to resist embracing new methods or practices when it is time for them to be implemented.Another warning sign is negative communication that persists. Deal &…… [Read More]

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Bloom's Taxonomy And The Progression Of Learning

Words: 291 Length: 1 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 90115651

VideosA. Elementary School Video: \\\"Practicing Presentation and Audience Skills through Science Presentations\\\"Example of Piagets or Vygotskys cognitive development theoriesThe teacher applies Piaget\\\'s Concrete Operational stage by allowing students to think logically about concrete events. This could be evident if students are presenting concepts using tangible objects or demonstrations. Plus, if the teacher emphasizes collaborative learning and scaffolding, it might be an application of Vygotsky\\\'s theory, where learning is a social process.ExplanationIf students are using hands-on demonstrations, it aligns with Piaget\\\'s belief that children in the Concrete Operational stage benefit from concrete experiences. If there is a focus on peer interactions and teacher guidance, it aligns with Vygotsky\\\'s emphasis on social interactions and the Zone of Proximal Development.B. Middle School Video: \\\"Using Discourse to Support Students Understanding of Multiplying Fractions\\\"Learning BarrierA potential barrier is the students\\\' difficulty in grasping abstract mathematical concepts or visualizing the multiplication of fractions.Addressing the BarrierThe teacher…… [Read More]

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Humanistic Theory And Kenya

Words: 1510 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 208216


Title: Humanistic Theory for Physiological Needs Examples in Kenya


Humanistic theory focuses on the importance of fulfilling basic human needs in order to reach self-actualization and personal growth. One of the fundamental needs identified within this theory is physiological needs, which encompass the basic requirements for human survival such as food, water, shelter, and warmth. In the context of Kenya, a developing country with a diverse population and varying levels of economic status, addressing physiological needs is crucial for the overall well-being and progress of its people.

Kenya faces several challenges in meeting the physiological needs of its population, especially in rural and marginalized communities. Food insecurity, lack of clean water sources, inadequate housing, and limited access to healthcare are some of the primary concerns that need to be addressed in order to improve the quality of life for all Kenyans. For example, many families in rural areas struggle to afford nutritious…… [Read More]

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Words: 1763 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 666057


Monolithic: Exploring the Unity in Diversity

The term "monolithic" typically refers to something that is massive, solid, and uniform in structure. It conveys a sense of unity, strength, and consistency. In the world of architecture, a monolithic structure is often associated with buildings made from a single massive block of material, such as stone or concrete.

Beyond architecture, the concept of monolithic can be applied to a wide range of contexts, including technology, culture, and society. In technology, a monolithic system is one in which all the components are tightly integrated and work together as a single unit. This can be seen in software development, where a monolithic application is built as a single, indivisible entity.

Culturally, the term monolithic can be used to describe a society or group that is perceived as homogenous and lacking in diversity. This could refer to a society with a single dominant culture, language, or religion. However,…… [Read More]

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Leonid Fridman

Words: 1307 Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 469650


Leonid Fridman: Pioneering the Field of Fintech Innovations

Leonid Fridman is a visionary entrepreneur and innovator who has made significant contributions to the field of Fintech. With a background in finance and technology, Fridman has been at the forefront of this rapidly evolving industry, driving forward advancements in digital banking, payment processing, and blockchain technology.

Fridman's journey into the world of Fintech began with his early career in traditional banking, where he quickly recognized the limitations of the existing systems and the potential for disruption through technology. This led him to establish his own fintech startup, where he focused on creating innovative solutions to improve financial services and make them more accessible to a wider audience.

Through his work, Fridman has been instrumental in the development of cutting-edge technologies such as mobile banking apps, peer-to-peer lending platforms, and cryptocurrency exchanges. His commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the financial…… [Read More]

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Benefits That Bees Bring To The Ecosystem

Words: 1074 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Research Proposal Paper #: 97512756

Management Plan for Honey BeesIntroduction: Background on Target SpeciesThe Honey Bee, scientifically known as Apis mellifera, is a species important in ecosystems and human agriculture because of its role in pollination in North American agriculture. Interestingly, honey bees are not native to the continent. They were introduced by European settlers and have since established themselves throughout the continent. Currently, honey bees have a global presence, mainly in areas where humans farm and beekeep for honey production. They are not actually listed as endangered or threatened at the federal level. However, due to concerns regarding declining populations, some local jurisdictions have put specific protections in place to protect honey bees.Current Management Plans in PlaceIn response to the growing concerns about the decline in honey bee populations, management plans have been initiated at various levels. One strategy has been the…… [Read More]

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Structure And Process In Health Care Organizations And Health Care Policy

Words: 1935 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 16745944

Holistic Care and Healthcare StructuresThe field of health care consists of structures and processes through which organizations determine the quality and efficiency of care provided to patients. Structures will range from hierarchical management systems to decentralized care teams, and they can influence every aspect of patient care: diagnosis, treatment, billing, follow-upit affects everything. Simultaneously, health care policy, which is typically crafted by governments and regulatory agencies, sets a stage for how care is to be delivered and financed. This paper will examine the assertion that while current health care organizational structures and policies have their merits, there are significant areas for improvement that can lead to more efficient, patient-centered care. This paper frames the discussion within the context of global health care challenges in order to give a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and its implications for the future of health care.Summary of…… [Read More]

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The Irony Of The Negro Soldier Movie

Words: 669 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper #: 49169779

The Negro SoldierWatching \\\"The Negro Soldier\\\" against the backdrop of World War II was a profound experience for me. The film, I thought, tried to bridge the gap between the racial divides that have troubled this nation for many long years. It was nice that it showed the valor, fortitude, dedication, and sacrifices of black soldiers. It was good to see that we too are an integral part of this great nation. Yet, as I sat there, surrounded by my fellow soldiers, I couldnt help but reflect on the big and stark contrast between the ideas and ideals presented in the film and the reality of our lives back home.Growing up during the Great Depression, I witnessed the economic hardships that affected the Black community. Jobs were scarce, and when they were available, we were often the last to be hired and the first to be fired. Racial tensions were…… [Read More]

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Ethics And Decision Making Impact Of Culture

Words: 1905 Length: 6 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 84021584

Professional Development Briefing: Cognitive and Affective Psychology in Professional PracticeIntroductionProblem-solving, creativity, decision-making, reasoning, and intelligence (both human and artificial) are linked domains that impact human behavior and cognition. It is important for professional psychologists to understand these domains for the sake of their clients. These areas will provide support in determining how individuals approach challenges and will also help professionals understand clients emotional responses, decision-making processes, and interactions with technology. The useful integration of knowledge from these domains can be of great service to psychology professionals as it will allow them to better support individuals in addressing their own lives and situations, making informed decisions, and using intelligence (innate or artificial) throughout that process.Problem-Solving and Creativity: A Deeper DiveOrigins and EvolutionThe study of problem-solving and creativity is rooted in early psychological theories, such as Gestalt psychology, which was founded in the early 20th century. Gestalt psychology posits that humans perceive…… [Read More]

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End Of Year Testing Vs Academic Performance Throughout The Year

Words: 508 Length: 2 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 64924928

Greenwood-LefloreAlignment between state and district assessment policies is what helps make for effective educational practices. This analysis compares the assessment policies of the Mississippi Department of Education with those of the Greenwood-Leflore Consolidated School District (GLCSD).State Assessment Policy - Mississippi Department of EducationThe state policy emphasizes the significance of end-of-course Subject Area Tests for graduation. From the 2014-2015 school year onwards, students are not mandated to pass these tests if they have earned or received credit for the course in a Mississippi public school. The performance on these tests is juxtaposed with the overall course grade, referencing the Concordance Table in State Board Policy Chapter 36, Rule 36.4. This is in effect to help balance performance throughout the year with final tests.District Assessment Policy GLCSDThe GLCSD (2023) policy puts focus on periodic assessment of student performance in each school. These assessments are grounded…… [Read More]

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Lasting Effects Of Gun Violence

Words: 1181 Length: 4 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 61746000

Gun Violence in Raleigh: My ExperienceGuns are a normal part of life in Americaat least that is how it seems nowadays. You see a basketball player you admire, like Ja Morant, waving a gun around in a social media video, having fun, not thinking anything about itand you dont stop to think anything about it either. You become desensitized to it. Guns are like shoes, like a pullover, like a propsomething there to add to your status. Then one gets used. All of a sudden a gun is a life taker. Gun violence becomes real. The danger that guns represent strikes like a venomous snake, and all the consequences come crashing down. The fact is, guns are no laughing matter. People on both sides of the gun laws debate in this country need to step back and breathe, and we as a people need…… [Read More]

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How Christ Taught Us To Be Humble

Words: 3408 Length: 11 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper #: 61636498

Sermon Manuscript: Philippians 2:1-4Text: Phillippians 2:1-4IntroductionAttentionPaul exhorted them to stand in unity and that humility causes us to place others needs above our own. C.S. Lewis states, "Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less.NeedIn order to be effective in the community Paul reminds the church that humility and unity are critical foundational characteristics belivers must obtain.Bridging SentencesThis letter urges all fellow believers to ardently pursue and embrace the true essence of unity and love amongst each other.[Subject: Modifier:]Humility LoveTextual Idea:Jesus Christ life and actions are the standard for belivers should use to grow in humility and love.Sermon Idea:Have a unified and humbled mind through Christ.Be encouraged and stand strong.Interrogative:Paul emphasizes the importance of demonstrating compassion and love towards others by actively promoting unity with Christ among them.Transition:There are three characteristics that express unity in the church. Unified outlook, humility…… [Read More]